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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2316341 No.2316341[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When do we get forced anon in /jp/?
We've seen what it could have done to save /a/, but never did it.

>> No.2316346

hello I am a gigantic faggot

>> No.2316351

Forced anon wouldn't do anything to solve anything.
Threads like these, however, should be grounds for a ban.

>> No.2316356

/a/'s tripfags are worse than /jp/'s

>> No.2316364

But forced anon and actual mods here could be a nice remedy to cancer

>> No.2316370

卐卐卐☠☠☠☠ tripfag death campaign☠☠☠ 卐卐卐

>> No.2316373

Welcome to outside /b/.

We got some new mods yesterday, check the archive.
Now all we need is forced anon.

>> No.2316379

Just like forced anon saved /b/, right?

If you take away faggot's means of drawing attention to themselves, they'll just become louder in protest.

>> No.2316382

>We got some new mods yesterday, check the archive.
Oh man

>> No.2316383

Because /jp/ is so randum like /b/ so they must be the same rite? XD

>> No.2316385

Opera: http://muon.us/projects/chan/4chan_filter/
Firefox: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/33916

>> No.2316386

/b/ went downhill AFTER the namefag shit.

>> No.2316387

Then they get banned for breaking the rules, unlike /b/ where there are none. Hence the need for mods.

>> No.2316389
File: 33 KB, 676x384, forced anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When to we get bans on faggots bitching about forced anon on /jp/?

>> No.2316394

/b/ was going downhill long before it

>> No.2316398

You should stop posting on the board he had zero interest in making. Until he made it.

>> No.2316402

That's nice an all, but that only HIDES the cancer.

>> No.2316407


In case you haven't noticed, any time we've happened to have an actual mod hanging around /jp/, it erupted into a massive shitstorm.

Your naivety in thinking moderation will solve the problem of stupidity is amazing as well.

>> No.2316408

Sure is samefag /b/tard here

>> No.2316414

>forced anon on /a/

Wait what board is this again?

>> No.2316416

Not a /b/-tard
Just someone who thinks 4chan doesn't need tripfags.
Posts are to be judged by content.

>> No.2316418

Well that's cool that a mod came here, but I still saw the usual spam thread from that taiko faggot this morning. Why isn't that fag banned yet?

>> No.2316422
File: 224 KB, 512x351, hauntergrimace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2316426
File: 8 KB, 160x164, 1237347012564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posts are to be judged by content.

>> No.2316429

So why don't you look at the content of the posts instead of their monikers? Faggot.

Forced anon is really stupid and DID make /b/ worse. /b/ is wasted space now whereas it used to actually have enjoyable content now and then.

Fucking SAGE

>> No.2316436

None of you deserve to be well known.

Forced anon is the only answer.

>> No.2316440

>But forced anon and actual mods here could be a nice remedy to cancer
>remedy to cancer
On every single board, everyone I ever heard complaining about "cancer" turn out to be huge fucking retards that are worse than whatever they are complaining about.

Just saying.

>> No.2316457

Not to mention that what truly makes boards shitty is people whining about the board being shitty left and right and coming up with their even more retarded solutions. moot may suck a lot, but I'm glad none of you are in his place, cause you suck even more.

Discussing moderation policies on 4chan is against the rules, email moot (and get ignored, like you should).

>> No.2316460

You are the cancer.
You are the newfags.
Anonymous doesn't forgive thee.

>> No.2316461

Welcome to the 4chan forums.

>> No.2316463


People bitching about the boards are worse than the things they're actually bitching about.

Yes, that includes this post.

>> No.2316467



>> No.2316471



>> No.2316477

Anonymous can lick my hairy asshole.
That said, if there isn't going to be a forced anon at least keep the tripfags on a watch list

>> No.2316481 [DELETED] 

everything i dont like is teh cancer

>> No.2316488

Don't make jokes like that, people may not realize you're being sarcastic.

Man, and to think /b/ used to be semi-decent.

>> No.2316489

stop saying cancer


>> No.2316494

/jp/ isn't /a/.
Look, it is the anons that are calling you the faggot for this stupid suggestion.
Enjoy your ban when the mod see your thread.

>> No.2316497


Post ending in 5 tells me where to put my figma.

>> No.2316498

sorry I forgot you had chemo therapy today ;_;

>> No.2316509

Better yet, ban them.

>> No.2316515
File: 253 KB, 600x600, oh really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In your ass.

Do it now.

>> No.2316522


>> No.2316522,1 [INTERNAL] 

New mods? What this hell is he talking about? Fuck I need to get around my ban.

>> No.2316522,2 [INTERNAL] 

>of /jp/
No you don't.

>> No.2316522,3 [INTERNAL] 

He's talking about threads posted like in october and bumped by some anon in the archive

>> No.2316522,4 [INTERNAL] 

also its hard for me to believe people older than 18 complain about people using names in a website

>> No.2316522,5 [INTERNAL] 

Not that hard considering 4chan is made up of mostly preteens and people under 18.

>> No.2316522,6 [INTERNAL] 

>preteens and people under 18.
Kinda redundant there, Anonymous.

>> No.2316522,7 [INTERNAL] 

Hard for me to believe you're older than 18.

>> No.2316522,8 [INTERNAL] 

you mad?

>> No.2316522,9 [INTERNAL] 

you butthurt?

>> No.2316522,10 [INTERNAL] 

you mad

>> No.2316522,11 [INTERNAL] 

My zodiac sign is cancer XD

Seriously though, Suigin and >>2316522,5 -san, I wonder how many /jp/ posters are actually kids. Not that age is really a good indicator of maturity, but I personally was a teenage /b/tard (read: retard) and if a decent percentage of /jp/'s posting population is like I was at 16-17, it would explain why the board is so shit.

...is what I say, but all it boils down is an Internet variation of ``Damn kids, get off my lawn.''

P.S: Suigin, /jp/ is not an sms service. Learn to type or come up with a sob story about why you can't, please.

P.P.S: Slavic Anon of /jp/, why not just browse via /a/rchiver and post by proxy?

P.P.P.S: Propane is a shitty energy source

>> No.2316522,12 [INTERNAL] 

i cant type because i was kidnapped by coreans and they ate the fingers i used to press shift and other keys.

>> No.2316522,13 [INTERNAL] 

and they cummed inside of my brain

>> No.2316522,14 [INTERNAL] 

Also I know a few underage kids who post in /v/ they are around 14-16. I don't really know about /jp/ though.

>> No.2316522,15 [INTERNAL] 

It all makes sense now. I am truely sorry for you lots.

>> No.2316522,16 [INTERNAL] 

I was talking to a fellow /jp/ poster on IRC (not #/jp/, which used to be silent as a tomb but is now #/b/ - stupid IRC only good for its bot - this is off topic and I will shut up now) and he seemed to be so intelligent and articulate, but it turned out he is both 17 and a Corean. [S-JIS :nida: face goes here]

I hadn't seriously considered a large percentage of /jp/edos being underageb& until then, but it really does seem possible.

I was going to say something else, something brilliant I'm sure, but my train of thought just ran off the tracks.

>> No.2316522,17 [INTERNAL] 

And [code] tags still break the page, I see.

>> No.2316522,18 [INTERNAL] 

I've chatted with three 17 year old guys and one of them knew two girls, 14 and 15, that lurk /jp/. I wish I was able to tell the difference in femanon posts so I could make them my waifus ;_;

>> No.2316522,19 [INTERNAL] 

This is upsetting information.

>> No.2316522,20 [INTERNAL] 

#/jp/ isn't always that bad, but yeah, most of the time it's off topic, like every fucking 4chan related channel on Rizon.
Oh well..

>> No.2316522,21 [INTERNAL] 

I also know a 16 year old guy who visits /jp/ but only to play MB

>> No.2316522,22 [INTERNAL] 

Seriously though, /jp/ is bad by default and it will stay bad with this group of people.

This is singlehandedly the worst board 4chan has ever seen. So let us cut the crap. Even todays /b/ or new /a/ are phenomenally better than /jp/.

The difference is that /jp/ thinks it is the worthwhile elite while it is the worst scum.

>> No.2316522,23 [INTERNAL] 

>im a girl your a bunch of virgins im epic troll /jp/sucks yet i come here athens is a manslut
didn't read

>> No.2316522,24 [INTERNAL] 

>im a fag your comment defies my faghood /jp/ is my fagdom i cry and masturbate
you surely made your point clear back there

>> No.2316522,25 [INTERNAL] 

>your fat virgin lol im girl a fucked l0ts
didnt read

>> No.2316522,26 [INTERNAL] 

>ive been here since summer and i dont know what the fuck im saying

>> No.2316522,27 [INTERNAL] 

You're trying too hard.

>> No.2316522,28 [INTERNAL] 

Are you guys taking meru's posts seriously?

>> No.2316522,29 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2316522,30 [INTERNAL] 

Do we really need /a/, /ck/, /m/, and /t/ archives? How about removing them and actually adding some useful boards? Like /mu/.

>> No.2316522,31 [INTERNAL] 

Are you being deadpan?

I, for one, would appreciate it if /tg/ was added. Even though they've got their own archive I like the setup here.

>> No.2316522,32 [INTERNAL] 

Traditional games? What are you, 40 years old?

But I guess /mu/ isn't that important either. You can find all the music in Google.

Now, a /co/ archive would be a nice thing to have.

>> No.2316522,33 [INTERNAL] 

I always read /tg/ as Turtle General fuck you RO

>> No.2316522,34 [INTERNAL] 

Comics? What are you, 40 years old?

>> No.2316522,35 [INTERNAL] 

I think /po/ is in dire need of an archive.
Also /ck/ is good for the archive since lots of recipes get posted.
For /t/ you can find all the torrents that got bumped off, and /m/ and /a/ are like /jp/'s cousin and sister.

>> No.2316522,36 [INTERNAL] 

>I think /po/ is in dire need of an archive.

Yeah, but for a /po/ archive you would also have to archive images. Same with /i/ and /ic/. I would love to see these 3 boards here but there is no point in just archiving thumbnails.

>> No.2316522,37 [INTERNAL] 

I guess you're right.
