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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3771025 No.3771025 [Reply] [Original]

Are asians still angry at the Japanese for what they did to their occupied countries during World War 2?

>> No.3771048

Are jews still angry at germans?

>> No.3771042

Other than the usual nationalists? No, not really.

>> No.3771059


yes, the germans still pay :)

>> No.3771067 [DELETED] 

please stop spamming AnonTalk .com thanks

>> No.3771089


>> No.3771112

The average person? No. The loud whiners with a persecution complex who needs to bitch at everything, even if it never directly affected them? Of course, as usual, they'll be doing it for as long as someone is willing to listen.

>> No.3771126


Sounds like you're talking about niggers.

>> No.3771428

Before recently the Chinese government was actively spurring nationalists to rage about the stupidest things.

Then there are the people like in the OP-pic, who I guess are literally butt-hurt.

>> No.3771454

Depends, in S. Korea most people don't really give a shit unless there's some politician denying stuff... and even then people just sigh for a minute and move on

>> No.3771512

Though the fact that the vast, vast, vast majority of Germans express shame and guilt over what was done to the various subjects of the camps (particularly the Jews), and teach their children the lessons of history and their place in it, goes a long way.

The fact that Japanese children are being taught a totally whitewashed version of history, leaving them ignorant of anything from WWII except the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagisaki (which sucked, don't get me wrong), makes their own situation, and denial of their sordid past, all the worse.

>> No.3771536

There are still neo Nazis in Germany though, and it's getting more popular because of all the muslim immigrants taking their jobs.

>> No.3771558

Yes, there are, but they're looked upon by that vast, vast, vast majority I mentioned with contempt and shame.

There are fucksticks in every country. The difference between how Japan treats its right-wing assholes in their shitty little vans and how Germany treats its neo-nazi assholes with their shitty haircuts are striking.

>> No.3771576

For money.

>> No.3771599

Plenty of neo-NAZIs everywhere.

>> No.3771626

Are the Japanese still angry at the Americans for what they did during World War 2?

>> No.3771642


Nah man, its all under the bridge now.

>> No.3771665

Of course they are, everyone hates amerifags.

>> No.3771676
File: 173 KB, 554x303, world without america.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3771688

europe would have decended into a cesspool of monarchy & AIDS

>> No.3771706

Yes and because they didn't they hate the USA.

>> No.3771721

As they should. Europe is getting ripe for another genocide in 20-30 years with all the invading Muslims.

Honestly Germany did the world a favor. They lost the war, but Jews are now mostly in Israel or NYC.

>> No.3771728

What? Japan worships the white man and his culture.

>> No.3771834

>>3771512 The fact that Japanese children are being taught a totally whitewashed version of history, leaving them ignorant of anything from WWII except the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagisaki

Why do people believe this? I used to think this was the case before I figured out the textbook fiasco was only about a handful of books used in like, 12 private schools. I agree the Japanese don't like to "admit" or even talk about it as much as the Germans, but the complete denial thing just isn't true

>> No.3771838


Shouldn't she be dead under some highway overpass?

>> No.3771843

There's no more Nazi Germany.

Instead there's going to be a Nazi Russia. How ironic.

>> No.3771866
File: 257 KB, 650x488, nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazi Russia... I like the sound of that.

>> No.3771874

Ashame Slavs aren't Aryans

>> No.3771883

To be fair, we did kind of, you know, sort of kill all the Native Americans.

>> No.3771879 [DELETED] 

please stop spamming AnonTalk .com thanks

>> No.3771885


Especially when you consider how much of a shit-storm those textbooks generated domestically.

>> No.3771892

The Spanish, French and English killed off most of them.

>> No.3771894


That's not even true, either.
There are a lot more American Indians now than there were 100 years ago.

>> No.3771891

From what I heard on 2ch, Japan has apologized several times, but China....ignores it....or something like that. I forget.

>> No.3771897

And? There are more jews today than what Hitler killed. Guess that makes it okay.

>> No.3771908

Their culture is dead. Those people sitting around on reservations hardly count.

>> No.3771928


For a long time China liked to use history as a kind of diplomatic playing card against Japan in the early days of normalized relations in the 70's, but now Hu is trying to warm relations and he finds himself having to back-peddle against all the fervent Anti-Japanese nationalism is predecessors helped encourage.

>> No.3771941

Don't worry. In 10 years virtually everyone old enough to have been old enough to remember WW2 will be dead anyways.

>> No.3771943

Not proportional to the world's population growth.

>> No.3772075

Prairie niggers are pretty useless. Its no big loss.

>> No.3772172

I'm native and you can go fuck yourself.

>> No.3772194

You are useless welfare trash. GTFO.

>> No.3772243

>posting on /jp/
>calling someone else welfare trash

>> No.3772277

Government isn't paying for my lifestyle.

Prairie niggers are useless drunks and shitpiles.

>> No.3772282


Only weeaboos love Japan for what it is and not for their merchandise.

Japan is a shit and soulless country that needs to be burned to the ground. Again.

>> No.3772301


>Only weeaboos love Japan for what it is and not for their merchandise.

The majority of /jp/ are actually what you described on the latter. Though, there's quite a resurgence of weeaboos in the past few weeks, these faggots must still be fresh from /a/, ANN, Gaia, etc.

>> No.3772311

Not all natives are obese drunkards living in trailers. Eat a dick.

>> No.3772353

>>Not all natives are obese drunkards living in trailers

Yes just your parents and siblings.

>> No.3772358


But most of them are.

>> No.3772428

...Oh yeah?

>> No.3772435

Newfag y0ou haven't got the point yet?

>> No.3772440

I went on /a/ about 2 years ago and I didn't really see many real "Weeaboos"

Though the chance to pick them out didn't come often.

>> No.3772472 [DELETED] 

Weeaboo test:

Pick one of three:
I do not want to go/care about going to Japan
I do want to go to Japan to take in the beauty of the stores and Arcades in shopping districts (Specifically Akihabara)
I do want to go to Japan for Akihabara, visiting Shrines, getting Katanas, dressing in Kimonos, help with Kanji, and just because I love everything Japanese.
I want to stay there because Japan is the best country in the world.

If you chose the first 2, you're safe, 3rd option, getting dangerously close, 4th, incurable.

The Majority of people who get into Anime have a weeaboo phase that they grow out of, some never grow out of it, they need a slap across the face and realize that they are basically being brainwashed by Anime's positive attitude.

>> No.3772487

Weeaboo test:

Pick one of four:
I do not want to go/care about going to Japan
I do want to go to Japan to take in the beauty of the stores and Arcades in shopping districts (Specifically Akihabara)
I do want to go to Japan for Akihabara, visiting Shrines, getting Katanas, dressing in Kimonos, help with Kanji, and just because I love everything Japanese.
I want to stay there because Japan is the best country in the world.

If you chose the first 2, you're safe, 3rd option, Weeaboo, with some cold hard truth you'll understand that Japan isn't a complete Haven, 4th, incurable.

The Majority of people who get into Anime have a weeaboo phase that they grow out of, some never grow out of it, they need a slap across the face and realize that they are basically being brainwashed by Anime's positive attitude.

>> No.3772498

Number one. I used to be number two, but I've never been anything more than that.

>> No.3772517

Actually I only want to talk to Japanese via Amateur Radio.

>> No.3772558


#1 here as well. all I'm interested is their Hentai Games, vidya, and gunpla

>> No.3772582

Why the fuck would anyone want to be #2?
Christ, I have everything I need right here.
My loving waifu watching over me.
And my Visual Novels, games, and dreams.

>> No.3772589

Is there an option if you'd like to visit Japan to see the historical buildings and places, meet some people of a very different culture than your own, enjoy some native cuisine and activities, and have little interest in stores or really "weeaboo" stuff?

Because I think I would like to visit the country at least once in my life, but I don't center my life around it.

>> No.3772620

I feel I should be classified in #1.

But the thing is I stay in some shitty 3rd world country in Asia.
I have travel to a few places namely North America and Australia.
If given the chance I would love to travel to Europe and Japan. Also I love to stay in Japan just to use their super fast internet and not because Japan is the best country in the world.
