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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2634716 No.2634716 [Reply] [Original]

Primary Touhou fan: One who became interested in Touhou due to it's games. A longtime fan of shmup/arcade/retro-esque games, this person likes Touhou for it's actual gameplay, music and/or art/style. Probably has an interest in secondary works, but most likely enjoys the main games and ZUN's works more so.

Secondary Touhou fan: One who became interested in Touhou due to some offshoot (dojin works, IOSYS, fanart, 4chan...). May or may not have an interest in its main genre and more likely have not really played the games; if they did play, it's only to see what the game is like and doesn't get into it (i.e. 1CCing normal or completing extra). However, probably enjoys the side games (IaMP and SWR) and may or may not enjoy the fanworks. This is also the typical "Touhoufag."

>> No.2634721

>it's games
I fucked you're Touhou.

>> No.2634728

So there are no Primary Touhou fans on /jp/?

>> No.2634730

Primary Idolm@ter fan:

Secondary Idolm@ter fan:

>> No.2634759

Disgruntled Fairy was the one who wrote this.

>> No.2634769

I am a tertiary Touhou fan. I don't care for the games nor for the derivative works themselves, I'm just a bandwagoner who wants to see how far a self-contained culture based around a freedom of producing derivative works can go in terms of creativity and impact.

Oh, and I like the music.

>> No.2634801

You belong on back of /a/ with the rest of the bandwagon then.

>> No.2634903

I heard of touhou WAYY back, but never played it. I mainly played Cave shooters, however I like reading light novels and such my interest in Touhou Project appeared after reading some of Zun's writings. Dunno what that makes me.

>> No.2634926

I'm a primary, but I like secondaries. I'm sure many of the people drawn in by the ancillary stuff become fans of the games eventually, but even if they don't, their appreciation for the characters and music is the same as ours.

It makes me sad to see my primarybros rage over secondaries.

>> No.2634946
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tl;dr elitism

>> No.2634948

I'm the kind of Touhou fan who plays the games despite the shit characters.

>> No.2634961

I'm a primary touhou fan, /jp/.

And touhous want to fuck primary fans. Let it piss you off as much as you want, but you know it's completely true. That touhou you like who is kinda cute in a weird way, but is totally sweet and you have the biggest crush on? The one who keeps going back to girls who treat her wrong for reasons you don't understand? The one who calls you up in your dreams to cry about how Marisa hasn't visited her in 3 days, and no matter how long you listen to her, she'll never think of you as anything other than asexual? The one who will curl up next to you on the couch, hug you close, kiss you on the cheek, and never let you fucking touch her beyond that?

Yeah, I'm fucking her.

The hot touhoe who won't even look at you when you nod at them and smile? The one who laughs when you trip in the hallway and drop your stuff? The one who comes up and coyly aks for your help with her homework, and then pretends you don't exist once you finish?

Yeah, I'm fucking her too, even harder.

The NEET you think might be enough like you that you have a chance with her? She plays warcraft on your server, and watches anime, and reads comics? She's so incredible and you just love her so much but you still haven't worked up the courage to tell her how you feel about her?

Guess who just sucked me off and told me they'll always love me?

>> No.2634977

> That touhou you like who is kinda cute in a weird way
But canon Touhous are emotionless bitches who only want to kill you.

>> No.2634979

I'm not a fan of both. Am I cool yet?

>> No.2634983
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>> No.2634995


What if you play the games but you can't 1cc normal or beat extra because you're shit? Don't hold that against me.

>> No.2635007

I herd about touhou before it became popular so yeah

>> No.2634999

Fuck you. You can have Alice and Aya, but stay the hell away from my neeto.

>> No.2635020

I'm a Touhou fan so I have an excuse to sage topics

>> No.2636189

I am an inverted touhou fan. Became interested by offshoots, now I pretty much just play the games.

>> No.2636211

Stop ruining our definitions

>> No.2636220

I discovered Touhou thanks to Overdrive.

I play the games everyday, can 1cc all games on Normal and some on Hard, can beat 4 extra stages, Phantasm and most of StB Level EX scenes. Am I secondary Touhou fan?

>> No.2636228

Well I'm a fan of the genre, love mainly the music and style (danmaku).

>> No.2636235

Primary fans: Elitist faggots

Secondary fans: just want to have fun with it

>> No.2636236

I wish to mate with the idol.

>> No.2636244

Wait, what am I if I got into touhou because of the fanworks, but then stopped paying attention to those and only cared about the original games? I've 1cc'd normal on most of the them. Does that make me a primary fan? A secondary fan? A primondary fan? A Secrimary fan?

>> No.2636247

Sup butthurt secondary fan

>> No.2636251

Both at the same time. A metafan

>> No.2636255

Sup butthurt primary fag.

>> No.2636257

Doesn't change the fact that you're an elitist faggot

>> No.2636272
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Typical Touhoufag.

>> No.2636277

Since when being elitist is bad?

>> No.2636275
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I first became interested in Touhou because of the doujins. Then I played the games, and 1 cc'd six through ten on easy or hard mode.

>> No.2636280

>easy or hard mode.
Whoops. Meant "normal or hard mode". Easy doesn't have enough bullets to be interesting.

>> No.2636285

Except on SA, fucking SA.

>> No.2636286

I'm pretty fucking elitist as far as touhou goes, and I think this is stupid.

>> No.2636305

I think all fans suck, me included.

>> No.2636316

Time to move to something more obscure? Any suggestions?

>> No.2636319


>> No.2636323 [DELETED] 

The nothing obscure as great as Touhou

>> No.2636324

What about the periodic table? I don't think tungsten has much of a following.

>> No.2636326


>> No.2636330

There's nothing obscure as great as Touhou

>> No.2636341

Meh, that shit sucks

>> No.2636350

>Secondary fans: insecure with persecution complexes.

>> No.2636353

That comment sounds like persecution to me!

>> No.2636368
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Thread needs more secondary fan faggotry.

>> No.2636385
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>> No.2636562

Tertiary fan here. I like the fan art. Music is decent enough but nothing I'd put on the music player.

I played TH06 and TH07 last week but I just couldn't get into Focus like I could with the ABA shooters.

>> No.2636574

I mostly like the music, and the porn, but mostly the music.

>> No.2637041


Better start now. Soon it'll be translated and it'll be time to rage over secondaries all over again.

>> No.2637200


I'm about the same. I got into the games because I was sick of only having emulators on my EEEPC.

I'm probably in between the two.

>> No.2637490

I'm some other kind of tertiary fan. My friends turned me on to them and I wondered what the fuck it was all about.
Now I'm hopelessly addicted.

>> No.2637614

So, how about them Touhou Achievements?

>> No.2637628

Primary Touhou fan: Japanese

Secondary Touhou fan: Westerner

You can't argue against this.

>> No.2637638

I like Perfect Cherry Blossom.

I haven't even beaten it because I say "fuck you" and rage-quit whenever I take a hit that I should have been able to avoid. But I still play it a bunch.

>> No.2637639

The reverse is true.

>> No.2637690

I like the original ZUN music, fanmusic sucks balls

so where do I go

>> No.2637747


I kind of agree with that - a lot of Touhou rearranges I've heard have been pretty shitty. Maybe I'm listening to the wrong groups.

Anyway, a better division for Touhou fans would be "an annoying faggot" and "not an annoying faggot".

>> No.2637774

Don't you mean "less annoying faggot?"

>> No.2637792

Well, you probably haven't heard shit.

>> No.2637795


...yeah, that's more accurate.

>> No.2638216

>I discovered Touhou thanks to Overdrive.
ur a faget.

>> No.2638326

I got into Touhou after ZUN appeared to me in a dream.
