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2700440 No.2700440 [Reply] [Original]

Wild Snail was here. Everyone else is a loser.
Even you, Silver Sword. You especially.

>> No.2700564
File: 95 KB, 1280x1024, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gain was here.

Your flamethrower is inferior to BOMBAH.

>> No.2700580
File: 66 KB, 768x861, BOMBAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2700589

Shitty rank and memorization game

>> No.2700602

Every video game is memorization

>> No.2700603

Disable filtering

>> No.2700607

actually, that's only true for games with no AI.

>> No.2700625

That's not filtered, just fullscreened.

>> No.2700672

But not all make it fun.
Raizing shooters seem only designed for credit-rape, not to be rewarding to play. Doesn't Garegga boot with a ridiculous rank and only drops after an hour of attract mode? It's either that one or another Raizing game.
I guess some people enjoy the Raizing formula since it never really evolved even after Cave started hiring the raizing guy, but I really can't understand why.

It is filtered. Upscaling with bilinear interpolation rather than nearest neighbor inerpolation is considered filtering and pig disgusting.

>> No.2700733

>Raizing shooters seem only designed for credit-rape, not to be rewarding to play. Doesn't Garegga boot with a ridiculous rank and only drops after an hour of attract mode? It's either that one or another Raizing game.
On boot, the rank is at minimum. If you play it consecutively, it will rise slightly. In attract mode it goes back down. Batrider is the opposite, starts high, which is annoying and dumb. Garegga is incredibly fun once you know the basics (once you can score 4-5mil-ish) and is far and away the most important shooter of the mid/late 90s. Ikeda said that, if not for Garegga, Dodonpachi would be nothing like we know it today. Garegga showed him "how fun it is to dodge tons of bullets" or something to that effect. And we all know (or should know) DDP pretty much defined what is today called "danmaku". Also Yagawa's games are just as varied and unique as any group of games with the same programmer...

Also, some people don't like to play with scanlines, calm yourself...

>> No.2700752

Would someone like to tell me how the fuck you score in Dimahoo (great mahou dakisakusen)? I'm a cave fanboy so I don't know any raizing shit apart from how garegga punishes you for basically everything, including firing.

Also, that cab is nice. Is it yours, OP? I have a Supergun but that's about it. No room for a cab. All I have for it is Futari but I'd like to get some older stuff that isn't properly emulated in mame, like Batsugun and Tatsujin/Tatsujin Ou. Shame they don't save scores though.

>> No.2700763

I refuse to believe that someone willingly plays this blurry mud. You don't have to enable scanlines to disable filtering in any mame distribution I ever tried.

>> No.2700778

That is the default no-filtering fullscreen in all mame versions that I have. Those were taken on either Garemame or Mame32Plus! 0.131 I don't remember which one I clicked.

>> No.2700802
File: 1.04 MB, 2140x852, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn off bilinear filtering.

>> No.2700826
File: 256 KB, 737x982, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mame never ships with good defaults. Learn to configure it.

>> No.2700838

I don't buy in this argument, tons of games are historically important but not very fun to play anymore.

>> No.2700899


>> No.2700920

I've played just fine with mame defaults. People are too picky about this shit. When playing on a cab you don't see each individual pixel as a perfect square like you do without bilinear filtering on an LCD, why should I really care. I've done just fine on mame defaults (I'll post a DDP score if you want proof of that...) it's never really bothered me.

Many are not, Garegga is still fun.

>> No.2700924

StrikerS 1945 is superior.

>> No.2700934

I just said the same thing twice. Oh well.

>> No.2701108

Some people are not bothered by things like heavy JPG artifacts or <128kbps MP3 either, but that doesn't mean it's a matter of preference.

The blur that happens on a CRT is of a very different nature than the blur caused by bilinear interpolation as displayed on a LCD.
Arcade monitors were built to be as crisp as possible, even if unlike LCDs it was difficult to distinguish the edge of individual pixels.

There is no way to reproduce the feel of a CRT on a LCD, but great crispness is possible, using nearest neighbor interpolation. It will always look good so long as zoom factor is higher than 2. Why the hell would you want something blurry instead? Your screen look as if you forgot to wear glasses.

And most importantly, how can one possibly play shooting games, yet NOT be anal about having the best experience possible?

>> No.2701297

I do not enjoy seeing each pixel so clearly, when they are so large and visible. They are literally like a couple of square millimeters per pixel on my monitor. It's distracting and damn goofy looking, to be honest. Trying to compare it to JPEG artifacts is just silly.
>And most importantly, how can one possibly play shooting games, yet NOT be anal about having the best experience possible?
I would say image filtering has little to no effect on actual gameplay. I'm not some sort of stg god but I play quite a bit, I've reached up to DDP's st 2-5 on mame, with a cheap keyboard, with image filtering on. I've 1cced a good 7 or so Cave games (if you count ddp and doj 1-all, which I just got yesterday self-grats), half of them on MAME. Even so, being so anal about such a thing is just ridiculous. If it were input lag or something that actually affects gameplay beyond personal preference, I would understand, but it's not. It's still VERY easy to feel hitboxes with bilinear filtering on, and makes the visuals much easier on the eyes.

>> No.2702692

With nearest neighbor, unless your window size is an exact integer multiple of the game resolution, some pixels end up larger than others. THAT is pig disgusting, especially the rippling effect it produces on scrolling.

Also, aspect ratio. Capcom games in faux-widescreen (or "tallscreen" for Dimahoo and the handful of other vertical CPS games) = lolwhut.

>> No.2703078

There's no rippling effect with default mame settings, not for me at least. If it weren't a pain in the ass to do, I'd upload a short video.

As far as aspect ratio goes, I obviously use aspect ratio setting in MAME, although for the majority of the ones I play, it's the same as the default (4:3)
