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File: 1.52 MB, 1200x2400, __remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_mechrailgun__e1f4c13d32c1bc75edddafdce53ca5d3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
36539602 No.36539602 [Reply] [Original]

In case you have any questions or answers regarding touhou lore you want to stave off your chest, feel free to dump them in this thread.

>> No.36539821

why is cirno blue?

>> No.36539998

She's an ice fairy.
Also Cirno is brown.

>> No.36540395
File: 167 KB, 620x550, 1629601324768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you explain what kind of relationship Yuyuko and Yukari had before Yuyuko died? And what official work goes into this subject with more detail?

Second, how old are Reimu, Marisa, and all the other human Touhous? I was reading Lotus Eaters earlier and it appears minors can’t drink alcohol based on Miyoi and Suika’s conversation in Geidontei. Wiki says they are around 14-16 but i find that hard to believe since they constantly get drunk at every banquet.

>> No.36540442

I'm sorry, I haven't read any supplementary materials. But I would like to know that as well.

>> No.36540495
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Can lunarians have sex?

>> No.36540528

They can, and they have.
That's why there're so many rabbits on the moon.

>> No.36541064

But babies come from peaches.

>> No.36541553

Do you have any proof for that claim?

>> No.36541794

>relationship Yuyuko and Yukari had before Yuyuko died
I read a nice doujin lately. It might not answer your question but it was a nice read https://mangadex.org/title/02df0f4a-7ee8-4e15-a528-1727a164fae5/touhou-time-of-the-full-moon-doujinshi

>> No.36541817

I never made it to Yukari's extra stage, do they reference each other or what? Is Yukari supposed to be the youkai Yuyuko tried to resurrect in the first place?

>> No.36541825

Why are crow tengus being victims of racism among tengus that Aya can't rise in ranks? I doubt its because theyre weak since Aya is among the stronger youkais in Gensokyo

>> No.36541839

Crows are black.

>> No.36544532
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the relationship of this two

>> No.36544558
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in the canon, it's Suwako the only no virgin girl of Gensokyo?

>> No.36544611

Nope, neither Reimu, Marisa nor Chen ever had sex. Cope.

>> No.36544624

Junko had a son, Seiga and the Watatsuki were married but we don't know more than that.

>> No.36544635

Forgot to add Koishi, Wriggle, Shinmyoumaru and the Prismriver sisters.

>> No.36544641

Don't forget Sanae! Sanae is a good girl!

>> No.36544655
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aya can't rise in rank because she's a shitter (canonically loses all the newspaper competitions) and hatate can't rise in ranks because she's a shut-in
megumu rose through the ranks and now beats people with her tripod, so maybe the rest all have brain damage
the white wolf tengu are actually seen as lesser though, not allowed off the mountain and never being more than the guard dogs

>> No.36544674

I wish ZUN would come out and give a long list of which Touhou characters are not virgins. Junko is not a virgin. Suwako isn't. Parsee probably isn't. Kaguya might not be a virgin either. Alice isn't a virgin because she gets raped by men every other day.

>> No.36544728
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Get off the computer, Sanae.

>> No.36544841

Why does Alice keep running into those unfortunate situations?

>> No.36545212
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You think Alice have it bad?

>> No.36546406
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Are you saying I was lied to?

>> No.36546771

I don't think there are IDs in Gensokyo. Has a legal drinking age been stated? I think I remember Marisa wearing a disguise in Geidontei. As for the banquets, those are held at Hakurei Shrine right? I'm sure all the visitors bring something be it food or sake. It's not like being underage has stopped anyone from anything before.

>> No.36546827
File: 457 KB, 566x800, 58831447_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if outside world's logic doesnt apply in gensokyo then wireless electricity would work ?

>> No.36547184

what's the title of that doujin?

>> No.36547263

>wireless electricity
That's already possible here though

>> No.36547348

They had a friendship as it’s stated Yuyuko’s friend buried her under the tree Yukari is said to be a very old friend and knew Yuyuko when she was human
There isn’t much but enough to create a doujinshi about, which is what ZUN wanted

>> No.36547350

Child's Day
It's a Sakuya doujin.

>> No.36547386


>> No.36547403

What's known about Remilia's (and by extension, Flandre's) past? Remi's theme song is called 'Septette of the Dead Princess', so were they actual royalty before they turned into vampires or what?

>> No.36553586


>> No.36554695

In the sexwork business.

>> No.36557742
File: 115 KB, 1080x1325, cirno at his computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you even extract any story/lore from the games? hardly any of the dialogue makes sense
is it just from the mangas instead? where does it come from?

>> No.36558159


>> No.36558180
File: 554 KB, 1200x895, 1619738497364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marissa got mixed up with the cartel and missed a shipment of her shroom "potions"?

>> No.36558269
File: 511 KB, 1443x2048, b036ef919b619e3dfd34d853ec4324cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when is Chang'e going to get beat up

>> No.36558272

Since this loremaster is absolute garbage, I'd say you're at the wrong address to ask questions here.

>> No.36560440
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what's the relationship between these two?

>> No.36564966


>> No.36565638

She reflects the color of the sky... She's blue because that's what was decided for in her design.

>> No.36565843

At the milking males for their semen business.

>> No.36565911

Wow, Alice sure has a lot of different jobs to attend to.

>> No.36565935

They're nearing or in their 30s, and you're probably looking at a shit wiki. Also in Lotus Eaters the owner serves Suika hard alcohol even though she looks like a child and is pretending to be human.
Although the girls are full adults, ZUN put the series in "Sazar-san" (or Simpsons)time, meaning that time moves but their ageing is slowed/stopped

>> No.36565949

And for Yuyuko/Yukari: they're good friends and it's implied that Yukari sealed the Saigyou Ayakashi with Yuyuko's body, making her "immortal" (as a ghost). There are many details about the time period that we are not privy to.

Interesting note: although Suika and Yuyuko are friends with Yukari, Yuyuko seems to hate Suika in particular. Check IaMP stuff to see how negatively she views Suika, even though Suika's aroma/fragrance was something "nostalgic" to her that attracted her.

Suika seems to be basically fine with her. Headcanon: Suika helped out during the suicide and sealing drama somehow, but Yuyuko hates her for some reason although Suika bears no grudge

>> No.36565950

The Lunie you posted fucks her nephew, who was born from her sister having fucked.

>> No.36565960

>megumu rose through the ranks
Nothing really indicates that you can really rise or lower in rank. It reads a lot more like a caste society, because based around Akyuu's article in PMiSS on tengu physical features/birth are what determine your status and position.

>> No.36565977


Alice sometimes asks Marisa for help when there's something troubling youkai society. Marisa finds Alice quite annoying, and not useful as a reference point. They hardly interact outside of major incidents. Alice is, however, intrigued by Marisa's path as a magician and does seem to at least care about her somewhat, though most of that feeling is only in Imperishable Night and the IaMP cross review of Strange Creators of Outer World. In these few instances she comes across as a little tsundere. In IN, Marisa is very much put off by that, but they at least seem to be friendly acquaintances.

>> No.36565986

>we don't know more than that
Toyohime had a son. Yorihime married him. Incest

Also Parsee's youkai backstory would mean that she had a husband. Okina is a mother goddess and if she is who she's supposed to be has birthed at least 80 children, one of which could be Kanako but who knows.

>> No.36565990

Patchy is not that kind of lady.

>> No.36566013

>What's known about Remilia's (and by extension, Flandre's) past?
Next to nothing. What you can read in their profiles is all you really have. Titles of songs can't be taken too seriously, but Remilia is never called a princess anywhere so she probably isn't a princess (all other princess characters are referred to as such (Yuyuko, Shinmyoumaru, Kaguya),
We do know what Remilia is not, and that is "a descendant of Vlad Tepes". Other than that, She has known Patchouli for a long time and is her close friend. She seems to have adopted and named Sakuya and has known her for a very long time. She locked up Flandre for centuries because Flandre is dangerous. She hired Meiling at some point. She moved into Gensokyo and started an incident BEFORE EoSD, in which she rampaged across the land, forged a devil's contract for human sacrifices, and basically got the spell card rules to be made.

>> No.36568934

>We do know what Remilia is not, and that is "a descendant of Vlad Tepes".
I was completely fooled by her stage theme, it seems.

>> No.36572494

Are you reading the character profiles and so of each game? they help make sense of them.

>> No.36572605

Are all Touhou characters acquainted with one another?

>> No.36575159

Basically, due to parties, the fast spread of news and rumors, and just general interaction. I'd say very few characters are not acquainted at some point with others. Doesn't mean they tend to hang out, though

>> No.36577405

Yet ZUN introduces new characters Reimu has never met before every few years. Hell, in the latest game appeared the Yamawaro for the first time, a whole species on the mountain no protagonist knew about.

>> No.36577551

The yamawaro were in horned hermit though. Plus aren't the kappas and them naturally shy.

>> No.36577675
File: 242 KB, 1064x1838, e9db65bb946e673613dfa16d25ea1504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Mima Marisa's mother? I've read about this in the past but they also mentioned that she was her "master" much like what Kasen is to Reimu
On that same note, who are Reimu's parents? what do they do? are they even still alive?

>> No.36577760

Yeah, that's my point. Not all touhoes know each other since folks like that exist and will continue to exist for as long as ZUN makes new games.

>> No.36577814

What about the characters outside Gensokyo?

>> No.36578161

Obviously anon was talking about introduced characters.

They very much do NOT tend to interact with Gensokyoans.

>> No.36578181

Just a Master. Also Kasen is no master of Reimu, though maybe she likes to think of herself as that (and there was one time she trained Reimu like a hermit)

We don't know who Reimu's parents are/were. It's kind of safe to assume they're dead as prior to the spell card rules they needed to fight youkai, gods, and others to the death, and Reimu has not learned any of her shrine's rites. In other words they were, or at least her mother was, not with her from a very young age.

>> No.36579311

>Obviously anon was talking about introduced characters
Not obvious, and there still are introduced characters who don't know each other like the mountain hag or Reimu's shrine pet from th16.

>> No.36580161

She's quit the hard working little Magician. She's a stripper, a prostitute (80 % of the money earn in that department in Gensokyou come from Alice, amazing isn't it?), a Puppeteer for the little Kids, Seman Milker for the Adults and she even makes/repairs Clothes for the Villagers. Nobody is as hardworking as her.

>> No.36580190

Pluse Kasen, Suika and Yuugi are Oni's. There is no way they haven't at least raped somebody in their over 1000 years long live.

>> No.36582133

Could someone explain Touhou 17's plot in an easy to understand way? Because I still don't fucking get it

>> No.36582647

Sorry, I just tried to but I really don't get it either. Who the fuck was in the right?

>> No.36582824

Pretty much the plot of Yakuza: Like a Dragon.

>> No.36584223

I think the thrtle girl is being evil and the create lady wants to help the humans? And there's a mafia of beastmen.

>> No.36584856
File: 124 KB, 500x450, personnality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Animal Realm exists and is one of many hells. There's animal spirits there, including human spirits. Animals aren't that smart but have dangerous weapons like teeth and claws. Humans are weak in comparison but have great tools called hands allowing to do work. Humans are slaves to the animals because the strong dominate the weak. Humans doesn't like it and try praying. They pray so hard a goddess appears. The goddess helps the humans by making an army of clay soldiers to fight the animals. The animals can't do anything because spirits can't harm clay soldiers. Humans have to keep praying even harder to fuel the goddess so they're still slaves but to a different master. Animals send beat spirits to "invade" Gensokyo with the idea of causing an incident so someone powerful who's not a spirit will be annoyed enough to come to the Animal Realm to make it stop. Reimu/Marisa/Youmu is very much annoyed so she beats everyone on her way to the Animal Realm while being possessed by a beast spirit making her personnality a little different. The beast spirit takes control of Reimu/Marisa/Youmu forcing her to beat up the goddess. There's no more annoying beast spirits in Gensokyo, the animals spirits can rule over the Animal Realm again, the humans spirits are slaves as always, Keiki did nothing wrong, incident solved.

That's basically the plot. There's obviously a LOT more details than that, like the rivality between the Yakuza-like families of animals who each sent different beast spirits in Gensokyo.

>> No.36584949

So Reimu/Marisa/Youmu are the bad guys?

>> No.36585105

Yes and no, they got tricked but at the same time they had to do something about all those beast spirits in Gensokyo. Beating up Keiki was the easiest solution as the situation would return to normal.

>> No.36586655

Nobody. It's a bad place full of bad people which you got roped into.

>The Animal Realm exists and is one of many hells.
Not necessarily, at least last that I checked. While it's likely another world, and is definitely based on, well, the Animal Realm, afaik it's never actually SAID that it's a "hell". I feel like it's a safe assumption, especially given the prevalence of spirits, but also there are only 2 places which have been called hells, and they're both lands dedicated (or previously dedicated) to afterlife stuff, but the way Hecatia explains things in AFiEU makes it sound like the various other worlds are not hells, they're just other worlds.

>> No.36586682

>Humans have to keep praying even harder to fuel the goddess so they're still slaves but to a different master
This part isn't actually true.

Actually, everything indicates that the human spirits now have it good. They do not need to work or fight at all because Keiki is dominating everyone else, and the Primate Garden has become a paradise for human spirits.
This is why the ending text mocks you by saying you fucked up everything and brought it back to square 1, making humans slaves again

>> No.36587597
File: 419 KB, 1315x1000, hakurei usami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here believes the hakurei miko are descendants of usami? I have a theory and it kinda makes sense if merri is yukari

>> No.36587854

>it kinda makes sense if merri is yukari
Do you think Yukari is a futanari or something?

>> No.36587860

anyway no that's dumb, that's Naruto-class writing. Muh cycles

>> No.36587938

Looks like that, if merri returned to the past what happened to renko, she didn't die for sure and we know merri can bring people with her, like torifune, izanagi incident and moon traveling. And everyone agrees: zun is not a great writer anyway so that's plausible

>> No.36587986

that's not marisa, that's the girl from dolls in pseudo paradise.
There is a theory that says that girl and Alice are the same person, since in DiPP it is said that she is a blonde girl who lives in a western-style house in the forest of magic (just like Alice).

>> No.36588074

>who lives in
I thought the girl from DiPP was one of the thiefs from the outside world who killed her colleagues, or something. Is there any good explanation for the story of DiPP?

>> No.36589475

It's just a story about how some outsiders die in Gensokyo. The point, explained by the end, is that the events are completely unremarkable. Random people, random youkai, the end

>> No.36589480

>if merri returned to the past what happened to renko
Renko... did not? Why does something have to happen with her. Their story is about how Maribel is becoming a youkai

>> No.36589485

>And everyone agrees: zun is not a great writer
That's really not true in the slightest. Secondaries tend to think so, however

>> No.36589781

Renko is the catalyst, thanks to her merri started to explore more about her power and i doubt merri will just leave behind her only friend, and if you think about something like renko died or whatever, proto-yukari can manipulate the boundaries of the time and fix that
Zun have the same problem as araki doing jojo, sometimes he forgot details and mess up with the canonical stuff, so not a great writer and that doesn't means he's a bad writer

>> No.36589859

>sometimes he forgot details and mess up with the canonical stuff,
Like what for example?

>> No.36590511

>i doubt merri will just leave behind her only friend
Why? You don't even know when it happened, why it happened, or anything. In the first place, she can slip through time but it's not a willing action. She slips through time randomly.
>and if you think about something like renko died or whatever, proto-yukari can manipulate the boundaries of the time and fix that
Oh, just like she reversed time to save Yuyuko? Oh wait.
You know Yukari's power has hard limitations, right?

There really isn't much, but people like to say there is. What comes to mind for me would be... Yuyuko is supposed to be an eternal adolescent, yet most canon art depicts her as and treats her as an adult woman. There was some stuff about there being exorcists in the village other than Reimu--this isn't really *contradicted*, more like maybe forgotten. He seems to have forgotten to explain Sakuya's backstory (around the time of IN, stuff like the removed Izayoi phantasm and Eirin's profile hint that he had plans, but never followed through.
Koishi's characterization and details seem to have shifted since 11. She used to be "basically normal, if not a little weirdly violent" but she became "happy all the time + weirdly violent"
He used to actually have characters use spell cards. As in, physical cards. You could see them in the games, next to bosses. They were also in the fighters (not sure if they still are). He's eventually stopped using actual cards.

He's pretty consistent, honestly. Like I wonder if he keeps notes or reads wikis or something when bringing up obscure bits of canon. Like the sake bug thing, which comes up in like 2 chapters of the fairies manga--he remembers this and brought it up in Lotus Eaters after over a decade. I'm sure there's stuff he forgets more than what I've mentioned, but he doesn't tend to actually contradict. Like he forgot Hatate in SoPM along with a few other characters, but their being missing contradicted nothing.

>> No.36595648

I haven't gotten around to patching ULiL, what was actually causing the rumors to manifest? How far off was it from the way things usually migrate to Gensokyo?

>> No.36596327


>> No.36598061

>In the first place, she can slip through time but it's not a willing action. She slips through time randomly.
Marry, but yukari can manipulate those boundaries easily enough, she's in the past on purpose and sometimes she sneaks between "messed up gensokyou timeline" and current timeline sumireko is

>> No.36598844

>but yukari can manipulate those boundaries easily enough
No, she can't.

>she's in the past on purpose and sometimes she sneaks between "messed up gensokyou timeline" and current timeline sumireko is
What the fuck are you even trying to talk about? Sumireko is, vaguely, from the "present day". Do you mean Renko? Because Yukari and Renko have never come into contact.

Anyway, seriously, read the mangas/play the games. Yukari literally cannot do "anything". She can do a lot, but she has limitations. Since you're proving you don't know what you're talking about, I'll just stop here. Places to start for you: SSiB and AoCF

>> No.36598868

>what was actually causing the rumors to manifest?
Sagume's fake Lunar Orb, a dangerous artifact she created that allows rumors to manifest. Her reason was so that she had a means of protecting the Lunar Capital, at any possible risk.
>How far off was it from the way things usually migrate to Gensokyo?
Very. Basically, Gensokyo runs on "belief". This only needs rumor to manifest. And yeah. needS, because the incident was never resolved. Nobody could stop or destroy the Lunar Orb. That's why in AoCF and a few other places urban legends are still around. Basically, ULiL permanently changed Gensokyo.

>> No.36601037

>Her reason was so that she had a means of protecting the Lunar Capital, at any possible risk.
Elaborating on this, Junko was attacking and by creating an object that let rumors manifest and also spreading rumors about the location of the lunar capital, Sagume had another back up plan to hide or move the capital in case something terrible happened

>> No.36607014

What's Shinmyoumaru doing nowadays?
She lived with Reimu at the shrine for a while after her rebellion failed, didn't she? Or more like she was imprisoned there.

>> No.36607139

Who is the best touhou?

>> No.36607420

If Grimoire of Usami is canon, she got back with Seija and instigated a minor incident

>> No.36607519

a minor incident seems fitting for a minor girl like her lol

>> No.36607712

Why does she keep falling with the wrong crowd?

>> No.36607786

She actually invited Seija to fuck shit up, not the other way around.

It's Eiki.

Why the hell wouldn't it be

>> No.36609370

pretty sure hatate is higher rank than megumu and aya, based on her hat colour and name.

>> No.36613143

Her hat color and actual position and AFiEU should have made it clear to you that hat color is actually meaningless. Don't be uh "well actually, in real life/real myth" fag. Touhou departs from such things very frequently.

Also, yknow, Megumu's profile and the profile of tengu in PMiSS which never mention hats, only race/physical features

>> No.36613241

can koishi still feel sad?
I don't want to bother calling her a nigger if she can't be hurt by it

>> No.36613726
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well actually, in real life/real myth...

>> No.36613820

You know that most of the time ZUN says something like that he's highlighting how Touhou is diverging from it, right?

For example, Okina being an old man.

>> No.36613890 [DELETED] 

your touhou wife is having sex with her boyfriend right now

>> No.36614522

epic thread, faggot

>> No.36615972
File: 108 KB, 850x850, __matara_okina_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_concha3381__sample-c1f8c7b15dbcdc0b701c5667964ca480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personality wise, is okina really evil?

>> No.36616020

Japanese royal family is born out of incest.

>> No.36617571

Personality wise, Okina is really cute.

>> No.36629874

That was speculation, but it's likely even without confirmation as of right now.

>> No.36630566
File: 163 KB, 463x437, confused megumu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okina is a mother goddess and if she is who she's supposed to be has birthed at least 80 children, one of which could be Kanako

>> No.36630890
File: 108 KB, 1024x849, A7187D42-E8C2-4C44-82C7-FBDC0C831827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he only learnt this now

>> No.36631071
File: 76 KB, 265x274, kanakp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please elaborate.

>> No.36631943

Matara Okina = Matarajin = Saptamatrika = Okuninushi = Daikokuten = Father of 80 children, one of whom is Kanako

HOWEVER, this is not explicit and nothing in canon exactly confirms it. It IS confirmed that Lord Daikoku is the parent of either Kanako or the god who Kanako is based off of, and it is heavily implied that Okina, a god of many faces, is Matarajin, which would also make her Daikoku.

Basically, consider this a "it makes sense but ZUN's never said this is definitely the case" thing

>> No.36631987

also sorry, I fucking up one detail

It's *180* children, not just 80

>> No.36633305

Who are you quoting?
