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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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43437602 No.43437602 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/
Previous thread: >>43422791

>> No.43437611


I understand the と here is short for something like という or と思う but I don't really get what that is exactly.

>> No.43437652

why are you not learning japanese?

>> No.43437657

Because I'm in class silly.

>> No.43437716

people are ngmi

>> No.43437723

>全知全能 Like a Jesus

>> No.43437752
File: 2.93 MB, 1200x674, 1651086582198.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you learning japanese?

>> No.43437763

Help with keigo. I was told is double keigo = bad. However, I've been looking up shit online and I'm not even sure anymore. So, which one would work better IRL?
>ごゆっくり召し上がってください (correct afaik)
>ごゆっくりお召し上がりください (double keigo, but I see it from time to time)

>> No.43437788
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>> No.43437818

>ごゆっくりお召し上がりください (double keigo, but I see it from time to time)
This one's insincere because you doubled you politeness in a repetitive way. You already are showing them the most respect and yet you still feel the need to express humility before the verb, which doesn't make sense, unless you're mocking them or you really REALLY want them to know how much you respect them.

>> No.43437824


he called us out djtbros......

>> No.43437831

It's sonkeigo though? 謙譲語なら、「お召し上がりしてください」になるでしょう?

>> No.43437840

It's being used to make a kind of quote of the preceding bit and presenting it as a view held by someone.
という風に疑問に思ってる人もいる or something like that is being implied.

>> No.43437877

The terms "humble" and "honorific" can be used to differentiate the two styles of speaking, but objectively speaking, both are humble and respectful ways of talking. I didn't mean to imply that you were literally using 謙譲語.

>> No.43437903

gotta work to make the money

>> No.43437906

Will a Japanese person actually understand if you say 終わりだ or is that phrase just a dumb weeb gaijin meme

>> No.43437911

Oh, they'll understand it better than anyone.1

>> No.43437920

Not in the way you understand it.

>> No.43437921
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Thanks, so the takeaway is to avoid it because it's needlessly verbose and could be taken for sarcasm (or having a poor grasp of the language).
It's hard to find accurate info on that keigo nowadays given that everyone does whatever they want, and the oft-cited keigo toushin isn't some kind of bible on the topic.

>> No.43437930

How do you think he understands it? Just how many ways can you interpret it as?

>> No.43437934

imagine being a translator

>> No.43437935

what you need money for

>> No.43437945

flight tickets

>> No.43437947

really good tl

>> No.43438003

That's just good.

>> No.43438026

it is good but it also shows why translation is retarded it's basically an exercise in creative writing

>> No.43438092

It's bad because he couldn't actually capture the misinterpretation being made and haphazardly rewrote the blue-haired girl's line to fit. Fish =/= squid

>> No.43438101
File: 86 KB, 919x485, sarah .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well let's see you translate it tough guy

>> No.43438104
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do have some to help her out?

>> No.43438127

Sure, I ca-
>sarah moon poster

>> No.43438130

the kenkyuu one in mokkai suru no

>> No.43438137

I want to put all my stuff into japanese so I can immerse on it. Stuff like my phone, computer, games and etc. I tried putting my games on japanese but there's a million kanji I don't understand, should I take a step back and acquire more vocab or do I dive into it already? I want to understand stuff.
I finished the 2k deck, I'm reading Tae Kim.

>> No.43438158
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start here

>> No.43438169

you should've started reading a vn about 1000 cards ago

>> No.43438177
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>> No.43438209
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You only need Dolly

>> No.43438210

was rubbing one out and got harder fron the smell of my dick again

>> No.43438217

i like the smell of my asshole / taint because its just the same for women in my experience

>> No.43438223
File: 557 KB, 2200x2469, omp1lkabojz81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth it to take a 6 to 8 month language course in Japan as a 29 year old guy? I'm looking into Go Go Nihon. Not only for the language, but also for whatever other possibilities that may arise once I'm in Japan.
I already know a very decent degree of basic Nihongo, almost intermediate level.

>> No.43438226

Yup, just switch all your devices, computer, etc. to Japanese and those kanji will be learned through immersion in no time. Also, go on 5ch exclusively and watch Psychopass to speed up your immersion and learning. It should just "click" within the first week or two. Most people who do full immersion don't even have to look up the words really, because by context they'll be very obvious and the grammar will be easy because you've already done Tae Kim.

>> No.43438232

Thanks, anon. Saved that pic for future reference.
Is it better to watch jp-subbed anime or to read VNs?
Looks creepy, what is it?

>> No.43438235

do you have a college degree, have a lot of money, or know someone who would be willing to strongly vouch for your visa? otherwise your only choice for staying in the country is to get married which is also pretty damn complicated

>> No.43438239

>Is it better to watch jp-subbed anime or to read VNs?
anime because everything is voiced

>> No.43438245

>almost intermediate level.
Wow, that's actually pretty advanced for a foreigner. How much does Go Go Nihon cost?

>> No.43438252
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>> No.43438272

Nice, thanks.

>> No.43438274

>Stuff like my phone, computer, games, etc.
Put effort into reading UIs; don't just go through the motions from memory.
>there's a million kanji I don't understand
>look shit up. use text hookers, OCR, yomichan, etc., to make it easier
>use all the shit you have within reach: radicals, naritachi, a word that you that helps you recall the runes (漬 from 漬物, 淫 from 淫猥, whatever)
>read on the rikudou (6 categories in which kanji are divided, especially keisei moji)
>come up with retarded stories (e.g. for 結婚, 結 means to tie (e.g. the knot), 婚 has a woman(女) taking on the surname(氏) of her husband on the day(日) of her wedding(related to meaning))

>I want to understand stuff.
I just plowed through it (always read aloud, look up the runes and words they form, and every word, soragaki, etc.), and never looked back. It sucked, but eventually it started sucking less and now I can recall most runes, even meme characters like 鬣(kamigashira(髟) + magekawa(巛) + メ inside kunigamae(⼞), the bottom of that weird old form of nezumi(鼠))
disclaimer, I can't produce anything for shit.
Jealousy is one hell of a drug.

>> No.43438278

vns are more fun though

>> No.43438285

Not him. Is テイペン decent for practice? It has rune subtitles, which is a plus in my book.

>> No.43438287

I'd say that playing some games (even VNs and mobage are good enough) before changing the phone/PC language might be a good idea since you'd get used to "interface" words (assuming you're not playing ones that have UI in English for style purposes).
However, interface doesn't really work as "immersion" because guessing what each menu/button is for is usually fairly easy with minimal understanding of the text or even none, especially when it comes to menus you're already familiar with.
I have my phone in Japanese because a couple of mobages I played had a glitch when phone language is set to anything other than English or Japanese (my phone used to be in my native language before that), and I decided to use this as a bit of language opportunity + kanji look prettier on lock screen than English.
If VN's voiced, you can go for it and it's a bit easier to pace (watching an entire episode in one go would be tough for a beginner, but dropping it like might feel weird, meanwhile you can save whenever in VNs), but reading narration would suck. However, you should just immerse with something that interests you, some of the easier titles can make you want to kill yourself since boring slice of life gets extended tenfold because of your beginner speed. Try whatever best works for you, really.

>> No.43438293


>> No.43438295

>Is it better to watch jp-subbed anime or to read VNs?
dont be a retard, do both

>> No.43438306

baba that teached japanese grammar in youtube, she allegedly passed away a couple years ago.
if you want to know how some grammar points work the way they do this is the place, her voice is a massive turn off for many people though

>> No.43438307

just read
jesus fucking christ

>> No.43438309


>> No.43438310

Current thread: #3561

>> No.43438316
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>> No.43438325
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>mute video
>turn on CCs

>> No.43438330

are you dumb or just new

>> No.43438332

read more

>> No.43438336


>> No.43438341

increasing playback speed also helps

>> No.43438344

reading permacripples your japanese

>> No.43438346

Both can be good!
Thanks for the detailed answers. When you know almost nothing, do you look up every word or something? I just learned that 通知 can mean (phone) notification, so for now I'll just OCR+dict the shit of every rune I see?
I'll give it a go, thanks for the resource.

>> No.43438348

filtered rune

>> No.43438353

i literally just read and literally learned from reading and i literally know japanese now thanks

>> No.43438356

>do you look up every word
its fine to skip stuff way above your level

>> No.43438355


>> No.43438357


>> No.43438362


>> No.43438363
File: 589 KB, 514x1080, 107941613_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you acquired good nanpa technique yet, djt?

>> No.43438365

Reading fucking up your accent is a meme, regardless of whether this is actually true or not, it's not like any of you are going to talk to Japanese people out loud.

>> No.43438370

no but i have a gf

>> No.43438374

Now you'll never be a wizard, loser

>> No.43438375

lol gay

>> No.43438376

look up every word but if you can't figure out the sentence after doing that just move on with a fuzzy understanding instead of beating your head against the wall.

>> No.43438378

of course not talking perma cripples you

>> No.43438380

if she's a good gf she can help you nanpa other girls.

>> No.43438394

your mom beats her head against my dick

>> No.43438400

love those doujins where the teacher gets his student to get them a younger student because she's too old

>> No.43438403

reading cripples you
speaking cripples you
listening cripples you
writing cripples you

>> No.43438408


>> No.43438409

I am a cripple

>> No.43438417

learning japanese cripples you

>> No.43438418

ignore cripplekike lies if you have good genetics you won't get crippled from any form of study or practice.

>> No.43438430

quiz should pay you in reparations

>> No.43438433

You guys gave me a good idea how to proceed from now on, ありがとう

>> No.43438434

Thanks, anon. gmi

>> No.43438444


>> No.43438447

thats okay because natives are crippled as well


>> No.43438451

Watching birtual youtubers speaking japanese

>> No.43438456

>When you know almost nothing, do you look up every word or something?
I usually type them into yomichan. Failing that, I use handwriting input. Others use OCR or whatever.
>OCR+dict the shit of every rune I see?
Your choice. You don't have to. I personally did that. Some people can't handle constant interruptions in their flow. I've become impervious to them.
Also forget about understanding absolutely everything first go. Tons of structures don't map directly to English and vice-versa (e.g. direction verbs あげる, もらう/いただく, くれる/くださる; the suffering passive ハンバーガーを食べられた Someone ate my burger/I got my burger eaten/my burger was eaten/whatever).

>> No.43438484

10000 mined cards

still unknown words all the time

please tell me i'll be done at 20000

>> No.43438491

youll be done when you stop mining

can be now, can be never
your choice

>> No.43438500

youve been scammed

>> No.43438502
File: 149 KB, 1507x994, paste-c31b95147795271b06ef1739bd13b6e32ea9e3c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't understand 運命 and 命運

>> No.43438514

read 542k today

>> No.43438513

if you never knew the kanji you wouldnt have this problem

>> No.43438516

i dont under stand anything i have the learning disorder :(

>> No.43438522


definition for 運命:

definition for 命運:

the kanji isn't the problem.

>> No.43438531

surely if he does enough anki cards he’ll eventually know japanese

>> No.43438536
File: 309 KB, 1214x1720, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you track how much you read seems tedious

>> No.43438540

its easier to keep track of how much you acquired and the answer is always 0

>> No.43438542

just read real books and count the pages and multiply by the average word count for each page
last week I read 950 words

>> No.43438559
File: 203 KB, 874x1240, 107414192_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nonsense just the other day i acquired 角オナ

>> No.43438560

cards helped me but they are unlikely to help you

>> No.43438564 [DELETED] 

reminds me of at least 5 people

>> No.43438565
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>> No.43438572


>> No.43438583

you seem like the sorta person who would stress out about 輩先

>> No.43438655


>> No.43438657


>> No.43438669

haha fart man sexy vtuber milkers

cant imagine this level of being dead inside get a fucking life faggots

>> No.43438680

read 5m today

>> No.43438682

College degree yes, lots of money meh but not poor, know someone who'd vouch for me for a work visa? No. But I figure that once I'm there I could work part time legally and develop a good working relationship wherever I do it so I can eventually get some people to vouch for me. I also speak Spanish and hve some experience in the food service industry, and I know people from my country would rather employ people from there than locals.

I thank Kami sama every day for introducing me to Genki lol
As for how much, it depends on the school. The one I'm looking into is right in the heart of Tokyo, and it goes for something between $5 and 8k, accomodation and everything else included

>> No.43438685

you better not watch japanese comedians, its pretty much all like that

>> No.43438686
File: 303 KB, 1280x720, here_comes_the_airplane_spoonfeeding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, open wide

>> No.43438689

sounds like you don't have to imagine being dead inside

>> No.43438695

>College degree yes
well then you can get a job at most places or at least do JET

>> No.43438699

>I also speak Spanish and hve some experience in the food service industry
lmao hope you didnt namesimasu the orders before serving

>> No.43438701

i really really dont but come on

>> No.43438710

reminder that star rail is jsl/mtl and a lot of the text was ai generated

>> No.43438712

i dont like vtubers but i laughed

>> No.43438740

>I also speak spanish
Estás perdido Paco.

>> No.43438770

Why would you bother?

>> No.43438781

read 23k today

>> No.43438791


>> No.43438807

to dab on ngmis

>> No.43438817
File: 132 KB, 844x652, nue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wotd: 鵺

>> No.43438820

read 1 word today

>> No.43438827

gonna look for an onna to output with on skypech in a sec

>> No.43438844

easy with vinnies

>> No.43438845
File: 56 KB, 410x531, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna cook this in my 炊飯器

>> No.43438847

didnt click

>> No.43438846

mined 2 years ago

>> No.43438852


>> No.43438878


>> No.43438921

did not pause my immersion for this

>> No.43438936

Bro your Touhou?

>> No.43438941

as soon as fluyo comes out i'm going to start learning jap and surpass all of you losers in a month

>> No.43439004

Is this the new refold?

>> No.43439008

i've got fluid for you right here *unzips*

>> No.43439010
File: 266 KB, 566x552, a_1682184199754070.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch animes, japanese movies and play Jap audio games often the last 20 years
>have developed the usual phonetical weeb knowledge
Just how much did this benefit you when you started learning properly from these guides?

>> No.43439034

very comfy, until... Makes me wish there were an alternate story where the gang makes a name for themselves and goes to Wyndia like they planned.
>BoF I save point
Never noticed that.

>> No.43439041

each year of watching english subbed anime is one week of studying the language

>> No.43439059

english subs after beginner level is the key to fluency
jamal's guide was for intermediate learners

>> No.43439068
File: 69 KB, 1280x686, cantonese-font-mac-Word.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we were too cocky. chinesebros now have a font with built in pronunciation

>> No.43439075

chinese is way easier in the first place, characters just have one reading

>> No.43439097

Only a few thousand years behind eurobro font technology.

>> No.43439116

imagine thinking kanji having multiple readings has anything to do with language acquisition. sasuga dekinai ""readers""

>> No.43439122

English subs are only good if you pause to analyze shit (why did the subber phrase things that way? so that's what せめて means, judging by the English I guess the speaker omitted something, etc.).
>not using pinyin

>> No.43439139

that's not any different from using japanese subs or going raw

>> No.43439160

>just have one reading
lies. they don't have 17 like 生(なま・き・おう・いかす・いきる・いける・はえる・はやす・うむ・うまれる・なま・なす・なる・いのち・うぶ・むす・セイ・ショウ), but plenty of them still do.
The main issue is fucktarded beginner's materials and teachers don't give any tips to master kanji (not even the rikudou).

>> No.43439188

>plenty of them still do.
meant plenty of them still have a couple of readings
Except with translated subs you also get a rough idea of how words like とりあえず are supposed to be interpreted in certain situations, something that can't easily be done at a glance when looking at JP subs.

>> No.43439229


>> No.43439248

sure, but as far as pausing goes the pros and cons won't be any different. any argument for or against pausing would apply to raw and jp subs too

>> No.43439272

>guy who doesn't know Japanese tells you why Anki's bad for 4796th time
Very impressive.

>> No.43439284

Maybe I don't have the "able to learn Japanese" genetic code

>> No.43439287

I know it's how the nips officially count it, but calling the readings different when the only part that changes is the okurigana is still silly

>> No.43439288

he failed to learn any japanese after four years so its ankis fault

>> No.43439292

you are 100% garbage at japanese

>> No.43439305

Yeah, definitely Anki's fault. The guy was studying 8 hours, reading the toughest literature he could find, but it turns out Anki never taught him Japanese. Anyway, subscribe to his channel to find out how he learned(TM) Japanese!!!

>> No.43439310

and its ankis fault

>> No.43439314

no its your low iq

>> No.43439322

>it's the fault of my bike's training wheels that I don't know how to ride it.

>> No.43439330

70 means im 70% genius

>> No.43439339

Weird how the guy proclaimed that he does know Japanese, but somehow determined that 4 years of nonstop Anki memorization didn't help him.

>> No.43439349

>tried X and failed
>clearly it's X's fault!
did you blow in from stupid town?

>> No.43439372

lmao mae ni reveals its him when nobody even suggested it was him, truly a 70 iq
what does it tell you about anki when only the low iq support it

>> No.43439374


>> No.43439392

I'm with N6 on this one. Anki's the best tool for memory.

>> No.43439410

memory has little to do with acquisition, you didn't understand what the video was saying at all lol he said droning only gets you so far and there are better ways to learn

>> No.43439427

ciaran did a million reps and he says anki is useless

>> No.43439450

>memory has little to do with acquisition
but you have to get the words into your brain first, and anki is ideal to reinforce them.
number 1 way to get shit to stick is to use it though. the main hurdle is being able to tell whether what you write is correct and sounds ok.

>> No.43439458

Nah, you're just playing semantics. The true difficulty of language and the reason it takes many years to master the sheer volume of words, sentences, and patterns one has to memorize to become fluent/intelligible. The difference between an amateur and a master truly is based on what each of them knows by heart. It really is that simple.

>> No.43439463

just read more

>> No.43439466

And actually memorize what you read.

>> No.43439471

nope just read more

>> No.43439486

Nope just don't learn the language

>> No.43439489

>but you have to get the words into your brain first
yes but that's only the first step, if you're still stuck here then yeah anki will help but you don't need anywhere close to 4 years of anki for that
language is just experiences captured in words, knowing the name and description of a painting by heart will never be the same as seeing and experiencing the painting with your own eyes and then committing its name to memory

>> No.43439496

It's something.

>> No.43439499

>knowing the name and description of a painting by heart will never be the same as seeing and experiencing the painting with your own eyes and then committing its name to memory
That's probably the worst analogy I've ever heard.

>> No.43439501

yup dont learn the language just read more

>> No.43439510

djt in a single post

>> No.43439521

its a clear analogy 百聞は一見にしかず

>> No.43439524

does anki man use anki for words he reads in english? if not he must not know english.

>> No.43439536

before anki noone ever learned a language simple as

>> No.43439538

Natives use it for their own language all the time. Most people in med school use Anki to memorize the ridiculous amount of things you need to know to graduate.

>> No.43439547

just dont post here if youre below 125

>> No.43439549

It's a terrible analogy. It implies that someone who uses Anki isn't mining the words that they see.

>> No.43439554

im 130cm tall

>> No.43439560


>> No.43439566

damn you're old

>> No.43439567

that's not what it's implying at all. you couldn't understand it because you're stupid although that was obvious considering you're arguing over anki and memorization

>> No.43439576

youre doing the same m8

>> No.43439581

you're the most stupid person in this thread though

>> No.43439587

lol I'm sure it sounded better in your head before you actually typed it.

>> No.43439589

no u

>> No.43439597

stfu retards

>> No.43439605

thread would be dead if all the retards stopped

>> No.43439606

i feel like im gonna make it after learning the secrets

>> No.43439612

This guy's so full of it.

>> No.43439615

he had one secret
1. be half japanese with a japanese mother that is willing to correct you for years

his advice is useless to normal jsls because of that

>> No.43439618

Exactly. He acts like he just woke up one day and learned Japanese as an adult.

>> No.43439630
File: 335 KB, 1651x732, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you can't solve this in 5 minutes you shouldn't be posting

>> No.43439636

>and you're sure this will help me learn japanese?

>> No.43439640

iq is very related to your ability to learn the nihongos

>> No.43439641

i reverse image searched and found the youtube video with the answer, still counts as i used my resources

>> No.43439663

top middle

>> No.43439693

Or after.

>> No.43439786
File: 27 KB, 696x591, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bonus question for you bro

>> No.43439808

bottom right

>> No.43439815

Can someone help me with something, im having trouble with some basics.

Lets take two phrases

inu wa kore desu
inu wa kocchi desu

Both should mean "This is a dog", no? And if not when do i use each phrase. I understand dore and docchi in the context of a question, simple enough but i dont get kore/kocchi (or sore/socchi), seems like technically both mean "this one".

>> No.43439852

i think i just puked

>> No.43439853

>when do i use each phrase
keep reading until you just know

>> No.43439865

what the hell jamal? that's a 143 iq question have you seen it before

>> No.43439880

of course jamal is lurking, nobody leaves

>> No.43439883

kocchi you're comparing against another thing, like there's a cat sitting next to the dog and you're pointing out which is the dog

>> No.43439906

So if someone told me to translate
Inu wa docchi desu
With no context as an exercise, then "This is a dog" would be correct but in my mind i should picturing a dog next to the cat? Correct?

Inu wa dore desu
That is a dog(Dog by itself)
Inu wa docchi desu
That is a dog(Dog next to cat)


>> No.43439952

I lived in Japan for 1 year but picked up the customary bow when saying konnichiwa automatically, you'd have to be half retarded not to. But isn't it crazy how our bodies automatically pick up on this stuff and start doing it without much conscious effort?

>> No.43439958

your mom surprised me too

>> No.43439966

Don't worry about it.

>> No.43440066

canked the JP reps up to 1hr/day because I'm a NEET

>> No.43440081

cranked the interval modifier to 0
every card every day 24 hrs

>> No.43440140


>> No.43440152
File: 2.15 MB, 1866x1075, suya suya mf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start here
I came back to say that 魔王城でおやすみ is the comfiest show ever and my japanese skills are going through the roof by watching your rec, thanks

>> No.43440157

raw anime is the only way to make it

>> No.43440162
File: 507 KB, 4608x2592, nuke_selfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43440165

how does one man exude so much raw sex appeal

>> No.43440190
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>> No.43440234

not even close to worth it, i'll stick to my light novels and not making it.

>> No.43440259

lmao mining every word instead of mining readings

>> No.43440264

you only make it once you stop caring about making it

>> No.43440267

true true

>> No.43440307

not entirely true but yeah

>> No.43440309

i wanna man

>> No.43440312
File: 56 KB, 519x402, VaPTOj1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new refold just dropped, time to become itiban tuyoi

>> No.43440319


>> No.43440320

get uprooted

>> No.43440327

we already know which coast youre on sasuga

>> No.43440336

this was the moment queefler realized he could never beat jamal

>> No.43440341

This is ridiculous.

>> No.43440346

didn't the refold guy make a big deal about moving away from matt after the uproot thing

>> No.43440370

wasnt it all the refold guys doing tho?

>> No.43440391

selling a product isnt a scam neckbeards

>> No.43440413

saying pitch accent is the biggest problem with your japanese to sell a course is

>> No.43440432

has anyone ever had their japanese learning helped by visiting this thread?

>> No.43440433

It's not about whether the dog is next to anything, it's just about whether there was a choice in the matter. Kocchi = this one (in particular).
>Inu wa kore desu = This is a dog
>Inu wa kocchi desu = This one (as opposed to something else) is a dog.

>> No.43440438

his product delivered what he said it will. your problem is with the advertising, not the product

>> No.43440439


>> No.43440442

this is the japanese language eceleb thread not the japanese learning thread

>> No.43440449

>the snake oil is snake oil so whats the problem

>> No.43440460

some people are born to be parted with their money.

>> No.43440462

he delivered what he promised, didn't he? he's allowed to have an opinion on pitch accent

>> No.43440481

I need to give him money by uprooting my pitch accent. I also need to do that fluency incubator so I can actually understand what I'm saying with my perfect pitch.

>> No.43440484

1. he didnt deliver even on bitch accent
2. even if it did it would only be one of the claims satisfied

>> No.43440492

and other people are also allowed to have opinions

>> No.43440497

>Someone with terrible pitch accent sold a legitimate pitch accent course

Please buy the ultimate immersion course, im sure its worth it

>> No.43440529

It's for people that "seriously want to learn Japanese so bad they'd pay any amount," but not enough to actually sit down and study the language on their own.

>> No.43440533

let me get this straight. if i believe that output is the best to way learn Japanese, make a course on how to learn Japanese that way, and advertise the course to people by sharing my beliefs on output, that makes me a scammer?

>> No.43440541

Yes, because your Matt vs Japan and have claimed throughout your whole YouTube career that people learn the language through input alone.

>> No.43440545

if you are selling a course to reach a goal you havent reached then you are a scammer
if you make all sorts of outlandish claims about how it will make you fluent or your dick bigger or whatever then you are a scammer

>> No.43440579

>it will make you fluent
you're supposed to purchase the additional fluency incubator for that, chud

>> No.43440584

matt was always obsessed with pitch accent though, anyone who's checked his youtube videos over the years knows that. many people change their opinions over time. he didn't suddenly started shilling pitch right before the course

>> No.43440662

but matt has been nitpicked by many natives and most of them were impressed by his pitch, so saying he hasn't reached the goals his course was supposed to help you reach is a subjective statement with no factual validity. that's not justification for calling someone a scammer
and by the way, right now you are the one critiquing his level even though you haven't reached it. you're not in any position to objectively evaluate his content

>> No.43440684

and if i were charging you hundreds of dollars to view my critique that argument might be relevant
getting 上手d doesn't mean what you think it means

>> No.43440708

did you just want to reply with something so you can get the last word in? you aren't really saying anything of substance

>> No.43440709

the only thing i wanna learn from matt is how to acquire such a delusional fanbase

>> No.43440712

neither were you
>its subjective so you cant say anything lalala

>> No.43440719


never forgetti
>if you watch an anime before ur fluent then ur ruining that anime forever

>> No.43440734

another no u deflection. you know a post is bad when the previous reply applies again exactly >>43440708

>> No.43440742

pottery >>43440712

>> No.43440753

welp matt's matting around again time to ignore him and go cripple myself by enjoying japanese.

>> No.43440759

When uproot was so bad of a scam that it forced matt into retirement im not sure who you think youre going to gaslight

>> No.43440764

What is a good android app for reading light novels that display vertical text properly? moon+reader only displays shit horizontally and I feel this will drive me crazy

>> No.43440768

i like jidoujisho for android basically a typhon port

>> No.43440776

this is the state of matt haters, mush brain trolls who have nothing to say and keep muttering the same thing like npcs. it's sad they don't realise how deranged they sound to an outsider

let me know when there is a thoughtful and substantive reply made in good faith

>> No.43440782

the lack of self awareness is hilarious

>> No.43440809

what do you think you are achieving by posting that video with your trip on? you've already shown us you're a psycho obsessed with matt

>> No.43440817

you should pay hundreds of dollars to get as good as them

>> No.43440833

where are videos of you speaking japanese being critiqued by natives?

>> No.43440843

That app is crazily packed with tons of functions. I'll give a deeper look into it after I wake up, right now it's bedtime. Thanks for the heads-up.

>> No.43440846

with the evidence of uproot doing anything

>> No.43440857

you are calling something a scam when you don't have any positive evidence for your claims?

>> No.43440880

what evidence do you want?
its a scam that was so blatant that it forced him off the internet

>> No.43440974
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you can't leave the thread until you learn japanese.

>> No.43440999

only in a delusional matt hater's mind is it okay to disparage someone and call them a scammer purely based on hurt fefes. you, an anonymous hater who has shown no japanese ability yourself, are judging matt's pitch and holding him up to some arbitrary made up standard even though many nitpicky natives were impressed by him. face it, you will do all kinds of mental gymnastics and never admit he meets a good standard just so you can keep calling him a scammer to justify your hatred and mask your jealousy.
why should anyone care what your cultist circlejerk thinks?

>> No.43441009
File: 31 KB, 296x457, n3reon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anacreon tries shitting on matt
>is only n3

>> No.43441012

if i charged you 100 dollars for a pill to make your dick bigger and provided no evidence would a rational person believe it is legitimate or a scam?
who is the cultist?

>> No.43441024

So its about he context and choice. Thank you so much, that really helped.

>> No.43441029

But being in this thread will prevent you from learning japanese.
Just like how I never got in shape until I left /fit/ and never learned to draw until leaving /ic/.
Just steal some resources and fuck off if you want the best results.

>> No.43441034

or just treat it as the joke it is

>> No.43441051
File: 1.60 MB, 1140x691, お隣さん.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup, this is why im learning japanese

>> No.43441052

djt has been finding excuses to hate on matt from long ago the scam thing is only the latest excuse

>> No.43441058

i like posting japanese things that i enjoyed looking at in this thread and i like taking any opportunity i can get to say matt is a terrible human being. don't need anything else from a thread.

>> No.43441065

i liked old weed matt, but once he started the grindset it changed
hopefully being fucked over by ken makes him go back to that when he comes back

>> No.43441080

yet his haters have consistently proven themselves to be the terrible ones. the matt doxer, anacreon, the reddit spammer, etc

>> No.43441084
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This should be helpful.

>> No.43441141

is he still going for n1 at the end of this year? i don't use the discord and that was the last thing i heard about him in thread

>> No.43441145
File: 313 KB, 936x867, 1670942051454900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i gottchu senpai even the fda says it works

>> No.43441148

literally didn't know that was a word filter

>> No.43441211

At 7:20 the woman says
>So, since you're studying Japanese so much, you must be working in a Japanese compan...Japanese-speaking place, right?
but Matt makes it sound like the woman's just flat-out impressed by his ability lol
>So, since you're so fluent in Japanese...Do you have a job that involves using Japanese?

>> No.43441240

Archer says it in F/UC but he means it more as "this is the end (for you)" and then beats your ass

>> No.43441265

can someone post the guide for setting up japanese fonts in windows/web browsers? I just reinstalled windows and everything looks like shit

>> No.43441268

Whenever I think of 'it's over' I get instant flashbacks of bejita in moshimo broly MADs going もうダメだ/もうおしまいだ 勝てるわけがない。

>> No.43441302

yes i will take it the next time it is offered, which is in december

>> No.43441315

n1 is impossible though

>> No.43441333

so youre finally reaching beginner level

>> No.43441353


whar t?

>> No.43441416

would you pay 5 bucks a month for a fully comprehensive SRS app?
keen on making it free™ but server costs shekels, so will have to beg

>> No.43441428

Anki already exists
You might be able to trick some beginners and dekinais though

>> No.43441433

what distinguishes it from anki

>> No.43441455
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>> No.43441520

we might see the first single digit n1 score

>> No.43441560

>You might be able to trick some beginners and dekinais though
that would include most of this general though
actual exercises, grammar lessons, ux that doesnt require you to have autism to use

>> No.43441583
File: 209 KB, 510x346, 1682745779821327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can recognize the kanji easily in anki after hundreds of repetitions
>can't recognize the same ones in a block of text

>> No.43441590

vocab - no because ive got thousands of mined words already
grammar - you're not gonna be better than bunpro so no
exercises - possibly if i were studying for jlpt but if you target people like n2+ you've got a super small market

basically you're only gonna make money if you sell your soul trying to deceive forever dekinais

>> No.43441614

For me it's the opposite

>> No.43441622

DoJG or nothing.
>exercises - possibly
what is Sou Matome.

>> No.43441627



>> No.43441637

First day learning Japanese?
To those who are good, I am good, and...
to those who are evil, I am likewise good.

>> No.43441646

bunpro has a lot of information bloat and the ux is shit, not that hard to do better if your actual goal is to learn the language efficiently, rather than waste time on useless trivia
don't get me wrong, i love bunpro and have used it extensively in the past, hence i'm aware of its strengths and shortcomings
>you target people like n2+ you've got a super small market
absolutely true, there is next to no market beyond n4, maybe n3

>basically you're only gonna make money if you sell your soul trying to deceive forever dekinais
duolingo's business model is to keep you forever dekinai, certainly don't want to replicate that
i think a balance can be struck between good ux and usefulness

admittedly, djt is probably a poor fit, but if any n5 "dekinais" are lurking, would love to hear their take

>> No.43441648

that's why possibly

>> No.43441666


A huge amount of people don't get past learning hiragana and katakana. That's already one great filter.

Past that point it's all about learning common phrases and repeating them enough until "muscle memory" kicks in and you know them by heart without even cognating the meaning by inner translation.

To this end visualizing what you're talking about helps.
Illustrations accompanying common phrases and stock situations.

As users get acclimated to the new language less illustrations and more concepts and metaphors and such.

Alongside this a growing database of encountered words and kanji that appeared in the lessons, so you can always look things up.

>> No.43441695

I don't recommend changing your operating systems and applications into Japanese, you're not going to bother reading EULAs and TOS and will inevitably allow some evil proprietary software to collect telemetry or other insults to your privacy.

>> No.43441708

this but wagie

>> No.43441711

but muh immersion

>> No.43441723

all very true, satan-sama
the hard part is packaging it into a product where you don't have to waste brainpower and time on shit ux

>> No.43441741

>reading EULAs and ToS
good reading practice I guess.
>installing software with internet access on your phone
>not installing a loopback VPN to block apps from communicating to the internet and disabling jewgle play services
someone get a load of this hothead.
And if it's on PC, you're already fucked since online vidya track the shit out of you, especially anti-cheat garbo. For single-player stuff at least firewalls are an option.
>collect telemetry
collect telemetry data
>insults to your privacy
affronts to your privacy. You insult people, not privacy

>> No.43441759
File: 3.24 MB, 2560x1600, dame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

less talk and more emerse bros

>> No.43441838

first hiragana down!

>> No.43441861
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>> No.43441872

itudemo iiyo

>> No.43441945

ma nanka chotto nanka chotto

>> No.43441977

I always feel anxious about not being able to output (even though I'd say I'm intermediate.) I should make an better effort to affect my listening so that I can absolutely sure about my grammar use (I'm still trying to get it to stick).

>> No.43442027
File: 2.28 MB, 498x280, 432423.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43442055

I always feel confident about being able to output (I'd even go so far as to say I'm advanced). I’m always making the effort to listen to what others say at all times so that I can be absolutely sure my grammar is correct, (everything kind of just sticks for me).

>> No.43442068

now vocaroo that in japanese

>> No.43442077


>> No.43442116


>> No.43442135
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>> No.43442146

I'm about halfway through a Japanese Pokemon game and I'm just trying to improve reading while skimming over the kanji I don't know. Is this retarded? Is there other things I can do with the game in addition to reading practice?

>> No.43442151

khatzumoto said skipping over words you don't know is good because you can read many sentences in the time it takes to look up words made of new kanji

>> No.43442157

>I'm just trying to improve reading while skimming over the kanji I don't know
this is a new level of not learning I previously thought impossible

>> No.43442165

I play the game to try and improve reading speed and I use apps to practice kanji in order of difficulty. I also use song lyrics to get better at reading.

>> No.43442174

You ever think about how your reading speed is tied to your ability to actually read what’s written?

>> No.43442189

Yeah, but if I'm struggling to fluidly reading hiragana, I figure I need to at least begin there. And if katakana is in the sentence too, it trips me up for a second.

>> No.43442199


>> No.43442210

doesnt 善とする mean "to approve" or "to accept", not "i am good to them"?

>> No.43442223

What you need to do is stop trying to read hiragana “fluidly” and start trying to actually understand what it is you’re reading, kanji and all. The whole point of playing these games is to learn from them, not just treat them as nonsense phonetic practice.

>> No.43442243
File: 325 KB, 650x924, She Was Actually My Stepsister ~Recently, The Sense Of Distance Between Me And My New Stepbrother Is Incredibly Close~ - 第 4 話 - 24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is compelling content

>> No.43442250

Yeah, you might think that, but 善とす is a transitive verb here meaning “to do good (to).” This is part of a famous saying from Laozi that emphasizes true goodness as being that which is done to both good and evil people.

>> No.43442293

what are you talking about?

>> No.43442332

i forgot to do my anki yesterday and broke my 5 month streak

>> No.43442336

i thought it was more like him viewing both "evil" and "good" as both actually being good because good and evil are subjective from person to person, and whatever you personally think is good is actually what is good. i looked up a couple modern japanese translations of it and neither of them translated it as doing good to somebody.

>> No.43442375

Hmm, it’s interesting. This wording is what’s found in the official translation of chapter 49 of the Tao Te Ching, which mirrors the ambiguous grammar of the Chinese, which itself does not make a distinction between “regarding as good” or “doing good to,” but it seems modern Japanese people have taken the translation at face value and now interpret it as looking at the good in everyone.
Funny how that works.

>> No.43442385
File: 2.31 MB, 1499x842, 2fbb78973a58330a1a62526ba07a8fb8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m trying to rent an apartment. How do I make it clear that I decided on one apartment and want to proceed?

Something along the lines: “Hello! I decided to take [link] what are the next steps?“

>> No.43442411







>> No.43442426

No, grammatically both should be equivalent, but I think I lead you astray. Reading some commentaries on the chapter, the Japanese people really do have a different interpretation of the text based on how it was translated into their language. I assumed that even with this change in grammar, the meaning would come out to be the same as how the rest of the world viewed this passage, but I stand corrected.

>> No.43442470

When you're a beginner I think this is fine. Looking up everything takes so long that you're practically getting as much input in terms of sentences/hour while skimming over Kanji you don't know as if you were looking up everything. As long as you're not do8ng this all the time and looking up a solid amount of stuff per day. But pretty soon you'll reach a level where you have to look up every piece of unknown language you encounter to not gimp your progress

>> No.43442476

Actually, the Wiki page in Japanese seems to interpret the passage as being both referring to “regarding as good” and “treating good,” so it would be unfair of me to characterize all of Japan as having this opinion.

>> No.43442511

More stuff like this written in simple straightforward Japanese?

>> No.43442541

Too easy. I require harder material.

>> No.43442605

i got something hard for you
*unzips dick*

>> No.43442612

try meditating

>> No.43442695








>> No.43442774

why are japanese people so autistic about names?
iada!!! don't call me by first name like that!!! we've only known each other for 5 months!!!

>> No.43442801

retro games where i can get by with N5/N4 knowledge?

>> No.43442812

Super Mario Brothers

>> No.43443299





>> No.43443334


>> No.43443468

do you guys do new cards before reviews

>> No.43443479

i have it set so it does new cards first then brings them back once after all the reviews
but teh default setting where it just randomly mixes them in is fine too i think

>> No.43443541

didn't know there's an option for this
i'm doing new cards before reviews but i'm accumulating reviews because i barely do them when i'm "done" with the new ones
guess i'll change it back to the mix option

>> No.43443567

time for daily kanji writing, wish me luck


>> No.43443676


>> No.43443688

how many review cards do you do a day, do you just let the reviews pile up and just focus on new + due?

>> No.43443712

idk what that means, i do all the due cards every day

>> No.43443747

how many is that circa

>> No.43443795

we need to do more output practice
djt should have a daily writing prompt

>> No.43443824

i used to do 1000 reviews a day
then it kind of dwindled down to 500
now its around 100-200

>> No.43443870

tinpo ireru manko

>> No.43443877

i do all my reviews
it used to be 200+
now it's usually about 100 because I can't find as many new cards

>> No.43443890


>> No.43444165

I don't even try to learn japanese,, what's wrong with me..

>> No.43444204
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>> No.43444268

What's the best way to learn Japanese if I just want to read manga and post on futaba chan?

>> No.43444283

the normal way

>> No.43444423

broke a year long anki streak once and then my wife left me
dont brake ur streaks bros

>> No.43444441

>「ふへっ? こ、これが…本物の、おチンポ様…?」

>> No.43444443


>> No.43444638

>grammar book says it includes over 1000 key words
why do they need 1000 words for key?

>> No.43444649

should i put japanese on my resume even though I literally just began learning it?

>> No.43444665

Depends. Do you expect to use it at work?

>> No.43444666

are you going to be doing your job in japanese?
then no
otherwise yes

>> No.43444679

no. I'm not applying for jobs that ask it. But every job so far asks what languages you know and I've just been putting english because I'm a native speaker. A job j was applying for the other day has drop down options for what level of the language you speak. Should I put english native and japanese beginner?

>> No.43444683

don't ever reveal your power level. especially to an employer

>> No.43444685

no use intermediate, its vague enough you can bs
beginner wont get you shit

>> No.43444709

how helpful is going through rtk in 3-4 months before going through tae kim (i'm not completely new to everything as i've presviously read through the book and even finished the first volume of yotsuba, but i forgot a lot of it)?

>> No.43444716

rtk is worthless

>> No.43444735

the rtk

>> No.43444741

learning a language isn't revealing your power level. telling them you're learning it to read eroge would be.
>no use intermediate
idk if that's such a good idea. If they ever call me on it I'm fucked whereas beginner is the bottom of the barrel. If anything I would over deliver because they wouldn't expect much

>> No.43444748

they arent gonna call you on shit, you cant do shit as an intermediate anyways

>> No.43444755

everyone who ever made it did rtk
and now (you)

>> No.43444777

none of those are ever going to make it

>> No.43444778

If you say you're learning Japanese and you don't have some explicit connection to Japan like relatives or work they immediately 察する your implicit power level l

>> No.43444784

mr boss man my hobby is liking the idea of learning japanese have a look at my anki settings

>> No.43444790

so you'll be promoted to management as you're a fellow cunnyseur

>> No.43444837
File: 566 KB, 680x680, FvsV24aaEAUCPE2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gooood afternoon



really glad i never wasted time on rtk

>> No.43444879

4bc (one of the most efficient language learners in the world) did rtk

>> No.43444912

i am learning it though

>> No.43444950

jotd: 抱き心地良さそうな極上の安産型ムチムチ女体

>> No.43444955
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>> No.43444996

mamoru JK futomomo

>> No.43445071


>> No.43445128


Immerse with Aki Basedenthal.

>> No.43445135



>> No.43445147

I'm immersing with erotic moege

>> No.43445187

so fucking true
rest in power 4bro

>> No.43445191


>> No.43445205

>and you don't have some explicit connection to Japan like relatives or work they immediately 察する
just make up an excuse like "I'm studying it to talk with a few friends abroad." it's not like they're going to follow you home with a camera.

>> No.43445245
File: 254 KB, 469x855, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will know these words, thats about it

>> No.43445264

who the fuck is even taking the time to write that out

>> No.43445283


>> No.43445287


>> No.43445290
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>> No.43445356


>> No.43445445

need to creampie milet bros

>> No.43445523

勉強 と オナに 同時に

>> No.43445548
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>> No.43445677

love reading hentai in the native language

>> No.43445717

you can't read people

>> No.43445808


>> No.43445823

I feel really bad for not recognizing 勉強

>when normies say hentai they mean those powerpoint filipino cartoons on pornhub

>> No.43445874

i can

>> No.43445881


>> No.43446238


>> No.43446242

today is a good day. didn't read but hit expert 2 in mahjong soul

>> No.43446253

can you read 麻雀牌 ?

>> No.43446262

i know nothing about mahjong but thats the 牌 from 安牌

>> No.43446293

yeah I learned a few mahjong kanji from saki. I need to learn all the kanji for each han still though

>> No.43446378


>> No.43446395

安牌/安全牌, 配牌, 役牌. learned 牌姿, 打牌, 金牌, 賞牌

>> No.43446482

>he doesn’t know all the yaku by heart
bet you can’t even score hands and calculate payments without a chart

>> No.43446512

i always have to think of /fit/ when i read this

>> No.43446527


>> No.43446564
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>> No.43446577

I betcha you don't know the trick to free Nina without getting nuked.

>> No.43446588

no, should i?

>> No.43446613

only if you feel 2 extra lines of text are worth it.

>> No.43446636

those two lines are the best part of the game

>> No.43446663

but the best scene is when loli fairies give nina a run for her money

>> No.43446704


still cant believe how good this video is

>> No.43446898

do you guys only answer with "again" and "good"

>> No.43446922

I also bury when I fuck up partially. Especially with shit like onomatopoeia and kana-only words.

>> No.43446952

no I use hard too

>> No.43447028

does someone here actually uses ankiweb

>> No.43447033

yeah i let straight reward sort out the ease

>> No.43447035

yea when im out and about and sync while on my phone

>> No.43447049

i do anki on 3 different devices depending on where i am
pc, laptop, phone

>> No.43447050

i only use the space bar during reps

>> No.43447057

should've mentioned doing reps on it

>> No.43447086

There was nothing in the book to forget in the first place.

>> No.43447135

流す is such an idiomatic shitshow.

>> No.43447145

damn araikko with another dude would be so hot

>> No.43447146


>> No.43447184

gonna leave this

>> No.43447198

Google: Be aware of
DeepL: Ignore
Yandex: let it flow
About what I expected.

>> No.43447231
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i did it

>> No.43447266

what's the answer?

>> No.43447267

didn't have 朝立ち since a year now

>> No.43447277

better not ask anyone for money

>> No.43447286


>> No.43447288

lmao i heard old europe had similiar stances about men with funyachins

i've been eating nothing but snacks and sugar for over a year now i bet if i go back to my old diet they would return

>> No.43447297

eat raw meat or liver and it will pop next morning

>> No.43447309

yea not gonna listen to your advice (im)moe(bile)

>> No.43447310


>> No.43447322

I suspect it doesn't mean anything and anon was having a laugh by combining two such shitshows. At least, it doesn't show up on any search aside from one instance where the 気 was part of an adverb

>> No.43447331
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reveal of the century but im raw meat anon

always told moe he wouldn't like my other posts lol

>> No.43447346

Yeah, he I think he just made up a phrase.

>> No.43447416

whys it called hanahira anyway

>> No.43447419 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.43447469 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.43447505

learned たくし上げる. nice addition to まくり上げる

>> No.43447536


>> No.43447543


>> No.43447575

austrian guy?

>> No.43447597

I practiced scoring a little bit but I don't have any to play with offline so it's not something I have memorized too well

>> No.43447614
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>> No.43447621

and a wonderful compliment to ふんどしを締めてかかる

>> No.43447622
File: 81 KB, 610x1356, b8b49b1e-bcf7-4f17-82c1-e2eaae279798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I go over 100 or is it a waste of time for memory retention?

>> No.43447631

Go over 100 what?

>> No.43447635

if you arent hitting 250 whats the point

>> No.43447641

Cards, I already did 100 of 999 I wanted to know if I should go beyond that.

>> No.43447654

Absolutely go beyond. Do as many as you think you're able to.

>> No.43447655

>chink font
jesus, fix that shit. use UG Digi Kyokasho (get it from winders) or something.
as for the cards, do them in 15 seconds tops. if not, mark again.

>> No.43447678
File: 359 KB, 700x693, FvoBxxvWYAM0A8D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what this says? I thought it was じったり but someone suggested it could be じったソ. Neither makes much sense.

>> No.43447685

Okay i dont know what the first kanji before ろ is but I am gonna translate
前なのに would be despite this however
Then the next line would be 'its already too late, tomorrow will be a bore'
Last line is 'I dont want to go to school'
Btw what is that first kanji pls
I am that one anon trying to translate random pages I find that are at my level in here

>> No.43447686


>> No.43447698

Woops I meant る

>> No.43447700

ryoukai, senpai, thanks.

>> No.43447708


>> No.43447713
File: 848 KB, 1056x1080, 72af4d5608fa6ef57d04dc8c2c445da881822185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easiest manga to read in jp for immersion ?
other than yotsuba

>> No.43447729

You should figure out how to look up kanji, or get better at guessing verbs in super obvious contexts.

>> No.43447731

flying bitch

>> No.43447734

Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san
even the anime is super easy.

>> No.43447739


>> No.43447758

Either 文豪ストレイドッグス or 鋼の錬金術師 should be manageable at the beginner level. Perhaps MONSTER if you're really struggling.

>> No.43447768

>Okay i dont know what the first kanji before ろ
>前なのに would be despite this however

>> No.43447785

I know I fucked this up because my grammar is complete shit but I need to practice writing somehow
Wanted to ask 'what did you have for breakfast today anon?'

>> No.43447792


>> No.43447804

Ah yes the context is super obvious uh....she is brushing her teeth so i guess thats what she is saying?
Very helpful indeed anon

>> No.43447815

sasuga cringe mlen

>> No.43447837
File: 26 KB, 1399x539, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know shit, but why not just use the が identifier particle and put 食べる into the past tense?

>> No.43447858

You're right, it's truly impossible to guess what sort of verbs might have been involved in a sleepy anime girl not wanting to go to school.
