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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2538423 No.2538423 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese dog hiding in a box

>> No.2538432

What are you doing, you are a dog, not an orange.

You are far too big to be an orange.

>> No.2538432,1 [INTERNAL] 

Did 4chan die again.

>> No.2538432,2 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking DDoSes.

Do people have nothing better to do with their botnets?

>> No.2538432,3 [INTERNAL] 

It's /po/'s fault. They're up to something!

>> No.2538432,4 [INTERNAL] 

It's probably AnonTalk again. Every time /b/tards get fed up with that fucking site spamming their board, they attack AT and that triggers this. Currently it seems both sides are in stalemate, this little war has been going on for over a year with no end in sight.

>> No.2538432,5 [INTERNAL] 

That's just sad.

>> No.2538432,6 [INTERNAL] 

Should we just use iichan/wakachan or something?

This looks like it will happen daily, so a backup board is a good idea.

>> No.2538432,7 [INTERNAL] 

Why not use the ghost board? It's not like pictures are required. Used imageshack if you really want them.

>> No.2538432,8 [INTERNAL] 

Well, we're doing it right now, aren't we?

>> No.2538432,9 [INTERNAL] 

Some people really detest the ghost board for some reason.

I don't know why, it's not particularly good, but it's not particularly bad either.

>> No.2538432,10 [INTERNAL] 

It's the same thing as the normal board.

>> No.2538432,11 [INTERNAL] 

The ghost board is easy to use, but not being able to make threads or images is a bit of a problem.

Either way, I don't care, I just want to discuss my touhoes and VNs.

>> No.2538432,12 [INTERNAL] 

Even though the post rate is too low for my liking, I'm staying here.

>> No.2538432,13 [INTERNAL] 

It's slow but working. Loads for me around 1/5 tries.

>> No.2538432,14 [INTERNAL] 

I think it's the higher tripfag concentration.

>> No.2538432,15 [INTERNAL] 

It's a sign to go out and get some stuff done for a few hours. Off to watch Nodame Cantabile, bye.

Although I'm a fan of using iichan in the event that /jp/ goes the same way /a/ did.

>> No.2538432,16 [INTERNAL] 

It's a small community so you can easily take it in its entirety. Read some posts, come back in an hour or two, make a post, etc...

I don't understand the hate for it myself, especially the people that think it's a way to hide your messages. Posts made here are even apparent than when they're made on /jp/.

>> No.2538432,17 [INTERNAL] 

But you can't start a new thread here.

>> No.2538432,18 [INTERNAL] 

Just search and bump an older thread. Are you saying you want to discuss something that was never discussed before?

>> No.2538432,19 [INTERNAL] 

You hijack old ones. Archived posts are darker so it's really easy to find fellow ghostmates.

>> No.2538432,20 [INTERNAL] 


You can just use one thread, or set one for VN discussion, one for Touhous, one for idols, whatever. Not that hard.

Depends how long this lasts though. Last time it was down for 7 hours before I went to bed.

>> No.2538432,21 [INTERNAL] 

>especially the people that think it's a way to hide your messages
Yeah, messages here are hard to miss, because you're bound to stumble across them. Even if you don't come here on purpose to check them, when a thread gets 404'd and you're searching for it on the archive, you're bound to find them.

>> No.2538432,22 [INTERNAL] 

Can we talk about Ayumi here?

>> No.2538432,23 [INTERNAL] 

This is now a Katawa Shoujo thread.

>> No.2538432,24 [INTERNAL] 

Why not?

>Being hungry loses my patient.
>Exact same routine happened many times.
>I wonder how people release their frustration.
>my mind doesn't focus now.
I'm worried.

>> No.2538432,25 [INTERNAL] 

KS is awesome just because of Kenji.

>> No.2538432,26 [INTERNAL] 

I like it because in almost every route Hisao finds something that makes him think that the conspiracy is probably true.

>> No.2538432,27 [INTERNAL] 

This is now a Clannad thread.

>> No.2538432,28 [INTERNAL] 

F/SN anime>F/SN manga>Fate Zero novel>F/SN VN

>> No.2538432,29 [INTERNAL] 

lol i trol u

>> No.2538432,30 [INTERNAL] 

I bet you liked the Tsukihime anime too.

>> No.2538432,31 [INTERNAL] 

Whoa, I didn't know spoiler tags worked here.

>> No.2538432,32 [INTERNAL] 

All the tags that are supported on 4chan's text boards work here too.


>> No.2538432,33 [INTERNAL] 

Lots of tags work here.

>> No.2538432,34 [INTERNAL] 

Which is weird, because she seems a lot perkier on her mails. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

>> No.2538432,35 [INTERNAL] 

4chan has text boards?

>> No.2538432,36 [INTERNAL] 

I finished the Kyou route and am disappointed.

>> No.2538432,37 [INTERNAL] 

This was a triumph.

>> No.2538432,38 [INTERNAL] 

I wish to read these mails, but confidentiality... ;_;

>Last Sunday, I had a good time playing with 4chan-kun. He was funny, as usual, but sometimes he tried to knock me down and call me names. He has a good heart, though. The secret is to remember that 4chan-kun has very bad breath and it's good to ignore him when he opens his mouth too wide. ^_^

Can you at least tell me what this part is about?

>> No.2538432,39 [INTERNAL] 

I'm making a note here, huge success.

>> No.2538432,40 [INTERNAL] 

They should really have made tags like that usable in the 4chan imageboards to begin with.

>> No.2538432,41 [INTERNAL] 

It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.

>> No.2538432,42 [INTERNAL] 

Aperture science.

>> No.2538432,43 [INTERNAL] 

We do what we must, because, we can.

>> No.2538432,44 [INTERNAL] 

For the good of all of us except the ones who are dead.

>> No.2538432,45 [INTERNAL] 

Excuse me, but what are you doing, Anonymous?

Just imagine the expert BBCode spam in /jp/...

>> No.2538432,46 [INTERNAL] 

I find it funny that people don't get angry as easily in here.

Is there something about 4chan that makes us all angry?

>> No.2538432,47 [INTERNAL] 

OP pic has an orange box.

>> No.2538432,48 [INTERNAL] 

I wish we had at least aa tags. No Japanese SJIS Art in /jp/ makes me sad.

>> No.2538432,49 [INTERNAL] 

Population density. Country folk tend to be very relaxed.

>> No.2538432,50 [INTERNAL] 

She didn't like anonymous trying to get her personal information. Or being called a viral marketing attention whore.

I guess I can tell you this. I told her about Free Comic Book Day yesterday, and she gave it a try. She had fun there, and got some of the comics we recommended.

>> No.2538432,51 [INTERNAL] 

What's free comic book day?

>> No.2538432,52 [INTERNAL] 

We're all here only because we're so addicted to 4chan that we have to find some sort of substitute when it's down. Therefore, those of us who are bitter about how bad it's become aren't here, so there's a lot less trolling.

>> No.2538432,53 [INTERNAL] 

Our motto is "Take it easy". Even as shitstorms rage, we can try to take a step back and say "I must take it easy".

>> No.2538432,54 [INTERNAL] 

No, there's really something about 4chan that makes people angry. In other places, I read people saying stuff that would make me flame them hard if they said it on /jp/, but I don't bother otherwise.

>> No.2538432,55 [INTERNAL] 

Once a year, most comic book shops in America give away free issues. Discounts on Trade Paperbacks too, so you can jump into a series.
It's a way to get into american comics easily. We at /co/ enjoy the spirit of the event, and have a good time.

>> No.2538432,56 [INTERNAL] 

Touhou is one of the worst rail shooters I have ever played.

>> No.2538432,57 [INTERNAL] 

See? Not the same.

>> No.2538432,58 [INTERNAL] 

Gah, I missed it... orz
Since we're on the topic, what are some good comics? The ones I tried at the book store either were too busy (the art) or was in the middle of something ongoing (the serials).

>> No.2538432,59 [INTERNAL] 

It's kind of the opposite for me. Whenever I see someone raving about how Naruto is the greatest thing to ever come out of Japan outside of 4chan, I assume their serious and rage like the fist of the north star. If it's on 4chan, I assume they're a troll, and hide the thread.

>> No.2538432,60 [INTERNAL] 

Hey, you're right, what the hell? I don't feel anger at all. There's something weird about this.

>> No.2538432,61 [INTERNAL] 

/v/ here, you're all fags. Go play your shit VNs while I play well written AMERICAN RPGs like Devil Kings.

>> No.2538432,62 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe it's because we know everyone here is a bro while on the actual board....

>> No.2538432,63 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,64 [INTERNAL] 

Actually, my moe goggles are on 11 when I'm on /jp/ so I'm generally in a fluffy mood.

>> No.2538432,65 [INTERNAL] 

Even when I stumble across Youtube-quality crap on the Internet, I just think "wow, that's sad." Can't really get angry over it.

>> No.2538432,66 [INTERNAL] 

who is that Ayumi?

>> No.2538432,67 [INTERNAL] 

I sure do love a good circlejerk.

This place is shit; it goes way too slow and you can't even make threads.

It works great as an archive, it sucks as an imageboard.

>> No.2538432,68 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,69 [INTERNAL] 

Don't let the images fool you. We're a textboard.

>> No.2538432,70 [INTERNAL] 

We know it's not an imageboard. We're only here because real 4chan is down and the /a/ ghost board is being inactive.

>> No.2538432,71 [INTERNAL] 

You're too late. I already claimed her.

>> No.2538432,72 [INTERNAL] 

How do you think you'd react to that one on 4ch?

>> No.2538432,73 [INTERNAL] 

Why can't we share?

>> No.2538432,74 [INTERNAL] 

It's not supposed to be an imageboard, it's supposed to be the place where you come bitch when your thread gets deleted. Or something.

I obviously prefer /jp/ (otherwise I wouldn't be here in the first place), I was just pointing out there's something about posting on 4chan that keeps you in a constant angry mood.

>> No.2538432,75 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not that type of person. Sorry.

>> No.2538432,76 [INTERNAL] 

A "Reported" followed by pure anger.

>> No.2538432,77 [INTERNAL] 

Depends on what you like. There's the standard superhero stuff, the short books that mess with superheros, and the indie stuff that it's just weird and diverse.

But it's always a good idea to go for the first TPB of a short finished series. Or self contained short stories.
Seeing your comment about the busy art, how about Batman - The Killing Joke?
It's a good introduction to Bats. And self contained too.
Superman Red Son is fine too. The Walking Dead, Transmetropolitan. Maus if you're up for artsy history.

>> No.2538432,78 [INTERNAL] 

I guess I know what you mean kinda.
I always feel weird revealing that I use ANY other site other than 4chan while on 4chan. As if I'll get some sort of irrational hateful reaction for it. Maybe it puts me a little on edge as well or something?

>> No.2538432,79 [INTERNAL] 

[quote]pure anger.[/quote]
Clearly lying.

>> No.2538432,80 [INTERNAL] 

Hey guys


>> No.2538432,81 [INTERNAL] 

Ah, it doesn't work here. Hoho.

>> No.2538432,82 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,83 [INTERNAL] 

But there's no sense crying over every mistake
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

>> No.2538432,84 [INTERNAL] 

probably since theres no repercussions for pouring your anger on someone.

>> No.2538432,85 [INTERNAL] 

S-shut up!

TPB? By busy art, I mean pictures that make me feel like I'm looking at a 'where's waldo' panel with colors everyone. Extremely disorientating. Stuff like Junji Ito though, I like.

>> No.2538432,86 [INTERNAL] 

And the science gets done, and you make a neat gun
for the people who are still alive.

>> No.2538432,87 [INTERNAL] 


Going to suggest Blue Beetle.

>> No.2538432,88 [INTERNAL] 

That is part of what makes 4chan (good?)[citation needed]
The novelty is that it ends up being cliquey, in that if you don't share taste with the mainstream, you're called a newfag. My reasons initially for staying on (Note: I'm actually a secret /a/gent, only here because ghost /a/ is inactive) are that /a/ disapproves of the shonen series I hate the most, and we're allowed to call the people who like them what they are without so much as a warning. Other sites could and would ban you for "flaming."
Of course, if I were to learn of a forum that has no tolerance for Naruto/Bleach, I'd jump ship immediately.

>> No.2538432,89 [INTERNAL] 

But /a/ is long dead...

>> No.2538432,90 [INTERNAL] 

TPB -> Trade Paperback. A book compiling some issues in a way that it alone comprises a single arc of a given comic series.
Graphic Novel is a standalone book that starts and ends there. It's not part of a series.

Marvel and DC stuff will make you sick unless you get your brain rewired for it. But I think you will enjoy The Walking Dead. You like zombies, don't you?

>> No.2538432,91 [INTERNAL] 

Only because it has become the trend for one series to dominate every season. And people who like Naruto and Bleach have invaded and started whining that they aren't being accepted.

>> No.2538432,92 [INTERNAL] 

>only here because ghost /a/ is inactive
Ha, this is nothing new. They rarely use this board.

I just like /jp/ because it throws me into the fray without strings attached. No 'hello, my name is Dolor'-type things. Service without the formalities. Raging is tiring.

>> No.2538432,93 [INTERNAL] 

I always smile and consider it a minor victory when One Piece isn't mentioned along with those two.

>> No.2538432,94 [INTERNAL] 

We were using it last night. Though, when we first learned of this site and it's "Tripfags by post amount" function, we all started raging. /a/ has an immense hatred of it's tripfags. Does /jp/?

>> No.2538432,95 [INTERNAL] 

Who doesn't? Post-apocalyptic or 'mission'-based?

>> No.2538432,96 [INTERNAL] 

Must be something new because it's been the assumption that /a/ rarely goes ghost. For /jp/, there's some discontent, but very rarely do I see >specific tripfag. The only time I see that happening is when some random tripfag from /a/ comes and are recognized by fellow postmates.

>> No.2538432,97 [INTERNAL] 

well I'm from /a/
but after playing Katawa Shoujo girls I guess I can the appeal of VNs.
perhaps I should look into more, any suggestions?

>> No.2538432,98 [INTERNAL] 

I do refer to "The big 3" sometimes, but only because they are all similarly popular and long running.
However, I still find it difficult to get into One Piece. Mostly because of length. Sometimes I'm tempted to make generalizations that include Bleach and Naruto, such as "All 100+ series are shit," but that also includes One Piece and LOTG, and that's just terrible. One Piece to a lesser degree than LOTG, but I still see a huge gap between the quality of Blearuto and One Piece.
On that note, I find it shocking when I see people revering Inuyasha in any way any more. Shocking, and terrifying. More so than any other series.

>> No.2538432,99 [INTERNAL] 

inb4 Fate/stay night

But seriously, it's mandatory.

>> No.2538432,100 [INTERNAL] 

Fellow /a/ here.
My first was Ace Attorney.
My second, still unfinished, is Fate
And I'm working on Katawa now. Also looking for more suggestions. Are there any like Gyakuten Saiban, that don't focus at all on romance or character routes?

>> No.2538432,101 [INTERNAL] 

Saya no Uta. It's nice and short

>> No.2538432,102 [INTERNAL] 

Did you the entire appeal? Was it dangerous?

>> No.2538432,103 [INTERNAL] 

It's normal to be an asshole on 4chan.
I rarely act any other way.

>> No.2538432,104 [INTERNAL] 

Well do you want plot or porn with plot?

If its the latter then Tsukihime and Saya no Uta are good starting places. For the former Umineko and Ever 17 are pretty much the only good ones translated so far.

>> No.2538432,105 [INTERNAL] 

Everyone likes zombies.

>> No.2538432,106 [INTERNAL] 

Are the PW games even considered VNs? I think they are classified under adventure canonically speaking.

>> No.2538432,107 [INTERNAL] 

Ah, I can feel the bias kicking in. Better post before it gets worse. If you want something short and contained, go with either Planetarian or Saya no Uta. If you like the fluffy girl-specific, then go with Clannad. For sex, I love the X-Change series with Alt being my favorite (3 sucks).

>> No.2538432,108 [INTERNAL] 

I'd the entire appeal

>> No.2538432,109 [INTERNAL] 

Fate/stay night is considered starter, but if you can get past lower production values, Tsukihime is better. Although if you're looking for something more like KS, Clannad would be up your alley. All 3 of those are pretty long, so if you need something shorter Saya no Uta or Planetarian are worthwhile.

All of those are pretty basic /jp/ stuff, after that you might want to move on to Umineko, Kana, Phantom of Inferno, ect.

>> No.2538432,110 [INTERNAL] 

did I what the appeal?

>> No.2538432,111 [INTERNAL] 

I browse both /a/ and /jp/, and they both have their own, unique problems.

/a/ has too many people, which makes it too fast and lends to the spamming of one popular show (Gurren Lagann, Code Geass). /jp/ has too much /r9k/ meta discussion, and a lot of content nazis who think the board should only be for Touhou and TYPE-MOON.

>> No.2538432,112 [INTERNAL] 

What is a visual novel, really? Text with sprites and backgrounds. Whether it has routes or not differentiates as to what kind of VN it is, but basically they're the same kind of medium.

>> No.2538432,113 [INTERNAL] 

I think PW would be a adventure game, while something like RD would be a VN. Then again, Sumaga was called a ADV by it's creators, so I guess adventure is the broader category.

>> No.2538432,114 [INTERNAL] 

Her horns

>> No.2538432,115 [INTERNAL] 

Adult Video Game? dunno

>> No.2538432,116 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,117 [INTERNAL] 

ADV = adventure; NVL = novel.

>> No.2538432,118 [INTERNAL] 

Umineko maybe. Battler>Phoenix Wright. There is some romance, but it's not like bishoujo games where there are individual routes for different girls. There actually aren't routes at all.

Technically visual novels also fall under the "adventure game" category.

>> No.2538432,119 [INTERNAL] 

You know, a number of RPGs could be described like that. Unless you are suggesting that they are also VNs.

>> No.2538432,120 [INTERNAL] 

I just call them reading games. It's easier that way.

>> No.2538432,121 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,122 [INTERNAL] 

It's Uboa from Dream Diary.

>> No.2538432,123 [INTERNAL] 

I may be biased, because I don't dislike either Code Geass or Gurren Lagann, but I only saw their domination as a problem during their airings. The bigger problem isn't that we have too many of one kind of thread, but that some people think wikibombing, sagebombing, and thread derailing is the way to cure /a/ of the "cancers" such as the classic Daily Yotsuba chapter or Aria chapter. Hell, even recently, someone has been sageing Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei threads. And that's just terrible.

>> No.2538432,124 [INTERNAL] 

I prefer /jp/ over /a/, since /a/ tends to rage about everything and there's too much /b/ shit and tripfag drama.

Not to say that /jp/ doesn't freak out at every little thing either.

>> No.2538432,125 [INTERNAL] 

This gets me every time. Ugh.

>> No.2538432,126 [INTERNAL] 

/a/'s problem is that it's slowly turning into Gaia. There were never any Naruto/Bleach threads, and now that shit is posted by the hour. Then of course add the flavor of the season into the mix (K-ON) along with the the majority of people who only watch whatever is popular on /a/ and you have /a/ of 2009

>> No.2538432,127 [INTERNAL] 

I've never read Higurashi, but I've seen the anime. How much better is Umineko? The general consensus I've heard is:
Umineko novel>Higurashi novel>Higurashi anime
Is this basically true?

>> No.2538432,128 [INTERNAL] 

You should remember the dimensions by now.

But I like K-On.

>> No.2538432,129 [INTERNAL] 

ITT confessions

I used to troll loli threads with "only faggots like loli" and have a dozen of butthurt pedos reply to me each time. Now that I fap to loli daily I feel bad about it and regret my actions.

>> No.2538432,130 [INTERNAL] 

I really wish /b/ and the rest of the site were on different sites. None of us outside of /b/ want to deal with raid drama and DDoS attacks.

>> No.2538432,131 [INTERNAL] 

There's a lot of confusion about terms because of the fact that they use English terms in Japanese that may or may not sound like what they do to us.

In Japan, ADV and NVL are structures for the game, and a VN is sort of a genre within either of those, as is erotic games and others. But to English speakers "visual novel" sounds like it could apply to any kind of reading game, so people use it for any style or genre.

People complain about "VN" not being used correctly, but since so many people use it the "wrong" way in English it's more or less become the blanket term for us.

>> No.2538432,132 [INTERNAL] 

I wish I could enjoy K-ON as the Slice of Life fag that I am, and not be barraged by the millions of people who never saw a SOL before Lucky Star, and expect plot from them, like any other series, and when it doesn't deliver, they troll it. And seriously, no Slice of Life deserves the attention K-ON or Lucky Star get. Not even Hidamari Sketch needs or warrants that kind of spam.

>> No.2538432,133 [INTERNAL] 

I started Japanese Bird Cooking Spaghetti

>> No.2538432,134 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, that's easy. Just leave /a/ and join us in /jp/. No more anime issues there!

>> No.2538432,135 [INTERNAL] 

Hi, Miyuki is Mai Waifu.

>> No.2538432,136 [INTERNAL] 

no you didn't, I did.

>> No.2538432,137 [INTERNAL] 

I'm a tripfag who only uses his trip to act like a faggot.

>> No.2538432,138 [INTERNAL] 

I haven't read the Higurashi VN because only one chapter is translated but Umineko is better than the Higurashi anime.

>> No.2538432,139 [INTERNAL] 

I'm the guy that always post mother incest threads.

>> No.2538432,140 [INTERNAL] 

When I first came to 4chan around 2005 I used to post things like "I guess I'll go back to pretending to be a pedophile like everyone else." Then I realized people weren't pretending. Then I realized I was a pedo myself.

>> No.2538432,141 [INTERNAL] 

That's not a bad thing. I'm just wondering why we can't keep our discussions in one thread like Futaba does (for the most part).

Everyone seems to think that every individual screenshot or piece of fanart deserves its own thread. Yeah, /a/ has worked like that for a long time, but still..

>> No.2538432,142 [INTERNAL] 

I blame the anime adaptation. Started reading the manga before it aired, and it was amusing and still had a good SOL dose.
The anime trampled all over that to fill it with moe. Ugh.

Did you like Sketchbook? Never gets enough press around here, and it's pretty good for a SOL based mostly on puns.

>> No.2538432,143 [INTERNAL] 

get out INfinity

>> No.2538432,144 [INTERNAL] 

It's the "I'm as unique as a snowflake" attitude kicking in. I sure wish KS posters would keep things in 2 threads (KS and KS flipside). Since I'm wishing, I sure wish people would use the subject field!

>> No.2538432,145 [INTERNAL] 

Really, no 'popular' show on /a/ deserves the hype or spam. K-ON mostly just got it because of the fact that it's made by KyoAni.

>> No.2538432,146 [INTERNAL] 

I'd miss the good threads too much.
We've had some great ones in 2009, even if it is mostly shit.
The Akira threads, more Pimped threads than usual, the inception of Brocar, and we still occasionally have Akagi threads. I don't think any of these things fit under /jp/'s umbrella, unfortunately. And my VN power level is ridiculously low.

>> No.2538432,147 [INTERNAL] 

Aria deserves more attention than it gets. Althought that would just lead to trolling. It's a double edged sword.

>> No.2538432,148 [INTERNAL] 

Akagi is easy. Start a mahjong thread and then go from there. Work the system. I don't know what you can still have to talk about though.

>> No.2538432,149 [INTERNAL] 

30% of /jp/ have only played Fate/Stay Night and ClannAIDS. You're fine.

>> No.2538432,150 [INTERNAL] 

I honestly think all slice of life shows are pretty mediocre. Even the supposed sui generis of the genre Azumanga.

>> No.2538432,151 [INTERNAL] 

It got pretty bad with Aria daily dump getting trolled and spammed.
Truly, /a/ is a forsaken wasteland now.

I like to badmouth my trip and various works as anonymous. Feels good.

>> No.2538432,152 [INTERNAL] 

I've always wondered why /jp/ tends to freak out at anybody who doesn't have the highest powerlevel possible. Some of the rage is just uncalled for.

>> No.2538432,153 [INTERNAL] 

You and I have nothing to say to each other from now on athens.

Self reassurance. Calling others on their faults hides their own. Not unlike newcomers calling others "newfags"

>> No.2538432,154 [INTERNAL] 

Because we don't want /b/tards shitting up our board.

If you're not a faggot, having a low powerlevel doesn't really matter.

>> No.2538432,155 [INTERNAL] 

What is your favorite anime athens?

>> No.2538432,156 [INTERNAL] 

Speaking of KS, are there different act-1 'endings' for each character, or do I have to wait for the full thing/another demo to get more Rinteraction?

>> No.2538432,157 [INTERNAL] 

Because the people /a/ sends tend to act like idiots. KS doesn't help either.

>> No.2538432,158 [INTERNAL] 

Lashing out as a result of the constant "I'm new to /jp/ what VN should I read" threads. That's my guess anyway.
I can understand why someone wouldn't like them, but I'm still upset at you because of it.

>> No.2538432,159 [INTERNAL] 

Also, screencaps get more reaction as a thread than as a post in a thread. It's the sad truth of how it works. Everyone makes threads from screencaps they see as funny, hoping it'll become the next spinzaku or pimpEd template. Because of this, a new thread is made every 30 seconds or so, and not all of them get seen by their target audience. Which is sad, because I'm still convinced that /a/ has a relatively high power level and appreciation of somewhat obscure anime, but won't see the thread for (Unknown but awesome 80's anime) if it gets to page 2 in 15 seconds. Of course, because of this, the general power level is dropping, because people are leaving, because they think no one else appreciates their obscure show.
So as I pray, unlimited newfag works.

>> No.2538432,160 [INTERNAL] 

I like slice of life because I sometimes wonder what it would have been like if I had one.

>> No.2538432,161 [INTERNAL] 

The people whining constantly about KS threads are as bad as the ones posting them.

I bet most of them are hardcore Touhou-tards who can't stand the board having less than 75% touhou threads at all times.

>> No.2538432,162 [INTERNAL] 

Aw... how can you... even Azumanga? Really?

>> No.2538432,163 [INTERNAL] 

Its hard to say, I think I gave a list in the other thread. Top tier shows for me are Mushishi, GitS: SAC, Planetes (especially Planetes actually), Mushishi, LoGH, Mononoke, Bartender, FMA, Trigun and TTGL.

How about you?

>> No.2538432,164 [INTERNAL] 

I don't mind newfriends so much as those shitting up the board with /b/ quality posts.

Really, those telling people to 'get the fuck out of /jp' for trivial reasons, often accompanied by a sage, are probably just trying to make themselves feel better.

All in all, it's just best not to take the board so seriously.

>> No.2538432,165 [INTERNAL] 

is it because of ghost mode
or is /jp/ really this receptive to newcomers?

>> No.2538432,166 [INTERNAL] 

It's people who are getting tired of seeing 4 KS threads on the front page at once. They really should have expected it though, this sort of thing always happens. Although their reponse isn't exactly the best way to go about it.

>> No.2538432,167 [INTERNAL] 

I actually don't like Azumanga and I watched that before Hidamari Sketch, Aria, Genshiken, etc. It's too slow for the way it draws out its jokes. The manga is fine though.

>> No.2538432,168 [INTERNAL] 

I think that all the "turning into Gaia" (although it's really more like animesuki or ANN) stuff is also due to the high population as well though. If /a/ were still the size it was in 2005-2006 it would be perfect again. There wouldn't be enough people to "discuss" Naruto, and fags wouldn't be able to drive stuff with smaller niches off the board.

>> No.2538432,169 [INTERNAL] 

Nevertheless, I think if we were able to contain the KS talk to one constantly-renewing thread (much like the idol threads; have they hit 100 yet?), it would be better for everyone involved. I'd have an easier time hearing more of what people have to say about it, and the posters who don't like it would have an easier time ignoring it.

>> No.2538432,170 [INTERNAL] 

I, same massive SOL fag as before, (Fuck it, I'm putting my tripcode back on), agree. Slice of Life is exactly average. It can be slightly above average at best, and below average at worst. There is no plot, only characterization, and it generally relies on cuteness to make it good/enjoyable. I enjoyed Hidamari Sketch mostly because of how relaxed and good inside it made me feel.

>> No.2538432,171 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,172 [INTERNAL] 

Always has been, though ghost mode may allow some of us to express it more freely.

>> No.2538432,173 [INTERNAL] 

The one thing I hate most is people claiming that all the people creating and posting in KS threads are the KS devs themselves.

Also, ZUN!bar and his threadshitting doesn't help either.

>> No.2538432,174 [INTERNAL] 

That's a pretty good list. I approve.

>> No.2538432,175 [INTERNAL] 

I know there is that appeal. When I watched LS it was late 2007, first year of university for me. I was very depressed so it appealed to me a lot. But lets be honest, we must assess things objectively and objectively LS is not really top tier material.

I'm not going to bash people for enjoying it though, because its actually quite a relaxing thing to put on at times.

Its certainly the best of the genre. But I can't compare it to something like Mushishi and honestly say that they're in the same league. I know that they should be treated autonomously to a degree but theres a degree of overlap, and one is quite clearly more adventurous and bold and enjoyable than the other.

See above.

>> No.2538432,176 [INTERNAL] 

Good taste my man, good taste.

>> No.2538432,177 [INTERNAL] 

The actual elder anonymous accept newcomers because we need their fresh blood. But all in moderation, as long as they adapt to our ways and they behave like good posters.
What we won't take are shit posters, no matter when they started to post here.

>> No.2538432,178 [INTERNAL] 

Oh I forgot Eva, which I'll get shit for but meh.

Thank you!

>> No.2538432,179 [INTERNAL] 


On regular /jp/ elitism is commonplace.

>> No.2538432,180 [INTERNAL] 

A little bit of both. /jp/ sort of follows the old "lurk more" rules. If you just showed up but you aren't a fag, no one will notice. /jp/ posters are also very forthcoming with source requests compared to other boards (very little Boku no Bibletoads).

However, /jp/ also has a lot of content nazis that get pissed off whenever anyone posts anything that they think isn't related to the board. Some of them even take it so far as to assume the board is only for Touhou and ADV games.

>> No.2538432,181 [INTERNAL] 

Doing a "you too" won't help you there. Condensed threads are actually better for the participants. Rather than spamming the same one-liners you see in every thread, you can actually have discussions and advance.

Spam threads are shallow.

>> No.2538432,182 [INTERNAL] 

Think about it. Where can we kick you off to? We're at the end of the line here.

>> No.2538432,183 [INTERNAL] 

Agreed. People managed to do that when Suika got cracked. Sure there are more people discussing KS, but it still shouldn't be hard to keep it in one thread.

>> No.2538432,184 [INTERNAL] 

Commonplace, but not overt. There are some things we just can't help trolling over (Tsukihime _____, anyone?), but it's more of a gut reaction than actual hate.

We get so many people trolling about these things that when somebody who isn't familiar with those trolls tries to ask about them, we assume they're trolling.

>> No.2538432,185 [INTERNAL] 

>I'm still convinced that /a/ has a relatively high power level and appreciation of somewhat obscure anime

Unfortunately not, as seen by the powerlevel threads.

As a regular /a/ user myself, it's annoying to see so many /b/ refugees and newfriends taking over the board. /a/ isn't the board it used to be anymore. You might as well just call it /b/ with anime.

>> No.2538432,186 [INTERNAL] 

>one is quite clearly more adventurous and bold
>and enjoyable
I don't know if I can agree with that. I view it more as extremes. Watching something like Gunbuster or Ippo will get me pumped up and excited, while watching Aria will relax me almost to the point of sleeping. I can get the same level of enjoyment out of them, even when one is more "ambitious" than the other. Although this all depends on my mood at the time, so take it however you will.

>> No.2538432,187 [INTERNAL] 

Night time /a/ has excellent taste.

>> No.2538432,188 [INTERNAL] 

The way I see it you either like slice of life or you don't.
its just a matter of preferences.

>> No.2538432,189 [INTERNAL] 

Genshiken was good at the start, when it turned into dating club it got a bit faggoty though. Manga was better though, though nothing can touch GTO as far as comedy type stuff goes.

>> No.2538432,190 [INTERNAL] 

I agree with your assessment that we should view and judge them subjectively when comparing them to other anime, but I disagree with your placement of Azumanga Daioh as the best. Maybe the first, but I've never seen that as a valid argument for something being better than something else, even if a direct influence is obvious. The quality of a slice of life is, in my experience, directly connected to how viewers react to and enjoy the characters, making it more subjective than other genres. It is, after all, impossible to analyze storytelling methods, plot, and ending in a series that has none of those. And they don't tend to have enough animation to really warrant that being a factor, so we're left with characters, and art. Both somewhat subjective.

Also, maybe I'm just a fag, but I am having so much trouble getting further in Mushishi than I am. I enjoyed the first several episodes immensely, but I've hit a snag in the middle. Is this normal? Should I skip to a later episode, not missing anything because of it being episodic, or am I maybe just one of those people who can't enjoy it's tone or something?

>> No.2538432,191 [INTERNAL] 

Confessions? I'm the faggot who creates good cheer threads every now and the for no good reason. I randomly post copypasta on /a/ as well.

>> No.2538432,192 [INTERNAL] 

I like how a lot of people say night shift /a/ is a myth. It's amazing how the amount of shit posting is cut nearly in half and most discussion is kept in its respective thread. Though it won't last much longer with summer just around the corner. Enjoy it while it lasts

>> No.2538432,193 [INTERNAL] 

Even on real /jp/ I try to be helpful to newcomers, but it depends on their attitude. As long as they don't act like faggots or assholes I'll try my best to help them. Unfortunately there are a lot of faggots and assholes making their way to /jp/ these days.

>> No.2538432,194 [INTERNAL] 

Everyone really is just pretending that they are pedos. Enjoy being a real pedo, you creepy fuck.

>> No.2538432,195 [INTERNAL] 

Enjoy being a troll, you closet pedo.

>> No.2538432,196 [INTERNAL] 

That's not funny, you should stop that at once.

>> No.2538432,197 [INTERNAL] 

I have to confess to being a late 2007 /b/ refugee with a power level of 33 days worth of anime. Of course, I'm not going to GB2 anywhere, because this is the only place where I ever see Akagi discussed.

>> No.2538432,198 [INTERNAL] 

Actually, it's either you like a show or you don't. Categories don't make the show. For example, Adrift in Tokyo is a pretty decent movie even though there wasn't a constant ongoing storyline. It has a decent atmosphere and even makes you laugh a couple of times only making you go "ah!" when it's over.

>> No.2538432,199 [INTERNAL] 

well then what would you reprehensible behavior?

>> No.2538432,200 [INTERNAL] 

Night shift /a/ now is about as good as daytime /a/ was a year ago (i.e. terrible). If /a/ is better at night I don't want to know what daytime /a/ looks like these days.

>> No.2538432,201 [INTERNAL] 

I think both of you are basically making the point that a genre like slice of life is more open to interpretation because it lacks a narrative focus beyond that of the lives of the characters.

>but I've hit a snag in the middle. Is this normal?

I have a friend who loved it but hasn't finished off the last few episodes for months now. Sometimes its just apathy, I'm assuming for you though its because its such an episodic show you can pretty much take it at a very leisurely pace?

I guess I liked Mushishi a lot because I read Kwaidan right before I watched it as well.

>> No.2538432,202 [INTERNAL] 

...This feels a bit backwards, but (in this company, at least) I'm almost ashamed to say that I'm not a pedophile.

Though I suppose it depends on your definition of the term...

>> No.2538432,203 [INTERNAL] 

Like a phpBB.
No, really.

>> No.2538432,204 [INTERNAL] 

Just realized I was giong to go finish Nodame Cantabile 2 hours ago. Caught up by the f5 trap. I'll see you gents when /jp/ is alive again.

>> No.2538432,205 [INTERNAL] 

That's just silly. You like what you like. As long as you're not decrying others, it's fine, you trendfag you~

>> No.2538432,206 [INTERNAL] 

Shame that there's no discussion when Suika finally got uploaded. Same with MOON.

There's alot of threads for those two titles before they got released.

>> No.2538432,207 [INTERNAL] 

And this person did not stop posting? It should have.

But surely, "you have a friend". Apathy.

>> No.2538432,208 [INTERNAL] 

Nighttime /a/ does exist, but it's mostly just due to the fact that a majority of the board is sleeping, and with less users, we get less bullshit.
Hell, it's even fine up until noon or so since most of the shitty users are at school or their job.

It's a shame that summer isn't even a month away. You might as well expect /a/ to finally become /b/ during the summer with all the users shitting up the board 24 hours a day.

>> No.2538432,209 [INTERNAL] 

To be honest, I haven't gotten around to reading them, but I have my final exams tomorrow so I'll be a little more free later.

>> No.2538432,210 [INTERNAL] 

With /b/ down, I just can't take these "Hey /a/ I dont kno much about anime but I like DN (death note if u dont kno) what other animes would I like. Anything that's a modern day mystery/thriller with a slight supernatural element and perhaps a 'bad guy' teenager main character would be great!"

And then they start using smilies and shit, and it's just too much for me...

>> No.2538432,211 [INTERNAL] 

I watched Kino's Journey right before starting Mushishi. I suspect that has something to do with it, considering how much I love Kino, and how I see the two as similar in style, in a way. The problem being, it has been months since I've watched an episode, and the last time I started, I thought a few seconds in "This isn't what I feel like watching now." and switched to something else. Maybe I'll try a once a week approach, and I'll at least get it finished at some point.

>> No.2538432,212 [INTERNAL] 

/a/ gets too many recommendation threads in general.

Honestly, if people just said "lurk more", it would help a lot.

>> No.2538432,213 [INTERNAL] 

I die a little inside every time I see the awesomeface.jpg outside of /b/.

>> No.2538432,214 [INTERNAL] 

? Not sure where that's coming from.

But why would I decry others? As long as they don't make the jump from pedophilia to child molestation, I have no quarrel with them.

>> No.2538432,215 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, I finished up KnT recently. I liked it but the art style wasn't really my cup of tea and it seemed to have this underlying lack of emotion to it as well, perhaps that was the point, but for me Ginko was a more winnable protagonist than Kino.

Both are good shows though. And yep, try the one week approach, or just will yourself at some point to sit down and watch it through.

>> No.2538432,216 [INTERNAL] 

...Well then, I'll make sure to stop posting it in response to people being idiots. Well, that being the case, at all.

>> No.2538432,217 [INTERNAL] 

>Nighttime /a/ does exist, but it's mostly just due to the fact that a majority of the board is sleeping, and with less users, we get less bullshit.

A good example being the DNS Wall week.

Generally, less users = better board. Well, too little is just as bad, but a middle range is the best. Sure, with high you might get more so called "original content" (ie. /v/, old /b/) but it's just not worth it, because it just gets out of control.

>> No.2538432,218 [INTERNAL] 

I've always found it kind of weird that the worst posters are the ones who have jobs. I guess they are a package deal with the immature high schoolers, and have lower power levels than NEETs, but the idea of having a job is certainly more ambitious than not having one. Maybe ambition is the cancer killing daytime /a/?

As for nighttime /a/, it gets mentioned a lot less. I remember how enjoyable it tended to be back when I was using my Picard tripcode. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to stay up late in recent months, so I've been missing out. And of course, when I am finally free of classes, it'll be summer.

>> No.2538432,219 [INTERNAL] 

Saturday during the day was fucking awful, with the weekend, /b/ being down, and daytime, it was pretty much /b/ 2.0.

>> No.2538432,220 [INTERNAL] 

Ah, that trendfag was a play on the fact that you're "almost ashamed". The desire to fit in and all. And I'm not attacking you for anything. Take it easy, man.

>> No.2538432,221 [INTERNAL] 

I've been trying to catch up with Umineko so I haven't had a chance to play either one yet but they're next on my list. It's a shame that a demo gets so much more attention on /jp/ than two newly translated VNs.

>> No.2538432,222 [INTERNAL] 




Hey, picard? I remember having some great Haruhi novel discussions with you and that neko Wai fellow. Good times. a little more stable period of the board, particularily in nighttime...and I remember a lot of LOGH threads too...

>> No.2538432,223 [INTERNAL] 

This thread is getting long. Should we hijack a different thread?

>> No.2538432,224 [INTERNAL] 

It's because the assholes who normally frequent /jp/ are mostly the newcomers, and I'd estimate that less than half of the /jp/ population even knows about this place. The feeling of exclusivity is keeping us together here.

>> No.2538432,225 [INTERNAL] 

I'm guilty of precisely one recommendation thread in the last month, and it existed only because /a/ only talks about anime from the 90's and later anymore, and I was looking for earlier shows. Thread got no replies.

>> No.2538432,226 [INTERNAL] 


Every single goddamn rec thread these days uses Death Note

>> No.2538432,227 [INTERNAL] 

Not needed, no autosage here. Just take it easy.

>> No.2538432,228 [INTERNAL] 

Most anons with jobs are the types of people who go around boasting about how they have a life and what not, in other words, the normalfags.

Anyways, NEETs are usually better posters for many reasons, but those with jobs can be good posters as well, and NEETs can be shitty posters as well (ie INfnity)

>> No.2538432,229 [INTERNAL] 

It kind of takes a while to load, but fine. A quick reply feature would be nice.

>> No.2538432,230 [INTERNAL] 

What I've noticed is not necessarily the propensity increasing (as that is to be expected w/ increased traffic) but more people helping out the OP. I never had it so easy when I was trying to get into anime unfortunately. Everyone just told me to fuck off, heh.

Thing is, once you've hit a saturation point of series watched you kind of know what to look for and what to pick up season-on-season anyway.

>> No.2538432,231 [INTERNAL] 

Ah, yes. There is a surprising amount to talk about in the later Haruhi novels. Theories, sci fi concepts brought up, the extent of Yuki's power, the anti-SOS brigade. But I rarely see those discussions anymore. The most I see of Haruhi anymore is
>Moe shit
>Lucky Star Season 0
>Season 2 will be Kyonko
>Kyonko general
>Troll thread

This reminds me that I need to get classes that start in the afternoon next year, and stay up at least till 1.

>> No.2538432,232 [INTERNAL] 

It seems we have fallen victim to text-only communication. I wasn't reacting defensively, only curiously, and then attempting to reinforce your assertion that everybody should be okay with what everybody else does.

>> No.2538432,233 [INTERNAL] 

what is moot doing??

>> No.2538432,234 [INTERNAL] 

does anyone know what the hell moot is doing??!

>> No.2538432,235 [INTERNAL] 

moot abandoned /jp/ a long time ago. You're better off asking a different board.

>> No.2538432,236 [INTERNAL] 


Fapping to Katawa Shoujo

>> No.2538432,237 [INTERNAL] 

Just what is with /a/ and all the ___ bombing, hijacks, and tripfag drama anyways? It's really getting out of hand.

>> No.2538432,238 [INTERNAL] 

Trying to survive the DDOS from the Narutofanon wikia, I think. At least, that's what people are telling me.

/a/ apparently decided that a fanon circlejerk about an anime they ('they' in this case being /a/) all profess to hate with burning passion was worth raiding. The wikiposters threatened to retaliate via DDOS, and that seems to be why we're all posting here.

I kinda like it, though. At least until you showed up, demanding explanations of things you have no reason to expect us to understand.

>> No.2538432,239 [INTERNAL] 

Eating soup.

>> No.2538432,240 [INTERNAL] 

That's what the cool kids do. We're too lame and nerdy for that.

>> No.2538432,241 [INTERNAL] 


I guess /a/ really is /b/ with all this raiding shit.

Remember when we were all just common losers discussing things with other losers?

>> No.2538432,242 [INTERNAL] 

I'm of the opinion that experience in anime doesn't make you better at judging a good show from a bad one, experience in any entertainment medium will allow you to be better at judging. But be careful, deciding what is shit and what isn't before it even airs is just prejudging. For example, every season preview thread I see has people talking about how much worse the next season will be than the current one, without exception. It's gotten ridiculous to the degree that this season, just before K-ON aired, I saw a front page full of K-ON threads, and only one of them was actually in support of it. The rest were "THIS SHIT IS OVERHYPED AND /a/ ALREADY LOVES IT!"
I also know I've been dead wrong about what series I'd like and dislike. Usually my favorite show of a season tends to be one I had never heard of in the pre season hype.

>> No.2538432,243 [INTERNAL] 

Instead of say, hiding the thread, people will resort to bombing it with ASCII art or wikispam, EVEN if that thread is perfectly acceptable in /a/. It's just stupid that people feel the need to play mod whenever they see a One Piece thread or something.

>> No.2538432,244 [INTERNAL] 


It was far worse during fall and early winter. Taiga/stein/etc? The Sagebombing kit? Of course, we need only to wait for summer for it to start all over again.


Ahaha, oh wow, if that's true then it's damn hilarious.

>> No.2538432,245 [INTERNAL] 

So why is raiding fun again?

>> No.2538432,246 [INTERNAL] 

the hell?really?
/a/ is alot of things but I've always we were above raiding people.

>> No.2538432,247 [INTERNAL] 

Yeh, or sometimes things start off good and then tail off I suppose. Like Xamd, remember how good everyone thought Xamd was going to be? And for a few episodes it actually delivered!

>> No.2538432,248 [INTERNAL] 

Hiding is for the weak. I surf unfiltered!

>> No.2538432,249 [INTERNAL] 

/a/ only does this to try and find a replacement for Code Geass R2.

Of course that never works out well and just turns the board into shit.

>> No.2538432,250 [INTERNAL] 


To be able to take down all 10+ of 4chan's servers (img, dat, zip, orz, ...) takes a considerably greater amount of skill and precision than the average anime fan would know about anyway.

>> No.2538432,251 [INTERNAL] 

Jesus. I knew I was right to sage the thread that this all started in, not that sage does anything. But still. Why should /a/ care if some fags are writing fanfics using a bunch of stolen characters and powers? And since when does /a/ raid, anyway? That's the dumbest idea I've ever heard of.

>> No.2538432,252 [INTERNAL] 

I am ashamed to admit it but I used to find raiding fun back in 2006 or so. Usually that wears off after a while however. I couldn't care less about EPIC RAIDS anymore.

>> No.2538432,253 [INTERNAL] 

It's unsafe to not wear a condom. Safe sex!

>> No.2538432,254 [INTERNAL] 

What use do I have for a condom? I'm not stranded in the wilderness or anything.

>> No.2538432,255 [INTERNAL] 

>just before K-ON aired, I saw a front page full of K-ON threads, and only one of them was actually in support of it. The rest were "THIS SHIT IS OVERHYPED AND /a/ ALREADY LOVES IT!"

Then you see half a dozen "OMG FUCKING KON MOESHIT FLOODING THE BOARD!! WORSE THEN CODE GEASS!!!", and then trolls capitalizing on that and making twice as many of those same threads, and then making even more threads complaining about THOSE threads being "K-ON flooding", and...well, it gets kind of confusing from there. Reminds me too much of Toradora.

And it'll only get worse, because they know how easily /a/ can be manipulated into trolling something into oblivion, or raising it up on a throne, both series completely not deserving it's treatment

>> No.2538432,256 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, boy do I remember dropping Xam'd like a box of bricks 11 episodes in. Not specifically because I hated it, but because I became apathetic at that time.
I have mixed feelings on R2. On one hand, participating in the shitstorm, and making fun of how bad the show was going was the only way to enjoy it. However, it is now obvious that it cost /a/ a large portion of it's soul.

>> No.2538432,257 [INTERNAL] 

Except it would be shit regardless, since Geass Sundays were just about the worst thing to happen to /a/ in recent memory. As bad as Gurren Lagann and Lucky Star threads were, at least people were reposting stuff mostly on accident then. I actually had to just leave /a/ every Sunday, and most of the time R2 was airing even. Nothing else has been quite that bad.

>> No.2538432,258 [INTERNAL] 

yup it was bad,
I wanted to leave /a/
but i had nowhere to go...

>> No.2538432,259 [INTERNAL] 

Very last /b/ raid I took part in was that one with that girl who fucked her dog.

>> No.2538432,260 [INTERNAL] 

Ha, reminds me the guy that countered the yuri threads with more yuri threads.

>> No.2538432,261 [INTERNAL] 

Hell, it's not like /a/ is any better now with /b/ being down, K-ON spam, and the current tripfag drama.

Also, with /b/ being down, they will venture to other boards and migrate. Hooray.

>> No.2538432,262 [INTERNAL] 

Thinking back, there is one raid I could approve of, and that is the Limbaugh raid. Of course, that's just out of feeling that anything bad happening to Rush Limbaugh is good for the rest of us. But /a/ wouldn't do something so ambitious. The best we could do is raid Funimation, and that would end in shit no matter how it turned out. Leave the raiding to the real internet trolls, /a/.
There are a lot of situations in which you might use the one liter of water storage provided by such an object.

>> No.2538432,263 [INTERNAL] 

Hmm, that does make a lot more sense. But it's not like DDOS is an exact science anymore; You can probably download scripts for it easily enough, and seeing as it's only the worksafe boards that are fucked, I have to wonder how 'professional' this is.

>> No.2538432,264 [INTERNAL] 

It's a beautiful morning /jp/ what are you doing here?
Ok, the sky is a bit gray and it just started to rain but this won't stop you from enjoying life to its fullest, right?

Because you'll stay in front of your computer anyway, lucky bastards.

>> No.2538432,265 [INTERNAL] 

I agree, but sadly most of /a/ thinks of the Code Geass days positively.

>> No.2538432,266 [INTERNAL] 

But unless I'm in the wilderness, why would I need the condom? I highly doubt any urban area would make me pay for something as vital as water.

>> No.2538432,267 [INTERNAL] 


I swear, so many goddamned problems root from R2. I don't even mind the show and I'm not just trying to find a scapegoat or something, but I really just think it was just too goddamned popular for /a/ to handle.

And Geass Sundays, good LORD, geass sundays.

Next time someone says "lol /cg/ was pure FUN! golden age of /a/!!" I'm going to rip out their fucking pancreas

>> No.2538432,268 [INTERNAL] 

I find this hard to believe. It's just ridiculous.

>> No.2538432,269 [INTERNAL] 

That was when I finally left /a/ for good and became a fulltime /jp/ poster. Although I had been spending a lot more time in /jp/ than /a/ ever since Geass summer.

>> No.2538432,270 [INTERNAL] 

Another problem with /a/ is when a tripfag like Taiga or INfinity posts, the entire thread will be derailed with tripfag drama. I've had to delete several of my own threads because of this.

>> No.2538432,271 [INTERNAL] 

Large part of Geass' fanbase were girls

....Just throwing it out there is all

>> No.2538432,272 [INTERNAL] 

Stop that.

>> No.2538432,273 [INTERNAL] 

Oh god, here we go

>> No.2538432,274 [INTERNAL] 

Luckily, the tripfag drama seems to be at a semi low point. During fall and winter it was the worst. Taiga posting constantly, being defended by Stein, Matsuda starting out and getting his clones, MiMW still being around occasionally, and Anonymous (Most likely these tripfags in disguise) overreacting to it all. Unless I'm missing some more annoying tripfag drama that's going on right now, it seems better now that Taiga and Stein have more or less fucked off.

>> No.2538432,275 [INTERNAL] 

athens has the same effect around here. It would probably be a lot better if people just ignored them.

>> No.2538432,276 [INTERNAL] 


No, there's a fucking ton of them still around. I swear most of them are the ones always bashing current seasons because ";_; nuthin quite as epic as code geass!" or some shit. Probably.

and lol geass sundays

>> No.2538432,277 [INTERNAL] 

>Matsuda starting out and getting his clones

Matsuda got mega notoriety in quite a short space of time actually. But that KoG thread was what really pushed him to the forefront.

>> No.2538432,278 [INTERNAL] 

Code Geass was terrible, I don't know how anybody could have liked one anime taking over the entire board. I would make a thread about another anime and it would just sink to page 10.

>> No.2538432,279 [INTERNAL] 

Don't forget, a lot of the shit from Geass Sundays was aided by the mods.

>> No.2538432,280 [INTERNAL] 

>But that KoG thread was what really pushed him to the forefront
Do you know the thread number?

>> No.2538432,281 [INTERNAL] 

I'm also convinced that 80% of the Toradora spammers were women. And more than half of the K-ON spammers.
Can't get a demographic lock on the GARUTO spammers though. Let's just assume they're all women.

>> No.2538432,282 [INTERNAL] 

Why do people react so heavily to tripfags? I swear to god, it's just fucking retarded.

>> No.2538432,283 [INTERNAL] 

Nope. I just remember it was something like 'Hey Matsuda, if this thread ends in 5' kind of thing.

>> No.2538432,284 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,285 [INTERNAL] 

Anybody remember Jim Profit? Or was that just /co/?

>> No.2538432,286 [INTERNAL] 

good lord.

>> No.2538432,287 [INTERNAL] 

I had nothing to do, so I started watching the Clannad animu.

Oh my fuck, I hate myself.

>> No.2538432,288 [INTERNAL] 

Why? It's fine.

>> No.2538432,289 [INTERNAL] 

>As a regular /a/ user myself, it's annoying to see so many /b/ refugees and newfriends taking over the board. /a/ isn't the board it used to be anymore. You might as well just call it /b/ with anime.

Why so many /a/ immigrants over here?
Goddam KS really need to get the fuck out of /jp/. Not to say I hate, but you fags spamming it here and starting up 1246547x post of KS is not helping. You guys are just acting like those /b/ and newfriend taking over /jp/ with your shitty spam.

I mean we are getting so many "I am new to VN. KS is my first VN." and "x heroine from KS is my waifu" thread.
You guys should spam KS in /a/ or lurk the fuck more, it is not gonna be tolerated in /jp/. The way thing is going on, it will only take a few more days before mod and janitor-san ban KS. Last I check, KS is not from Japan.

I don't hate KS i am just tired of the spam that is going on.

>> No.2538432,290 [INTERNAL] 

See, it's shit like this that made me leave /a/ during the Geass spam.

>> No.2538432,291 [INTERNAL] 

/a/ just loves spamming.

>> No.2538432,292 [INTERNAL] 

I hope you played the visual novel first. The anime just spoils everything without going into details.

>> No.2538432,293 [INTERNAL] 

You know, I'm starting to see a trend of /a/ having a much worse backlash to things than they should have, getting upset over the shitstorm caused, and blaming whatever is at the center of it.
I could have sworn it was when someone decided to take record of how often Matsuda posted and saged. That caused a huge thread where all the current tripfags were mapped out in approximate post numbers.

>> No.2538432,294 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know, but it's fucking stupid with all the >tripfag sage and reaction images and what not.

>> No.2538432,295 [INTERNAL] 

KS is spammed in /a/ too

>> No.2538432,296 [INTERNAL] 

>I don't hate ____, I'm just tired of all the spam that's going on.

>> No.2538432,297 [INTERNAL] 

For /jp/, only athens and ISM get those reactions. Well, the imagedumpers get it every now and then.

>> No.2538432,298 [INTERNAL] 

Sorry, I never got around to it. I'm pretty interested in checking it out though. Surely, reading it after the animu can't hurt too much.

The whole first arc may have been cheap shots at the eyes, but I feel like total shit now. Good lord, I hate how Fuko talks and acts, but FUCK.

I meant it in the tearjerker sense, and how I'll never be as much of a man as Tomoya, despite his age.

>> No.2538432,299 [INTERNAL] 

I did the same during the whole Geass Sundays thing, but I find myself going back to /a/ every couple seasons. /jp/ has its fair share of different problems.

>> No.2538432,300 [INTERNAL] 

Most of the tripfags are dead anyways, so it's not too bad right now. Matsuda doesn't start much shit anymore, Taiga is pretty much dead, Jake the Snake is also dead (or he migrated elsewhere, I've heard), MiMW left a long time ago, etc. The only exceptions are INfinity apparently starting his shit up again with his K-ON appreciation threads and threadshitting and his little buddy Drill Remover starting up circlejerks in every thread.

>> No.2538432,301 [INTERNAL] 

Tearjerker sense? But you said you've never played it. Did you watch after story without watching the first? What type of crazy silly thing are you doing there?
Investment Banker too.

>> No.2538432,302 [INTERNAL] 

You could be right, I'm not entirely sure.

>> No.2538432,303 [INTERNAL] 

Drill Remover,
Athens gets her fair share of hate on /a/ too,
Taiga and Stein samefag,

the rest are somewhat tolerated or ignored.

>> No.2538432,304 [INTERNAL] 

athens and ISM don't bother me at all.

The only person I really hate here is Taiko Drum Master. God, what is he trying to accomplish with his trolling... and those ugly pictures of his ugly face that he always posts...

>> No.2538432,305 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not sure what's going on, but the animu is still very sad even without the VN. Like I said though, it feels like a pretty cheap shot at the heart rather than anything else.

Being a cheap shot doesn't mean it will fail to make me very sad though.

>> No.2538432,306 [INTERNAL] 

Taiga's still around, Jake is still around but he posts a lot in r9k now as he has a girlfriend (not joking either - though he's a likeable enough guy at times), MiMW _is_ still around: I think he's NTSA is mai waifu or he just posts as anon, INfinity is still the only real hikki /a/ have as well.

I dont get Drill Remover's schtick, hes fucking irritable ALL the time.

>> No.2538432,307 [INTERNAL] 

I'm sorry, but I don't know any of them. Well, except for Taiga, but it was a doppelganger and the reactions from the /a/ posters were a little bad...

>> No.2538432,308 [INTERNAL] 

Eh, IB gets them, but his threads usually get deleted anyway because they're against the rules.

>> No.2538432,309 [INTERNAL] 

Matsuda got notoriety the same way Jake did, ie. saging everything in sight and being a complete dipshit to everyone.

I can't even count the number of times the threads I was following would actually 404 because of geass sundays.

>> No.2538432,310 [INTERNAL] 

>starting his shit up again with his K-ON appreciation threads

We really need some mods or something. The shitstorms in those a day or two ago were just terrible.

>> No.2538432,311 [INTERNAL] 


I don't like the worship of this Red guy that's been going on.

Not Big Red Machine, god he's just a douche, I mean the anon everybody talks about whenever ronrey threads pop up.

I don't have a problem with the actual poster, from what I've seen he tries to not stand out much, but the cult of personality is getting fucking annoying.

>> No.2538432,312 [INTERNAL] 

Are you watching it for the first time or rewatching it? That part isn't very clear.
Sounds like Zun except for the sage. Sage don't matter as much here.

>> No.2538432,313 [INTERNAL] 

Well, people love to rage.

I only get angry when it's tripfag vs tripfag, and then they start bringing in super secret AIM chatlogs or some shit they had back when they were friends, ie. drama shit, and make whole threads about it, calling them out.

But the real kicker is, said tripfags never actually fucking talk about anime or manga, so I can't help myself but rage.


Stop fucking whining, you think we aren't getting spammed too?

>> No.2538432,314 [INTERNAL] 

Taiko and Shion are the worst /jp/ tripfags.

>> No.2538432,315 [INTERNAL] 

Bring your /a/ tripfags discussion back to /a/.
This is /jp/ ghost board, we don't need those shit here.

>> No.2538432,316 [INTERNAL] 

>Drill Remover
>irritable ALL the time.
i think thats the point

>> No.2538432,317 [INTERNAL] 

Mods can't do anything about it. If they delete the thread, they will just make another. If they ban a tripfag, they will just come back with a screencap of their ban.

>> No.2538432,318 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/'s back!

>> No.2538432,319 [INTERNAL] 

CurryButt is pretty awful to be fair.

>> No.2538432,320 [INTERNAL] 

Are people still talking about Red in ronery threads? Fuck. I mean, good luck to the guy but no need to go on and on about it.

>> No.2538432,321 [INTERNAL] 

IB is ISM.

>> No.2538432,322 [INTERNAL] 

>I dont get Drill Remover's schtick, hes fucking irritable ALL the time.

He's just being a dick for attention and for the sake of trolling. He's admitted it several times. I still don't get why people listen to that dick anymore.

>> No.2538432,323 [INTERNAL] 

Jake improved quite a bit near the end. Poor guy just wanted to talk about Eva and every thread would get spammed with LOL EVA=DEEPx100

>> No.2538432,324 [INTERNAL] 


And this. Jake isn't such a bad guy deep down and actually started up some decent Eva discussions about which he was pretty knowledgable. He just acted way too normalfag-ish when he first came/starting tripping on /a/.

>> No.2538432,325 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, they STILL are.

He doesn't even post with that name anymore and doesn't tell any more stories about his life unless somebody can first find him and ask him directly.

Jesus Christ, every ronrey thread just devolves into LOL BE MORE LIKE RED. He's a cool guy but you can't just emulate a lifetime of successful white knighting.

>> No.2538432,326 [INTERNAL] 

Watched it for the first time, sorry for being unclear. It's one of those "downloaded, but never watched" things.

In my queue is Clannad, then Mononoke. Mononoke actually interests the shit out of me, so I think I might just skip the rest of Clannad and check out Mononoke first.

>> No.2538432,327 [INTERNAL] 

CurryButt is... an interesting case. It seems to me that if he sees something he views as inane, or idiotic, he goes into this strange trolling mindset. Otherwise, he's actually fairly pleasant to be around.

>> No.2538432,328 [INTERNAL] 

>But the real kicker is, said tripfags never actually fucking talk about anime or manga, so I can't help myself but rage.

Some do. You can usually tell the trolls and legitimate posters apart by how often they actually discuss anime.

>> No.2538432,329 [INTERNAL] 

Mononoke's cool. Grab the OST too.

>> No.2538432,330 [INTERNAL] 

That's just how EVA threads go these days. People assume that we only want to talk about EVA because we think it's deep or something. I just thought that the middle 10 episodes or so were some of the coolest mecha action I've ever seen.

>> No.2538432,331 [INTERNAL] 

That's quite odd then. You're complimenting Tomoya's fatherhood without actually witnessing it and you're saying how it's pretty sad when you're just starting it. Are you sure you didn't already watch it, but forgot about it?

>> No.2538432,332 [INTERNAL] 

Seconding this times a thousand.
Hey, Athens. Have you seen Ayakashi yet? If so, is it as good?

>> No.2538432,333 [INTERNAL] 

Who the hell is Red anyways? I guess I don't lurk ronery threads enough.

>> No.2538432,334 [INTERNAL] 


It's funny, because Infinity and Drill were the ones that revived the MiMW threads because they thought it was "fun" to argue with him, right when all the Anons learnt to finally ignore him. And it was working, too.

And you know how MiMW left? Well, Drill and MiMW started talking to each other off-board, with MiMW was helping him through his depression after he let his little brother drown on his watch. But then Drill broke ("my brother deserved to die and I'll do it again if I had the chance!") and threatened to leak MiMW's personal info if he ever saw him on /a/ again.

See that sort of faggot drama shit? /a/ doesn't fucking need it, or want it. And then with the Taiga/Stein/Drill faggotry, and with the upcoming summer...god, I don't even want to think about it.

>> No.2538432,335 [INTERNAL] 

'Twas like a shark tearing apart a innocent swimmer. Or a tiger and a gazelle.

>> No.2538432,336 [INTERNAL] 

Same goes with Suigin. Nowadays he acts like a retard.

>> No.2538432,337 [INTERNAL] 

CurryButt is fine. ಠДಠ

>> No.2538432,338 [INTERNAL] 

Greetings, CurryButt.

>> No.2538432,339 [INTERNAL] 


There's a long story involved but to keep the story simple, he's the exception that proves the rules on White Knighting and Childhood Friends.

>> No.2538432,340 [INTERNAL] 

the few time I go /r9k/ I seem to find him starting fairly interesting threads that stand out from the usually stuff that permeates from that board.
I guess I can respect him for that,
or maybe i'm just a sucker for aliens.

>> No.2538432,341 [INTERNAL] 

>INfinity apparently starting his shit up again

And what the fuck is up with this? He mellowed down a hell of a lot until now too.

>> No.2538432,342 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not complimenting his fatherhood... In general, despite being marked a "delinquent" and all, he's a nice guy that has the balls to back it up.

I'm pretty sure I've never seen it. I'm not entirely sure. You're making me doubt myself.

>> No.2538432,343 [INTERNAL] 

Sup, CurryButt

>> No.2538432,344 [INTERNAL] 

Last arc of Ayakashi.

>> No.2538432,345 [INTERNAL] 

Wait, what episode are you on?

>> No.2538432,346 [INTERNAL] 

>and threatened to leak MiMW's personal info if he ever saw him on /a/ again.


/a/ is not /b/ for christs sake.

>> No.2538432,347 [INTERNAL] 

Finished what I assume is the first arc with Fuko and her older sister.

>> No.2538432,348 [INTERNAL] 

But that was such a happy scene.

>> No.2538432,349 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck no, man. It just looks happy. At it's core, it's very, very sad.

>> No.2538432,350 [INTERNAL] 


The worst thing is the stigma against Eva threads. With that image macro or "OH NO, EVA THREAD!! :O! BRACE FOR SHITSTORM!!!", when in fact they're usually always one of the calmer, better threads at any given time.

>> No.2538432,351 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit. I had no idea it had ever gotten so bad. No wonder anons tend to paint all tripfags as the worst thing to happen to /a/ with stuff like that going on.
The only tripfag I talk to on AIM is Saccharin, and that never results in anything like that, because I know to keep my personal life entirely separate from my 4chan life.

>> No.2538432,352 [INTERNAL] 

> only the worksafe

www > UP
orz : tmp > UP
zip : bin > DOWN
img : dat > DOWN?
cgi : nov > UP
rs > UP
dis > DOWN


>> No.2538432,353 [INTERNAL] 

Whatever, sad man. Here's my favourite part of the route, by the way: http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/3653/agiantbanana.jpg

>> No.2538432,354 [INTERNAL] 

Not yet. I'll get around to it at some point though.

Oh no, he creates decent threads on most things on there, certainly better than relationshit crap that board is famous for. Plus he is a classicist so I respect him for that in itself.

/a/ convinced him to go for his childhood friend and he did basically.

>> No.2538432,355 [INTERNAL] 


Oh, yeah, I forgot. He participated in the Takumi threads. Hilariously, he was the only one to ever discuss anime or manga in them.

>> No.2538432,356 [INTERNAL] 

Once /jp/ comes back online, I'm going to bed.

>> No.2538432,357 [INTERNAL] 


And it's even more hilarious because he's doing exactly what MIMW did with his Lucky Star Appreciation threads...sigh...I think it's just that Infinity's only really "good" when he doesn't post.

Anyways, tripfags are boring to talk about.

>> No.2538432,358 [INTERNAL] 


I don't get why anyone would DDoS dis, what has /prog/ done to anyone?

>> No.2538432,359 [INTERNAL] 

img.4chan.org and zip.4chan.org are temporarily unavailable; we're working on it!

>> No.2538432,360 [INTERNAL] 

Thats fucking harsh.... MiMW was a god damned hypocrite (called others pedos) but I'm surprised he threatened to leak his personal info.

Heh, I have Saccharin too, cool guy.

>> No.2538432,361 [INTERNAL] 

Shopped SICP books and that damn snake into every picture known to man?

>> No.2538432,362 [INTERNAL] 

So based on the /a/ ghost board, Takumi threads are basically threads where one avatar guy talks to everyone else. How bizarre.

>> No.2538432,363 [INTERNAL] 

>Anyways, tripfags are boring to talk about.
They're actually kind of fascinating, in a way...

>> No.2538432,364 [INTERNAL] 

Oh and... I thought INfinity and Drill disliked each other? Isn't INfinity still a hikki?

>> No.2538432,365 [INTERNAL] 

It's terrible, most of the tripfags exchange their IM accounts with eachother and bring their drama to /a/.

Doesn't help either with anons freaking out at them or just adding to the drama. Best to ignore that shit.

>> No.2538432,366 [INTERNAL] 

I'm starting to regret my choice of trip. The abbreviation of it has lead to confusion more then once.

>> No.2538432,367 [INTERNAL] 

Not the guy you're quoting, but I strongly feel that we have different tastes in topic choices.

I never liked talking about tripfags. Always felt like senseless gossip to me.

>> No.2538432,368 [INTERNAL] 


Yeah. They were okay, for a while, but then a bunch of normalfags got in. Everybody raged.

>> No.2538432,369 [INTERNAL] 

Somehow I can't stand Takumi threads. Why are they adamant on turning /a/ into their personal chatroom just like those tripfags?

>> No.2538432,370 [INTERNAL] 

Agreed, though I might be just a little bit biased.

>> No.2538432,371 [INTERNAL] 

That's because it is. Enjoy being your high school lockers.

>> No.2538432,372 [INTERNAL] 


Well, I'd assume so. But yes, they hate each other, just because they hated MiMW didn't mean they didn't hate each other. You can't have such arrogant pricks all in one place and expect them to get along.

>> No.2538432,373 [INTERNAL] 

They seem to hate eachother, but that doesn't stop them from hijacking EVERY GODDAMN THREAD with their circlejerks. Maybe they're tsundere for eachother, I don't know.

As for him still being a hikki, I'm pretty sure since he was shitting up /a/ for an entire day. I guess he doesn't go to sleep or something.

>> No.2538432,374 [INTERNAL] 

Have you read yours today?

>> No.2538432,375 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah don't talk about them on /jp/ or in /a/ then.
Why don't you start those thread in /b/ or /r9k/? Anyway which tripcode are you using?

>> No.2538432,376 [INTERNAL] 

What part includes the coding as magic? I'm kind of interested in that.

From what I've heard, /b/ has forced anon now, I think.

>> No.2538432,377 [INTERNAL] 

I think I was the lone voice in most of those threads that encouraged him to keep his relationship platonic if he wanted it that way.
I dunno, I guess I figured people can be happy with platonic friendships. Maybey I'm wrong.
Either way I wasn't really present when /a/ finally convinced him to for it.

>> No.2538432,378 [INTERNAL] 

Eh, he shifts between shit and decent. Sometimes he'll start up a shitty thread, other times he'll contribute to an anime discussion. I don't really get him.

>> No.2538432,379 [INTERNAL] 


Well, everybody likes talking about themselves, and frankly the "I don't give a shit" tone of every other board, including /r9k/ and /b/, can make something like what the Takumifag is offering seem very cathartic.

To be honest, I didn't mind them when they were semi-ronrey/oh-god-im-so-pathetic threads, but then the Normalfags came.

I understand they're going back to roots now.

>> No.2538432,380 [INTERNAL] 

What about SHiN, thoughts on him?

>> No.2538432,381 [INTERNAL] 


I didn't want them to get together as well. Mostly for drama reasons, but it was damn obvious that he should have acted when he did.

>> No.2538432,382 [INTERNAL] 


Well, unless he's changed in the past few months, he doesn't go to sleep for several days on end, has no job, no school, etc... He's literally just watching anime, reading manga, or posting on /a/ for days on end.

>> No.2538432,383 [INTERNAL] 

>376 replies omitted.
What is this, I don't even...

>> No.2538432,384 [INTERNAL] 

Isn't SHiN a girl...?

S/He's not that bad.

>> No.2538432,385 [INTERNAL] 


All coding is magic!

>> No.2538432,386 [INTERNAL] 

Neither was I. Good he went for it either way, but he is certainly playing a dangerous game when things start to go sour I fear: like Augustus said, 'lupum auribus tenere' (holding a wolf by its ears).

>> No.2538432,387 [INTERNAL] 

Funny how it works. Offline, it's all "Jane did this, Jane did that".

Online, it's all "Tripfag did this, tripfag did that."

>> No.2538432,388 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,389 [INTERNAL] 

SHiN is pretty bad. His waifu threads and "I'm a lesbian girl" thing is kind of stupid. Plus he keeps remaking the same threads.

>> No.2538432,390 [INTERNAL] 

But what part specifically outlines it? An introduction to coding magic, perhaps?

>> No.2538432,391 [INTERNAL] 

Relatively harmless when alone.

>> No.2538432,392 [INTERNAL] 

In the same way Afrikan tribal civil wars are interesting, but still savage and apelike in nature?

>> No.2538432,393 [INTERNAL] 

I've heard accusations that Shin is actually of the female persuasion.

>> No.2538432,394 [INTERNAL] 


I know I said I didn't want to talk about him, but apparently, things are pretty much the same between them except for a label change. I think he's going to be alright.

>> No.2538432,395 [INTERNAL] 

I kind of can't help but feel sorry for him as a result. There have been a few threads where INfinity has pretty much admitted that he feels like absolute shit sometimes, from what I can remember. Poor guy.

I thought the 'SHiN is a girl' shit was pure shit though?

>> No.2538432,396 [INTERNAL] 

>he doesn't go to sleep for several days on end, has no job, no school, etc... He's literally just watching anime, reading manga, or posting on /a/ for days on end

Jesus this guy is like everything /a/ used to be prior to the normalfag invasion.

>> No.2538432,397 [INTERNAL] 

Pretty much this. Whenever I see him post it's always something about Kagami being is waifu. I don't mind the waifu thing; the majority of us do it. It's all he ever posts about though.

>> No.2538432,398 [INTERNAL] 

I can never remember the difference between him and INfinity.
The two kind of blur together for me. Which is which again?

>> No.2538432,399 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,400 [INTERNAL] 

>I thought the 'SHiN is a girl' shit was pure shit though?

I was under the impression that is. I guess he's just dramawhoring.

>> No.2538432,401 [INTERNAL] 

INfinity = Hikki who gets into arguments with Drill Remover these days.

SHiN = Guy/Girl who makes Kagami threads.

>> No.2538432,402 [INTERNAL] 

SHiN is the guy who keeps making Kagami threads and talking about being a girl and what not. Taiga the tripfag follows him around all the time.

INfinity is the hikki Shana tripfag who just acts like an arrogant asshole everywhere.

>> No.2538432,403 [INTERNAL] 

Haha. Another board added to the "board title is not what this board is about" list.

>> No.2538432,404 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/, I'm sorry that this thread is all about /a/

>> No.2538432,405 [INTERNAL] 

Do you have a walkthrough? How do I get on the SHiN route? I keep getting stuck on the Taiga route and getting a bad end.

>> No.2538432,406 [INTERNAL] 

It can't be helped. Just remember to condense your future threads and to fill out the subject field.

>> No.2538432,407 [INTERNAL] 


He's a self proclaimed burden on society and waste of space, and literally has no idea what he wants to do with his life. He used to have a lively social life a few years ago too, so it kind of makes it more depressing.

And together with the lack of sleep probably explains why he's so goddamned irritable most of the time.

As for Shin, anything he says about his personal life are just trolls, all he really cares about are his waifus. That's it.

>> No.2538432,408 [INTERNAL] 

I gotta apologize for this too.

>> No.2538432,409 [INTERNAL] 

How does one follow somebody through an internet forum?

>> No.2538432,410 [INTERNAL] 

Getting the SHiN route requires cross-dressing as Kagami.

>> No.2538432,411 [INTERNAL] 

The same way Anonymous stalks Pyggy around.

>> No.2538432,412 [INTERNAL] 

Speaking of /a/, I uploaded some pre-archive threads from /a/.



>> No.2538432,413 [INTERNAL] 

Arisa really is a lesbian, unlike SHiN.

>> No.2538432,414 [INTERNAL] 

Oh...Jeez, that sounds like me.

That can't mean anything good.

>> No.2538432,415 [INTERNAL] 


And the same way Jacksonville finds every single Horo thread

>> No.2538432,416 [INTERNAL] 

Explains his random mood changes. Sometimes he's mellow and a decent tripfag, other times he's just threadshitting by being an asshole.

>> No.2538432,417 [INTERNAL] 

Stop being so concerned with your waifus!

>> No.2538432,418 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,419 [INTERNAL] 

It's like a clone of myself suddenly became a tripfriend.

>> No.2538432,420 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, INfinity is actually a non-virgin hilariously enough.

>> No.2538432,421 [INTERNAL] 

Doing something that should never be done: Making a thread with the name of another tripfag in the comment or subject field. Or replying to everything they say.
Taiga is in a whole league of her own, though, along with MiMW. It becomes hard to imagine that one would be willing to keep up their troll visage for as long as those two do, making them more believable. I'm not even sure whether they're trolls, or just fucking stupid anymore, but I don't see how both of them fail to get the jokes /a/ makes, and continue to project their morality on them. Then again, there are apparently conservatives to take Colbert seriously, so you never know.

>> No.2538432,422 [INTERNAL] 

>Yeah, INfinity is actually a non-virgin hilariously enough.


>> No.2538432,423 [INTERNAL] 

It's become second nature to me. I'm doomed to an eternity of this.

>> No.2538432,424 [INTERNAL] 

Fine, I'll find time to read SICP myself since you're so evasive. I hope I get something out of this.

>> No.2538432,425 [INTERNAL] 


The antithesis of Anon. He shouldn't be allowed to exist.

>> No.2538432,426 [INTERNAL] 

I've never had a social life so to speak and I'm pretty content with the way I live my live.
Perhaps its better not have something, than to have something and lose it.

>> No.2538432,427 [INTERNAL] 

That's a little different, as Spice and Wolf fans tend to know to keep it in one thread. And Jacksie ends up making half the threads, and making actual worthwhile, tangible contributions to them. It's a bit easier for him to find the few and far between S&W threads.
He also predicted that Birdy would be good. I respect him for that.

>> No.2538432,428 [INTERNAL] 

Since you're already here, hey /a/ people! Get moot to change the board name back to Anime/Manga!

>> No.2538432,429 [INTERNAL] 

Last time we tried, he changed /co/ to /CO/DE GEASS. And /a/ to s/a/suke.
By now, we've learned that whining to moot is not worth the effort. Or at least, I have. I assume at least some of us have.

>> No.2538432,430 [INTERNAL] 


Oh no, his work is very much inspiring, I didn't mean it in a bad way.
And just finished Birdy S2 last night because /a/ was down, great stuff, looking forward to S3 and waiting even longer for subs


It's funner like this.

>> No.2538432,431 [INTERNAL] 

What an irony. Those /a/ faggots want us out of /a/ last year but now they are migrating here.

>> No.2538432,432 [INTERNAL] 

But if you change it back, AoRF will bring our hearts back!

>> No.2538432,433 [INTERNAL] 

If I were to have a lively social life only to lose it and become a hikki and what not, I'd probably suicide.

Thankfully I never had a life so I don't know what that feels like.

>> No.2538432,434 [INTERNAL] 

We really just wanted an end to the wave on wave of TOUHOU and TYPE MOON

>> No.2538432,435 [INTERNAL] 

You'll get over it. People tend to decorate their holes after falling in them.

>> No.2538432,436 [INTERNAL] 

tripfag circlejerk? In my ghost board?

>> No.2538432,437 [INTERNAL] 

I thought the consensus was that we wanted VNs back, and only moot and a few mods cared about Touhou and 3D Japanese girl threads.
Then again, that could just be me, who doesn't see any fundamental reason a place that allows the discussion of anime and manga should forbid discussion of visual novels.
Also, I was against the divide since the beginning.

>> No.2538432,438 [INTERNAL] 

I like it as it is now. More pages and I don't have to put up with the /a/ drama.

>> No.2538432,439 [INTERNAL] 


sage? In my ghost board!?

>> No.2538432,440 [INTERNAL] 

Really? I just figured he was an asshole out of arrogance. I can sort of picture some hikki tripfag being a dick because of it.

>> No.2538432,441 [INTERNAL] 

I kind of want to hug him now.

>> No.2538432,442 [INTERNAL] 

>436 replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Is the entirety of /a/ and /jp/ here? I'm sort of late.

>> No.2538432,443 [INTERNAL] 

Oh wow. The ghost rate is almost at /jp/ level.


>> No.2538432,444 [INTERNAL] 

I think he was asked once and he said no.

>> No.2538432,445 [INTERNAL] 

Not the entirety, but a fair bit.

>> No.2538432,446 [INTERNAL] 


Don't touch tripfags, they all have aids. And herpes.

>> No.2538432,447 [INTERNAL] 

you could have also assumed that a picture of a catgirl in a box sparked a massive shitstorm of epic proportions.

>> No.2538432,448 [INTERNAL] 

Well I wouldn't be nice to others if I were a hikki either. I'd be a bitter faggot and probably raging at everything.

>> No.2538432,449 [INTERNAL] 

It's a good thing this is the ghost board or I would've gotten upset over your comment.

>> No.2538432,450 [INTERNAL] 

More like the entirety of those who know of this place, which I estimate to be around 25% of /jp/.

>> No.2538432,451 [INTERNAL] 

As a hikki I can tell you that bitterness and raging is a very common thing.

>> No.2538432,452 [INTERNAL] 


   _,,....,,_  _人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人_
-":::::::::::::`>   ゆっくりしていってね!!!   <
ヽ::::::::::::::::::::: ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^ ̄
 |::::::;ノ´ ̄\:::::::::::\_,. -‐ァ     __   _____   ______
 |::::ノ   ヽ、ヽr-r'"´  (.__    ,´ _,, '-´ ̄ ̄`-ゝ 、_ イ、
_,.!イ_  _,.ヘーァ'二ハ二ヽ、へ,_7   'r ´          ヽ、ン、
::::::rー''7コ-‐'"´    ;  ', `ヽ/`7 ,'==─-      -─==', i
r-'ァ'"´/  /! ハ  ハ  !  iヾ_ノ i イ iゝ、イ人レ/_ルヽイ i |
!イ´ ,' | /__,.!/ V 、!__ハ  ,' ,ゝ レリイi (ヒ_]     ヒ_ン ).| .|、i .||
`!  !/レi' (ヒ_]     ヒ_ン レ'i ノ   !Y!""  ,___,   "" 「 !ノ i |
,'  ノ   !'"    ,___,  "' i .レ'    L.',.   ヽ _ン    L」 ノ| .|
 (  ,ハ    ヽ _ン   人!      | ||ヽ、       ,イ| ||イ| /
,.ヘ,)、  )>,、 _____, ,.イ  ハ    レ ル` ー--─ ´ルレ レ´

>> No.2538432,453 [INTERNAL] 

Actually, /jp/ uses the ghostboard all the time so it should be higher.

>> No.2538432,454 [INTERNAL] 

25%? More than that, I'd say 75% of /jp/ knows about the archive. Don't know many are on here and posting though.

A fair bit of /a/ is here as well, but most people use both boards to begin with.

>> No.2538432,455 [INTERNAL] 

So Nana won the Kodansha Manga Award?

>> No.2538432,456 [INTERNAL] 

Seems like mostly /a/.

Reading about the shit that goes on over there makes me glad that I stick to /jp/.

>> No.2538432,457 [INTERNAL] 

Most is a bit off. Just a quick glance of post counts should tip you off.

>> No.2538432,458 [INTERNAL] 

I wish we could have long threads like that.

>> No.2538432,459 [INTERNAL] 

There are a ton of newcomers to /jp/ and 4chan in general lurking all the time, who will probably not know of the archive. Only those who lurk frequently and long enough will find posts referencing it once in a while (and I think that's a good thing.)

>> No.2538432,460 [INTERNAL] 

This thread is quite interesting

>> No.2538432,461 [INTERNAL] 

>most people use both boards to begin with.

So that's why /jp/ has gotten worse over time, more /a/ssholes shitting up the place.

>> No.2538432,462 [INTERNAL] 

You should be.

I personally wish that I wasn't so attached to /a/ so I could stop browsing it. The drama and shit that goes on is just ridiculous.

>> No.2538432,463 [INTERNAL] 

I wanted to post this on /jp/, but it's not back yet...

Please excuse this pathetic attempt to rationalize my own existence by making people laugh.


>> No.2538432,464 [INTERNAL] 


Yeah, exact same way I found the place.

>> No.2538432,465 [INTERNAL] 

I was under the impression that newcomers hated /jp/, but I've also seen comments praising /jp/ as well. It's quite jarring.

>> No.2538432,466 [INTERNAL] 

I just realized that this is going to be known in this archive as one of the longer threads in /jp/'s history.

>> No.2538432,467 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.2538432,468 [INTERNAL] 

Not all /a/ssholes are bad. Besides, mostly everybody in /jp/ was an /a/sshole at one point to begin with.

>> No.2538432,469 [INTERNAL] 

I actually came across this archive by accident,
searching google for something, and then a thread from the archive was one of the results.

>> No.2538432,470 [INTERNAL] 

How would you say "AAAAAHN!~~" in sign language?

>> No.2538432,471 [INTERNAL] 

Not me; I came direct from /co/.

If that's not sarcasm, thank you. It makes me happy to think I've made somebody happy.

>> No.2538432,472 [INTERNAL] 

Outside of grudgefests, the ghost board has a very short attention span. This thread will be forgotten once it's knocked off the front page.

>> No.2538432,473 [INTERNAL] 

I think the reason most people hate /jp/ is because of it pretty much gives of this "FUCK OFF NO OUTSIDERS" aura. That and the influx of "normal people" who don't understand the type of people of /jp/ in general.

>> No.2538432,474 [INTERNAL] 

That's kinda different.

Only newfriends would not know of /jp/ already by this point, so all the regular users that would use this board are already doing so. We're just getting newfriends from /a/ now.

>> No.2538432,475 [INTERNAL] 


Yeah, but the original exodus was the /a/ssholes who had enough brains to leave that shithole, and that was when it was better than it was now. Anyone who still browses /a/ is either a newfag or a masochist.

>> No.2538432,476 [INTERNAL] 

It's always in the first result for "4chan archive jp". It's a little annoying when people still ask for it.

>> No.2538432,477 [INTERNAL] 

>We really just wanted an end to the wave on wave of TOUHOU and TYPE MOON
It was really just Touhou:


>> No.2538432,478 [INTERNAL] 

You can thank me for that, just hoping to keep out idiots.

>> No.2538432,479 [INTERNAL] 

Your sage says it all.

>> No.2538432,480 [INTERNAL] 


Also VN's etc... being less widely known and accessable then aneemus or mahngoes.

>> No.2538432,481 [INTERNAL] 

I also troll /jp/ outside of it to keep the newfags from coming here.

>> No.2538432,482 [INTERNAL] 

I know, but I've seen newcomers with positive comments as well. We're clearly not being hateful enough.

>> No.2538432,483 [INTERNAL] 

From my perspective, I've never visited /jp/ because I've never cared about Japan/general enough to warrant a visit. Scratch that, I once made one thread as Anonymous about how shitty my Japanese textbook was (JSL, if you've heard of it.) If I were to show up here, it would be for VN discussion, and there is a lot of that in /a/, even if it's technically forbidden. Oh, and I've never been interested in Touhou. I have heard rumors in /a/ of an elitist attitude, but that's to be expected on 4chan no matter where you go.

>> No.2538432,484 [INTERNAL] 

This thread is getting too large.

Somebody start a new thread.

>> No.2538432,485 [INTERNAL] 

Well, I only started browsing /jp/ a month ago when I started getting into Touhou and VNs. I've been browsing /a/ for over a year and /v/ for two, /b/ only lasted a few months at the beginning.

You can call me a newfag or tell me to get out of /jp/ if you want, it's not going to change anything.

>> No.2538432,486 [INTERNAL] 


Nay good sir, I found it genuinely amusing. Good work!

And I wish I could be as mean as you /jp/ers against newfags. /a/ is too loose and easy of a slut.

>> No.2538432,487 [INTERNAL] 

Most people use both boards because:

1. /jp/ split off from /a/ so many people are still interested in posting about subjects both boards cover.

2. There's a lot of overlap regarding people who like stuff from the Japanese visual/Akihabara subculture, and anime/manga aren't really allowed on /jp/.

>> No.2538432,488 [INTERNAL] 


Sure. Here's some instructions on how to make a new thread in the posted image at the left.

>> No.2538432,489 [INTERNAL] 


We aren't against newcomers, we just happen to misinterpret them.

>> No.2538432,490 [INTERNAL] 

Some. Most simply isn't true given the fact that /a/ can be around 4-5 times more active than /jp/. If most browsed both, it'd showed up more, but it doesn't.

>> No.2538432,491 [INTERNAL] 

Perhaps just sliiiightly offtopic, but I just fapped to Schierke porn. Does this make me a pedo? I've never done this before.

KnJ is also calling out to me in my sleep

>> No.2538432,492 [INTERNAL] 

I think they both meant "most people" to be "most people on /jp/," not "most people on /a/."

>> No.2538432,493 [INTERNAL] 

/a/ is too active to begin with. It's kind of hard to use a board when threads go off the front page so fast and posts multiply so quickly. I like the /jp/ speed a lot more.

>> No.2538432,494 [INTERNAL] 

I agree, both boards have a lot of common interest. It's stupid to hate each other, when we have something else we could easily hate.

We all know that /b/ and /v/ would be pronounced the same in Japanese.

>> No.2538432,495 [INTERNAL] 

Do consider that elitism on 4chan is what helps keep at least a little bit of QUALITY in the userbase. I mean, just compare the average /jp/ posts with those of a typical anime forum.

>> No.2538432,496 [INTERNAL] 

You should read Kojika anyway for the delicious drama. Also the female teachers are hot if you don't like little girls.

>> No.2538432,497 [INTERNAL] 

If it's 2D, no. This is only my opinion however.

>> No.2538432,498 [INTERNAL] 

Go cleanse yourself by fapping to Idolm@ster porn.

>> No.2538432,499 [INTERNAL] 


It's why I stopped posting on /v/, it was just too much.

/a/ is great when it's slower then usual, it's my exact preferred speed. Unfortunately it's not like that very often

>> No.2538432,500 [INTERNAL] 

Pedophilia is a disorder. Unless it's interfering with your day-to-day life, you're just attracted to children. If it's just 2D and you're not actually attracted to real children, then it's just a fetish at best.

>> No.2538432,501 [INTERNAL] 


Damn, is this turning into a textboard?

>> No.2538432,502 [INTERNAL] 

It's surprising, 4chan went down but here we all are discussing things anyways.

>> No.2538432,503 [INTERNAL] 

I fucking love the KnJ manga, and I'm 97% sure I'm not a pedo.

Just the sheer insanity of Reiji's plan to turn Rin into his IRL waifu is enough to read it.

>> No.2538432,504 [INTERNAL] 

How would fapping to the twins and Yayoi be any different?

>> No.2538432,505 [INTERNAL] 

This was always a textboard.

>> No.2538432,506 [INTERNAL] 


QUALITY is not a good thing
you mean quality

The more you know.jpg

>> No.2538432,507 [INTERNAL] 

Why are discussions about /a/ in here? /a/ has a ghostboard too.

Oh well back to playing himegari.

>> No.2538432,508 [INTERNAL] 

Nighttime during a weekday is pretty good. Fast enough but you can keep track of all that goes on. Daytime/weekend /a/ is just POST POST POST POST.

>> No.2538432,509 [INTERNAL] 

I realize that. I don't think the elitism is particularly unique to 4chan, actually. It's more that the mods don't care how it's expressed here. If there is a rule against flaming, we've all forgotten about it. The fact that we're allowed to sling racial slurs at people for making typo ridden posts about Naruto is part of what saves it.

>> No.2538432,510 [INTERNAL] 

Who knows. We were already talking when they started coming in.

>> No.2538432,511 [INTERNAL] 

/a/ was pretty great in 2005-2006. There were enough people that you could get some good replies and original content, but few enough that you could post something before going out or even going to sleep and come back to read the replies. If there was a golden age of /a/, that was it.

>> No.2538432,512 [INTERNAL] 

IMO, anyone who didn't come to /jp/ in the original exodus doesn't belong on it. The board would now be slower than Shirou's thought process but it would still be better than it is now.

>> No.2538432,513 [INTERNAL] 

In times of war there should be a function on the ghost board that a) allows people to create threads and b) allows people to upload images. I've been to every 4chan ddos gathering and I've never seen such a large gathering of Anons. As this thread has displayed, both /a/nons and /jp/ers alike were willing to accept this ghost board as a substitute for 4chan.

What say you Eksopl? Also, I'm too lazy to login to google and write this as a board suggestion.

>> No.2538432,514 [INTERNAL] 


Oh boy...

>> No.2538432,515 [INTERNAL] 


true, true...

If 4chan was shut down, would it's userbase still live on?

>> No.2538432,516 [INTERNAL] 

Basically, the few secret /a/gents, who were on /a/ noticed how barren ghost /a/ is in comparison to ghost /jp/. We didn't mean to take over, but... I dunno, it happened? Probably because there is more overlap than I predicted.

>> No.2538432,517 [INTERNAL] 

They already replied to this a long time ago. The answer is no. If you really wanted a thread, just hijack a random one from the past. If you want to post pictures, use imageshack or any other imagehoster.

>> No.2538432,518 [INTERNAL] 

So, about that dog in the Orange Box...

>> No.2538432,519 [INTERNAL] 

That's because /a/ never uses the ghostboard outside of random one-liners.

>> No.2538432,520 [INTERNAL] 

What are you talking about? /jp/ was horrible in the beginning.

>Cirno GET 9 GET 99 GET 999 GET epic win, let's make some memes for /jp/! xD

>> No.2538432,521 [INTERNAL] 

Inferior to Kotarou.

>> No.2538432,522 [INTERNAL] 

Actually, when stuff went down last night the bigger discussion was on /a/. There are few enough ghost posters that there's considerable overlap.

>> No.2538432,523 [INTERNAL] 

When did 4chan go back online yesterday? I went to bed when it was about 9 board time.

>> No.2538432,524 [INTERNAL] 

Go away /a/fags, we don't want you on our ghostboard either. I'm sure there's a thread about the size of Naruto's cock that's just dying for you to post in it.

>> No.2538432,525 [INTERNAL] 


Remember all the RP?

>> No.2538432,526 [INTERNAL] 

Take it easy, Anonymous.

>> No.2538432,527 [INTERNAL] 

This reminds me of the time I wrote an imageboard script that stored all the images on imageshack. Ended up getting my domain and the IPs of everyone who posted on it banned from imageshack for a few months. But it was fun while it lasted.

>> No.2538432,528 [INTERNAL] 

Actually gets never really caught on. Look at 10 and 999. Very few responses.

>> No.2538432,529 [INTERNAL] 


Ah, yeah. Well I was really only imagining her as older anyways, and because I liked her character, so I guess it's not too bad. I also fantasizied myself as the girl, like I do with absolutely everything I fap to, so I guess pedophelia is the least of my worries

And KnJ just sounded geniunely amusing to me.

>> No.2538432,530 [INTERNAL] 

>ghost board


>> No.2538432,531 [INTERNAL] 

She's from Wanko to Kurasou, an erotic ADV game where you have sex with dogs in a world where dogs look like humans. Cats too. It was translated into English and a lot of people on /jp/ have played it.

>> No.2538432,532 [INTERNAL] 

>I also fantasizied myself as the girl, like I do with absolutely everything I fap to

Hey, what's wrong with that? I thought everyone did that.

And saging, on a ghost board? Ohohohoho!

>> No.2538432,533 [INTERNAL] 


   _,,....,,_  _人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人_
-":::::::::::::`>   ゆっくりしていってね!!!   <
ヽ::::::::::::::::::::: ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^ ̄
 |::::::;ノ´ ̄\:::::::::::\_,. -‐ァ     __   _____   ______
 |::::ノ   ヽ、ヽr-r'"´  (.__    ,´ _,, '-´ ̄ ̄`-ゝ 、_ イ、
_,.!イ_  _,.ヘーァ'二ハ二ヽ、へ,_7   'r ´          ヽ、ン、
::::::rー''7コ-‐'"´    ;  ', `ヽ/`7 ,'==─-      -─==', i
r-'ァ'"´/  /! ハ  ハ  !  iヾ_ノ i イ iゝ、イ人レ/_ルヽイ i |
!イ´ ,' | /__,.!/ V 、!__ハ  ,' ,ゝ レリイi (ヒ_]     ヒ_ン ).| .|、i .||
`!  !/レi' (ヒ_]     ヒ_ン レ'i ノ   !Y!""  ,___,   "" 「 !ノ i |
,'  ノ   !'"    ,___,  "' i .レ'    L.',.   ヽ _ン    L」 ノ| .|
 (  ,ハ    ヽ _ン   人!      | ||ヽ、       ,イ| ||イ| /
,.ヘ,)、  )>,、 _____, ,.イ  ハ    レ ル` ー--─ ´ルレ レ´

>> No.2538432,534 [INTERNAL] 

From what I recall, WUIG threads weren't the problem. It was the followers that were loud.

>> No.2538432,535 [INTERNAL] 

>I thought everyone did that.
As did I, brother.

>> No.2538432,536 [INTERNAL] 

My confession is that sometimes I post on the ghost board just to see another funny little image thing with "VIP QUALITY!"

like now

>> No.2538432,537 [INTERNAL] 

( ゚ -゚) Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

>> No.2538432,538 [INTERNAL] 

Are you a true ghost bro? Are you guys going to visit this ghost board more often after the ddos ends, or are you guys going to abandon us?

I'm aware of that. Also, I wasn't suggesting it should be a permanent feature; just a quick gimmick for ddoses that last longer than 3 days. Instead of the thread being marked with red balloons it could be marked with blue balloons or something...

>> No.2538432,539 [INTERNAL] 


   _,,....,,_  _人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人_
-":::::::::::::`>   ゆっくりしていってね!!!   <
ヽ::::::::::::::::::::: ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^ ̄
 |::::::;ノ´ ̄\:::::::::::\_,. -‐ァ     __   _____   ______
 |::::ノ   ヽ、ヽr-r'"´  (.__    ,´ _,, '-´ ̄ ̄`-ゝ 、_ イ、
_,.!イ_  _,.ヘーァ'二ハ二ヽ、へ,_7   'r ´          ヽ、ン、
::::::rー''7コ-‐'"´    ;  ', `ヽ/`7 ,'==─-      -─==', i
r-'ァ'"´/  /! ハ  ハ  !  iヾ_ノ i イ iゝ、イ人レ/_ルヽイ i |
!イ´ ,' | /__,.!/ V 、!__ハ  ,' ,ゝ レリイi (ヒ_]     ヒ_ン ).| .|、i .||
`!  !/レi' (ヒ_]     ヒ_ン レ'i ノ   !Y!""  ,___,   "" 「 !ノ i |
,'  ノ   !'"    ,___,  "' i .レ'    L.',.   ヽ _ン    L」 ノ| .|
 (  ,ハ    ヽ _ン   人!      | ||ヽ、       ,イ| ||イ| /
,.ヘ,)、  )>,、 _____, ,.イ  ハ    レ ル` ー--─ ´ルレ レ´

>> No.2538432,540 [INTERNAL] 

You can access those on the Russian's site.

>> No.2538432,541 [INTERNAL] 

I only do it with things where there isn't a penis involved. I wish to be the little girl, but she's a little lesbian girl.

>> No.2538432,542 [INTERNAL] 

I'd never admit it outside of 4chan, but I was intrigued by KnJ. I certainly don't think the manga justifies pedophilia in any way. It just has a very shocking and up front depiction of reverse pedophilia, and bad guardians. And Child Grooming. Yeah, a lolicon would find the shower masturbation and the loli nipple scenes hot, but I had a theory that that only existed to draw the lolicons into this very anti-pedo manga.

That, or the anti pedo message is for decent press and the whole thing is loli fanservice.

>> No.2538432,543 [INTERNAL] 

I do kind of like it here, it's like sleeping in a closet. Fun to do sometimes, but a little unusual, you know?

>> No.2538432,544 [INTERNAL] 

I actually like those threads.

Using sage is just a habit for some of us I guess.

>> No.2538432,545 [INTERNAL] 

Unfortunately, I can't see myself staying outside of a DDOS. Maybe I'll visit /jp/ once in a while, but how do good ghost threads happen when the board is moving?

>> No.2538432,546 [INTERNAL] 


Speaking of which, did anyone ever attempt to run WtK on linux?

Not having to pirate a copy of Windows would be nice.

>> No.2538432,547 [INTERNAL] 


Nobody in it is actually a pedo, right? Rin is just a slut.

>> No.2538432,548 [INTERNAL] 

We still use it, but it's on a smaller scale (of course). They're like 3-5 posts and they may get bigger if our regulars are involved. Athens-Meru OTP.

>> No.2538432,549 [INTERNAL] 

I can't see any anti-pedo messages.

>> No.2538432,550 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,551 [INTERNAL] 

Pedos also like Lolita, and that's a tragedy where every major character dies.

>> No.2538432,552 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking this.

There is no fucking overlap. You guys just came here cause KS is deleted by janitor in /a/. Also stop spamming KS on us, keep them condensed in 1thread and keep your tripfags in /a/ please. You guys really have overstay your welcome. I am gonna keep up my "FUCK OFF NO OUTSIDERS", I am not gonna tolerate /jp/ becoming the next /codegayass/. Time like this we need more culture janitor.

>> No.2538432,553 [INTERNAL] 

I agree with this except for the slut part. There are no paedophiles involved. Also, 母上 is my new favourite word.

>> No.2538432,554 [INTERNAL] 


Shut the fuck up.

>> No.2538432,555 [INTERNAL] 

Looks like some Japanese bloggers are playing Katawa Shoujo. Any idea what this guy is saying?


>> No.2538432,556 [INTERNAL] 

>>2538432,552 No gaijin.

>> No.2538432,557 [INTERNAL] 

Take it easy, man. We are all ghosts here. The petty material world is behind us.

>> No.2538432,558 [INTERNAL] 

You forgot about Jones and AoC. I frequent this board as well, just to talk to tripfags.

>> No.2538432,559 [INTERNAL] 

Not so much of an anti pedo message as a general acknowledgment from the beginning that it would be a terrible thing for the main character to do to take advantage of Rin's apparent lust for him. And that her current guardian is wrong in raising her to be his girlfriend when she's 16.

>> No.2538432,560 [INTERNAL] 

But Jones and AoC aren't moe (well, maybe AoC x Meru).

>> No.2538432,561 [INTERNAL] 

When I first went to read Kojika, I was expecting the worst (or the best, depending on how you look at it). All I'd seen about it was that it got canceled because it was too controversial, and all of the worst sexual joke pages posted on /a/ at the time. The egg ice cream thing, Rin's line about licking her until she came, etc.

Then when I actually read the thing and was surprised to find that in most chapters there are just one or two sex jokes, and the rest is devoted to very soap-opera-like character development. Melodrama, things that wouldn't happen very often in real life, etc. And despite the fact that the premise is basically "Rin wants Aoki to have sex with her," she really only does it for attention and gets freaked out if anything unexpected happens, and there are far more chapters devoted to the other characters or Reiji and Aki's past than that premise. I even shared it with someone I know whose job is basically getting kids to testify against pedos in court, and she didn't think it was a "pedo manga" either.

The more recent chapters have had a lot more fanservice though, and I have to wonder if Watashiya and her publisher aren't sort of stalling it just because it's gotten popular.

Sorry for the long post on ghost /jp/ when it doesn't really belong here at all.

>> No.2538432,562 [INTERNAL] 


I'm no pedophile, I like loli though. Rin is the best loli ever.

>> No.2538432,563 [INTERNAL] 

It's way too early to start worrying about immigration. Save your post for the year 2011 when /jp/ starts having quality issues. Also, we're all ghost bros here, so there's no need for anger.

>> No.2538432,564 [INTERNAL] 

So THAT is where meru otanashi went.

>> No.2538432,565 [INTERNAL] 

Religion is always /jp/-related.

>> No.2538432,566 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, did I just reveal something I wasn't supposed to?

>> No.2538432,567 [INTERNAL] 

>I'm not a pedophile, I'm just sexually attracted to depictions of children.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

>> No.2538432,568 [INTERNAL] 


Yeah, I intend to try it myself once I get a functioning computer again, since I see a lot of VNs in the DB listed as working. My PSU went a few months ago, taking the mobo with it.

I was dualbooting XP back then. About 3/4 the way through Nadeshiko's route. Bummer. Just asking on the slim chance some other linuxfriends were around.

>> No.2538432,569 [INTERNAL] 

I wonder when the DDoS shit is going to end.

>> No.2538432,570 [INTERNAL] 

Nah. If it's a secret, I don't care enough to reveal it. I was just wondering. Just curious about one of /a/'s old tripfags that got banned, became an emailfag, and disappeared. When trip/namefags disappear, I tend to assume they leave 4chan entirely, or just get bored of their name. Boardhopping just doesn't occur to me for some reason.

>> No.2538432,571 [INTERNAL] 

She posted earlier in this thread, in case you haven't noticed. /ck/ archive was made for her as well. Want to know more?

>> No.2538432,572 [INTERNAL] 

The only angry post is this one >>2538432,554

I am only posting what I feel by lurking here and /jp/ for the past few days. The spamming is just too un/jp/like. Hell it was worse than japanese bird cooking spaghetti since we only get those per few hour.

I don't understand why they can't keep those thread condensed. Suika, MOON and hell even idolfags learn to keep their shit in 1 thread. I mean even when UFO was released, we didn't even get that much spam.

>> No.2538432,573 [INTERNAL] 

More like sexually attracted to extraterrestrials. Look at those eyes! Japan is clearly preparing Earth for the mothership.

>> No.2538432,574 [INTERNAL] 


3D =/= 2D

I'm only attracted to the cuteness that can only be brought out in 2D. I've never fapped, nor have I been interested in CP.

>> No.2538432,575 [INTERNAL] 

>we're all ghost bros here
So when do I get to meet Yukari?

>> No.2538432,576 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know about hopping boards. She appears to be very tsuntsun towards /jp/.

>> No.2538432,577 [INTERNAL] 

But you aren't interested in the third dimension at all, so that's not saying much.

>> No.2538432,578 [INTERNAL] 

Seriously, I've long acknowledged that there are clear and distinct differences between the features of lolicon style art and actual children, enough that one could very easily be attracted to the art but not the 3D versions.
This coming from one attracted to neither.

>> No.2538432,579 [INTERNAL] 

>Also, we're all 4th dimensional beings here, so there's no need for anger.

>> No.2538432,580 [INTERNAL] 

This is a very long thread.

>> No.2538432,581 [INTERNAL] 

That would explain how we have no access to the 2D world or interest in the beings of the 3D world.

>> No.2538432,582 [INTERNAL] 

I ransmirk.jpg'd

>> No.2538432,583 [INTERNAL] 

Well this IS a discussion thread, if anyone remembers that short-lived /jp/ meme.

>> No.2538432,584 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,585 [INTERNAL] 

So what VNs have you guys been playing lately?

>> No.2538432,586 [INTERNAL] 

For some reason, I'm kind of attracted to "u mad?" and "bro". It's like someone out there is grooming us into fratboys.

>> No.2538432,587 [INTERNAL] 

The one that /a/ always raves about and the one that just surfaced.

>> No.2538432,588 [INTERNAL] 

I have a strange way of speaking now thanks to 4chan, bro

>> No.2538432,589 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,590 [INTERNAL] 

Bro never really caught on with me. But I like "u mad?" It's infuriating

>> No.2538432,591 [INTERNAL] 


I'm a newfag to VNs. I'm playing F/SN right now as my first.

>> No.2538432,592 [INTERNAL] 

Played a couple of days of Suika and I have no idea where it's going, but the NVL mode is nice. He has a horrible mother though.

>> No.2538432,593 [INTERNAL] 

I like replying with 2ch emotes.

>> No.2538432,594 [INTERNAL] 

I never refer to people as "bro" unless it's on the *chans.
"u mad?" just...annoys me for some reason, so it does it's job.

>> No.2538432,595 [INTERNAL] 

Brofist and courage wolf are pretty much my favorite things ever. They make me feel manly inside.

>> No.2538432,596 [INTERNAL] 

I honestly hate all the "bro" shit, pretty much just for that reason. I've never really said anything about it before because I'm not into starting shitstorms, but it really does bother me.

>> No.2538432,597 [INTERNAL] 

Suika and ef.

>> No.2538432,598 [INTERNAL] 


I love those. But the second someone uses any smilie I rage like a fucking bastard.

Also to "u mad", and "butthurt" is just unforgiveable. I can't take anyone seriously if they say that at any point.

>> No.2538432,599 [INTERNAL] 

Well, it's 5AM here. I'm going to sleep; hopefully 4chan will not be restored by the time I wake up.

Later bros.

>> No.2538432,600 [INTERNAL] 

U mad? is just so playful. I can just imagine a guy saying it with both index fingers pointing and a stupid grin on his face.

>> No.2538432,601 [INTERNAL] 

Well I'm playing three right now.

Clannad, so far I've done the Tomoyo and Kyou routes and I'm working on Sunohara's right now. A pretty fucking great VN so far, but it'll take a while to finish it all.

Second I'm playing Umineko, past dinnertime in episode 2. I need to catch up so I can discuss with you guys.

Third is Tsukihime hurr newfag. I finished Arc's route and am almost done Akiha's but I'm getting kind of bored of it. I dunno, I guess Clanand and Umineko are just a lot more interesting.

>> No.2538432,602 [INTERNAL] 

So why do 2ch and 2chan block foreign IPs? Is it because of strict Japanese slander laws or something?

Not that I would post there anyway, since I can barely understand it.

>> No.2538432,603 [INTERNAL] 


smilie as in western emoticon, just to say

( ´ー`)

>> No.2538432,604 [INTERNAL] 

Chinese hackers.

>> No.2538432,605 [INTERNAL] 

2ch doesn't block foreign IPs. You're just unlucky.

>> No.2538432,606 [INTERNAL] 

>courage wolf

What the fuck is that? A /b/ meme?

>> No.2538432,607 [INTERNAL] 

Jesus, it's 2:30, and I have a class at 9:00 and a paper to write. My neck is going to be sore tomorrow, again. Oh well. Night, /j/a/p/s

>> No.2538432,608 [INTERNAL] 

Courage Wolf is just hilarious to me


bandwith and xenophobia, probably

>> No.2538432,609 [INTERNAL] 

If /jp/ isn't back up by 1024 posts, what do you say we ghosts float over to another thread? This one is really getting heavy.

>> No.2538432,610 [INTERNAL] 

It's entertaining.

When somebody starts freaking out at me I just love to reply with (。◕‿‿◕。) or something.

>> No.2538432,611 [INTERNAL] 

All emotes are pretty retarded, though. Much like how w and LOL both look idiotic.

>> No.2538432,612 [INTERNAL] 

More /tg/, actually.

Sounds like a plan.

>> No.2538432,613 [INTERNAL] 

I have to get up at 3 in the afternoon tommorow. I need at least until 5-6 usually, so waking up is gonna kill me.

>> No.2538432,614 [INTERNAL] 

How can you not like Mikan?

>> No.2538432,615 [INTERNAL] 

This is probably the cutest one I've seen. Was it from DQN?

(*゚ー゚) It sounds like someone is in love!

(゚Д゚; ) H-hey! Don't joke around like that! We're just friends...

(*゚ー゚) That's what they always say!

>> No.2538432,616 [INTERNAL] 

( ̄ー ̄)

>> No.2538432,617 [INTERNAL] 

Himegari is pretty fun to play, just finished the princess route. I hope the sequel continues from that route.

I guess I'll go finish Suika now. Got bored at chapter 3.

>> No.2538432,618 [INTERNAL] 


Courage wolf is actually good, wherever it came from.


>> No.2538432,619 [INTERNAL] 

Why such a specific number?

>> No.2538432,620 [INTERNAL] 

I thought it was /k/,but...ohwell.
An upgraded version of /b/'s advicedog meme.

>> No.2538432,621 [INTERNAL] 

2ch --> 4-ch --> 4chan

That's usually how stuff propagates.

>> No.2538432,622 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know if it is or not because I don't go there, but I have seen it on /fit/

>> No.2538432,623 [INTERNAL] 

Because he's a loser nerd.

>> No.2538432,624 [INTERNAL] 

1024 posts = 1Kilopost.

>> No.2538432,625 [INTERNAL] 

◕ ◡ ◕

>> No.2538432,626 [INTERNAL] 

Running it through google translate, it seems like they're really positive about it. Saying they can't wait to play it etc...

That blogger mentions that he's surprised that the developers used the worldmap as it would appear in japan (being divided through the Atlantic rather than the Pacific).

>> No.2538432,627 [INTERNAL] 

I just woke up after dreaming about /jp/ and...
>618 replies
Holy shit you guys are awesome.
Now it's time to read everything.

>> No.2538432,628 [INTERNAL] 

Be wary, there's /a/ tripfag discussion midway.

>> No.2538432,629 [INTERNAL] 

I never understood that. Kilo = 1000. It should be a thousand posts.

>> No.2538432,630 [INTERNAL] 

Be prepared to be disappointed. (・ω・)

>> No.2538464

Just letting you guys know /jp/ is back, as evident by my post.

We all know where to go back to if it goes down again.

>> No.2538432,631 [INTERNAL] 

Hype is never accurate.

>> No.2538466

Everybody yeah
Post in this thread yeah
Post in this thread right
/jp/'s back alright!

>> No.2538432,632 [INTERNAL] 

LOL Code Geass map.

>> No.2538432,633 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ is back

>> No.2538432,634 [INTERNAL] 

Looks like zip is back up.

>> No.2538432,635 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, I thought it was just some random VN enthusiast site. I didn't know it was hype generated by people in the US.

>> No.2538432,636 [INTERNAL] 


They also, like everyone else, mentioned the classroom cameos


how the fuck has anyone escaped from seeing a courage wolf? It exploded back then...

>> No.2538469

What a pity. I'm off then.

>> No.2538432,637 [INTERNAL] 

Hype can be generated by the Japanese, you know. Hype is generated when you cheer for something you know nothing about. Happens all the time here with the translations.

>> No.2538432,638 [INTERNAL] 

Not too familiar with the "1024 byte" system, huh?

>> No.2538432,639 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ is very insular.

>> No.2538432,640 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ is barely accessible. Still won't be back up it seems.

>> No.2538432,641 [INTERNAL] 

Spoke too soon. Timing out again and loading very slowly.

>> No.2538432,642 [INTERNAL] 

In /jp/ we only know about hoop dog and spaghetti bird.

Well I heard it was posted and linked on sankaku. Thus the cancers and newfaggotry.

>> No.2538432,643 [INTERNAL] 

It's 2 to the tenth power or something like that. I just don't understand the reason behind not just making a kilobyte 1000 bits.

>> No.2538432,644 [INTERNAL] 

Poor /po/. They did nothing to deserve this.

>> No.2538432,645 [INTERNAL] 

No, I'm surprised they're excited about it at all. I'd think they'd be dismissive if not derisive of it, filthy gaijin copying our shit.

>> No.2538432,646 [INTERNAL] 

Binary system. 0s and 1s, hence the 2.

>> No.2538432,647 [INTERNAL] 

The only one I'm interested in is the blind chick, or the deaf chick. All the other ones creep me out, especially the one who's half scar.

>> No.2538432,648 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone want to bet that the sudden surge of users back onto the site after someone declared it up swamped the server and brought it back down again?

>> No.2538432,649 [INTERNAL] 

I doubt there are enough of us on the ghost board to cause that to happen.

>> No.2538432,650 [INTERNAL] 

>644 replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

(  ゚,_ゝ゚)

>> No.2538432,651 [INTERNAL] 

What about the people who don't care or know about the archives? What if they're just sitting their refreshing the 4chan page?

>> No.2538432,652 [INTERNAL] 


You really think people are that pathetic?

I used to do that

>> No.2538432,653 [INTERNAL] 

Because when you program, you have to allocate blocks in numbers divisible by eight. That's how they're addressed. It's convenient to be able to call the base unit of memory you're asking for "1 kilobyte" of memory, rather than some odd number. Within chips the cells that contain the actual bits are almost always divided into numbers divisible by some power of 2. So, when you ask for some data from the chip, you're always getting something of a length divisible by a power of 2.

Marketing assholes came in later and fucked everything up, found out they could advertise their chips and other storage devices as having more capacity than they did, by doing something exactly like what you're suggesting. That's part of the reason why hard drives don't actually have their advertised capacity.

In other words, it's complicated. *pats anon's head* don't worry about it.

>> No.2538432,654 [INTERNAL] 

Well in that case it wouldn't be because someone declared it was back up.

>> No.2538432,655 [INTERNAL] 

What a mindless drone, man. You should join your local church group and do something with your life.

>> No.2538432,656 [INTERNAL] 

Well, I'm off to bed. Let's hope 4chan is back up, eh?

Good night (morning?) ghostbros.

>> No.2538432,657 [INTERNAL] 

Woah, what a long thread. This is a pleasant surprise after waking up, even if 4chan is down again.

>> No.2538432,658 [INTERNAL] 

So what are you fellow ghostbros up to?

>> No.2538432,659 [INTERNAL] 

Physics, but I can't stay. Must study for the finals in 2 hours.

>> No.2538432,660 [INTERNAL] 

Umineko, while popping in here every once in a while.

>> No.2538432,661 [INTERNAL] 

Reading Higurashi (Currently on Himatsubushi), refreshing this board every five minutes or so.

>> No.2538432,662 [INTERNAL] 


I can't help it! I'm genuinely enjoying the story/ies!

>> No.2538432,663 [INTERNAL] 

Doing a few things in Final Fantasy XI.

Crying because Share hasn't found me any Pandora Hearts manga raws.

>> No.2538432,664 [INTERNAL] 

Listening to music and refreshing this place and real /jp/.

I'm ronery ;_;

>> No.2538432,665 [INTERNAL] 

Where did everyone go?

>> No.2538432,666 [INTERNAL] 

I was wondering the same thing myself.

>> No.2538432,667 [INTERNAL] 

ITT better than real /jp/, except for the blog shit.

>> No.2538432,668 [INTERNAL] 

All discussed our brains out, I guess.

Would be nice if everyone was still talking here.

>> No.2538432,669 [INTERNAL] 

I'm still here ;__;

>> No.2538432,670 [INTERNAL] 

Why didn't we just keep posting normally in the already-made threads instead of having one big clusterfuck wall of text? And if we wanted to bring up a new topic, claim a dead thread.

>> No.2538432,671 [INTERNAL] 

wow, /jp/ must be crap, this sucks.

>> No.2538432,672 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah /jp/ suck. Lets go back to /a/ guise.

>> No.2538432,673 [INTERNAL] 

Well most posts here are either meta discussions (because of the nature of the ghost board and wanting to talk about 4chan being down) or replies.

We're also not used to starting new threads by replying to old ones without the ability to post an image, I'd guess.

>> No.2538432,674 [INTERNAL] 

This thread just served as a gathering spot. Do what you want with it.

>> No.2538432,675 [INTERNAL] 

It really would be nice if /a/ and /b/ didn't get the site attacked all the fucking time.

>> No.2538432,676 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,677 [INTERNAL] 

This is now an Umineko thread.

>> No.2538432,678 [INTERNAL] 

But red text don't work here. I don't think easymodo link to RS.

>> No.2538432,679 [INTERNAL] 

Well I'm playing episode 2 now. Pretty good I guess, although a bit slow at times.

>> No.2538432,680 [INTERNAL] 

Haiku thread

Why is 4chan down
I bet it was those /b/ fags
Fuck I'm so ronery

>> No.2538432,681 [INTERNAL] 

Episode 3 is best.

>> No.2538432,682 [INTERNAL] 

Beato is my waifu.

>> No.2538432,683 [INTERNAL] 

Witches don't exist.
Enjoy your delusion.

>> No.2538432,684 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,685 [INTERNAL] 

Why must you be so cruel?

>> No.2538432,686 [INTERNAL] 

Favourite VN music thread?

I'm loving http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tth0FdQaDt8 (遥か彼方) at the moment. That scene ;_;

>> No.2538432,687 [INTERNAL] 

Play till end ep3. I will never be as cruel as her. How I wish she and Saya exist too ;_;

>> No.2538432,688 [INTERNAL] 


Here's a few that I can remember.


>> No.2538432,689 [INTERNAL] 


Karma and Gentle Jena is now playing in your head.

>> No.2538432,690 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck you for that first one. It made me ;_; again.

>> No.2538432,691 [INTERNAL] 

Another good Saya one

Really melancholic.

>> No.2538432,692 [INTERNAL] 


Here anon, to make you feel better.
This will make you feel happier.


>> No.2538432,693 [INTERNAL] 

I hope you choke.

>> No.2538432,694 [INTERNAL] 

What's the post limit in here?

>> No.2538432,695 [INTERNAL] 

Post limit? How would that even work?

>> No.2538432,696 [INTERNAL] 

There isn't one. Once it gets too large we'll naturally move to another thread unless the real board comes back.

>> No.2538432,697 [INTERNAL] 

So it can go 1000+?

>> No.2538432,698 [INTERNAL] 

It can, although it's already taking a ridiculous amount of time to load at around 700.

>> No.2538432,699 [INTERNAL] 

We need a easymodo firefox extension so I can use quick reply here.
Kinda stupid that I have to refresh the whole page everytime I wanna make a reply.

>> No.2538432,700 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,701 [INTERNAL] 

I can't imagine it being all that useful. This is the first time I've ever encountered a giant ghost thread, and it's only here because of the DDoS attacks.

>> No.2538432,702 [INTERNAL] 

Move to a new thread, then? Though it seems there's only like three of us left anyway.

>> No.2538432,703 [INTERNAL] 

I just woke up

>> No.2538432,704 [INTERNAL] 

Speaking of which, is there something like that for other browsers like opera? I can't live without the watch thread function.

>> No.2538432,705 [INTERNAL] 

And I'm about to go to sleep myself.

>> No.2538432,706 [INTERNAL] 

Honestly, I've never used that for firefox since I don't know how it works, the watch thread thing.

>> No.2538432,707 [INTERNAL] 

Just finished reading most of the thread. You guys have been busy.
Well, better get started, goddamn thesis won't write itself.

One last thing. For some reason >>2538432,600 had me laughing for a good while.

Hope you have a nice day anonymous and ghost bros.

>> No.2538432,708 [INTERNAL] 

Have a nice day too, AoC.

>> No.2538432,709 [INTERNAL] 

For regular 4chan? fychan. Matches and exceed the 4chan extension in some areas. There's also 4chan backwash that "isplays posts in their own hovering window when moving the mouse over quotes". I don't know how hard either of them would be to convert to the archive.

>> No.2538432,710 [INTERNAL] 

700 posts, wow.

So I gather this is officially the backup /jp/ in case of DDoS attacks?

>> No.2538432,711 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, why not.

>> No.2538432,712 [INTERNAL] 

And in my opinion, even though is quite more uncomfortable to post here, the quality is much higher than regular /jp/.

>> No.2538432,713 [INTERNAL] 

For some reason I like the exclusivity. The retards of /a/ and /jp/ probably don't know of the archive/ghost boards.

>> No.2538432,714 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,715 [INTERNAL] 

I fail to see how tripfags discussion and athens is better than regular /jp/.

>> No.2538432,716 [INTERNAL] 

I think it's more that people aren't interested in starting any shitstorms while we are only posting in one thread with text only.

>> No.2538432,717 [INTERNAL] 

I have the urge to post images but I can't

>> No.2538432,718 [INTERNAL] 

Still better than "Japanese bird cooking spaghetti" and other shit that clogs up /jp/.

Either way this is still better than nothing.

>> No.2538432,719 [INTERNAL] 

what's wrong with athens when he's not trolling?

>> No.2538432,720 [INTERNAL] 

Have you read the posts lately, we´re actually having discussions here.

>> No.2538432,721 [INTERNAL] 

His tripfag circlejerking.

>> No.2538432,722 [INTERNAL] 

Most of the discussions in this thread is about /a/ though.

>> No.2538432,723 [INTERNAL] 

I'd say it's about half and half, except for the discussion about /a/'s tripfags.

It's pretty much just /jp/ here now though. /a/ has their own little thread up.

>> No.2538432,724 [INTERNAL] 

Take it easy guys.

>> No.2538432,725 [INTERNAL] 

I think the fact that we can't post pictures or reactionimage.jpg is what gave anon a chance to have serious discussions.

>> No.2538432,726 [INTERNAL] 

Might be right, reaction images incite angry posts and rage.

>> No.2538432,727 [INTERNAL] 

I have a habit of making reaction images, even though I know it's stupid as hell.

Just text makes things more relaxing here.

>> No.2538432,728 [INTERNAL] 

>It's pretty much just /jp/ here now though. /a/ has their own little thread up.
Which funnily enough, is about VNs.

>> No.2538432,729 [INTERNAL] 

Longest thread I have ever seen.

>> No.2538432,730 [INTERNAL] 

Never been in a text board, haven´t you?

>> No.2538432,731 [INTERNAL] 

Nope, I was under the impression that they are either dead or just full of spam.

>> No.2538432,732 [INTERNAL] 

Sure, maybe on 4chan's text boards, but 4-ch is usually full of legitimate discussion. Although it is a bit slow, it's far from dead.


>> No.2538432,733 [INTERNAL] 

When his hits 1000+ post it will be the largest thread anyone would have ever seen.

>> No.2538432,734 [INTERNAL] 

Good job.
That KS should stay there.

>> No.2538432,735 [INTERNAL] 

Doubtful, unless this thread piques a lot of interest again and gets another 300 posts before the zip boards come back online.

>> No.2538432,736 [INTERNAL] 

aw man, I want to see a 1000+ thread

>> No.2538432,737 [INTERNAL] 

Actually, /a/ had a thread that hit around 750 posts. It was one of the nighttime 'confession threads' that continued well past autosage and all the way until it reached page 10.

>> No.2538432,738 [INTERNAL] 

Those confession things always end up like that.

>> No.2538432,739 [INTERNAL] 

Seriously /jp/ should start denouncing the use of reactionimages its obviously cancerous.

>> No.2538432,740 [INTERNAL] 

Those confession threads are almost as bad as female troll and circlejerk thread. Seriously if they want to turn the imageboard into an irc chat room, why don't they just use irc or IM.

>> No.2538432,741 [INTERNAL] 

Ah, the confession threads, the last good threads on /a/. It's funny how Zange (the OP of them) actually had to stop making them because of how bad /a/ was getting, since some people actually bombed the threads.

Too bad. I guess /a/ just likes being a piece of shit.

>> No.2538432,742 [INTERNAL] 

Past tense.

>> No.2538432,743 [INTERNAL] 

Actually Zange stopped them because he went on vacation for over a month.

>> No.2538432,744 [INTERNAL] 

Actually a lot of the confession threads were about a specific topic, rather than just ronery circlejerking (although there was some of that too).

Not /a/ related, sure, but they were the last threads where /a/ could actually feel like a community without shitting on eachother all the time. Well, until people started bombing them, that is.

>> No.2538432,745 [INTERNAL] 

I thought he made the threads less frequently because of how bad /a/ was getting.

>> No.2538432,746 [INTERNAL] 

>Not /a/ related
That is your problem. Well I don't see why /a/ need to bomb then, if it is in /jp/ I am just gonna press the report button.

>> No.2538432,747 [INTERNAL] 

Looks like a little of both.

>> No.2538432,748 [INTERNAL] 

Looks like I'm a dumbass. That should be linking to post 17337700 on /a/.

>> No.2538432,749 [INTERNAL] 

See that bombing? It's fucking ridiculous. I swear to god /a/ has become /b/. It's IMPOSSIBLE for anybody to hide threads anymore.

>> No.2538432,750 [INTERNAL] 

Well if everything was strictly anime and manga with no exceptions, it'd be pretty boring, right? Not to mention that every board is way too different to go to a board like /r9k/ to discuss off-topic things. I don't think any of /jp/ would want to go there either. And plus, /r9k/ is full of normalfags so it's pretty much impossible to use that board.

>> No.2538432,751 [INTERNAL] 

I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you guys to stop it. Ghost /a/ is discussing VN and ghost /jp/ is discussing the downfall of /a/. If we keep at this, time and space will rip apart by the seams.

>> No.2538432,752 [INTERNAL] 

You guys got your chance when VN and Touhou was still there. You guys whine and complain to moot to kick out offtopic animu and mango thread. Frankly you guys deserve it and /jp/ or /a/ is not your blog. If you wanna blog about your life do it in /b/ or /r9k. Don't come shitting up /jp/ just cause you are not allowed to do it in /a/.

>> No.2538432,753 [INTERNAL] 

You got it wrong, I'm more /jp/ than I am /a/. I've mostly stopped using /a/ except for the occasional lurking.

Anyways, this doesn't belong in /jp/, so I'm just going to stop this discussion here.

>> No.2538432,754 [INTERNAL] 

I don't really mind ronery/confession threads that much has it incites generally some good serious discussions but i wouldn't want threads like that every single day.

>> No.2538432,755 [INTERNAL] 

It's pretty sad that Suika and MOON got very little discussion while KS has multiple 100+ threads on the first page. It's not like there's nothing to discuss about those two either especially MOON whose ending is a mindfuck and left a few things unresolved.

>> No.2538432,756 [INTERNAL] 

A good ronery thread occasionally is good, it's just that nowhere on 4chan is it accepted anymore. I suppose the only exceptions are some threads here in /jp/.

>> No.2538432,757 [INTERNAL] 

When my exams are over, we'll discuss it all you want. Happy?

>> No.2538432,758 [INTERNAL] 

This is still going on? Oh well. Time for class anyway.

>> No.2538432,759 [INTERNAL] 

/a/ is discussing the Japanese language and visual novels and we're discussing /a/.


>> No.2538432,760 [INTERNAL] 

But we already discuss Japanese and visual novels. What are you going to suggest next? Touhou?

>> No.2538432,761 [INTERNAL] 

Talking about Suika, I can't seem to ever get Chapter 2 good ending.

>> No.2538432,762 [INTERNAL] 

New Otome Function demo is out:


Something to do while /jp/ is down.

>> No.2538432,763 [INTERNAL] 

Good job. Seem like those guys at least pick up something worthwhile while lurking /jp/ for KS.
Now lets just hope they stay in /a/ and don't come back.

>> No.2538432,764 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks bro, 1000 internets for you.

>> No.2538432,765 [INTERNAL] 

Does chapter 2 got multiple ending? I only got the ending where Ritsu dies after painting Sayaka and Sayaka makes a book detailing her story.

>> No.2538432,766 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone know any stat-raising games that are not MMOs? Something like Graduation II and Princess Maker II.

>> No.2538432,767 [INTERNAL] 

oh.../jp/ is down I was wondering why this thread had ,763 posts

>> No.2538432,768 [INTERNAL] 

Try Custom Reido 3 & F
Himegari is kinda stat-raising too.

>> No.2538432,769 [INTERNAL] 

True love, kingdom and probably all the srpg eroges.

>> No.2538432,770 [INTERNAL] 

Where's Tears to Tiara on the SRPG tree?

>> No.2538432,771 [INTERNAL] 

Every chapter seems to have an epilogue so I'm assuming that's the only good/true end.
And fuck chapter 1 made me go FUUUUUU

>> No.2538432,772 [INTERNAL] 

If you like Utawarerumono.
You will like it.

>> No.2538432,773 [INTERNAL] 

I ask because I didn't like TtT and was hoping it wasn't anywhere near the top of the ero SRPG line.

>> No.2538432,774 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks my good sir.

>> No.2538432,775 [INTERNAL] 

Probably mid tier.
I prefer stuff like Blaze of Destiny and the Castle Fantasia series.
The best ero SRPG is probably Muv Luv Alt.

>> No.2538432,776 [INTERNAL] 

Are those AGTH-compatible? IMEing gets tiring after a while.

>> No.2538432,777 [INTERNAL] 

I see far more on /a/, although there's that guy on /jp/ that claims there are lots of normalfags on /a/ I can't say I can see much evidence of it myself.

Now /v/ is another story, I dont understand why the saturation level of normalchums on /v/ is so much greater but I'm guessing its because of the fact 1) Believe it or not to post on /a/ requires a bigger learning curve of shows seen than /v/'s equivalent 'games played' and 2) Video games are just a lot more mainstream so you're going to get half of /b/ posting there.

But /v/ was my first board, and I remember when people complain about the odd ronery thread on there now it makes me laugh because they really have no idea that /v/ had similar threads in late 2006/2007 up until summer.

>> No.2538432,778 [INTERNAL] 

Chapter 1's outcome is too damn sad. Thanks to that I was on the edge of my seat while reading Chapter 2. I was afraid that chapter 2's outcome would be the same.
I just wish chapter 1's protagonist talked to Sayo properly.

Shame you can only play with the skirt.

>> No.2538432,779 [INTERNAL] 

There's an epilogue with Sayo right at the end, together with the rest of the cast from Chapter 1-4. I think I got the normal end for Chapter 4 which led to this.

>> No.2538432,780 [INTERNAL] 

>2) Video games are just a lot more mainstream so you're going to get half of /b/ posting there.

Pretty much. Most of /v/ is about shooting games and what not anyways, so it's pretty normalfaggish.

>> No.2538432,781 [INTERNAL] 


I'd say it's definitely because it's probably the first board many drift to after they find out 4chan isn't just about "lolpedobearEpicWinz" and porn.

/v/ is ridiculous. It truly is /b/ jr.

>> No.2538432,782 [INTERNAL] 


Can't even make Persona threads at /v/ without "weeaboo shit", "take it to /a/", etc.

>> No.2538432,783 [INTERNAL] 

I like to think that's just /v/irgins trolling, but that's probably not the case.

I mean what the fuck. It's a video game, where else is it going to go? It's going to go in /v/. Don't like it? Go shit up another thread, it has nothing to do with you.

I swear, /v/ has no common sense anymore. If a game isn't generic shootan #592385, it will get trolled to death.

>> No.2538432,784 [INTERNAL] 

God damn, i want your save files please.

>> No.2538432,785 [INTERNAL] 

Shouldn't we take this to another thread now? This thread is getting annoying to load

>> No.2538432,786 [INTERNAL] 

Take your time and enjoy, Chapter 3 is short and straightforward and so is Chapter 4.

>> No.2538432,787 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ is probably the only board where different subjects can coexist peacefully. (most of the time)
But then again, we're directionless pedophiles.

>> No.2538432,788 [INTERNAL] 


Well some try to push(including people on /a/) that Persona is /a/ related due to all the /a/ related material the Persona franchise has. There's a Persona anime and manga.

>> No.2538432,789 [INTERNAL] 

I like /jp/, because besides for VNs and Touhou and what not, we can discuss anime, Japanese video games, Japanese music, etc from time to time relatively peacefully. Make it on their respective board and you can expect and ton of sage replies with typical one liners.

>> No.2538432,790 [INTERNAL] 

THERE is NO Persona anime.

>> No.2538432,791 [INTERNAL] 

>we can discuss anime, Japanese video games, Japanese music, etc from time to time relatively peacefully. Make it on their respective board and you can expect and ton of sage replies with typical one liners.

>> No.2538432,792 [INTERNAL] 

I think /jp/anon is contributing in this thread just to try getting that elusive 1000 post GET.

Dibs on Yoppi.

>> No.2538432,793 [INTERNAL] 

I dislike the way /v/ has to create foils for anything that gets too popular. So for example FFVI is a foil to FFVII, but then the pendulum swung too far and FFVI got too popular so FFIV became the foil to the more popular games of the franchise. Same shit with people who claim TWEWY of all things is the 'greatest JRPG ever/only JRPG worth playing'. Other foils include Morrowind to Oblivion, any Valve game to any other mainstream FPS and so on.

I also dislike the way they have to create this dichotomy where there is no middle ground, its pure black and white. Either a game is 'shit' or its 'good'.

As for Persona threads, I've seen them catch flack on here as well to be honest. Lets face it, there are people who are purists beyond any reasonable assessment and _do_ genuinely want /jp/ to remain Touhou only (they even dislike VN discussion). Its a shame because I was hoping upon /jp/'s inception that it would take up the mantle of discussing JRPGs.

>> No.2538432,794 [INTERNAL] 

True, but the game itself belongs on /v/. It's a JRPG with full gameplay and everything. It could never be discussed on /a/, and it's not something we on /jp/ would discuss here either. It goes in /v/ no matter what upset /v/irgins have to say.

I swear to god, normalfags and newfriends have ruined /v/. It's near damn impossible to start up a thread about a Japanese video game and get intelligent replies without "lol gb2/a/ weeaboo fags".

>> No.2538432,795 [INTERNAL] 

Sage for Persona.

>> No.2538432,796 [INTERNAL] 

I like how this thread is basically the same 5 people chatting back and forth. I also like how there's more people posting in one topic on the /jp/ board than any topic /jp/ has ever had.

>> No.2538432,797 [INTERNAL] 

>(they even dislike VN discussion)

Stupid, honestly, a fair bit of /jp/ is VN discussion to begin with. We have Touhou and VNs and your odd Japanese game, idol thread, ronery thread, or whatever else, but those are the main two purposes of this board.

>> No.2538432,798 [INTERNAL] 

Not quite. According to the handy report function, there are about 15 different people posting in ghost /jp/.
Isn't that swell?

>> No.2538432,799 [INTERNAL] 

True that, the reason i come to /jp/ is mainly because of the community which suits my lifestyle, not because of the board subject Japan/General.

>> No.2538432,800 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ SHOULD have threads about Japanese games that get pushed out of /v/ to begin with.

>> No.2538432,801 [INTERNAL] 

But we do. I've gotten a lot of DS games out of /jp/ threads discussing them. Could be more, granted, but it's not like it's nonexistent.

/jp/ really has a place for everything, as long as you don't force it and keep it contained. The KS backlash is a textbook example of that.
Speaking of which, AoRF, what will it take for you to stop the japanese bird bot? I know it's not all just you, but you know, what the fuck?

>> No.2538432,802 [INTERNAL] 

Anons from /v/ probably browse /jp/ as well, but I don't see 7th Dragon or EO threads being flamed to hell. Perhaps those 2 are exceptions.

>> No.2538432,803 [INTERNAL] 

I think we have those once in a while. They either get reported, ignored, or degenerates into imagedumps.

BTW anyone have a release date for Otome Function? The demo's awesome.

>> No.2538432,804 [INTERNAL] 


You think the majority of us really want idol thread or MMO thread? But those thread are condensed and kept to 1thread. KS and spaghetti bird on the other hand is just spammed and thus everyone started to hate on them. I have to confessed the first time I saw spaghetti bird I did smile a little but after seeing 1000x repost, we got tired of that shit and started reporting it instead.

>> No.2538432,805 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ is for video games that /v/ doesn't want, music that /mu/ doesn't want, shit that /a/ doesn't want, movies and television that /tv/ doesn't want, sometimes food that /ck/ doesn't want, and various other things that other boards hate and don't want in their board.

We're pretty much the most hated board on 4chan, besides /b/.

>> No.2538432,806 [INTERNAL] 

>The KS backlash is a textbook example of that.
But that sort of spam happens every time something /jp/ related gets released. The only thing that made it even worse was that people who normally don't post on /jp/ got directed here when they mentioned KS and proceeded to make new threads, assuming /jp/ follows the "Just make a new thread for every question you have" M.O. other fast boards use.

>> No.2538432,807 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit, 807 replies. I wonder if this acts like a real textboard and gets threadstopped at 1000?

>> No.2538432,808 [INTERNAL] 

Oh cool, /a/ thread is being spammed by a /b/tard. Typical really. Hopefully we don't get the same shit.

>> No.2538432,809 [INTERNAL] 

Well, that's a factor that played on it. But you can see it, when it was released, and I'm talking the first few hours here, we kept it at 4 consecutive 200+ post threads. Just as we do with any new release. Same with touhou music and original content threads, idolfags and so on.
A new release in /jp/ doesn't mean that all hell breaks lose.
The problem was what followed. F/SN levels of "Hey, look at this funny screeshoot, hahaha" threads with no content, and of course the trolling.
Should we blame all of this on /a/? Not quite, after a while we started to overreact on any KS thread. But it played a huge part on it, since that's not the usual board mechanics.

>> No.2538432,810 [INTERNAL] 

Except that KS is pretty much on the 1st page during the whole deal, there's no excuse why there are multiple 100+ post threads about it on the 1st page. Not even the UFO release got that many post.

>> No.2538432,811 [INTERNAL] 

Well, the thing I think about is why every girlfriend that Hitler had tried to commit suicide?
I mean, surely one can be a nasty piece of work but to terrorise your spouse so badly that she wants to die. That is something else. Wonder what unspeakable acts took place.

>> No.2538432,812 [INTERNAL] 

We could be seeing 1000 really soon if that fag spamming /a/ decides to come here

>> No.2538432,813 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit this a lot...

>> No.2538432,814 [INTERNAL] 

Any good DS games to play lately? I've gotten tired of Pokemon Platinum and want to try something else.

>> No.2538432,815 [INTERNAL] 

Who cares? Let him.

If somebody has enough time to waste to spam a ghostboard with only a few people on it, then power to them. It's not like we would stop discussing under a spam attack to begin with.

Also, this page loads too slowly for a spammer to waste his time. In a way, this thread is saved because of how big it is.

>> No.2538432,816 [INTERNAL] 

How about Reitai Picross? Shit is wicked addictive.

>> No.2538432,817 [INTERNAL] 

What was the name of that DS game where you are tasked of recording stuff worth saving since the end of the world is near? I've been meaning to play that one.

>> No.2538432,818 [INTERNAL] 

I think you got it all wrong, they tried to commit suicide to get Hitlers attention for themselves(think camwhores). Hitler was actually a pretty good lover from what i've heard.

>> No.2538432,819 [INTERNAL] 

Phoenix Wright, I guess? You've probably played it already though.

>> No.2538432,820 [INTERNAL] 

How about we use this thread to settle the age old Younger Sister vs. Older Sister debate?

I go with the latter.

>> No.2538432,821 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks, I'll try that out.

Avalon Code. Worth a try, but not that great.

>> No.2538432,822 [INTERNAL] 

Avalon Code?
shit, I still haven't played that. Fucking busy release month and college work and stuff. I only have time for fucking casual games. Feel so dirty...

Can I have both? Because I already have an aunt that is like, 9 years my senior, and she's basically my neechan figure, and it was awesome growing up. But a imouto to help out and pat in the head is fine too.
Tough call.

>> No.2538432,823 [INTERNAL] 

I would like to live out the older sister route definitely. I yearn for that stereotypical(in anime/vn/whatever) nurturing older sister who will take care of me

>> No.2538432,824 [INTERNAL] 

I go away.

>> No.2538432,825 [INTERNAL] 

I like imoutos.

>> No.2538432,826 [INTERNAL] 

I agree. But I enjoy the idea of her taking care of me as we grow up, then gradually the dynamic shifting to me taking care of her.

Why do so many people enjoy patting people on the head or ruffling their hair?

>> No.2538432,827 [INTERNAL] 

I'd like an older sister, I wonder how it feels like. I have 3 younger sisters and I'm ashamed of myself being a NEET and all. Hell one my younger sister is about to graduate from college soon while I stopped from college.

>> No.2538432,828 [INTERNAL] 

Well, from my perspective. Hang out with the older and corrupt the younger when the old one is not looking. Obviously.

Is it truly so? Hitler does give away the creepy fetishist vibe, though.

Anyhow, should one worry since when I keep watching these nazi documentaries, I find myself constantly going "well, that's not too bad" or "yes, a little bit over the top but sensible in spirit".

>> No.2538432,829 [INTERNAL] 

I'm ok with either, since I'm a single child.

>> No.2538432,830 [INTERNAL] 

Have you patted someone on the head? Shit is awesome.
Which, if I may say, my aunt/neechan does to me. Even though I'm taller than her now. But man, if you can't appreciate getting a kind person to playfully mess up your hair, then you sir, have no soul.

>> No.2538432,831 [INTERNAL] 

>that fag spamming /a/
Why is that /a/ thread filled with tripfags?

Among /a/ posters, only the tripfags know about the /a/rchive now?

>> No.2538432,832 [INTERNAL] 

>(think camwhores)

I lol'ed, you know the most 'famous' of camwhores have LJs and stuff?

I guess you are right.

>> No.2538432,833 [INTERNAL] 

Older, but I've never experienced having a younger sister, so it's not really a fair question.

Also, looks like /jp/ <i>might</i> be back up.

>> No.2538432,834 [INTERNAL] 

Loli imouto for me, but it sucks having them grow up and becoming distant from you though, happened to me ;_;.

>> No.2538432,835 [INTERNAL] 

Nope. I've been bouncing back and forth between both ghost boards. The /a/ thread was pretty good early on when people were giving out VN recommendations while /jp/ was talking about /a/. /jp/ thread seems than the /a/ one now though.

>> No.2538432,836 [INTERNAL] 

What do you think of:

>the idea of her taking care of me as we grow up, then gradually the dynamic shifting to me taking care of her.

>> No.2538432,837 [INTERNAL] 

I don't like how this thread lacks a base topic. It's the epitome of asperger syndrome.

>> No.2538432,838 [INTERNAL] 

I have an older sister, it kinda makes you feel like you're the little girl. She used to take me out to the cinema and on vacation and shit like that. I once went to Greece with my sister, people thought we were a couple and it was kind of embarrassing.

I might've been lucky with a sister that isn't a complete bitch, though.

>> No.2538432,839 [INTERNAL] 

That didn't really happen with me, so I can't say a whole lot about it. My sister and I are more like close friends than I imagine most siblings are. It seems like a common fantasy with older sisters though.

>> No.2538432,840 [INTERNAL] 

>I lol'ed, you know the most 'famous' of camwhores have LJs and stuff?
Oh man, that reminded me of Cracky-chan's LJ and all the stalking that issued.

Good times.

>> No.2538432,841 [INTERNAL] 

Why did I return to this place, I am supposed to do something different right now.

Anyway, I go with same age multi purpose sisters.

>> No.2538432,842 [INTERNAL] 

I'm tired of you faggots bragging about your sisters, it fuels me with jealousy and anger.

Why did I have to get 2 brothers?

>> No.2538432,843 [INTERNAL] 

Personally I think older sister fantasies are more wholesome than younger sister ones. With younger sister ones, especially in doujins its all about 'tricking' said sister into sex, or the sister just being really emotionally dependent on her onii-chan. Whereas with older sisters they are a lot more mature and you also get those doujins where they pull off that whole aspect of the sister being really disinterested in her younger brother, which is always quite hot.

I just like clever girls in general. So the older thing is more appealing. I'm also not too keen on girls that like older guys anyway, I think its reflective of a weakness, I don't like that kind of excessive passivity.

>> No.2538432,844 [INTERNAL] 

Well you can have my little sister if you want, all she does now is asking me for favours to fetch her here and there or money.
I'd rather be a single child ,100% inheritance etc.

>> No.2538432,845 [INTERNAL] 

I feel you man. I only have one brother but he's a total dick. He disrespects my mom and thinks he is some kind of genius prodigy.

>> No.2538432,846 [INTERNAL] 

I think that it's a matter of the doujin author. You get the imouto types where it's just helping her and smile at her little sister antics, nothing sexual about it, just as you have cool neechan taping your shows because she knew you were studying, and lending you her notebooks.
But it can get pretty sexual as well. It's a common theme to get the more mature sister to teach you the ropes while teasing you. Top of my head: Mega Milk.

It's a matter of how you look at it. Specially in doujins, which has a wealth of stories and perverted sexual fantasies. It's all good.

>> No.2538432,847 [INTERNAL] 

So how many of you here are flexible enough to suck your own dick?

I'm thinking about taking yoga.

>> No.2538432,848 [INTERNAL] 

Siblings in general suck regardless of gender, and the only people that keep bringing up conversations about sisters are the people that lack sisters (e.g. >>2538432,820). Having a sister is no different from having a brother. In the end, brothers are superior.

Females are designed differently from us males; consequently, females in general have little or no interest in our interest e.g. video games to name a few. A sister is kinda like a cat while a brother is kinda like a dog. A brother could potentially become your best friend while a sister is fun for a while, then they get predictable/repetitive (just like cats).

>> No.2538432,849 [INTERNAL] 

Sucking your dick is like trying to tickle yourself. It doesn't really work. I've done it before, it wasn't worth the back pain.

>> No.2538432,850 [INTERNAL] 

I can touch the head with my tongue, that's as far as it goes. Maybe I should practice.

>> No.2538432,851 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know, I'm pretty proud of my little bro. He can be a real jerk, but the man is acing academics, contributes to /jp/, and is a fucking model anonymous. I'm proud of a brother that 1cc SA just to relax.

>> No.2538432,852 [INTERNAL] 

Sounds like a good way to lose your dick.

>> No.2538432,853 [INTERNAL] 

Can't; probably never will be able to. There are some limits you just can't surpass, and I'm pretty sure getting my head that far is one of them.

>> No.2538432,854 [INTERNAL] 

Small cocks much? If I wanted to I could easily suck my own cock.

>> No.2538432,855 [INTERNAL] 

Ok, guys. It was a bad idea to google self fellatio.

>> No.2538432,856 [INTERNAL] 

Come back when he can 1cc SA on hard modo.

>> No.2538432,857 [INTERNAL] 

Go and try it then. It's not as easy as it looks unless your cock is over 9"

>> No.2538432,858 [INTERNAL] 

This compelled me to do a search on it myself. I hate you.

>> No.2538432,859 [INTERNAL] 

Why is this demo such a cocktease? When are they going to let us stick it in her?

>> No.2538432,860 [INTERNAL] 

Much truth in this statement.

Yes, I have a little sister and I do not envy of what she had to put up from my behalf. As in family you always take everything out on the person next to you. And then, there is this little brat that gets all of the attention. That, and it still looks up to you and, such terrible thing to say, but in a way is your private toy and not so much like a real person. You know, with children there is no line of decency. All I'm saying is that such thing can get quite sadistic. Parents should be around to limit such behaviour but when they're not even slightly conserned it can turn out to be very ugly.

>> No.2538432,861 [INTERNAL] 

I'm in good shape so stretching is pretty easy for me. And I've been told I have a pretty large e-peen so I guess it's only natural that I would have an above average cock.

Why are we discussing penises again?

>> No.2538432,862 [INTERNAL] 

Yandere oneechan, do not want.

>> No.2538432,863 [INTERNAL] 

Do not fucking try this until you are 100% sure you are able to do it. I did it once when I was 16 and seriously messed up my back. Had to go to a chiropratctor to get it fixed.

>> No.2538432,864 [INTERNAL] 

Ahaha, what did you say to the chirpractor? Did you tell him what happened?

>> No.2538432,865 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks for the warning, damn that must be embarrassing. Care to share your story?

>> No.2538432,866 [INTERNAL] 

Oh wow. Seconding the request for an anecdote

>> No.2538432,867 [INTERNAL] 

hey, good morning, ghost board

>> No.2538432,868 [INTERNAL] 

You can be /jp/'s onee-chan as well.

>> No.2538432,869 [INTERNAL] 

Good morning fellow anonymous. How are you in this fine day?

>> No.2538432,870 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ is back but slow has hell

>> No.2538432,871 [INTERNAL] 

Stop it guys, Meru is getting wet from hearing our conversation about penises.

>> No.2538432,872 [INTERNAL] 

ok. that's the last straw. i'm going to set the building on fire.

>> No.2538432,873 [INTERNAL] 


eating fruit loops n' waffles

so never better

>> No.2538432,874 [INTERNAL] 

What building? Assuming you're being serious and/or literal, please don't; the lack of shitposting here leads me to assume you are not a shitposter, so the quality of /jp/ would go down if you were in jail.

>> No.2538432,875 [INTERNAL] 

The faggotry level is rising too much in here.

>> No.2538432,876 [INTERNAL] 


Tell more more about the myth of the quote unquote shitposter.

'Shitposter' was just a word that was created by team 4chan to generalize everything they disagreed with into one word. I argue that there are various forms of bad posters. Simply using the label 'shitposter' is both lazy and unscientific.

>> No.2538432,877 [INTERNAL] 

Not for me, I fine the lack of reactionimage repost refreshing.

>> No.2538432,878 [INTERNAL] 

Heh, this place is only alive when /jp/ goes to hell.
Meh, doesn't mattter to me anywyay. I work during day and /jp/ is filtered around here ('Too much traffic') and the 'Alternative' is /a/ so...

>> No.2538432,879 [INTERNAL] 

It was a quote from Office Space, by the way.

>> No.2538432,880 [INTERNAL] 

>The faggotry level is rising too much in here.
Why because we're discussing penises?

Though I could understand why a ghost bro would get disturbed by such a conversation. Now whenever people want to insult the ghost board they can honestly say we ghost bros were discussing ways to suck our own genitals.

>> No.2538432,881 [INTERNAL] 

I sleep and go to class and /jp/ is still down?

Oh wow reminds me of the time I threw out my back during a particularly heated fap session and had to see a chiropractor. Luckily I never had to explain how I injured my back.

>> No.2538432,882 [INTERNAL] 

Reaction images are nothing more than the imageboard equivalent to emoticons.

>> No.2538432,883 [INTERNAL] 


careful you're very close to ghost blow job there.

>> No.2538432,884 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not that guy but I attribute shitposting to people who make worthless threads. For example blog posts, "hey guys look at this image" when there is already a thread on what you are talking about, etc.

>> No.2538432,885 [INTERNAL] 

So, you guys have nothing better than to post on /jp/'s ghost board?

I took the summer off so I'm a NEET for the next 4-5 months. It's pretty pathetic that I can't find anything better to do than post here. I should've just signed up for classes...

>> No.2538432,886 [INTERNAL] 


ganbatte anonymous!

>> No.2538432,887 [INTERNAL] 

What a subtle reference to a such good movie. One should be proud to pick up on these things. Is there a suitable way for me to express my loathe for such depraved existence that your mind has been penetrated by? You see, there is a very real reason why everyone hates and looks down at USAnians.

I hate to put it in such fascist terms, but the mental underfolk of USA is a very real thing. No, you do not even have a culture.

>> No.2538432,888 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.2538432,889 [INTERNAL] 

Exactly. I'm glad their use is discouraged on /jp/.

I just got back from class and was going to do my routine morning check of /jp/. But yeah I have nothing better to do. I should probably catch up on anime or something.

>> No.2538432,890 [INTERNAL] 

If anybody responds to this post seriously, they aren't a real bro.

Case you hadn't noticed AO is a troll (albeit a really weak troll).

>> No.2538432,891 [INTERNAL] 

And what is there to troll about?

The fact that USA does not have a real ethno-national culture in the sense that normal people do is, like I said, a fact. In my post I do not even draw any conclusions, just state what is obvious.

>> No.2538432,892 [INTERNAL] 

Meru is /jp/'s crazy onee-chan, there's no need to be so rude to her.

>> No.2538432,893 [INTERNAL] 

You should watch Gurren-Lagann more intently. I think it has some important messages that you could learn a thing or two from.

>> No.2538432,894 [INTERNAL] 


You're like a moe Corea. ♥

>> No.2538432,895 [INTERNAL] 

Of course we do:
Hamburgers and gangsta rap

>> No.2538432,896 [INTERNAL] 

How do you find the decency to be a yank, I always wonder? Is there not any shame for the lack of standards? And when your relative dies at war, it is of progression, not a thing lost but improved.

If I was a yank, I would deprave myself of that nationality.

>> No.2538432,897 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,898 [INTERNAL] 

If I had any idea what you were talking about, I would retort, but it seems you are insulting vaguely for the sake of being vaguely insulting.

>> No.2538432,899 [INTERNAL] 

Meru is fucking insane.

'mental underfolk' lol wut?

>> No.2538432,900 [INTERNAL] 

Alright, now I'm pissed. I was going to save this for later, but I guess now is a better time than any. Shut the fuck up Anonymous of Colombia. We all know you're Meru/AO. You even go so far as to hide your own autography by typing like an idiot. Athens being the typical class dunce might have fell for it, but I was able to see through your bullshit from the start. Hey Colombia do you have any other troll personas we should know about or is Meru the only thing you got? Ghost board tripfriends inherently have multiple personas, but you take it to a whole new level. Fuck off, your tsundere gimmick stopped being funny ages ago.

Though, I must confess I'm still not sure about your gender.

>> No.2538432,901 [INTERNAL] 

900 get

>> No.2538432,902 [INTERNAL] 

My god you're an idiot.

>> No.2538432,903 [INTERNAL] 

>Meru is fucking insane.
I have no idea why did I laughed. Perhaps both of you should just fuck already.

>> No.2538432,904 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,905 [INTERNAL] 

oh wow, what the hell?

>> No.2538432,906 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,907 [INTERNAL] 

Well he's not wrong, since AoC has been caught red handed before, on this very board. There's no confirmation until AoRF or Ekospl post the relevant information to back this up though.

>> No.2538432,908 [INTERNAL] 

I don't care if it's fake moe, it's still moe.

>> No.2538432,909 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking Dell keyboard, I was going to say you're Cirno Anonymous of Gensokyo.

>> No.2538432,910 [INTERNAL] 

Meru isn't moe at all, you must be crazy.

>> No.2538432,911 [INTERNAL] 

Meru has AoC's trip, it was leaked on /a/ ages ago.

>> No.2538432,912 [INTERNAL] 

Over 90% of every countries' population consists of something one could consider 'mental underfolk'. What are you trying to point out with that?

I sort of like your attitude by the way.

>> No.2538432,913 [INTERNAL] 

posting in an epic thread

>> No.2538432,914 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,915 [INTERNAL] 

What I meant was AoC once roleplayed as Meru/AO.
Please read through >>2538432,900 and >>2538432,907 again.

>> No.2538432,916 [INTERNAL] 

If you mean that time when he was "samefagging", that was his brother.

>> No.2538432,917 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think AoC would do that.

>> No.2538432,918 [INTERNAL] 

Nah, the only personas I've used are Anonymous, Madarame for a while, and this.
I'm rather fond of the simple pleasures of Anonymous posting. Lot of this thread has been me. A fact I rather disclose because you're fucking paranoid.

AO, however, is the trolling persona of the girl behind meru, who was yet another trolling persona. Seriously, whatever you see posted under that name, don't take it to heart. Because she's a bit off the deep end.

Now, the classic problem. Why the fuck should you believe me? A good answer to that is that is far simpler to explain as two different people than a massive conspiracy that has been ongoing for, what, over a year and a half?

Now, let us go back to more enjoyable topics of discussion.

>> No.2538432,919 [INTERNAL] 

Meru is a good girl.

>> No.2538432,920 [INTERNAL] 

Well, AoC is definitely not me. I bet he is reading this thread at the moment and feeling quite embarrassed. As he usually does.
Yes, why did we "broke up"?
Because I am a twit?
Because such person as me is not fun to be around?
Because Raul is a loser?
Or because the romance dying out?
The reason was that I post too obnoxious things online. Which is a sensible reason to end a relationship, perhaps.

But yes, USA is culturally low. And why? Because one respects real culture, right? Real culture is undeniably of value that should be cherished.
Now, multiculturality is not real culture but a trash heap of randomly mutated cultural memes mixed together. A bizarrity that should not exist. So why respect the lack of value?
Even all out relativity does not mean that princibles get throw into trashcan, you know.

>> No.2538432,921 [INTERNAL] 

>AO, however, is the trolling persona of the girl behind meru, who was yet another trolling persona
Damn, she has some issues. Or too much free time.

>> No.2538432,922 [INTERNAL] 

Posts on /jp/; both, like the rest of us.

>> No.2538432,923 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,924 [INTERNAL] 

I came to the conclusion that Meru was Colombia because:

1). They've read similar novels and watched similar anime and movies.
2). They share similar preference in books.
3). AO's blatantly disguised autography. Ask yourself a question, of all the post you've read on 4chan have you even seen someone post like Meru? It's so obvious that Meru is trying to disguise his/her writing from his/her other personas.
4). As far as I know the e-dating thing was the first of its kind on 4chan. Do you really think any given users on 4chan have enough unity to stage something like that. Think about all the users you've ever had a conversation with, do you know of any users that share such a unity with you?

>> No.2538432,925 [INTERNAL] 

Where in a school are there two teachers?

>> No.2538432,926 [INTERNAL] 

I bet she has some crazy things balancing out her obnoxiousness. Like a bedroom full of giant teddy bears, perhaps.

>> No.2538432,927 [INTERNAL] 

Lacking a common cultural background doesn't make everyone in the US mentally inferior. If you said uncultured, that would make more sense.

>> No.2538432,928 [INTERNAL] 

>who was yet another trolling persona

Guriin right?

>> No.2538432,929 [INTERNAL] 

Well this sure turned to shit.

See you sometime later, /jp/.

>> No.2538432,930 [INTERNAL] 

That is one of the themes, I'm impressed. But I was talking about the theme of individuality, which is needed for progression. Go watch episode 27 again and pay attention to any dialog between Anti-Spiral and Simon.

>> No.2538432,931 [INTERNAL] 

Nah, I'm in a good mood, nothing can faze me right now. It's that zen state of "taking it easy". Probably because the goddamn cipher is finally working, it's raining, and I just had a nice tea with lunch.

I could even go for some anime right now. Heard good things of Eden of the East, someone mind telling me what is it about and which sub group is doing a good job?

>> No.2538432,932 [INTERNAL] 

gg for subs
Just think Bourne Identity+uguuuu

>> No.2538432,933 [INTERNAL] 

Is this an authentic picture of meru?

>> No.2538432,934 [INTERNAL] 

Lunar Anime.

>> No.2538432,935 [INTERNAL] 

I'm just reading the topmost thread in the /a/rchive, and they're talking about VNs.

>> No.2538432,936 [INTERNAL] 

You suggest that the lack of culture does not have mental effect on people. Culture is the share mind and consciousness of a nation, literally.

I'm not sure why they keep saying this but I have nothing to do with such person.

>> No.2538432,937 [INTERNAL] 

>Now, multiculturality is not real culture but a trash heap of randomly mutated cultural memes mixed together
This statement loses all little value it might had if we consider that every country on this continent was born from a multicultural clusterfuck.

>> No.2538432,938 [INTERNAL] 

Well, they just made a good couple. Although Meru is an insane moe and AoC just a lonely eccentric bastard.

>> No.2538432,939 [INTERNAL] 

It's, more or less, a rehash of every recommendation thread we've had. My attention span started dying on me once I got closer to the bottom of the thread so I just came back here.

>> No.2538432,940 [INTERNAL] 

Are you saying that statement does not define American culture?

>> No.2538432,941 [INTERNAL] 

Well most people browse both boards, right? In this thread we had a discussion of /a/'s tripfags and the state of the board for a while, while /a/ was discussing VNs and the Japanese language and other things. I don't think anybody besides a few elitists here strictly use one board.

>> No.2538432,942 [INTERNAL] 

Good, because Guriin used to freak the hell out of me. And you're a good sister.

>> No.2538432,943 [INTERNAL] 

So I finished up the first season of Nodame Cantabile. How does season 2 live up? Is it still more focused on the music, or does it move deeper into Noda/Chiaki's relationship? Also heard there was a live action drama, is that any decent?

>> No.2538432,944 [INTERNAL] 

So, by your logic, being culturally deviant makes you stupid? Fascinating.

>> No.2538432,945 [INTERNAL] 

No, he's saying that statement defines the culture of every country on this continent.

I'd even go so far as to say it defines every modern culture in the world, because 6-some-odd billion people interacting could never keep any one culture more or less pure than any others.

>> No.2538432,946 [INTERNAL] 

>>2538432,931 Oh noes, hopefully I can change the topic.

Once upon a time there was a writefag named Colombia that was experiencing writer's block for his Visual Novel (Anon's nice day). The boring nature of the average day-to-day life on /a/ made the Colombian realize that he had no choice but to inject more drama into /a/ inoder to create an interesting meta-story. So he invented Meru and started e-dating himself.

>> No.2538432,947 [INTERNAL] 

But Meru was an /a/ tripfag long before that happened.

>> No.2538432,948 [INTERNAL] 

The plot thickens...

>> No.2538432,949 [INTERNAL] 

That's makes absolutely no sense

>> No.2538432,950 [INTERNAL] 

Ugh, I don't like depending on gg for subs. But they make a good job. Thanks anonymous.

>> No.2538432,951 [INTERNAL] 

Well, in america, each tends to carve out his own culture from whatever influences he chooses. This is why we have so many subcultures, of which this is apparently one.

In whatever country you're from, you have no such option. You're forced to take on the culture that is available to you. If you were British or Japanese, that wouldn't be bad. But judging they way you post, you're probably from some shithole that never did anything anyone cares about.

>> No.2538432,952 [INTERNAL] 

In a number of past threads most people on /jp/ have said they don't browse /a/. I don't and I'm not sure how people can stand that place anymore.

I just watched both seasons last week. Season 2 is more of the same but with more development between Nodame and Chiaki, which is nice because the lack of romantic development was one of my main problems with the first season.

>> No.2538432,953 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,954 [INTERNAL] 

That statement doesn't define multiculturalism as a whole.

>> No.2538432,955 [INTERNAL] 

Just ask AoRF to give you the IP for every of their posts and get that over with.

>> No.2538432,956 [INTERNAL] 

And what continent would that be? Look, no one cares of your split continent, one might say. Then, one would say that Canada is successful in terms of multiculturality to a point. And south-america, while being on the poorer side has a definite value and respect. Yanks just do not cut it.

>I'd even go so far as to say it defines every modern culture in the world, because 6-some-odd billion people interacting could never keep any one culture more or less pure than any others
Utter nonsense statement. So, a group of people interacting does undo couple of thousand years of cultural development? There is no reason in that logic.

Come on, it is not AoCs fault really that I have a such poor reputation. Do not pick on my bf, okay?

>> No.2538432,957 [INTERNAL] 


Behold, for I have drawn a picture.

>> No.2538432,958 [INTERNAL] 

But that's what I liked about the first season.
Also, damn, we need a quick reply function, I'm tired of loading this whole thread every time I post. And hey, wealmost make it to the 1000+ goal.

>> No.2538432,959 [INTERNAL] 

It's not like by living in a modern country that follows american pop culture and by pointing out that said country has a culture of its own people magically turn smarter. Since most people usually don't concern themselves with their culture.

>> No.2538432,960 [INTERNAL] 

The goal is exactly 1024!

>> No.2538432,961 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ - Endless tripfag drama

>> No.2538432,963 [INTERNAL] 

Remember when Densha's e-friends let him take the 1000 GET on that thread?

>> No.2538432,964 [INTERNAL] 

Can't stop laughing, hahahaha. That sounds like how Meru would react though.

>> No.2538432,965 [INTERNAL] 

AoC didn't mention the 'Anon's nice day' project till it was presentable.

>Nah, the only personas I've used are Anonymous, Madarame for a while, and this.
I'm rather fond of the simple pleasures of Anonymous posting. Lot of this thread has been me. A fact I rather disclose because you're fucking paranoid.
Can anybody truthfully fall for this? It's so obvious that he's AO/Meru.

Every troll on 4chan mellows out at one point or another, yet I've never seen AO take it easy. There's no cracking her shell, whoever is posting under the name AO must be in 100% troll mode. And on top of that said troll claims he's a female. Have you ever seen a female behave like this on the Internet, let alone 4chan? AO is nothing more than a troll persona. When Colombia post under that name he's in full troll mode and there's no getting through to him/her.

Just like the writefag Colombia, AO has read a decent amount of fiction. AO's stupidity doesn't add up with her intelligence. She's either pretending to be an idiot or she's just AoC trolling.

>> No.2538432,966 [INTERNAL] 

The holy Kilopost

>> No.2538432,967 [INTERNAL] 

I want to rape meru.

>> No.2538432,968 [INTERNAL] 

More like you're too fucking paranoid.
You're making a fool of yourself with all that conspiracy delusion.

>> No.2538432,969 [INTERNAL] 

She even started a thread accusing AoRF of hacking her computer and taking control of it or something.

>> No.2538432,970 [INTERNAL] 

Alright, I can get behind that goal.

As I said, I can't really convince you since there are proxies involved and her posting style can be faked. So it's up to you if you want to believe that.

Seriously, should we keep this up? Because I honestly would like to go on and on trying to defend myself against this accusations of being a samefag troll, but I don't think anyone is interested on that. Plus, I don't want to be that guy that ruined the Kilothread with his bullshit.

That's it for me, going anonymous for the rest of this thing.

>> No.2538432,971 [INTERNAL] 

wasn't she accusing athens for that?

>> No.2538432,972 [INTERNAL] 

It's Kilopost, Kp in the SI.
And yes, shut up.

>> No.2538432,973 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, lets not talk about anything interesting, like imoutos or botnets. Instead, lets fucking talk about the worst fucking idiots who post on our boards! That's a great fucking way to spend 4chan's downtime, don't you think?

>> No.2538432,974 [INTERNAL] 

I was actually just hoping I could convince AoC to stop posting under that troll persona. AO is really starting to annoy me.

Also, I'm fully aware of the ghostbro's other identities, but unlike AO their secondary personas don't bother me.

AO's "Grrr I'm eternally on my period" attitude stopped being funny back in 2008.

>> No.2538432,975 [INTERNAL] 

AoRF really needs to make the archive forced anonymous.

The tripfag circlejerking in here is disgusting.

>> No.2538432,976 [INTERNAL] 

Any other DS games I should try?

>> No.2538432,977 [INTERNAL] 

So, let us see here? The fact that we both like to read books makes us the same person? Well, I think that the first contact in between us was due to that we both were into the same poet.
I take, though, that AoC does like his science fiction better than me who is into modern classics and such.

For my behaviour, there is no excuse, I think. Anyhow, of my language, you should realise that my english is anything but of fluency. I really do not "feel what my words sounds like" as native speakers do, even though I do understand the meaning. Perhaps a distancing quality since I would not have the decency to post such in my native language. But yes, as I say flaunt and pomp do interest me. Perhaps, I am such peculiar person.

>> No.2538432,978 [INTERNAL] 

I recommend Trace Memory.

>> No.2538432,979 [INTERNAL] 

You're right, it would be a Kilopost thread. Capital K

>> No.2538432,980 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah but he isn't AO you idiot.
Now let's all shut the hell up and post worthwhile things, the Kilopost is coming.

>> No.2538432,981 [INTERNAL] 

Well, you can bring up a topic at any time. It doesn't even need to be big or anything. Simply a mention would be fine.

>> No.2538432,982 [INTERNAL] 

Yeh, lets get back to talking about imoutos/onee-samas.....

>> No.2538432,983 [INTERNAL] 

Luminous Arc 1+2
Hotel Dusk

>> No.2538432,984 [INTERNAL] 

Hattsworth, if you dig old school platformers and Panel-de-Pon puzzles.
This game, is awesome.

>> No.2538432,985 [INTERNAL] 

What? that sucks!

>> No.2538432,986 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks, trying out Trace Memory and Hotel Dusk now.

>> No.2538432,987 [INTERNAL] 

Casual scum.

>> No.2538432,988 [INTERNAL] 

Ayumi updated.

>> No.2538432,989 [INTERNAL] 

wait I was wrong nvm

>> No.2538432,990 [INTERNAL] 

Etrian Odyssey 1+2

>> No.2538432,991 [INTERNAL] 

Ah, awesome

In an attempt to convert young people to classical music, some misguided individuals have emphasised that Beethoven was, in his day, a radical and revolutionary in his work, breaking the old rules. It is an attempt to recast him in the mold of a sort of classical equivalent of a rebellious, hip rock star. But this approach missing the point completely. Beethoven broke old rules in order to replace them with new (and hopefully better) ones. It was not just mindless rebellion for the sake of it, it was rebellion with a purpose. Wagner disguarded the old conventions of music to explore new ideas, and his goal was not to shock people and be a rebel but to improve music and add to it. But the modern approach is totally negative and destructive.

>> No.2538432,992 [INTERNAL] 

Hard game is hard. If this is casual, then call me casual folk.

>> No.2538432,993 [INTERNAL] 

Almost there

>> No.2538432,994 [INTERNAL] 

1000 GET Xd


>> No.2538432,995 [INTERNAL] 

1000 GET Xd


>> No.2538432,996 [INTERNAL] 

I wanted to rape the loli in Hotel Dusk.

>> No.2538432,997 [INTERNAL] 

1000 GET Xd


>> No.2538432,998 [INTERNAL] 

1000 GET Xd


>> No.2538432,999 [INTERNAL] 


Take it easy, man.

>> No.2538432,1000 [INTERNAL] 

1000 GET

>> No.2538432,1001 [INTERNAL] 

I thought they tried to do that with Mozart, not Beethoven.

>> No.2538432,1002 [INTERNAL] 

1000 GET Xd


>> No.2538432,1003 [INTERNAL] 

I found them to be quite boring

>> No.2538432,1004 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,1005 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,1006 [INTERNAL] 

AO=Colombia GET

>> No.2538432,1007 [INTERNAL] 

1000 GET Xd


>> No.2538432,1008 [INTERNAL] 

Well done.

>> No.2538432,1009 [INTERNAL] 

This: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trOij8SPIAo

>> No.2538432,1010 [INTERNAL] 

oh fuck my life

>> No.2538432,1011 [INTERNAL] 

Please, compose yourself, or retire from this premises.

>> No.2538432,1012 [INTERNAL] 

I remember when you used to call Kamina a posturing fool. It's funny how you just explained everything his character stands for.

>> No.2538432,1013 [INTERNAL] 

Uhhh, you do realize that the 1000th post isn't the Kilopost, right?

>> No.2538432,1014 [INTERNAL] 

What are your three sizes Pygma-chan?

>> No.2538432,1015 [INTERNAL] 

Man, 1000 GETs.

It's like we're really Japanese.

>> No.2538432,1016 [INTERNAL] 

I was just trying to speed it up so that it would be over with. I don't want to destroy the ghost board's reputation by letting people see that we care about post count.

>> No.2538432,1017 [INTERNAL] 

Threads max out at 1000 replies on 2ch, that's where the GET stuff comes from.

>> No.2538432,1018 [INTERNAL] 

What makes you say that? Puzzles are good, story is decent, and the protagonist is a little girl (which I didn't mind, and figured would be a huge selling point for /jp/).

>> No.2538432,1019 [INTERNAL] 

Oh well, just another proof that GET's are pure faggotry. Lets head fore the Kilo

>> No.2538432,1020 [INTERNAL] 

Leave her alone.

>> No.2538432,1021 [INTERNAL] 

Fair enough.
And now, for the Kilopost.

>> No.2538432,1022 [INTERNAL] 

Question is, who's going to get the kiloGET.

>> No.2538432,1023 [INTERNAL] 

Oh please. You're just using that as an excuse to act like an idiot.

>> No.2538432,1024 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,1025 [INTERNAL] 

And....who cares?

>> No.2538432,1026 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,1027 [INTERNAL] 

Can we move to a new thread now?

>> No.2538432,1028 [INTERNAL] 

  ∧_∧   ∧_∧   ∧_∧   ∧_∧      ∧_∧
 ( ・∀・)   <丶`∀´>  ( ´∀`)  ( ・ω・)    ( ´ω`)
 (    つ┳∪━━∪━∪━━∪━∪━∪━┳⊂     つ
 | | |  |This thread has ended peacefully| | | |
 (__)_) ┻━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┻ (__)_)

Now post here: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/19

>> No.2538432,1029 [INTERNAL] 

Heh, looking back on that post I guess it is applicable. Kamina is awesome regardless, I regret saying what I did, even if it was trolling for the most part.

>> No.2538432,1030 [INTERNAL] 

I like shitty noise punk better than virtuoso crap.

With the degrading of musical formality, it gained a new depth that didn't exist except in outsider folk music. Complicated music usually lacks the emotionality present in a simple song, sung by one person with an instrument (or maybe even without one). This isn't to say that all musical skill is worthless, just that music for music's sake doesn't address everything music can be and do.

>> No.2538432,1031 [INTERNAL] 

Good, I guess

>> No.2538432,1032 [INTERNAL] 

I kinda like this thread. Only people with 2GB of RAM can post in this thread.

>> No.2538432,1033 [INTERNAL] 

This is now officially the largest thread I've ever seen.

>> No.2538432,1034 [INTERNAL] 

What do you mean?

/jp/ is supposed to mindlessly mimic Japanese Internet culture behavior.

>> No.2538432,1035 [INTERNAL] 

My laptop is seriously dying here...

>> No.2538432,1036 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,1037 [INTERNAL] 

Punk isn't music, fuck off. Its just another 'hurr durr political message' shit. Video game music is better than punk. When people started caring more about bands and frontmen than the music itself thats when music went to shit.

In general art went bad when the landowning aristocracy lost their power, they were the ones with good taste, the mercantile class (present day bankers and so on) were always uneducated, so they'd buy anything so long as some critic praised it.

Oh, and is program music 'music for music's sake'?

Do you think music that isn't political/image based lacks a concept that it is trying to convey?

There is no depth in the kinds of music you are discussing.

>> No.2538432,1038 [INTERNAL] 

But I only have 1GB and everything seems ok, speed wise.

>> No.2538432,1039 [INTERNAL] 

Alright, now let's head to 2048

>> No.2538432,1040 [INTERNAL] 

Sounds like a plan.

>> No.2538432,1041 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah you know what you're talking about.

I have been trolled, this is not an attempt at discussion.

>> No.2538432,1042 [INTERNAL] 

>In general art went bad when the landowning aristocracy lost their power, they were the ones with good taste

Aristocracy had no better taste, rather, their taste dictated the taste of others around them.

u fag

>> No.2538432,1043 [INTERNAL] 

What's the biggest thread in /jp/'s history? I remember this thread was one of the biggest in /a/'s history:

Good times.

>> No.2538432,1044 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not trying to troll you. But if you honestly believe that punk music is better than say, the best of the early romantic composers then you are being a complete idiot beyond salvation.

Nope, the aristocracy had better taste because they had more time for education. You remember in Wall St. when the protagonist is getting his apartment decorated and theres all that garish shit on his walls? That's the uneducated, clueless descendents of what constitutes a mercantile class for you.

Problem with any kind of music involving a full scale symphony orchestra is that its an acquired taste, the more you listen the more you understand.

I mean, lets look at lyrics of music, what have they added? They explore concepts of 1) Basic 'I love you' stuff and 2) DURR HURR GUBBERMENT faggotry.

Why cant punkfags accept that even if they do like that kind of music, technically the music is poor and whatsmore, the concept is so laughably simple. If you want to study political theory read a damn book. Plenty of fictional literature like 1984 and BNW that will explore the concept of state power to a far greater and more eloquent degree than The Clash or The Sex Pistols.

>> No.2538432,1045 [INTERNAL] 

>When people started caring more about bands and frontmen than the music itself thats when music went to shit.
You do realize that punk was initially a protest against that sort of attitude? Once again you prove that you don't know what you're talking about, but I'm not going to argue with you.

>> No.2538432,1046 [INTERNAL] 

Education does not equal taste in the slightest. As you become more educated you might find better words to express your opinion but education doesn't mean you can, will, or want to change your opinion.

The Aristocracy enforced their opinion as the correct one because they could, not because it was better.

>> No.2538432,1047 [INTERNAL] 

I understand why people hate tripfags now. No anon acts like you. I could argue with you, say that music is a wholly subjective experience and that you can't unilaterally dictate what's good and what isn't. (I'm not a fan of punk btw, I just used it as an example of something that conveys what more complex music doesn't. And I NEVER mentioned the political aspect of punk. If you think that's all there is to it you're a moron). But that doesn't matter, because you suck all the fun out of it.

>> No.2538432,1048 [INTERNAL] 

>This is now officially the largest thread I've ever seen.
Newbro much? Both /a/ and /v/ have had threads that reached 2000+ post.

>> No.2538432,1049 [INTERNAL] 

Fat lot of good it did. Anyone who believes the lyrics of punk bands have artistic validity needs to seriously read some good poetry. If I could bring people back from the dead it would be every 'genius' songwriter, I'd sit them down in front of a table and see if they could manage even 5 verses in Galliambics.

>> No.2538432,1050 [INTERNAL] 

I agree. Music should primarily be about music, but it should also be an expression of the musician's creativity and self, and if that musician has something to say then what better way is there to convey it than through the art form he excels at?

Not that I'm defending punk or anything. Most bands these days have nothing relevant to convey and are liked solely for the image they have. But most everything in any medium is shit anyways, that's why you must go beyond the surface level and find the good stuff like Fooly Cooly.

>> No.2538432,1051 [INTERNAL] 

>The Aristocracy enforced their opinion as the correct one because they could, not because it was better.

"I dunno, King. I mean, it's really detailed but I think it just doesn't get that emotional impact across."


>> No.2538432,1052 [INTERNAL] 

There will always be opinionated people. Trip or not.

>> No.2538432,1053 [INTERNAL] 

Only if you're counting with threads spammed by sagebomb scripts.

>> No.2538432,1054 [INTERNAL] 

> is a wholly subjective experience

Kop-out crap, your enjoyment of it may be subjective. That doesn't make music itself subjective.

>conveys what more complex music doesn't.

Because theres plenty of literature that explores the 'themes' punk explores in far more depth, eloquence and erudition than punk music itself.

Firstly, no one 'enforces' anything. People with money just have more power of patronage, that's all it boils down to. And education does equal taste to a certain extent, you need to at least understand the basic history of art, architecture and literature to be able to speak with understanding of the context.

Do you realize there are songs with nothing but the F-word repeated over and over again? That there is a strain of 'feminist art' that involves painting vulvas in menstrual blood?

There is NO POINT in responding to this with moral indignation anymore. All of you are just making merry and dancing on the titanic.

>> No.2538432,1055 [INTERNAL] 

>Firstly, no one 'enforces' anything.



>> No.2538432,1056 [INTERNAL] 

Not really, just haven't been at the right time and place.

>> No.2538432,1057 [INTERNAL] 

And stickies.

I don't think my computer will be able to handle this thread much longer. Not that it matters since it's quickly going to shit.

>> No.2538432,1058 [INTERNAL] 

I think there are delineations between artforms. Literature can explore things in the most depth but the visual arts can present them in the most comprehensible way to the viewer and music can often explain it in the most aesthetic way. Theres some overlap, but I think purely political issues are kind of crossing the line.

>> No.2538432,1059 [INTERNAL] 

Do you understand how artistic patronage works? If de medici was 'enforcing' his artistic vision then so are the people giving grants to the women drawing vulvas in their own menstrual blood, despite their prostetations to the contrary.

>> No.2538432,1060 [INTERNAL] 

>Because theres plenty of literature that explores the 'themes' punk explores in far more depth, eloquence and erudition than punk music itself.
They have different purposes. Music is purposefully vague because part of the experience is to draw your own conclusions. I'd argue the same for most poetry. Literature, on the other hand, is structured in an entirely different way. With literature there is some degree of drawing your own conclusions. But for the most part you are led down a path the author wanted you to take and arrive at a destination the author wanted you to reach.

>> No.2538432,1061 [INTERNAL] 

Well, The Clash is not half that bad for starters.

But yes, classical music is definitely more intellectual than pop music. But one should understand that the pop concept is about naivistic entertainment that accidentally reaches up to the level of art while classical has the high-art status regardless of quality.

>> No.2538432,1062 [INTERNAL] 

There's more art in video game music like the one of Shadow of the Colossus.

>> No.2538432,1063 [INTERNAL] 

Come on, in terms of punk music its quite clear what the concept is. There's not much room for interpretation. Same with most love songs. I think its more the inhibitions of an artform trying to explain concepts that it isn't really suited for (though opera can convey love in a way pop music cannot admittedly) more than it being purposefully vague.

>> No.2538432,1064 [INTERNAL] 

This whole vulva painting thing is really a non-sequitur. You're trying to degrade an entire genre by association with one hack producer who takes up its label.

IF you can accept delineations between different artforms, why should it be difficult to accept delineations between different genres in an artform? Classical music does something that blues doesn't. Blues does something that punk doesn't.

you're not that smart, athens

>> No.2538432,1065 [INTERNAL] 


Are you some kind of retard? Nobles would ruin anybody who they didn't like, mostly because they could.

It was much less uplifting the artists they liked and more crushing everybody else.

>> No.2538432,1066 [INTERNAL] 

...Is it normal to be ashamed for liking Utada Hikaru?

>> No.2538432,1067 [INTERNAL] 

>entire genre

What genre do you mean, feminist art? Its absurd and there should be sumptuary laws against it.

>why should it be difficult to accept delineations between different genres in an artform?

Because those are sub-divisions and thus the general commentary I make about artforms as a whole can't be applied?

>> No.2538432,1068 [INTERNAL] 

Why didn't you answer my question? Government grants to that kind of thing are just as much 'enforcing' their vision as nobles in Florence and Milan were 'enforcing' theirs.

And nobles aren't some fucking uniform group you cretin, a landowner in Sweden has different tastes to an urbane city-slicker in a Northern Italian city state and the art reflects this. Hence the distinction between 'Northern' Renaissance and Italian Renaissance and divisions within those further.

>> No.2538432,1069 [INTERNAL] 

>Only if you're counting with threads spammed by sagebomb scripts.
Lurk more:

I still remember the day my Code Geass R2 thread got 300 replies within the first 40 or more minutes. And it wasn't even a stickyed thread.


>> No.2538432,1070 [INTERNAL] 

>but I think purely political issues are kind of crossing the line.

I agree somewhat but I'm sure this doesn't account for the whole genre. Just entry level stuff (the 99% is shit part).

Again, I still think this is only the entry level stuff that you're taking issue with.

>> No.2538432,1071 [INTERNAL] 

The whole genre of punk is pretty rotten in my opinion, I've been unfortunate enough to be around people who adore it from time to time.

>> No.2538432,1072 [INTERNAL] 

You're an idiot

>> No.2538432,1073 [INTERNAL] 

Feminist art like Frida Kahlo? Do not be ridiculous.

Instead let us talk about the real cancer, POP PART.

>you're not that smart, athens
A reasonable statement.

>> No.2538432,1074 [INTERNAL] 

>What genre do you mean, feminist art? Its absurd and there should be sumptuary laws against it.
Nah, I was talking about emotional, non-technical art. Which is what we were talking about originally. Now you're trying to make it look like I'm for feminist art through some tenuous association. Really lousy debate tactic. As for feminist art, I'm sure it has merit for some people. I can allow it to exist, and take solace in the fact that not many other people like it.

>Because those are sub-divisions and thus the general commentary I make about artforms as a whole can't be applied?
Why the fuck not? Because you say so?

>> No.2538432,1075 [INTERNAL] 


Government grants encourage art period, you can get a grant for practically every kind of art if you fill out the right forms and talk to the right people.

Your point is nonexistent.

>> No.2538432,1076 [INTERNAL] 

>lets get back to talking about imoutos/onee-samas.....
>athens !Sys

>> No.2538432,1077 [INTERNAL] 

Why? Also, take it easy bro.

>> No.2538432,1078 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, stickies. I remember those. How did I use to think /a/ was good in 2007? Everyone is acting like hyperactive retards in those.

>Code Geass R2
I wasn't on /a/ anymore by the time R2 aired.

>> No.2538432,1079 [INTERNAL] 


You're comparing patronage to Nobles actually disenfranchising artists that did not or could not match their vision.

Fuck you, athens, stick to /r9k/

The nobility can suck my cock as well, ONE ancestor did something of worth and all his kids benefit. Fuck that.

>> No.2538432,1080 [INTERNAL] 

I've heard some pretty creative stuff from the genre myself even though I'm not really into it either.

It's just that the realization I've reached for every art form is that the many doesn't account for the all. There will always be more bad than good, but the good shouldn't be discounted just because the bad is more prominent.

>> No.2538432,1081 [INTERNAL] 

I'm sorry everyone, I've really let you down.

I let myself be trolled.

GG athens.

>> No.2538432,1082 [INTERNAL] 

>Why the fuck not? Because you say so?

Er, no. Because the points you make that are applicable to distinctive artforms aren't applicable to the sub-divisions within those artforms.

By very virtue of them being sub-divisions its innaplicable to apply them. Why dont you understand this? Its so basic and elementary....

And purely conceptual art is entirely accepted by the artistic mainstream and pretty much every major art critic. I'm not sure what you are railing against here, you won some time ago. The canonical way of teaching art is that realistic painting and drawing is 'outmoded' and that one should fall into line along with first the impressionists, then cubism, then pure conceptualism.

The bias is against technical art of pretty much all kinds. Not conceptual art.

>Government grants encourage art period

You ignored the point for a third time. If this encourages art then so does patronage, patronage is demonstrably diverse after all, it caters to all kinds of markets and not just to individuals but to institutions too (see the rise of the catholic church as a patron of art).

>> No.2538432,1083 [INTERNAL] 

With the rise of contraception there is no excuse for poor people having many children. They CERTAINLY shouldn't be complaining about how bad off they are as a result of having so many children anyway.

>Nobles actually disenfranchising artists that did not or could not match their vision.

Huh? Give me an example. Art shouldn't be about the artist anyway, for example, if you want to make a piece of conceptual art about what you had for breakfast it is narcissistic. That is not relevant to anyone else but yourself. That's far more indulgent than any 'noble' you are railing against.


>> No.2538432,1084 [INTERNAL] 

>You ignored the point for a third time. If this encourages art then so does patronage, patronage is demonstrably diverse after all, it caters to all kinds of markets and not just to individuals but to institutions too (see the rise of the catholic church as a patron of art).

Actually, patronage reflected the taste of a region and time period rather than just giving it away to those who apply, like a government grant.

The fact that you can divide art into styles based on period and region is demonstrative proof that patronage was just people with money playing favorites and keeping up with the Jones'.

>> No.2538432,1085 [INTERNAL] 

Posting just to remind you guys that I love you all.

>> No.2538432,1086 [INTERNAL] 

Hey ghosts, can we stop trying to troll athens? It may be good sport, but it gets tiresome quickly.

>> No.2538432,1087 [INTERNAL] 

>Huh? Give me an example.


>Art shouldn't be about the artist anyway, for example, if you want to make a piece of conceptual art about what you had for breakfast it is narcissistic. That is not relevant to anyone else but yourself. That's far more indulgent than any 'noble' you are railing against.

...who wanted art of things THEY cared about, or most often THEMSELVES.

You're pretty weak today, athens. Would Red approve of this lame trolling?

>> No.2538432,1088 [INTERNAL] 

>Everyone is acting like hyperactive retards in those.
Yeah, that's why I don't understand why earlier athens was saying neo-/a/ was currently better than /jp/.

I argue that not even old-/a/ was as good as /jp/. You can measure a board's quailty by the way said userbase reponds to stickies. Even back in 2005 /a/nons would spam:

>"lol posting in a sticky xD!"
>"Hey moot, please ban me!!!1"
>"Mod GET"

Now compare that to /jp/ where we ignore GETs and tell moot to fuck off whenever he tries to communicate with us. KoGs tried to bring his GET faggotry to /jp/ and we chased him out of there. /jp/ is truthfully a one of a kind imageboard. Its weeaboo topics are like culture barriers that keep out the lessor weeaboos. Only high powerlevel weeaboos can post on /jp/. Then again, old /a/ had more topics than /jp/. We could discuss Anime, VNs, and Touhou.

>> No.2538432,1089 [INTERNAL] 

Keeping up with the Jones'?

Isn't that the same as what the people who buy Damien Hirst stuff are doing?

>The fact that you can divide art into styles based on period and region is demonstrative proof that patronage was just people with money playing favorites

Or rather than it reflected similar tastes? Not everyone is a unique snowflake, people are a product of their time and where they grew up.

>> No.2538432,1090 [INTERNAL] 

>...who wanted art of things THEY cared about, or most often THEMSELVES.

Yes, except they weren't pretentious fuckwits about it, they commissioned a piece they liked and that was that.


Thanks for admitting defeat.

>> No.2538432,1091 [INTERNAL] 


Think less similar tastes and more Pop Art. The Aristocracy requested it because it was the cool thing to do at the time, not because most of them had a vested interest in art.

>> No.2538432,1092 [INTERNAL] 


Nobles disenfranchising not only people but institutions they didn't like is old news. You're a retard, athens, and this is poor trolling on your part.

>> No.2538432,1093 [INTERNAL] 

>Yes, except they weren't pretentious fuckwits about it, they commissioned a piece they liked and that was that.


>Not pretentious fuckwits


>> No.2538432,1094 [INTERNAL] 

this thread is fucking long

>> No.2538432,1095 [INTERNAL] 

Its so old news that you can't even provide an example, haha.

Actually it was part of private education to recieve a tutor who taught texts like Vitruvius' De Architectura so they would have had at least had some understanding of artistic history. Far more so than the people today bidding on Hirst's pieces, but Hirst is a 'genius' amirite?

>> No.2538432,1096 [INTERNAL] 

American tripfag stating the obvious.

>> No.2538432,1097 [INTERNAL] 

Greentext faggotry is proof you are losing an argument.


Is she talented?

>> No.2538432,1098 [INTERNAL] 

Meh, I've seen longer. Ask your mom and she'll tell you that mine's was indeed longer.

>> No.2538432,1099 [INTERNAL] 

It's called quoting, Athens. That's how you refute arguments.

>> No.2538432,1100 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.2538432,1101 [INTERNAL] 

Wait, it seems that I failed elementary school math.

>> No.2538432,1102 [INTERNAL] 

>Its so old news that you can't even provide an example, haha.

Let me show you how easy it was for them to do this.

The Knights Templar, you know--the monastic knight order that was instrumental in the crusades and held many scholars and bankers among their ranks, were disenfranchised and excommunicated simply because the nobility did not like them.

Fuck you and your selective memory.

>> No.2538432,1103 [INTERNAL] 

And, what does that have to do with art? We were specifically discussing how the evil nobles disenfranchised poor artists. Get back to the point.

Yes, you quote two lines of text and say 'lol' and thats a rebuttal. I can see you are a regular Cicero.

>> No.2538432,1104 [INTERNAL] 

it was probably a roleplay thread in gaia

>> No.2538432,1105 [INTERNAL] 


It's case in point. The nobility dismantled one of their key defenders and bankers in that area over petty personal squabbles.

No artist had a chance in hell if he wasn't doing what the nobility liked. The treatment of the peasant class ought to be proof enough for you.


>> No.2538432,1106 [INTERNAL] 

I just asked her, it was a roleplaying thread in gaia.

>> No.2538432,1107 [INTERNAL] 

The way it looks from where I am sitting, you haven't provided a single example of an artist being disenfranchised (artists went into the field knowing full well they were to be commissioned for work on behalf of nobles - their role as artists was in the breadth of the brief they had available to them, for example Raphael pretty much came up with all of the details of the School of Athens by himself, the papal authorities were just like 'a classical scene of learning would be ideal').

>> No.2538432,1108 [INTERNAL] 

Who's getting banged?

>> No.2538432,1109 [INTERNAL] 

>1108 posts

>> No.2538432,1110 [INTERNAL] 

I watched her enter the room, her gorgeous, shoulder-length brunette hair shimmering in the light. She slammed the door shut with her delicate fingers, and she stormed across the room in a manner that made clear she was upset.

"I can't stand it! Why must they always pick on me?"

As she said this, she clenched her fists and scrunched up her beautiful face. I felt something move inside my heart. I got up from my desk and moved towards her.

"What are you doing, Tamao-chan? I don't need any comforting"

She spoke harshly, but as I moved closer, I could see her soft cheeks were blushing bright red. I touched her cheek lightly. She squeaked, brushing my hand aside and moving back. I smiled and moved towards her again.

"Remi-chan" I said softly, caressing her face. Her cheeks turning even redder. Her eyes were gazing into mine.

"What are you doing, Tamao-chan? Stop this at once!" But her eyes said yes. In a flash I swooped down and swept her off the floor. She pushed at me with her delicate arms, but I would not be denied. I lay her down on my bed, pinning her arms down. She put up a token show of resistance and looked away, blushing. I bent down and begin to nibble at her ear.

>> No.2538432,1111 [INTERNAL] 

"Stop it, you idiot!"

I pulled my head up, and gazed into her beautiful face. "You're so cute when you're angry. I love you, Remi-chan. I can't live without you. I must take you, now!"

I saw her eyes begin to water with happiness. She smiled, and I sat up so she could sit up on the bed. "Then.. you're okay loving someone like me?"

I laughed. "Remi-chan, of course I'm okay with loving you. I don't care about what others think about you. I just want you, like you are now."

A tear ran down her face, and she smiled. "Thank you, Tamao-chan." And with that she began to undress. She blushed at me, as she unbuttoned her blouse revealing her round, perky breasts. My panties began to get moist.

"Be gentle, please" she said, as she slid her blouse off her shoulders.

"Be gentle?" I thought. " I want to ravage her like there's no tommorrow!"

>> No.2538432,1112 [INTERNAL] 

I was reading some manga, watching some animu, and reading some VNs, when I began to wonder about some things.

For instance, really, how many guys had a childhood friend that they knew far into their life, or as a matter of fact, a childhood friend that was a girl?

When I was in elementary school, I'm pretty sure I was too busy preventing the cootie spread.

>> No.2538432,1113 [INTERNAL] 

I valiantly did my part to assist the WHO and contain the spread of cooties by non-interaction with females.

I have good childhood memories though, regular 20th century boys stuff.

>> No.2538432,1114 [INTERNAL] 

There's also the part where a lot of kids are inherently jerks. Or at least I'd like to think that.

>> No.2538432,1115 [INTERNAL] 

Moot should be permanently closing /b/ already for all the troubles it has caused.

>> No.2538432,1116 [INTERNAL] 

Oh man, final episode of DN, good times.

>> No.2538432,1117 [INTERNAL] 

And then all those shitposters would spread to other boards.

No man, /b/ is the shit dump of the internet for a reason. Leave it be.

>> No.2538432,1118 [INTERNAL] 

>Japanese dog hiding in a box

>Do people have nothing better to do with their botnets?

>This is now a Katawa Shoujo thread.

>Since we're on the topic, what are some good comics?

>ITT confessions

>How about we use this thread to settle the age old Younger Sister vs. Older Sister debat

>I hate to put it in such fascist terms, but the mental underfolk of USA is a very real thing. No, you do not even have a culture.

>Shut the fuck up Anonymous of Colombia. We all know you're Meru/AO.

>In an attempt to convert young people to classical music

>1000 GET Xd

Proof that /jp/ers suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder. Maybe we should all get together and lobby moot for /jr/ - Japan/Random. This thread was very fascinating, we should do it again sometime. I heard the original purpose of the 'Japanese bird cooking spaghetti' threads was to encourage more original topics on /jp/. I guess this thread is the product of said thread.

>> No.2538432,1119 [INTERNAL] 

Hell, I'd donate to him for a separate website for /b/.

Not really, but I think it's a good idea.

>> No.2538432,1120 [INTERNAL] 


He should make it go Madagascar - Anyone who posts in it, can't post anywhere else. Ultimate quarantine.

Or maybe go LUE on it (lol gaemfags) and shut it out for any newcomers, leaving it to slowly die as everyone gets pissed off with each other.

Of course, DDOS's will still happen...

>> No.2538432,1121 [INTERNAL] 

He won't do that. /b/tards are the only ones who are stupid enough to click on his stupid ads (forum warz, etc.)

>> No.2538432,1122 [INTERNAL] 

Why did I laugh so hard at this? The thought of some /b/tard mongoloids clicking on ads is humorous I guess.

>> No.2538432,1123 [INTERNAL] 

I agree. Why cant you people concentrate in a single topic for 19 hours? JEEZ GROW UP /jp/

>> No.2538432,1124 [INTERNAL] 

1200 is it now...

>> No.2538432,1125 [INTERNAL] 

Protip: This isn't /jp/. This is Ghost /jp/, which is basically pre-split /a/, from the looks of it.

>> No.2538432,1126 [INTERNAL] 

This thread is/was mostly /a/ posters though.

>> No.2538432,1127 [INTERNAL] 

You know, I was thinking, this is truly better than 4chan because of the natural discussion with no trolling bullshut, but in the end of it, you can't really discuss Japan/Animu/Mango at all. So I'm still hoping it gets back up.

There's no hurry, of course.

>> No.2538432,1128 [INTERNAL] 

I had a childhood friend who was a girl. Then my family moved and I never saw her again.
Kind of depressing.

>Proof that /jp/ers suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder.
Like Misha XD! Misha is the worst katawa shoujo. You ADD and/or ADHD fags should hate yourselves for your laughable zero attention span "disorder." Shizune is the best.

Sad but true. Poor moot, he's been ruined for employment. Nobody will hire a mexican studies major in today's economy, so he has to keep /b/ running to pay the bills. I guess the bright side is that several thousand mouthbreathers idolize him, if you can even consider that a bright side.

We all like to make ourselves feel better by demeaning others. I suspect this is part of why people love to hate tripfriends.

>> No.2538432,1129 [INTERNAL] 

>which is basically pre-split /a/, from the looks of it.
Pre-split /a/ - Tripfag drama

So basically, you're right.

>> No.2538432,1130 [INTERNAL] 

Mostly unrelated but slight update from those guys translating Shuffle:

>> No.2538432,1131 [INTERNAL] 

>Shizune is the best.
You're a funny dude.

>> No.2538432,1132 [INTERNAL] 

>Nobody will hire a mexican studies major in today's economy
I liked moot better when he was Meximoot.

>> No.2538432,1133 [INTERNAL] 

It's still take time though. They have to prepare the installer and all.

>> No.2538432,1134 [INTERNAL] 

Russia, can we get a "Last 50 posts" function like on the text boards? My browser nearly crashed loading this whole thread.

>> No.2538432,1135 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.2538432,1136 [INTERNAL] 

I think Rin is the best, but Shizune is an extremely close second.

I have to wonder where the Misha=ADD is coming from, though. She seems very focused most of the time, to the point of signing everything she says or hears as a habit.

>> No.2538432,1137 [INTERNAL] 

Seconding this. And while I'm at it, here's my token request for a sage feature.

>> No.2538432,1138 [INTERNAL] 

In my opinion, of course.
The MishADD is probably off. I'm going to reserve judgment as to what her actual disorder is until act 2. It's probably intentionally elusive, if no one seems to know for sure.

>> No.2538432,1139 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit, I went to sleep when this thread only had around 750 posts. Seems all I missed was some tripfag drama and some athens trolling though.

>> No.2538432,1140 [INTERNAL] 

Hanako > Rin > The Rest

>> No.2538432,1141 [INTERNAL] 

Emi seems kinda generic to me, so I'd go
Curiously, I didn't like Shizune at all before the demo. That changed 2 minutes after her first appearance.

Also, if they did their research Misha will certainly not have ADD. Not possible.

>> No.2538432,1142 [INTERNAL] 

Oh no, the search is broken!
Page http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp?task=search&ghost=yes&search_text=%2Bwitches returned the following

Software error:

Global symbol "$thread" requires explicit package name at /usr/local/www/vhosts/archive.easymodo.net//cgi-board.pl line 773.
Execution of /usr/local/www/vhosts/archive.easymodo.net//cgi-board.pl aborted due to compilation errors.

For help, please send mail to this site's webmaster, giving this error message and the time and date of the error.

>> No.2538432,1143 [INTERNAL] 

I'm a bit disappointed in myself for having to ask this, but are there multiple 'endings' for any of the girls? The one I got for Emi seemed a bit underwhelming.

>> No.2538432,1144 [INTERNAL] 

Also reports are not updating.
Probably slowpoke.pl here.

>> No.2538432,1146 [INTERNAL] 

Nope, there's just one ending per girl.

There were rumours floating around /a/ about "Second, Secret Rin Ending", but it was a hoax.

>> No.2538432,1147 [INTERNAL] 

I just finished Emi's ending, and yeah, that was underwhelming. Still, she's adorable, if a bit generic. Starting on Rin now, maybe I'll like her ending better.

>> No.2538432,1148 [INTERNAL] 


I want Rin footjobs and a scene where I fap in front of Lilly without telling her.

>> No.2538432,1149 [INTERNAL] 

Rin's ending is really nice, and probably the most "romantic" out of all of them.

>> No.2538432,1150 [INTERNAL] 

All right. Damn. The Shizune/Misha combination in Shizune's 'ending' was to be expected, but Emi sharing her 'ending' with Rin was a bit weird to me. Rin got her own, after all (and it was best; waxing philosophical with no real drive to do anything else was the perfect ending for her).

>> No.2538432,1151 [INTERNAL] 

I still haven't gotten around to her route, but for some reason, I really don't like Lilly. At all. I might do her route last.

>> No.2538432,1152 [INTERNAL] 

I didn't like Emi, it felt as "huh, so that's done then..."
Rin and Shizune's, however, fucking blindsided me with heart warming. Which is what worries me the most of KS overall, I can't make a good choice for what route to follow. Each one of the girls have their good points and enjoyable developments.
Also, Hanako is lovable.

>> No.2538432,1153 [INTERNAL] 

>Also, Hanako is lovable.
She makes me feel like I'd do all I could to protect her if she was real or something.

>> No.2538432,1155 [INTERNAL] 

>Rin and Shizune's, however, fucking blindsided me with heart warming
>heart warming
Isn't that dangerous for Hisao?

>> No.2538432,1156 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, but it had great tidbits overall. The Risk scene for one, and the whole cold war on the Shanghai. Maybe it's just that I got to enjoy her after forgiving her for lashing out so fiercely on Lilly. Reminded me of my student council days.
Plus, every time you're without Misha. Can't wait to get rid of that third wheel, and I can practically smell already the drama that whole route is going to be.

>> No.2538432,1157 [INTERNAL] 

I agree with what's already been said a thousand times about Emi. Cute though her character was, the ending was abrupt and unsatisfying.

Rin's was probably the best route, although she is one of the less moe heroines.

I thoroughly enjoyed Shizune's character, so I can't say I agree with >>2538432,1154 . Wasn't boring at all~


>> No.2538432,1158 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538432,1159 [INTERNAL] 

>Shizune's route bored the hell out of me. The setup and ending were both good, but it was WAY too repetitive. "Do you want to join the student council?" "No." "Please?" "Okay." "Do you want to do work for us?" "No." "Please?" "Okay." over and over.

Really? They only did that a couple times, and I found her 'never give up, never surrender' attitude endearing. And the mental gymnastics both she and Hisao went through during those encounters was pretty entertaining.

Not as good as Rin, of course, but still good. And both of their act1 endings were just plain awesome.

>> No.2538432,1160 [INTERNAL] 

I'm no expert, but I don't think so (and I'm sure you weren't serious, but whatever).

I hope that Act 1 will be slightly revised. I was positively surprised, but there are still some flaws that I'd not like to see in the full release. What are the chances that the dev team will consider our critique?

>> No.2538432,1162 [INTERNAL] 

You've clearly never interacted with a competitive, intelligent person before. The longer you stay around them, the more they start to rub off on you; pretty soon, you're viewing every sentence as a possible victory or defeat.

Awesome as that is, some of the other stuff in the gallery seems a bit off to me. Rin showing extremes of emotion, for instance. Hilarious as it is to see her face-soling (http://shimmie.katawa-shoujo.com/post/view/657)), it just doesn't strike me as something she would do. Then again, a lot of the stuff looks like it's just for fun anyway, so I'll just laugh and move on.

>> No.2538432,1163 [INTERNAL] 

You get a bunch of bored artists together, that's what happens. There's amusing stuff. And this. http://shimmie.katawa-shoujo.com/post/view/553
I miss being able to post images instead of pasting links. It's not the same.
When you post an image it's as if sharing the kill from a hunt. "I have traveled far, trawled through the mighty booru and the deadly pixiv. And I bring you this catch. Let us celebrate."


Towards the middle of it it felt more as a struggle to not let Shizune win, which in this case was admitting into joining the council. A battle of wits, and around the latter half he is mostly teasing and trying as well.
I liked that. It wasn't such a dissonance with the MC as I had with Shirou.
Motherfucking Shirou, if I could only smack him around...

>> No.2538432,1164 [INTERNAL] 

>And this.
As close as we'll ever get to a Misha route.
And I'm just fine with that, as she's similar to Arc during Ciel's route...

>> No.2538432,1165 [INTERNAL] 

Also, http://shimmie.katawa-shoujo.com/post/view/398

As if Rin+popsicle wasn't arousing enough, I just found out it's in art. Awesome.

>> No.2538432,1167 [INTERNAL] 

Ah, so you've combined the traits of both into one person? Yeah, I can see that being something of a massive turnoff. One of the most enjoyable traits of Mishizune is how they interact (once you figure out that any time Shizune says '...', Misha's next lines are a translation) with each other and other people.

Lily vs Shizune was also nice; partially for the gratuitous pantyshot, but also because of how it portrays the adamant, driven personality, and how it conflicts with the more passive type.

Out of curiosity, did you pick Lily as your first choice pre-release?

>> No.2538432,1169 [INTERNAL] 

Acted like a bitch, huh? I guess it depends on how you look at it; sure, she seems bitchy sometimes, but she's literally half of the student council, and there's this massive festival coming up; I'd be a bit tense too, and probably no less angry with anybody who doesn't work with 100% efficiency.

Of course, going through Lily's own route, I find there's more to it than that. But either description of the situation is true, from a certain point of view.

>> No.2538432,1170 [INTERNAL] 

Woo, semicolon overload!

>> No.2538432,1171 [INTERNAL] 

I finally decided to start playing Umineko after a year of putting it off, and I have to say you've disappointed me /jp/.

I thought this was supposed to be above shit like Nasu. I'm already on Act 2 and still waiting for something interesting to happen. The characters are all dumbasses who took an entire day to figure out the epitaph when I had it figured out after the first 5 minutes. The music isn't that great, either.

Does it get any better or was I expecting too much?

>> No.2538432,1173 [INTERNAL] 

I've heard it's more about the music than anything, so if that's no good, you should probably just stop. But I've also heard that it doesn't really take off until act 4 (act 3?), so it's really up to you.

>> No.2538475

> !Du1A6pui8g
You're not Pygma-chama. Hi, 魚油.

>> No.2538469,1 [INTERNAL] 

Thank you for the [Last 50] ♡

>> No.2538469,2 [INTERNAL] 

I know what you mean. Umineko is pretty awful.

And no, it doesn't get better. I finished the first episodes and it was all just boring.

And the music sucked. I had to replace all of it before playing.

>> No.2538469,3 [INTERNAL] 

We can't force you to play something you don't like.
Why don't you go back to playing KS and enjoy that.

>> No.2538469,4 [INTERNAL] 

Aye, tis appears the fun on the ghost board comes to a close.

Only to be reopened during the next DDOS, should there be one.

>> No.2538475,1 [INTERNAL] 

Not sure if I want to leave here

>> No.2538475,2 [INTERNAL] 

>when I had it figured out after the first 5 minutes.
No you didn't.

If by Act 2 you mean Episode 2 you should probably stop playing if you don't like it yet. I just finished Episode 3 and it's a lot better than the first two, but not so much that someone who hates the first two would like it.

And yeah /jp/ exaggerates the quality of the game and the soundtrack (both are good but /jp/ puts them on a huge fucking pedestal). Probably just because it's not as popular as Type-Moon stuff, although ironically some of them end up being as bad as any Type-Moon fanboy.

>> No.2538475,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538475,4 [INTERNAL] 

You ruined our 2048 GET, now to start over.

>> No.2538475,5 [INTERNAL] 

Eh... /jp/ is reeeaaally slow, so I don't want to go back.

>> No.2538475,6 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, you can't really communicate with her, but there are a couple parts where they do manage without Misha ('Shanghaied', and Shizune's 'ending'). And he does think about taking sign lessons. Really though, they're pretty inseparable; kinda makes me wonder if that will be taken into account for Shizune's sex scene.

And yes, who you like most depends on you yourself, which is pretty neat (though I don't have much experience with everybody liking somebody; waifu=ciel, etc).

Kenji was a nice, consistent source of laughs too, though it's a bit sad that you only find out about why he's so insane by going through the Bad End (with the MANLY PICNIC. NO GLASSES. NO NAPKINS. JUST WHISKEY. (and pretzels)).

I have to wonder, though; why does Shizune's underwear read 'Stop Stem Cell Research'?

>> No.2538475,7 [INTERNAL] 

Well, it won't load anymore for me, then again, I'm not sure if I want to go back there, this place proved to be quite comfortable.

>> No.2538475,8 [INTERNAL] 

I can load zip but not bin.
How lame.

>> No.2538475,9 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah seems to be down for me as well.

>> No.2538475,10 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think I like the way numbering works on the ghost board.

>> No.2538475,11 [INTERNAL] 

>Really though, they're pretty inseparable; kinda makes me wonder if that will be taken into account for Shizune's sex scene.

the whole time I was playing I couldn't help but think how fun it would be to see how their aggressive tag-team friendship would play out on a three-way date

Ideally there would be separate scenes for Shizune/Misha and Shizune alone though.

>> No.2538475,12 [INTERNAL] 

>You ruined our 2048 GET, now to start over.
Caring about GETs is one thing but doing so on the ghost board is unforgivable. Please leave. You're giving us a bad reputation.

>> No.2538475,13 [INTERNAL] 

Why not?

>> No.2538475,14 [INTERNAL] 

I don't mind 2ch-style thread GETs. It's the 1M Futaba-style gets that promote spamming.

>> No.2538475,15 [INTERNAL] 

Take it easy bro, 2048 posts in a thread is not something you see everyday, and that's hardly the standard definition of a GET.

>> No.2538475,16 [INTERNAL] 

>1M Futaba-style gets that promote spamming.
I'm almost certain 2ch hates their GETs just as much as us, though their GETs don't bump other threads off of the main page.

>> No.2538475,17 [INTERNAL] 

Still down for me.
AH Shit!

>> No.2538475,18 [INTERNAL] 

...Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of hoping that wouldn't be the case; or at least, that it would be optional. Shizune may be insistent and competitive, but if Misha isn't around it could lead to some great character development scenes where Hisao just closes his eyes. How does Shizune react? Does she start hitting him? Does she go get Misha? Or does she start to break down because her parents used to do the same thing, which led to her 'must-be-noticed' complex?

>> No.2538475,19 [INTERNAL] 

Phew, false alarm. Thought I missed my appointment with artist.
Good, but for a minute there I panicked.

>> No.2538475,20 [INTERNAL] 

1195 GET

>> No.2538475,21 [INTERNAL] 

Hey AoC, ever missed lectures as a result of being on 4chan all the time?

>> No.2538475,22 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think he has, but he sure is slacking on his thesis, get to work asshole.

>> No.2538475,23 [INTERNAL] 

Why shouldn't he be able to do both? I know I do.

Hell, I'm in a lecture right now!

>> No.2538475,24 [INTERNAL] 

So Colombia.

Would Meru let you deliver packages through her backdoor?

>> No.2538475,25 [INTERNAL] 


Not AoC, but yeah, I've done it a few times if some important episode is airing or something like that...

>> No.2538475,26 [INTERNAL] 

Well there should be at least two more acts in the final release, right? That should give them plenty of time to explore Shizune and her relationships with Misha and Hisao. I just hope that she keeps her charm throughout the rest of the story.

>> No.2538475,27 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not here all the time. I just keep an illusion of doing so, by posting during tea/snack breaks.
Nope, never missed a lecture or class.

Get off my back bro, I worked on it all day I deserve some time off. Cipher is working finally, all I need is some security checks and finish writing the paper. Good thing I've always been good at writing, specially as the deadline approaches.

>> No.2538475,28 [INTERNAL] 


My best writing is always right before the deadlines, everything just clicks. Whenever I try to do it over a week or two it always turns out shit.

>> No.2538475,29 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538475,30 [INTERNAL] 

>Nope, never missed a lecture or class.


>> No.2538475,31 [INTERNAL] 

I keep having this odd feeling that Misha won't react well as she starts being superfluous to their relationship. And that it's somehow related to her mystery disability.

Best course of action would be to ignore the incessant pestering, I think. I feel like using a name for now, is not worth going as anonymous.

>> No.2538475,32 [INTERNAL] 

Take it easy.
We are gonna need a lots of time to educate those new /a/ level posters the proper way to post in /jp/.

>> No.2538475,33 [INTERNAL] 

Man, I'm getting kind of restless now.

>> No.2538475,34 [INTERNAL] 

So have any of you ever had any /a/ or /jp/ related dreams?

>> No.2538475,35 [INTERNAL] 

I don't want Misha to be superfluous though. As far as I'm concerned she's part of the package, though I'm sure lots of other Shizune fans can't stand her.

>> No.2538475,36 [INTERNAL] 

What's misha disability anyway? I don't think you need to go to a disability school for an ADD.

>> No.2538475,37 [INTERNAL] 

You're just filled with random topics aren't you. An answer to your question is yes, though I don't feel like disclosing such personal information to the ghost board.

Topic change please.

>> No.2538475,38 [INTERNAL] 

I haven't even played KS and even I know she has cancer. Just look at her hair, it's obviously a wig.

>> No.2538475,39 [INTERNAL] 

>Topic change please

Ok, older sisters sound good?

>> No.2538475,40 [INTERNAL] 

At first I thought that she's just there to interpret for Shizune, but it's in her background that she didn't even know her until after she was already in the school.

>> No.2538475,41 [INTERNAL] 

I admit I don't like her. Not hate her, I just don't like her. Mostly because she's a buffer for interaction with Shizune, and she's almost her complete opposite.
And you can see part of that when she gets stuck with the bill, oblivious of the real war that was being waged.
Plus, her drills distract me. Can't stop chanting for hours. Do Do Doriru.

>> No.2538475,42 [INTERNAL] 

I talked to one of the writers on IRC and he told me the ADD is just a plot-guise. In truth, spoilers: she's there because she almost killed someone.

>> No.2538475,43 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538475,44 [INTERNAL] 

I find that reasonable

>> No.2538475,45 [INTERNAL] 

There are disabilities that you can't see. Like Hisao's arrhythmia, only when he starts forcing himself is that anyone notices it.
So, what disability could Misha have that is invisible to the common eye when dressed?

> Deaf from one ear, which is why she knows some sign language.

> Terminal disease, her drills are a wig.

> Daughter of faculty, attends because it's easier and the school is great.

Make your bets.

>> No.2538475,46 [INTERNAL] 

That too could be. Would explain why she is so cheery, it's only to disguise it.
Better forget that this game exists for now and wait for the full thing.

>> No.2538475,47 [INTERNAL] 

Yes. It was a dream of me posting on /a/. Exactly like how it is in real life.

>> No.2538475,48 [INTERNAL] 

Actually, yeah, I did.

In one of them, I was sitting in a large (not giant, just a little bigger than the norm) shopping cart with Asuka and Rei from Evangelion. It was very odd, as I was driving it like a car.

In another, I was riding in a minivan with Kazehana and Homura from...Sekirei. And, for some reason, I really wanted to sit on Homura's lap.

Weird dream with Asuka and Rei and a dream about Homura with homoerotic overtones.

>> No.2538475,49 [INTERNAL] 

Curious, do you know why would she try to do that?

>> No.2538475,50 [INTERNAL] 

>1226 replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Dear. Fucking. God.

>> No.2538475,51 [INTERNAL] 

Attempted rape perhaps?

>> No.2538475,52 [INTERNAL] 

Giving out any more info would be bad for business. My lips are sealed.

>> No.2538475,53 [INTERNAL] 


jesus christ ghost board users, just listen to yourselves. this place really is nothing without the real jaypee

>> No.2538475,54 [INTERNAL] 

> Deaf from one ear
A disability like that wouldn't warrant going to a school like that.

>> No.2538475,55 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ would be better in text board format, actually.


>> No.2538475,56 [INTERNAL] 


enjoy your /jp/ text board shit that is exactly like this 4-ch trash

>> No.2538475,57 [INTERNAL] 

>[Last 50]
Thanks, man.

>> No.2538475,58 [INTERNAL] 

I mean a /jp/ text board with the number of users of the real /jp/. It would be awesome.

>> No.2538475,59 [INTERNAL] 

> Deaf from one ear, which is why she knows some sign language.
She's shown no sign of such, and there's no reason for somebody deaf in one ear to learn sign language. Also, being deaf in one ear wouldn't explain her inability to control the volume of her voice.

> Terminal disease, her drills are a wig.
People don't wear wigs in the shower.

> Daughter of faculty, attends because it's easier and the school is great.
...This is just stupid.

>> No.2538475,60 [INTERNAL] 

I know, they're not good ideas. Specially in light of what seems to make more sense.

>> No.2538475,61 [INTERNAL] 

The AA board always makes me laugh.

>> No.2538475,62 [INTERNAL] 

I was a bit harsh in dismissing the last one, though. Sorry about that...

>> No.2538475,63 [INTERNAL] 

Oh shit, we have warp drive! Mister Data! Get us out of here!

>> No.2538477

I don't think it works.

>> No.2538477,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'm fairly certain it doesn't work.

>> No.2538477,2 [INTERNAL] 

Oh Come ON!

So close...;_;

>> No.2538477,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538477,4 [INTERNAL] 

It's okay, didn't take it that way.

Reset, once again. Curse you and damn you to hell, good sir.

>> No.2538477,5 [INTERNAL] 

I wonder for how long they'll keep this up.

What would happen if they kept this up, moot run out of money and made him close down the site for good?

>> No.2538477,6 [INTERNAL] 

It's not my fault!

>> No.2538477,7 [INTERNAL] 

Everyone starts leading full, meaningful lives?

>> No.2538477,8 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538477,9 [INTERNAL] 

Then I would be sad. But it won't happen; 4chan's been through worse, after all.

>> No.2538477,10 [INTERNAL] 

Unlikely, remember when Angyl and her gang took over 4chan? That was for even longer.

>> No.2538477,11 [INTERNAL] 

That was DNS crap and it only took longer because MrVacBob-sama was too busy partying hard at Otakon.

>> No.2538477,12 [INTERNAL] 


And with that, good night everyone.

>> No.2538477,13 [INTERNAL] 

That's from Pictures for Sad Children, isn't it?
Good man. I should probably keep up with that.


>> No.2538477,14 [INTERNAL] 

We move to iichan.

>> No.2538477,15 [INTERNAL] 

If it's all of us, it might be enough.

>> No.2538477,16 [INTERNAL] 

iichan doesn't have a specific board that encompasses /jp/, does it?

They have poosh, Type-Moon, Moe and some others.

>> No.2538477,17 [INTERNAL] 

The hobbies text board, or perhaps moe females imageboard. That's about as close as it gets for all encompassing. But iichan knows how to take it easy, they're good people.

>> No.2538477,18 [INTERNAL] 

Well, it's also pretty funny to see her directly translate without thinking about it.

"Ah! How about sandwiches, then? And we'll need something to drink, too! Misha'll get everything!


>> No.2538477,19 [INTERNAL] 


We find the slowest board on iichan and claim it. Then, we drive out the Canaanites and make our home.

>> No.2538477,20 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538477,21 [INTERNAL] 

Female/Female under General Anime has less than 200 posts, and month old threads are still on the front page. It even fits /jp/, sort of. Sounds like a winner.

>> No.2538477,22 [INTERNAL] 

The slowest board on iichan? That'll be a tough contest between every board and every other board.

>> No.2538479

Does it?

>> No.2538477,23 [INTERNAL] 

The miko board gets, like, one post per week.
If it's still there.

>> No.2538477,24 [INTERNAL] 


moot already ran out of money ages ago

>> No.2538480

Why does it update on the archiver only? It's a mystery.

>> No.2538477,25 [INTERNAL] 

zip is up I think.

>> No.2538477,26 [INTERNAL] 

4chan could stay dead for all I care. I know it sounds sad at first; some of us (like myself) have spent 5+ years at the place after all. But in the end it's for the best.

I'm always ten-thousand times more productive when 4chan is down, and I'm sure it's the same for other /jp/ bros. The economy would probably even pick up again. The world would just be a better place in general without 4chan.

Even moot himself would probably be better off with 4chan gone.

>> No.2538477,27 [INTERNAL] 

>1266 replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Mother of fuck.

Hopefully 4chan comes back, it's been over 24 hours now.

>> No.2538477,28 [INTERNAL] 

Hopefully this isn't too late, but I think it should be pointed out to athens that by the early 19th century patronage systems were no longer the main way in which musicians were payed. Composers like Chopin and Liszt got all of their money through publishing and public concerts, and thus probably got payed more by the bourgeoisie than any sort of old aristocracy. Liszt especially was treated just like the more modern Mick Jagger or Elvis Presley, complete with fainting female audience members. The death of the elite establishment that determined what was tasteful was when music really started getting good, as the only requirement to be a musician became to be liked by the public, rather than narrow minded nobles. It's not like music today has gotten any less complex or intricate, one simply has to listen to today's great jazz musicians like Hiromi Uehara or Chick Corea to understand that.

>> No.2538477,29 [INTERNAL] 

>Liszt especially was treated just like the more modern Mick Jagger or Elvis Presley, complete with fainting female audience members.

Your parralelomania misses the mark. You attempt to legitimize the present through the past which could be ironically seen as quite romanticist in many ways.

Also I was referring to patronage in the Renaissance.

>> No.2538477,30 [INTERNAL] 

While that's true, 4chan has become like a second home for me.

Ugh, how sad am I? My only friends are anonymous posters on a crappy imageboard...

>> No.2538477,31 [INTERNAL] 

You consider the anonymous posters to be your friends?

>> No.2538477,32 [INTERNAL] 

Anonymous posters are company and nothing more. Then again, I actually put value in the term 'friend'.

>> No.2538477,33 [INTERNAL] 

It's a love-hate relationship.

>> No.2538477,34 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not saying that Mick Jagger or Elvis Presley were as complex as Liszt. What's important here is that he was supported by a similarly uneducated and non-aristocratic public. Plurality of musicians doesn't necessarily mean the good stuff dies out, even if the good stuff is supported by insular bourgeoisie who don't understand what they're listening to. Same thing could be said about art: sure, all of the art galleries are filled with shitty conceptual art, but the remnants of the classical way can be found in material as obscure as manuals for tabletop RPGs.

>> No.2538477,35 [INTERNAL] 

I've only been following this for three posts, but I'd just like to point out that Rush are at least four times as complex and interesting as Mick and Elvis combined. And probably more than this Liszt too.

>> No.2538477,36 [INTERNAL] 

I'm his friend. I may not know who he is, or where he lives, or what he looks like, or even if he's a he. But he's part of the hive called /jp/, and I consider myself friends with /jp/.

>> No.2538477,37 [INTERNAL] 

Wow. You sure do toss that "friend" word around lightly.

>> No.2538477,38 [INTERNAL] 

Don't kid yourself, you'd soon find something else to fill the void that's just as time-consuming and worthless.

>> No.2538477,39 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe. Or maybe I just have different standards for the word.

>> No.2538480,1 [INTERNAL] 

Or in music, animu/vidya soundtracks. Toshihiko Sahashi and Yoko Kanno employ older, more sophisticated forms all of the time to great effect. For example, listen to this piece from Yoko Kanno's album, Song to Fly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qnZwoI4ajo

>> No.2538480,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538480,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538480,4 [INTERNAL] 

>1200+ replies.
This thread was more like an IRC chat than an actual ghost board thread. In the same way IRC topic gets changed every second, this thread's topic was volatile. Volatile threads defeat the purpose of a discussion board i.e. if we're going to keep changing the topic it might as well be an IRC channel. Next time we have to find a way of dividing this thread's post count into the other threads.

>> No.2538480,5 [INTERNAL] 

u mad?

>> No.2538480,6 [INTERNAL] 

Or we could just move to an IRC room.

>> No.2538480,7 [INTERNAL] 

This thread is a giant assfuck of text.

Anyways, we should probably move to another place, like iichan. Agree/no ?

>> No.2538480,8 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538480,9 [INTERNAL] 

>u mad?
No, I cant say I am.

>Anyways, we should probably move to another place, like iichan. Agree/no ?
OK, now I'm mad. Fuck off, iichan sucks. It's like a volatile danbooru. Of all the ddos gatherings, this one by far is the biggest. Whenever we tried to get together on iichan during previous ddoses nobody showed up.

/b/ of course is an exception. Unlike the weeaboo board's userbase, /b/ always managed to do a good job at regrouping at 7chan.

>> No.2538480,10 [INTERNAL] 


IRC is for normalfags.

>> No.2538480,11 [INTERNAL] 

Posting in an epic thread.

>> No.2538480,12 [INTERNAL] 

Everything seems to be loading fine, until you actually try to post.

>> No.2538480,13 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck that. Like I would be able to communicate in real time and with a name.

>> No.2538480,14 [INTERNAL] 

iichan sucks.

Just keep using the ghost board when 4chan goes down. It's too difficult to move everyone anyways when there's like 50 of us.

>> No.2538480,15 [INTERNAL] 

Most of the people who translate those visual novels you read every day use IRC, even if only for discussing the translation project.

>> No.2538480,16 [INTERNAL] 

You don't need a name. Just use numbers, or 'anon'.

Also, I swear I've seen this exact sentence used to deny AIM/YIM/MSN chatting.

>> No.2538480,17 [INTERNAL] 


And they are normalfags. Real bros use the wiki.

>> No.2538480,18 [INTERNAL] 

1300 GET

>> No.2538480,19 [INTERNAL] 

Okay, it looks like /realjp/ is up, but only partially. You can make new threads, but not respond to them.

>> No.2538480,20 [INTERNAL] 

I'm still wondering when dis is going to be fixed.

>> No.2538480,21 [INTERNAL] 

GET? go back to your text boards, faggot.

>> No.2538480,22 [INTERNAL] 

At least he's not spamming 'FFFFFFFFF GET xD!' like /a/.

>> No.2538516

Mikan goes in the Mikan box.

>> No.2538516,1 [INTERNAL] 

FFFFFFFFF 1305 GET xdddd!

>> No.2538516,2 [INTERNAL] 

     ((( )))
      ( ´Д`)
      ⊂   つ
      人 ヽノ

>> No.2538516,3 [INTERNAL] 

∧_∧         ミ ギャハッハッ ズレてる!ズレてる!
     o/⌒(. ;´∀`)つ
     と_)__つノ  ☆ バンバン

     o/⌒(゜Д゜  )つ

>> No.2538516,4 [INTERNAL] 

∧∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 (,,゚Д゚)< ゴルァ!
⊂  ⊃ \____
~|  |

>> No.2538516,5 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone still here?

>> No.2538516,6 [INTERNAL] 

I am, but that wouldn't benefit you in any way.

>> No.2538516,7 [INTERNAL] 

I am here too. I've been F5ing, but haven't seen any new discussion so I've given up and been doing a few other things while occasionally coming back to see if there is any new discussion.

>> No.2538516,8 [INTERNAL] 

A calladita is a quiet girl.

>> No.2538516,9 [INTERNAL] 

So, what's the status now?

>> No.2538516,10 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ is up but you can't post...

>> No.2538589

Don't call me 魚油. It's creepy.

>> No.2538516,11 [INTERNAL] 

Where did everyone go?

>> No.2538516,12 [INTERNAL] 

But you don't care about us, just our comments.

>> No.2538589,1 [INTERNAL] 

You're creepy. Posting in the land of the living when you really should be dead.

>> No.2538596

This thread is missing nearly 1300 replies. Where'd they all go?

>> No.2538596,1 [INTERNAL] 

I am not! Stop calling me creepy.

>> No.2538596,2 [INTERNAL] 

This guy can't be serious.

>> No.2538596,3 [INTERNAL] 

Archive newbro or, you know, trolling or something.

>> No.2538596,4 [INTERNAL] 

I know what he's doing. The sneaky bastard is indirectly promoting the archives!

>> No.2538596,5 [INTERNAL] 

Posting in the archives is gay.

>> No.2538596,6 [INTERNAL] 

I'm talking exactly about those people using the wiki.

>> No.2538596,7 [INTERNAL] 

That was me. Look up intentional sarcasm.

>> No.2538607

Everyone in the archive is a faggot.


>> No.2538618

How cruel. I'm not a faggot ;_;

>> No.2538618,1 [INTERNAL] 

( ´_ゝ`)フーン

>> No.2538628

I don't get it. Is this some new meme or something?

>> No.2538628,1 [INTERNAL] 

so you admit going to the archive

>> No.2538652


>> No.2538705

And nothing of value was lost, it's just a bunch of /a/ tripfags circlejerking.

>> No.2538705,1 [INTERNAL] 

No one's here anymore huh?

>> No.2538705,2 [INTERNAL] 

I'm still here.

>> No.2538705,3 [INTERNAL] 

I came back since I just realized the real /jp/ is full of shit and trolls.

>> No.2538705,4 [INTERNAL] 

Hi Mr 1337 GET.

>> No.2538705,5 [INTERNAL] 

I think I should take a break from /jp/ for a while.

>> No.2538705,6 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538705,7 [INTERNAL] 

God this thread is just crazy

>> No.2538705,8 [INTERNAL] 

Is it just me, or did /jp/'s quality declined after it came back up?

>> No.2538705,9 [INTERNAL] 

Just take it easy till the KS spam go away or when C76 come around for new content.

>> No.2538705,10 [INTERNAL] 

Personally, I take this as a cue to do other things. Currently playing Company of Heroes and it's pretty fun. Airborne infantry are starting to feel like Space Marines for some reason.

>> No.2538705,11 [INTERNAL] 

GOD DAMNED RELIC why is DOW 2 so shit, balance is terrible.

>> No.2538705,12 [INTERNAL] 

Shall we use this thread again?

>> No.2538705,13 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, what was it again we were talking about?

>> No.2538705,14 [INTERNAL] 

Oh nevermind, it's back

>> No.2538705,15 [INTERNAL] 

Is that sarcasm I see right there?
Otherwise...you're right.

>> No.2538705,16 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538705,17 [INTERNAL] 

I can't stop fapping to Mikan.

>> No.2538705,18 [INTERNAL] 


You should probably see a doctor.

>> No.2538705,19 [INTERNAL] 

I fucked you're Mikan.

>> No.2538705,20 [INTERNAL] 

Is fapping to loli that unhealthy? ;_;

>> No.2538705,21 [INTERNAL] 

Galatians 5:19-21

The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

>> No.2538705,22 [INTERNAL] 

I'm sorry God! ;_;

>> No.2538705,23 [INTERNAL] 

Ghost /jp/ is dead~

>> No.2538705,24 [INTERNAL] 

I'm here, I'm just a really boring person with nothing interesting to say. ;_;
I normally just lurk, laugh and masturbate to whatever wacky things are going on.

>> No.2538705,25 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2538705,26 [INTERNAL] 

Let's start the ball rolling then, come up with any topic.

>> No.2538705,27 [INTERNAL] 

Everyone is asleep. It's 5:30 AM, at least over here.

Bump an interesting thread and some activity will start.

>> No.2538705,28 [INTERNAL] 


Japs sure like to work, don't they?

>> No.2538705,29 [INTERNAL] 

Glorious Nippon.

>> No.2538705,30 [INTERNAL] 

Why did she have a bottle of petrol on her?

>> No.2538705,31 [INTERNAL] 

What's /jp/ doing?

I just got done with a fap session and playing Rance.

>> No.2538705,32 [INTERNAL] 

Just went out (inb4 go out, friends, etc) to Kinokuniya and bought some books. Currently reading And Then There Were None.

>> No.2538705,33 [INTERNAL] 

Trying to get Chaos;Head to work. Piece of shit won't patch.

>> No.2538705,34 [INTERNAL] 

Workin' n lurkin'
Fucking around with shit

>> No.2538705,35 [INTERNAL] 

I'm dead tired and I have to go to class soon.

Then I plan to sit my ass down once I get home and finally finish reading Kira Kira.

>> No.2538705,36 [INTERNAL] 

Kira Kira is long as fuck. I was expecting it to be 10-15 hours, not 50.

>> No.2538705,37 [INTERNAL] 

Didn't AoC or some guy came up with a simple patch that works 100%?

>> No.2538705,38 [INTERNAL] 

Well browsing through the news as usual?. Wonder what will happen in G8 summit? Will they finally kick the Berlusconi guy out? Italy is such backwards country...

And more importantly what the heck is this[ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohC00KqDdSQ ] thing, then?

>> No.2538705,39 [INTERNAL] 

Did he? I downloaded the patch from TL Wiki and it has problems extracting. Maybe it's just Vista problems.

>> No.2538705,40 [INTERNAL] 

Shit, it's that long? Oh damn. Maybe I should just not bother listening to the voices this time. It's not like the VAs are GOD TIER anyways.

I read about that. It's a giant colony of tiny worms, usually found in freshwater areas. The contractions you see are just a large amount of worms moving at once. Name escapes me right now.

>> No.2538705,41 [INTERNAL] 

Well it's definitely 40-50 hours long if you plan to finish it all. I thought it was going to end at the end of the tour, but it was only a bit fast halfway at that point. Then I had other routes yet.

>> No.2538705,42 [INTERNAL] 

Is that Saya?

>> No.2538705,43 [INTERNAL] 

Playing Ouzoku >>2914125,227

Damn just checked and they removed the patch for Chaos;Head and Sumaga on TLWiki, they even deleted the file from mediafire. ;_;

Why would they do that? It's not as if JAST licensed it.

>> No.2538705,44 [INTERNAL] 

That's good to hear. I'm nearing the end of the tour and was worried it was almost over.

>> No.2538705,45 [INTERNAL] 

It depends on your route though. Chie continues a while after, Kashiwari (not sure on the spelling) ends pretty quickly after the tour, and Kirari goes on for a long time after that and has two endings.

>> No.2538705,46 [INTERNAL] 

I really doubt they will. The rest of the 8 probably won't really care about him screwing around 18 year olds and bullshitting whole Italy. And he's still far too influential to just simply leave (plus the opposition is weak since that last scandal and they don't hold much power against Berlusconi).

I'd prefer the G8 to find something out on them economic crisis as I can't fucking find a decent job here in mid-Europe with normal pay which would pay more than my rent... The whole economy is in the shitter across the whole Europe (well except maybe a few countries).

>> No.2538705,47 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck, seriously? I was going to play it in a couple weeks.

>> No.2538705,48 [INTERNAL] 

I guess you have to request on /jp/ or dig through /rs/. Sorry I can't be of help.

>> No.2538705,49 [INTERNAL] 

I puked.

>> No.2538705,50 [INTERNAL] 

Shuffle translation guy:
>After doing a bit of recovering, we have been able to find approx 1/3 of the game, including all of the actual game tools, english EXE, etc.

Wow, you guys sure going to finish it before Mangagamer. Even if they are about to finish, the UFOs will come down and steal the HDD-s probably.

>> No.2538705,51 [INTERNAL] 

That guy's story was complete bullshit anyways. I actually laughed at how far-fetched it was.

>> No.2538705,52 [INTERNAL] 

Heklin doesn't even exist

>> No.2538705,53 [INTERNAL] 

Say it in red or it doesn't count.

>> No.2538705,54 [INTERNAL] 

I already have the patch for those Chaos;HEad. I'm more regretting at the lost of Sumaga, the translation for that project was already at 50%. Now we'll never have it, doubt JAST would license it.

In other news:
It's on Mininova.

>> No.2538705,55 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, it is apparent that Berlusconi is rotten to core and completely corrupt. It is quite clear of what this person is involved in. But the amasing thing is that he can maintain such status. How is this possible? By populism, of course. This rat has single handedly integrated neo-fascism into modern European mainstream politics.

But yes, tell me of the economy. I will prolly be sacked soon enough. Or more like the whole business will just go bust and we will all be made redundant. Should the yanks bail us out now that they have reduced the economy to ruins? Hahaha, but there is no such thing as a responsible yank.

>> No.2538705,56 [INTERNAL] 

How easy would it be to get Nanaca Crash on my mobile (SE C902)?

>> No.2538705,57 [INTERNAL] 

Since /jp/ is down. I am just gonna take the first thread on the ghost board.

Need a SICP expert to crack my sex slave is a classmate.
Running lcsebody_ pop up "Activation is required to play this game. Activate now?"

Any way around this?

>> No.2538705,58 [INTERNAL] 

The cracked exe of Tasty Shaft made by a fellow anon works. Search here.

>> No.2538705,59 [INTERNAL] 

/rs/ is down too? *punches wall, is 600 pounds*

>> No.2538705,60 [INTERNAL] 

I agree, but It's not just popularism. He basically has influence all over the elite of Italy, and has a significant control over the mass-media too. Even though it's supposed to be a republic, it's still a pretty corrupt republic in my opinion.

Well I haven't got a clue how passable is the economy nowadays in North-America, but in the UK they sacked me few days after christmas. I moved back to my country, dusted my other 2 foreign languages down, and I planned to move somewhere in spring/summer. And yet here I am jobless, since the unemployment rate is too high across the whole Europe. Maybe I should just grab my stuff, get in my car and go somewhere randomly (and knowing my luck, then start starving)
Oh well, I honestly hope it gets better soon around here.

>> No.2538705,61 [INTERNAL] 


Well it seem to work but the resolution is kinda fucked up. A bit annoying playing with such a huge black bar on my right/bottom.

See the pic.

>> No.2538705,62 [INTERNAL] 

I'd help you, but you're NOT FUCKING SEEDING, so there's nothing I can do if I can't even get the game.

>> No.2538705,63 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, the almost absolute control over media is and oddity since it blatantly violates one of the main principles of democracy. And then there is that whole corruption thing. I mean, the guy was going to get nailed for it in the court but he himself passed a law that prohibits prosecution of the prez. And now that the evidence for pimping charges comes up they just make up another yet law to stop wiretapping. Truly outrageous.
But what worries me the most is the whole new boom of extreme right. Take almost any country in Europe and you see that the conventional right-wing parties flirt with this type of stuff for short term momentum. It is just when you invite this bunch in they will stay in, so to speak.

Days before Christmas? That is harsh. And what is even harsher is the reality of the smaller states of Europe that have too heavy debt load to carry. The thing is that everyone is going to end up more or less like Iceland but not in such terrible degree, I hope. At this rate there is no salvation for anyone, really. All thanks to USA, truly. They caused this thing.
My person does not worry, though, since a individual person always gets by. One might starve but one will not die. A different thing would be if I had a family or some other to take care of than solely myself.

>> No.2538705,64 [INTERNAL] 


What? Just cause I don't have the full torrent doesn't mean I am not seeding.


>> No.2538705,65 [INTERNAL] 

> Up speed: 3.8 kB/s
Well, that explains it.

>> No.2538705,66 [INTERNAL] 

Welcome to the U K!

>> No.2538705,67 [INTERNAL] 

Your ISP is probably throttling torrents, you should manage to overcome that with encryption and stuff.

>> No.2538705,68 [INTERNAL] 

I'm seeding, I don't know why it's capped at 20~ though. I have throttling disabled.

>> No.2538705,69 [INTERNAL] 

Not that person, but my speed never goes above 130-140kb/s. Might be my ISP throttling my downloads. Any links to guides of getting around that?

>> No.2538705,70 [INTERNAL] 

Try looking here.

It might just happen that your connection has slow upstream, too. BitTorrent is designed to download faster when you upload, so if your upload speed is limited, you generally won't be able to download too fast.

>> No.2538705,71 [INTERNAL] 

Ah, yeah, mine is on there. I should switch ISPs when I move in a few months.

>> No.2538705,72 [INTERNAL] 

Encryption might help. What's the "proposed encryption level" for your ISP on that list?

>> No.2538705,73 [INTERNAL] 

/a/ is beating our post count.

>> No.2538705,74 [INTERNAL] 

High posts = longer to load. Just use the other threads. There's more than enough to go around.

>> No.2538705,75 [INTERNAL] 

With huge amounts of white noise.

>> No.2538705,76 [INTERNAL] 

It doesn't take long at all to load when clicking last 50 posts.

>> No.2538705,77 [INTERNAL] 

Then you're just catching the thread in blips. For that, multiple threads are more efficient since they're more organized. You can have multiple topics going on at once that are easily accessible.

>> No.2538705,78 [INTERNAL] 

When is /jp/ coming back up?

>> No.2538705,79 [INTERNAL] 

Whenever the DDOSers get bored.

>> No.2538705,80 [INTERNAL] 

Don't think they have this shit going automatically? Not that I mind browsing ghostboards, scanning all the way back to 08 gives you a lot of variety in content to read/discuss. Really, This is like being fat in the arctics, we've got so much bodyfat we'd be all be able to sustain for a loong time.

>> No.2538705,81 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, the ghost board is nice. Would be better if we had a backup site to go to though.

>> No.2538705,82 [INTERNAL] 

Wow, there's a lot of athens circlejerking in this thread.

>> No.2538705,83 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, I noticed such thing too. He does not have what it takes to post publicly with his trip now that we have seen his face. Oh, the shame must the tremendous, truly.

But more importantly, why is there no talk of me? I saw the Eksy and his wife Pygma-chan gossiping in that other thread like old ladies but other than that no one bring me up anymore.

>> No.2538705,84 [INTERNAL] 

Hey Meru do you like Pizza?
Just wonderin'~

>> No.2538705,85 [INTERNAL] 

Not to great extent. I do not eat out and I do not cook things outside of my own culture, as you must realise.

>> No.2538705,86 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you even posting on an English imageboard?

>> No.2538705,87 [INTERNAL] 

Love you Meru, uu~!

>> No.2538705,88 [INTERNAL] 

I apologize for the joke earlier.
You've been mean to me too though, you know! Not that that's any excuse.
And I'm not anyone's wife. ;_;

>> No.2538705,89 [INTERNAL] 

>mean to me
Uu~ that's not Meru! That's the Black Witch uuu~!

>> No.2538705,90 [INTERNAL] 

Gee, I truly had no idea that I am that intimidating person that you need to apologise for a lame joke.
Besides, I have stabbed a person doing, you know, so...
But have I even been mean to you? I do not recall such.

Yes, why would we use english here at all? I would like to use german rather. It is a better language easily.

>> No.2538705,91 [INTERNAL] 

It's not that, I just don't really like making such jokes against anyone, really. It's petty.
Oh. And, um, you called me a dull girl because I missed a joke, but I earned that one.

>> No.2538705,92 [INTERNAL] 

Well, sometimes we all say stupid things, do you not think. There is no shame in that, even though it was idiotically simple joke not to get.

But Eksy will not mind of such, surely. You know, that guy is totally smittened with your person. Why do you keep torturing him like this?

>> No.2538705,94 [INTERNAL] 

I fap to Meru.

>> No.2538705,95 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, Meru. I don't think I'll ever come close to understanding you, no matter how many times I read your goofy posts.

>I do not eat out and I do not cook things outside of my own culture, as you must realise.
Let me guess: Eating food from another culture will undermine great state of Czechistan glorious traditions?

>> No.2538705,96 [INTERNAL] 

You have Fuminori vision or something?

>> No.2538705,97 [INTERNAL] 

Geeeee, I do not know. Where would I get such thing? Where?
But you should understand that denying such feelings only makes it more painful, Eksy.

And honestly, Pygma-chan, if you are reading this, Eksy is truly a nice guy, I guarantee this. He gave me even a board once.

>> No.2538705,98 [INTERNAL] 

Well you do ban people who make sexual comments towards Pygma. That's probably one thing.

>> No.2538705,100 [INTERNAL] 

Why not ask her on a date in a private chatroom?

But yes, I find that you are somewhat more decent version of Anonymous of Colombia, or "Raul Gonsales" as me might call him. You know, that guy is down-right depraved, lies a lot, extorts people with personal information for fun, a habitual drug-usuer, killed a cat once, all kinds of nastiness. Stay clear of him, honestly.

>> No.2538705,101 [INTERNAL] 

All the japanese dogs are like Mikan?

>> No.2538705,103 [INTERNAL] 


She's not of a Japanese breed.

>> No.2538705,104 [INTERNAL] 

>killed a cat once
His "Have a Nice Day" threads will never be the same to me ;_;

>> No.2538705,105 [INTERNAL] 

Okay, I can understand the drug thing, seeing as it's Colombia we're talking about, but what's this about killing a cat?

>> No.2538705,106 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, you know, he ever tortured it a bit before killing the poor thing. That is terrible. And there is more. He even posted our private chatlogs in the internet. Not even mentioning his colourful past in all kinds of state institutions. He has been even homeless for Christ sakes. Lately I have became truly disillusioned with this person.

Would chatroom not be a more romantic place to confess? I mean, honestly, there is no point denying such thing.

>> No.2538705,108 [INTERNAL] 

Hey Meru, care to tell us who exactly started the e-dating thing and what transpired during that period?

>> No.2538705,109 [INTERNAL] 

Well, if you are talking of this AoC thing, I take the Raul Gonsales and Anežka Otradovec started dating. But then they broke up. I know, it is a tragedy. I doubt that there really is not too much more to know of it.

>> No.2538705,110 [INTERNAL] 

>He has been even homeless for Christ sakes.
Truly, this is far worse a crime than any other.

>> No.2538705,111 [INTERNAL] 

Eksopl is so moe.

>> No.2538705,112 [INTERNAL] 

I found most tripfriend to be moe.

>> No.2538705,113 [INTERNAL] 

Who else is palming their face upon reading this thread?

Also, Meru, quit using real names online.

>> No.2538705,114 [INTERNAL] 

>killed a cat once
You know, I tortured alot of cats for fun with a friend back in school, we drowned like 2 of them too IIRC.

It's amusing because I'm from Colombia.

>> No.2538705,115 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you lie so much?

>> No.2538705,116 [INTERNAL] 

>He has been even homeless for Christ sakes
You would think something like this wouldn't get attention in a board full of NEETs, I wouldn't be surprised if some of them got kicked by their parents.

>> No.2538705,117 [INTERNAL] 

Oh wow, what the hell, do you really expect anyone to believe that crap?

>> No.2538705,118 [INTERNAL] 

You know meru, I bet you believe this is all a devil's proof, but there's something you weren't counting on.

>> No.2538705,119 [INTERNAL] 

And why is this? Why not believe me? I do not lie ever.

And what is a "devil's proof" and on what I was not counting on.

>> No.2538705,120 [INTERNAL] 

Meru, what the hell is this shit? Why are you here?

>> No.2538705,121 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah. I don't see what's so evil about someone being temporarily homeless.

I would make some sort of joke about how only women would look down on homeless men because they are all gold-digging whores who expect men to provide everything for them, but something about this whole thread just doesn't feel right.

>> No.2538705,122 [INTERNAL] 

I'm just laughing about it. People need to stop taking the internet so seriously.

>> No.2538705,123 [INTERNAL] 

They are the only ones who would spread such pointless gossip. I think at least that we can be sure of.

Also, Meru, I don't want to date anyone, thank you. You can stop.

>> No.2538705,124 [INTERNAL] 

I dunno, man. The internet is a pretty damn serious place.

>> No.2538705,125 [INTERNAL] 

Why don't try thinking for the first time in your life and guess what that means?

>> No.2538705,126 [INTERNAL] 

>don't want to date anyone

Ahh, my heart. It has broken into millions of pieces.

>> No.2538705,127 [INTERNAL] 

>Anežka Otradovec

That's not even a real name. It's just meaningless syllabic sounds strung together.

>> No.2538705,128 [INTERNAL] 

You are a rare exception to my "all women are worthless sluts" theory.

>I don't want to date anyone

Things like this are the only thing stopping me from turning into an athens-level misogynist troll.

Well, you can always e-date Anežka Otradovec. She seems pretty desperate.

>> No.2538705,129 [INTERNAL] 

Too much trouble. Besides, she'd probably flip if she heard I killed a bird by staring at it.

>> No.2538705,130 [INTERNAL] 

Don't you ever want to find a husbando?

>> No.2538705,131 [INTERNAL] 

It doesn't have to be! But really, I presume most of the people here use the internet for entertainment, why ruin that by getting all serious about it? ゆっくりしていってね and all that.

>> No.2538705,132 [INTERNAL] 

I can understand misanthropy but misogyny is just retarded. Both genders are as bad as each other.

>> No.2538705,133 [INTERNAL] 

I would assume he doesn't care about the male of the species because he is not a faggot or something along those lines.

Get out. Don't come back until you know what a devil's proof is and why it's particularly /jp/ related.

>> No.2538705,135 [INTERNAL] 


I dislike people in general, but I do have an intense hatred of feminism and the openly sexual attitudes it has led to, but maybe I focus on it too much. I got this way through having been involved with a feminist group in the past and actually seeing what those people are like.

>> No.2538705,136 [INTERNAL] 

It's possible to hate common traits in women more than common traits in men, you know. A lot of guys have plenty of experience dealing with men, so they're comfortable around them, but they get agitated easily around women.

Plus, misanthropy implies a hatred of humanity in general without regard to sexes, when you can hate men and women at the same time for their male and female qualities without hating their human qualities.

>> No.2538705,137 [INTERNAL] 

What a terrible stupid person you are. Perhaps you do not understand that feminism is the ideology that has shaped the society the most in the modern civilised world. Or perhaps you just do not have ant recollection of what the whole word stands for, ne?


>> No.2538705,138 [INTERNAL] 

AO please talk to people in >>2252275; they upset me, I want them to suffer as well.

>> No.2538705,139 [INTERNAL] 

Also, something about men historically being the arbiters, breadwinners and builders of civilisation and how women are using their new found "equality" to act like sluts, spread STDs and generally drag society down along with them.

I hate the men who pander to these women just as much, and sadly they are in the majority now. Any male who bleaches his hair or wears fake tan will be first against the wall come the revolution.

I want women to wear dresses and stop being sexually promiscuous and I want men to wear hats and suits and stop spending their lives chasing after whores.

Also, I'm drunkposting, so forgive any typos, bad grammar or athens-like opinions, thanks.

>> No.2538705,140 [INTERNAL] 

It's easy to prove this is not Meru, I won't say how nor say anything in red, I don't want to ruin the game.

>> No.2538705,141 [INTERNAL] 

>Perhaps you do not understand that feminism is the ideology that has shaped the society the most in the modern world

Oh I completely understand what feminism has done to the world. Also, I removed "civilised" from what you said because that is entirely your opinion.

>> No.2538705,142 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, who is this Meru each person talks of? Some inane person that killed herself. Truly pathetic.

Well, I do understand of why the concept of equality does not appeal to certain lower tier people in the society. They leeched their life out of inequality, after all.

>> No.2538705,143 [INTERNAL] 

I can't understand what you're trying to say here.

>> No.2538705,144 [INTERNAL] 

Ah, I see you're new to this whole "talking to Meru" business.

>> No.2538705,145 [INTERNAL] 

Remember when Eva became Beatrice? something like that.

>> No.2538705,146 [INTERNAL] 

I'm just disappointed that I wrote out that longwinded troll post hoping for an angry feminist reply, but all I got was some bad English from Meru.

I suck at both trolling and fake misogyny.

>> No.2538705,147 [INTERNAL] 

Ghost /jp/ - Internet dating service

>> No.2538705,148 [INTERNAL] 

You mean Ghost /jp/ - Meru attempting to use English

>> No.2538705,149 [INTERNAL] 

Ghost /jp/ - Meru's forum for literally bawing all the time

>> No.2538705,150 [INTERNAL] 

Is that picture I keep seeing really of her?

>> No.2538705,151 [INTERNAL] 

It's all fun and games until someone kills a cat and ends up being homeless.

>> No.2538705,152 [INTERNAL] 

Well, at least that's what someone named AO wants us to believe.

>> No.2538705,153 [INTERNAL] 

Considering that she doesn't mind posting real names, I'm sure it is.

>> No.2538705,154 [INTERNAL] 

Threads like these make me glad that I am the little girl.

>> No.2538705,155 [INTERNAL] 

I feel the same way.

>> No.2538705,156 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, anyhow, why did not anyone tell me that SZS will have third season?
I just found out, honestly. Just guys should have at least brought it up. Shame on you.

>> No.2538705,157 [INTERNAL] 

Have you ever had a man in your bed?

>> No.2538705,158 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know about her, but I've had one. Felt really good.

>> No.2538705,159 [INTERNAL] 

I have a man in my bed every night

>> No.2538705,160 [INTERNAL] 

I have Jones in my bed every night.

>> No.2538705,161 [INTERNAL] 

Reading his posts while browsing on your bed doesn't count.

Also, holy shit this thread is big !

>> No.2538705,162 [INTERNAL] 

I did tell you. Maybe if you did less drugs you would remember.
