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22284120 No.22284120 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else find comfort in daydreaming about a life with your waifu and do it as often as you can?

I just found out about a psychiatric condition called Maladaptive Daydreaming, which is kinda like an addiction to escaping into your own fantasy world in which you have your perfect life, for example, living with your waifu, or your imagined ideal waifu, some even fantasize of being someone else in their daydreams

does anyone else also have this?

>> No.22284153

I dream about going back to the day right after my conception as Reisen
and getting rich releasing singles from off the top of my head
then kidnapping myself from my goofy mother nine months later to raise myself.

>> No.22284420

maladaptive daydreaming is jyust bullshit made up by jew psychiatrists to try and trick you into becoming a "productive member of societ"

>> No.22284453

believing in jewish conspiracy is a personality disorder

>> No.22285020

thanks dr freud i'll be sure to take my infertility meds as soon as i've finished this 23 hour shift.

>> No.22285116 [DELETED] 

The only thing which is new is the name. Letting your dreams remain dreams and reveling in those fantasies without realizing them has been in social discourse since antiquity.
This can affect you whether you are NEET or not.

>to try and trick you into becoming a "productive member of societ"
I don't think you are wrong in this point, except that it's only a trick if you don't desire that. People generally go to psychologists/psychiatrists when their mental state is considered problematic. Either this occurs by an individual realizing they are encountering issues with their mental state when interacting with society and desire to be rid of these problems, or one's incompatibility with society is so great that you are non-consensually forced into treatment for the perceived convenience of others.

I'm not claiming the latter is good for you; it's a question of whether your family, the state, etc. think it is better for them, and maybe others as well. It really fucking sucks to be on the receiving end of that stick, but it's also not a conspiracy.

Furthermore, since the disconnect/incompatibility with society is what drives people to visit, or be sent, to a psychiatrist, psychiatrists are in a position where if they did not try and reform them to be compatible and integrated with society, they would be failing both their profession, and the expectations of either their patients, or those negatively affected by their patients.

If you have to be deceived to wind up in his office, it's less the psychiatrist's intent and more a collective intent of social forces outside of either of you. I know it's a really, really lame point to make, but the psychiatrist is (usually) not the one plotting machinations against you in the background. Especially if he has to deal with you personally, on a human level.

It's more akin to the doctor having to examine and advise a diabetic who refuses to change their dietary habits and winds up in the hospital. Even if he knows you'll just get pissed if you here his "you'll die in five years with this diet," spiel, he doesn't repeat it to spite you and manipulate you. He does it for the same reason he gives the spiel to everyone else: because he has a responsibility to solve the problems presented to him.

>> No.22285172

The only thing which is new is the name. Letting your dreams remain dreams and reveling in those fantasies without realizing them has been in social discourse since antiquity.
This can affect you whether you are NEET or not.

>to try and trick you into becoming a "productive member of societ"
I don't think you are wrong in this point, except that it's only a trick if you don't desire that. People generally go to psychologists/psychiatrists when their mental state is considered problematic. Either this occurs by an individual realizing they are encountering issues with their mental state when interacting with society and desire to be rid of these problems, or one's incompatibility with society is so great that you are non-consensually forced into treatment for the perceived convenience of others.

Furthermore, since the disconnect/incompatibility with society is what drives people to visit, or be sent, to a psychiatrist, psychiatrists are in a position where if they did not try and reform them to be compatible and integrated with society, they would be failing both their profession, and the expectations of either their patients, or those negatively affected by their patients.

I'm not claiming that receiving psychiatric treatment is good for you, it could very well make you worse off; rather, by the time this comes into play, it's a question of whether your family, the state, etc. thinks it is better for them. It really, really fucking sucks to be on the receiving end of that stick, but by that point, your feelings in the scenario have been made a secondary priority.

If you have to be deceived to wind up in his office/ward/etc., it's less the psychiatrist's intent and more a collective intent of social forces outside of either of you. I know it's a really, really lame point to make, but the psychiatrist is (usually) not the one plotting machinations against you in the background. Especially if he has to deal with you personally, on a human level. That's grunt work my man.

It's more akin to the doctor having to examine and advise a diabetic who refuses to change their dietary habits and winds up in the hospital. Even if he knows you'll just get pissed if you here his "you'll die in five years with this diet," spiel, he doesn't repeat it to spite you and manipulate you. He does it for the same reason he gives the spiel to everyone else: because he has a responsibility to solve the problems presented to him.

>> No.22285194

I have it, and it progressed to the point where I can't listen to music in my room anymore without pacing around and falling into daydreams.

>> No.22285303

I daydream constantly about being really good at drawing or making music and people liking me.

>> No.22285308

i don't daydream to the point of it interfering with my life but i do think of scenarios with me and my waifu, or other characters interacting before i go to sleep. i noticed it kind of helped me lucid dream about those things too.
don't let your dream be dreams anon, unlike waifus you can make those dreams into reality! start drawing right now.

>> No.22285519
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I daydreaming about going to place that doesn't exist. It make me sad knowing that I won't be able to reach these place

>> No.22285980
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I do daydream sometimes about my waifu and me, but mostly it's either wanting to be in other world where I dont feel all this pain or killing myself and in different ways.

>> No.22285988
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I used to do that a lot. But recently I started to do it less and less often. I finished university, changed job, started to spend more time with other people and even arrive to and leave from job with friend.
I kinda want to go back more and more. Recently I started to miss all that time I'd spend with my waifu as my relationship with her gone stale. I just want to imagine her next to me like I used to, think about our life together, all kinds of happy moments we'd share, talk and touch her again.

I feel like real life is tainting me.

>> No.22286016

>I kinda want to go back more and more

I've been doing this shit since I was like 8 years old and I had stopped doing it for a couple of years, I recently came back to it out of boredom, let me tell you something, it's not worth it, you get way too comfortable with being miserable IRL and it's hard to stop

>> No.22286153

I'm not really miserable and I would have to try really hard to fuck it up now. Unless someone considers having a waifu as being inherently miserable.

What is worth this life if it doesn't have all that warmth it had with her.

>> No.22286172

>Unless someone considers having a waifu as being inherently miserable.

that's not the misery I'm talking about, I'm talking about neglecting real life stuff in favor of spending time daydreaming, it makes real life miserable because nothing gets done

>> No.22294060

I've done all these things and still focus on my love for my waifu when possible. I understand the stagnation though, it's an inevitable and admittedly the core flaw of a waifu relationship.

>> No.22294090

Real life is bullshit, your waifu is bullshit, everything is bullshit.

>> No.22294130

>your waifu is bullshit
not him but waifu is the one thing that brings peace sometimes.

>> No.22294193

I'm making a point anon. There's no such thing as "real life". If you're feeling guilty about ignoring real life in favor of a waifu or anything else you need to realize how absurd that is.

"Real life" isn't real, and it isn't a life. You are fake, a complete imagining of yourself, and your waifu is just as fake as you are. The only thing that should matter to you is avoiding the act of inflicting suffering on yourself for senseless reasons.

>> No.22294259

not really but i daydream about talking to people a lot,hell sometimes i spend hpurs in a kind of fake therapy talkinf to an imaginary therapist,i have been going for years now,in my head of course

>> No.22294283

If you put as much effort into bettering yourself and being a change as you did into your -is a jew(/ish/ construct) shitposting, you wouldn’t find life so shitty. You have lost because you are weak.

>> No.22294292 [DELETED] 

Stop it you piece of trash
