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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3634339 No.3634339 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a refugee from /a/, it's gone to shit. What does /jp/ do to cheer up?

>> No.3634341

Drown in our sorrow.

>> No.3634340

What are you talking about? /a/ is great.

>> No.3634352 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 512x640, 6d910243e96dca616621e05a40205f71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/a/non here as well.
Please /jp/, we used to be one.

>> No.3634349

Play Extravaganza, I'm not joking.

>> No.3634354

Don't come here with your offtopic /relationshit9k/.

Reported. Try again with a VN or Touhou game.

>> No.3634347


No, it's worse than /b/ at the moment.

>> No.3634358

sage for viral marketing

>> No.3634360

>it's gone to shit
/a/ has been shit for a long time. Why would you leave now?

>> No.3634361
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Look at this dog! Isn't he awesome?

>> No.3634365 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3634373

I went into /a/ for the first time in ages today. There were three threads that appeared to be seriously discussing Naruto.

I miss the days when I could call /a/ home. ;_; I miss being able to have seven-thread long discussions about the Expanded Nanohaverse.....

>> No.3634374

>Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.3634376 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 480x560, 9dd41ca7a04dd25a48fd98e03d049e51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kyonko thread? Since the ones in /a/ keep getting spammed.

>> No.3634383
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I'm glad you said that. It goes to show /jp/ does not let bullshit slide by.

As offtopic as it may be, I felt I had to make this thread. /a/ is total garbage as a board lately, and many people are coming here. :3

>> No.3634387

I take it easy.

>> No.3634390
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>> No.3634396
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So if I post about KS it will be fine?

>> No.3634394

No thanks.

>> No.3634398

No. This isn't /a2/.

>> No.3634400
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>> No.3634403


>> No.3634404


Stay here a while. You'll soon find out /jp/ is worse then /a/.

>> No.3634406

You can try, but there's not much to discuss.

>> No.3634408
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I second this motion.

>> No.3634410

What would be the point in coming here though? This isn't Anime/Manga, so how would it replace /a/ for you?

>> No.3634413

gay shit goes in /y/

>> No.3634414

I deleted my Kyonko images, as I don't want to upset our care takers.

>> No.3634418

Kyonko is female....
Her counterpart is male, but she is a totally different person, a FEMALE.
How many times must I explain this.

>> No.3634420

I can't even remember the last Nanoha thread that did not derail into imagedumps or shipperfaggotry.

>> No.3634423

nobody cares faggot

>> No.3634426

Now if only the thread would be deleted.

Stop getting trolled.

>> No.3634430

I did not create this thread.

>> No.3634440

How am I getting trolled?

>> No.3634439

I did not say that you did.

>> No.3634441

I paid /a/ a visit a few days ago. Unfortunately, the only thread that I was interested in was a Golden Sun imagedump (off-topic naturally, but OP scooted into gray area by saying, "Why isn't there a Golden Sun anime?").

There was also a GL imagedump thread I noticed, but after I refreshed page 0 it disappeared. I then spent 10 minutes constantly refreshing and going through the first 4 pages in a wild goose chase before I found it again because /a/ moves too fast.

>> No.3634450

You could have marked it as watched.

>> No.3634454

By taking the bait.

>> No.3634458

Yes, /a/ has been shit for a long while, but recently it's hit a new low.
Pretty much EVERY anime thread discussing something that's not Naruto has a constant spam of people writing "sauc? xD" (not kidding, I SERIOUSLY saw that earlier today in a couple of threads). That's including stuff like Cowboy Bebop and Trigun.

I could stand being there a couple of months ago, some of the discussion at least held an okay standard...but now whenever I try to go there I just feel...angry.

>> No.3634461

I had never really got that into looking at Kyonko comic strips/ images until recently. I did not know people trolled with that line. Good to know.
See /jp/ is already better than /a/.

>> No.3634463

two /a/ threads in the front page... is this the start of a raid or something?

either way, get the fuck out, we don't want your kind here.

>> No.3634465

Threadwatchers suck, all of them. Just open interesting threads in new tabs.

>> No.3634483

Meta threads are a /jp/ staple, unfortunately.

>> No.3634488

>Just open interesting threads in new tabs
>implying people use a browser that isn't IE6

>> No.3634515

I haven't been to /a/ in a long while.
I can only imagine how far down the shitter it's gone at this point.

>> No.3634527

Can't possibly be as bad as /v/ has become.

>> No.3634529

>Just open interesting threads in new tabs.
Of course. It's just that by the time I thought I'd take it a look at it, it was already off on some other page. Anyway, /a/ moves way too fast.

It was also full of garbage like a "my HD crashed, please post reaction images here" thread, a KS CYOA thread, hypothetical situations "what would you do" /r9k/ nonsense (unfortunately, these are fairly common in /jp/ too), etc. I checkup /a/ about once every 2 months, but in only an hour I quickly realize why I can't stay there anymore.

>> No.3634539 [DELETED] 

The main problem that /jp/ has are the trolls, some extremely retarded tripfags, and some shitty "memes" that people keep fucking repeating OVER and OVER.

The trolls are, well, trolls and are usually pretty obvious, the tripfags are annoying but hey, at least they're still far away from Lanced Jack-level, and fuck the memes.

Neither of those can even compare to the invasion of obviously underage "^^"spamming gaiafaggots that are currently shitting up /a/. They don't fucking have the common sense or patience to fucking lurk, and just keep shitting up threads with their constant "saus pls" requests in pretty much ALL threads.

The newfags in /jp/ are at least usually polite.

>> No.3634545
File: 29 KB, 500x375, CantBeUnseen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is currently an MSN thread. That is how fucking bad it has gotten.

>> No.3634549

The main problem that /jp/ has are the trolls, some extremely retarded tripfags, and some shitty "memes" that people keep fucking repeating OVER and OVER.

The trolls are, well, trolls and are usually pretty obvious, the tripfags are annoying but hey, at least they're still far away from Lanced Jack-level, and fuck the memes.

Neither of those can even compare to the invasion of obviously underage "^^"spamming gaiafaggots that are currently shitting up /a/. They don't fucking have the common sense or patience to fucking lurk, and just keep shitting up threads with their constant "saus pls" requests in pretty much ALL threads.
That, and the fucking /b/ faggotry.

The newfags in /jp/ are at least usually polite.

>> No.3634558

>MSN thread.
I don't know how to feel about this.

I only go to /a/ during the start of a new season for the current season lineup.

>> No.3634557

/v/ is basically /b/-lite and is still much, much better then /a/.

>> No.3634567
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I feel depressed about it.

>> No.3634572

At least /jp/ has the advantage of most outsiders not knowing what the hell it's supposed to be about, so that fewer people bother coming in the first place.

>> No.3634577

Subscribe to Chartfag's RSS feed. Get the chart at the beginning of each season. Never have to go to /a/.

http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/12019 makes /v/ so much more browsable.

>> No.3634581

>I only go to /a/ during the start of a new season for the current season lineup.

Don't even need to do that, man. Just check up on Chartfag's website once and a while.

>> No.3634586

I usually just take a couple seconds to google. I usually never end up finishing anything anyways.

>> No.3634587

Fuck off and reported.
Learn to lurk quietly and stop shitposting. Nobody bother where the fuck you come from as well

>> No.3634588

Exact same for me as well, was happy to find out Darker Than Black 2 finally began.

>> No.3634598

Holy shit.

I always had to go to /a/ and fucking /r/ for the charts. Now I never have to leave /jp/.


>> No.3634604

Yes, but the people who do come think we're supposed to be Japanophile haven, Japanese worshipers (which is why /b/ invasions always try to use the atom bomb angle to get people angry, but fail spectacularly), Japanese language experts and free translators, travel guides to Japan, or Japanese cultural/sociological experts. It's fairly annoying.

>> No.3634615

I still think moot should have make a /2d/ instead of /jp/.

>> No.3634637

I like how >>>/a/27045515 has so many replies, but when it was posted on /jp/, received almost none.

>> No.3634705

so what is /jp/

>> No.3634722

Shitting and pissing - general.

Do people still talk about that I haven't been here since C76.

>> No.3634725

VNs, Touhou, Doujin, Idolfaggotry/General

>> No.3634735

>VNs, Doujin Games, Figurines

Do not acknowledge the Idolaters.

>> No.3634866

Depends on the time of day and the day of the week.
