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41891377 No.41891377 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.41891383
File: 152 KB, 649x621, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She had a short community stream a few minutes ago that I missed, apparently she talked about taking a long break next year? Did anyone catch it?

>> No.41891397

Seems real, wonder if that would mean a Noel break too.

>> No.41891508

She just got home from her dance lesson exhausted and had to prepare to go out again, presumably for her dinner date with Flare.
She said during the FC stream that she literally has no break this month (in the context that she couldn't find time to read the donations), so it's no surprise she's thinking about a vacation.
Whether she will actually do it is another story though, because last year when she visited her mother in Oita for a couple of weeks she said she'd try to go back again sometime in March but ended up never doing it.

>> No.41891520

Are there any translated streams of her out there?

>> No.41891556

She's earned it, It's obvious she's feeling burned out and all she's doing is making more work for herself. Mostly I think it's the medication that's killing her motivation.
She said next year so who knows when, and like last time she talked about taking a month off and instead opted for a few weeks. I'm not too worried about it but yeah. Mostly means both of them. I don't they ever did that Shiraken camping trip they planned or maybe they're waiting for spring or summer.

>> No.41891559

No one has the time to be translating and typesetting hour long streams for free

>> No.41891575

Holomen seem to get 1 month break every year but canan, she can take break anytime she want lol.

>> No.41891576

How would she deal with a month break from Canan? I can't imagine she can suspend payments for one month or NND, FC or Fantia, knowing her she would probably try to double the amount of content the month before or something like that.

>> No.41891608

on paper she "can", but she won't because she promised 4 NN streams and 1 FC stream every month and doesn't want to break that streak
she's had close calls before where she does it all in one week, but she has never missed a month before and can't cancel payments anyway
Even when she went to Oita for ~2 weeks she still streamed anyway

>> No.41891627
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If she's burned out and needs/wants a vacation she can do anything she wants. That's her choice. She could also always prerecord stuff and release it. She won't get the 1 on 1 chat interaction but she can take a break and technically keep her promise.
Problem is last time she didn't know what to do with herself so she just stayed home because she's a shutin and got depressed because she saw her life as nothing without streaming.
I worry about the Noel stuff, if Cover is making her work this much and she can't keep up the double life, I can see her giving up on Noel, she'll never retire Canan. She's the only one that's keeping up the roommate activity compared to other Holos. Pandemic lockdowns are over and Hololive is a lot bigger than it was in 2019, so of course they want to do more. The question is how much is it her choice and how much is it Cover's to make her work this much. Other Holos are busy but she makes it sound like she's the busiest.

>> No.41891649

Lamy said Noel is one of the busiest Holos. I know she does a lot because she's so nice she wants to give back all she can to Hololive after everything it's given her but she's not even the most popular Holo, not even in the top 5 yet she gets loads of sponsors and collaborations from companies. How much is that her or her manager/cover?

>> No.41891672

You could argue that they know she'll say yes so they push a lot of stuff on her, but it's still her decision.
During the nipple she said she cancelled a lot of work and also has talked multiple times how this year she has a lot less work compared to last, but feels bad she's not able to deal with it the same way.
There's also stuff like how her rule is to never take jobs on the weekends and holidays, seems to stick to that unless it's very unavoidable cases like the current weekend, so she has all that freedom and she's taking what she thinks she can handle but it's still too much.

>> No.41891687

>She's the only one that's keeping up the roommate activity compared to other Holos
You mean that she's the only one you know about. Calli still releases songs on Demondice and collabs with other people, Matsuri still tweets regularly as Nozomi, Kiara still tweets and posts pics regularly on Keekihime, and Mel is still active on Rica (it's how she spells it on her Twitter).

>> No.41891710

Cover gets her the work, she tells them what days she's willing to work.
But she has already said on Noel that she generally doesn't refuse anything that gets sent her way, whether it be collabs or sponsors.
Back in 2020~'21 she literally left no time open and just did NN streams in between work, only to have to reschedule streams all the time because she got back home later than expected
At least now she actually sets aside time for Canan.

>> No.41891733
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Does anyone else ever get bored of the fact that Canan is just all tease and no nipple?

So much potential wasted, man.

>> No.41891744

Also forgot that there's also Choco-sensei who still tweets regularly and streams on twitcasting as Guutara along with her monthly ci-en content

>> No.41891764

They're doing nowhere near the amount of work that canan does lmfao. Only demondice is comparable.

>> No.41891785

She's scaling it up, the dildo was great.

>> No.41891829

Slip is way hotter than simply showing it. The forbidden and the unexpected things are peak of eroticism.

>> No.41891871

Canan and Noel do a lot more combined than all of them. Mori took time off to do Demondice stuff and tweeting and twitcasting isn't the same as ASMR or FC.
So many Holos put aside roommate stuff or retired but she was doing it for so long and had such a connection to her fans that she couldn't walk away. She really does see them as boyfriends and why she clearly shows favoritism to those that knew her before Noel. She likes the ones that didn't discover her because Noel and Hololive.

>> No.41892047

I remember Yaming did a shoot where her nipples were covered with melted chocolate, so the shape was clearly visible but it was technically still censored. If Canan did something like that I could die happy.

>> No.41894326

The funny thing with Mori's Demondice activities is that it kinda killed her momentum as Mori. Since every other time she streamed as Mori it was like some sort of announcement then she just disappears for a bit. At least for Canan to Noel she's at least consistent but thats probably more due to the fact that Kishidan also watch Canan.

>> No.41894706
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I’m tired of loving this menhera, I don’t know how anyone else can do it. The constant need for her to take her BPD medicine, the endless accusations, the emotional outburst, it’s all so tiresome.

>> No.41894721

Can she be saved?

>> No.41895002

I’m not surprised she’s thinking about a vacation. It feels like she’s had a part in almost all the 3D birthday lives this month and I may not know much when it comes to dance lessons, but they must be tiring and with needing to be well coordinated with the others I’m sure she’s exhausted. Knowing her though she’d probably put all but Noel members stream on hold and just do the Canan stuff that month.

>> No.41895032

Kill yourself samefagging ritual spammer

>> No.41895225

Has she ever actually said she's a virgin? She's always saying 喪女 and that she's not good with men but I haven't heard the actual word 処女 from her.

>> No.41895256
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Apparently what she said is that she would do everything the first two weeks of the month, then the next month do everything on the last two weeks, taking a break the 4 weeks in-between.

>> No.41895506

That's your own subjective opinion. Realisticallly she's only required to do 4 NN streams (average once a week) and 1 FC stream every month, and like Canan says herself her community streams are just her hobby and completely unnecessary just like guutara's twitcasting streams.
If you compare her 5 streams to Rica who has her 2~3 ASMR streams a month on top of seiyuu collabs on her own 2U platform and song cover productions, the amount of work is not that different.
The same goes for Demondice who collabs with other Japan vloggers, drawing and helping edit videos for Fake Type, and writing her own songs.
Regardless of whether you care about them or not
>She's the only one that's keeping up the roommate activity compared to other Holos
is proven to be wrong.

>> No.41895553

Is Rica still doing the 2U thing? The last I see is the Ash seiyuu from august.

>> No.41895632

Noel streams way more than Mori and Mel though so I don't get your point.
Also Noel gets way more main channel appearances and sponsorships than them and even appears in more 3Ds than them so she is doing way more Hololive work

>> No.41895818

an anon tried to say Noel is the only one who keeps up both Hololive and roommate work and that's clearly not true. Trying to move goalposts by arguing who does more doesn't invalidate that.
If you're arguing that what you don't see doesn't exist than you're no better than those schizos who think Noel is slacking off with a guy when she's not streaming.
The work is different, not necessarily any less. Noel isn't writing song lyrics for herself or releasing full albums and covers instead of a just single song once every year. Most of that work is several months in the making and done behind the scenes anyway.

>> No.41896364

I was saying she does the most between the two. Mori and Mel do a lot too with Choco close behind. But if you add up everything together, Noel looks like she does the most. But it's impossible to say what goes on off camera.

>> No.41897301

Guess she could do week 1 3NND streams including a cooking stream, week 2 ASMR lead in to FC for both ends

>> No.41897313

She would just have no time for Noel.

>> No.41897330

She would still have weekends, she would need to clear her weekday lessons and other Cover work though.

>> No.41897339

It would probably have to be around spring, summer is usually busy and that leads into fall and holidays pretty quick.
Seems like most Holos took time off either the start of summer or end of summer. When Suisei, Pekora, and Towa took month or so off.

>> No.41897688

What do you guys think is Canan's goal?

>> No.41897794

Making me cum and she's employee of the month.

>> No.41897812

March to April could be good end it with a white day themed FC and all the work related stuff should be minimal with the fest ending at the start of March April I’m not too sure how busy it usually is.

>> No.41898002

Bro, she doesn't even know what her goals are.

>> No.41898071

What goal? She rich!

>> No.41898174

She's constantly talked about how outsider streaming she doesn't know what to do and has no real goals for Canan or herself. It makes her depressed.

>> No.41898194

Comparing mori to noel lol. One care and one just trying to leech cause she nothing without hololive.

>> No.41898364

Canan will get naked on camera within 2 years.

>> No.41898483

Have you watched JAV? Enjoy censorship.

>> No.41898778

Maybe by then they’ll finally get rid of those censorship laws but then again it’s Japan it’d probably take them like 10 years to do that

>> No.41898854

You've seen how dark her nipples are, vagina is probably darker.

>> No.41898863

Anons who speak JP, how does she do 4 ASMR every month without getting tired of it/repeating the same stuff?

>> No.41898897

It's 2 earlick a month and 2 something else, the something else can be normal non-sexual ASMR, zatsudan, drinking, and now cooking.
The earlick stays varied by the different cosplays, the rest of stuff is on rotation so it stays fresh too.
The most "samey" thing is the normal ASMR, which is the same as the stuff she does on Noel, I guess the enjoyment for those is "being in the moment", just getting that ASMR live on stream and falling asleep to it, even if it's always the same content every time.

>> No.41898994

it's 2 earlicking, 1 normal sleep ASMR, and 1 miscellaneous stream which she normally uses for zatsudan or occasionally cooking.
Realistically she only has to try hard cosplaying for the 2 earlicking streams, while she can wear more normal clothes for the sleep ASMR and zatsudan streams.

>> No.41899017

She does have trouble coming up with different outfits sometimes. She mentions it all the time before the next stream.
Being horny 2~3 times a month is hardly that frequent. She likes doing it and realistically only gets to go all out during the FC stream anyway.

>> No.41899261

She's live.

>> No.41899313

She needs a boyfriend and a good dick.

>> No.41899334

>friend gave her nipple whitening soap

>> No.41899394

>Noel's hand signed goods are limited now because Canan has to sign all this shit for FC

>> No.41899442

she's getting ready to go out to eat with another "friend", meaning another hololive member

>> No.41899471

I wish there was a way for me to record the stream before it ends and gets privated
I missed the first half hour and the extension I use doesn't catch the earlier parts while the stream is live

>> No.41899478

Is it though? This one she says it's was planned a month beforehand.
I do wonder if all of these lunches with friends being with holos just means it's more work, like that's where they plan collabs or whatever.

>> No.41899495

You can view some of you have NicoNico plus.

>> No.41899509

Apparently the FC staff is telling her she's going too far for R15?

>> No.41899520

this is the one she said she was going to go out to eat with last week, but one of her hamsters got sick so she postponed to take it to the vet
She also said it's a different person from the one yesterday, but the same connection, and since we know she went with Flare yesterday that means it's another hololive member

>> No.41899533

NicoNico plus or NicoNico premium?
I have premium so that it lets me view community Timeshifts but Canan privates her streams half the time anyway so I still can't view them

>> No.41899541

Wonder if she’ll be able to change it to r18 without messing up membership streaks

>> No.41899549

No she said she doesn't want R18.

>> No.41899552

she's saying she has been told she has gone too far before, which we already know happened because of the nipslip

>> No.41899581

Ohh that's what she meant by explaining it to them? Alright.
Hope they aren't bothering her otherwise, the way she refused to do the transparent chair with normal lighting last stream was kinda weird for example, I don't know if that was her decision.

>> No.41899595

why wouldn't it be her idea? she did it during the previous NN stream too

>> No.41899601

What a shitty site no different from NND so what's the point?

>> No.41899608

The different lights? I remember the previous time with he transparent chair being normal.
Here it's like she tried to make it hard to see with with the lights and the lotion.
And she got scared when the cameltoe showed too much.

>> No.41899633

that's not the point. She had those lights on the previous NN stream because she thought it was lewd and was going to a sketchy shop kind of situation she was going for, and the FC was a continuation of that.

>> No.41899636

Someone should tell her most people won't expect super explicit stuff if she changes to R18, it's just so she doesn't have to deal with the staff.

>> No.41899640

some people here already expect explicit stuff even when the site is R15

>> No.41899642 [DELETED] 

This, change R-18 but still do R-15

>> No.41899649

She didn't have the lights at the beginning of the FC and turned them off for the paizuri though. Only there for the transparent chair and even after people complained she just reduced the intensity a bit but wouldn't turn them off.

>> No.41899746

But she didn't want to do it to begin with. She won't need to go make her own site or go someplace like Onlyfans. And again, it's a slippery slope.

>> No.41899794

Those are mostly trolls and /t/urds thinking she'll go JAV or some shit. I don't think she's ever really wanted to go hardcore R18. She's ok with showing her body but even masturbation was something she didn't intend when she started the FC. It was just supposed to be "extreme earlicking" with toys and skimpy outfits but when she faked it one stream and everyone thought it was the hottest shit she's ever done and it gave her a high because she's a exhibitionist. Like an anon said above this whole shit is a slippery slope.
>Streaming on NND turns to ASMR that turns into Earlick ASMR that turns into Extreme ASMR etc etc
Look where she started and look where she is now, I don't think she ever thought she'd end up here doing this shit.

>> No.41899801

>Canan talking about Star Wars

Who'd you think is her SW oshi?

>> No.41899802

She's a big Jar Jar fan.

>> No.41899867

Problem is it's still ran by Dwango and if they start doing R18 Credit Card companies will flee. It's what happened before the purge.

>> No.41899880

Can she do R18 on Fantia or is that R15 as well?

>> No.41899881

Is this a joke or for real?

>> No.41899890

Fantia not only supports R18, it's also streaming capable. It's also more secure.

>> No.41899973

>Star Wars
It's hard imagine her enjoying Andor despite it being the best thing Star Wars related in years.

>> No.41899982

Streaming is still in beta and not many people use it.
Also like any other Japanese site they still expect you to censor the naughty bits or you will get banned. I know of a few girls who got a warning from admins and either had to dial it back or start sending stuff through Twitter DMs.

>> No.41899993

Transparent or "partial" nudity and uh, realistic "substitutes" all count for R18 territory in Japan. Granted, there are R18 image videos but it's still R18. And Japan is very strict about the R18 distinction, having to use separate identities/names. Don't know why this isn't apparent to anyone fapping to JP content.

I'd be content if she continued with clothed paizuri. Maybe change up the pasties she's using.

>> No.41899994

The government made money from the censorship laws, so it never going away.

>> No.41900006

>Don't know why this isn't apparent to anyone fapping to JP content.
Because the ones here calling for her to do that shit either don't know or care. They're all from /t/ and /v/ with no understanding of politics or laws.

>> No.41900020

>Maybe change up the pasties she's using.
At this point she should try using those "Fuck Me" pasties that she originally thought might've been "too much", all things considering.

>> No.41900077

She talked about wanting to do a video call event again, but no time frame on making it actually happen. She also still has her guard up and says she doesn't want to start falling in love with anyone, so she'll be limiting the sessions to 3~5 minutes at most.

She also mentioned that the number of people who stay continuously subbed to the FC is low and it's natural for it to decrease over time as people drop, so there's not as many as people think.

>> No.41900111

Really? I thought she was super popular?

>> No.41900123

Her pre fc on YouTube was like around 2k. 1 year ago she almost got close to noel numbers.

>> No.41900330

>Content gets worse
>Subs drop
No way...
Also, she'll be doing R18 before the end of next year and JAV by 2024, cope seethe dilate, your oshi is a whore.

>> No.41900985

Why are you even here?

>> No.41901050

You said she would be doing both by the end of this year

>> No.41901080
File: 943 KB, 2494x2900, PXL_20221128_081541925~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no friends who like Noel, so I'll make a blog post here.

>> No.41901090

She said subscriber were growing though and had a shitton of stuff to sign.
She was only afraid that the current month might go down because of the last couple with no short videos and hectic schedule, other than that it's been going up the whole time.

>> No.41901100


>> No.41901116

Its just faggo/t/s trying to create a narrative based on a single YouTube stream

>> No.41901206

I figured, the shit he said has been debunked by now. It's really old.

>> No.41902451

We can talk about Noel's upcoming stream here instead of making a /vt/ thread, right?

>> No.41902874

Bro she is rich enough
Why wpuld she do jav

>> No.41902916


>> No.41902924

Why would she masturbate on camers? She doesn't need to do anything on Canan if she only cared about money.

>> No.41902934

Someone already made one.
Fuck it, I won't use it, that guy spamming "nice nice" to bump really annoyed me.

>> No.41903040

She never said her subs are low, just that people break the streak for various reasons. A lot of people are subbed, but not all of them are necessarily subs that have stuck from the beginning which is normal. People change their minds.

>> No.41903157

Hell nah, too confusing.

>> No.41903169

Yeah that makes sense, after 12 months it's going to be a very small amount of people that will have bothered, honestly I think it's very likely it'll never get shared, unless DWANGO does something retarded.

>> No.41904492

I'm kinda going schizo over her saying she had a lunch that was planned since a month ago, then Noel saying she was with a holo but no one else mentioning it, then starting the stream late while drunk.
Just makes me think.

>> No.41904518

Hololive and Taxes take a huge amount of money
Canan is a good way to earn it back

I can promise you she never does JAV

>> No.41904994

She values their privacy and unless they say it's ok or have already talked about she won't say anything. Honestly it was probably Lamy if she was drunk and they live in the same apartment complex.

>> No.41905166

>She opens FC site
>Gets a fuck ton of money from Coomers
>More 3D lives and original songs as Noel
>She has to pay for all it
She's selling her body on FC streams to pay for these big events as Noel. Shame on those of you don't sub to Neol, become a member of Noel's channel, and giving Noel superchats. You are the reason she's whoring herself out.

>> No.41905481

They take it out of their paychecks, not their personal bank accounts. There are plenty of other members who have more concerts and original songs than Noel does with no active roommate account.

>> No.41905525

This. They subtract it from their salary which is why Noel sometimes says she's in the red or negative salary. She does spend a lot so she's lucky she has Canan.

>> No.41905551

Anyone else thought it was kind of sad that her birthday live's theme was "happy" when she's been so depressed and down in the dumps on Canan? I guess she really needed that support.

>> No.41905736

No, because I'm not a schizo who makes up narratives about her being depressed all the time when not only is that not how bipolar disorder works, but she was also fine during the community stream earlier today (Japan time)

>> No.41905787

I think it's sadder she considers gambling and alcohol the things that make her happy.

>> No.41905795

kek I'm just like her

>> No.41905928

But all with friends.

>> No.41905965

Which Gambling wdym lmao

>> No.41905979

Her song with Chloe and Pekora. But that might be about those slot streams with Pekora that brought her happiness. Doesn't have to be gambling perse, she doesn't gamble real money because of her father.

>> No.41906025

>Comes home drunk after being out with unknown person
>Streaming less
>Showing more experience in sexual acts
Yeah, she has a boyfriend.

>> No.41906316

>>Streaming less
She is streaming more these past few weeks.
Marine has a husband who she cheats on and Macoto is a lying whore who told lies about momobako

>> No.41906340

Sad cope, lmao

>> No.41906347

Macoto is scum just like Marine. Everyone Marine is friends with is vermin.

>> No.41906361

Keep tellimg lies just like your piece of shit oshi Marine and her bitch friend Macoto.

>> No.41906410

They don't even know each other, man.

>> No.41906441

Yes they do.
There are also tons of clips of them together
They are both incredibly scummy people.

>> No.41906464

Ichimi exposed for lying once again.

>> No.41906466

That doesn't mean shit.

>> No.41906493

What does this mean then?

>> No.41906497

>Everyone I hate is an Ichimi
Literally this schizo

>> No.41906529

Ironic coming from you schizo

>> No.41906599

If you don't hate Marine, her bitch friends and her schizo fans you are an anti.

>> No.41906609

Someone tell me why macoto and marine get such a hate

>> No.41906625

Because they both have a history of being awful people and their fans are schizos who hate Canan/Noel

>> No.41906715

Damn didnt know that. any source where i can Research a bit for them being Awful people?

>> No.41906726

Macoto told lies about momobako and you just have to watch Hololive to see how much or a bitch Marine is.

>> No.41906798

It's literally just one guy who goes between/vt/ and /JP/ spouting the same baseless claims and trying to pit the fanbase against each other. He's been doing it for years, he'll argue in circles and accuse you of hating them if he starts to lose. He's just a troll, ignore him. Marine and Noel are best friends and I don't know the relationship between her and Macoto but it looks mutual respect.

>> No.41906823

You are scrambling to defend Marine and Macoto. You make it too obvious.
Here are the facts: Noel/Canan is still alive and she is loved and Patra is thriving and is loved. Both of these facts make you mad.

>> No.41906982

I couldn't be more indifferent to this post.

>> No.41907003

Don't lie. You hate Noel/Canan and momobako/Patra

>> No.41907065

People may doompost about Canan's mental issues but she's nothing compared to some of the people who post in these threads

>> No.41907191

Yeah true i just wait for the day it get exposed

>> No.41907270

See, this is what he does. He does it in the /vt/ threads and /hlg/. If you don't agree with him, then you hate the girl. It's so stupid.

>> No.41907345

Nnd: 4 streams a month for 500 yen
FC: 1 stream a month for 5000
Make it make sense?

>> No.41907353

Try to fap to a NND stream after watching FC.

>> No.41907379

much lewder content, also higher bitrate, higher resolution and framerate means much smoother jiggling tits
better sound quality too, but I doubt most people have good enough earphones for it to matter

>> No.41907664
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>> No.41908008

So where do we see the pic?

>> No.41909114

Someone on the other jap site wrote Noel earned 200 million yen

>> No.41909317

What are the best ASMRs where she masturbated?

>> No.41909555

I am right though

>> No.41910420

I can't think of a single person with an ego who doesn't think whatever they say is right over what others say

>> No.41910791
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>> No.41911362

>She also still has her guard up and says she doesn't want to start falling in love with anyone

>> No.41911638

At this point its clear that its Macotofags and Marinefags who are the schizos.

>> No.41911707

Do ya'll think she'll ever do a fully naked torso with pasties on

>> No.41911709

>non-stop FC shilling even on NND

>> No.41911759

Every stream now has her saying how she's doing "too much" for FC already so not, if anything it's going to get less lewd over time.

>> No.41912007

>mole on her left breast
The Noel soul transfer has begun

>> No.41912115

>hotter than fc stream
How did this happen

>> No.41912250

Sge looks SO much better here it's unreal. Last fc's costume was seriously bad.

>> No.41912348

In kinda wish next month was normal clothing and stripping down now instead of Santa costumes.
She did say two outfits so maybe.

>> No.41912360

Did I hear right that she said there will be a short with this outfit

>> No.41913019

I checked but didn't hear anything, she just talked a bit about videos and uploading some old archive to FC, and how she doesn't plan to add any videos to the NND plan sinces she's already giving so much there.

>> No.41913142

Ok think that’s what I misheard than. Did she have to private any on NND when they changed policy if so those could go on FC

>> No.41913143

What happened?

>> No.41913411

God, her comments and tweets are thirsty. Always nice reality check so I don't fall in love with her. Some of these people really think they have a shot

>> No.41913531

If you don't hate Marine and her fans then you hate Canan/Noel

>> No.41913581

Apparently it was Towa

>> No.41913868

Towa freels like the kind of person that wouldn't like what Canan does.

>> No.41913896


>> No.41914096

and this matters how? It's not like either of them will be talking about it.
The only kind of people who bring up irrelevant personal stuff to the conversation when no one asked are terminally online schizos

>> No.41914201

They probably have watch parties when FC airs.

>> No.41914262

Glad to see she's back doing mic tests on YT before the streams.

>> No.41914331

She didn't do it for the stream today

>> No.41914363

Yeah but she did it 4 days and 8 days ago, so I guess that's something. There was a 2 month gap before that?

>> No.41914378

She had audio issues two weeks ago so did them to test the settings beforehand, now she found the issue.
But yeah I imagine she'll continue doing them when she has time, unless YouTube starts banning them or something.

>> No.41914591

Of course it was a Holo. This place is too eager to prove she has a boyfriend so they can tear her apart. Irys' rigger appeared on her friends list and /vt/ was so eager to call him her boyfriend. It's disgusting

>> No.41914644

Being a rigger is not an excuse, I would freak if Watao showed up on Noel's friend list, they have no reason to be close like that

>> No.41914667

At least you're honest about how parasocial you are

>> No.41914734

Well that's the audience she has cultivated.

>> No.41914925

Who is watao

>> No.41914941

The guy who drew Noel.

>> No.41914964

But we know they communicate on the regular because that's how Noel gets accessories and outfits. She needs to communicate and talk with Watao and whoever is doing the rigging.

>> No.41914976

Yes communicate, not play games.

>> No.41914980

She isn't Korean so Towa wouldn't be interested

>> No.41914992

When you merge accounts on Stream or Discord sometimes they share and copy contacts. So she could merge her Nintendo list with Steam or something and it copied the contacts.

>> No.41915219

Towa is korean? Didnt know that

>> No.41915253

No Towa likes Koreans.

>> No.41915342

She isn't. She just has kimchi fever

>> No.41915345

Yeah? I thought she is korean born in japan or half KR/JP

>> No.41915364

I don't know about that, my whole joke was about the fact that she really likes Koreans

>> No.41915383

Never followed her or watched a Video from her what happened for that speculation

>> No.41915396

Alot of the people she teams up with in Apex are Koreans.

>> No.41915546

Oh okay

>> No.41915549

So? Isn't she part Korean? Also those games are bigger in Korea than Japan, it's understandable.

>> No.41915554

She is close friends with them as well.
Also you reading too much into a joke that her fans make.

>> No.41916261

How would you feel if she used condoms as a prop?

>> No.41916270

That would be weird and a turn off

>> No.41916282

She could just use her boyfriend's condoms

>> No.41916311

Marine deserves to go mute

>> No.41916365

>Marine shitposting at the same time nipple gets spammed on /hlg/
Just a coincidence

>> No.41916393

Marinefags can't handle the fact that some people realize what an awful person Marine is.

>> No.41916827

I knew japs tits are dark but damn they looked dead

>> No.41916892

>I did something and now I'm creating a big deal about it.
You're so obvious.

>> No.41917706

She weights 52kg right now.

>> No.41917711

Did she get fat or what
Wasnt that her weigh when she was chubby?

>> No.41917716

She'll builds muscle and getting swol

>> No.41917740

She couldn't clean the dildo so she's got a new one.
Smaller to better fit with the audience average size, she thinks.

>> No.41917744

She belittles us. I need to break her in.

>> No.41917746

How much time does she spend in sex shops buying toys now?

>> No.41917752

It's funny how she calls the darkened dildo "experienced" does she thinks dicks get dirtier the more you have sex?

>> No.41917759

>Lamy has a nice zatsudan before going to work
>Noel just wants to talk about dicks instead

>> No.41917766

it does

>> No.41917777

None? She buys everything online. Amazon has loads of sex stuff, a guy I know buys his onaholes there.

>> No.41917786

She said she went to a place to buy yesterday and saw a bumpy "corncob" dildo that freaked her out, didn't said like she was talking about online.

>> No.41917795

why is she so horny all the time

>> No.41917830

>ends stream fantasising about getting raped by a male masseur

>> No.41917838

I'm almost certain she's just discovering her sexuality. I'm wonder if she oppressed it while younger or something. Who's this horny at 27?

>> No.41917839

Different audiences.

>> No.41917858

Joke or real cant tell

>> No.41917859

Did she really say that? If so, hot

>> No.41917862

You shouldn't expect a woman's libido to peak and fall the same ways as for guys

>> No.41917876

Yeah, "not to insult you guys but that dildo was too big I got a smaller one so you can self insert better" I think, 没入感 was there somewhere.

>> No.41918047

what was the word she used after that? she was talking about a dildo that looked disgusting.

>> No.41918064

The dildo that looks like corn.

>> No.41918068

Can’t believe that here first time seeing the forbidden corncob, wonder what her reaction will be when she sees the animal ones

>> No.41918092

no, she thinks dicks get darker like how vaginas do.

>> No.41918122

Goddamn I wish I could speak Japanese. Noel teasing me about my dick size would make me cum buckets

>> No.41918135

She was 53kg during the succubus stream.
She was 54kg at her "fattest" back in 2020 or so when she did that exercise bike stream. That was back when she did eat actual junk food every day.
I'd argue there were times further back where she was even fatter like when she went to comiket during her college years and cosplayed wearing the Anpanman mask, but she was younger back then so she was still smaller overall.

>> No.41918143

probably a joke, she doesn't exercise seriously but I'd still bet she has more muscle now compared to before because of all the dance lessons

>> No.41918150

It's pretty depressing that every Community Stream is just her talking about sex or something else sexual or with work. She wants a parasocial relationship but this isn't what a relationship is about. Does she really think the only purpose a boyfriend serves is sex?
Just shows how bad of a girlfriend she would be. I guess she can't talk about work without doxxing herself but she could talk about video games, anime, manga, movies, anything else. Or is all that too close to Noel? Only time she really did that was Elden Ring but that was when Elden Ring was dominating her life and pop culture sphere. I just wish she was more girlfriend and less sex worker.

>> No.41918221

>exercise bike stream
I wish she bring that back but do it on FC. I want to see that muchimuchi shaking like crazy.

>> No.41918236

Riding while sucking dildo could make a pretty good stream.

>> No.41918257

She only did it for one stream back then because she had no discipline to stick to her diet and thought turning it into content and having people watch her would hold her accountable
she regretted it right afterwards because people put screenshots on Twitter calling her fat and it only validated her self-esteem issues

>> No.41918310

I'm glad that even when she was really depressed she never went the Mike route and threatened suicide.

>> No.41918330

That's what Noel is for. Canan is her rebel side

>> No.41918345

Half the stream was about normal stuff like her neck pain or feeding her hamsters but evidently you either weren't interested in that part or you didn't actually watch the stream and just based it off what other people say here

>> No.41918419

Wdym with pop culture sphere?

>> No.41918468

But Noel doesn't do Twitter Spaces anymore.

>> No.41918469

It still doesn't register in my mind that there are people who can genuinely understand everything she says. I'll never get to see how Noel really is.

>> No.41918483

What are some of the most extreme things Canan has said?

>> No.41918518

She once said she had a dream where a group of black men ran a train on her and that she "didn't want to wake up". I'd link the vod but it was privated a while ago.

>> No.41918521

i think it was Marine who said that

>> No.41918541

Holy fuck, I knew she masturbated on stream but I thought it was "hump the microphone stand" masturbating, I just found the nipslip video and the reason she doesn't see it until it's too late is because she's cumming her brains out while schlicking herself. I think my next 100 loads are going to be dedicated to this stuff

>> No.41918542

Marine was the one who said that

>> No.41918555

Yeah, no one believes that.

>> No.41918572

Nobody here understands her 1 for 1, most can pick up words and phrases and put the rest together.

>> No.41918796

That she is a nazi

>> No.41918803

She said that Nanking and Unit 731 never happened but she wish they did

>> No.41921589

No morning dick talk tomorrow.

>> No.41921912

It was never a thing for her in the first place. She did it literally once or twice.

>> No.41921924

There are retards in every thread who will take things at face value because they want to be spoonfed

>> No.41922514

Live because she's in pain and can't sleep
Say goodbye to >>41921589

>> No.41922545

also said that she'll be busy this weekend so no member streams

>> No.41922586

Apparently her video editor fucked up? I'm surprised there's anyone actually buying those rental version and checking

>> No.41922632

Videos on the rental plan apparently don't have any sound
You also shouldn't expect everyone to be a pirate

>> No.41922642

a comment said the sample parts at the beginning don't have any sound, not sure about the entire video though

>> No.41922645

Yeah someone else said they bought it and it was the same so she went to contact the editor.

>> No.41922652

Many people want to support her and most will pick the easiest availability over jumping through hoops for piracy. Japan is also weird with piracy.
I think she's charging too much though.

>> No.41922663

The rental is retarded though, you have to be on a plan AND you have to pay an extra 5k, to get it for a few days
Like sure if it was some months old thing and just now you found out about FC maybe it makes sense, but who the fuck is renting something that came out yesterday?

>> No.41922672

>jumping through hoops for piracy
That's always weird to think that people see it that way when it's so easy. Hearing girls on stream getting hit with an ad is even weirder since adblocker is free and easy.

>> No.41922690

Anon most normalfags don't even know how to torrent

>> No.41922737

>Chinpo out of nowhere

>> No.41922756

Piracy now is pretty weird. I grew up on the early days of the internet with shit like Napster, Limewire, and Kazaa where giving your computer an STD for free new music was the risk.
Nowadays most people don't even know how to torrent, break code, or find anything on ddl so they'll pay whatever because it's easy and legal.

>> No.41922812

It's not always about convenience. I know it's hard for you to process but some people want to stick to official channels and morally don't engage in piracy

>> No.41922818

So there's some poor sod that has to edit her videos? No wonder she didn't care about the nipslip, she has no shame.

>> No.41922855

I'm happy to pay for things when it's a reasonable price and I like the creator. I bought Holoknight on two platforms, bought my friends a copy of Signalis, Disco Elysium and P4 Golden when I'd already played it to support the creators and have artists fanbox and Canans NND sub because it's all fair and I like to see things I like keep being made. For stuff that's either not available easily or overpriced like Nintendos old games or the FC I'll pirate every time. There are plenty of reasonable targets for piracy.

>> No.41922866

That's nice, but it doesn't change my statement.
Not everyone thinks the same way as you. Not everyone does piracy.
not sure why this is so hard to process

>> No.41923264

Because their views are irrational and cucked.

>> No.41923310

She 100% got her account confused here right?
She hadn't mentioned the pain or ロキソニン at all there, just Canan
If you only know about Noel it's worrisome that she's complaining about some random unknown pain.

>> No.41923342

>I want to wake up at 8 but maybe 8:30
Well maybe Noel won't get delayed, only 5 hours of sleep though .

>> No.41923449

Everyone schizo thinks they're right and others are wrong if they don't agree so it's not surprising

>> No.41923484 [DELETED] 
File: 1.00 MB, 1138x742, 024318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41923514

Well the nipple she said she edited herself but the Rental version had different censorship so that one was edited again, I wonder if she sent the editor the original one or her censored one.

>> No.41923575

Is that a...

>> No.41923602

The color of the men she swallows sperm from kek

>> No.41923733

How does the rental censorship look like compared to the archive one?

>> No.41923784

Some bigger blurs, pink and in a heart shape.

>> No.41923791

>paying fans get the worse version of the content

>> No.41923863

How do we save her from this?

>> No.41923887

wow that was fast

>> No.41923918

By encouraging her to focus more on cameltoe and thongs. Fuck those tights

>> No.41923925

Save her from herself? Impossible.

>> No.41923974

You have her confused with Marine

>> No.41924032

Does anyone else notice that she is happier when she is away from Marine?
It makes sense since Marine is a horrid bitch

>> No.41924083

Rewatching the bunny one didn’t realize she did areola teasing twice only caught the first one. She really does miss doing that.

>> No.41924091

She'll get back to doing it more. I believe

>> No.41925518

Noel stuff feels so artificial and forced after listening to canan streams every day

>> No.41925521

Noel ASMR somewhere 23rd, 24th or 25th, there's going to be like 3 days straight of ASMR, or well, Noel ASMR and Canan "ASMR"

>> No.41925544

Would you rather her talk about dicks and sex?

>> No.41925673

Ehh, Canan feels like she's just trying to pander.
She's also too easily distracted by chat, someone posts a JAV title so she looks it up and starts talking about it, no such thing on Noel.

>> No.41925680

imagine a streamer responding to chat
you do realize that she's responding to movie and horror series mentioned in the chat, right?

>> No.41925685

Yes, I'm just saying Canan is hornier because the chat is hornier too.

>> No.41925692

There's a difference. If you prefer Canan than don't watch Noel.
For me, both serve their purpose. Noel is the cute girlfriend during the day and Canan is the girlfriend at night for sexy time. They both serve their purpose but I don't want to talk about sex, JAV, toys, etc all the time. Canan is only cute when she's on camera, the audio community streams are pretty dull majority of the time.

>> No.41925858

sounds like she has a 3D recording today since she mentioned being worried that people might notice her head/neck might be crooked from the pain

>> No.41925872

She still hasn't gotten that haircut.

>> No.41925876

The recording was yesterday, today is "work outside" but she never goes into specifics when saying that.

>> No.41926164

Noel fans getting ntr'd on the daily. This is sad.

>> No.41926204

Dan'in are just pet hamsters to Noel so no cucking, they accepted their position.

>> No.41926252

Ain't noel fan mascot a hamsters?

>> No.41926347

You say daily but she rarely ever does this
She tweets good morning on Noel more often than on Canan
Normally she doesn't tweet anything as Canan on work days unless it's close to a stream day

>> No.41926505

you must have memory holed the daily community streams. Poor kishidan...

>> No.41926559

Since when are community streams the same as public tweets? That's some weird gaslighting and coping

>> No.41926678
File: 177 KB, 1440x828, 20221130_052208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3-4 hickeys on the left breast (you can even see the exact lip marks in the video)
>multiple bruises on the right breast
>gets caught
>panics and says how scary and other shit
>scratchs it hard so it doesnt look like a hickey anymore
>talks fast af and Grabs her drink

Yeah boys over for you not a virgin

>> No.41926716

Get over yourself, incel. Canan isn't forbidden from having sex or a relationship.

>> No.41926731

That man really love wearing lipstick huh?

>> No.41926791

No one claims she's a virgin, not even her.
But she's not in a relationship right now.

>> No.41926810

>no one claims she's a virgin
this entire thread swears on its life that she's a lesbian turbovirgin

>> No.41926812

She panicked because accusations like that are exactly what she's self-conscious about, especially considering she's younger and more easily baited by comments back then
Also putting aside how you got your sides mixed up, real hickeys are from sucking the area with your mouth until it bruises, not lip marks

>> No.41926869

the lips are still on the breasts while sucking on it creating a vacuum

>> No.41926874

Never heard of a hickey or what

>> No.41926899

Bro like every fucking dude says she is either virgin or a lesbian

>> No.41926943

Thats a fucking rash you idiot. Of course you don't post the video

>> No.41927018

I hope Marine goes mute. It would be what Marine and her shitty fans deserve for their constant psychotic behavior towards Noel.

>> No.41927068

We need to get Marine fired already.

>> No.41927136

Its not a rash dude....the video is easily to find just search ìt up

>> No.41927162

realistically a hickey is literally a bruise just made with the mouth, so anyone who thinks they can differentiate it from any other bruise is just a lying schizo playing armchair doctor

>> No.41927175

It looks like skin irritation like a rash and she's been known to break out in hives.

>> No.41927186
File: 31 KB, 337x404, 1653390302893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41927192

Whatever you say, Dr. Dermatologist.

>> No.41927197
File: 51 KB, 346x347, 1651026732769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41927205

If it was you would post it

>> No.41927251

So is the incel schizo going to be a regular thing?

>> No.41927264

>The anon following her word is a schizo
>Not the guy who thinks she has fuck parties on the weekend and getting laid
Go back

>> No.41927308

Eigo umai

>> No.41927479

I did a screenshot from the video
Just search in some japanese Forums or nico

>> No.41928563

Dann whore

>> No.41930353


>> No.41930638

Post the video

>> No.41930670

They won't because they are making it up.

>> No.41930701

Post it faggot

>> No.41931401

nta but there's a 日南(生放送主) tag on NicoNico that you can search and find some random clips of her old community streams before she made her ASMR channel and turned it into a job.
She leaves her seat to bring back a drink and comes back around 18 minutes in, then that's when she responds to someone in chat saying she has bruises. She says なんで!?since she doesn't know why either, scratches the area once and it spreads, so it probably is a rash instead of a bruise.
Video is 360p at best because NN was even more shit back then and Canan herself was poor, so you're only trying to bait by armchair doctoring and claiming you can accurately tell the difference.

>> No.41931455

Yeah it looks like a rash. You can't spread bruises by scratching

>> No.41932245

I wonder what she’s allergic to that gave her the rash. The only time I’ve gotten such a rash was eating shrimp and medicine I was taking at the time made my arm and body flare up randomly.

>> No.41933765

She has a history of rashes, hives, and she bruises easily. She's sickly.

>> No.41934398

>she has been feeling down again this week
Well she certainly doesn't let it show on Noel

>> No.41934434

She doesn't like to show weakness on Noel, this has been known from the start. Not sure if you're trying to start something by implying one is better than the other but they both serve their purpose. Noel has always been a character to her and she puts some of herself in her just like anyone does.

>> No.41934484

She said she stopped taking her meds a while ago because it made her so sleepy and unfocused that she couldn't do any work.
She says she's been in a depressive mood since a few days ago, but it's still manageable and she can still do her work so she's fine for now

>> No.41934492

It's really a shame that she has a problem that has treatment but it sounds like her doctor isn't very helpful with medication suggestions. It's either take meds and be tired all the time or not take it and go through these waves again.

>> No.41934509


>> No.41934518

Just wait for the thread to die and then make a new one.

>> No.41934519

The blame goes both ways. It doesn't sound like she went back to talk to her doctor about alternatives and just stopped on her own.

>> No.41934532

People said before the FC started that the subscription rewards wouldn'tbe much and here she is, signing shit every day of the week and she's still not done.
And Noel got limited autographs instead.

>> No.41934599

At this point she'll do what she wants and if she burns out, she burns out. From the looks of things, Noel and her followers are the ones that suffer and Canan and the coomers get everything they want. It's clear she has her favorite being the pervert she is.

>> No.41934642

She's not just signing FC stuff. There's the NicoNico postcards and stuff for Noel too.

>> No.41934677

>she wants a talk event to be in a physical location
No love for gaijin

>> No.41934708

no she didn't. She literally said the exact opposite that it'll be online on Discord only.

>> No.41934760

Mel's roommate did a live meet.

>> No.41934772

God I hate every time she says "I'll fall in love if we talk for more than 5 minutes" who the fuck believes that?

>> No.41934773

What does this have to do with Canan? She just said that she won't meet her fans because if she met one there would be no end to meeting them

>> No.41934786

I'm saying if one person could do it, she could. But she probably couldn't stop talk about being gang raped or having a train ran on her.

>> No.41934822

Can people really figure out where she lives from background noises?

>> No.41934853

Japan isn't that big and yes, some people are that smart

>> No.41935063

Why does she want the live event so much? Loneliness? She really loves her fans that much?

>> No.41935257

Offpako gangbang

>> No.41935269

>Japan isn't that big
It's one of the largest metropolis in the world

>> No.41935505

One city is already a more narrow search than an entire state.
There's also plenty more details you use to narrow down, like her living in an expensive apartment complex, her saying before that she doesn't live in Shibuya, the fact that an ambulance passed by an apartment complex at this specific time, and so on.
A foreigner who has never lived in Japan might not figure it out, but someone who lives there and more familiar with the land will.
More famous YouTubers have also had their location doxxed with far less.

>> No.41935536

What good is muting the stream though? If they're schizo enough to pin point her location they would be recording the stream, I was.
Might as well only drop the community streams is she's so scared.

>> No.41935609

Pinpointing someone's location takes time to cross-reference, and people can hire hire private investigators to do the work for them.
Catching the stream live (and knowing how to record it) is much less likely than a schizo catching the archive if she left it publicly available.
