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3881090 No.3881090 [Reply] [Original]

Will Eirin.... err I mean, Spica be in Ar Tonelico 3?

NISA better not fuck it up.

>> No.3881100
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Who cares about Spica. Where's my fucking Cocone!?

>> No.3881105

Ar Tonelico is shit.

>> No.3881109

Well, I wasnt interested in her before, if she grow some nice racks, I'll reconsider.

>> No.3881274

the new blue/purple hair girl is cocona

>> No.3881353

why is gust games so underrated? at1,2 and mana khemia 1,2 were fantastic. too much final fantasy quality expectation?

>> No.3881354

you mean mediocre

>> No.3881360

AT has the best music of any game

The hymnos are incredible
Props to Shikata

>> No.3881362
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I came... for Eirin!

>> No.3881385

what, just because there is no Square-Enix label on its cover?

>> No.3881388
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>No localization until at least 2011

>> No.3881406

its too early to ask for it anyways. Rorona isnt even announced yet.

>> No.3881421

The VN part of the game was short but really well done, well, its better on 2. for music, Apart from Persona 3,4's music, its the only few rpgs that excels in that department.

>> No.3881491 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ur shitty board on a n o n t a l k . com

>> No.3881520
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>> No.3881538
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credits to Haruka Shimotsuki aswell. cant get enough of it.

>> No.3881584

I like the intro to AT1's OP. I listen to that part on loop quite often.

>> No.3881593

new super nova?


>> No.3881609

Why don't you realize that this is not /v/, no matter how "underground" or "disliked" your game might be.

If it's on a console, it's mainstream.

>> No.3881618

Sol Ciel has been welcome here just as much as Gnesokyo, albeit not posted as often. Welcome to /jp/ friend

>> No.3881619

its still got vn aspect. so yep.

>> No.3881621
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Eirin is very fapable!

>> No.3881623

AT is not mainstream

No one I know that claims to be RPG freaks even know about it

>> No.3881630

I like the idea of Revatails.

>> No.3881633

Part of me wants to trust the localization staff for AT3, but the other part of me is screaming at me to secure a Japanese copy in case they edit the loli pantsuu shots.

What do?

>> No.3881636

There are VNs on consoles, are they mainstream too?

>> No.3881639

I doubt they'll able to do that, since thats THE new feature of the game.

NISA did a good job on the recent Mana Khemia 2 localization, so I just hope they do the same.

>> No.3881644
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Saki's undergarments are the best.

>> No.3881654


Let's see if they can try and break their 'at least 1 game breaking bug per Gust release' policy with AT3

>> No.3881670

>Mana Khemia 2 localization
Wish I could tell, I don't have a PS2 and my PS3 is software emulation. I bought Mana Khemia 2 knowing that it was on the list of games that don't work on my PS3. I guess I play the waiting game or set up an emulator on my computer and make an ISO. ;_;

>> No.3881671
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Good thing the PS3 has updates.

>> No.3881673

I think AT2 was the only one. there rest were fine though. sigh, I still hope not.

>> No.3881679

I'm playing Mana Khemia 2, I mean damn, this game is better than I expected. very underrated indeed.

>> No.3881685


There's one in MK2 that happens every time you fight a particular bounty on the second play through. And it's not even nice like the one in AT2. It happens on the enemy's first attack. Every. Single. Time. I'm not sure if you have to kill it to get all the recipes though.

MK1 also had one, but it was so rare as to be not worth noting. Not sure if Atelier Annie has one. The Atelier Iris games were buggy as fuck IIRC, but nothing that actually broke the game.

>> No.3881694


Also, the final boss music is awesome.


Nameless Light, bitches.

>> No.3881701
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>> No.3881716

Stigmata was better. Also Nefertiti.

>> No.3881718


As an aside, if you go to the final final boss, expect to be there for a while. That fight takes ages. Not as long as, say, Nyx Avatar, but bring a glass of water.

>> No.3881719

Gust and GSC Game World should join forces and create the best and buggiest game ever.

>> No.3881723

Final boss of AT2 had some epic music. And if you dont like it, you can always REPLEKIA!!!!


>> No.3881730


Nyx Avatar was so long I took a nap in the middle of the battle and went back to beat it later.

>> No.3881783


Nyx Avatar was so long I said fuck it ARMAGEDDEON

>> No.3881799

i know bugs are annoying, but is that all the reason to stay away from it all?

>> No.3881809


Depends on the bug.

The bug in MK2? Whatever, you can avoid it, and having checked, you don't get anything important from beating it.

The bug in AT2? GOOD GOD. It's incredibly close to the end of the game, and if you don't know about it, it WILL bushwhack you unless you've been grinding a retardedly long amount of time.

>> No.3881823
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Rorona was definitely announced for USA and Europe.

Also Spica > Eirin.

>> No.3881836

internet heroes patched the game for us.

>> No.3881841


Rorona was announced for Q2 in the US. I'll be getting it despite not knowing shit about it. Call me a fanboy.

I'm looking forward to AT3 and hoping it gets translated. But if the price of getting a better translation than AT2 is waiting longer, I'll do it.

>> No.3881867

same, i can handle the wait.

>> No.3881874

Loved MK2, for one reason being that it could actually get difficult sometimes.
I mean hard mode of course.
Granted you could abuse the shop system and get 99 elixers and super nectars. (though I actually preferred this one fruit item that had ranged revival effect. could bring back the whole back row at once and can be made real early in the game)

Second playthrough I mainly used the first games battle music, but they're both good.

>> No.3881886

You don't need to grind THAT much to beat that part.
Just charge that satellite thing like the motherfucking fist of the north star.

>> No.3881895

I never owned a PS2 or a PS1 and I'm to lazy to play the things on PC emulated, so I'll be getting Ar Tonelico 3 and Rorona for my PS3.

>> No.3881947
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Gensokyo, Moon and Earth has perished, Eirin when to Sol Ciel and settled there, named Spica, queen of the underworld.

>> No.3881948


I just made a bunch of the 9999 damage bombs and spammed the shit out of them.

>> No.3881951

Damn /v/ kids.

Mainstream RPGs aren't /v/ related.

>> No.3881960

I beat it normally and replays it for other endings. the patch helps.

>> No.3881963

I hated how the American localization's response to the bugs was something like, "Well, uh, grind like a motherfucker so you can kill her before the bug happens lol" instead of pulling back old copies and releasing fixed versions like they did with Europe (I believe). It's so far keeping me from playing AT2, and probably MK2 since it also seems to have a game-breaking bug.

I wish I knew how to work that PS2 emulator to get it to work with these games. Or to work at all.

>> No.3881968

>>3881963 cont.

So I can play the undubs I mean. I don't think they have the bugs.

>> No.3881971 [DELETED] 


>> No.3881975

>Ar Tonelico or any NIS game

I don't think so. And Disgaea doesn't count, either, it might be one of the more well-known NIS games but it's still not "mainstream" like Final Fantasy is.

>> No.3881987

NIS is quite mainstream.

Mainstream doesn't necessarily mean FF, Madden or Halo popularity, you know.

>> No.3881996

thats one that really annoys me. the recent SE rpgs are downright awful, and their endless addiction in making DS rpgs and spin-offs.

>> No.3882048

And yet people eat that stuff right up.

I don't really like bringing it up, but SE really is just coasting along their fanbases nostalgia.

I remember when they made games like threads of fate and brave fencer musashi.
Now it's a race to rehash every FF on the DS and spinoff crap like FFIV: the after years.

I swear they'll never get another penny from me.

>> No.3882059

fuck you, dissidia was fun

>> No.3882072


Square got really scared of doing new IPs since The Spirits Within bombed and Enix had to save their ass from dying.

>> No.3882077

So what is this game breaking bug?

>> No.3882079

Yes, because people theres tons of people like me that never had a PS2 or PS1 or any console for that matter. I got my PC when I was 9 years old and I've been gameing on it for 11 years now, before the PC I had a Sega Game Gear and a crappy NES copy from russia.

I got my DS a year ago, so I never played any console games like FF or anything.

>> No.3882090

ppl do eat it up. u may not notice it. i wont forget how they royally fucked star ocean 3 AND 4 to the ground.

>> No.3882104

11 years, but u still missed 2 generations of gaming.

>> No.3882112


The funny thing about Star Ocean 4 is that it was purposely made "for the western audience." It ended up being the worst in the series in nearly every aspect except the battle system.

>> No.3882117

Yep, pretty much it, then again while you guys where playing with yourself (SP), I was playing Starcraft, Company of Heroes, Call of Duty 1~4, Battlefield 2, Ragnarok Online, Counter Strike etc...

>> No.3882121

YEs, a new valkyrie profile game.

>DS spin-off


>> No.3882124


haha wow, it must take talent to make a game that's even worse than SO3. They really sucked all of the fun and wonder out of the series.

>> No.3882127

you could have adapt and play both sides like, y'know other tons of ppl did? nothing is wrong with just pc though, those were great too.

>> No.3882138

So are you telling me to stay away form Star Ocean: The Last Hope International ?

>> No.3882164

where is my fucking Hrist game?

>> No.3882167

any difference? i highly doubt it. major issues were the dungeon plain designs and story. not to mention 3d models(not art) profile and UI.

>> No.3882170

Does this game have good gameplay?
This matters the most to me. I like RPGs, but I also like them when they do something new. Will this game deliever?

>> No.3882174


It might be a little better with Japanese voice-acting, but I dunno.

It isn't really the fault of the English voices themselves, though, it's the acting and the script they had to work with. Square-Enix decided to use the creepy realistic doll CG style where everyone moves awkwardly and have awkward pauses between their sentences, and the dubs had to match those movements causing their acting to get, well, awkward.

They should have just used HD 2D or some anime-style 3D like Vesperia so it wouldn't have (as) crappy character movements (and therefore the dubbers can also act more naturally) and the graphics overall would look better. The realistic, emotionless doll look just isn't... right. Valkyrie Profile games post-1 used this form of 3D, too, which suck compared to the 90s-style anime style of the first game.

>> No.3882176

I wish Enix will just separate themselves again with Square. See how will that do.

>> No.3882180

Star Ocean: The Last Hope International is an international version of The Last Hope to be released exclusively for the PlayStation 3, it will contain new additional exclusive content for the PlayStation 3 such as dual voices (Japanese and English), Japanese, English, Spanish, French, German and Italian subtitles, and multiple soundtracks are included.[11] It's also been confirmed that The Last Hope International will be heading to North America and Europe, the same day as the Japanese release. [22] There will be at least one new major character in the game as the official site shows 13 character slots an increase by one from the previous 12. It is unknown though if the number of playable characters might increase to more than one.[23]

Also Art is 2d again.

>> No.3882191

Did enix make anything other than valkyrie profile?

>> No.3882192


MK2's is very specific and only shows up if you go after a particular bounty on your second run through. If you don't go after that bounty, it's pretty stable.

>> No.3882212

at1's battle was all right, theres some platforming, vn aspect, music and story is the real highlight.

at2 everything above, but with hella improved fun battle system.

at3, based on the trailer, its different this time. not sure, soundtrack great though.

>> No.3882217

they used to make valkyrie profile and dragon's quest, i think?

>> No.3882230


Seeing those anime portraits just reinforces my belief that they should have tried to stick with that style for the in-game graphics instead of the realistic CGI. Their 2D artwork looks way, WAY better.

>> No.3882235

Fucking low-levels.

>> No.3882236
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Hrist, so good.

>> No.3882248


Is that real?

>> No.3882255

To be honest I didn't like either Ar Tonelico much, but if/when I get a PS3 I'll probably buy AT3 anyway. These games are just such teases.

>> No.3882260

so it wasnt enough making a DS spinoff, they are screwing around too. Poor Hrist image.

>> No.3882271

Hrist is a good girl.

>> No.3882280

yea, with vesperia like visuals, and focus on making better dungeon, improve the battle, story and presentation. too gung-ho on 3d graphics i guess.

>> No.3882338
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I will be disappoint if Mir is not in AT3

>> No.3882378
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I loved both MK games, although I still need try the AT games. A very underrated series.
I'd kill for an MK3 on the ps3 with newly drawn HD sprites and sharper 3D visuals for the environments, but knowing Gust, it'll never happen =(

>> No.3882383


I thought you were talking about Mortal Kombat at first.

>> No.3882385


Needs more Flay.

Preferably, Flay, Et, Goto, Pepperoni, Nikki, and Pamela teaming up.

And I guess Muppy can commentate or something.

>> No.3882398 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ur shitty board on a n o n t a l k . com ok thanks and a hav a good day

>> No.3883219
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Mir had pretty big roles in the first two games.

It would be weird if she didn't show up for the third.

>> No.3883228


She will show up, but as an adult woman with a flat chest.

>> No.3883287
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I thought those special Reyvateils don't age!

>> No.3883300


I thought she said she could change her appearance and she just runs around as a loli because it's fun.

>> No.3883304
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She is type-B, so not immortal.
But even if she ages, she does not get bigger.
And she will live for along, long time.

>> No.3883320

not having played AT2, where exactly is mir's installation rune/slot/whatever?

>> No.3883323


>> No.3883326

funny, i was led to believe it was on the other side.

>> No.3883331

I guess she just likes crystals inside there then.

>> No.3883350
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is that it?

>> No.3883374

I say Spica is actually Beta-6D, Shurelia's clone and mother of all the alphas.
It's so fucking obvious it's not even funny.

>> No.3883379
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Anon on the left, Mir on the right.

>> No.3883385


You with the camera?

>> No.3883393
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>> No.3883400
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Oh YEAH, I was supposed to finish scanning that doujinshi.

Thanks for the reminder, Sion. I'll do it in the morning.

>> No.3883401


>> No.3883408

Chroche sama ~<3

>> No.3883410


>> No.3883417

I bet if the game wasn't on PS2 this is what would've really happened, even Infel hinted at that in her cosmosphere.
Seriously, I was constantly expecting Chroche to jump on Croix and rape him.

>> No.3883421
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Maybe you should TRANSLATE it too

>> No.3883445
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Its always hot to see Lily beat up her mana, Whim.

that could explain why she's everywhere.

>> No.3883454

Sure, why not? I already did a few pages of it anyways.

I'll release it under your "Japanese Maid Cooking Spaghetti" name.

>> No.3883458

Just give me the fucking scans already

>> No.3883464

You'll never get them.

>> No.3883476
File: 48 KB, 470x650, Hama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd sorta like to have Anna back, myself (and Flay; always Flay).

As for Ar Tonelico, well, I really miss Hama.

>> No.3883490

I missed mind guardians in general, they were tsundere in the best way.
>Still here ? Whatever I don't care.
>I-I admit you're having a good effect on this place. Stupid ! It's no-not like I like you or anything...
Thank god there is no IPD aids going on in the third tower.

>> No.3883504
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In all honesty, I loved Hama far more than anyone else in the first game.

>> No.3883508


I liked when she sacrificed herself to save Lyner and she said something like "I can't let you hurt my daddy!" Very dawwwww.

>> No.3883528

Hey, guys! Should I wait for the retranslation of the second game of is it playable with the bug fix?

>> No.3883535

Oh what is this, how big of a role does she have, she looks awesome.

>> No.3883537

Just play the undub, by the time they'll finish with the retranslation you'll be ready to play it again.
As for Raki's bug, I think the PAL version is fixed already, but it's easy enough to avoid it by using Replekia.

>> No.3883540

hama was tsundere for her daddy
she is 80% of the reason why i chose misya

>> No.3883544

And the other 20%?

>> No.3883548

It's a mind guardian, think of it as an intelligent living anti-virus/firewall inside a Reyvateil's cosmosphere.
Though they are mostly harmless to divers, except they can kick them out from the cosmosphere whenever they want to.

>> No.3883549

Misya's hair drums

>> No.3883553


>> No.3883554

asmodean also released a bug fix for the Undub, so I will just get Aurica's ending on the first AT before I pick it up. I just hope that she stops whining on her path.

>> No.3883556

I chose Aurica the first time because of clumsy moe and her gorgeous tits. Armor Misha was my favorite costume in the whole game, though.

>> No.3883562

Here is the bugfix for anyone who wants it: http://asmodean.reverse.net/misc/_/ar2bugfix.zip

>> No.3883564
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Probably the option to choose between delicious flat chested girl or healthy young adult woman.

She's Misha's mind guardian. Hama is present whenever you want to dive into Misha, and is also the single most adorable female in the game.

>> No.3883566

Speaking of endings, I really can't decide which looks more canon, Shurelia or Orica.
Misha doesn't make sense to me, after Lyner forgetting his promise and having the guts to ask her to sing again to save Shurelia, her "love" looked too much one sided.

>> No.3883572

AT2 seems to imply harem end for Lyner

>> No.3883573
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Shurelia and Mir demand that you take back that statement!

>> No.3883576

That explains why you could finish all of their Cosmospheres in a single play.

>> No.3883579

Unlike Croix, Lyner is the greatest diver, and Shurelia made sure his legend will be spread around the world.

>> No.3883582

Shurelia is d'awww and Mir is cute, but Hama is superior in my eyes.


Lyner doesn't deserve anyone. He puts Shirou to fucking shame; hell, he's almost as bad as Natsuru from Kampfer, the goddamn oblivious and dense bastard.

I loved yandere Aurica so much when I was diving in her. It's too bad that's not how she really was; I probably would've gone with her route instead of being put off by her extreme self-esteem issues.

>> No.3883584

I think that was more the devs fucking up.
The cosmospheres in the first games looked like they were add for last, often you see Lyner talking about events that have yet to happen or being surprised at things that he already knew from diving.
On this regard, the second game was MUCH better.

>> No.3883595

I was joking, since Misha was already complaining about Shurelia being jealous of her, even though I was on the middle of the 2nd Act.

>> No.3883596

Croix has the record for the shortest dive ever though.
>Croix : Well, everything looks good... oh greetings Chro-
>Croix : Wait wha-
>Croix : Blaaargh my innards...
>Croix : Croche sama are you REALLY sure you wanted me to dive ?!
>Chroche : S-shut up, it was you fault.
>Croix : FFFFFFF

>> No.3883599

'Misha: My being away from you for a long time and you not remembering me...am
I not much help to you?
Lyner: Huh!? What are you saying? You're really helping me out.
Misha: ...But you dive into Shurelia more, even though she came after me, and
she's really close with you already...Fine! I can't keep loosing like this!
Lyner! Don't hold back anymore! Just dive into me hard! Make me feel it!'

>> No.3883604

Reyvateils are really dirty.

>> No.3883610


>> No.3883612

Okay, seeing this thread really made me want to play the game, could some one point me to a torrent undub and everything else i need?

>> No.3883615

Go to Demonoid.

>> No.3883617

It's dialogue like this that made me love Misha. I still felt really bad for her, though; Lyner is a complete ass.

Also, Aurica's best scene in the game:

* Lyner wakes up in a bedroom. *

Lyner: Huh? What is this place?
Lyner: Where am I? I better get up and walk around a bit...
Lyner: What's with this chain? Wh, why am I chained to a bed?
Aurica: ...Lyner.

* Aurica appears wearing only bath towels. *

Lyner: Whoa! Heh, Au, Aurica! What happened to your clothes!?
Aurica: Do I look beautiful...?
Lyner: What are you doing!? Please unchain me!
Aurica: Oh? Am I so beautiful that you can't wait anymore? Well, I'm sorry, but I'm just not ready yet...
Lyner: What are you talking about? I just want you to take off the chains.
Aurica: I'm sorry, but you're a popular guy. It's the only way I can keep you here.
Lyner: That's not true!
Aurica: Oh, I've heard that before... Today, you're mine...no one else's...

>> No.3883620

'Misha: So Lyner, do you like me better when I'm little?
Lyner: Why does it always sound so bad when you ask me stuff like that?
Misha: Why not? I'm sure there's a part of you, little or big, that feels that way. Plus, I'm more used to this body, so I don't mind if you're into that sort of thing.'

Best partner ever.

>> No.3883622

your link is relevant, but everybody hates sankaku

>> No.3883625


>> No.3883633

Awesome thank you.

>> No.3883634


For the Ar Tonelico II Undub and asmodean's patch.

>> No.3883636

Holy mother of god it's going 400 kb/s!?

>> No.3883637

Fucking private trackers!

>> No.3883638

Is this everything I need or do I still need to do this
>asmodean's patch.

>> No.3883641

That's the first game. You still need a torrent with the second one. The patch is meant for the second game.

>> No.3883647

Here is the second game:

After you unrar it, you should apply the bug fix: http://asmodean.reverse.net/misc/_/ar2bugfix.zip

It will fix a game breaking bug by the end of the game.

>> No.3883651

Thnaks, also are the games stories connected as in do i have to play the first one to understand the second one?

>> No.3883655

They are in the same world setting, and have interconnected mechanics and at least one important character.
So yeah, play them in order.

>> No.3883657

Also do I need a dualshock for this, I can use my PS3 one no problem but I like my logitech precision gamepad better, Are analogs and stuff needed for this game? I'm probably going to try to emulate the game on my laptop and then connect it to a HDTV.

>> No.3883658

Yes, they are. There are characters of the first game there, and the actions of the heroes of the first game are the cause of some of the events of the second one.

>> No.3883663

No need for special controls, any second generation pad will work.

>> No.3883668

that will work fine

>> No.3883674


Doesn't AT1 already have japanese voices? Also, what does that video fix do exactly?

I already downloaded AT1, but it's not that undub version.

>> No.3883681

I think it's japanese dub for the movies as well.

>> No.3883699


Are there many movies in the game? Are they subtitled in the undub version?

>> No.3883705

w-why are you so demanding?

>> No.3883708


I don't want to spend couple days downloading a game I already downloaded, if it doesn't have at least somewhat worthwhile fixes.

If the game has many movies, I'd definitely want them in Japanese, but it's all in vain if there are no subtitles.

>> No.3885093
File: 804 KB, 1165x821, gust5173586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Lyner! Don't hold back anymore! Just dive into me hard! Make me feel it!'

I forgot how awesome Misha was.

>> No.3885104

Fucking /v/.

>> No.3885113

Let terrible threads lie, ZUN!/b/ar.

>> No.3885128

It's not a bad thread.

But it should be in /v/.

>> No.3885143
File: 294 KB, 700x1000, 0ca942fc455fd65e0e8f89b6f35f8f03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sion, why do you hate Visual Books which you have never even played?

>> No.3885728

chest comparison chart?

>> No.3885761

the patch works, the movies are in japanese.
