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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 58 KB, 470x331, 51697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25234237 No.25234237 [Reply] [Original]

guide shit: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

anime cards: animecards.site

previous: >>25211528


>> No.25234276

you forgot this one

>> No.25234278

nice deflection. queefmaster means master of queefs. it originates from my originality
you know what, reveal yourself. i want to see you crashing.

>> No.25234284

gayest op in months

>> No.25234286

>>25234233 is not an answer

>> No.25234342


>> No.25234356
File: 492 KB, 1051x629, Screenshot_20200806-005537~3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25234373

i've created both "queefmaster" and "jabum"
ask me anything

>> No.25234384

glad you're satisfying gay dudes online

>> No.25234398


>> No.25234458

so this is what the bunkobon kid does in his spare time

>> No.25234527

quiz, you're an escapist and a horrible one at that. you feigned ignorance about the meaning of the meme by making thoroughly disingenuous arguments to try and morally absolve yourself
i dont care that you find a racist meme funny but it does irk me you try and argue its not racist or that it isn't your responsibility to know what it means

i expected a more educated and objective engagement from a student of linguistics, a field i have much respect and admiration for
i am disappointed

>> No.25234532


>> No.25234559

shut da fuck up nerd

>> No.25234577

make no mistake he knows the meaning of that meme, even a rock realizes it. he just is doing some damage control since he momentarily forgot it wasn't socially acceptable to use it.

>> No.25234582

Previous threads
>>25211528 #2488
>>25185450 #2487
>>25165272 #2486
>>25136389 #2485
>>25103307 #2484
>>25055739 #2483
>>25020143 #2482
>>24985393 #2481
>>24955041 #2480
>>24923552 #2479
>>24895261 #2478
>>24866957 #2477
>>24848471 #2476
>>24818165 #2475

>> No.25234652

i hope by socially acceptable you mean in public with identities
my point is not to condemn him for its usage (which i frankly couldn't care less about on this website) but his poorly argumented and hole-ridden rationale, and i don't want my post to be misconstrued and bundled together with all the other ones on this topic because then he could conveniently use points which are not mine to begin with to attack and invalidate my post

>> No.25234678
File: 56 KB, 370x278, djt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25234691

furigana is so crippling for learning

>> No.25234700

i mean the way he as a high functioning psycho perceives the world. he probably forgot that what he was doing was bad then tried to damage control it

>> No.25234720

it's the opposite actually

>> No.25234723

ok dude im so happy for you then

>> No.25234741

how do i use words like this

>> No.25234799

why would being sure you're reading correctly be crippling? think about what you're saying in future

>> No.25234843

yeah i thought about it for a solid 1 sec there and you know what you're right im so happy for you ill be sure to think about these things in the future too

>> No.25234854
File: 54 KB, 600x399, sad_dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I give up

>> No.25234874

not before sucking my dick no u dont

>> No.25234891
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>> No.25234914

good im happy for you too that you've improved a bit

>> No.25234955


>> No.25235049

can anyone give me the names to these games? i am looking for good VNs to practice and these seem pretty good.

>> No.25235072


>> No.25235136


>> No.25235321

thanks bro.
i got clanned yesterday but didnt run it yet.
i gonna get the rest too.

>> No.25235368

without trolling guys
i know 5k words. do you think i would benefit from watching anime raw
i already watch at least 2 episodes of easy anime raw but i mean anime for teenagers

>> No.25235398

imagine being quiz master

imagine literally only consuming content not for enjoyment, but to brag on djt about it

imagine thinking anyone cares about his shit 80s anime that just makes him look like a boomer

his life is actually pathetic

>> No.25235440

now imagine being the guy constantly angrily posting about that person, wow there sure exist some people with a lot of free time

>> No.25235452

not as pathetic as being qm hater

>> No.25235467

i think he might actually have bipolar or something
hes mentally unstable and id feel pretty concerned being in a 50 feet radius of him

>> No.25235477

Obviously. But you can also use Japanese subtitles. +reading speed and +listening.

>> No.25235523

why is it bragging? do you have some insecurity or complex about the stuff qm posts about lol maybe he just likes them

>> No.25235528

oh u poor victims, why wont that 1 hater stop!!

>> No.25235593

You can say shit about anyone but don't fucking say LOTGH is just some boomer anime like its trash retard

>> No.25235601


>> No.25235634

By the way, any other recommendation you might have for me?

>> No.25235640

generally i recommend japanese subtitled anime before reading because it's much easier

>> No.25235642

qm seems like the kind of psycho guy who'd murder you over inane shit and perceived imaginary slights while calling it justice
peak empathy lol

>> No.25235663

Any good title of anime or VN IS welcome.
I played true love before..it was fun

>> No.25235702

that's qm killer, not qm

>> No.25235703

>there are mentally ill people on 4chan
who wouldve thought

>> No.25235722

My big issue with anime is genre, because I don’t want to pick a title with fantasy sci-fi Becuase i don’t want my vocab to be insanely useless.
Generally trying to learn enough so if I get dropped in Japan, be able to eat, go around, get a job etc.
Any anime with day to day boring shit like this?

>> No.25235725

describe your routine before high quality vocab cards, please

>> No.25235733


>> No.25235743

did core6k, some dojg, worked through kklc, and watched a bit of anime
it's stage 2 in my full guide image man

>> No.25235748

angry posting all day on yt and online forums

>> No.25235758

I am too new to this.
I just followed the sticky.
Memorized the hiragana and katakana.
And going to start Anki tomorrow.
I just wanted to store good quality vn or anime so I can enjoy and learn when I am bored of Anki

>> No.25235762

>watched a bit of anime
jp subs, en subs, raw?

>> No.25235773

jp subs and raw
never used en subs after i started learning japanese not once

>> No.25235786

Who is more Autistic matt or quiz?

I'm thinking Quiz but Quiz is a nicer person (if he doesnt think ur retarded lole)

>> No.25235787

pause or anti-pause

>> No.25235790


>> No.25235800

he pauses every 2 seconds to make cards what do you think

>> No.25235802

i think at the beginning a healthy mix is good , after you finish your core deck though you should go full pause and anime mine everything you don't know

>> No.25235835

my hand made deck with the help of python and jishon reached 3k cards in 1 week. i used mecab + python to automatically pull every word i haven't seen before from any text file

>> No.25235838

can you all fuck off to discord with your celeb interview
this thread is really fucked because of the OP post goddamn faggot wont shutup

>> No.25235859

sound dumb

>> No.25235883

oh no no no pissmaster you cant be humbleposting like that!

>> No.25235894

i'm just fishing for ideas. nowadays i'm using everyone's ideas
raw anime [maruko-chan]
eng-subbed anime[jamal]
sentence cards[antimoon, matt and myself]
vocab cards [nouns, unambiguous words]
vn reading [djt] + textractor[thanks quiz for this one]

>> No.25235907

it is

>> No.25235912

why? because you think i won't be able to remember my cards without anime hints? you are projecting...

>> No.25235922

kind of like animecards yea

>> No.25235957

not only i can sense where i got words from by its nature i make short sentence cards.
my rules are these
ambiguous verbs: a sentence card for each meaning.
obvious verbs: vocab card
nouns: vocab card
adverbs: sentence cards
adjective: it depends
those onomatopoeic words: DEFINITIVELY sentence cards

>> No.25235982

I simply read 10-20 grammar books to learn basics and most common forms. In majority of cases people need around 5-7 repetitions to remember something, but instead of reading the same book, I used many different. However, it's concerning basic grammar. Well.. it doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't learn more advanced grammar, but simply more advanced forms are much easier when you already know nuances of basic forms and had seen in many different situations. For example, だって means "being the case", which can be used in many different situation, but you don't even need to learn it if you know how だ and て are used. You naturally understand it's some statement, which is used as adverb/connection to remain of the sentence. And you immediately understand all 5-10 different meanings it can have. If you, however, try to learn such form without practice and knowing how だ and especially て works, then you need to review and memorize every case individually, what can be not only complex, but also confusing.

>> No.25235997

I remember when I started learning kanji for the first time in 2017 with the Kodansha Kanji learner's course, I looked at the last page, and the last kanji of the book was 虹, I wonder if I will ever get there I asked myself, today, I got to the end of the book. I have still work to do, but I used the lock-down to actually buckle down before I come back to work. I just wanted to share this moment with y'all who put lot of work into into your studies.


>> No.25236004

hes mentally ill literally cant restrain himself from spontaneously shitting on any method that isnt his, that too right after blogposting for hours about his advanced eq and superior empathy

>> No.25236053

what anime do you like?

>> No.25236058

saw some guy thats been living in japan for 8 years and teaches Japanese on youtube and can't read 侵害 lol

>> No.25236070

so you can criticize them? lmao fuck off i'm here to make fun of others, not be made fun of cringelord.

>> No.25236082

lol insecure

>> No.25236102

oh no you exposed me wtf

>> No.25236111

Im sure you watched it

>> No.25236121

why would i watch some cringe boomer shit yikes bro

>> No.25236133

ah so you're a cool guy, you sound like Jamal, are you taking lesons?

>> No.25236144

jamal is the most boomer person on here wtf are you talking about

>> No.25236149
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>> No.25236150

its long as fuck too idk how these autists sit through such a trash marathon lmao

>> No.25236167


>> No.25236171

they don't marathon it they watch 1 episode a week when they can muster of the strength to basically stare at a wall for an hour

then it eventually gets left on their on-hold list 32 episodes in until they eventually outgrow anime and their last login date becomes 5 years ago

>> No.25236187


>> No.25236219

i think u forgot ur trip

>> No.25236239

nothing but shitty weak baits recently you guys have no subtlety

>> No.25236251

quizmaster more like pausemaster lamo

>> No.25236305

dno how to subtly tell you logh is a smelly log

>> No.25236402

logh is massively overrated though, the entire anime is literally just autists telling us everything

doesn't help it's full of plot holes and contrivances which wouldn't be easily excused if it wasn't old

everything else the author has written is shit on for being the garbage it is, so i can only think peoples hard on for old and sci fi combined is why this gets a free pass

>> No.25236463

that and the pseud perma hardons

>> No.25236555

yeah using english subs to any real benefit requires a lot of attention switching which makes it more draining than it seems

>> No.25236599

okay i'll bite name some plot holes in logh

>> No.25236610

the quality of dialogue in logh is the highlight of it so there's really no point talking about it if you can't understand it and the translations are obviously garbage

>> No.25236618

guys, i know 5k words
i watch marukochan everyday raw
i do my anki reps everyday
i play 1 hour of eroge evry day
should i watch 1 hour of normal anime with subs or raw?

>> No.25236620


>> No.25236634

do whatever the fuck you wanna do

>> No.25236643

reality is full of plotholes cause we dont have our elites explaining what the fuck is going on

>> No.25236650

shut the fuck up you retarded egomaniac you're not some logh rep

>> No.25236651

is logh fujobait

>> No.25236657
File: 15 KB, 714x145, 1577093549487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah wait yes i found it thanks reddit for saving the day here is the number 1 problem with logh

>> No.25236660


>> No.25236673

imagine being this helpless get ur fuckin act together you child

>> No.25236675

i do but i want to know what's efficient

>> No.25236686


>> No.25236689

that was fun, who that?

>> No.25236690

i'm not helpless i just want efficiency and i'm not afraid to ask

>> No.25236692

caring about plotholes in fiction is the sign of a simple mind

>> No.25236702

yea im sure cherrypicking your reddit strawman totally addresses all criticism of the show 150 iq points right there

>> No.25236712

it literally says in the title

>> No.25236716

not if they are super obvious like the coffin in jojo.

>> No.25236726


>> No.25236727

new star wars movies were ace btw

>> No.25236728

well provide it u fucking retard

>> No.25236734


>> No.25236735


>> No.25236736

yeah, but who. she from djt?

>> No.25236740

nah just some random japanese girl that plays games

>> No.25236756

learn to read the thread illiterate bitch

>> No.25236758
File: 16 KB, 244x324, ss (2014-05-19 at 05.43.12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once a month I look in these threads just to laugh at the crippling dogma shilled in here and laugh, but this time it's even worse.
All these posts wasted on hating some poor G*rman autistic man.

>> No.25236761

especially if they are in shit like jojo like really nobody is watching it for logical consistency lol

>> No.25236781

tobira guy youre here every day stfu

>> No.25236789

I have no idea who this tobira guy is, I legitimately open this cesspool monthly or even less than that

>> No.25236793

you post this shit like literally every 2-3 days "once a month" my ass. if i cared enough id go search the archives for "once a month" to expose you properly but that's too much effort

>> No.25236798

this means nothing. you don't understand. i've been 8 months at this

>> No.25236808

stfu retard

>> No.25236820

and ye who gives a fuck about plot holes in jojo, in logh though where the entire anime is about dialogue and characters and how smart the characters are it's laughable

>> No.25236839


Is that the wrong conjugation of aru? I'm trying to say "the idiot doesn't have a mask"

>> No.25236869

i want every being on djt to answer this:
jp subs or raw

remember you are anonymous. no one will know who you are so just answer it honestly

>> No.25236872


No wash

>> No.25236874

I looked through the archive myself for "once a month", "once per month" and other variations but found nothing.
I must've used other formulas the other times but I guarantee you, this place rarely crosses my mind.

>> No.25236875
File: 2 KB, 318x117, reps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't wanna do my fucking reps.
i'm just gonna wing it like that streamable in the op from now on.

>> No.25236880

it's not really though because it doesn't have to make any logical sense to be enjoyable. the dialogues themselves make sense and that's where the entertainment lies whereas whatever you're talking about is probably some really inconsequential nerd shit

>> No.25236890

raw always, subs suck

>> No.25236903


Hard to tell if the idiot is not washing his mask, but very easy to tell if the idiot is not wearing one at all.

>> No.25236914

stop trying to write japanese when you don't know any it's kind of a dumb idea

>> No.25236919

whats the point of explaining when ull just run away a few posts later like a bitchmade sissy lol

>> No.25236924

subs are for ngmis

if you want to read, read books or ergoes

>> No.25236927


I'm trying to practice...

>> No.25236930

that'd just mean your victory wouldn't it i'm open to the idea of plotholes in logh go ahead

>> No.25236934

lol fucking 80 iqers

>> No.25236938

マスクをしていない = not wearing a mask

>> No.25236939

at least put some effort into your baits sissy

>> No.25236948

subs then transition into raw gradually. idiots like this dont know japanese

>> No.25236956

how can you practice something you don't know? it doesn't make any sense. if you want to practice then go listen to a thousand hours of japanese then you won't be confused about how to say the negative form of ある

>> No.25236958

logh has been torn to shreds for decades, go search archieves

>> No.25236966

well then im content having "won" many times already not gonna waste anymore time on crazy ppl like u

>> No.25236970

by eops lol

>> No.25236975

why would you pause watch anime you fucking retard

>> No.25236978

thanks then i guess i win this one lol

>> No.25236984

he did run away though in the last thread

>> No.25236986

by your logic, the only reason it would have a plot is if the dialogues aren't interesting enough so that means logh sucks anyway

>> No.25236988

you win by being so stupid you can't recognize plot holes without google searching reddit

>> No.25236999

thanks for proving my statement that you're an idiot true by not being able to comprehend 1 sentence of english

>> No.25237004

you've literally spent the last 4-6 hours trying to get a rise out of a guy on 4channel with these weaks baits lmao

>> No.25237007


Oh, I see. I thought aru would work because it usually means "to have/exist". So I thought what I wrote should translate to "the idiot does not have a mask"


I was fairly confident that aru should be aranai when negative, but when Anon quoted it as if it was wrong...

>> No.25237008

oof another L for quizslur

>> No.25237012

but fun things are fun just like got season 10

>> No.25237014

god i wish tripcodes didn't exist.
not a single good thing has come from them.

>> No.25237018

he won because u refuse to provide any examples i mean come on lol

>> No.25237027

doesn't change anything you braindead cunt, stop suggesting they start with subs when they can read elsewhere

>> No.25237034

those posts arent bait you motherfucking retard go fucking neck yourself if everything is just a shitty joke to you

>> No.25237036

>stop suggesting they start with subs
make me pussy lmao oh wait u cant

>> No.25237038

that doesn't follow from what i said. i only said the plot itself doesn't need to have strict logical consistency for the show to be enjoyable. if they all of a sudden warp to light speed instantly to get to a different planet in order for something interesting to happen then im ok with the fact it doesn't make any sense in the context of the show if it makes it more enjoyable and only a nerd who cares about muh plotholes would object to this

>> No.25237043

especially when they take it off in between posts

>> No.25237060

so you've spent 6 hours sincerely arguing with qm over trivial shit idk what's worse...

>> No.25237074

it's actually crazy how much worse the thread gets when queef puts the trip on, holy shit man. whats wrong with you people, why cant you just ignore him??

>> No.25237080

>I was fairly confident that aru should be aranai when negative,
have you ever read or listened to anything in japanese before?

>> No.25237088

nothing wrong suggesting to beginners to start with subs or at least turn them on once they can't understand something.

the original question however had nothing to do with that.
anon just wanted to know how we watch stuff.
i'm not waiting for jp subs to come out for shows i want to watch.

>> No.25237093

i swear i had discord and 4chan blocked till someone told me to fix up the bot on discord and i had to unblock things and after that i just went into a 12 hour shitposting spree
got to seriously stop

>> No.25237111

stop replying youre too low iq

>> No.25237114

quiz couldn't know about plotholes because he doesn't actually understand anything he reads, he just makes anime cars for unknown vocab lmao

>> No.25237122


A little. I know arimasen is more common, but I know since aru is a regular -u verb, if I wanted to use the informal version, aranai should be correct...

>> No.25237141

says the guy who's posting negatively about a show he's never even seen just to get a rise out of a tripfag on 4channel

>> No.25237146

stop trolling

>> No.25237151

how about jumping off a rooftop you racist piece of shit thatll stop a bipolar like you in his tracks fr sure

>> No.25237164

weren't you telling me off earlier for apparently telling people to kill themselves (which i never do)?
now here you are doing it

>> No.25237167





>> No.25237188

this is by far the worst thread in the history of djt

>> No.25237192
File: 174 KB, 1344x756, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta save the thread with some anime thots.

>> No.25237195

i jumped in your little anime scuffle at >>25236984 to point something out, are you retarded?

>> No.25237208

the non-subs people are all trolls

>> No.25237226

no that wasnt me schizo
i think youve lost your marbles

>> No.25237231

the only thing you pointed out was how obsessed you are with a 4channel tripfag lol

>> No.25237235
File: 163 KB, 1344x756, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching without subs right now though.
why can't you do it?

>> No.25237245

yep out of all the years I ve been here. this one is the worst

>> No.25237249

>more projection
don't > me again

>> No.25237257

dunno what's the optimal way but i've been doing this too >>25236948 and it's been working well for me

>> No.25237264

the subs people are brainwashed ecelebfags

>> No.25237266

how am i projecting? i never once mentioned him until you @ed me with details of your 6 hour argument with him the result of which was obviously still weighing on your mind lmfao

>> No.25237274

holy shit can modern animation get any more soulless? look at this fucking shit

>> No.25237284

note, qm only used subbed anime cause he didn't want to sound like shit when speaking

look how well that turned out for him

>> No.25237290

1 episode with one without

>> No.25237321

oh no muh white noise i can't understand anything my mind is going blaaaaaank

>> No.25237341
File: 159 KB, 1344x756, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the future, accept it.

>> No.25237343

australians are by far the worst posters on here

>> No.25237355

you're a retard who cluelessly waltzed into the thread and called a factual post "bait"
i provided evidence to show you how wrong you are and then you started spouting shit about being obsessed with tripfags
go stick your dumbfuck head into a woodchipper, i'm done with you

>> No.25237361

whats the deal with the streamables? anyways hi quiz bro

>> No.25237377
File: 16 KB, 894x172, 1588136579349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

summer sure is great

>> No.25237379

quizslur bros...

>> No.25237387

jp subs first then raw on the second watch unless the show is really easy for me to begin with and less than 5 or so new words per episode then raw from the beginning

>> No.25237417

can't handle the banter, retreat back to your discord hugbox

>> No.25237419

so because you're aware of every detail about this particular tripfag enough to post dumb replies to me as "evidence" that means you're not obsessed by him? btw it was an obvious bait cause he posted like 5x about "plotholes" without ever actually mentioning one lol learn how to spot a troll maybe? and stop getting butthurt cuz not everyone knows the details of all your tripfag obsessions

>> No.25237425

wonder if those guys really can't understand anything without subs or if they are just trolling.

>> No.25237552

jamal do you ever think about giving up visiting here forever

>> No.25237585

don't need anything nuke-kun

>> No.25237660
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>> No.25237661

>maybe 1 day ill naturally just not even care to look at it
god i wish this was me

>> No.25237778


>> No.25237821

where can i get good raws for the first season of maruko

>> No.25237822

mined 泥んこ

>> No.25238215
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I liked this a lot.

>> No.25238494

what's your issue anti sub guy do you want to talk about it

>> No.25238599
File: 379 KB, 1081x1000, beast appearance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I do this kanji right? Someone told me I did it wrong last time but I fixed it.

>> No.25238717

>my argument was that the pace alone doesn't necessarily make a show harder.
it does though if you aren't good at japanese because you dont have as much time to process what you heard and can completely mishear it because its too fast haha

>> No.25238829

what do you mean you didn't ask for my opinion it you are asking right there
your proportions are messed up, you clearly don't know stroke order, it looks like you wrote with your mouse and clearly jsl
don't throw a fit when someone gives you the feedback you asked for

>> No.25238831

quiz was pretty mean but if you can't handle that you don't belong here
/r/learnjapanese is more for you maybe

>> No.25238838

you mean you just spent 8 mins trying and realized you couldnt even find the script on google? you obviously saw my post since you replied a few seconds before i posted

>> No.25238852

>says pitch is useless but knows stroke order

>> No.25238906

i didn't even google for anything i just thought anyone could slow it down again so it proves nothing.
i also watched db super at 2x you just gotta take my word for it.

>> No.25238950

when's the stream jamal?

>> No.25238961

that's it i'm not sleeping until jamal streams

>> No.25239143

when did you begin acquiring then

>> No.25239183

what does EMOI mean

>> No.25239210

when i was 8 and found some l'arc en ciel on soulseek.

>> No.25239262

it's true though, also mad capsule markets.

>> No.25239300

i think it's some new zoomer slang. I heard it from a random show last week, cant remember where

>> No.25239319
File: 425 KB, 720x551, Screenshot_20200806-144444~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should be able to guess

>> No.25239341


>> No.25239357

can someone who has a big ass vocab deck post it please


>> No.25239419

its kind of important you 'mine' it yourself, just start quiz's improved 3k deck and add to it, go to his anime cards site in the op

>> No.25239431

youve been begging for this for a while now

>> No.25239433

im sorry but i don't play vns

>> No.25239440

yeah cause nobody wants to help a nigga out man

>> No.25239444

youre not immersing enough because im at 13k words and find new words constantly still

>> No.25239455

>エモい Emo-i
>emotional, melancholic, sorrowful, sentimental, nice, lonely “something nice, but you don’t know how to describe”
it's kino but in japanese

>> No.25239483

then you don't need to mine?? it means you can already understand what youre consuming well

>> No.25239484

too many porn screenshots in my cards don't feel comfortable sharing that sorry.

>> No.25239514

yea wtf is the deal with nip men pretending to be girls online

>> No.25239517

i remember being at 7k words and wanting other peoples decks too.. but what you dont know is you dont even know those 7k yet, you just think you do, you need to focus on converting those cards into words you actually feel and get intuitively instead of amassing a tumor of useless information in your head

>> No.25239530

jamal like cubes

>> No.25239555
File: 996 B, 298x40, firefox_JcdiZ6x1NP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dabbing on bunkobon guy today

>> No.25239622

dunno bro im doing 100 words day for 2 months now and have 95% true retention, when ive got 15k under my belt ill start reading to retain them all

>> No.25240024

you cant lift your tumorous fatass 2 inches off your wheelchair you wheezing fat rat your grubby manlet hands are not even gonna reach my cock forget my gullet
have fun on your dekinai adventure in the swamps

>> No.25240155

Come on, I came here just to ask a question.

>> No.25240159


>> No.25240222

read this as ぎゃく and was pissed that it wouldn't show up in my ime

>> No.25240334

2 high iq

>> No.25240353


>> No.25240426

i remember my readings but keep blanking out on the meanings wtf does this happen with anyone

>> No.25240428

i'm not on discord, my name is anon

>> No.25240429


>> No.25240463

pretty cool wish i could do shit like this

>> No.25240550

and your point is

>> No.25240595

no i definitely dont

>> No.25240619

reminds me of that time someone posted an n5 question about patricles along the lines of "my little brother cleans the room" and 90% of djt got it wrong.

>> No.25240644

didnt even know what this was ive only ever heard it called ztn

>> No.25240649

yah i remember that

i didnt get it wrong tho

>> No.25240652

yea id remember the times i got owned too
if i had any that is

>> No.25240655
File: 148 KB, 1344x756, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got an antidote for you

>> No.25240732

damn anon you got some nice milkers there

>> No.25240788

stop groping urself dude

>> No.25240791

titties arent even that fun when it comes down to it

theyre more fun to think about but all the magic is gone once u see them and touch them honestly

>> No.25240871
File: 345 KB, 654x1059, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25240874

>have never touched a titty
not even your ma?

>> No.25240876

idk i used to enjoy just annoying my exgf by playing with her boobs while she was cooking or w/e good times can never get tired of that

>> No.25240885


mine this you peeps

>> No.25240927

probably not gonna happen for u

>> No.25241010

nah youll become retarded

>> No.25241076

yeah i mined it with that meaning.

>> No.25241104


>> No.25241170

finally, i stopped mining all together for the past few days because i didn't want to create inefficient cards.

>> No.25241173

qm probably paid jamal behind the scenes so he would stream today

>> No.25241254
File: 91 KB, 1344x756, sweat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

care to give a preview, i wanna see how your cards look like.

>> No.25241257

what about cum

>> No.25241328

i got ero cards, music cards, anime cards, jdrama cards, vtuber cards, misa cards, sound only cards, i+1 sentence cards, i+3 cards, fucking news cards, etc..
my diversity of cards is a great joy and a successful achievement

>> No.25241339

don't use an add on for pitch they fuck up all the time

>> No.25241486

lol chill out bro i also doubt youre spending that saved time well

>> No.25241487
File: 3 KB, 883x31, firefox_JT8wFYOR47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's your rating? here's mine

>> No.25241516

>chill out

>> No.25241517

*youll be

>> No.25241536
File: 122 KB, 833x706, fumufumu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>numerical ratings
my only ratings are enjoyed or didn't enjoy.
if i finish watching something i obviously enjoyed it.

>> No.25241567

i sometimes finish shows i hate just so i can competently shit on them later

>> No.25241586

i give it a 6/10 it wasnt good but i never got bored and the op and ed are both good and sagiri is hot

>> No.25241610
File: 139 KB, 1344x756, 0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i admire your dedication but that sounds like going through hell.

also have some 鏡餅

>> No.25241687

i never drop shows shorter than 60 episodes if i'm watching something i'm finishing it end of

>> No.25241697

>no captcha

>> No.25241704

are you the simple as anon

>> No.25241705

can't wait for your post about hating anime

>> No.25241708

wow i hope someone doesn't the bot the poll wtf that would be crazy

>> No.25241711

same but i also don't start shows above 24 eps if there's a chance of me not enjoying them

>> No.25241714

i'd clock that retard in the jaw
you've probably seen them a lot

>> No.25241749

wish jamal streams tomorrow im busy today

>> No.25241790

wish jamal never streams

>> No.25241792

i always check out everything a season has to offer, but most shows i drop on ep 1 and then some at ep 3 or 4.

uzaki-chan for example i wanted to see if it gets better but it didn't.

there's actually quite a lot shows i like this season compared to the last one.

>> No.25241848

read 流浪 as りゅうろ

>> No.25241942

tfw wanna read manga but cant deal with doing it on a pc screen

even if i bought a tablet reading on there would mean looking stuff up would be painful. wish there was a best of both worlds

>> No.25241976

imagine peeling through her sweater the way you'd peel an orange rind and revealing some huge watermelon-sized orange carpels that you could tear and eat (or just suck on till they're dry and you have nothing but de-juiced pulp and seeds left)

>> No.25241983

i read on a tablet and use yomiwa to look stuff up with the camera of my phone
it's only problematic if the scans are shit

>> No.25241988

manga isnt reading bro so you aint missing out

>> No.25241990


>> No.25242009

get a surface pro and use sharex ocr

>> No.25242139

too expensive but i was thinking of getting a windows tablet so i could use ocr like kanjitomo or sharex. what does ur lookup "workflow" look like with sharex on a tablet?

>> No.25242172

>what does ur lookup "workflow" look like with sharex on a tablet?
don't have a tablet it was just a suggestion.

>> No.25242310

i just read and tap shit in my phone dictionary if i need to look up anything lol

>> No.25242480

imagine people back in the day looking up stuff in a physical dictionary.

>> No.25242495

my dad learned english by reading the rise and fall of the third reich with a paper dictionary lol

>> No.25242607

its one of his favorite books which speaks to the power of compelling input. dont think he's re-read it either so that first painful read through was still apparently very enjoyable

>> No.25242686


>> No.25242692

i dont follow what you mean tbqh

>> No.25242700

i learned english because i wanted to watch my favorite sitcoms ahead of schedule.

>> No.25242706
File: 179 KB, 904x1280, b5d4a8c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25242712

vns are n5 content

>> No.25242728

you've already made it anon, congrats.

>> No.25242755

if you learn every single word in a long vn you are pretty far

>> No.25242768

That's fun, where is it from?

>> No.25242784

that's really rare grammar

>> No.25242791

nice try

>> No.25242802


>> No.25242803

>generally i recommend japanese subtitled anime before reading because it's much easier
at what point should you start reading then?

>> No.25242808

just remember

>> No.25242816

its n1 shit bro dont worry

>> No.25242827

3000 words or so according to my shishou Matt

>> No.25242856

i mean it's really easy to see what its means but i don't think I've ever heard it before

>> No.25242877

come on the discord and say that i dare you, we’d probably make fun of you for being a dekinai

>> No.25242900

wow aren't you cool

>> No.25242914

>join a tranny den
i'd rather not but you do you

>> No.25242970


>> No.25243039

is n5 content the next meme

>> No.25243064


its no meme

>> No.25243070

cant wait to get to japan and just chop it up with the seven eleven clerk and pretty much be at peak life experience

>> No.25243084


>> No.25243086
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>> No.25243142

>reading an ln
how very n5 of you

>> No.25243147

bro...like 90% them are brown

>> No.25243279
File: 196 KB, 1269x711, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

帝王切開 mined

>> No.25243308
File: 29 KB, 500x326, 1534570519943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white people 2020
>why do we hate ourselves
also white people 2020
>why would you like someone with brown skin

>> No.25243319

knew it

>> No.25243394

you've benefited from white privilege by being white adjacent. look it up, break your shackles. browns are your allies.

>> No.25243395


>> No.25243405
File: 110 KB, 593x521, 1581781983854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25243496

ultra cringe

>> No.25243527

well when i was 4 i told my mom i wanted to be a light-skinned person instead of a dark-skinned person because light-skinned people have everything and dark-skinned people have nothing

>> No.25243528

saw 2 kids (3-4yo) laughing at another black kid
they probably said something like this to each other

>> No.25243594

i always used wonder what colour black people would turn if they tanned

>> No.25243605

they would argue that the parents act in subtle or not so subtle ways to encourage racism from birth but it's falsifiable conspiracy theory

>> No.25243652

wow wish i was sekkusuing

>> No.25243656

people don't find brown women (maybe people) as attractive but likening their skin to poop makes no sense unless you learned from society

>> No.25243666

Opened up a random wikipedia article and understood everything


>> No.25243856

plus asians are beta no offense asian bros asian diaspora in the west are usually pretty chill but you have to admit the betaness that comes along with that

>> No.25243880
File: 15 KB, 64x334, dent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do people really use this?

>> No.25243881

well western men are fucking beta too
only chink men seem to stay alpha

>> No.25243952
File: 5 KB, 393x195, 完璧.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newfag reporting in

>> No.25243958


>> No.25244005

konosuba is pretty good.

>> No.25244035

wtf anime goddofaazaa is gonna pass me at this rate

>> No.25244137

ニッガー ニッガー ニッガー ニッガー ニッガー ニッガー ニッガー ニッガー ニッガー ニッガー ニッガー ニッガー ニッガー ニッガー ニッガー ニッガー ニッガー

>> No.25244162


>> No.25244166

u kinda slow bro

>> No.25244380

>learn kana
>read tae kim
halfway there
>do core3k
doing anoncore5k

And I'm failing already according to anons

>> No.25244446

that's in the august 1st q&a i'll post it in a bit

>> No.25244484

love agf but using linq = ngmi

>> No.25244528

wtf is linq
what does it do

>> No.25244543

i only know linqpad it's for programming.

>> No.25244584

its steve kaufmans website. it has texts and shit u can read with some ngmi functions

>> No.25244634
File: 694 KB, 890x577, 1568353970882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this so funny

>> No.25244671

im actually switching from anon5k to 3k, anon5k has more than vocab which is distracting to me

>> No.25244686

good choice

>> No.25244694

Found quiz lol

Almost four years of learning, can somewhat easily read anything that isn’t a novel and still sometimes get tripped on fricking 物語 of all words, lol

It’s ridiculous how occasionally I come across it and I’m like “the hell is a ぶつご?oh... -.-“

Anyone with similar experiences with words like that? Words that trick you into reading them in on-yomi when they are actually kun-yomi. It’s actually gotten a bit more frequent after starting Chinese as well, which was expected but damn..

>> No.25244705

i still dont know what onyomi and kunyomi is

>> No.25244740


>> No.25244745

>i immerse 8-10 hours per day including srs
>well just so you know in MIA terminology srs does not count as immersion
lost my shit here lmao

>> No.25244753

i know what they are but i'm not sure which one is which
tho if i had to guess id say onyomi is the chink reading

>> No.25244800

I just saw 腕毛 and read it as wanmou for a split second then thought that sounds off.

>> No.25244946

can't wait to see all the nukechans born from this lmao

>> No.25245069
File: 911 KB, 336x252, 1561816624065.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25245114


>> No.25245293

is the anime voice your head female or male

>> No.25245300


>> No.25245330



>> No.25245334

Who gives a fuck lol this is a japanese learning thread not your safe space. Does someone being racist make them worse at knowing/teaching japanese in the context of a 4chan thread? The dude makes money from normies, so he obviously is not going to admit to being racist

>> No.25245345

female always, but i immerse in only female content bc its easier

>> No.25245382

thats a bit mean and probably not true

>> No.25245386

heres your daily free anime bro

>> No.25245400

his point on arabic subtitles is interesting.

i live in austria and all the exchange students we've had over the years complained about having to learn high german but no one living here actually speaks that kind of german.
there's also no real resources at all to learn our dialect from so they were kinda fucked from the start.

This is for bavarian dialect but the difference is very similar since austrian is in the austro-bavarian language family.

>> No.25245404

What do anki reviews become after awhile of adding X new cards daily? Does it eventually taper off to a constant amount of reviews per day, or is my workload going to steadily keep increasing as I go through this deck?

>> No.25245417


>> No.25245457


>> No.25245464

yea it will keep increasing til you stop adding words and work through the bulk its a nightmare that tapers off only when you stop adding for a while

>> No.25245465

god this scene is so fucking good it almost makes me fucking cry bros. the way the theme creeps in, its just so good.

>> No.25245483

you would know

>> No.25245515




>> No.25245528

Oh nice. So it's logarithmic, that's not so bad. 25 per day does lead to quite a lot of reviews eventually but not an insane amount

>> No.25245578

literally already went over this

>> No.25245582


>> No.25245584



>> No.25245601

who cares the japanese term will not chage.

>> No.25245625

kimagure orange road is really easy

>> No.25245652

yeah better than any hxh scene

>> No.25245658

do you want somebody closed minded?
little tip: everybody is dumb and if you think anybody has all the answers youre the dumbest

>> No.25245668

got bored within 2 eps but the op is great

>> No.25245669

stfu dumbfuck

>> No.25245681


>> No.25245725
File: 39 KB, 412x319, image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25245754

im addicted to playing devils advocate to all arguments so when youre reasonable i really have nothing to say

>> No.25245756

so anon, when you are going to japan?

>> No.25245769

haha why would i want to go to japan haha

>> No.25245775

when i get my 100k inheritance monies

>> No.25245776

after uni I wanna be a jet

>> No.25245781

prolly never

>> No.25245790

when i make it or if i end up in the navy or something

>> No.25245791


>> No.25245860

i don't even want a gf

>> No.25245869

Japanese used it for "traps" or like You mean the original definition

>> No.25245898

whatever dude my dad works for japan

>> No.25245972

exactly, after that you just switch to a new girl

>> No.25245990

RIP quiz another victim of matt's treachery


>> No.25245991

maybe in 3 years or so. ideally ill get myself into a big multi-national and transfer to the japanese branch. by then i should be pretty good at japanese though im not sure that would matter much in this context. if that doesnt work i'll just do the dancing monkey thing for a bit.

>> No.25246000

exactly, if you always leave them at the peak you escape all f the bull shit, true bro tip

>> No.25246021

quiz is done it's fucking over now only jamal can possibly take on matt. ciaran can't because he's the long forgotten retired hero who's sick of it all living in isolation like luke in the new star wars trilogy

>> No.25246034

gf's in 2020 just try to stop your porn addiction anyways

>> No.25246081

jesus those bags under his eyes.. is he infected?

>> No.25246343

thats fucking sad

>> No.25246346


>> No.25246361

Could someone explain why it's harder to get a permanent residency card than it is to become naturalized in Japan?

>> No.25246364

i've lost almost 6lbs the past 2 days but i know ~70% of that is water

>> No.25246369



>> No.25246457


>> No.25246498

im a doctor and yes

>> No.25246593

>write it down
yea no what a fucking retard

>> No.25246647

> Loli girlfriend
I can watch that anime in my home and Japan consent age is high
If you want REAL DEAL Loli go to Middle East age fucking 9....then again 99.999 of you guys here won’t be attracted to it, you be only attracted to AN ANIME LOLI not a A REAL FLESH AND BLOOD LOLI
Becuase then that’s literally a kid and you feel disgusted and repulsed by it

>> No.25246692

Lol I wish a girl be there for me for anything..

>> No.25246783

oh thats cool, i just wanted someone to prove me wrong since i plan on leaving this shithole and becoming a jap citizen lol
cant wait to find a cool name in nip i will have jamal help me choose it if hes still alive by then

>> No.25246785

>In Japan the age of consent is low at 13, although some municipalities such as Tokyo prohibit sexual activity under 18 years old in most circumstances

>> No.25246825

>thinking 13 is Loli tier
>in current world, with hormones in all our products
That 13 year old “Loli” is just as developed as a 20 year old

>> No.25246828

>able to support yourself
iirc they have specific income requirements which seem pretty hard to meet, you need to earn at least 4 mil yen/year (bare minimum) which is above average

>> No.25246852

just get a job in IT or engineering

>> No.25246886

wut that sounds pretty low in american standards

>> No.25246893

>no need to reply if you dont know you ignorant reatrd lol
shut the fuck up idiot theres an entire board for this sort of shit now kys before i stomp you into another dimension

>> No.25246905

also thats pretty pathetic. wtf is 40k year really that much in japan? how does one live in tokyo like that
also income requirements seem retarded because 40k should be much easier to make in tokyo than in a town with 100k population for example

>> No.25246916

he will try and probably fail

>> No.25246920

that's your instinctive protective nature as a male to defend the female from mating with guys you don't like or approve of and having shit babies. makes sense

>> No.25246976

if i had to gues what it meant id say gossiping or tickling

>> No.25246982

you're looking at it from a very judgmental and subjective personal view whereas i'm merely describing the evolutionary context that makes him and most men care about who their family members get impregnated by.
>because i dont care about women simple as
hm interesting but it's hard to tell if this is the actual reason or if you're hiding behind language that 4chan would be more sympathetic toward but i'll take you at your word because i know you're a good guy who wouldn't do that

>> No.25246983

thinking about otaku culture

>> No.25246984

maybe you should. if your sister gets knocked up and her dead beat baby-father leaves she will be begging you for money

>> No.25247039

imagine not wanting a sex doll over 3d

>> No.25247043

while you guys argue about loli i'm doing 10 minutes of active immersion

>> No.25247048

not my problem
cool it with the armchair psychology bro. i just really never think about them
stop projecting incel

>> No.25247050

No the entire thing is a fantasy.
I realized that.
You however, trying to go to fucking Japan to fuck some 13 year old child and that’s sickening.

>> No.25247085


>> No.25247090

would be really awkward in customs.

>> No.25247094

imagine using sick as an insult

>> No.25247128

average jap income is around 4.14 mil yen per year, sorry I was mistaken
still, you need to be above that, which seems like it'd be harder for a foreigner
not everyone has such a background

>> No.25247135

How I sound sick? I am saying going to Japan to fuck a child is as sick as you can get.
Your LOLI only exist in anime, if you look outside of anime you looking for a fucking FLESH AND BLOOD CHILD TO FUCK
I just hope you realized

>> No.25247140

i figured you would but you have to understand most matt posting is ironic. i'm watching the videos but i'm not deeply invested in them

>> No.25247179

i know where youre from and im considering bringing the sledgehammer out

>> No.25247178

for having such an infamously tough work environment with long hours you'd expect japan to have a much higher gdp per capita tbqh

>> No.25247180
File: 332 KB, 1200x1200, DgCn2IcUYAIYDBp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25247184
File: 11 KB, 1136x836, learning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just doing my reps right now.

>> No.25247190

>enough money to support urself
there are specific income requirements which you can easily look up

>> No.25247197

You just need to not be black

>> No.25247217

rookie numbers

>> No.25247262

wtf moe

>> No.25247271

suck my dick

>> No.25247277

read this as bouzo

>> No.25247283

too much ching chong

>> No.25247287

post your sister panties

>> No.25247297
File: 67 KB, 960x540, 0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i stop posting anime screens and the thread goes to complete shit, as usual.
guess i'll have to rev the engine up again.

>> No.25247300
File: 70 KB, 741x289, yotsuba_crying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you do that?

>> No.25247324
File: 132 KB, 640x480, 105047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25247334


>> No.25247340

is this koisuru asteroido?

>> No.25247345


>> No.25247351

naw u part of the problem

>> No.25247362

What game is this?

>> No.25247364

no, still sunoharasou.
got one ep left.

>> No.25247370

bout to filter sister

>> No.25247376

it's no surprise
they mostly just sit there and try to look busy

>> No.25247420


>> No.25247596

you have issues

>> No.25247673

not that anon, but statistically speaking, the vast majority of adult men are attracted to girls that young

lolis are just a sugar-coated alternative to real-life that makes it more accessible and easier to suppress the cognitive dissonance between biology and social norms

god bless the japanese

>> No.25247683
File: 44 KB, 640x451, 640px-Boeing_707-340C,_JAT_-_Yugoslav_Airlines_AN1046903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i would like to work as a Jet
fuckin why? do you wanna have lots of people and cargo inside of you and getting taken across the ocean to be transported back and forth between different airports?

>> No.25247751


>> No.25247754

dude imagine having a turboengine burning diesel fuel inside of you

>> No.25247755

I remember how movies felt like in English when I was watching them at home for learning English (esl fag)

>> No.25247783

thank you
i have an esl friend who sounds really good and he got good watching stuff like pewdiepie

>> No.25247790

fuck... i cant find the fucking manga

>> No.25247795

I am middle eastern origin.
I am also well off.
Do you know how many fathers and mothers casually suggested me to marry their 9 or 10 year old daughter? And I could marry not one, but fucking 4!
I am from Jordan and those kids look anything but middle eastern.
Almost white.
And it’s sickening.
I still like anime lolis but I won’t try to imitate it in real life.

>> No.25247835

this is like saying someone got really good at japanese by watching raw anime and i now realize how dumb that sounds

>> No.25247856

marriage =/= attraction
they just want your money bro

>> No.25247889
File: 217 KB, 850x1133, __original_drawn_by_ericsakura__sample-4ab5a43ea752cd82647e1d3361ef8a09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur fuckin loss m8

>> No.25247900

? what side are you even on

>> No.25247912

Lol I fucking learned English from watching simpsons American dad and family guy.
Anyone who think it’s not possible to learn from anime is a moron who only know one language. Or is a person who learned 2 languages by living (like a Mexican living in United States)
Becuase if you ever tried to actively learn a language, you HAVE TO consume media.
I still remember how much of a struggle it was for me to read ONE FUCKING WORD of a comic book and then have to qucijly go to Babylon to translate.
I know the struggle and this Japanese learning make me remember it, but at least I have my English learning to back me up.
Oh and I learned my English before coming to us...I might actually learned and used mining methods On my own before knowing what mining is.

>> No.25247941

>Update: 3 months ago

>> No.25247954

I know!
I never got any attraction from females.
And remember the reason your grand grand grand dad got married was probably him having a land or a cow or something and your grand grand grand mother probably have been forced by his dad to marriage.
That was the norm anyway.

>> No.25247969

yea nah bro sorry to break it to you but you havent really learned english good try though

>> No.25247976

Hey I just started learning "nihongo" I'm thinking about following this guy matt he's really good. I'm even considering giving money to his patreon to get all that extra content. It could really help me out in my study. I can't wait to watch naruto

>> No.25248052

>textfugu or wanikani.
considering the fact that anime godfather and nukemarine are both miaers, i think maybe youre right on this occasion

>> No.25248064
File: 282 KB, 1920x1080, Ees9hzMWkAEm0Wz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25248071

im talking about the japanese video tho?

>> No.25248072

yeah so you learned how to understand the media youre consuming, not english
doesnt take a genius to figure that out

>> No.25248074

Lol top of my English class, wrote essay for people for cash and learned English form watching Simpsons and family guy and I learned to read from reading comic books

>> No.25248082

this newfag shitskin uppercaser is getting boring

>> No.25248093

What’s this game? Trying to collect as much as Japanese games as I can get
So I can have a. Good learning source available to me

>> No.25248103

There's too many shit games out there. Better just stick to what you're actually interested in.

>> No.25248109
File: 752 KB, 960x720, vlcsnap-2020-07-13-14h13m54s159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25248120

Lol that’s funny.
Because I can read medical books and history books and tons of other shit..
Good try though you really Making me happy, reminding me that I came from “ha?” To “ I will write you an essay for 100$”

>> No.25248142

being able to read comics and be at the top of an esl class means nothing, i don't get why you're getting so defensive

>> No.25248143

not that guy, learned english from watching scrubs, himym and similar series because i got tired of waiting for dubs.
and yeah i got the cambridge certificate.

have to say though just using the internet already teaches you english for free.

>> No.25248147

I am really new
I am looking for something he fully voiced, and something involves mundane everyday shit (like Simpson’s, like family guy)
I don’t want a vn about demons and robots, I want something involving day to day life
Any recommendation?

>> No.25248164

>When living in your target country for a limited period of time, how do you balance enjoying yourself in the moment and maximizing language gains?
not sure mr. benjo meshi is the right person to ask that question haha

>> No.25248168

jamal give us your opinion on jp hip hop do you think its unique or forward-thinking in any way?

>> No.25248169

>spend half the day doing passive immersion with audio ripped off anime (but also use netflix)
>use sentence cards, not vocabulary cards
>use tae kim, not based el dolly
>do pitch accent study and mirroring even if you don't give a fuck about that shit
>spend no less than 5 hours a day every day for 4 years on active immersion if you wanna get good
yeah, sure, "flexible"

>> No.25248180

Thanks bro-San
Not defensive.
All I am saying is that you can learn language by consuming media (simpsons) and reading bullshit(comics)
I am saying this to motivate people who trying to learn Japanese.
I am not trying to prove a point to you, but to give hope to people.

>> No.25248184


>> No.25248199

>never read or heard anything matt has said

>> No.25248239

ive read too much off teh matt
the more you read his opinions the less you can trust that anything he says is either reliable or worth following

>> No.25248300

whats it about (the podcast)

>> No.25248337

Thanks bro-San

>> No.25248374

will it still be enjoyable if i cant understand all of it lol though ive never tried listening to something like this so idk how it'll be maybe i'll give it a shot

>> No.25248399

fair point, but i was referring more to how marriage isn't a good indicator of whether the participants are actually attracted to each other (in either direction)

basically, the age people get married at isn't a good indicator of what ages people actually find attractive

>> No.25248400

>i've got a headache
yeah that happens to me as well when i go cold turkey

>> No.25248407


>> No.25248422

why are you doing no coffee?

>> No.25248432

>natively bilingual
And you think your experience is even valid.
Nigga I am only native in one fucking language and I learned the other 2 by consuming media.
Your method of learning was passive(no struggle)
Mine was a hell of a struggle And I can still remember it vividly.
Maybe that’s why I am more confidence in learning a new language.
Becuase I learned how to from experience.
You won’t understand if it’s your first language you ACTIVELY trying to learn

>> No.25248474

But the Point I was making was that some things can only be beautiful in fantasy(anime Loli) and if you want to make em a reality (Fucking a 9 year old kid) then that turns real dark and disgusting.
Beside...look up Stockholm syndrome.
All those young girls who marry 40+ year old develop it which is like love almost.

>> No.25248483

gotta applaud matto for keeping his pokerface

>> No.25248485

lol i literally learn english with videogames only (and this place)

>> No.25248493

i remember learning phrases i only knew in one language in the other really vividly though
also i actively got good at translating as accurately as possible

>> No.25248498

thats great and all but we only type in lowercase round these parts

>> No.25248501

i upped my intake every day until i drank too much.
really disliked that feeling.

>> No.25248521

some day...
i just want to know why they're so smug damnit

>> No.25248532

ffs this is a lowercase thread

>> No.25248554

Imagine Being So Cucked By Jam*l You Sperg Out Over How People Capitalize Their Posts

>> No.25248561

You guys understand.
Noted but wont give a fuck.
Not shit skin, from Jordan.
But don’t worry, you learn your first language soon enough..if you listen to the advice of this Jordanian nigga

>> No.25248562

who would have thought lol

>> No.25248564

stfu nerd

>> No.25248569

i forgot to bring a bunkobon to one of my final 高校 exams so i just ended up reading in the 大辞泉 in qolibri after finishing early
actually was pretty fun

>> No.25248580

Nights phone posting!!
I can’t help it!!

>> No.25248581

Absolutely Based
Also Really Based

>> No.25248586

>Not shit skin, from Jordan.

i know 3 languages btw

>> No.25248600

>do i need anki if i read the dictionary every day for a few hours

>> No.25248624

That’s good To know three languages...it helps

>> No.25248626


>> No.25248635

what regex sequence do i have to filter to get rid of this annoying esl

>> No.25248639

what are these guys even thinking lmao

>> No.25248640

Lol meant to be for lowercase fagtard

>> No.25248642


>> No.25248675

5 hours until it drops

>> No.25248689

you guys think i could read a VN at the end of this year? i start learning nihongo since 2019 sep

>> No.25248693

why arent you reading one right now

>> No.25248722

i think input+srs doesnt appeal to these people because it doesnt promise fast early gains

i wonder if its the optimal method if your goal isnt to actually learn the language as a whole but just attain working level proficiency in it

>> No.25248724
File: 116 KB, 960x540, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new anime here we go

>> No.25248725

i dont know kanji desu ;_;

>> No.25248726
File: 1.01 MB, 2069x1769, whatisrealityinaworldwithnogod v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25248728

Can you post the list here please? I try to google and only found Vietnam war and porn

>> No.25248734

n5 content isn't worth reading past your first 2 months anyway

>> No.25248744

Animecards look like a fine format, but doing a pre-made 3k deck before proper immersing seems boring as shit, might just dive straight into anime and make cards.

>> No.25248750

i'll immerse my dong up ur ass

>> No.25248753

do the rtk grind alongside learning vocab examples for each kanji reading it pays off a lot when you start consuming

>> No.25248759

yeah that's fine

>> No.25248809

proud n5 content consumer here stay mad

>> No.25248831

It’s just drain all your motivations if you want to learn.
But, think about this for a second.
Let’s say you reading a physics book or bio book or psych book and you get to new words, such as morphology or cytoplasm or hyperkalamia.
You got two methods:
Either read on and just go with it and solidify your understanding with reading more that issue (for example, learning about what cytoplasm is and what it does will solidify that word in your brain)
You can also just go to the end of chapter and memories all the keywords.
Now which one is easier and more interesting?

>> No.25248835


>> No.25248841

thats like being proud of wearing a diaper

>> No.25248869

Do you create cards for every conjugation/inflection or have you just memorised the rules?

>> No.25248906

im a proud diaperfur too no better feeling than reading a vinny with a big warm dump in your diapy

>> No.25248915

just read more lol

>> No.25248976

im a few years in and i still trip up over the two causatives and the passive forms

>> No.25249023

can we all agree on this?

n5: vinnies
n4: manga/anime
n3: news
n2: genre fiction
n1: literature

>> No.25249050

n6: rpg maker

>> No.25249054
File: 8 KB, 374x106, KulHQgcFrK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just read youtube comments

>> No.25249056


>> No.25249062

n7: djt

>> No.25249063

>n1:japanese translated american media

>> No.25249091

hanahira and flyable heart

>> No.25249092

who is this and why does he shit on my nigga calvin?

>> No.25249093


>> No.25249096

I create a card for every post here

>> No.25249098

If you have to quickly learn what’s the words are for ordering food and paying and getting change back.
Then ye dictionary will works
But only for short goals like this

>> No.25249111

yeah and other things work a lot better

>> No.25249148


>> No.25249263

if俺use漢字and 羅字like this it would be cool

>> No.25249290

one of the reasons im so opposed to learning from vns is that there is like this set collection of titles and a set order to playing them depending on your skill level and thats honestly a huge turn off, i want to read things i find interesting not some check games off a list and grind on them as a chore

>> No.25249302

you just invented this idea in your head you can read w/e the fuck you like lol

>> No.25249343

if you're high iq you just rush through rrtk with a retirement interval of 21 (anki's mature interval) then do the same thing for core3k and then watch as much jp subbed anime as you possibly can

>> No.25249354


>> No.25249360

i was watching eva with jsubs even before finishing rtk and also reading doujinshis every night

>> No.25249370

well to be fair english is much easier than japanese especially when your native language is an european language. and if you are a spic there is a lot of common vocabulary that english borrowed from french

>> No.25249383

you dont even know what youre talking about, you make your own mnemonics for everything after the first few hundred kanji in rtk

the goal isnt to learn vocab but to learn the common and fairly predictable readings associated with kanji by learning them in word context, of course youll have to read and find these words and more to acquire them in context but at least you can read

>> No.25249456

lemme tell you a secret about vns
they're all made for native japanese people and "skill levels" are vague classifications by retarded gaijins
as long as you don't play some shit with crazy sci-fi vocab or something that's known for purposely convoluted writing as your first ever piece of japanese media it doesn't really make a difference

>> No.25249467

oreimo tsuzuku has both but it's for psp so you can't texthook. pretty easy to emulate though

>> No.25249559

Yemen bro.
I am so fucking far away from European languages.
But I agree. Every fucking languages from India to Argentina (including Arabic Persian Hindi, etc)is based on alphabets that are based on INDIVIDAL SYMBOLS( a b c d e f g h I j k etc)
Japanese Korean and Chinese’s however, have symbols that are a COMBINATION of alphabet (ta ti tu te to etc)
That’s why it’s so hard compare to leaning Spanish.

>> No.25249577

>figure out the kanji you dont know
the fuck

>> No.25249583

shorter than crippling yourself and wasting time trying to wing kanji by exposure

>> No.25249584

now you can read saya no uta

>> No.25249593

you're more likely to cripple yourself by associating kanji with english words

>> No.25249600

does ciaran do some of the "ironic" eceleb worshiping?

>> No.25249605


>> No.25249610

heisig himself says as little as 4-6 weeks if you work full time on it

>> No.25249611

jump out of your n5 only uses 2000 kanji bubble bitch

>> No.25249647


>> No.25249657

whats the point of your post then idgi stop being obsessed with namefags

>> No.25249705

vndb for tags egs for reviews
simple as

>> No.25249733

nothing wrong with that if one individual actor can't change a thread.

>> No.25249739

No dude we use alphabet.
We have a b c d e f g h I j k all of it.
But instead of calling a, ayyy, we call it aleph(this is the same way jews spell in hebrew, Persians too)
And I forgot one more thing, the biggest difficulty in learning Far East language is this:
In English, you can understand(even if you don’t know what English symbols means) that each word is separated by space.
Same with Arabic hewbrew and Persian.
Japanese Korean and Chinese however, don’t offer you this luxury
And it’s not abjd, it’s p(which they spell as p) and words like bonjour(you now how a French spell it right? Arabs can’t say that, so they say it as if spelling jelly) won’t be used in Arabic, just like most English speaking people spell khan as kan, while any Arab Persian and usually Spanish can say khan easily.
It’s just how people learn to use their tongues to make sounds.

>> No.25249783

had 3 shots of vodka and a novalgin
lets fuckin gooooooooo

>> No.25249789

shut the fuck ub

>> No.25249903

how many marijuanas do you use per day pedro?

>> No.25249907

i like this dude

>> No.25249914

Indians cants say v correctly (they spell it as b)
Hell even I can’t vocolize the difference between v and w. Or d and th
I call work, vork and then den.

>> No.25249950

this thread has been so fucking bad whos going to save it

>> No.25249956

Glad you enjoy this language lesson.
We all are different but we all basically struggling the same against Japanese language.
It’s sooo fucking differnt from our understanding And experience with languages.

>> No.25249964


>> No.25249974

matt in 4 hours

>> No.25249982


>> No.25249990

new matt video today? hell yea

>> No.25250013

hype. the true savior of djt

>> No.25250015

jamal went to the store to get a pack of smokes he should be back any second now...

>> No.25250071
File: 74 KB, 515x819, 2020072100039_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is!

>> No.25250176

Some simps please!!! Go ahead and give her some money so she can do a fucking liposuction and cold fat removal.
She be a literal waifu.

>> No.25250185

thanks anon who recced this drama is pretty fun

>> No.25250230

I really really wish I could be able to understand what you said

>> No.25250254

means you like girls who are seen by most as ugly

>> No.25250256

i dont even remember how i learned english, prob reading stuff on the internet.

>> No.25250276

Maybe...I am incel after all(vol cell if you count Loli marrige offerings in Middle East)

>> No.25250290

wat da fuck

>> No.25250292

It’s crazy, right?
Like last night I was wondering while reading a book, about how the fuck I came from not understanding to reading this fast??!

>> No.25250419

dont care

>> No.25250420

rename it n5core

>> No.25250535

read it as bouzo

>> No.25250589
File: 1.02 MB, 1510x828, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking drama

>> No.25250598

I'm not very far into Core3k but it baffles me that "atomic energy" is in there, what the fuck is "core" about that

>> No.25250635

cuz it powers all of japan retard

>> No.25250664

japan doesnt use that much nuclear energy now tho

>> No.25250681
File: 70 KB, 764x727, __kotoha_akamatsu_yui_and_kise_sacchan_mitsuboshi_colors_drawn_by_ham_points__ac8a6aa7a87824ec693ffef3c1f2c488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im pretty sure colorsfags are pedos

>> No.25250693

mY FuckinG dopaMIne brO

>> No.25250714

that silencer trimmer command is fucking bad ass now you don't have to precisely time recordings for stuff like forvo

>> No.25250725
File: 68 KB, 627x999, __original_drawn_by_ham_points__7b779fe0ac0730e287806779d87ff642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about it?

>> No.25250740

based i never thought it'd be tough for someone to do this especially a programmer so it's about time someone did this

>> No.25250763


>> No.25250809

what if there is noise though?

>> No.25250812

>atomic power is a core word
Imagine a Regular conversation with Someone about atomic energy
Nigga i never had any conversation about oil or coal in English ever
The only way I actually learned about oil and coal and nuclear power was through playing age of nations and command and conquered when I was younger

>> No.25250814


>> No.25250845

>Hello sir can I a have a burger please?
>Yes of course
>Did you heard about the atomic energy?
>Yes yes it’s very powerful I heard

>> No.25250846

why dont you fgts upload it on mediafire. mega is always bitching about download limit. need to change ip and clear the cache fcking hate that site cant believe it used to be good

>> No.25250861

one of the first conversations i had in japanese was about ai taking over jobs
that guy was pretty cool think he was 50 something

>> No.25250862

faggots learning japanese for small talk should be permabanned gtfo retard

>> No.25250868

That’s what 3k cod assumes by putting ATOMIC POWER in its deck
As if it’s just a regular ass word to use in day to day conversation

>> No.25250878

the core decks are newspaper frequency list
they are good if you want to read nhk lol

>> No.25250885
File: 80 KB, 1391x864, firefox_ZGU0Bnklmn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea its as i thought. his post is a lie.

>> No.25250892

core doesn't mean conversational idiot it means words everyone learning the language should know

>> No.25250896

i can't read jp subs fast enough
and for that reason i prefer it raw

>> No.25250906


Fucking AI is more usual than atomic power.
I actually didn’t know what is AI, or what drone means..I learn them as I immersed more into it (because I enjoyed the topic not because I thought it’s necessary to make me a better English speaker)
I think that what we should look at when we learning Japanese or any other languages.

>> No.25250915


>> No.25250921

You moron.
I know for means core you idiot.
Again you don’t need to fucking know anything about ATOMIC POWER to talk to people.

>> No.25250943

learn to read before replying

>> No.25250948

lmao this retard doing core for conversation not realizing it's sourced from newspapers!!!

>> No.25250957


>> No.25250988

Again knowing atomic power in Japanese doesn’t mean shit

>> No.25251009

not him but yeah

>> No.25251015

thats irrelevant and its giving me a headache you cant figure that out

>> No.25251033

maybe, i think if it was supposed to be a pun i could have delivered it better

>> No.25251061

where do i get the vn frequency list guise

>> No.25251068

read and mine you lazy fuck

>> No.25251084

got drunk today too

>> No.25251085

thats not what i asked

>> No.25251090

i smoked a joint the other night and meditated and went on a spiritual journey to japan it was pretty lit

>> No.25251092

only 2800 cards left in my proper nouns deck lets goooo

>> No.25251130

yeah and

>> No.25251149

i never said i wanted to mine you dumbfuck
either give me what i asked for or dont @ me

>> No.25251152

so its just for visual novels? what if i just want to learn nihongo?

>> No.25251160
File: 102 KB, 500x379, touhoushougisen-003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking about learning shogi to help my japanese
any thoughts?

>> No.25251165

lol esl+room temp iq what a beast

>> No.25251184 [DELETED] 
File: 573 KB, 1877x1279, 20200805_120339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took about 8 shots today, 4 tall cans and 20+ hits of weed, and jerked off 4 times, im in my birthday week so i pretty much do this the whole time

>> No.25251211

dont care

>> No.25251213

based degenerate. are those bullets in the back?

>> No.25251218

why do people argue with esls lol actually why argue on here at all wtf

>> No.25251219

is there a sort of trick to knowing whether 人 is にん or じん other than just knowing the specific vocab?

>> No.25251221

probably.. had to shoot a chicken yesterday

>> No.25251230

i care

>> No.25251236

nice うまい棒

>> No.25251237

i already found it you cunt
and im gonna spoonfeed anyone else who needs it just to spite you
yea i might mine that just to piss u off even more

>> No.25251244

184 fuck off you worthless druggie. my god you fucks are so obnoxious

>> No.25251251

you just have to know. theres a lot where both are possible and it means different things like 詩人 死人 or 老人 浪人

>> No.25251276

von braun
von neumann
just named some esls for you

>> No.25251277

u mad

>> No.25251278


>> No.25251279

lol brutal

>> No.25251315

same kinda wish i could quit but i would be isolated from humanity entirely then

>> No.25251320

i'd break your fucking switch in half you piece of shit druggie

>> No.25251329

Fate is the right word
Then you know that
A)learning through media is possible
B)words such as atomic power or giant or shit like this are not needed to be in a core deck..these words are about interest and you can pick them up if you want to have conversation with like minded people

>> No.25251347

how does weed help you acquire japanese?

>> No.25251349

you obviously used esl as derogatory you unscrupulous anglo rat

>> No.25251380

it is supposed to be derogatory
there is no excuse for being an esl in this day and age

>> No.25251381

it doesnt really but i zoned out a few times and watched like 20 episodes in a row

>> No.25251387

wasnt even me who made the post originally but its clear that esl was implying he'd be hard to communicate with + the low iq makes him a formidable online opponent. not derogatory.

>> No.25251425

for some people it helps them focus, but overall I imagine it's a net negative.

>> No.25251451

i doubt you actually learned aanything, its like trying to acquire japanese while drunk

>> No.25251470


>> No.25251485

isnt wareya the warosu admin

>> No.25251494


>> No.25251495

i believe you can acquire even better as long as youre not too drunk or too high, in fact the stimulation can enhance it. but yea if youre like black out drunk or super high then youre just doing brain damage so its a fine line

>> No.25251498
File: 699 KB, 1024x576, アザナエル-001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is my introduction to visual novels
i don't know why anyone would recommend this to a beginner

>> No.25251511

alright i know less than 2k words but im gonna read my first vn in japanese tonight wish me luck

>> No.25251518

Lmao what is that title?
I gonna buy it tonight I swear

>> No.25251519

quizmaster never admits that anything he has ever done could be improved upon

>> No.25251529

>i'm sure he'd see it as an improvement on the current core3k
you don't know quizling's personality very well it appears
he won't see it as an improvement cuz it's not made by him

>> No.25251531

gambatte ive tried like 5 vn's and give up halfway through or after i fuck a few girls

>> No.25251552

it's literally his cards but in a different order
the only thing really different is removing the newspaper specific cards, but i'm pretty sure he'd agree with doing that

>> No.25251561

is there any ocr program that will scan a whole folder for all the words and print them to a text file? does nezuyomi does that?

>> No.25251563

>it's literally his cards but in a different order
yes and he'll say his order is perfect lol

>> No.25251570

What was the reason for you to give up?
Was it being too pornographic for your taste?
Was it too hard to comprehend?
Or was it just too boring and involved bullshit words and phrases you don’t need?

>> No.25251574

there is no context
it just happens
it's called アザナエル

i saw it recommended at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KnyyDt7jimEz-dgeMSKymRaT2r3QKBPm9AzqZ6oUWAs/pub

too scared to try any of the others

>> No.25251589

nah pissmasters going to go into an empathetic rage and shit some nuggets of justice on that deck cuz its obviously not the superior method

>> No.25251593

>those titles
Ye I be scared too of a “fbi open up!”
>there is no context it just happen
A true japanese hentai

>> No.25251597

too boring.. i feel bad though because i should like them but id usually rather just watch anime or read manga for some reason

>> No.25251601

i heard hanahira is fckin boring so im gonna try this one youre reading too
how many words do you know? are you texthooking it?

>> No.25251613


>> No.25251620

have you read any visual novel in english before? i dont like eroge because i rather fap to doujins or h manga but some plot driven ones are pretty good

>> No.25251627

30 episodes of one piece a day? this miaer is smoking moe

>> No.25251633

i know around 4-5k words and it's not so hard
no texthooking because i'm not a pussy

>> No.25251670

one piece episodes are only like 14 mins long when you cut out the intro/end after the first few series

>> No.25251674

im n5 and i can read that

>> No.25251729

that's 10 hours of one piece every day lol
literal brain damage

>> No.25251740

i know but he'll say that he chose to keep it like that for very good reasons and changing it is retarded

>> No.25251765

i get noticably worse at speaking japanese the day after smoking and a bit slower for reading
it goes away the day after that though

>> No.25251766

is that a reddit post you're quoting?

>> No.25251780

jamal did you stream earlier today??

>> No.25251817

your king

>> No.25251822

i swear i will never look at junior idol pictures again please dont arrest me
i know its wrong so here it is: my pledge to you guys
i swear

>> No.25251826

love me some 90s web ascetic

>> No.25251829

dude ur pretty funny i give u the cool guy pass

>> No.25251835

I don’t fucking care about any celebrity or authority of any type in any caliber.

>> No.25251836

I found out about this "jamal" on a thread on /v/ and I had to come see for myself. is it true? this guy really posts for hours and hours on end for many years now?

>> No.25251841 [DELETED] 

ive looked at worse stuff on onion

>> No.25251844

jamal, 自己紹介を

>> No.25251870

pedo scumbags wish i could burn you alive

>> No.25251874


>> No.25251880

I don’t get it.
I saw the clips that you guys post, but I never listen to them.
There several of them.
The jihadi one, the smug one, the black one
Is Jamal the black one?

>> No.25251881

you made this culture it's all your fault

>> No.25251891

ive looked at worse stuff on onion
for example pictures of ur naked mum

>> No.25251904
File: 468 KB, 1536x2048, EexU2sfXoAQRE93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love immersing out in the open air

>> No.25251906

thanks dude i hope u remember i gotta assrim my boss tomorrow pls do it on saturday ill send my wifes semen as thank u

>> No.25251934

lmao is this the same guy that was on the beach wtf is his problem

>> No.25251946

need thumb sample

>> No.25251973
File: 555 KB, 967x524, キャプチャ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets watch 虎ノ門ニュース live!

>> No.25251983


>> No.25251984

he bought it

>> No.25251989

i trust ur judgement cumlord ja

>> No.25251992

nyaa has digital raws and recolored digital raws for all of the vols up to like 70-80

>> No.25252014

from where? i've bought digital manga on amazon.jp before and they were very low quality scans

>> No.25252017

poor guy cant just enjoy manga anymore

>> No.25252029

lightyears ahead of quiz now....

>> No.25252046

quizslur clenching

>> No.25252057

best vn ever recommended in here

>> No.25252071

funny that theyre talking about nuclear energy now (from the sun anyway) considering the earlier posts

>> No.25252074

dont like this guy but he is right

>> No.25252087

yea im thinkin quiz lost

>> No.25252088

actually learned quite a lot about the earth just now lmao

>> No.25252095

huh... damn... it's almost like a core deck made from a news corpus is useful for.... THE NEWS! jfc retard

>> No.25252104

one piece sucks ass

>> No.25252129


>> No.25252163

its mediocre as fuck and filled with annoying characters

>> No.25252200

is the bgm good at least
i can tolerate a mediocre vn as long as it has good jams

>> No.25252205

bros i know some of u just want a cute japanese gf....
but i just wanna be a japanese fisherman

>> No.25252219

there were some alright tracks but nothing memorable

>> No.25252275

>mnemonics for the kana
die painfully dekinai

>> No.25252296

dude youre insufferable

>> No.25252322

I learned both hiragana and katakana in 5 days and that was me being super lazy.

>> No.25252325

yea he is and youre fucking gay so stfu

>> No.25252363

axanael was alright for the first half but then hearing the characters repeat the same bullshit constantly just got annoying if i ever saw that 事件 bitch irl id slap the shit out of her

>> No.25252365

the tofugu ones are much better

>> No.25252379

old man taste yuck

>> No.25252386

Yep 100% this

>> No.25252409

good, because the katakana one is too big to post directly anyway

>> No.25252431

fuck you bitch you have no taste

>> No.25252435

once you get the the point where you can understand nearly everything in kids shows like ccs and sailor moon how far that is from being able to understand nearly everything in the same way with normal anime. in the realm of media made for natives, i can't imagine there's that much variability.

>> No.25252462

unlike you i dont seek approval from the writers neither feel represented by fictional characters so those epic references just feel like a cheap attempt at keeping me interested
the opposite happens because i know if the work was good they wouldnt resort to this

>> No.25252466


>> No.25252495

explain this shit retard

>> No.25252507

I'm already 1.4k into the 3k deck, is there a way to only do the rest of this deck keeping the cards that I have already learned?

>> No.25252567

i think his point against 共産主義 was pretty fair

>> No.25252619

idk im at that same point too and am hoping it'll take another two years max. assuming u are talking about raw.

>> No.25252740

i have to wake up early tomorrow but im used to sleeping at 4am
what do i do

>> No.25252751

how the fuck are you measuring difficulty then

>> No.25252778

the difficulty rank of the ~200 anime

>> No.25252785

not really because if you want to start talking about death statistics then capitalism loses out.

>> No.25252870

kys dumb bitch

>> No.25252896

glad as hell that i use werk mode for this thread
scrolling up i read something that implied some nasty mofo posted some nasty pics

>> No.25252962

yeah you wasted your time making that dumb useless shit wareya you should get a fuckin hobby or learn japanese

>> No.25252974

It’s ok people usually not come from a math back ground

>> No.25253015

>it just seems like both systems suck really bad
that might be true but the point is that people use certain examples of specific countries to suggest something fundamental about an ideology when the ideology itself isn't what caused the deaths or whatever. just because pol pot decided to kill all the smart people in cambodia or mao decided to kill off all the sparrows causing a gigantic famine doesn't say anything about the system itself. it's disingenuous because nobody says "oh king leopold killed 10 million belgians in the congo because of capitalism" they just say he was a crazy genocidal guy. so it's not really a good point he was making.

>> No.25253019

most of the difficulty is from left to right
the x-axis is logarithmic

>> No.25253020

does japanese dragon ball kai have the original dbz soundtrack? i know that the american dbkai version doesnt

>> No.25253073

holy fuck this guy is annoying

>> No.25253113




>> No.25253114

>uhhh there's little girls in it so it can't have much vocab xDDD

mother fucker look up what "rank" means

>> No.25253116

dbz kai eng dub doesn't use bruce faulconer's music and neither does the japanese version. fucktard

>> No.25253120

I don’t see Boku no pico anywhere.
And they hardly made any words
Maybe 100 new words in total.

>> No.25253206

>>uhhh there's little girls in it so it can't have much vocab xDDD
what are you talking about idiot i never said that, i watched all the shows i listed so i am able to contrast their difficulty. god i fucking hate this place sometimes.

>> No.25253222

your subjective interpretation isnt actually a good measurement of difficulty lol

>> No.25253278


>> No.25253284

are you retards actually claiming what i said here is wrong >>25252815

i can't even lol im out

>> No.25253314

where is the new matt video bros
you said he would release a video in 4 hours...

>> No.25253318

ive watched all those and they were all the same difficulty to me

>> No.25253333

pay him more

>> No.25253337

yeah cause u didnt understand anything in any of them lmfao

>> No.25253342

you pitbulls need to be put back on a leash

>> No.25253364

what even is your "claim"? that you personally found them different difficulty? no one is arguing that. but if you can actually post some evidence of WHY they should be placed differently then do so otherwise stfu

>> No.25253376

matts in a private discord with his most loyal patreons making fun of you right now

>> No.25253379

what did you ask him anyway
just post it here

>> No.25253384

theyre all n5 shows
end of story

>> No.25253393

its obvious to anyone with a brain that bakemonogatari is much harder than gochiusa and violet evergarden now shut the fuck up already youre giving me brain cancer with your retardation

>> No.25253400

so you accept that there's a reason why the chart might not match up with your expectations yet still complain about it. strange behavior.

>> No.25253421

i actually kinda agree this time

>> No.25253483
File: 894 KB, 2205x1567, firefox_2020-08-06_20-33-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I posted. About 8 hours later I followed up with this (couldn't fit it in the screenshot)

>I went ahead and decided to play around with this concept tonight. I think the theory is a lot more appealing than the reality... Between the hassle of morphman and the lower quality of subs2srs I can't say I'd recommend it to most people. I might still fiddle with it some more and see if it's worth making a video but I doubt it's something you would want to put forward with the MIA stamp especially given how you're moving away from morphman. Next time I have an idea like this, I'll work on it myself before putting it forward. I kinda got caught up in the moment and felt pretty excited about this. I know you're busy and have a lot of correspondence each day so I apologize.

>> No.25253496

lmfao its this guy

>> No.25253518

lmao that's my vid

>> No.25253521


>> No.25253535
File: 190 KB, 640x446, animecards.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25253536

i need some beginner vns like hanahira

>> No.25253589

I still might make a video on this idea and was hoping to credit you for your contribution

>> No.25253590

reminder that if you're not spending 4 hours a day making anime cards you're ngmi

>> No.25253591
File: 357 KB, 2069x969, 1581856212563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25253594

Exactly you are correct.
Number of words doesn’t equal difficult.
That’s why I said moving toward x doesn’t necessarily means going toward y as well.
But maybe the anime he posted on that chart where the ones that use difficult words and increase the amount.
That’s why at the end we get to high complexity high difficulty anime.

>> No.25253602

tl;dr but why would matt read paragraphs of nonsense from some goober if he's so sick of answering questions that he relegates them to bi-monthly q&as?

>> No.25253606

lmfao what's ur issue holy shit

>> No.25253612

credit the kaiser of fail and aids

>> No.25253629

what's the blacked out part in brackets about qm tho

>> No.25253641

you have to enjoy immersing in the material. japanese has fun lowbrow shit. the only stuff you'd want to consume in german or french are the high classics that you can only read after fluency

>> No.25253649

interacting with my nephews makes me realize that this "learning like a child" shit is a fraud. when they don't understand a word, we explain it to them in a simple manner. we are always there to simplify shit

u can't do that with videos. there's no interaction

>> No.25253650
File: 81 KB, 2205x1567, whenwillyoulearn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*sounds the quizmaster defense force alarm*

>> No.25253691

2 min of pain he'd rather not have after years of being asked stupid questions

>> No.25253710


>> No.25253717

lmfao why was this blacked out. good work though

>> No.25253720
File: 30 KB, 750x573, mammamia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I've been found out

>> No.25253733

mia is a cult youre being fooled
youre no better than the genkibois

>> No.25253749
File: 660 KB, 690x561, jamals stream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25253752


>> No.25253785
File: 319 KB, 930x1089, firefox_2020-08-06_20-51-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over bros... I did it. Thanks for the support.

>> No.25253799
File: 53 KB, 486x377, 1570962778703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i'm understanding the graph properly, the only possible use it could have is seeing how low/higher confidence your estimate would be when predicting a show's vocabulary difficultly, if you were using vocabulary size of yourself and the show, based only off of how far it lies off the predicted linear relationship. it's essentially useless.

>> No.25253802


>> No.25253819

are those 2 images matt's nudes?

>> No.25253831

>it's essentially useless.
not completely, i literally explained what it means immediately after posting it here >>25252733

>> No.25253864

wotd 十三階段

>> No.25253874

n6 kanji n1 word very impressed

>> No.25253884
File: 51 KB, 433x469, 1584199430003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please read >>25253042 and then reread my post. the "difficulty" measurement is stupid because a wide breadth of vocab doesn't result in in increased difficulty if all of these are common words everyone knows. a show that uses all of and only the top 3,000 most common words is far easier than a show that uses 1,500 words that are all 20,000+ frequency. if i'm understanding anon's post correctly, he's saying y axis is determined by the amount of words within that show, but the only relation to actual rarity of words would be shown in the linear relationship. hence my post.

>> No.25253895

thats pretty cool do you think the average japanese person knows this?
reminds me of dancer in the dark
was a bit too obsessed with bjork for a while

>> No.25253900

what the fuck

>> No.25253911

how'd you find this shit bro

>> No.25253944
File: 144 KB, 1024x606, 1576734090726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25253946

I have 8 hours at work at the front desk. I can't get on anything other than my phone. Only know Kana and basic shit. What anki deck should I go through to pass the time.

>> No.25253947

download it with youtube-dl and reupload it

>> No.25253950

see you completely fucked up because you added that pic now i cant concentrate on ur post can only think of raping you

>> No.25253953

see >>25250391

>> No.25253955


>> No.25253965

Now I am esl fag so I may have experience with this.
For me being a guy who learned English through reading and watching media there is a difference between shows and magazines:
For example, reading X-men with all technical sci-fi stuff could have been overwhelming, but reading tin tin was not. They both employ variety of words but to tin is a bit more day to day than X-men.
In case of watching something, I would rather watch the simpsons than a techincal show like dr.house or dexter or even bones.
Again same thing, both use variety of words, but the Simpson words are usual stuff, meanwhile half of dr.house is medical terms and super difficult (used to be, now it’s fun to watch and wonder about how the fuck I can understand this fast pacing shit)
I hope everyone understand what I am trying to say here.

>> No.25253968

you're an idiot. i clearly expressed awareness of that in both of my posts. my whole point was saying that the graph is only worthwhile in allowing you to see how much a show would follow an expected trend, but the actual y axis only indicates true difficulty due to it's limited ability to predict x. hence the graph is nearly worthless. right now, you're coming off as a brainlet; figure your shit out bro.

>> No.25253992

i agree a plot where the quantites on the two axis are not independent is useless

can you suck my dick now tho

>> No.25253993

deja vu

>> No.25254001

I really lucked out on this thread. Thanks

>> No.25254007

the entire graph is measuring difficulty in relation to vocab. if you consider your post pertinent, you just weren't even following along from the beginning.

>> No.25254009

It’s easy for you as a English speaker and is easy for me now that I am fluent.
But as a person who trying to learn it can be fucking overwhelming.
Trust me on this.

>> No.25254016

wow you guys ramble on and on and on stfu youre all retards

>> No.25254021
File: 710 KB, 1150x1600, InvZ10_063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop reading shonen manga.

>> No.25254024

yeah man i get it, and i'm sure House would rank very high compared to Cheers using this same language analysis graph so that is proof it works

see above, esl-kun

>> No.25254026

i've experienced some listening problems as an esl recently which hurt my pride. i was watching greyhound and couldn't hear the technical words so i had to put on the subtitles (i could understand all written words but i couldn't hear them without the subs)
i started without subs and i was doing fine but got fucked in the ass when he started talking technical

>> No.25254028

agreed haha

>> No.25254030

wtf is this n5 shit

>> No.25254033

its crippling because its a crutch that stops you from learning the reading

>> No.25254037

if house used a small set of technical vocab, it would be placed low y high x. you have no idea what you're talking about. obviously you weren't going to figure out my argument.

>> No.25254042

no its the opposite it teaches you the correct reading

>> No.25254056

It’s Becuase I experienced it.
That’s why whenever I see threads like this I go up and down asking for people to recommend vNs and anime about day to day bullshit and hassle of living and don’t give me any recommendations involving mystery sci fi or demons.
I mean look at the movie supernatural.
Take off the part when two brothers just talking....what else you have? You learn demon worlds, sacrifices and a bunch of lore.
Literally bad for a esl learner.
It’s fun to watch, because I like mystery and sci-fi but I wouldn’t have watched it Because I see it as a show which worth learning from.
When my Japanese become good I can indulge myself in sci fi and mystery vNs and anime.
For now, I stick with normal day to day shit.

>> No.25254057

>if house used a small set of technical vocab, it would be placed low y high x
uhhh.... okay so not only are you esl but you can't even read a basic graph? there is a linear relationship between x and y axis. if a show A has a higher y-value than show B then show A *always* has a higher x-value than B too

>> No.25254061

yeah right
the brain is lazy if it can see the furigana itll just read that and ignore the kanji
ur a bum

>> No.25254066


>> No.25254067

if you've seen the same kanji and furigana pair a million times you'll learn how to read without it. this is how japanese kids learn to read by reading manga lol

>> No.25254073

don't care about this discussion but i was just thinking if i watched house and someone mentioned achlorhydria i would probably just be like haha funny medical word but in japanese i would look it up

>> No.25254081

You esls need to know your place

>> No.25254083

lol this

>> No.25254088

Thinking that being esl is bad.
Fucking dumbass.
I am from a different language, became interested in your language, conquered it so I can enjoy your wealth(read the best financial books) your entertainments and your luxuries.
Make fun of us as much as you want, but it doesn’t change the fact that I wanted something and I TOOK it.

>> No.25254089

you probably wouldnt have to look it up because japanese medical terms are very opaque

>> No.25254092

good summary of quiz autism
not only that, but quiztards will *mine* the word
and then they will see it multiple times in anki
and their brain will be tricked into thinking this is a normal word you see a lot and should know
then by that point you've 勝手に killed yourself

>> No.25254096

i do, it's above yours. you can't imagine how much i despise the monolingual scum

>> No.25254103


>> No.25254104

present day
present time

>> No.25254105

yea thats the super dumb way of learning idk why anyone would waste time preferring a mindnumbing level of exposure over a short but mindful study

>> No.25254109

>if a show A has a higher y-value than show B then show A *always* has a higher x-value than B too
what the fuck bro. you've literally never learned statistics in your life. the graph itself even reports a higher error range. but even if it had a perfect relationship, that wouldn't contradict my argument. that isn't my point all. i'm fucking done here. you have to high out of your mind or something right now.

>> No.25254127

we aren't talking about >>25252478 we're talking about >>25252697
jfc ur slow

>> No.25254141

barely understandable lol worse accent than quizslur lmfao

>> No.25254167

Ye sure.
I guess going to school to learn computer programming is a disability, or learning how to cook is bad.
Guess you learning Japanese make you disable as well

>> No.25254172

if hes so smart how come he never heard of a comb

>> No.25254174

yea except then you can focus on acquiring the context/sentence structure/anything else thats actually useful with your input exposure instead of wasting time struggling to decipher inane shit like katteni

>> No.25254187

i would say that the guy who keeps talking shit about people who have mastered a second language is the one with a inferiority complex because he can't cope with the fact that he will never be as good as the esls that he so despises.

>> No.25254189

- change the system locale to Japanese (duh)
- mount the disc image. if you have an .mdf instead of an .iso, you can just rename it to an .iso
- run axlsetup.exe as an administrator and install
- update to version 1.10
- install the activation patch (if you hate the industry and want it to die)

you might also have to manually run the .exe from the install folder if the shortcut created by the installer doesn't work (mine did not for some reason)

>> No.25254201

yeah thats why you read manga with furigana so you dont have to lol you just pick it up the readings naturally while reading

>> No.25254202

that graph is expressing the same thing bro

>> No.25254208

but there isnt a single esl in this thread who has even come close to "mastering" english

>> No.25254209

why would i be jealous of a man in a wheelchair just cause he can go down the sidewalk (kinda) like me?

i'll never be very good in japanese, if i ever used japanese for a job it would be because i also know english

it's not, it's only showing relative difficulty along a single axis

>> No.25254210

ooh i didnt know i had to mount the .mdf file and install from there
fucking cunts could have at least included a readme

>> No.25254218

Thank god other people (who are smart) weren’t so judgmental and actually read his work and listened.

>> No.25254221


>> No.25254255

don't think so

>> No.25254257


>> No.25254259

Really? Doubt it.
Since I used to write essay for native English speaker in exchange for money.

>> No.25254260

im getting better from urusei yatsura though
granted its an old anime and therefore harder than pretty much every out these days

>> No.25254263

not u lol

>> No.25254270

this has to be a troll

>> No.25254271


>> No.25254299
File: 10 KB, 516x201, eng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25254301

so youre admitting to being a swindler gotcha
there are so many mistakes in your post its not even funny grow some self awareness cringefalafel

>> No.25254313

might try learning japanese again

>> No.25254314

Go look it up
Intentional drop
But that money is very good and that’s my point. You never ever gonna master a language completely but through hard work and being determined you can tackle anything.
Again I learned your language, and I am making more money becuase of it.
You could also CAN make more money by learning mine, but are you even capable of it?

>> No.25254324

this is comedy gold

>> No.25254326

It’s ok bro.
I got enough money from English speakers with mush brains...and ye my grammer is TERRIBLE..but guess what? I learned English from simpsons!
And I marking money with it lmao

>> No.25254327

i'm an esl but the dude saying that he got paid to write essays sucks lol

>> No.25254329


>> No.25254330

anyway bro havent you got some japanese to learn

>> No.25254333

The amount of “natives” seething is just incredible to me

>> No.25254338

i can tell your a pajeet

>> No.25254341

Ye bro but this is more entertaining.
Beside them
I didn’t receive good amount of vNs yet.

>> No.25254349
File: 31 KB, 486x138, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was able to answer most of it without even looking at the possible choices

>> No.25254356
File: 12 KB, 575x287, natives btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25254359

No, from Middle East, jordan.
But you won’t know if you see me.

>> No.25254360

you gonna start from nothing just reading vns?

>> No.25254363

esls cheating
not surprised

>> No.25254372

Reminder that Japanese is a broken unfixable language that the nips tried to steal from the chinks but they did that so badly that they fucked up the pronunciation of the vast majority of words and they even had to come up with "syllabaries" to even read their own shit.The fact that the Japanese language uses something as stupid as kana means that the japanese never understood that the purpose of kanji/hanzi was exactly to prevent that kind of thing from ever happening.

The Japanese should just give up and learn chinese. Prove me wrong.

>> No.25254374

my english is better than my native language

>> No.25254376

seething at what? some towelhead scamming trinkets out of retards for writing dogshit "essays"? keep thumping that chest and howling at the wind it perfectly suits clowns like you

>> No.25254382
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native and this is the only one i got wrong but i didn't actually see the "highly" option so that's my excuse. i felt some questions had multiple plausible answers which while not the most natural would still be considered natural or wouldn't register as a mistake to most people.

>> No.25254385

why are all japanese learners so arrogant?

matt, quiz, jamal, dolly...

to them, only their method is the correct one and all other methods are shit

youre a bunch of pussies, fuck you
i know a guy that speaks french, german, portuguese, italian and english and hes one of the kindest people ive had the pleasure of meeting
im afraid that if he learns japanese hes gonna turn into an asshole

fuck this language and fuck ecelebs

>> No.25254396

Ooof it’s juicy brother.
I came from not understanding shit, to being able to come to a website and rant with native speaker about shit that we all gonna forget in 1 hour and move on.
It’s so incredible.

>> No.25254397

bet that guy sucks at all of those languages like most """polyglots""" do

>> No.25254400
File: 378 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200806-214522_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I botched some. Is this really the correct form? Even simply "explain" sounds more natural.

But yea


>> No.25254404

I already took down hiragana and katakana and started with Anki today.
But I tend to get bored really quick, vNs give me something to look up whenever I get bored of mundane Anki.

>> No.25254416


>> No.25254417

Lol I am looking back and I see my errors.
It hilarious
You could can

>> No.25254426

that's the only one where i had to think for a second but then i read the sentence again and explained just felt right to me

>> No.25254434

Well if you do literally nothing but learning a language for like 10 years of course you will get good at it it would be impressive if that wasn't the case at least he found the way to use his knowledge to scam people.

His pronunciation is absolute dogshit and a real jap would laugh at him.

I always found his/her videos absolutely boring and sketchy "Look at this secret method that makes japanese 1000% easier"

>> No.25254435

in my opinion if youre still talking about methods that just means you havent made it
cope -anon

>> No.25254440

it's fucking happening it's fucking happening it's fucking happening

>> No.25254447

im native and thats the only that tripped me up
feel like its more of a british way of talking

>> No.25254455

where is the jamal stream?

>> No.25254493

maybe because japanese isn't that useful so most people learning it aren't as social compared to people learning more widespread languages and feel like one of the "elites"

>> No.25254495

>I botched some
sounds unnatural

>> No.25254531

would rather listen to someone who scored 20/25 on that test but has a good accent than someone who scored 25/25 but has a heavy accent.

>> No.25254538

qm bros...

>> No.25254543

Ye and i am esl fag and had no issue with this.
Specially at this “highly”
I heard this many times in movies and cartoon before.

>> No.25254552
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I dropped the ball hard at this one,and I considered this to be one of the "easy" ones.

The one about the plane and the belt was pretty brutal ngl.

>> No.25254557

are you an esl

>> No.25254571


>> No.25254576

the fuck dude
did you even do the core
im certain theres the unseaten verb there

>> No.25254581

you should seriously consider to stop posting here if you lost more than a point or two

>> No.25254588

how is the plane one hard
>fasten your seatbelt

>> No.25254600

Lol I never learned this word on my own.
Didn’t even care.
I literally learned it as I was flying to my basic training location

>> No.25254609

chinese sounds ugly

>> No.25254637

Chinese is fucking ugly.
I mean have you ever watched their Chinese “anime”?
It was most emotionless, robotic piece of junk I ever seen.

>> No.25254653

Can you post links to their YouTube?
Couldn’t find quiz
I like to know about these “idols” of Japanese learning

>> No.25254657

one good thing that came out of learning kanji for me is that i can also look up chink porn now and tbqh its not bad

>> No.25254663

so whats the point of hanzi

>> No.25254676

lol trust me you dont want to hear that muttslur falafel bro

>> No.25254677

I don't really post videos on Youtube bro I'm just a poster here

>> No.25254681

watching 12國記 is giving me some strong flashbacks of atla.

>> No.25254698

being relics of chinese cultural pre-eminence in east asia

>> No.25254707

I'm 700 into the 3K core and I have yet to see it,or maybe I forgot who knows?

I have seen the word "(un)fasten" like 2 times at most,I know what it means but the sentence made me feel uneasy,I got it right at the end though.

Still feel bad, "to eating" ruined my perfect score,Imagine failing JLPT because of 食べられる

>> No.25254710

actually i thought about this my pronunciation is dog shit poster and it's factually wrong lol it's not great because i never worked on it but i get most pitch accents intuitively and generally pronounce things fine, i wager there were some fuck ups in the stream due to nerves and being tired but it was fine

>> No.25254711

what do you think of this bro >>25250391

>> No.25254719

cringe wince

>> No.25254727

>i get most pitch accents intuitively and generally pronounce things fine

someone will tell him the truth or not?

>> No.25254729

They dont even speak English in England

Does anyone have the nip dub to that?
Bane's voice actor is in it.

>> No.25254733

bet theres gonna be one fag who will use it and complain about not being fluent after finishing running through it

>> No.25254734

lol hows that italki going pissy mary

>> No.25254738

You acting like I am here steeling your money and destroying your nation or something.
Look, I don’t know what you think about me.
But I am not trying to steal “white” girls here, I rather stick to my own but I am incel.
Beside the money I make is off dumb people and government and it’s Becuase of my service to them.
Plus, we are here for a common goal of learning Japanese which is hard to both Arabic and English native speaker
Becuase it won’t separate the words from each other with a space which is come on in all other languages

>> No.25254740

idrc to download it cuz i'm kind of sick of core decks if he says it's better it might just be but really it doesn't matter what core deck you do as long as you do it quickly and move on to mining so feel free to do that one if you are a beginner who cares

>> No.25254753

didn't sign up yet it's just something i thought of anyway to get some conversational practice but i probably won't actually until i have some financial secruity

>> No.25254754


>> No.25254768

>it doesn't matter what core deck you do as long as you do it quickly and move on to mining
yea thats a w for quiz

>> No.25254770

dubs decide cringe king

>> No.25254771

>Muttslur flafel
What his first language?

>> No.25254772

japan literally stole kanji bros... wtf


reparations when?

>> No.25254789
File: 38 KB, 1075x343, '.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay lets see
you have all the time in the world to record a vocaroo for pic related
you can look up all the pitch accents if you want
go - impress us

>> No.25254790

Post the fucking porn!!!
Is it better than Latina porn?

>> No.25254791

gonna tazuneru this to omae:
whats your chuushinteki na mokuteki in regards to manab'ing nihongo?

>> No.25254795

it was actually a colonial project by the chinese much like when the french changed the vietnamese writing system. its the japanese who need reparations for fucking over their language.

>> No.25254798

jesus christ shut the fuck up youre mentally ill

>> No.25254800

I'm 700 into core3k should I start over or what? Also this one has proper sentences? because when I tried to do VN core it was a massive pain to learn anything without context.

>> No.25254811

wow it's kinda sad you got a higher score than me even though i sound more natural
but to be fair most of my english knowledge unironically comes from lurking 4chan and playing games
when my japanese is good enough ill immerse in english lol

>> No.25254833

etl here

my italian pronunciation doesnt become shit when im tired and nervous
my french pronunciation doesnt become shit when im tired and nervous
my english pronunciation doesnt become shit when im tired and nervous

sounds like youre just making excuses quiz

>> No.25254834

japs didnt "steal" kanji. they just adopted them for the sake of being able to interact with china in diplomatic and commercial matters, and to make use of chinese literature.
they didnt have any other people whom they couldve been inspired by in regards to creating a writing system so they chose what was most convenient

>> No.25254847

Being afraid of me taking over is literally what you portray here
I never mentioned anything and you acting like this is just pure cringe toward me.
It’s like I call westerns infidals Becuase they have Christmas trees...well shit...I decided to move here so I have to respect their traditions

>> No.25254849

ye your english pronunciation probably sounds like shit all the time

>> No.25254856

yeah not sure wtf anti furigana guy's argument here is

>> No.25254860

Look I don’t know what you saying so I sue my only Japanese language at it

>> No.25254862

thankk god they didnt steal latin script or japanese media would be even more popular than it is these days and everybdy would be learning japanese

>> No.25254869

yea idk he basically gave the perfect argument for why you should read furigana manga but i guess low iqs cant be helped

>> No.25254874

didn't look anything

>> No.25254882

Latin booty on Japanese face would be good though.

>> No.25254886

the perfect argument for reading furigana manga is that you can easiy look up words and not depend on shitty ocr software

>> No.25254898

everythings somewhat fucked up so better just make your own mining deck from words spotted while reading manga/lns/vns/jap subbed anime/whatever the fuc it is you consume and to set up cards just the way you want them so you can eventually make your own card-making guide and have a group of followers that'll spam your guide for free on reddit and youtube.

>> No.25254899

another thing is that those languages you listed are all closely related western european centum-branch indo-european languages. its about as impressive as someone saying they know 8 english dialects or 5 chinese dialects essentially

>> No.25254906

Any furigana vNs out there?

>> No.25254913

wow he sounds great

>> No.25254914

you still slur and sound like a gaijin dude not terrible but still pretty cringe

>> No.25254919

quiz is definitely above average even matts two best disciples """blaze""" chris and spreadsheet guy are nowhere near the quiz

>> No.25254922

unironically you would sound quite good if you learned pitch thats all you really need

>> No.25254926

thats also the perfect argument for learning one word per kanji so if you ever come across "奉仕" you can type in 奉る and 仕える if you already know those, and then delete the kana.

>> No.25254934

They stole kanji,they actually tried to steal the pronunciations of 60% of their vocab that is from chinese origin.

They tried to steal their grammar too but they couldn't so they came up with kana as particles and other grammar purposes,as I said before the whole point of having ideograms was to get rid of things like stupid "syllabaries" because every single character has a well defined function and pronunciation.

Japan fucked it all,the fact that they don't even understand their own names (they have to use kana along with kanji for their names in official documents to make sense of that shit) proves it.

No most VN's are for adults so it makes no sense to get furigana in there.

There should be VN's for kids,but that would produce even more otakus addicted to eroge,maybe that's the reason why there are none.

>> No.25254935

you know japanese people slur their words a lot too right

>> No.25254937
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>> No.25254938

>sound like a gaijin
yes, and?
show me a single non native who doesn't
i said i sound fine, not great
it's just that a lot of you blow how bad my pronunciation is out of proportion to be rude to me and i think it's disingenuous

>> No.25254954

yeah, i dont remember how its called but i posted a screencap of it last thread that i got from the untranslated vn thread
check the last djt thread, the recent untranslated vn thread or the last untranslated vn thread

>> No.25254956

oh shut up you keep seeing the furigana over and over and it takes you weeks to learn one word its the worst crutch ever

>> No.25254957

Quiz stop being a lazy faggot and finish your animecards guide,is full of "TBA" "TBA" "TBA" like what the hell dude?

>> No.25254960

lol hes just trying to get lots of retards to come here

>> No.25254965

pls no

>> No.25254972

i was learning some chinese and saw what the japanese took from them
来年 = láinián

>> No.25254973

How do I learn pronunciation?

>> No.25254974

i originally planned to write more but then i decided to remake the site so that one won't get updated anymore
but rn i'm having trouble with transferring the domain so it might just expire at this point, whatever though maybe i'll just make an easily shareable pdf and post that somewhere

>> No.25254976

you know that the word is the sound itself not the kanji? the kanji isnt as important as learning the actual word

>> No.25254979

do you think black people stole guitars, basses, and drums/cymbals from whyppo when they created blues music and jazz music?

>> No.25254983


>> No.25254986

Don’t even listen to him bro.
The fact of the matter is you are progressing and that’s the most important part.
Take it from esl fag, I get your struggle

>> No.25254987

queefmaster is going to kill djt. mark my words. this narcissist mongoloid is the worst cancer ever

>> No.25254988

wow youre retarded

>> No.25254989

that would be a good thing though

>> No.25254992

Maybe get a Japanese gf?!

>> No.25255000

omg quiz you're fucking based. you're being selfless not even asking for personal credit, instead giving credit to the community which you helped mold and in turn has molded you. hell, you are the best name/tripfag on djt ever.

>> No.25255001

so what do you do when you listen to anime without subs? theres no kanji there man

>> No.25255012

what makes you think anyone owould want to post in this shithole? and if they did we can just move to another board like /trash/ or /qa/

>> No.25255017

怖い - 怖れる - 恐怖
which one's the real word for 怖?

>> No.25255019
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>> No.25255024

thats 3 different words

>> No.25255025
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>> No.25255026

Well duuuh!
Do you thinK they could afford to buy them in the first place?!?

>> No.25255030

these idiots are living under a rock and will keep fanning your ass but take it from someone who's heard plenty of non-native learners irl - your pronunciation is bad. could it improve? idk but you can't make excuses and run away from reality

>> No.25255034

hold up let me great another account in case this one gets banned

>> No.25255035

i think this lebanese guy is bas'd and redpill'd

>> No.25255037

lmfao i like that you would notice that

>> No.25255039

this but unironically
quizler redemption arc lets gooooo

>> No.25255050

why the hell are you bringing in anime into a discussion that is entirely writing based?

>> No.25255053
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>> No.25255054

subibasen you gan greate only one aggount ber ebail address :=D

>> No.25255058

annnnnnd matt just shit all over quiz using the same argument i did a few threads ago, which is that matt uses the mia dictionary addon alongside sharex, which is a change from quiz's workflow in the same way quiz's workflow is a change from subs2srs or more manual methods of making high quality vocab cards.

>> No.25255060

That's a bad comparison,I would say that black people (japanese) stole guitars,basses and drums and instead of using them to play music they used them to cook. They even had to attach extra things to use plates and napkins on those instruments.

That's what the japs did,they took a perfectly good language and instead of learning it properly they fucked it up,kana is an abomination that shouldn't even exist in a proper well designed language.

>> No.25255064
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>> No.25255085

Jordan you mother fucker.
Ye they drop slavery shit on whites but they forget how Arabs used to this shit for about 1200 years..
West done for like 400 years MAX!

>> No.25255088

frag just fucking shit all over mary god damn.

>> No.25255093
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>> No.25255095

oh no no no no get owned
has anyone told him the things he said to yoga using an alt a and how he shi on mia

>> No.25255103

just watched the japanese part of the matt and steve kaufman video and matts japanese is actually better than i thought it was
still noticed some american r sounds and what sounds to me like some unnatural pitch once maybe twice depending on whether my highest standards are correct
his word use though is insane and really natural hope i get that good some day

>> No.25255111


>> No.25255119

hm last run on sentences there is the same typing style as ciaran

>> No.25255128

im not ciaran

>> No.25255130

holy fucking shit this is absolutely searing
quiz in tears

>> No.25255134

my god quiz is on the ground but matt keeps pounding away this isn't even fair anymore. i trusted the german but in the end his mathematical brain can't stand up to the verbal acuity of the jew

>> No.25255142

Wow matt is such a dick I'm glad i never donated a single cent to that asshole.

Japanese makes people behave horribly bad bros,you just learned and fucking language and next you think you're a fucking god among humans or something.

>> No.25255149

lmfao get owned

>> No.25255155

You know..being here it seems to me this guy thinks (or maybe is thanks to viewers) he is a minor celebrity.
So he to act cocky and some people will hate him and some people will praise him..
My question is...since girls LOVE status in a man, do you think he is able to pull out of tail from his niche fans? (Assuming there are any girls)

>> No.25255170

oh yeah fill this place with more retarded uppercasers asking the same stupid questions for the 10000th time

>> No.25255175

Matt is a hairy vagina, not a dick
You can tell by his gay music tastes and the fact he adds so many shitty gifs/clips to his videos to appeal to Zoomers with ADHD.

>> No.25255183

Nah..it’s becaus they became too soft.
And they dragged their softness everywhere.
Look at history, China for example stopped “death by thousand cuts” executions because French found it “brutal” and “inhumane”
I blame humanitarian movements

>> No.25255190

Matt only appeals to 19 year old autistic programmers, not to vaginakin.

>> No.25255193

matt just called us offensive and offputting i'm hurt wtf

>> No.25255206

So then what’s that smugness coming from? From a. Fucking language?
I bet 100%, there are some girls that like him because of his “high” status

>> No.25255209

lmfao why is matto so based

>> No.25255222
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>> No.25255232

if they ever jump on vc, one of you discord bros need to record it

>> No.25255238

it's all over quizbros
we had a good run

>> No.25255259

yea true i get that vibe from quiz and all evidence points to that fact. why can't he just be straight up instead of playing victim.

>> No.25255260

post caps bro

>> No.25255264

i feel you man. i feel pretty dead but hey at least we still have our anime card decks

>> No.25255268

he has major insecurity problems stemming from his dad never given him any praise as a child

>> No.25255276

matt confidently declared that the mia dictionary addon workflow is superior to quiz's. i wonder why he thinks that.

>> No.25255282

im almost halfway through core3k and vncore (I'm using core3k sound and vncore for reading)

is there any way to move my progress from these decks to this new improved deck?

>> No.25255294
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>> No.25255305

he apologized last thread for being a dick in the past and wrote long posts about empathy and stuff but in less than an hour returned to posting racist and elitist shit snubbing other folks

i am fully convinced he has deep mental issues, he needs to see a psychiatrist asap

>> No.25255321

yep we got too cocky quizbros

>> No.25255326

It's not because of the language. Rather, it's because the Japanese language learning community is associated to weeb communities, which is associated to trannies, people who are into late capitalism shit, and people who like ultra-sanitized versions of dank memes. They're the same sort of people who grew up eating McD's Happy Meals and playing shitty Flash games without ever getting their pants dirty by playing soccer or basketball outside, and who never had experience with the ghetto or poverty or any of that shit outside of gay rap music records and GTA: San Andreas let's play videos.
Matt is one of those privileged Jewish kids who grew up without ever having to confront any problems besides not making enough flashcards on certain days.
These people live in a simulacrum and think everything's just like the simulacrum, that there's nothing to be afraid of, nothing to ever have to work for, that everything just fixes itself on its own.
Learning the language is not what turns people into that. Rather, it's being like that that leads them over to dedicating their lives to bragging about having accomplished nothing in life besides learning Japanese through anime and hentai games.

>> No.25255330

that nihongo dream!

>> No.25255331
File: 43 KB, 594x214, 6375708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the format itself is different from core in the sense that it has a hint field to remove ambiguity and make the cards viable for a wider range of items
of course i was also the first one to suggest using sharex for recording audio for anki, but the really big thing was the workflow behind it all combining it with the fluentcards web player and yomichan, as well as expanding it to visual novels and other mediums providing detailed instructions on how to do all of that
it is all original in many ways and i find the lack of will to just be upfront with it a bit disappointing, ultimately it's just something m*tt will take, slap his bloated add-on on and multiply his patreon income with, but whatever i think i want to get away from this kind of gay shit a bit more

>> No.25255338

lmfao based sparf

>> No.25255353

this was painful to read lol poor guy

>> No.25255383

just get away from this thread then, ur a goddamn tumor around these parts

>> No.25255398
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BTW bros, >>25253483 here
Matt has not forsaken me.
I'm gonna re-up my cancelled patreon pledge now that I have received this blessed message

>> No.25255403

>loliposters and the b-sen guy are bad
>but im fine with furfags and trannies on my discord server since they pay me their monthly tribute

>> No.25255454


quiz has been ranting for like 20 minutes on discord about how this community is ungrateful to him for creating animecards and that he should just take everything down because we dont deserve him


>> No.25255460
File: 12 KB, 294x220, 1596772962275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic of matt 化粧あらず

>> No.25255467

my brain literally registered this as 貢 wtf

>> No.25255475
File: 510 KB, 1514x1080, matt the backstabber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25255477

matt just obliterated quiz
like yugi did kaiba

>> No.25255479

Yes I understand that completely.
What I am saying is that girls usually become interested in high status
I give you an example.. i am fugly incel
No kiss no hugs nothing
But when I was in college, I used to be one of those kids that raised his hand the most and read before class and I kinda new everything..and I never ever wrote anything in class...so everyone thought I was super smart
So this 10/10 blonde girl (immigrant too), who was actually smart on her own, came to ask me a question on her lab work (I mean she may even knew the answer, maybe she was looking for excuse) And When I said ok I explain, she fucking SAT on my lap!
This was the closer I ever came
(It’s long story between me and her and what happens later)
So I think even he with his niche genre still got some girls interested in him...

>> No.25255492


>> No.25255496

funny how this manchild doesnt have the balls to post here and throw the same tantrum fucking pussy lol

>> No.25255498


>> No.25255523

what the FUCK am i going to do without quickmaster cards

>> No.25255528

so you got cucked out of the only thing that made you relevant lmao

>> No.25255532

All You Need to Make Anki Cards is The Official Anki Guide and Basic HTML/CSS.

>> No.25255538

I mean look at this power struggle between minor “alphas” fighting for the throne.
This is ridiculous to me who watching it from here, but for them it matters from a biological point of view and I fucking bet on my life...there are some girls They are trying to impress in this power struggle

>> No.25255558

why do u care, anime cards are just shit anyways matto will talk about it then go back to recommending sentence cards

on this note tho can anyone remember who said to use anki in the first place and give them proper credit ??? its really important to everyone

>> No.25255560

yup, quiz is finished pack up everyone

>> No.25255561

what does it mean? also checked

>> No.25255581
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>> No.25255591

oh no im so scared whatever will i do without his useless hackcards

>> No.25255600

someone show matt the post where queefmaster calls him the embodiment of the 56% mutt meme. he will realize he is dealing with a bad person and cut all ties with him

>> No.25255610

true face of alpha
haters clenching and slurring

>> No.25255613
File: 66 KB, 1070x394, matto8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's literally no coming back for this
a big W for Matt

>> No.25255616

>veni >vidi >vici

>> No.25255617

lol i started watching hiroyukis streams the guy is actually pretty funny matt was right

>> No.25255619
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, 幸せ intensifies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing Matt butthurt I think is my favorite pasttime

>> No.25255625

Not to be silly。

>> No.25255633

this one?

>> No.25255638

we should also show matt the streamable of yoga calling calvin a human meat vehicle

>> No.25255660


>> No.25255661

This is actually quite interesting,the story of the japanese learning scene is a story of full of misappropriation.

Matt stole his method from Tae Kim,Heisig and the Tango Editors,QM stole from IKnow and the guy who made the original core decks.

Even Anki was stolen from this other palm app that was called Anki too,it was first made in 2002 (https://web.archive.org/web/20160304141847/http://eichert.com/copera.com/anki.com/index.html)) and of course the algorithm for both was stolen from Supermemo.

Best learning community ever.

>> No.25255663
File: 1.94 MB, 451x750, 1590445290814.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't! Let it drag on. The more Matt shows his true colours, the more interesting things will get

>> No.25255672

good artists copy, great artists steal

>> No.25255678

sham community alright its all rebranded shit

>> No.25255679

what is quiz thinking guys... he hasnt talked here or in the discord in awhile...

>> No.25255686

quiz theme song

>> No.25255690
File: 43 KB, 600x609, christ yay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, Matt endorsed straight up theft every chance he could back in the day, and then had the audacity to complain when people would steal his content, saying he "worked hard and it isn't fair". Hypocrites deserve to burn. I hope QM continues to fight the good fight

>> No.25255694

Matt is oging to steal Kaiser of Fail and Aid's (my) method and claim it as his own.

>> No.25255700


>> No.25255705

imagine being quizmaster
imagine being beaten up by your drunk father and watching your sister getting raped by the same man
imagine telling that to other people
imagine have never accomplished anything in life but creating some dumb flashcards that arent even original in he first place
imagine have them taken away from you by a guy who knows more japanese than you
imagine being so disliked that people from the same community you are from joke about the abuse you suffered and your little sister that got ravaged by him
imagine being legitimately mentally ill
imagine believing you are good at japanese but gets katteni wrong
imagine your only fans are ironic posters that do it to annoy others
imagine studying a meme degree that will not get you a job
imagine being a russian rape baby
imagine having delusions of grandeur
imagine being blown the fuck out by tanoshikattaze guy

>> No.25255724

wtf, you are a literal cancer, what a poisonous way of thinking about things. thank god most people don't think like you

>> No.25255725
File: 1.35 MB, 891x1213, nanking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine seething this hard

>> No.25255727

his theme song is blood and guts except he doesnt make it

>> No.25255748

nah its just that matt has matured and embraced theft

>> No.25255750

u got issues bro

>> No.25255755

Were you using the method in the streamable before last weekend or did you develop it in response to my post?

>> No.25255767

yeah i forgot to review and showed my esl

>> No.25255778

You know what’s funny?
Is that even the cringiest niches take themselves seriously
I seen this everywhere, Magic community, Korean language community, video games, math , physics, biology medicine finance, I can BET there be some shit like this among Japanese idols fans..
Why the fuck everything turns into male struggle for dominance supremacy and attention.
Loosen up people....you only here for a couple of years anyway
Don’t they think it’s just a bit ridiculous?

>> No.25255781

lol dude hes probably feeling like real shit rn and youre just rubbing it in his face

>> No.25255804




>> No.25255814
File: 40 KB, 500x281, gugu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was such a beat down by matt it's not even fair... I'm seriously worried about QM right now.

>> No.25255821


>> No.25255823

matt does.

>> No.25255824

Shit that’s harsh..why the guy even shown his emotions to people?
What’s his degree?

>> No.25255846

I thought jap hardcore don’t care about 3D

>> No.25255851

ok quiz it has been fun but ithis has gone too far its time to end it all
we will be kind enough to mourn and spit on a cup and pretend its your grave

>> No.25255854

well never did 138 in one go like that, but yea done it before that.

>> No.25255864

interesting but who actually cares if people steal we all benefit from it anyways by getting to see the best shit

>> No.25255874
File: 117 KB, 1074x1517, __rumia_touhou_drawn_by_kinokodake__637ac8886c784776621d819ce2884000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hardly, he talks shit every chance he gets and can't stand people that disagree with him. He literally thinks anyone that doesn't do MIA is dumber than those that do. He hasn't "matured", he's just more aware that he has to hide his true nature. Personally, I enjoy the drama and hope the community continues to give him more rope for him to hang himself with eventually

>> No.25255875

quiz should delete the discord server and his website im tired of people disrespecting him

>> No.25255889

anyone with such lust for power is def a thirsty fuccboi.

matt has accomplished all three steps

>> No.25255908

Yeah but if you learned by stealing, advocating stealing, act like you're entitled to the shit you steal, and then complain that people that steal from you are scum, you deserve to burn when people start asking questions.

>> No.25255909

he should delete his existence after this fiasco

>> No.25255922

Can anyone spare some seconds away from this whole mess to help me?

I have the improved 2.3core deck that was posted here,but I also mined like 300 words and put them inside my old 3k deck,how do I move my mined cards from my core3k to the new 2.3core deck?

>> No.25255936

why are all of you bullying this dude
give me one good reason

>> No.25255952
File: 52 KB, 540x683, 1585347384678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like you even have to ask

>> No.25255960

he got into the ring with a heavyweight and ended up bleeding, it's his fault

>> No.25255963

Really? Did he ACTUALLY made money?
I though internet community RAPED him with illegal downloads and such..
Anyone know what he even sells?
How much is his net?

>> No.25255965

he wants to make a lot of normies get in here by sprading /djt/'s name,also his method isn't fully original.

>> No.25255967

Previous threads
>>25211528 #2488
>>25185450 #2487
>>25165272 #2486
>>25136389 #2485
>>25103307 #2484
>>25055739 #2483
>>25020143 #2482
>>24985393 #2481
>>24955041 #2480
>>24923552 #2479
>>24895261 #2478
>>24866957 #2477
>>24848471 #2476

>> No.25255970

because hes a bipolar narcissistic cunt that wasnt beaten up enough

>> No.25256025

I got no time to go data mining about an internet nobody (I don’t care about any “celebrity” anyway...not like I am getting any money)
But I just want to know his retarded mentality of Sharing his sensitive history with the fucking INTERENT of all places

>> No.25256032

damn i totally forgot about karma shouldnt have made fun of him its gonna bite me in the ass later
ill never become a buddhist at this rate

>> No.25256039

lmfao why are u so edgy, bringing up completely different shit than what i said, try going outside

>> No.25256042

I see a lot of similarities between matt and quiz

>> No.25256049

You you gonna be reincarnated as a Somalian with a tiny penis.
Happy now?!

>> No.25256053

he was a huge disrespectful piece of shit with a massive superiority complex who constantly jeered at and insulted others for years and tried to make a mockery out of content creators, go back a few threads and see caps of his nasty older messages
good he deserves all of this what comes around goes around

>> No.25256055

pls tell me ;_;

>> No.25256059
File: 532 KB, 975x847, 1525350685304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25256062

Ok well I don't think Matt's going to want it but I think it would make for a cool video tutorial so if I do that I will credit the name you mentioned unless you are completely opposed

>> No.25256063
File: 12 KB, 466x280, 1586446048808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What this mean?

>> No.25256081

just wanna say quiz got absolutely rolled but fr quiz if you are out there even tho anime cards are complete dogshit, i dont hate you. you have a place here if you want, i dont wanna see u go crazy bro hang in there

>> No.25256085


>> No.25256086

when you go to airport this is what the clerk says

>> No.25256092

no, matt only likes to be recognized by his efforts like a know-it-all autistic kid

quizmaster has elements of psychopathy, narcissism and is a bad dude all around

>> No.25256143

animecards are perfectly fine,but the core 6k was good good.

Actually they were both shit because they had words that not even japs care to learn >>25250391 is the definitive deck and it only took a fucking decade to make it.

>> No.25256152

dont worry quiz this is just bad karma from all your years of toxic shittalk washing out, natures justice if you will
be a big good man from now and let the storm pass and you should be clean

>> No.25256160

*good too.

>> No.25256172

I was thinking more about how they are both 2 faced snakes but i think quiz has genuine problems but matt is just like that

>> No.25256194

the racism is good though

>> No.25256220

guys, since we've established that quiz is a piece of shit, you know what to do
just show matt the bad shit that quiz has posted and let based matt take care of the rest

then sit back and enjoy watching queefmaster being destroyed in 10 seconds.

>> No.25256229

this is why you never lust for power and never don a trip code

>> No.25256252

matt and quiz they are both shit,but for some reason they were both treated as gods and maximum authorities here.

learn to choose your heroes /djt/.

>> No.25256257

download core 2.3k
delete the cards from it you already learned in your other decks
set new cards to 0 on your old decks, keep them only for review
set new cards to 10 or whatever for your new deck

>> No.25256280

destroying quiz forever is like shooting fish in a barrel. this is the perfect opportunity. just show matt his racist posts. that's all it takes. it's that fucking easy.

>> No.25256284

time to expose matt as a snake!
everyone post about the DJT origins in the video comments, twitter replies, etc

>> No.25256288

what about nah.

>> No.25256294

>is he delusional
um yes? lol how havent you noticed in all these years that he's mentally ill

>> No.25256307

And that’s why I don’t like being part of any community..
It’s all good and fine when we all come to take part if a group to work toward our own common goals
But then some know it all retard start acting like a god and other inflate his ego and start worshiping and that community turns into another hot bed of alpha supramacy struggle..
And it usually happen when chicks get involved

>> No.25256308

i've never been to an airport or gotten reservations or seen enough media in the past decade to know the appropriate saying here and i'm a native but luckily i got the answer right.

>> No.25256316

you should be able to just export those cards by selecting them in the card browser, then importing them into your new deck

>> No.25256337

whaaaaaaat the fuck are you talking about? no one has bought a ticket at an airport in 20 years... i've flown all over the world and have never had this interaction. also why the fuck would they say this?

>> No.25256349

hey they say this at hotels too

>> No.25256354

this literally has the same high quality cards as core3k, it's the exact same quality

>> No.25256357

im pretty sure he read "tomorrow night" as "tomorrow's flight" or something

>> No.25256360

Fucking exactly!!
If you think you don’t need it urgently don’t try to memorize it.
I never learn the “unfesten your seatbelt “ shit (don’t even know if I spell it correctly)
Only learned it in a flight to basic training and it stayed with me.
Learn for functions and connection to like minded people not because you need to know what “window” means...these bullshit words will come to you as you go foreword.
I remember when I was younger I saw a English for esl that words such as fairy and giant in it..and I know it’s cool and all, but what’s the point?

>> No.25256382

... uh yeah dude when you just fucking get a hotel room on a whim lmfao
this shit just does not happen! "let me check for you" barely makes sense, i feel like that's something a super stoned clerk would say because they don't know what they're doing then zone out for a bit then help me

>> No.25256401

i lol'd

anyway the meaning is not hard:
>i would like two tickets (could be on phone or in person)
>i'll just check for you (to see if there are any available rooms/seats)

>> No.25256435

yea plus the response he chose doesnt make any sense
me: i would like two tickets
the guy: afternoon and evening.
me: ??

its pretty obvious they're talking about if there's 2 tickets available for like a theatre show or some shit not a flight dunno where tf that came from

>> No.25256454

yo quiz are you going to be around for jamal's livestream?

>> No.25256457

lol i didnt even read the instructions, was that question supposed to be a convo between two people?

>> No.25256466

damn imagine jamal's face when he wakes up and sees the thread lmao

>> No.25256467

dont think quiz is gonna be around for anything anymore after tonight

>> No.25256477


>> No.25256478

you were supposed to pick the proper reply to the first statement. how did you not notice while choosing the rest of the answers?

>> No.25256488

i'd be surprised if he actually livestreamed but sure

>> No.25256491

Usually clerk would say “let me” instead of “I will”
And there from experience

>> No.25256495

he probably wont read
this one will most likely hit 2k before he wakes up and he doesnt care enough to go thru all the posts

>> No.25256496

dno man they all just kinda fit together
this one didn't fit with anything except the one i chose if both lines were said by the same person

>> No.25256500

oh its him.... how ya doing, sport? haha....

>> No.25256516

quiz as a popular djt figure yourself you must realize how hurtful it can be to have people pick at you constantly. why didn't you instantly put a stop to all the anti-matt stuff on your discord? not permanently, but just a little bit to stop the trolls vying for attention?

>> No.25256530

That sentence is written in a really weird way,as an ESL I found it difficult too,the context is not really clear and the fact that it's a conversation is not really obvious,a lot of the other sentences are just single statements.

>> No.25256544
File: 9 KB, 514x289, frNMGdy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but this one has two potential options depending on if it's a convo or one guy talking
"i cant understand this. i suppose you can." is kind of a weird think to say but not incorrect

>> No.25256557
File: 1.49 MB, 1080x1068, embrace monky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. Quiz might have deep-seated problems, but who cares? Sacraficing Quiz's mental and psychological health to bully everyone's favorite arrogant asshole (Matt) is more than worth it. Everyone knows he deserves it

>> No.25256562

>but this one has two potential options
>"i cant understand this. i suppose you can." is kind of a weird think to say
you kinda defeat yourself here

>> No.25256564

cool dude
it was all supposed to be about having fun learning japanese and playing vns...wonder how things turned so ugly. i sometimes wish life could be simpler and people could put away their prejudice and ego
oh well, hopefully he streams and i catch it! will be nice if ur around to watch too

>> No.25256575

all of matt's comments tonight on that discord were reasonable. idk why quiz just let everyone spam nigger and shit talk him to make him leave.

>> No.25256580

but it should have at least made you realize these are replies and not people talking to themselves lol

>> No.25256585
File: 390 KB, 898x610, consider the following.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screencap? Also, lol

>> No.25256590

this core 2.3k deck seems like a straight improvement on core3k, plus it's shorter.

quizmaster this should be the one that's part of your guide or future guides

>> No.25256593

if you read the other questions youll notice theyre convos
this is a self own because your iq is too low to perceive simple patterns

>> No.25256604

lmao wtf
if matt came here nobody would do something as childish as that
discord is better my ass
very disappointed

>> No.25256610

yeah itd be nice if queefer put away his ego

>> No.25256616

i didnt have any issues noticing that though. im not the guy who got the question wrong in the first place

>> No.25256621

But always always it turns to battle for dominance.
From the highest society to the lowest niche cringy sub societies...and when girls get in , that shit is over.

>> No.25256624

a lot of cards don't have pictures,why? AFAIK all cards had pictures on 3K.

>> No.25256626
File: 5 KB, 444x175, 1592855818178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah im thinkin im back

>> No.25256636

then you should know as its a conversation it would be weird to reply "i suppose you can" to "i cant undertand this email" lol

>> No.25256644

you're obviously the low iq guy here cause you cant even follow the thread of the convo. i was pointing out that the presence of that question makes it clear that the questions are supposed to be conversations

>> No.25256646

lmfao do you know who your @ing? those words are wasted on him
sociopaths can't relate to human emotions like that

>> No.25256648
File: 369 KB, 1000x1000, 711e97d152c989d3befefab66ff021c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, then we'd have nothing to talk about. Quiz basically represents everything DJT is: fucking trash surrounded by trash. It takes trash to call out trash though, so I'm all in favor of Quiz dragging this new saga out. I'm only here for the fun :^)

Protip: Jamal is basically anti-DJT. He's an e-celeb whore that gets off on being the biggest loser. 10 years from now, he's going to look back and think "Yeah, I'm glad I did all that. Those were years well spent and friend well made"

>> No.25256682

yeah keep stroking marys cock thats exactly what that shithead needs right now worshippers to replenish his mania

>> No.25256687

yep you got me but my iq is still higher than yours so i win

>> No.25256697

how is the immersion going? lol

>> No.25256711


this is a truly inspiring video wow
i feel like it's speaking directly to my soul
going to dedicate a much larger part of myself to the pursuit of otaku creation

>> No.25256713

its going immersive

>> No.25256720

Tfw no girls will ever look at you like
(Legit seen real life example of girls mirin other men sitting next to them on the bus station or train station)

>> No.25256761

w/e keep crying shitmaster.

>> No.25256762

hes gained a lot of weight

>> No.25256770
File: 103 KB, 850x697, __inaba_tewi_touhou_drawn_by_hetza_hellshock__sample-4151f418e8e50d7a21c904c9c487858e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally who?

>> No.25256833



>> No.25256834

>i feel like it's speaking directly to my soul
damn didn't know psychos had one sick shit bro

>> No.25256848
File: 62 KB, 730x260, Screen_Shot_2020-08-07_at_14.31.41[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matt is spiraling out of control

>> No.25256852

big if true

>> No.25256854

That’s true and that’s sad.
The dopamine hits are nice...but being here won’t accomplish shit.

>> No.25256862

this is an american website you yellow fuck

>> No.25256863

yeah too bad it isnt

>> No.25256870

The hololive thread misses you

>> No.25256874

man that 流夏 guy is such a cringe faggot i hate it when people act edgy solely in some cringe attempt to get brownie points for going at someone more renowned in some online community

>> No.25256934

just a real collection of failures all around in that discord

>> No.25256959

does someone have the linux sharex alternative pastebin info from quiz' guide, the link on animecards.site is broken. trying to get animecards to work on either mac or linux, plsnobully

>> No.25256967

quiz hater has issues for real

>> No.25256976
File: 1.31 MB, 640x360, ass.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quiz rn

>> No.25256985


>> No.25257045



>> No.25257073
File: 21 KB, 1122x244, スクリーンショット 2020-08-07 15.46.42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using the green theme
blue masterrace.

>> No.25257074

good video thanks for posting. at the part where they talk about how magical index and visual novels are for autists

>> No.25257089

Quizmaster, do you have anything to say to your haters?

>> No.25257098

I was supposed to start mining today but this whole shit was too fun to read so I just wasted 3 hours reading this crap.

Fuck y'all.

>> No.25257115

>I just finished watching Dr. Stone and I watched the whole thing because I enjoyed it and I thought it was pretty good but...
it wasn't pretty good at all. fuck you matt

>> No.25257125
File: 32 KB, 288x479, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be honest i think i'm at a bit of a disconnect with the thread right now as people (or just one guy?) seem to constantly post being me getting btfo or something, when matt straight up came in said of course he will steal ideas if they are good, then deleted all his message and left, and then admitted to still searching for himself and reading messages on an alt seemingly indicating a certain obsession with the discord while i just want "whatever lol" pretty early in the convo

>> No.25257131

hey dude, i don't know how else to say this but...
your ass is bleeding

>> No.25257147


>> No.25257215

Is it like everyone here is a greenoid gremlin who is afraid of talking shit in the djt discord and says their 本音 here?

>> No.25257217

reminder that queefmaster hasn't created anything new.
the anime cards format is literally the same format as core2k literally
and i don't mean literally as in a hyperbole
i mean anime cards LITERALLY have the same format as core2k

>> No.25257218

coudlnt find it anywhere bro.

>> No.25257219

>i have an alt
what did he mean by this

>> No.25257220

>unironically trying to force your ego shrine into the op
Fuck off back to your discord circlejerk, mary.
Everyone report the op and every one of his posts.

>> No.25257227

it's not already explained it above

>> No.25257230

lmfao that's actually hilarious Quiz of Terror

>> No.25257257

makopi is not arrogant

>> No.25257267

Nice try matt

>> No.25257270

bro it has a hint field that you only use for 0.1% of cards how is it not different

>> No.25257276

and theyre pedos, worst combos of a human being

>> No.25257313

i explained what was new in the post above idk why i should seriously engage your posts when you ignore everything i say in mine

>> No.25257360

Other important thing that people seems to ignore is that the original core6k/2k had a chinese font so people actually learned chinese variants of the kanji I don't understand why no one adressed this before QM and this "bug" has been around for years without no one fixing it on the core decks that still plague the neocities guide.

Shame on you /DJT/

>> No.25257361


>> No.25257364

>the format itself is different from core in the sense that it has a hint field

>> No.25257365

whatever you said is irrelevant. your format is the same a core2k. you invented nothing new, snake's oil salesman

>> No.25257388

>What's truly surprising is that nobody in like 10 years of /djt/ stopped for a second and wondered "what if I add my own recorded audio to my mined cards just as the original core did?" it's mind blowing how no one considered such a stupid little detail before you,props to you for that.
i think people just don't think it matters/is worth it. and they're right

>> No.25257395

reminder you're talking to a narcissist suffering from cognitive dissonance

he will argue with you till the end of time about how original and revolutionary his cards are like some golden key of success, man basically has a really bad god complex and is deluded

>> No.25257419



>> No.25257440


>> No.25257444

Have you ever actually heard some of the reds in /djt/ speaking japanese?
Its fucking awful
They might know 5000 kanji but their output is so stilted they'll be an actual dekinai outside of this 4chan circlejerk

>> No.25257443

it's ok, i'm as autistic as him and go on for a week if he wants to. i'll expose him every time because he is literally wrong and i'm right. i can prove everything i say and the only thing he can do is pretend to be unaware of his bullshit

>> No.25257450

did quizmaster really single-handedly push forward the state-of-the-art for language learning? kinda crazy when you think about it, just one of the boys at djt doin' their thing
it's not uncommon in history that the actual inventors and hard-workers become unknown while some popular guy steals all the credit but still, we all know the truth

>> No.25257454
File: 214 KB, 569x869, Hitoribocchi_no__Seikatsu_-_Vol.7_Ch.76_-_62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25257509

you got destroyed by matt and resorted to petty tactics by the end of your argument. it's all there in the message log for everyone to see

>> No.25257511


>> No.25257514

what, you thought anons will lick your wounds and console you? we're not your personal discord army bitch get off your high horse

>> No.25257517

i didn't mean that's matt's original idea just that what quiz did was in line with previous idea using the core2k card format. nothing new

>> No.25257519

and what's not in there is your fan fic about what happened lol

>> No.25257539

>it's a big improvement essentially removing every weakness from vocab cards if used correctly and really making it the best card format in existence
ok im out this guy is clinically insane

>> No.25257543

quiz, it's unbecoming of a man to be in denial like that. accept that you've been exposed and made obsolete. you're a joke to us now. just fuck off forever

>> No.25257620

Wow just discovered that we have a sister thread on /int/ never noticed that and I've been coming here for the last year.

It's quite dead though,and doesn't have funny drama like this one.

>> No.25257632

exact same language

nothings changed mary, you're still the same - unlikeable, overdramatic, and pitiable

>> No.25257634


>> No.25257638

that's the beginner thread
this thread is for intermediate learner's to chill between reading sessions

>> No.25257640

getting real pissed at howard now. he's talking about fucking otaku of all things being under attack? uh howard what about your mother's people? any sympathy for them? he really is a jew despite hating them so much. they always find a way to subvert the west. that slimy little fuck. i trusted you howard and you fucking failed me.

>> No.25257677

dont u mean 2.3k :^)

>> No.25257693

quiz bro i think u should get some help fr

>> No.25257705

thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1u2yysrJi08

>> No.25257706
File: 772 KB, 1024x576, ロリカン.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess this is what happens to bad lolicons

>> No.25257708

he needs to become an hero

>> No.25257725

i love konnyaku!

>> No.25257727

he should meditate

>> No.25257732

probably the tightest thing most lolicons will ever get to experience

>> No.25257747

what's with the anti-lolicon sentiments on a lolicon website like 4chan? shit smells like reddit

>> No.25257757

we all moved to jukujos grandpa

>> No.25257763

is that axanael game?

I want to play it but I've heard it has some gay shit besides the MC being a fucking trap,how bad is it?

>> No.25257805

personally i like them
i'm just a bit self-deprecating is all

only one of the MCs is a trap
and yes, it's アザナエル

>> No.25257814
File: 2.13 MB, 1200x1694, 1579862030474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25257821

It's as easy as they meme'd? care to share a torrent?

>> No.25257845

as if "zero calories" has ever saved one fatass from their fatassery

>> No.25257852

i'm about to watch haikyuu should i use subs or not

>> No.25257862

if you have to ask then use subs

>> No.25257870

damn i could probably curl her one time in my arms

>> No.25257871

I once had a JK tell me I look like a character from that show

>> No.25257880

does this mean "japanese korean"?

>> No.25257886
File: 532 KB, 640x1080, 1580167719539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25257899
File: 267 KB, 315x370, 1587383246041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25257923

im tryna bust a nut here dont make me laugh

>> No.25257933

wtf If I just want to see cute anime girls getting raped I can find that shit on hitomi.la without ever learning jap.

>> No.25257955

Ricardo Cruz, brazilian singer from JAM project is making vlogs and giving japanese classes on youtube

if you can understand brazilian portuguese i recommend watching his videos, theyre really good

>> No.25257970
File: 108 KB, 230x227, 1590990238848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25257980

based huehuehue

>> No.25257982

lmao i give up

>> No.25257992

it seems pretty chill to read so far at 4-5k vocab. even more so since you can't mess up routes or anything. hard to say if it's good or not, though.

and if you want it via "means", you should learn to read the OP

>> No.25258294

yoga rapping

>> No.25258304

>Watch Netflix
i'd rather not

>> No.25258354

>don't you find it too manual?
no it's extremely fast and the most convenient set-up for looking up and mining despite what people who have never tried it seem to think
>some add-on
all attempts to automate this produce demonstrably worse results and are not worth using
unless you are the legendary programmer/linguist who can program something to analyze the semantics of text and determine the optimal cut off point for a context relating to a target mined word, you will not be able to produce a program that produces better results than the manual mining approach
not to mention manually mining is probably faster than all these gimmick approaches

>> No.25258391

Personally, I'm a self-described kanji master. (I'm jun-1 equivalent. There's about 200 characters in jun-1 that I'm missing, but I know about 600 that aren't on it.) My ability to write kanji is better than any native Japanese speaker I know. But when it comes to reading Japanese, native speakers kick my ass 8 ways to Sunday (and that's nothing to say of speaking/listening or formal writing). Hell, I'll straight up say that my Japanese sucks, despite being able to write 3000+ characters.

(And yes, there are still kanji I see that I can't read. They don't occur very often, but they do occur, and sometimes even in very low-level text such as Shonen manga.)

I think JLPT N1 would be a better measure of overall Japanese ability, and using Japanese words that are common in actual Japanese, but even then, it's kind of a low bar and doesn't contain writing/speaking.

>> No.25258412

>Just electroshock your brain bro.

>> No.25258414

>add a third step to new cards for 3 days to try it out
>have the most tedious anki sessions to-date

>> No.25258417

>Personally, I'm a self-described kanji master. (I'm jun-1 equivalent. There's about 200 characters in jun-1 that I'm missing, but I know about 600 that aren't on it.) My ability to write kanji is better than any native Japanese speaker I know. But when it comes to reading Japanese, native speakers kick my ass 8 ways to Sunday (and that's nothing to say of speaking/listening or formal writing).
lmfao this is literally impossible
this some kind of rtk fag who thinks memorizing english keywords being equal to write?

>> No.25258435

So can I actually improve my japanese understanding and reading abilities by watching anime with JP subs? or this is good only for making animecards and I should read only VN's from now on?

>> No.25258448

depends how far you are so far
if you get everything with jsubs then try without them

>> No.25258451

>I'm a self-described kanji maste

wtf is this some kind of joke?

It's like all those people that have finished core 10K and are fluent at 暗記語 but can't read japanese for shit?

>> No.25258458

how is it "literally" impossible? a chinese person can write more kanji than a japanese person but that doesn't mean they know more japanese. how dumb are you?

>> No.25258487

because if you describe yourself by a kanken standard it implies being able to write japanese, being able to write chinese or keyword memes is not equal to being able to write japanese
to pass the kanken test you need to to know japanese

>> No.25258495

Generally I hide the subs and only turn them on when I don't understand something.

>> No.25258517

but its not impossible to be able to write more kanji than a japanese person while knowing less japanese. even if he had passed kanken1 he could still be worse at reading japanese than a native speaker because random obscure kanji are not that important.

>> No.25258522

the requirements seem to be to be on a linux distro which i am not
idrc to try it anyway because my approach is fast enough and more institutive, the issues i'm seeing with your description is that it doesn't let me produce yomichan cards and it probably doesn't let me mine individual words which is pretty crucial, i also don't want to get rid of sharex because i'm not just mining anime inside a video player, but also audio books, visual novels, youtube videos etc. etc. sharex is a system wide solution not restricted to a medium and having to juggle dozens of ways to makes cards is extremely unelegant

>> No.25258538

it's impossible to be able to write so many kanji you could pass kanken pre-1 while getting your ass kicked in reading
clearly the person who wrote that has no clue what being able to write kanji actually means and what the kanken test tests (japanese knowledge)

>> No.25258557

should i mine this

>> No.25258592

I don't, I have to mine a lot of words,I asked because it seems that some people thinks that watching anime with jp subs is only for making cards,also I get the feeling that the most efficient way of learning is by reading tons of eroge.

Honestly I don't know,I enjoy watching anime with JP subs even if I only understand like 60% of what's going on,I don't know if I should continue doing this, I don't want to stagnate.

>> No.25258680

>the requirements seem to be to be on a linux distro which i am not
that's bad but not the end of the world.

these should work on windows tho i don't recommend running windows (it's dangerous)

>doesn't let me produce yomichan cards
yes and no. it acts like subs2srs but on phrase-by-phrase basis. after that you need a second step to add the definitions. there are a few ways to do that: mia dictionary addon, qolibri, and yomichan's clipboard monitor.

>> No.25258688

anime cards are different from the core decks because you make them yourself from anime you chose to watch which makes a big difference in the quality of those memories. i don’t even do anime cards and i know that.

>> No.25258724

People have been mining cards for a very long time,you just can deny that the idea for animecards was 95% thanks to the core decks.

Animecards is just a way to expand the core decks.

>> No.25258733

well you said that you could pass kanken2 this year and yet you would get your ass kicked in reading. just knowing how to write 1000 more kanji wouldnt change much

>> No.25258743

isn't that the only difference? anime cards (from now on context cards, right?) are whatever cards you make using the core10k card template.

>> No.25258754

can´t deny
