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35173678 No.35173678 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to Renko?

I was re-reading neo traditionalism of japan and though about what happened to Renko. Did she die? Is she the first generation of the Hakurei miko? Just got abandoned by future past Yukari? What did you say /jp/.

>> No.35173718

But she's just a normal person, right?

>> No.35173792

Reimu too, but she was blessed by the gods to enforce danmaku and spell card rules, personally I believe Renko is the first Hakurei miko and that's the reason Yukari use the Hakurei name in the barrier.

>> No.35173903

I think the Touhou story is a bunch of incoherent nonsense made up by a wacky daffy gook

>> No.35173964

I don't follow. What does Renko have to do with the name 'Hakurei'?

>> No.35174021

Directly, nothing, but it make no sense Merry becoming Yukari and that's all, Renko becoming irrelevant and etc. In neo traditionalism of japan we can see Merry and Renko in the Izanagi plates, so we know she can transport other people using boundaries, and then there's the point about Hakurei miko's, they just appeared and even Reimu is a mysterious being in gensokyo and she's like the 30th or 40th generation of miko.

We need a need music collection at some point but old man is lazy.

>> No.35174050

Renko and Merry have supernatural abilities, though Renko's is something a GPS could replicate whilst Merry's is Yukari-tier.
I still think Merry and Yukari are one and the same, there's too many coincidences to dismiss.
The only thing we can be sure about Renko is that she's likely a descendant of Sumireko and Yukari's oddly relaxed about Sumi, despite the threat she posed to the barrier at one point and being an Outsider. It's like she knows something everyone else doesn't.

>> No.35174102

>We need a need music collection at some point but old man is lazy.
He'll release a new CD this year. I can feel it. Hifuu's been on his mind considering the Izanagi objects in UM.

>> No.35174362

I suppose so, maybe a Sumireko mention who knows, the old man is developing Sumi story for 5 years now and he bring the Izanagi objects topic again, the only thing we know for sure is: Sumi is a key character even if most of fandom don't care about her.

>> No.35174409
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I like Sumi...

>> No.35174507
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As every hifuu appreciator, Sumireko arc specially in AoCF was a key piece to look back at PMiSS lost memo, Merry says the dream world is important to "travel" and Sumi always go to gensokyo when she sleeps. Yukari can exploit the boundaries of the dream world too so everything is connected.

>> No.35175997
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Found some theories saying Renko IS Reimu but that makes little to no sense at all, whose are the Hakurei before Reimu if she's Renko.

>> No.35176027

Renko being the first Hakurei shrine maiden doesn't make much sense either, you gonna tell me that Sumireko's the great-grandma of Reimu's predecessor?

>> No.35176096

Yes, time travel is possible as you can read in PMiSS lost memo, if Yukari traveled to the past she could bring Renko with her.

>> No.35176577

>time travel

>could it be that the Dream World is actually the memories of the substance that makes up the soul?

>She (Reimu) says that the world is made up of three layers.
>The third layer is the layer of memory, which is the recollection of events that lies within all things. Since it's only possible to add to the memory layer, it's impossible to completely recreate the past. If something were to happen that already occurred in the past, then there would be a contradiction because that would imply that memory was lost, which is impossible. The memory layer always continues to build up.
>The physical layer follows the laws of physics, the mental layer explains the outcomes and the memory layer alters probability, mutually creating the future. Reimu said that excepting the cases when something has already happened in the past, it is impossible to predict the future.

What does it mean?

>> No.35176942
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Well, in AoCF you can see how the dreams can enslave someone else body and spiriting away people like Sumi and Yukari knew that, maybe everything is just a bring bootstrap paradox, Yukari helps Sumi to not give up with the hifuu, some years later Merry and Renko enters the club, Merry powers start to grow after torifune ruins incident and then something happened and she traveled to gensokyo for good to loop the cycle.

Also tg;dr
