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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3765030 No.3765030 [Reply] [Original]

ITT, we describe our exciting Saturday night.

I've been playing FSN. I ate a few spoonfuls of peanut butter directly from the jar. Occasionally I alt-tab out to check threads that usually don't have any replies.

feels bad, man

>> No.3765038

Are you from the future?

>> No.3765040

I watched House and Numbers (numbers is a really shitty show) then read stuff about PT boats.

>> No.3765045

Not everyone on /jp/ is American.

I've been playing games and sitting down all day.

>> No.3765047

I played some COD6 and then fapped while dressed up as the little girl

>> No.3765050

I'm trying to decide if I should fap or finish watching Thirst.

>> No.3765052

And the "furthest east" you can go still hasn't reached Saturday night. Try again.

>> No.3765055

Lurked 4chan and watched TV. Not too exciting.

>> No.3765060

I am posing my Figmas in erotic postions while wearing no pants.

Also, I ordered my Thanksgiving dinner online today. I will be picking it up on Tuesday.

>> No.3765061
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did you really fap cross-dressed?

not that there's anything wrong with that

>> No.3765065

Played smash bros melee against bots for 4 hours.
they can't replace friends

>> No.3765068

I walked over to a dance party at a nearby dorm to grab some candy. I then came back to continue posting on 4chan.

>> No.3765074

Nothing has happened considering its one in the morning.

I can do this though.


-Went grocery shopping
-Sent some games back to gamefly
-Played Harvest Moon
-Said I was gonna continue Moero. Never did.
-Thought about doing my electives. Never did.
-Had an email conversation with my older sister and how I should start doing for myself and going out more.


-Gonna sleep
-Watch Kamen Rider Dragon knight for shits and giggles
-Continue Moero downhill
-Do my electives
-Play Harvest Moon
-Post on /jp/

>> No.3765081

Friday had midterm

>> No.3765083
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me too actually, excluding the cod6

>> No.3765084
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Yes, I had one of those inside of me too. It was pretty intense.

>> No.3765085


You know those electives will never get done.

>> No.3765088

I have a funeral to go to, then work right after that. Feels good, man.

>> No.3765090

I've been procrastinating on a paper by browsing /jp/. I hate how I'm able to keep myself from playing eroge or watching anime when I have something important to do but instead I just end up wasting time on something that's even less productive.

>> No.3765091


I just realized it. I'm the OP.

I thought it was Saturday today. It seems I'm a day off.

Being a NEET man... not so good.

>> No.3765093

What the hell is that and why is there what appears to be a taser or lighter on one end?

>> No.3765097

Look at it this way, you just gained an extra day.

>> No.3765098
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>> No.3765103

>not so good

Go fap to some idols or something, poseur.

>> No.3765117 [DELETED] 
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The thing at the end is a viberating bullet, the black thing is a waterproof button.

>> No.3765131


what is this i don't even

>> No.3765145

Helped tear up our kitchen during the day as we're getting a new kitchen next week. Played some Dead Space. About to go actually do Heavens Feel since I've been too lazy to do it thus far.

>> No.3765159


That's what I'm doing, sempai.

>> No.3765200

I finally downloaded and started playing Melty Blood. Shit is so cash.

>> No.3765242

I know just what you're talking about. ;_;

>> No.3765252


I never go on 4chan until after I've finished all of my work for the day. I know that once I start browsing it's impossible to do anything else.

>> No.3765263

I leave fate/stay on autoread.

i especially like the bits where they're sitting eating dinner, and there are cutlery sounds. i pretend they're my friends in the dining room, and i'm in the other room using the computer

>> No.3765274

Still friday here, but yeah.

Ragnarok Online and Wild Arms 3 all day long.
I regret nothing.

I'm going out tomorrow to play D&D with some buddies anyway.

>> No.3765280

it's 3pm saturday, I'm thinking of drinking some Kao Liang liquor (48% proof) with coke and on rocks.

Thinking of whether or not to break out my Maid clothes tommorrow.

>> No.3765291

I played some mawwaw two, trolled the poll thread, realized yet again how shitty I am at touhou, and now I'm getting ready to go to bed.


>> No.3765296

I really need to start doing that but I simply don't have the self-discipline.

>> No.3765300


You could play it on easymodo, even though it may make hot bunny-eared girls giggle at you

>> No.3765323

I broke down and finally started playing Far Cry 2, driving in circles isn't fun...
Gonna see blood diamond later and around 4 p.m. go to whataburger.

>> No.3765328
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Doing it has saved me hours of not having to stay up all night to finish an assignment just because I was goofing off on 4chan all night. I just limit myself to browsing shit like BBC and yahoo sports while I'm doing work, that way when I have to look away there's nothing to suck me in.

>> No.3765329 [DELETED] 

I can 1cc easymodo, that's boring now D:

I was so proud.
I have yet to do it again.

>> No.3765332

>>3765280 48% proof

That makes no sense whatsoever. It's like describing some length in both feet and meters.

>> No.3765339

I can 1cc easymodo, that's boring now ;_;

I was so proud.

I have yet to do it again.

>> No.3765389


I want to unlock Reimu's armpit mode, if y'know what I mean

>> No.3765398
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>> No.3765415

I'm an Ausfag, 18, just finished HS and it's schoolies week.
My friends are all out getting drunk and partying, and yet I'm inside trying to do a no-death run of Imperishable Night Extra.

Yay me.

>> No.3765418
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>> No.3765419


If there's grass on the field, play ball.

>> No.3765422

Do it with Alice to offset being from Australia.

>> No.3765429

Is this Alice actually a girl?

>> No.3765431

Sorry, let me rephrase. Do a no-death run of Imperishable Night Extra with Alice only to offset being from Australia.

>> No.3765437

I sat around reading manga and listening to music with my new amp. Going to go practice piano later~

>> No.3765481

And I use logitech speakers, how does that make you feel?

>> No.3765488

Ah, I thought you meant the Australian tripfag.
I know that much, but not it's gender.

In any case, will do. But I haven't done Extra with Alice so I'll have to play through the game first.

>> No.3765500

Everyone's ears are different, you might not hear the difference. So pity I guess?

>> No.3765527

I really don't, I just wanted to see if you if you would turn into a raging imbecile like furry.
I use sennheiser hd201 for my mp3 and I use the sennheiser HD 555 for everything else because I can't afford anything more than that.

>> No.3765535

555s are good stuff. And yeah, furry is a faggot. I'm jealous of his setup though.

>> No.3765549

Is it worth buying a headphone amp if I have onboard audio?

>> No.3765564

Depends on your headphones, motherboard, and ears. You can get a good DAC/amp combo for pretty cheap if your headphones require amping and you don't want to shell out for a standalone DAC or new soundcard.

>> No.3765566

He inherited most of it.
What's your motherboard?

>> No.3765572

All it took was a quick glance at OP image while scrolling to the bottom of the page and sakuranbo started playing manually. Damn you, internet!

>> No.3765588

microstar ms-7093

>> No.3765602

Probably not worthwhile. What headphones do you use? They may not even require amping.

>> No.3765604

I think you mean MOU IKKAI, seeing as how the original Sakuranbo is very different.

Unless it was actually the original Sakuranbo, in which case what?

>> No.3765607

Went to buy a schoolbook, stopped by to buy some candy on the way home, currently snacking on some fudge while browsing 4chan and thinking of playing some Minecraft.

>> No.3765626

Probably not.
>Socket 939

>> No.3765644

I've been playing Assassin's Creed 2 pretty much all day. I stopped only to watch a few anime episodes and eat.

>> No.3765649

Have hey released the PC version yet?
How is it compared to the first?

>> No.3765650

Sennheiser HD280 pro

>> No.3765662

I have the same pair, they're fine without amping. It helps the bass a little bit, but not really worth it

>> No.3765677

still plays new games just fine


I just wanna buy myself something for christmas really, but there's really nothing I need. Thanks anyway.

>> No.3765690 [DELETED] 

>still plays new games just fine
Really? Are you referring to source games?
I'm trying to an asshole but what's your GPU?

>> No.3765695

>still plays new games just fine
Really? Are you referring to source games?
I'm not trying to an asshole but what's your GPU?

>> No.3765706

A64x2 ?

>> No.3765725

Nope, PC version comes out next year. It's a lot better than the first, it's my personal favorite game of the year.

>> No.3765729


What, like source engine?
I have a Radeon X1950XT.


Nah, just a single-core 3000+, the same cpu that came with the computer. Maybe I'll buy a dual core though.

>> No.3765746

>PC version comes out next year
I'm not pleased.
I don't think you find a socket 939 cpu anymore...
What resolution?
What games?

>> No.3765754

Whoa and you can play with that ?
By the way I'm sitting on an A64x2 and a 9600GT here and I'm starting to have problems.
I'll have to upgrade to a better cpu one of these days.

>> No.3765774

You could get a headphone upgrade that benefits from amping but doesn't require it, then buy an amp sometime later. But that's just sort of looking for excuses. Although I understand the appeal of shiny new electronics.

>> No.3765796


I thought there was a dual-core 4000+ or something that was 939, I dunno if it's still made or not though.
Latest game I played was Borderlands and I had most video options set to medium or high with no problems. I still use XP.

>> No.3765810

get an i7 920 for 288$, the new i9 will be the same socket, 6 core with 32nm and 45nm chips I believe.

>> No.3765814

It's my birthday today.
I'm going to celebrate it by playing Akiha's route at Tsukihime all day long.

>> No.3765824

Get her normal end right before you go to bed so you can cry yourself to sleep ;_;

>> No.3765826

You must hate yourself then if you consider that a present. I like the route but the ends were to depressing.
>the new i9 will be the same socket
It'll debut at $1000 to.
AM3 has a much better upgrade path than 1366 just worst CPUs.

>> No.3765840


Studying for Calculus 2, exams on Infinite Series/Taylor and Maclaurin Polynomials/Series.

But I might actually jerk off instead and fail said exam.


>> No.3765846

I can't help it, I'm just in love with Akiha.

>> No.3765860 [DELETED] 

please stop spamming AnonTalk .com thanks

>> No.3765924
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Godspeed, make sure you have KT loaded up for when the tears finally stop.

As for myself, just finished playing up to supervising Touka in SnK and while still feeling a mix of
quality bawww and rage towards Sachi's temporary resolution
am regretting doing Touka's route second.
Her dialogue just makes me smile and want to take care of her forever.

>> No.3765929

The i5 benches better than the 955 for the same price. For 100$ more you can get one of the top 3 best non server cpus. Buy tok at tik and you shouldn't be spending over 300 bucks for entry level.

>> No.3766015

That's socket 1156.
I'm talking upgrade paths and Bulldozer (which is coming in 2011) is gonna be AM3 compatible.
>The i5 benches better than the 955 for the same price.
That it does and it beats the 965 half the time too.

>> No.3766330


I'm every gender

Also in order to be on topic I am studying kanji and drinking cola while I talk to people who are doing even less than I am.

>> No.3766344

Coding, re-watching Lucky Star episodes, wishing I'd bought some soft drink for the weekend. Feels... suprisingly ok?

>> No.3766354

Now I am going to watch space jam

>> No.3766363

Not interested in idol tripfag activities.
Shut up.

>> No.3766368

It's pathetic that he insults himself to make it look like anyone cares about him in any capacity.

>> No.3766373


Damn, I hate when I forget to buy soda for the weekends. I like to drink it after I've finished my work on Saturday so I can stay up all night. Without caffeine I just get tired and pass out after work.

>> No.3766376


I don't insult myself, obviously I can't prove it in any way, but I wouldn't bother to do such a thing.

>> No.3766377

Tried to meet a friend at dendentown in Osaka, but that got put off till tomorrow. Currently crashing at a net cafe.

The place had a Shuffle! museum with a gallery of the art from the game. On the second floor was a Tony Taka gallery.

>> No.3766394
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>Tony Taka gallery

If I ever went there I would have a very visible boner.

>> No.3766417


(lol I wish, legal highs only right now)

>> No.3766425

Two right feet.

>> No.3766673


It was not as good as I remember, but still enjoyable.

>> No.3766721

Finished playing through DA:O a second time and I'm probably done with it until that DLC comes out. Nightmare was not hard at all. I was hoping it would actually be difficult.

Going to be playing Threads of Fate and maybe go play DDS2. Or I might finally read eroges again. Too many things getting translated and I can't keep up if I don't read any of them.

>> No.3766724

I'm going to drink vodka and play Age of Empire 2 with three friends!

>> No.3766744

>I hate how I'm able to keep myself from playing eroge or watching anime when I have something important to do but instead I just end up wasting time on something that's even less productive.
I know just the feeling.

>> No.3766747

You should go play DDS2 just for the sake of Battle for Survival, fuck yes.
