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352145 No.352145 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.352159


>> No.352160

Needs to be bigger to include more characters.

>> No.352167

I think you misplaced Reimu there.

>> No.352172

But Maribel and Renko aren't in Gensokyo, so yeah!

>> No.352188

yea but they are human

>> No.352190

But they're not in Gensokyo, so yeah!

>> No.352191
File: 36.00 MB, 3005x2308, 1206884564577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a relationship map for touhou?
Pic somewhat related.

>> No.352197

Mima's not a true goddess. She's a ghost.

>> No.352208

Ran's not a real kitsune. And Chen is not a real nekomata. They're shikigami.

>> No.352211


Reimu is not a undead zombie

>> No.352217


Shikigami is a sub-status of youkai. Think bitch of another more POWAful youkai.

>> No.352219

>>352208 not real best girls
>their race is shikigami

>> No.352236

Ran, the fox that was being abused, is not an animal at all but a shikigami.
Shikigami are not animals, but rather merely tools, and the more one uses tools the more love there is.
That is why she uses her frequently.
She says that just loving is not enough, that this is another form of love as she smacks the fox's head with her parasol.

"Listen. Shikigami need only to do as they are ordered. Today, you went ahead and fought with humans, did you not? I do not recall ordering that. No matter what happens before your eyes, even before any danger that may approach you, you are only to do as I say. That's what's best for you."

Yukari: At any rate, I'll explain once again for the sake of Ran's honour. That isn't abuse, it's discipline. Ran is a shikigami, so if she doesn't do exactly as I say she can't make use of her full strength. Even so, she ignored orders and went off and fought with humans. So I scolded her.

Yukari: Not at all. The only danger is from fighting. Do you understand? Ran is not a fox, but a shikigami.

Yukari: By following my will, shikigami can achieve power equal to my level. Therefore, if she properly follows my orders, it would be impossible for her to lose. If she takes selfish actions, her power will be weakened to something that can't even be compared to mine. Fighting in that state is nothing other than foolish.

>> No.352262

Shes the closes thing to a deity to the Hakurei Shrine and shes powerful enough, roll with it.

>> No.352266


Shikigami isn't a race it's position like master and servant.

>> No.352286

>Shikigami are not animals, but rather merely tools, and the more one uses tools the more love there is.
>Ran is not a fox, but a shikigami.

>> No.352300

She is a fucking fox youkai turned into Yukari's bitch and given a new name.
>In truth, she is a fox turned youkai. Like Chen, her shape is unchanged and she has a well-rounded personality. Even without looking closely, it's obvious that she has several tails. As a matter of fact, when it matters, she has plenty of power even without support from a shikigami.

>> No.352315

WTF ? Chiyuri is a human.

>> No.352316


How about you go look up the definition of shikigami for yourself instead of relying on a half-baked fan translation.

>> No.352320

She's a fucking alien, you can't call her human.

>> No.352322

How does Sakuya know what PC-98 is?

>> No.352340

>Mima is the Night Mother of Gensokyo. People secretly pray to her to ruin the lives of their enemies, and she whispers trolling suggestions in the ear of her sleeping shrine maiden, who then sallies forth and ruins aforementioned lives.

>> No.352351

Then that chart should have alien section for Chiyuri and Yumemi.

>> No.352356

So everytime Reimu is a bitch we should blame Mima

>> No.352366

But Mima is awesome whereas Reimu is not.

>> No.352376

But it's still Mima's fault Reimu acts like a bitch so yeah!

>> No.352392

Aren't Eirin, Reisin and Kaguya aliens as well?

>> No.352393

Yes, Lunarians.

>> No.352394

But Mima's awesomeness makes me forgive her, so yeah!

>> No.352558
File: 67 KB, 500x500, 1206888729545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And hot

>> No.352581

Shikigami is a status.

Yukari offered Aya to be Shikigami once.

>> No.352618

My ass

>> No.352616

Where did you get this from?

>> No.352630

Luize is so fucking hot! I used to know someone in RL who looked just like her.
And isn't her name Louise? I noticed it's the same kana as Zero no Louise.

>> No.352632


>> No.352690

Rika is a human engineer. What the fuck.

>> No.352716

Why are Tewi and Riesen on two different species branches? Whose idea was it to stick fauna in a completely different category than youkai? Why the fuck aren't ghosts and poltergeists undead? Jesus McShitting Fuckstick Christ, you've somehow managed to fail at geeky taxonomy of imaginary creatures and fictional characters!

>> No.352720

>>352716 Why are Tewi and Riesen on two different species branches?
Unlimited Facepalm Works

>> No.353174


>> No.353203

You know what? I just woke up in a good mood so I shall be kind enough to put out to you just how stupid you really are and why >>352720 and >>353174 along with everyone else who read this thread is laughing so hard at your stupidity right now.

>Why are Tewi and Riesen on two different species branches?
Because Tewi is a youkai rabbit and Reisen is a moon rabbit.

>Whose idea was it to stick fauna in a completely different category than youkai?
If you actually read the chart, you would see that fauna is part of the youkai category which is also broken up into Tengu, Humanoid, Magician, and Fairy.

>Why the fuck aren't ghosts and poltergeists undead?
Because ghosts and poltergeists aren't undead. They're dead. That is why they are ghosts and poltergeist.

>Jesus McShitting Fuckstick Christ, you've somehow managed to fail at geeky taxonomy of imaginary creatures and fictional characters!
And you've just failed at life.
