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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 549 KB, 1024x768, ss20091005_212025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3500866 No.3500866 [Reply] [Original]

ECO Thread


>> No.3500893

Grinding ECO right now with Orphan
IGN: Halbred

>> No.3500900

Shit game is shit.

>> No.3500904

I don't lag :3

>> No.3500908

Just started up a little while ago, who can I contact to join a /jp/ ring? Gensokyo preferably since I have a touhou name.

>> No.3500912

Arche here. Need a ring or someone to play with as well. Just started. Aiming for vates. Pururu killan atm. :(

>> No.3500918

You don't want vates man, is grindan hell. Go for farmer, way more fun!

>> No.3500919

ITT /jp/ is gaia.

>> No.3500929

Don't really care. I'm just aimed for some support class.

ITT we bitch about games we don't play.

>> No.3500931


>> No.3500933


>> No.3500937

But he's not bitching about the game.

>> No.3500940

Gensokyo, and I believe all the other rings, are full at the moment.

Our common meeting place is at the Cafe in the Underground, but I doubt you will find anyone there all the time, if ever.

Your best bet is to watch the ECO threads for names to PM, or post your own IGN's, and get a party together. Party grinding is fun and easy with the Possess system.

PS: Don't bother PM'ing me right now, won't be going on tonight.

>> No.3500947

This game is the proof that a large amount of Gaiafags are browsing /jp/. Please die already and eat shit at that.

>> No.3500961

Now, now anon, don't let some emoticons bother you^^

>> No.3500966


>> No.3500994

Worst MMO update system ever, I had to restart it no fewer than 4 times.
And it still doesnt work.

>> No.3500996

No, because you are all using emoticons. Fuck off.

>> No.3501007

┐(´ー` )┌ chill bro

>> No.3501013

You do realize that it's still a beta, right?

>> No.3501016

I think it has more to do with asian MMO developers having no idea how to write a proper software patching system.

>> No.3501018
File: 259 KB, 1680x1009, one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Killed all 666, now for my reward..

>> No.3501019
File: 246 KB, 1680x1006, two.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3501022

Fierce Deity Doud

>> No.3501024

By request:
(user: eco / pass: jp)

Yes, it's another shitty *chan. I still browse mabichan once a month but no one uses it anymore. If you really need an eco board, I have to recommend trying to breath some life back into mabichan.

>> No.3501048

Hah, you fell into the trap thinking that quest difficulty is proportional to quest rewards in this game.

>> No.3501059 [DELETED] 

> lol i alredy red dat at anоntalk.com last nite
That's a tough one.

>> No.3501070

MMO RPG stuff (that you don't pay for) is like those toys in cereal boxes and bubble dispensers from when you were a kid.
The novelty wears off VERY quickly.

>> No.3501071

finished my first night of grindin, sitting at 9/8 Fencer... I've come to one stark conclusion: Do not know if want.

>> No.3501075

What skills should I max early for Wizard? MP? MP Regen?

>> No.3501133

I got some higher ranks of energy bolt, and they seem pretty worthless. The damage is so random sometimes a rank1 will do more than a rank3. Can't hurt maxing MaxMP and MP regen since those will help the most for lvl'ing.

>> No.3501137

I first put got one level in an offensive spell, followed by maxing out MP Regen and Max MP, in that order. In may be better to do Max MP first, in hindsight, since MP regen is dependant on your maximum MP.

Don't focus as much on putting skill points into levelling your offensive spells yet. Too high a skill level will cause a huge drain on your MP at lower levels.

>> No.3501152

>first put got

Derp. Time to go to bed.

>> No.3501165
File: 275 KB, 800x600, ss20091005_110727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ohai! At least my ribbon is nicer than yours!

>> No.3501205


Fudge, thanks. Time to start putting in Max MP then, I put too many in Max MP Regen already.

p.s. Is anyone leveling in Lake Utena with a melee character?

>> No.3501260
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, 1252863239222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spend more time in this game sitting down waiting for the horrible lag to go away than I do actually playing it.

>> No.3501626

lv 25/24 fencer trying to get the white and also the black star berets. Fucking random dyeing just to get any of those 2, but somehow I got the other four colors in order in my first 4 tries. Reselling cheaper at north acronia plains, if someone wants a blue, yellow or green one.

>> No.3501873

I have no lag and I only had to restart the update thing once.

>> No.3502166 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 24x24, 6_12548266952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3502232
File: 1 KB, 24x24, 24birdcooking24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3502237

Saving this to use in RO.

>> No.3502401

How are weapons with (E) next to them different from weapons that you can buy?

>> No.3502417


using this? Also grats miku, on getting the confirmation on your loli's wanted hairstyle.

>> No.3502422
File: 60 KB, 365x243, mikutime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He did say "I believe" so that's no real confirmation.

>> No.3502437

>wan party 2gather?

this is why noone plays this shit
just look at how fucking stupid the people who DOES play it are

>> No.3502451
File: 3 KB, 100x103, sop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just look at how fucking stupid the people who DOES play it are
>DOES play it

>> No.3502455

Those are some really bad graphics for a 2009 game. Even FlyFF looks better.

>> No.3502469


IIRC this game was originally created in 2005.

>> No.3502480

So it is you faggots that is using Japanese Bird party name in Cinnamon last night.

All you faggots should feel bad about yourselves.

>> No.3502483

omg r u a gurl?

>> No.3502487

It was? I have ring names up instead of party names.

>> No.3502498

Are you sure they had cel shading in 2005?

>> No.3502501

What ring is currently open and are there any requirements to join?

>> No.3502507

No, you are the girl.

>> No.3502513


>> No.3502538


when did they release HalfLife 1? Like back in 98. Sven Coop was released 99 and already featured cel-shading on their stuff.

>> No.3502590


>> No.3502595

My computer is shitty, so I am glad the graphics are bad.

>> No.3502622

The graphics aren't actually bad if you have a good pc.

>> No.3502638

Don't be a faggot.

>> No.3502759


^ player list

>> No.3502927
File: 23 KB, 478x468, 1249059749111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey thanks for the add to the spreadsheet
I'm a Fencer with no ring right now

>> No.3502961

We have 17 persons now.
Also, we need an emblem for the ring.

>> No.3502977

All /jp/ rings should agree on a common emblem. I had some back when I was playing RO, but not anymore.

24x24 .bmp. Background color is something pink (turns into transparency).

I could make one when necessary, but I have no talent for that.

>> No.3503008

>All /jp/ rings should agree on a common emblem.
I agree with this.

>> No.3503046

Hey /jp/
It would be nice if we decided a date and hour for everyone here playing to meet at the cafe or somewhere else, that way we could add everyone from here to our friend lists, we would know who we can party with and it would be a solution to the limited ring spaces.

>> No.3503068

We just need a hang out spot

>> No.3503071 [DELETED] 


Get out japanese bird.

I rather use it.

>> No.3503078



>> No.3503090


Get out japanese bird.

I rather use this.

>> No.3503093

24x24 .png with transparencies already set work also.

>> No.3503119

Trollface or japanese bird.

>> No.3503140

Ah, an improvement.

>> No.3503143

Get out.
I vote for some not so obscure to a /jp/-related thing, just like all other guild (or ring) names.

>> No.3503156

Ah, so you're discussing emblems? I suggest hoopdog then, even though 24x24 pixels wouldn't be enough to show its awesomeness and number of hoops.
Someone could just draw a dog jumping through seven flaming hoops on Paint.

>> No.3503157

It doesn't have to be /jp/-related, nor do we have to advertise 4CHANGUILDLOL to anyone, just something everyone might like, since we're already loosely connected through the rings

>> No.3503235


>> No.3503256

Then we should decide on our place, and always meet up there. And next thread should mention the place in OP post.

I suggest downtown.

>> No.3503276


That needs to be included in all first posts. It also suggests Cafe Madonna as meeting spot.

>> No.3503280
File: 46 KB, 372x248, mikutakingiteasy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Downtown by Cafe Madonna. Meido wear only.

>> No.3503300

I'm always by Cafe Madonna when I'm not doing anything.

>> No.3503305

saw like 3 people in a guild Japanese Bird. does /jp/ except them as an official guild of /jp/ or are they to be avoided?

>> No.3503314

Was it Gensokyo (japanese bird emblem) or a guild called Japanese Bird? Either way, there's no main guild, Gensokyo just seems to be the fullest.

>> No.3503333

4 idlers at Madonna currently.

>> No.3503361 [DELETED] 


>> No.3503387
File: 312 KB, 640x480, dfoscreenshot00027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why do I see a bunch of ECO threads, but no DFO ones? Is DFO not moe enough?

>> No.3503391

NA only.

>> No.3503394

they only let americans play, so screw that.

>> No.3503395


Guild full of faggotry.

Best for you to avoid it.

>> No.3503432

Lag that's worse than ECO lag? No thanks.

>> No.3503466


>> No.3503478

I hardly experience any lag whatsoever, but I have a good connection. I do see a lot of others with bad connections. P2P in a MMO was a pretty damn idiotic idea.

Oh, right.

>> No.3503490

Is Belphegor really from /jp/? Seems like a gaiafag to me.

>> No.3503499

Gensokyo, japanese bird cooking spaghetti emblem.

What the fuck is wrong with you.

>> No.3503533

What do you expect from a pinoy?
Inb4 racism and shitstorm.

>> No.3503540
File: 73 KB, 370x248, mikuyawn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 emblem, shitstorms all over the world.
What the fuck is wrong with you.

>> No.3503543
File: 13 KB, 221x251, Ransmirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all for a modified Ransmirk emblem.

>> No.3503547

I don't see what all the fuzz is about either. I just don't give enough of a fuck about an emblem to start flaming.

>> No.3503548


What's your name in the game, Miku, and where are you?

>> No.3503552

Surprisingly it's Hatsune Miku.

>> No.3503553

Any emblem would have been better, why couldn't you have used Miku or something.

>> No.3503564

But did you have to use JB, the shit that gets spammed here every day, the shit that all decent /jp/ers hate?

>> No.3503567

Some nice anon saved the name "Hatsune Miku" and was nice enough to pass it on.

>> No.3503580

Protip. Gensokyo is made by a tripfag that get off spamming daily thread and shitposting all over /jp/.

Is that really that surprising if they do that in ECO as well? I wonder how their ring chat look like, must be full of XD and gaia faggotry.

>> No.3503586
File: 264 KB, 732x347, 531171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't want to, seriously.
I'm going nuts just trying to get the stuff I need for ice blue hair.
Surprisingly? More like damn right it is. Thanks again Rinsha.

>> No.3503594

Is the emblem enough to spark so much hostility against one guild? Most of whose members did not even get a say with the emblem?

>> No.3503604
File: 190 KB, 800x600, 528744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, didn't we all agree on using the same emblem?
We only got it just now, it's just a placeholder.

>> No.3503605

That is even worse. A guild that is run by a dictatorship where the members don't have any say at all.

>> No.3503622

>it's just a placeholder.
Then it's fine.

>> No.3503625

I started playing as Siesta919, where the hell are you guys?

>> No.3503629

I've got ice blue hair color. Tell me where you are so I can eat it in front of you.

>> No.3503632

Read the thread, check the doc.

>> No.3503646
File: 66 KB, 376x245, mikutear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're lying.

>> No.3503661
File: 838 KB, 1280x960, ss20091006_150920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really want it though. You can have it for a price.

>> No.3503669

Wow almost a hundred?
Is everyone having multiple accounts or what?

>> No.3503670

I'm sure he is, chill out.

Haha, chill... ice blue... ha.

>> No.3503672


>> No.3503682

Some, probably. I don't think many of those are alts though.

>> No.3503687

Got all slots maxed, but only 1 is on the list.

>> No.3503704

seriously, fuck these briking, they keep me killing while i'm slowed by sand crawlers, being a merchant is difficult

>> No.3503813

partying works wonders

>> No.3503847
File: 636 KB, 1024x748, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, i feel kinda odd in this company of maids. Gotta get butler uniform asap.

>> No.3503865


It's over, /jp/ is finished. I'm staying the fuck away from you faggots.

>> No.3503887
File: 26 KB, 411x334, 1251749074917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've already reached that point..?

>> No.3503893
File: 135 KB, 397x331, mikumikumiku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize the stuff in white is general / area chat, right?

>> No.3503894

When you bring Touhou into any online game, this is what you get.

>> No.3503902

The /jp/ lesser rings sure are shit.

>> No.3503904

Because everyone in game is from /jp/ amirite?

Although, I would like it if everyone went around dressed as maids...

>> No.3503939

Well, "d4mn" IS being said by a guy from /jp/ ring, but he's just unhappy about wordfilter-tan being a bitch.

>> No.3503940

Those aren't /jp/ people
You can tell who the /jp/ people are by the fact that they're all crowded around a single table and nobody says anything ever

>> No.3503943


I lol'd

>> No.3503956

The word filter in this game is fucked up as hell

future is an inappropriate word, unless you capitalize it

>> No.3503990
File: 698 KB, 1024x768, ss20091006_120921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its like I really have a chair.

>> No.3504017

"sf" is inappropriate.

>> No.3504040

Funny thing. I wasn't the one that approved that emblem.
Not that I give a shit about it.

>> No.3504142


>> No.3504211

Where do you get the maid uniform?

>> No.3504214

From Cinnamon.

>> No.3504224 [DELETED] 

You a 2.1k uniform you have to trifle with Death.

No, seriously.

>> No.3504231
File: 84 KB, 414x522, 7b3cc147a2f9acd8a88cf17197c1978a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a 2.1k uniform, you have to trifle with death.

No, seriously. You'll want to take a party with you down to the dungeon as meat shields.

>> No.3504233

The requirements for this seem off, I was worried when it said minimum 1gig of ram. I'm running this on 768 just fine.

Yes I have a shit computer

>> No.3504237

You have to find it down a hole. Seriously.

Or alternatively, find some nice person selling it at a jacked-up price. The source NPC sells it for 2.1k, IIRC, for comparison purposes.

>> No.3504246

I got 2 barley straws (farmer job change quest item) while dicking around in the fields. They are in my storage at the moment, pm Audacity if you want them.

>> No.3504279

So, a Cinnamon drops it from whichever dungeon (also, which one is that) it appears in or is it in a chest?

>> No.3504299
File: 86 KB, 795x597, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3504301

Indeed, I have no problem running it with my netbook, so...

>> No.3504303

Cinnamon is a /jp/ merch that rips people off with overpriced semi-rare things. You get it from a dungeon in the north (frozen tunnel or somesuch). It's really hard and unadvisable to do with any less than a full party of 30+ people (with at least one priest and tank).

>> No.3504307
File: 89 KB, 786x591, more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3504331


Is this true...?The requirements appeared to be a bit too much for my pc to handle so I avoided the game

>> No.3504334

here, and I'm running it with some of the better settings.

>> No.3504336

Sorry, meant to say

>> No.3504344
File: 847 KB, 2000x1549, 12123134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard there are robots in this, and I see lolis everywhere.

Can my meido loli ride a giant robot?

>> No.3504353

If you're an Engineer, yes.

>> No.3504362
File: 347 KB, 1333x1000, 1248551968875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking sold.

About how long would that take me?

>> No.3504364


>> No.3504365
File: 4 KB, 126x122, 1244415112563s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I havn't seen anyone on a robot other than in some official screenshots, so probably awhile.

Though you can ride a dragon as any job I think, and probably not take as long. But I guess a dragon isn't a robot. ಠ_ಠ

>> No.3504372
File: 243 KB, 1500x825, 123455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where could I find such screenshots?

>> No.3504378
File: 265 KB, 640x480, ssht20071106ch5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Googling, but here's one of a loli in a robit.

>> No.3504387
File: 151 KB, 984x748, 1245034673531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So moe, downloading now.

>> No.3504390

Post more Puru in return. ;_;

>> No.3504504


It's like I'm really back in school.

>> No.3504562
File: 17 KB, 333x238, Kuroko_Sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't finish Data delivery quest.
I'm level 13, why I have to run through lots of level 20+ mobs that shoot magic that hurts?
Screw that quest, I'm going to just to do other thing.

>> No.3504619

only one robot?

>> No.3504634

There's also gatling cannons as pets, and robot marionettes (that look silly).

>> No.3504635


>> No.3504669

1. Become miner.
2. Try to level.
3. Give up.
4. Reroll.

>> No.3504726

This is a good idea.

>> No.3504742

If you didn't read the whole thread, its at cafe madonna (maid cafe) downtown.

>> No.3504797

I heard you can get a tachikoma has a pet, any info on that? Pics would be great

>> No.3504803
File: 45 KB, 579x434, MotokoandTachikoma2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3504807

Which is where everyone idles, doing nothing other than browsing /jp/.

>> No.3504819
File: 42 KB, 700x857, 1226694210291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So since the game finished updating here I was trying to make an account to roll my engineer, but it's giving me a "wrong account format" error, what's going on?

>> No.3504837

Did Sacchin quit?

>> No.3504838

Account name taken.

>> No.3504850

>rips people off with overpriced semi-rare things

The hell I do. I always go around checking everybody else's prices and then sell my shit for slightly lower, but every once in a while I go on guildchat or /jp/ and talk about how I'm ripping people off.
Srsly, I sell my meidos for 6k, all the other faggots in this shitty grindfest go for like 15k and don't make jack shit because none of the kiddies who play this can grind that much money without spending it all.

I overstock on frilly MOE~ ribbons, meido outfits, and socks that are just recolors of the ones you can find in the main town because I'm STIMULATING THE ECONOMY.
And damnit, I like to think I'm doing a good job. ;_;

>> No.3504853

IGN: Bronove, I saw you guys at the bar.

>> No.3504869
File: 72 KB, 481x650, gainertan.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah figured it out a minute after posting that.

The descriptions in this game are kind of misleading, for a backpacker I need to be Emil race right?

>> No.3504871

still have any maid dresses left?

>> No.3504878

Sony Pefang 3 has NO EGGS

>> No.3504881

Like six of 'em, getting a restock soon too.

Nobody's buying them because fucking Gensokyo did a shitton of Glacial Tunnel runs and broke the economy by pouring them all out so fast. All while I was sleeping at the end of the first day.

feels bad man ;_;

>> No.3504893

>Start to attack a monster
>game freezes for a minute
>Omae wa mo...shindeiru

This is pretty much the main thing I've experienced after 29 levels. Not too bad of a grindan game, but goddamn, I hate being set back 3% every time Gayguard or the shitty server or whatever decides to fuck with my poor loli. ;_;

>> No.3504905

I wanna buy a Maid dress, would anyone sell me one?
How much would it cost?

I've only got 4k bux, would that be enough?

>> No.3504910

>Gibmimoniplz HUEHUEHUEHUE
Thats how i read your post

>> No.3504914

If you're high enough level go and do one of those 'Gift to Grandson' quests, preferably 2, and get like 3k jewgolds from it.
Considering you're asking for a meido outfit you're probably at least level 16 - the req to wear it - meaning you should have 2 by now.

Then go buy a meido for 6k from Cinnamon at Acro north bridge.
Enjoy your moe~

>> No.3504919

And when you hit level 24...

1.) Set your res spot to North Promenade
2.) Get the Greeting the North Quest.
3.) ???
4.) 5k gold!

And at 29 there's a quest that's almost exactly the same, except you set the point to the south, and make 6k gold.

>> No.3504935

Hahaha no.

I'm level 8.

>> No.3504942

Get a marionette. Especially the salamander it runs fast.

>> No.3504981

Two questions;

Still wondering if anyone has any high quality cloth, or leg bandages.

As for the second one, whats a good monster/zone to grind at 15/15, I'm outta quest points so I don't need quest suggestions at the moment.

You can do backpacker jobs as any race, actually all jobs work for all races.

>> No.3504994

I'm impressed, you can already feel the grind at level 2.

>> No.3505001

If only you didn't act like a moron almost every time I see you reply in a thread, I wouldn't feel so bad for doing this.

Two maps south of Acropolis near the southwest warp, try the FlyFish there but beware of the robots, especially the king. There might be better spots depending on your job and build, but it's generally a good spot overall.

Other than that, ChockKo's and Salad Urchins are still a good choice even at 17 considering how quick you slay one for the exp they give.

>> No.3505015

Tips for those who just started and who are using warrior or backpackers up dex first to 20 before u do anything else. i learned that the hard way.

>> No.3505018

Lake Utena is pretty good. You have tons of Chockoos in the north, Sand Crawlers, Earth Spiders, and Bawoos in the south that give 23-30 exp, or undead pandas if you're a vate and want to heal something to death. Killer Bee village is also decent. Larvas and killer bees for melee, wasps for casters, and you can pick up treasure 6 boxes.

>> No.3505023

Possessing people has to of been made for powerleveling others.

I'm currently possessing a guy while he's also possessed by a wizard, and we're killing Cinnamons.

I've already gained nearly 8 levels and it'd just been an hour.

>> No.3505028

Thanks, maybe I should finally go with Id to the stupid bee village ;_;

And this applies to all melee fighters, as you can't hit a fucking thing otherwise. Almost every time I died has been from missing like 90% of the time.

>> No.3505032


The game is damn broken, it's useless being a melee class. All you do is have a mage possess you and run around killing high level mobs.

>> No.3505033

Also it boosts attack speed.

>> No.3505039

I wouldn't say that, it's helpful to be a meleeclass if only because you can take hits for the wizards while they've possessed you instead of having to kite enemys all the time.

>> No.3505041

Another thing! People who are possessing others can randomly take hits from enemys the possessed person is hit by.

So you gotta watch out, or else those wizards might get one shotted.

>> No.3505061
File: 22 KB, 317x365, Kuroko_Shock3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

16/16 now.
Where can I buy the level 16 spear? Also what's better, level 15 armor or level 16 maid costume?
Also, high guard skill is OLEV.

>> No.3505075

Define "better."

Meido outfit if you want to look MOE~ like the rest of /jp/.

Armor if you actually want to live.

I'll be waiting for your money in Acro north bridge, bro.

>> No.3505080


>> No.3505081

any ring emblem that features anything but cirno would be a failure the likes a which /jp/ could never recover from

>> No.3505086

Get out.

>> No.3505089

Are rings starting to get empty already?

>> No.3505090

Forget armor, it's useless unless you're some shitty tank class.
You get the meidofuku at the dungeon west of Snov Fork. Get a party of 20+ levelled meatshields together and go for it.

>> No.3505094

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.3505096

Gensokyo is at 14/17 right now.

>> No.3505097
File: 19 KB, 222x403, Kuroko_Shock1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god level 15 hard leather armor looks terrible on me, guess I'll go for the maid costume.

>> No.3505104 [DELETED] 

> ya i readed dat on aпﻩпtaاk.com two day's ago
I laughed out loudly... NOT!

>> No.3505106

Goddamnit Jones, stop trying to take my customers from me. ;_;

I have more of these than I can even count anymore, still vending the crap out of meidos for half everybody else's prices in Acro north. Just for you, /jp/.
And maybe some Chinese gold farmers who have extra cash, because there are plenty of those around.

>> No.3505120

Oh free costumes, sure I'll have i-
>Get a party

>> No.3505148

Any lvl 20+ party around?

>> No.3505149

Pretty Girl Squad is a ring full of liars.

Penguins don't drop dragon eggs. They only drop Milk, Ice Candy, and little vials that have my tears in them. ;_;

>> No.3505165

Where can I learn to make/craft or buy the hair dyes?

>> No.3505171

Make new accounts, the beautician in uptown gives you one random free dye per account.
You can also get them from opening boxes but don't expect that to happen.

Don't buy them from other players, let the dumbass kids with money to blow do that.

>> No.3505172

Ha ha ha ha.

Now i'm going to sit here and eat my delicious taco salad while watching these two guys grind, and absorb delicious exp.

>> No.3505195

Based on jp ecowiki they tell the truth.

>> No.3505232
File: 276 KB, 1024x570, Fuck_You.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ah, I forgot to tell you
>You can't enter [Beginner's School] once you gain a certain amount of experience.

>> No.3505260

If I didn't already have high bloodpressure I'm fairly sure I do now. Fucking lag, I'm taking a break.

>> No.3505264

Getting on now. Anyone knows where can a 37/36 miner grind? I'm sick of willydoos and pefangs that dont drop eggs.

>> No.3505268

Am I the only one who has no lag at all, ever?

>> No.3505276

I guess.

>> No.3505284

I don't want any breaks, server is making me take one ;_;

>> No.3505297

What's your location/server anyway.

>> No.3505301

Server maintenance gaems

>> No.3505306


I just had a great idea (read: terrible)

Okay just follow me with this one...

5 warlocks.

4 of them possess one guy.

Would they be able to kill the shit out of everything?

Would they die instantly?

>> No.3505311

On a side note, if you guys have any ideas for extreme relaxing music, that would probably go good with ECO, to keep you from getting pissed off from lag.

>> No.3505315


>> No.3505316

Uh, I'm not sure if 3 or 4 is the possess limit, but yeah, the exp from that would be kinda eh, I would think.

>> No.3505325

Maybe they'll fix the lag.

Looks like my break got extended.

>> No.3505333

Well that is a good point, but I figure the speed at which they'd tear through things would counter the lower exp gain.

It'd probably be less effective at the start, but eventually wouldn't they be DARK LORDS OF ULTIMATE DESTRUCTION?!

Or some shit like that anyway?

>> No.3505336

>NOW I'M 8%

True story.

>> No.3505338

Was listening Vague in winter albums before d/c
Server doesn't want me to reach level 15 ;_;

>> No.3505340


>> No.3505342

Please remove gameguard, please remove gameguard, please remove gameguard...

>> No.3505344

Keep us updated on server status. I want back in as soon as it's up!

>> No.3505346

Maintenance is two hours, according to the website.

>> No.3505360


>> No.3505362

I see I see.

Thank you Jones.

Still this is quite curious, I thought they did maintenance on Wednesday, not Tuesday.

>> No.3505369

It's Wednesday over there. GMT+8.

>> No.3505385

Bossa nova.

>> No.3505404

what kind of black magic is this? chinks getting a full day on us

>> No.3505459

I approve of your choice in album.

>> No.3505486

Woo, finally got started as a Farmer.

Can't hit shit in combat (less than 50% on stuff my level), though the damage is like a warrior class.

But I'm making so much damn money, even at low levels. 40k at base and job level 9.

>> No.3505494

I live in California, and I'm on the only server that exists for the game, and I get no lag yeah.

>> No.3505500

So...What music do you guys listen to while playing?
I prefer blue oyster cult because i'm a big normalmusicfag

>> No.3505504


Farmers make money consistently regardless of level, but Miners that become Blacksmiths rake in the big money later.

>> No.3505513
File: 120 KB, 350x229, Gumi_Opinion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Random stuff by Gumi and Luka.
Except during the select character screen, man, I love that song, the only ECO song I like.

>> No.3505524

It's decent. The game has alot of decent music.

You just lost The Game

>> No.3505527
File: 62 KB, 915x673, minerflowchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I needed to vent my frustrations while the server was down, so yeah.

Two thousands years, MS Paint, etc.

>> No.3505530

I'm actually listening to type-moon soundtracks right now, but I drift from this to things like Jefferson Airplane and such.

>> No.3505539

That is such a strange thing to switch from.

And yet it seems so right.

>> No.3505540

take your shit memes back to /b/

>> No.3505543

So true ;_;

>> No.3505547

That's the flowchart for every backpacker.

>> No.3505553

Yeah, its like going from relaxing to intense relaxing.

But then my playlist ends and I have a few moments of trying to find another album.

>> No.3505569

Grindan to Emiya must be pretty nice.

>> No.3505576

I listen to Kirby music.

>> No.3505588


So I'm not the only one... ...

>> No.3505589
File: 48 KB, 438x431, flawlesstroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get home from my normalfag job to find maintenance. god ECO trolled me...

>> No.3505590


>> No.3505621

Might be okay, depends on if its general kirby or a select few.

>> No.3505635

I open my Touhou music folder, close my eyes, and randomly select a song. I feel like a fag.

Also, that one song that plays when you're in Acronia Forest is great. It's like I'm listening to a scaled-down early-contemporary symphony. Great song to cool down while running quests for THAT FUCKING CURRYFAG GRRRRRR.

>> No.3505644

I love the Guild Merchant music, but I HATE the Uptown Acropolis music.

>> No.3505656

Super star ultra

>> No.3505657

The only backpacker that gets away with minimal combat is a smart merchant.

Farmer has to fight for some things, and a lot of their spots for non-combat targets are full of aggressive mobs. Miner and Ranger will fight constantly.

>> No.3505670

We need a new thread.

>> No.3505679

Durr, checked through the system files, and the song I was talking about WAS the aforementioned title screen theme.

Time to convert and put on my mp3.

>> No.3505738

new thread >>3505736
