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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.79 MB, 1920x1492, read more.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43422791 No.43422791 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

Previous thread: >>43411031

>> No.43422840

djt was finally based for an hour and you ruined it

>> No.43423045

finally, DJT is fucking over

>> No.43423209
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>> No.43423218
File: 423 KB, 1280x1807, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now this is compelling content

>> No.43423277
File: 319 KB, 1114x613, shasero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some smut I'm a little stuck on and there's no translation thread on /h/.
It's the very end of some slurred speech during kissing here. I don't know if she's saying 謝せろ (not the right conjugation according to wiktionary) or 射せろ (very improper usage but would make the most sense). There's no particle after めいどまんこ so it could be anything.

>> No.43423394

する (使役形) させる (命令形) させろ

>> No.43423418


>> No.43423436


>> No.43423442

didn't even notice the furigana whoops

>> No.43423453

Damn it. I knew I was overthinking it.
Thanks, bro. If you recognize the doujin, rest assured I'll try any way I can to get it scraped properly.

>> No.43423491

they are very shittily typeset to be fair

>> No.43423675

>stop practicing for two months
>already forgot all the kana
>trying to relearn them has me mixing them up instead
Just end me already...

>> No.43423731


>> No.43423846

Literally just make a chart and fill it in. Shouldn’t take you more than ten tries to get everything.

>> No.43423890

actually use the language and you'll never forget them

>> No.43423934
File: 198 KB, 360x827, very nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got one

>> No.43424290
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>> No.43424325
File: 1.06 MB, 1255x2300, 1648565128376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do people unironically recommend this Dolly dog shit grammar guide? The content might be "helpful" but how can you listen to this voice for more than 10 seconds?

>> No.43424353

quit being a whiny homo waa waa baby idiot and go look up the text transcription of her videos then you big goofy goober.

>> No.43424451

It's hard to learn casual speak without relying on anime. How would I formally say "what are you doing after work?" does "shigoto ato ni nanioshiteru?" make sense? and would shiteruno be better/make sense?

>> No.43424453

who hurt you

>> No.43424525

insane how the best japanese grammar guide is being gatekeep by someone who chose to use a shitty robot voice for the videos

>> No.43424536

which jap sites do you frequent

which one

>> No.43424538
File: 28 KB, 487x515, 1646990066400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon. Relax. The idea of a grammar series in the format of consecutive videos is to, get this, NOT JUST READ SOME SCRIPT. This is like criticizing a movie and just telling me to read the book and ignore the movie. I knew I could do that but this doesn't take away from the movie being dog shit. Or would you lash out at a blind person looking for some good audio guide to supplement their language learning? I could go on but the point stands that even if you don't need those videos we should never recommend something that might ultimately turn people away from our passions.

>> No.43424542
File: 2 KB, 501x42, 1660540452026522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what happens when you do kanji on the front anime cards smdh

>> No.43424546

The best grammar guide is and will forever be Namasensei's and it is a shame he didn't cover more of the language.

>> No.43424554


>> No.43424556

george sensei is so cool

>> No.43424633
File: 611 KB, 1024x768, ............png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43424699

I expected better from Japan:


>> No.43424756





>> No.43424765

Any foss option for e-ink e-readers?

>> No.43424773

oh that guy
his guide is mid
dolly solos every grammar guide

>> No.43424866

your comparisons are so unrelated and poorly thought out I'm not sure if you've ever seen a movie or a blind person before. respond to one of my posts with this drivel again and I'm giving you a big fat kiss on the lips, queer.
he literally can't even write hiragana with the correct stroke order. never post that fraudulent cracker in this thread again.

>> No.43424877

Is it bad that when I saw this video, I thought people were just mad zoomers were standing around looking at their phones?

>> No.43424879
File: 1.02 MB, 3000x3611, FvewBQ7aMAAm9K6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gooood morning


>> No.43424913

Good morning, anon! Thanks for posting these.

>> No.43424927


>> No.43424985
File: 322 KB, 1596x2043, Fvg0FGkakAQonG2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


more immersion

>> No.43425137

nips BTFO

>> No.43425140
File: 1.14 MB, 3840x2160, 1682917201868664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got to 4k vocab. I think I might reach 6k in july. I'm also playing tenshi souzou on the side which is pretty fun

>> No.43425152

based vinnie chad

>> No.43425184

how can you tell how many words you know?
also if you actually grind yuzuge every day you'll be way more than 6k words by july trust me

>> No.43425218

>how can you tell how many words you know?

>> No.43425267

well my deck is a fraction of my vocab, do you seriously have a card for every single word you know? every single word in >>43425140?

>> No.43425273

>he thought we were joking when we said gotta catch em all

>> No.43425279

Hey, that's my daughter!

>> No.43425280

I'm German.
The light novel market here is terrible, barely anything gets translated into German at all.
And I don't want to read english translations.
Should I just buy a light novel in japanese even though my level is around N4?

>> No.43425297


>> No.43425325
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>> No.43425334
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>> No.43425344

it's written on anki and jpdb too. There's always words I already know since i'm mostly learning by immersion but I like to think of the number of words in anki as the milestone I need to reach to progress

>> No.43425473
File: 18 KB, 302x362, 85f8ecb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't plan to tell anyone about you knowing any japanese
>accidentally say ええとね while pondering something
Fuck. Thankfully my cover wasn't blown.

>> No.43425486

we all know you have no life

>> No.43425488


>> No.43425519

no but seriously, should i get a light novel or no? i know i won't understand jack shit but it might give me the motivation to work on my japanese harder

>> No.43425529

only one guy in germany knows jack shit

>> No.43425532

if you have to ask it's over

>> No.43425533
File: 994 KB, 2086x2044, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should start with jp-subbed anime which has voices and instant look-ups
you'll just get frustrated trying to learn from a physical ln if you have to look up 20 words per page

>> No.43425538

consuming stuff that you are intrinsically motivated to understand is best way to learn a language.

>> No.43425545


>> No.43425563
File: 386 KB, 975x1300, 20230507_035618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want to read something all you need is a dictionary and a dream. you can start from n5, fren.
but i'd suggest you go to syosetu and read wns with yomichan first. it's easier to look things up that way. if you do lns though you can also find one with an audiobook and listen to what you're reading.

>> No.43425567

i suggest you shut up

>> No.43425572
File: 397 KB, 1050x1400, 20230507_035538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43425580


and if your cover blew that way someone else's cover would blow by blowing yours
you would blow each other so to say

>> No.43425581




>> No.43425585

rare imouto moment

>> No.43425594

i prefer my imouto well done

>> No.43425598

i too prefer your imouto well done

>> No.43425615

imouto choudai

>> No.43425621


>> No.43425633
File: 619 KB, 1261x711, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43425691

want to fuck a fat 白髪 obasan who just got home from her cashier shift

>> No.43425717

Why are you studying Japanese?

>> No.43425723


>> No.43425725




>> No.43425735
File: 1.43 MB, 960x540, [MagicStar] Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoushi EP01 [WEBDL] [1080p]-[07.23.844-07.36.823].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43425748
File: 31 KB, 450x469, 76078055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43425754

Japan is the only country left in the world that doesn't deny the existance of femininity in media

>> No.43425756


>> No.43425763
File: 825 KB, 1920x1080, [MagicStar] Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoushi EP01 [WEBDL] [1080p]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43425772

want to dump my seed into soft JKs

>> No.43425775

i can fix her

>> No.43425780


>> No.43425790
File: 779 KB, 1920x1080, [MagicStar] Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoushi EP01 [WEBDL] [1080p]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43425799

the way you said it is gay but yes no good female characters exist outside of japanese media for the last 20 years except toby fox who learned japanese and moved to japan

>> No.43425801

imagine actually finding this hot

>> No.43425805

you are a retard unko

>> No.43425813

i'm not your namefag eceleb

>> No.43425818

okay you are a retard who sounds like unko

>> No.43425823

I wouldn't know, isn't he the one who likes fat middle aged women

>> No.43425830
File: 1.31 MB, 1200x900, 1682875051316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43425832

yeah he's also retarded

>> No.43425850
File: 985 KB, 1920x1080, [MagicStar] Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoushi EP01 [WEBDL] [1080p]-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its actually pretty boring but all other doramas this season suck even more

>> No.43425858

well you're gay

>> No.43425864

true true

>> No.43425874

didn't ask

>> No.43425905

do you have 3 cards for 洗濯, 機 and 洗濯機?
finish 1 (one) long vn with yomichan and then get a kindle with jmdict and you'll be able to read your lns
btw would you happen to know any source of pirated digital versions of however few translated lns in German there are? I'm learning German but I didn't really like the western young adult fiction I tried reading that much

>> No.43425906


>> No.43425920
File: 265 KB, 1434x1080, Screenshot_2023-05-07-13-40-42-03_f9ee0578fe1cc94de7482bd41accb329~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pro tip

>> No.43425942
File: 723 KB, 1424x820, name.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm confused by the とお here. what does it mean?

>> No.43425950

do you have a guess bro

>> No.43425959

only books worth reading in german were written before 1900

>> No.43425962

my guess is it's just ゴブリンと お似合い but why did they put the o in the previous line before 似合い

>> No.43425961


>> No.43425963

What is our daily routine sirs?

>> No.43425966


>> No.43425984

you shouldnt think about stuff like that

>> No.43425991


>> No.43425997

he wasn't he just didn't understand it and googled it then it came back with that

>> No.43426012

what does this have to do with what you replied to

>> No.43426020

never google anything anymore now that we have chatgpt

>> No.43426028

he's a retarded faggot

>> No.43426044

i love the word 卓越 because it describes me relative to all djt people

>> No.43426055
File: 72 KB, 680x680, FvhDxqcaMAA-LO5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yoooo they made a holo fighting game lets fucking goooo

>> No.43426058

he should offer her a 無い内申

>> No.43426066

great now i can beat holowhores to death

>> No.43426069

vtranny fighting game player overlap ぎょっ

>> No.43426270

>would you happen to know any source of pirated digital versions of however few translated lns in German there are?
Sorry I don't pirate German media so no

>> No.43426332

only cringe nazi larpers wanna learn german
learn an actually useful language like hindi or mandarin

>> No.43426347


>> No.43426374

anyone here learning mandarin? what media do you consoom?

>> No.43426384

cheap chink anime
cheap chink gacha

>> No.43426405

this is the japanese board

>> No.43426407 [DELETED] 

honestly this episode had more budget than your entire favorite animu

>> No.43426447

>only cringe nazi larpers wanna learn german
I'm a communist though

>> No.43426452


>> No.43426473

someone post the chart
you know the one

>> No.43426497
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>> No.43426510
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>> No.43426521

cheap chink chuuba

>> No.43426645

imagine willingly talking to indians

>> No.43426652

some of their girls are hot

>> No.43426654

its probably the most useless language on the planet right now
all media we produce is straight up recycled from the usa, no original ideas
plus everyone under 25 knows english so the only benefit you really get is being able to talk to some boomers

imagine it's the same for most european languages nowadays though

>> No.43426671
File: 1.35 MB, 2723x2004, ez vns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.43426729

let's fucking goooooooo

>> No.43426746

gonna take a shower now
leave something good waiting for me when i get out

>> No.43426748
File: 3.59 MB, 1088x1080, 1683455635832600.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43426775

Has anyone tried having one of those bone conducting earphones on just playing japanese news or audiobooks even when doing other daily things ?
They arent that expensive and it seems like a good way to constantly get input in some way.

>> No.43426855

Yes listening to stuff is a good way to listen to stuff

>> No.43426869
File: 929 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Mobile Suit Gundam - The Witch from Mercury - 17 (1080p) [7C195131]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its suletta sunday!

>> No.43426902

sexy suletta

>> No.43426920

>he literally can't even write hiragana with the correct stroke order
expand upon the correlation between correct stroke order and the ability to teach grammar おねがいします 

>> No.43426938

knowing japanese correlates with knowing grammar

>> No.43426947

knowing japanese causes knowing grammar

>> No.43426961

knowing grammar is necessary but not sufficient for knowing japanese

>> No.43427017

it's a good day in djt when i wake up and see that no posts had to be filtered yet

>> No.43427020

only good post made while i was showering
finna scramble some eggs now

>> No.43427028

good days are when half the thread is autism fights

>> No.43427046

would a fat indian obasan for sure

>> No.43427134

finally i can read vinnies too

>> No.43427140

japanese is impossible
give up

>> No.43427169

japanese is impossible
jacking it to cunny vns is possible

>> No.43427177
File: 530 KB, 1030x819, 1627068008305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43427271

i do not believe that knowing how to write the kana with the correct stroke order is necessary to learn japanese
one can easily start to learn the language without ever picking up a writing utensil

>> No.43427309

you obviously have never seen him actually try to have a japanese conversation
he does not know any japanese at all

>> No.43427310

one can start to learn it however they want but how is that relevant?

>> No.43427339

why did forvo remove the checkbox that allows you to stay signed in

>> No.43427342

very displeased with my tenga 3d that someone recommended here
only used it 3 times and it’s starting to tear at the tip end where it stretches

>> No.43427350 [DELETED] 

Tatsu posted a new article today! Time to read!

> I have a deck I haven't reviewed for a whole year. Should I reset it?
> https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/should-i-reset-a-deck-i-havent-reviewed

>> No.43427360
File: 1.28 MB, 1280x720, 1662826350506883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up retards

>> No.43427363

>some retard who doesnt know a lick of japanese wrote an article
thanks for the info, dont care though

>> No.43427367

you are correct, i have not
perhaps i am forcing an assumption buried in ignorance
you are also correct, i was getting off-topic
i was just trying to defend namasensei's good honour in the hopes that he would have sex with me

>> No.43427417

its not built for bwc

>> No.43427445
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>> No.43427462

only good thing about namasensei is hes fun to watch
people who actually tried to learn from him r beyond dumb

>> No.43427517

No one recommends that shit. DJT has been telling people to read All About Particles since the beginning of time.

>> No.43427523

i want a t*st*m*t* filter

>> No.43427528
File: 96 KB, 1114x598, 1676687353369973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me djt, is your japanese better chatgpt?

>> No.43427551

esls get out

>> No.43427556

く いて
ぐ いで
うつる って
ぬむぶ んで
す して
you little bitch.
worked like a charm, has stuck with me for 10 years.

>> No.43427580
File: 219 KB, 1600x1200, 1655842341912699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stayed up all night.

>> No.43427588

She has one of the highest お気に入りボイス scores in yuzu heroine history, she took up so many of my pages

>> No.43427732

shouldve used that time to study english

>> No.43427797 [SPOILER] 
File: 437 KB, 1920x1080, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna do her route first (i hope)

>> No.43427821

feels like everyone's doing her route first (including me)

>> No.43427837


>> No.43427844


>> No.43427845


>> No.43427932



>> No.43427940
File: 322 KB, 1920x1080, 1683474841247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

travels, pilgrimage, itinerancy, (accumulated) experiences, (personal) history

english definitions...

>> No.43427965

Air vents

>> No.43428006

if you knew japanese you'd know theres nothing wrong with this definition

>> No.43428099


>> No.43428118

sounds ok to me

>> No.43428125

seems passable except for itinerancy

>> No.43428145
File: 300 KB, 1175x1002, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mining from j-j dicts

>> No.43428156

if you read any english you're crippled for life simple as

>> No.43428166

why do japanese always use 思い as an insult?

>> No.43428169

because your mom is 重い

>> No.43428188
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x720, idiot sandwich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep they dont draw em like they used to

>> No.43428198

i like bitches who are older and 重い in both the meanings

>> No.43428200
File: 2.99 MB, 720x480, 1659792308706571.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43428207

hinoue Itaru art is soulful

>> No.43428242

thank god

>> No.43428258
File: 198 KB, 1920x1080, pHzvJdl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43428264

I hope people will soon start releasing AI-made patches that un-derp the art from older games using img2img

>> No.43428265

i'm really lazy to do my anki reps today but i don't to lose my twenty days streak, what should i do

>> No.43428270

do 1 card, that should count towards the streak?

>> No.43428276

rep 30 cards right now and then you'll think about it

>> No.43428278

I got an anki question with adding new note types. I wanna have like each card in the deck also have a flipped counter part. So like 水 -> water and then water -> 水

I know how to add a new card type but is there a way to propagate that throughout the deck? Like the 2k with obviously 2000 cards then being able to have 4000 cards? I'd ask the other general but the polack is having a meltdown about healthy diets

>> No.43428285

come to the understanding that anki streaks don’t matter but consistency does
there is a difference

>> No.43428290

that feels like cheating for me
guess i'll tkae a nap and do it later
will do it after my half hour nap

>> No.43428293

> water -> 水

>> No.43428299

anon needs his nappy time

>> No.43428300

if you ever cared about anki streaks ever you will just not make it

>> No.43428301

>I wanna have like each card in the deck also have a flipped counter part. So like 水 -> water and then water -> 水
stop wanting that
>will do it after my half hour nap
napping after reps is gain enhancer. napping before reps is a wasted opportunity

>> No.43428307

im a huge novice at 500 words, why is that a bad idea?

>> No.43428317

if you ever cared about anki ever you will just not make it

>> No.43428318

how often are you going to be looking at english text and trying to know the kanji
how often are you going to be reading japanese text and trying to know the reading

>> No.43428325

easy to do with card types but dont because thats retarded in this case

>> No.43428334

im beginning to feel out when わ is appropriate

>> No.43428348

a lot of english definitions are just approximations of the japanese meaning and often you need multiple english defs to describe a japanese meaning accurately memorizing english --> jap defs will actually cripple you

>> No.43428358

Making a couple cards is alright but its a thing that you should not be doing for more than a couple years at most

>> No.43428365


>> No.43428372
File: 797 KB, 1024x576, image(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43428378


>> No.43428385
File: 96 KB, 128x128, 89d03bd0-9632-11ed-b858-f5c3c321ab5f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43428419

good chart

>> No.43428423


>> No.43428437


>> No.43428438

megami no cafe terrace makes me want to rewatch grisaia

>> No.43428448

lol fag

>> No.43428453


>> No.43428460
File: 25 KB, 1028x152, fr fr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43428466

based yuzuchad enjoyer

>> No.43428493

seen 把手 in a book at least once

>> No.43428496

means fagot hand

>> No.43428689
File: 458 KB, 2280x3036, FvgxlaDaYAIr-6T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

曲 of the day

>> No.43428694

What’s wrong with that?

>> No.43428704
File: 30 KB, 502x113, wanicunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanicunny to the rescue

>> No.43428706

i love how japanese hentai artists always talk bad about foreign art pirates when most seeder ips are always japanese

>> No.43428737

if you're going to cater to and build a career about pleasing degenerates then you should expect a lot of them to get your content in degenerate ways

>> No.43428746

they're filthy gaijin with japan vpns

>> No.43428753

if my country would let me import that stuff i would

>> No.43428757

i wish hentai artists would accept cum as payment

>> No.43428768
File: 81 KB, 842x792, 1680873159556354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it just me or is there a giant jump between N5 to N4?
more on the grammar side than anything because nothing makes sense to me anymore

>> No.43428774

what is N5 and N4? just cons00m my br00ther and forget all about these useless test standards

>> No.43428782

n5 is impossible without cheating

>> No.43428794

>nothing makes sense to me anymore
this is good; a sign that your nihongo is currently levelling up

>> No.43428801

how do I consoom?
was thinking of just playing totk in japanese
not like the story matters there anyway

>> No.43428808

short vtuber clips like this one

>> No.43428825

>both mlen and sasuga posting
worst djt in weeks

>> No.43428842

i love to consume because my vocabulary is all over the place
i don't know the word for simple household items like clothes iron, or the thing they hang futons on to air out, but i know a lot of words relating to 栽培 and plants
maybe after i'm done with this bullygirl manga I'll read something more 家庭的

>> No.43428844


>> No.43428853
File: 322 KB, 1260x1917, 1673424715928433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like korone most out of all these cringe vtubers so I will try watching her

>> No.43428864

you are cringe

>> No.43428869

thank god now i can close this tab

>> No.43428882

god i love kny fight scenes

>> No.43428934

but why anon?

>> No.43429084
File: 349 KB, 600x338, 1536874710309.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decided to watch nagatoros anime
>huh i can understand the majority of what they are saying
>look down and realise the subtitles dont match with what they are saying
this is triggering my autism and fueling my desire to keep learning

>> No.43429104

yoshi, took a shower and made my bed, time to watch some more 切り抜きs and then fire up a yuzu vinnie


completely normal phenomenon

>> No.43429115

care to post some examples?

>> No.43429132

those translators know japanese a million times better than you and have degrees in literature translation. you're just dunning-krugering.
sus was actually a good translation in that show

>> No.43429189

pretty good bait because they do know japanese a lot better than him but are still shit

>> No.43429201
File: 193 KB, 965x778, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that reminds me, yesterday was ゴムの日

>> No.43429264
File: 221 KB, 1150x946, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43429284


>> No.43429484

gomu yoroshiku

>> No.43429613 [SPOILER] 
File: 548 KB, 1920x1080, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros.. who do i pick?

>> No.43429668

hate to be that anon but whats the source on this, all the image searches giving me nothing

>> No.43429754

as for me, the jersey

>> No.43429782

2 or 3

>> No.43429849

i went with 天音 which put me into the 乃愛 route somehow, guess i'll be doing that one first

but hey, first time i didnt get the bad ending.. progress

>> No.43429922
File: 63 KB, 587x740, 1537754256035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oof almost read ふたりは as futanari

>> No.43429948

In the sentence では御仁機会があったら授業だ what does the あったら mean? The たら form of ある doesn't make sense.

>> No.43429957

>The たら form of ある doesn't make sense.
why do you think that?

>> No.43429987
File: 2.31 MB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Kimetsu no Yaiba - Katanakaji no Sato-hen - 05 (1080p) [A1B955B5]-[19.43.140-19.49.606].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43430017


defend this

>> No.43430031
File: 36 KB, 680x488, FvjkJUnWcAAezxs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, hope you enjoy

>> No.43430062

its just when x then y

>> No.43430067

>The たら form of ある doesn't make sense.
Combining the copula + the conditional makes it "if there is" or "if you have" so it becomes "if you have a chance, come to the class."

>> No.43430136
File: 181 KB, 1177x848, bukkake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is a ghosts favorite kink?

>> No.43430159


>> No.43430173
File: 3.89 MB, 1733x967, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am now playing pokemon mystery dungeon
the quiz had me a bit confused but the actual game is easy af for a beginner like me

>> No.43430174

The thing that ticks me off is that it is said as a farewell. Kindof implying: We'll meet in class.

>> No.43430183

Yeah, it's a kind of invitation.

>> No.43430247
File: 678 KB, 413x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vinnies for this feel?

>> No.43430295


>> No.43430298
File: 1.00 MB, 822x1120, 如月真綾の誘惑.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43430302

was a good game

>> No.43430313

I ended up making a separate deck for onomatopoeia.

Am I ngmi?

>> No.43430327

You'll make it, my brother!

>> No.43430333

why don't you just read manga

>> No.43430341

Too busy reading LNs.

>> No.43430352

if you're at that level i would think you wouldn't need a deck for just sound effects

>> No.43430371

applied to dmm eikawa and got rejected cause my accent is not native despite being a literal native

>> No.43430382

porn. japs make the best erotic audios, most of them don't come with scripts and only 0.01% of those will ever be translated. the better my listening comprehension gets the more enjoyable my faps become.

>> No.43430391

I mean what about the sounds of そっくり and ぞくり tell me they have the meanings that they do?

>> No.43430440

it is a farewell, and the two statements aren't directly connected. he's not saying we'll meet in class he's saying
i.e. let's talk again when we get the chance, [i/we] have class now.

>> No.43430465

Seems a bit of a stretch given the little context we have on the statement provided.

>> No.43430490

機会があったら授業だ is not even japanese if you are reading it as a connected sentence (which you seem to be by trying to mistranslate as "if you have a chance come to the class") so you're plainly wrong here

>> No.43430552
File: 740 KB, 1726x2500, 20230507_153009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i haven't fapped nearly enough today.

>> No.43430553

it was even worse than i thought actually
seems to be the real quote. it's from 日常 episode 4 according to google.

>> No.43430555

Have you watched them all?

>> No.43430560

outputted twice in a row while on the phone earlier thanks to a skypech mesubuta

>> No.43430584
File: 2.98 MB, 1300x1818, 101936692_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice. outputting is hyper masculine and cool.

>> No.43430588

i mean if you count the japanese it was 3 times

>> No.43430593
File: 1.50 MB, 1300x1818, 101936692_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43430594

skypech is super aids, fuck that website

>> No.43430598

i personally dont know a better website to find women to fap with on the phone and share pictures with

>> No.43430615
File: 757 KB, 1080x607, 1683501543747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43430619

what do you say on the phone? im coooooooooooming?

>> No.43430622

You give wrong Jap, you get wrong English. Simple as.

>> No.43430625

just what you would want to do to them and what you want them to do / show
by the time youre actually doing it the tension is hot

>> No.43430629

iku~ iku~ ikkkuuuuuuu~uaaahhhhhhjhh~

>> No.43430644

do you say
when you've finished

>> No.43430647

He she whatever might be using a cringy doll persona but it doesnt make the guide bad.
Just use subs.
Both him and Tae kims videos only cover the beginning, truly cursed.
I personally prefer Tae kim because listining to Namassensei when other people are in the house is weird, but both are great.
Namasenseis Te form videos are the best on the topic

>> No.43430660

>can get laid within 30 minutes regardless of how ugly you are by virtue of being a woman
>choose to have phone sex with random foreign weirdo instead
women are something else, and by something else i mean retarded

>> No.43430679

retarded girls have their own charm though just look at og

>> No.43430684

having sex is a lot of effort compared to jerking off though sometimes you cant be bothered

>> No.43430700


>> No.43430708

>can get fucked by some faggot who just wants to use your body and worst case will rape and or kill you
>masturbate with a guy on the phone where you are able to end the call at any time if it gets uncomfortable

>> No.43430716

How do I increase my japanese tolerance/attention span?
For one episode I can understand things, the next I can so so understand
The next I can hardly understand.
Reading kanju for long time hurts my mind

>> No.43430717

you will probably also get massive stds actually fucking random guys

>> No.43430725

gotta catch them all

>> No.43430764

read more

>> No.43430820

if it was said then its valid japanese

>> No.43430852

1. it wasn't even said, see >>43430553
2. what you said doesn't negate what i said. you can interpret what someone said in some ways but others would be wrong. in this case it's impossible to interpret it a certain way. originally i would just assume the original poster fucked up the punctuation because he transcribed it from audio, but he actually just misheard it

>> No.43430902

I've got all 151

>> No.43430905


>> No.43430949


>> No.43431031

>in this case it's impossible to interpret it a certain way
It was also impossible to interpret it the way you did, but that didn't stop you from trying to make sense of it.

>> No.43431156
File: 310 KB, 874x1240, 107414192_p5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43431159

i gave the poster the benefit of the doubt that he merely missed some punctuation, which allowed for a potential interpretation. just trying to read it straight up was clearly the impossible interpretation in this case

>> No.43431184

*dabs on djt*

>> No.43431197

yeah but i bet you aren't オナニーし放題ing tonight

>> No.43431201

I don't think any punctuation could account for all the words you tried to add to make it agree with what you were thinking. I also gave him the benefit of the doubt, but I actually respected the statement that was made.

>> No.43431206

finna finish this vinnie

>> No.43431229

ln eigo l used to enjoy typing l's and capital I's in each other's pIace for the IoIs. lt would be exposed in some fonts but not others.
i like nihongo because i can do the same autistic switcharoo game with 一 and ー.

>> No.43431264
File: 4 KB, 322x175, kikai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese is a context heavy language. it's common to abbreviate things like that and leave what was unsaid to for the listener to figure out (which is usually something obvious given the context). pic related from a random google search.

you shouldn't have respected the statement that was made since it's not real japanese, but clearly you're not an expert so i won't fault you for that. if you ask a japanese person what they think the original poster's statement means they will either say it's not japanese or try to charitably interpret in the same way i did.

>> No.43431326

I think I charitably interpreted it, you just flat out rewrote the statement while believing it was real Japanese with a punctuation error.

>> No.43431345

i didnt rewrite it. i provided the most likely underlying context assuming that it was an abbreviated statement, which as ive said is extremely common when speaking japanese

>> No.43431371

A clause ending in たら can't be an abbreviation if it's followed by an independent clause. You had to add an element of time to even justify the second clause's existence, while insisting it was a farewell.

>> No.43431396

yeah but it obviously wasn't followed by 授業だ because that's not japanese lol, so it had to be some kind of mistake by the OP and i went with "it was actually two statements said seperately and he heard it as one" but his mistake was that he misheard で as だ. your interpretation relies on the fact that someone actually just said completely wrong japanese which doesn't seem like a good idea

>> No.43431431

djt tries to not get filtered by a simple sentence challenge: impossible

>> No.43431449

most of djt is too busy learning from their ai gfs at this time

>> No.43431473
File: 84 KB, 256x255, sunohara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43431561

My interpretation relies on the facts of what was said, yours relies on doubt of the statement's punctuation alone, which required more justification to make it agree with what you were thinking than mine did. If you had said that the whole statement was illogical, then I'd give you credit for pointing that out, but you're trying to act is if you knew all along it was incorrectly transcribed. A statement has only so many ways to interpret it when certain phrases are said together, so I approached it as logically as one can without undermining what was said.

>> No.43431572
File: 12 KB, 419x216, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i missed a day... it's over...

>> No.43431601
File: 81 KB, 600x791, 1492280362155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43431612

you thought it was correct japanese as it was written and that's all we need to consider here when weighing up the importance of your posts on any matter related to the language im afraid

>> No.43431725

No, I thought it was Japanese, as in a statement which seeks to assert certain information. I can't know if the statement was "right" or "wrong" as it could've been written by anyone for any reason. I saw a statement without context that said
>If you have a guitar, then it's a sandwich.
But you saw a statement where you believed only the punctuation was wrong, and so you changed it to become two new statements
>if you have a guitar, (let's jam again sometime). (Now, I/we) have a sandwich.
You're trying to say you're "less wrong" because you thought there was at least one error in the writing, while I'm trying to say that you were entirely wrong, because you failed to recognize the error and still attempted to make sense of the statement.

>> No.43431774

change the date, do something (view new cards, reviews, whatever), and change the date back. youre done

>> No.43431784

you're coping because you failed to realize it was mistaken and have 0 intuition for real japanese as has been demonstrated

>> No.43431807

you've only been doing it a couple weeks no big deal

>> No.43431811

you're free

>> No.43431814

Your intuition told you it was a "farewell" and that the "two statements aren't directly connected." The reality is that the final syllable was taken down wrong and the whole thing was one statement. If that isn't cope, then I don't know what is.

>> No.43431830

it would have been had it been mistaken in the way that i assumed, because the abbreviated version i gave is also not a weird thing to say. why do you think i even bothered googling to find the original? i knew it would either show it was originally punctuated as i suspected or have some other error. meanwhile you just thought you understood it as it was despite it being meaningless lol

>> No.43431849

btw that is a farewell so im not sure what you're talking about lol
do you even know what では means

>> No.43431862

did a voice call with a jp girl, man its hard trying to construct english sentences for people beginners. her voice is soothing so i dont mind though

>> No.43431873

You interpreting 授業だ as being an abbreviated farewell is even more ridiculous than just taking it at face value. The statement, as you thought it was, was not a farewell and you only made it one because the guy asking revealed that bit of context.

>> No.43431875

>man its hard trying to construct english sentences for people beginners.
love self owning like a retard ffs

>> No.43431889

i didnt say 授業だ is a farewell. the では part is. the 授業だ part was just his reason for bidding farewell.
also its funny you think i made up some random context out of nowhere when it's pretty obvious even in the real sentence that it would finish with something like また話そう. what do you think is abbreviated after the で lol

>> No.43431938

Bidding someone a farewell with 授業だ makes no sense and insisting it was an abbreviation all along is also a big leap in logic with what you were given. You didn’t know what was wrong or unnatural about it because you tried to guess at what it meant and were completely wrong.
Give it up, anon. No amount of backpedaling and insisting you knew it didn’t make sense all along will make you look like you secretly knew what you were talking about.

>> No.43431977

if you think someone saying "ive got class" isn't a valid way of saying farewell you have brainworms, but lets ignore your coping for a second and just answer my question
>what do you think is abbreviated after the で in the real sentence

>> No.43432039

You thought it was two statements that were being abbreviated, but it was one statement ending with a particle. You thought this configuration produced a farewell in Japanese because the guy said it was one, so you forced it to make sense. You now claim you always knew it was wrong and that your complete misinterpretation was still right and a normal way to say goodbye.
Just own up to the fact that you tried to make sense of nonsense by mistranslating the statement and see things that were never there to begin with.

>> No.43432064

one of you will stop first
that person will be today's djt loser
just so you both know

>> No.43432087

if you dont answer simple questions it makes it very obvious you know you are wrong and just coping lol
yeah i thought it was 2 abbreviated statements, something that is very common in japanese as i demonstrated, and in fact the real sentence is an abbreviated sentence that directly confirms the assumption that i made (something you're trying to ignore), and furthermore it's not even ambiguously a farewell regardless of how you read it due to the use of では
additionally you didn't even realize it was wrong and thought it meant something that it can't even possibly mean, and then went on a massive coping spree about it

>> No.43432114

day one of seeing if i can form a positive association of anki and other studies in my brain by joing right after i finish them

>> No.43432124

how isnt "ive got class" a valid reason for leaving?

>> No.43432132

>yeah i thought it was 2 abbreviated statements, something that is very common in japanese as i demonstrated
You didn’t demonstrate anything. You made up a new phrase out of an unnatural statement and your guess as to what they could’ve been saying was completely wrong. You can tell me you were wrong for the right reasons, but the fact remains is that you were wrong and only proclaimed the sentence was unnatural once you found the real one. Before that, you pretended the statement was completely natural and actually contained hidden words that made the sentence perfectly normal to say.

>> No.43432156

>you pretended the statement was completely natural and actually contained hidden words that made the sentence perfectly normal to say.
if it's two statements split then it is a natural thing to say
here's 1 of them >>43431264
the other you can just search on twitter for 授業だ and see that people say it basically by itself when giving a reason for why they have to go now/not go somewhere (e.g. https://twitter.com/kina55chan/status/649367686665781248))
both of these statements said separately by one person in one interaction would be perfectly fine japanese since it's a high context language and usually people can understand what you mean.

what you are basically arguing right now is like saying that it's unnatural for a native english speaker to read "gotta go got class" and assume that there's a missing comma. what you did here was read it and try to translate "gotta go got class" like "uh they actually mean they have to go and collect their class!". "hey i just read it like it was written!" and pretending you arent retarded

>> No.43432172

this argument has the same level of idiociy and autism that the old bum/queef ones did but it's not entertaining at all

>> No.43432219
File: 2.76 MB, 3032x2160, 3032px-1895_Meiji_28_Japanese_Map_of_Imperial_Japan_with_Taiwan_-_Geographicus_-_ImperialJapan-meiji28-1895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Map of the Japanese Empire in 1895.
What are those characters at the top? They do not look like chinese or japanese characters.

>> No.43432224

it's seal script

>> No.43432236
File: 3.27 MB, 1920x1080, 1682698925215362.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are watching AOTS, right anon?

>> No.43432239
File: 70 KB, 936x551, 1683193552486529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, I am once again asking for the sauce

>> No.43432245

oshi no ko is aots

>> No.43432309


>> No.43432368

>seal script

>> No.43432372

I'm a fan of
ヌーブームー>んで (new boom)
>if [something happens]. you'll sometimes see もし used at the beginning to unambiguously express it (e.g. もし暇だったら教えてください)
>when [something happens] (assuming it's a natural occurrence, e.g. 12時になったら帰ります)
>upon doing something, [this happens/happened] (not a daily occurrence, e.g. 先生に聞いたらすぐ分かった)
>counterfactual situations (e.g. お金があったら日本へ行っていただろう)

>> No.43432376

No, I was given a sentence and trusting that the words written were what the person meant, gave an interpretation that was in keeping with the grammar shown. You took the sentence and twisted it to be “natural,” when that phrase, as you claim it to be, has probably never been uttered before. Just because you chose to look at the grammar differently, doesn’t mean that you had a better understanding of it and weren’t equally confused.
I know that it sucks to find out that the question asker gave you a trick question, but the fact remains that attempted to add words to justify that configuration of words, I didn’t.
Your Japanese isn’t as good as you think it is and you should know when to admit you were wrong and made a guess.

>> No.43432393



>> No.43432395

圖新 duno the rest but it's definitely jap or chink yea

>> No.43432405

played vidya all day and didnt read any of these garbage posts at all

>> No.43432406

are point and click adventure games djt-approved?

>> No.43432413

>gave an interpretation that was in keeping with the grammar shown.
it's not "in keeping" because taken at face value is meaningless, the only correct interpretation was to assume it was mistaken. you continue to ignore the fact that the real sentence validates my assumptions. stop coping and answer the questions above

>> No.43432417

learned 頭陀袋 today

>> No.43432421


>> No.43432428
File: 1.31 MB, 1049x702, 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My reading speed is definitely improving, this one only took me 9 days to complete.
10/10 mama VN

>> No.43432437

pretty sure it says 大日本明細新圖 although the 日 is fucked up but the 1st and 3rd are definitely 大 and 本 so i cant imagine it's anything else

>> No.43432441


>> No.43432451


>> No.43432455

was gonna play it but then i saw it was nbr

>> No.43432462

Making up words to justify why it’s right, doesn’t make your interpretation the “only correct interpretation,” it makes it a wrong interpretation that you thought made the statement correct. Admit you were wrong and move on.

>> No.43432471

>Making up words
you keep saying this ignoring that the "made up words" that i added as context also have to be added to the real one

>> No.43432478

No they don’t, the real one doesn’t use any of the words that you provided as context because the real one is a fundamentally different statement.

>> No.43432488

what do you think is abbreviated after the で in the real sentence

>> No.43432500

oh my fucking god both of you kill yourselves neither of you know japanese just shut da fuck up

>> No.43432505

Thank you for proving that you have no argument.

>> No.43432507

you cant answer the question because you know that by answering it you'd have to affirm what i originally said. it's really over for you here

>> No.43432518

No, anon, I’m not answering it because it doesn’t pertain to the fact that you made up words to justify your misinterpretation. I highly suggest you quit Japanese and take up improv, since you’re so good at making things up.

>> No.43432528

in order to interpret the real sentence id have to "make up words" by your definition because it's an unambiguous abbreviation. i dont think you're cut out for a high context language like japanese if your brain isnt capable of filling in the blanks

>> No.43432549

Hmm, that’s interesting you say that because the abbreviations you assumed it had weren’t there at all. It’s weird that you keep forgetting that little fact.

>> No.43432558

except the real sentence did turn out to be an abbreviation, so my assumption was pretty natural it seems. as i said, it was the same as assuming that "gotta go got class" was simply missing a comma, which is clearly not a ridiculous thing to do but somehow you seem to be in denial because you'd think that was grammatical english at face value

>> No.43432569

Just because the sentence contained an abbreviation didn’t meant that the abbreviations that you thought were there were in way “right.” In fact, they were completely wrong and it doesn’t help your argument to prove why you were on the “right track” about this statement.

>> No.43432575

they weren't completely wrong, which is why you aren't willing to answer >>43432488

>> No.43432589

Yes, they were in fact completely wrong and you’ve been arguing for the past 3 hours about sentences that literally do not exist.

>> No.43432598

if they were wrong then you should be able to answer the question and prove that the real sentence has no relation. what you're now saying is like arguing "gotta go got class" interpreting as "i have to go, i have got class" is "adding sentences that don't exist". clearly that's ridiculous, it's adding context.

>> No.43432615

Tell me what comes between "では御仁機会があったら" and "授業".
Actually, I'll just save you the trouble. Nothing.

>> No.43432619


>> No.43432627

a pause could have easily come in between there, and that alone would have been enough to support my interpretation, but easily missed by whoever wrote it on here. i note again that you fail to answer the question. if you dont answer it in the next post ill be considering it my win

>> No.43432636

that only makes sense if you believe the other person has the ability to understand you without misinterpreting

>> No.43432653

I will consider it your loss for not admitting that you created an entirely bogus translation and explanation and then spent all night trying to prove you were somehow correct.

>> No.43432661

my win, btw you should note that in the real sentence
there is actually an addition of a 、which the OP failed to add, which is what made me initially suspect he just fucked up when typing it and missed relevant punctuation

>> No.43432664

What's NBR mean

>> No.43432688

lol you'll never win when you write jap this wrong

>> No.43432695

the only thing that's wrong with that is the politeness change seems weird, but it already didn't match since he used 御仁 so i just picked one

>> No.43432706

Wait, so you're saying you were even more wrong than you initially thought?

>> No.43432716

you skipped a reply so i already won

>> No.43432718

is it.. backwards?

>> No.43432720

No those were both me lmao Are you some kind of forensic post style detective lol?

>> No.43432732

ok then point out what was wrong with what i wrote
are all these people on twitter wrong?

>> No.43432739

No, just yours I'm afraid.

>> No.43432747

okay so what did you mean when you said "jap this wrong"? surely there must have been something specific

i did mess up the first link quotations though

>> No.43432750

I meant that the politeness level was wrong, the construction was unnatural, and you thought it was still right if you imagined some extra words and punctuation in your brain lol

>> No.43432754

the politeness level was already wrong in the original sentence, which is one of the reasons why i decided to look it up to find the original
hence why i said
>it was even worse than i thought actually
when i quoted it >>43430553
the construction is clearly fine since i demonstrated that real japanese people say it
& finally it was a completely valid interpretation assuming the OP messed up, which he did

>> No.43432765

That's funny how you never thought to point out the politeness when you apparently knew the statement was wrong and unnatural to the guy asking for help.

>> No.43432772
File: 613 KB, 1018x739, air.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so one guy admitted that he was wrong, but for xxx reason to save face despite no one knowing who he is, and now some other guy is gonna spend hours trying to rip away the last fig leaf
damn djt is brutal

>> No.43432774

i didnt point it out because i intended to look it up after giving my quick interpretation
which is why my 2nd reply was
>機会があったら授業だ is not even japanese
while you were still thinking it was completely correct and meant something when it is a meaningless sentence at face value

>> No.43432789

ehh its good if you just want mama roleplay, she even drinks your おしっこ

>> No.43432792



>> No.43432805

>i intended to look it up after giving my quick interpretation
Well, there was your first mistake.

>> No.43432806

since he hasnt replied in over 5mins and its 00:30 here now im taking my win to bed

>> No.43432812

Sleep tight n5

>> No.43432815

continue believing that 機会があったら授業だ is normal japanese

>> No.43432825

I'm pretty sure you were the one that declared it was normal once you add a bunch of words and ignore the politeness change.
Anon, I say this with the utmost sincerity, go back to Japanese (right now) 授業だ if you ever have the 機会があったら
Good night, sleep tight!

>> No.43432835

yeah it is normal if it's two different sentences, if you don't believe that you really are hopeless

>> No.43432840

and by different i mean seperate of course
two separate abbreviated sentences. extremely normal pattern in japanese

>> No.43432843

Yeah, two separate sentence, both abbreviated, spoken by two different people in two different politeness levels, sure.

>> No.43432855

the abbreviated part wasn't spoken so it didn't have a politeness change, 御仁 could have just been a speech quirk. it all adds up to giving me the bed time win here

>> No.43432870

>御仁 could have just been a speech quirk
lmao alright, anon, it's time for you to go to bed
And just so you're not confused, no that isn't two separate sentences.

>> No.43432899

i won

>> No.43432900
File: 25 KB, 220x295, quickly_be_racist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lads ive done it. today, after years of saying I would, ive finally taken the plunge and begun learning japanese.

>> No.43432920

You lost, but goodnight.

>> No.43432923

no i won cause i didnt read this thread

>> No.43432927


>> No.43432972


>> No.43433017
File: 278 KB, 1280x720, uguu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yaa tanosikattaze

>> No.43433222
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>> No.43433413

DJT is dead without Quizmaster

>> No.43433425


>> No.43433427

What’s so great about Quiz?

>> No.43433430

You also don't know Japanese. Coincidence? I think not

>> No.43433445

He revolutionised Japanese language learning and is the greatest DJT poster of all time.

>> No.43433461

if you dont have anything interesting to post then dont post at all k thx

>> No.43433463

Seethe, jealous loser

>> No.43433478


>> No.43433486

It was quite kachiteni of him to leave.

>> No.43433510

insane how moe is beyond native and all he does is watch anime and fap to loli

>> No.43433520

anyone remember ethan? that guy was insanely good at japanese

>> No.43433524

he posted for like 2 days

>> No.43433537

wow that was a guess but he actually posted for 2 days

>> No.43433543
File: 2.56 MB, 1920x1080, 1683469051477624.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did an ONA about horsegirls become the AOTS in just 4 episodes

>> No.43433559
File: 3.93 MB, 960x540, 1683470574791495.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43433592

Why is 曰 allowed to exist?

>> No.43433598

japan already knows chinese pictographs suck which is why they're slowly moving over to english

>> No.43433634

ayabe is pure sex

>> No.43433858

No they just adopted enough katakana loan words to eliminate the homopjone problem from their language

>> No.43433919


>> No.43434169

A girl is using boku when quoting me even though I'm using ore
What does it mean?

>> No.43434454

she's emasculating you
its over

>> No.43434460

there aren't many benefits to being masculated today

>> No.43434465

she thinks you're a weak bitch

>> No.43434475

i use boku myself lol

>> No.43434524

thats just what they want you to think

>> No.43434549
File: 197 KB, 1280x909, Ap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m trying to rent an apartment. How do I make it clear that I decided on one apartment and want to proceed?

Something along the lines: “Hello! I decided to take [link] what are the next steps?

>> No.43434592

but its true. i don't want to be thought of as a strong male if i'll be expected to work 9-5 and do errands after i get back home for a bitch who browses tiktok and insta on the couch all day doing jack shit

>> No.43434619

nothing that you just said is traditionally masculine

>> No.43434625


>> No.43434627

i said "today" in my previous post

>> No.43434648

youre deep in demoralization territory if you concede that they can redefine it

>> No.43434660

zoomers dont even think thats masculine lel

>> No.43434671

maybe what i said wasn't clear. i meant "there aren't many benefits to being thought of as a strong male today." i used "masculated today" to mean being given the modern strong male role and identity

>> No.43434828

What's that book Cure Dolly supposedly ripped off?

>> No.43434868

Jay Rubin - Making Sense of Japanese

>> No.43434910

I'm reading the asahi shinbun, and I see 1割強4割近く.
Does that mean "close to 1 in 4"?
I'm confused by the 近.
Like I'd expect it to be "more than 1 in 4" because of the 強.

>> No.43434925

khatz copied krashen
dolly copied rubin
add japanese learning to the list of jewish contributions

>> No.43434954

over 10% and nearly 40%

>> No.43434967

Thank you, just found out that 一割 is 10%.

>> No.43435022
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>> No.43435081
File: 343 KB, 900x544, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm fixing up a fuji bicycle with my brother in law
got all the parts ordered and i'm excited to get it running again
been watching so many videos about commuters and commuter culture and it seems so much cooler compared to cyclist culture

>> No.43435150

拳 挙

Hate this crap.

>> No.43435167

which word did you confuse them in?

>> No.43435216

airs first ending made me cry a lot lol

>> No.43435394

Shes gonna make a good obasan in like 10 years

>> No.43435405

why do people always post stuff in here that misses important details? theres a whole arrow you left out that allows this to make sense by itself

>> No.43435415

if she fucks you who cares
if she isnt already fucking you the fact that she says that means lower chances that she will

>> No.43435450

you should know within the first few interactions if it’s going to happen or not

>> No.43435529

i like this girigiri autism archetype of japanese woman

>> No.43435554

what OCR software do you use?

>> No.43435576


>> No.43435583

the massive cat thing behind her tells you all that you need to know

>> No.43435743
File: 475 KB, 1920x1080, 1683553651431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

acquired 胡坐

>> No.43435924

god i love misuzu so fucking much

>> No.43435926

I got filtered by terms and condition or whatever is the first home screen when you launch it.

>> No.43435931

is qolibri still the best dict reader out there?

>> No.43435942

you are 800 times more likely to retain words if you learn them within 5 minutes after a wank

>> No.43435965

epwing has been a dead format for a decade so yeah nobody else is making software that reads it
make sure you get the latest one though

>> No.43436009

you dont know japanese until you can read kanji upside down at native speed

>> No.43436087

My eyes

>> No.43436107
File: 38 KB, 628x263, japanese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

upside down japanese looks like alien script to me

>> No.43436118

thats what it looked like to you in the past

>> No.43436136

not that hard to read desu

>> No.43436137

reminds me of when 4bc tried to get a cheap w over bunko by asking him to read upside down japanese

>> No.43436144

i never said it was hard to read lmao

>> No.43436170

that other guy implied it would be

>> No.43436175

挙 has ⺍(つかんむり)+一+八, 拳 has the inverted 八+二+a split 人.
rookie mistake, really.

>> No.43436231

holy fuck i fell one day behind on anki and now I can't catch up

>> No.43436295


>> No.43436388

what if I can read them out loud but can't understand?

>> No.43436447
File: 1.42 MB, 995x1202, uck3vbmjmkya1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goooood afternoon


>> No.43436497

I insisted on always clicking hard regardless of how easy I found it. Turns out that's a great way to get burned out.

>> No.43436504

I want Marine to beat the shit out of me.

>> No.43436515

wow you’re retarded

>> No.43436629

why is it お礼に受け取って and not お礼で受け取って?

>> No.43436696

because that's just one of the meanings of に
but fundamentally your question is like why is it "on top of the stove" and not "at the top of the stove". it just is that way and there's no point thinking about why

>> No.43436839

means she cringes every time she hears u say ore. time to start doing more reps in the gym little bro
guns of steel = sex appeal

>> No.43436873


>> No.43436882


>> No.43436935
File: 149 KB, 850x779, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yooo stella bros

>> No.43437008

the chibis for these games look so good but the actual character sprites look like such dookie

>> No.43437035
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1080, 天使☆騒々_RE-BOOT!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's fucking gooooooooo

>> No.43437038

every moment you die and a new you who knows more japanese is born

>> No.43437132

not always true
what if you get hit in the head and forget all the japanese

>> No.43437222


>> No.43437235


>> No.43437256

i girl who ive cummed in many times did that too me just saying

>> No.43437303


>> No.43437420

while pissing i managed to construct my first ever sentence


>> No.43437486


>> No.43437544

I was Japanese during corona I have to say fuck these retarded gaijin shut the fucking borders

>> No.43437563

shut the fuck up blogging normalfag

>> No.43437592


>> No.43437606

NEW >>43437602
NEW >>43437602
NEW >>43437602

>> No.43437632

You should stop letting machines tell you what to do.

>> No.43438311

TaeKim and Tatsumoto are both terrible resources. Use Genki as it actually has exercises to reinforce your learning

>> No.43438874

nice typo lol

>> No.43440148

this may be a noob question but i downloaded a vn and I cant get win10 to display anything in japanese. i changed the system locale to japanese but still the same issue. any tips?

>> No.43440218

the only way to truly get it working is to reinstall windows from a japanese installer

>> No.43440225

1) Check that Japanese is listed under Settings -> Time & Language -> Language. Click on "Add a language" and download the Japanese language pack if not
2) Launch the game through Textractor (available on Github); you will be asked if you want to emulate Japanese locale

>> No.43440512

wow you killed this thread way too early
