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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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45207212 No.45207212 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
Guide: https://djtguide.github.io/

Previous threads:
>>45194514 #3685
>>45184797 #3684
>>45173186 #3683
>>45164388 #3682
>>45150842 #3681
>>45136353 #3680

>> No.45207255

a loli saying 「あれ?」 is the cutest thing ever

>> No.45207364

why haven't you learned Japanese yet?

>> No.45207368

shit's dead as fuck

>> No.45207371

i have. now im working on learning more

>> No.45207376

i'm like... VERY farty right now

>> No.45207403 [DELETED] 
File: 559 KB, 1920x1080, Invincible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best anime are no longer made in Japan.

>> No.45207422 [DELETED] 
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>> No.45207446 [DELETED] 


>> No.45207449 [DELETED] 
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>> No.45207466

good thread

>> No.45207474 [DELETED] 

stfu mlen

>> No.45207533 [DELETED] 


>> No.45207543 [DELETED] 

black gentleman

>> No.45207579 [DELETED] 

doesn't exist, despite netflix trying to tell you otherwise

>> No.45207583

Sorry, but you can't just read manga and watch anime to become fluent no matter what Redditors say about 'immersion' learning. Good for you, you heard an interesting word and looked it up? Okay now can you remember in 3 weeks from now? No odds are probably not.

If you already have a firm grasp on the language maybe that can work for you but unless you have decent bit of vocab, grammar and have memorized the alphabets you are gonna need to keep using Anki or some other SRS. It exists specifically to help you memorize things and it works incredibly well at doing that. If you don't like it sorry but maybe you don't have the discipline to learn a new language in the first place.

Language learning comes from hard work, especially in the beginning. If it were as easy as people in this thread are making it seem there wouldn't be so many dropouts. Setup your Anki decks properly and keep the new cards and reviews per day under control to a level you can reasonably handle and engage with other learning materials also.

>> No.45207589

who are you talking to

>> No.45207593
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>ctrl+f "anki"

>> No.45207609
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>> No.45207657

japanese is "easy" if you do it right (immersing in compelling shit that's just barely above your level while looking up shit you don't know until you get good)

>> No.45207658
File: 44 KB, 510x681, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks like more than 25-30cm 身長差. More like 40cm.

>> No.45207671

but -40cm borders on kid territory

>> No.45207673

You won't remember a word just because you looked it up once but because you've heard it dozen of times, "immersing" is throwing everything at you and hoping something sticks (it will) while building up listening/reading skills.
If you don't understand anything start with material that's easy or that at least explains itself with enough ease, this way it becomes easier to tell words appart and learn find out new ones, chances are that you won't remember words but you will know when you encounter one you've forgotten again.
Or just anki your way in until you're comfortable with what you're doing

>> No.45207693

the uppercaser in its natural habitat

>> No.45207702
File: 1.62 MB, 1074x1525, 1699646923460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PKM chads keep winning

>> No.45207713

little does he Know

>> No.45207721

4bro why are you reposting reddit posts again

>> No.45207727

do you ever get like... tired... of like... just being around i mean?

>> No.45207739


>> No.45207742

Wait a minute, there is no 10万円紙幣...So the largest Japanese banknote is worth $66?

>> No.45207746

crazy how i always wake up every day even though i go to sleep specifically because i dont want to be awake anymore

>> No.45207757

fun fact you'll get laughed at in japan when you pull out the 2000円札 as a stupid baka gaijin

>> No.45207759

look into exit-bags

>> No.45207763


>> No.45207764

im worried ill go to japan and get bored after two days

>> No.45207769

don't plan on ikuing to nippon

>> No.45207770

you wont

>> No.45207771

because the only place you get them is at 両替
some restaurants won't even accept them

>> No.45207773


>> No.45207777

bro i just wanna sleep, dont wanna die

>> No.45207781

this is not okay

>> No.45207785

theres nothing worth doing in japan that you cant do at home

>> No.45207789

japanese girls
speak japanese

>> No.45207791 [DELETED] 

what about walking around at night in a city without getting shot by a nigger

>> No.45207796
File: 539 KB, 1638x2048, F-ix2BFbMAAqc6Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat ポンデリングs

>> No.45207805

nice a poop donut love those

>> No.45207811

they don't accept legal tender?

>> No.45207817

if youre vertically challenged like matt japan is all you got

>> No.45207821

Crazy this - I read a book and see the same words over and over. Its almost as if immersion is being repetitively exposed to vocab or something - but in a wider range of contexts :)

>> No.45207820

he wanted to become the strongest gaijin

>> No.45207822

you want to go to japan and just walk around at night?

>> No.45207827

it disturbs the 和 of their cash register

>> No.45207832

yeah bro i'm tall by japan metrics...

>> No.45207837
File: 127 KB, 1024x683, 1699647935936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whirlpools can form when two currents of water moving from different directions meet. At times, whirlpools can form along the edges of a single, straight flow simply due to fluid dynamics. With the strongest flow being in the middle of the channel, whirlpools can form along the edges due to frictional effects. They can also form from a single current that encounters an obstacle to the flow. Shallow whirlpools form when the obstruction is near or at the surface. Underwater features can produce larger and more dynamic whirlpools.
where can I view sea whirlpools in my landlocked cunt

>> No.45207838

i don't want to go to japan i'm just coming up with ideas

>> No.45207840

I went to a Japanese セブン-イレブン to buy a 甘蕉 with my 2000円札 and later the 警察 arrested me and killed me by placing their 膝 on my 首 (not 乳首)

>> No.45207845
File: 314 KB, 1920x1036, mpv-shot0025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i arrive in japan

>> No.45207849

all the cash paying there is automated you put the money in and the machine gives you the change

>> No.45207859

no offense but i aint reading that katakana shit
id rather learn 500 kanji than learn the difference between literal moonrunes

>> No.45207860

in the pooroom

>> No.45207867

please be serious sir

>> No.45207868

in contrast to illiterate moonrunes?

>> No.45207869

wouldn't it be months after you arrive

>> No.45207875

Are you a middle-aged pregnant Asian lady?

>> No.45207878

>Overall public opinion has been negative as the denomination is inconvenient to use, and is a nuisance to cashiers and business owners
why is the west low awareness and gaijin dont rralse that 20 dollar bill is inconvenient?

>> No.45207879

their bellies are full of cum

>> No.45207884

why the 2000 yen in particular

>> No.45207891

dunno man this is actually one of the rare "japan facts" i didn't know until going there and having a girl laugh at me for pulling out the nisenensatu
i've never seen it brought up in anime either

>> No.45207908 [DELETED] 

real niggas will cap your ass in the day too

>> No.45207912


>> No.45207916

but what if something actually costs 20 dollars

>> No.45207924

u pull out two tenners

>> No.45207926

firufi gaijin just doesnt learn, ne?

>> No.45207932
File: 90 KB, 640x360, 1699648719744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from 1800s, still valid tender. 1 yen bill

>> No.45207935
File: 113 KB, 1603x562, tardmoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
>Guide: https://djtguide.github.io/

STOP SPAMMING YOUR GUIDE HEREhttps://streamable.com/6nlhff

the real itazura back-up site is

>> No.45207936
File: 70 KB, 700x350, 1-3-2-700x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's only 13.20 アメリカ合衆国ドル. I, personally, would pay with 302,710 1 sen coins

>> No.45207939

dame is that gimli?

>> No.45207942

the chinese zodiacs are always spaced apart 4 years with their best matches

>> No.45207949 [DELETED] 

im 33 years old and never kissed a woman

>> No.45207951

>hate job
>have no other skills
>not enough time to learn another skill and learn moon at the same time
It's over

>> No.45207955


>> No.45207960

in burgerland the 20 is the default bill

>> No.45207961 [DELETED] 

at this point just get a prostitute dude. there's no shame in it, even people who have girlfriends and wives see prostitutes.

>> No.45207968
File: 15 KB, 357x323, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice job Einstein

>> No.45207972 [DELETED] 

can confirm lost my virginity to a prostitute at 29 and i'd do it again

>> No.45207975

probably supposed to be ゑびす but idk

>> No.45207976

quit yer job
live off gibs for a while
acquire skills
when they ask you what you did in those blank years say networking or some other jargon hr people like to hear

you now have the time to learn moon

>> No.45207986 [DELETED] 

faggot loser

>> No.45207990 [DELETED] 

u jelly bro

>> No.45207996 [DELETED] 

yall kinda mad goofy

>> No.45208001

i lost my virginity to a woman who may as well have been a prostitute because i didn't love her and only used her for sex, and she constantly needed money.

>> No.45208002 [DELETED] 

there is an extremely high level of shame in it.
>even people who have girlfriends and wives see prostitutes.
scumbags who don't deserve to live

>> No.45208005

good point, i can report your repo for hosting those links

>> No.45208010 [DELETED] 

why though? i dont care enough and i can only imagine being repulsed by her

>> No.45208013

nobody cares about your sex lifes

>> No.45208014 [DELETED] 

the one i fucked was real cute

>> No.45208016 [DELETED] 

oh ok, let's have the incel loser freak enlighten us on who deserves to live and who doesn't lol

>> No.45208023

Not a thing in this shithole. It never began for me.

>> No.45208025

I'm disgusted by 99.999999% of women. Anime girls, on the other hand, I wouldn't mind kissing.

>> No.45208027 [DELETED] 

sex is part of the human experience you should have it at least once in your life or you're not human

>> No.45208030

why should i care what this plastic whore has to say

>> No.45208034 [DELETED] 

if you have sex with a prostitute your are lower than any incel loser. you have no dignity as a man and should kill yourself

>> No.45208036

then save up enough for one year of freedom

very true

>> No.45208040
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>> No.45208041 [DELETED] 

incel projection

>> No.45208045 [DELETED] 

let moe cook

>> No.45208046 [DELETED] 

you can't have sex with prostitutes to shed your inceldom you'll always be a beta male

>> No.45208051 [DELETED] 

fucking hookers is only shameful in the puritanical west. all japanese men do it and women accept it as normal

>> No.45208056

true true

>> No.45208057


>> No.45208059

if you have time to post on here, you have time to learn Japanese or another skill
just need one hour a day without getting interrupted

>> No.45208060 [DELETED] 

im in the west so I think they should kill themselves

>> No.45208061
File: 83 KB, 324x553, onna wa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45208071 [DELETED] 

funny you are posting about being a beta male if you fuck women for women but you are afraid of typing in your normal style because people make fun of you itt

>> No.45208074

I get a really icky "made for 弱者男性" vibe from this channel.
>Here's how woman can be attracted to you even if you aren't hot
But I am, and now what?

>> No.45208076

those japanese fish cakes with anko inside are kinda gross at first but then you find yourself 6 months later craving the taste of them

>> No.45208079


>> No.45208080 [DELETED] 

I got banned for saying nigger so I'm on the phone now

>> No.45208081 [DELETED] 

sex with whores is like sex with a condom

>> No.45208082 [DELETED] 

theres nothing wrong with paying for sex

>> No.45208088

that one prostitute isekai with haru in the name

>> No.45208091

natto is the same

>> No.45208095 [DELETED] 

any respectable and decent person would disagree

>> No.45208099

>that one prostitute isekai with haru in the name

>> No.45208101 [DELETED] 

theres nothing indecent or disrespectful about paying for sex

>> No.45208102 [DELETED] 

explain what makes it wrong without coping

>> No.45208103 [DELETED] 

if you know you know

>> No.45208105 [DELETED] 

where do you think you are

>> No.45208106

i got one with custard filling it burned my whole mouth

>> No.45208108

i went to an authentic japanese restaurant but then it turned out the owner is chinese

>> No.45208114 [DELETED] 

>respectable and decent

>> No.45208115

i had the custard one too
店員san warned me that it's atui so i got off scott-free

>> No.45208119

chinese people make better chefs anyway. even in japan all the good places are run by them

>> No.45208120

japanese food is just chinese food with less seasoning

>> No.45208122 [DELETED] 

don't give a shit if you wanna be worthless trash humans you should have someone here to tell you

>> No.45208128 [DELETED] 

kill yourself

>> No.45208130 [DELETED] 


>> No.45208135 [DELETED] 

anti hooker guy is clearly an incel who doesnt have the means nor cojones to order up a 5'3 thai bombshell and needs to pretend it would be more meaningful if you bought her dinner instead of putting the cash in her bra in order to feel better about someone, anyone

>> No.45208136 [DELETED] 

why does moe hate prostitutes so much

>> No.45208142 [DELETED] 

if you have electricity you can save up for a hooker im sure

>> No.45208145

moe is a shining beacon of virtue

>> No.45208146 [DELETED] 

i meant better than someone but you all get the point im sure

>> No.45208148 [DELETED] 

feel it out

>> No.45208152

virtuous people are easy to take advantage of

>> No.45208156

>one hour a day without getting interrupted
So I gotta do it late at night and fuck up my sleep? If there's no other way...

>> No.45208170
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>> No.45208175 [DELETED] 

to the faggot reporting posts KILL YOURSELF

>> No.45208194

too tall

>> No.45208199

mlen is back

>> No.45208203

kek wtf

>> No.45208204
File: 34 KB, 440x248, 989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45208207

we've been relatively moderation free for ages but i got a warning today

>> No.45208218

moe is on a reporting spree

>> No.45208222

I am burdened with glorious purpose

>> No.45208223

never reported a post in my life

>> No.45208225

no idea who that is

>> No.45208230

any big advancements in japanese learning technique the past couple of years?

>> No.45208234

lmao, i bet most people here don't understand the reference

>> No.45208236

yeah the gambs guide

>> No.45208241

you mean the takanami akira-sama guide

>> No.45208261

i cannot wait a week to watch the medicine girl anime

>> No.45208269
File: 106 KB, 976x765, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder: Knowing 都道府県 is vocabulary.

>> No.45208275

don't know what 都道府県 means therefore don't care. back to my ero manga

>> No.45208276

only takes about an hour to learn them all

>> No.45208289
File: 26 KB, 475x563, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we'll take it

>> No.45208301

>take some adderall
>reading speed increases by 50% without any dip in comprehension

holy shit

>> No.45208304

Better than ぺこーら

What if the loli in your manga is from 鳥取県? Can you expect a beach chapter? (is it landlocked?). Are there bears or monkeys living in that area that could be relevant to the story? How can you even be immersed if you don't even know where the action takes place?

Yeah, I like to watch the news, where the names are often mentioned, and learning where there are is a good way to memorize them.

>> No.45208324
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second try was a lot easier

>> No.45208337

>Okay now can you remember in 3 weeks from now? No odds are probably not.

that's why you gotta use anki if you don't live or japan or can't get blasted with native audio 24/7. People here cope about muh flashcards but the truth is you'll have to read probably 10x as much just to remember a few words that anki can do in 30 mins

>> No.45208348
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>> No.45208351

i've heard they don't name the prefectures where the action takes place to avoid legal troubles

>> No.45208357

sounds like an iq problem

>> No.45208361

is there a deck for prefectures

>> No.45208360


>> No.45208374

is there a deck for how to make tea

>> No.45208378

is there a sex deck

>> No.45208384

god i wish i really need that one

>> No.45208413

ya dunno

>> No.45208420

don't lie to me i know you have it

>> No.45208438

Which anki deck will allow me to conjure more free time?

>> No.45208445

none of them, garbage in garbage out

>> No.45208447

maybe there's one for dandoris

>> No.45208466

Did my reps, I'm gonna make it

>> No.45208469

it's not about making it but what you make of making it

>> No.45208476

It's about the friends I made on the way there?

>> No.45208508

went to a public place and overheard two kids arguing about whether i look more like kurt cobain or shaggy
guess my hard work tryna be the perfect mix of both is paying off

>> No.45208509

yes. so in reality you have done 0 reps

>> No.45208525

it's not open mic night today pls get off the stage sir

>> No.45208529

kids don't know who they are bro at least come up with some tiktoker names

>> No.45208533

nice bro but why do kids know who either of them are

>> No.45208539

nah for some reason kids are very aware of who kurt is
prolly cause he ate a shotgun

>> No.45208554

i almost fell for this post until i noticed the plot holes

>> No.45208555
File: 78 KB, 800x450, h_1133nine055jp-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crazy how my thread which was made first was deleted and a thread made by mlen became the active one

>> No.45208559

dame no one believes my true story
oh well

>> No.45208568

How do I make friends?

>> No.45208569

ur thread was at least 24 hours too early
hell the other thread is still up
morbido guy is chilling in there all by his lonesome

>> No.45208582

who's mlen

>> No.45208590

gotta know the te-form first

>> No.45208593

the guy who posts vtrannies
he either has a friend who is a mod or just mass reports posts he doesnt like
moderation was insane on all posts but his when he most active

>> No.45208595

when is the next djt meetup?

>> No.45208603

right now

>> No.45208608

just burned my finger on the oven god dammit

>> No.45208614

what's cooking

>> No.45208640

dogen released a new video telling people to kill themselves

>> No.45208648


>> No.45208662

he sounds so stilted

>> No.45208669
File: 16 KB, 1204x61, image (28).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 169: Today session I slacking off and got like 12 cards need to redo.

>> No.45208673

dogshitgen is based

>> No.45208678
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, if this is what it takes to make it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45208689


>> No.45208702

i swear he's still losing weight

>> No.45208715

he's got cancer

>> No.45208742
File: 33 KB, 855x418, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn every time I see someone norwooding hard, I'm glad that I jumped on fin at the earliest sign of my hairline receding. Squidward looking ass.

>> No.45208753

couldn't understand a word you said

>> No.45208772
File: 627 KB, 1920x1080, 盾の勇者の成り上がり S03E02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s3 is good so far

>> No.45208778


>> No.45208787

does your dick still work

>> No.45208791

yeah, first few eps were great but now there's been a bit too much drama

>> No.45208796



>> No.45208804

we'll see i've listened to the audiobooks but i don't remember what happens after this

>> No.45208805

netflix will remake everything japan has

>> No.45208813
File: 942 KB, 1653x2339, F-kPOevawAAbc06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45208830

I'm going to start worrying when I don't 朝立ち anymore

>> No.45208844

how often do you cum no homo

>> No.45208846
File: 408 KB, 1920x1080, F-mJ1NlaEAAx0sj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least once per day

>> No.45208847


>> No.45208856


>> No.45208871


>> No.45208875
File: 139 KB, 700x1049, ajVwmXG_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45208908

You should do anki in 4 seconds or less

>> No.45208911

i do your mom in 4 seconds or less

>> No.45208919


>> No.45208940

some kanji are just goofy

>> No.45208981

that just made me think. do you think someone like matt can even grasp the concept of the expression 頭が天井につかえる? seeing as that's something that'll never happen to him

>> No.45208997

what does this mean? your head is in the clouds? your head is through the ceiling?

>> No.45209023

bump or hit your head on the ceiling

>> No.45209049

doesn't really mean that it's more like your head being blocked by the ceiling because it's too low

>> No.45209060

i just knew it instinctively didn't have to look anything up

>> No.45209083

oh yeah djt gonna love this one

>> No.45209094

im djt and i love it

>> No.45209097
File: 1.30 MB, 853x1286, 2023-11-10 17_39_52-くま クマ 熊 ベアー (PASH! ブックス) _ ッツ Ebook Reader — Mozilla Firefox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will i make it i read this

>> No.45209099

there's nothing worse than a high energy japanese woman

>> No.45209110


>> No.45209130

could be worse
she could be pretending to be a high energy anime girl

>> No.45209134

theres nothing better than a high tension japanese woman

>> No.45209135

i'm on volume 12 it's great

>> No.45209141

i hope i can get that far, i can see why it's recommended to beginners there's a lot of repeated vocab

>> No.45209149
File: 49 KB, 670x476, つかえる.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the light grey down below is the entry for つかえる. word is used in various way
手洗いが~ toilet is in use
窓口が~ the sales counter is packed with people
仕事が~ work is not progressing well, instead of 捗る
返事に~ unable to answer

>> No.45209165

woah guys I remember yubi from one or two days ago.. gmi

>> No.45209168

this is it. this it the breakthrough moment. you live for this.

>> No.45209170


>> No.45209177

did that with my obasan gf earlier

>> No.45209182
File: 8 KB, 414x232, img_19ab20b8186e59fecc79ee2077e1cd0d21420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice english dictionary cope but it isn't really relevant to how the phrase is actually used. you wouldn't say this woman was hitting her head in this situation

>> No.45209187
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>> No.45209192

>手洗いが~ toilet is in use
this is also not what it means

>> No.45209198

it's ok to be short, matt

what does it mean then

>> No.45209199

>get off work
>dark outside
fuck this time of year

>> No.45209207

man this is gonna suck

>> No.45209218

i love it it's really comfy

>> No.45209233

>work 4 hrs
>exercise at 2 PM
man I love WFH

>> No.45209240

wfh is like peak wageslaving

>> No.45209249
File: 59 KB, 1020x541, つかえる.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still waiting
>2 既に先の人が使っていて、ほかの人が使えない状態である。ふさがる。「電話が—・えている」

>> No.45209257
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x720, study kanji right now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45209271

show an example sentence of someone saying that, it should be easy since that's a common situation

>> No.45209284

i'm not gonna do shit.

>> No.45209323
File: 113 KB, 1080x1599, iq guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45209349

guy who only reads the dictionary is the funniest djt archetype

>> No.45209353
File: 31 KB, 621x137, 1669053311960982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45209358
File: 153 KB, 471x518, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm switching to a language with hotter women, see ya losers

>> No.45209363

>dude, that's not what it means
>i also can't tell you what it means

>> No.45209367

is this やりすて

>> No.45209368

needing gomichan for a free language like spanish is a tragedy

>> No.45209383

ask a japanese person or pay up im not here to teach you japanese for free lil bro

>> No.45209388

no japanese persons in djt?

>> No.45209390

oh you're that guy. why didn't you say so earlier? i would've stopped replying right away.

>> No.45209391

Can you hear what she's saying?

>> No.45209397


>> No.45209411
File: 38 KB, 868x541, 2023-11-10 18_28_32-(28) _jp_ - DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #3686 - Otaku Culture - 4chan — Mozilla .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is my dictionary shit or something

>> No.45209434

iq guy will never know how good it feels to have a fat older woman sit on your face

>> No.45209438

I asked my Japanese friend

>> No.45209448

the english is for 突き当たる which used to describe 閊える・支える in the 大辞林 and included it for the person asking. i'm very done talking about this

that's 詰まっている buddy

>> No.45209469

if you know japanese you know what i mean

>> No.45209471

but yes, it has those meanings too. i gave examples for that as well

>> No.45209475

>that's 詰まっている buddy
He said they they are synonyms and linked me this.
Apparently according to the chart at the bottom you can use つかえる in the same situations you would use 詰まる.

>> No.45209476
File: 43 KB, 683x575, 2023-11-10 18_41_02-Yomichan Settings — Mozilla Firefox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are all the dictionarys im using, do i need any more

>> No.45209487






>> No.45209488

i just google the word or ask my gf

>> No.45209494

thanks that was really helpful

>> No.45209498

the second definition for つっかえる in 大辞林 is
looks like iq guy was wrong all along

>> No.45209525

How many new cards do you do a day?
The default for the deck I downloaded was 20 which feels like way too much.

>> No.45209528


>> No.45209529

Core 2.3k? 20 feels like too much at the start but it gets way easier eventually you'll want to raise it

>> No.45209538

Yeah, it's my second day and I feel like I'm already drowning, I can't keep it all straight.

>> No.45209540

that's just how it is, keep reviewing the cards until you're done.

>> No.45209541

lil bro is feverishly flicking through his dictionaries rn

>> No.45209554

imagine what kind of person gets 47 of their posts deleted and types "lil bro"

>> No.45209555

>that's 詰まっている buddy
can you even read japanese? why would someone describing a word use it to describe its own meaning?

>> No.45209557

imagine caring

>> No.45209559

>why would someone describing a word use it to describe its own meaning?
that works sometimes

>> No.45209569

give me an example
it won't be like

>> No.45209571

finished core 2k today doing 50 new cards a day
it was pretty easy

>> No.45209574

God damn you niggas know exactly what to say to upset people lol

>> No.45209575

i only had like 5 posts deleted lil bro

>> No.45209588

not trying to upset you, just answering honestly

>> No.45209592

moe is the most fragile person i know

>> No.45209598

why do you think that

>> No.45209605

i do anywhere between 10 and 20 depending but lately ive just been doing 10. its natural to wanna do more early,but i think 20 is a decent max. you wanna be mostly reading and even at 20 youre gonna be doing a lot of anki per day, anymore and you might get burned out or not read

>> No.45209607

because you get upset way too easil and take everything personally and constantly lash out at others and live a miserable life

>> No.45209613

i didn't get laughed at but a tenin actually commented on it and said it was natui
had no idea they were rare

>> No.45209621

i've been doing 50 cards for the past week, i have 4 days left for the last 200 new cards

>> No.45209625

i don't take anything personally and im very nice. but when i see others acting in a depraved manner it makes me extremely angry

>> No.45209628

hahaha good to know

>> No.45209661

moe is trying to save you and you dont even realize it

>> No.45209665

hannouto yosi
syuppatu yosi

>> No.45209678
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>> No.45209679

>you wanna be mostly reading
I feel like I don't know enough grammer or words to read anything yet, but any recommendations?

>> No.45209702


>> No.45209726

>I feel like I don't know enough grammer or words to read anything yet
finish tae kim's guide, then read.

>> No.45209734

do you think tae kim had cure dolly assassinated?

>> No.45209751

Thanks anon. I'll also get back into Namasensei since I know all the Hiragana and Katakana now too

>> No.45209761

pls say jodanda

>> No.45209764

namasensei still reeling in redditors somehow

>> No.45209779

hes endearing but extremely stupid

>> No.45209800

also doesnt know a word of japanese

>> No.45209814

he probably knows a handful of words
might not be able to read at all tho

>> No.45209816

his act is very cringe and not at all endearing

>> No.45209817

just follow the gambs guide its literally that simple

>> No.45209834

someone make a non cringe version of gambs guide

>> No.45209837


is this an expression or is it just strange shaped question

>> No.45209839

i hope that one of these days i can do something about all the hate you carry inside you

>> No.45209844

why do you need a guide to do stuff in japanese

>> No.45209851

graded readers or yotsuba vol 1

>> No.45209876

im not moe

>> No.45209878

it already exists its called gambs guide hope this helps

>> No.45209890

exactly this dude thinks all the angry posts are me. you're making me look bad

>> No.45209897

yotuba is for s-rank japanesers only

>> No.45209909

i don't make a lot of angry posts either i just thing namasensei is particularly cringe and reddit tier so i couldn't help it

>> No.45209910

read really easy things with really easy lookups. yotsuba is a great recommendation. when you dont know a word, which will be a lot, look it up. itll introduce you to new words, teach you new words without having to use anki, and also reinforce the words introduced to you via anki

anki is a supplement to reading, and its never too early to read. watch cure dolly and tae kim, and then read, when you dont know a grammar point, go back or look it up, if you dont get it, ask or move on

>> No.45209921

wish i was jp s rank but im just a lowly b ranker

>> No.45209928

my friends, i will abstain from posting for a while

>> No.45209999

why is the first definition of 辛い "spicy"

>> No.45210016


からい vs つらい

>> No.45210023

more common

>> No.45210044
File: 13 KB, 117x758, 2023-11-10 19_59_41-くま クマ 熊 ベアー (PASH! ブックス) _ ッツ Ebook Reader — Mozilla Firefox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess that's why there's furigana for this one? yomichan still reads it as からい first, okay thanks

>> No.45210061

Your ロリちゃん is pretty chunky.

>> No.45210075

so they could make this kotowaza about matt

>> No.45210153

what a dumb language

>> No.45210160

yeah english sucks

>> No.45210162

and that's a good thing

>> No.45210167

katakana isnt english

>> No.45210172

Yomichan also shows you みょうにち before あす and あした. The results aren’t based on relevancy.

>> No.45210230


>> No.45210251

It is. memekun readings aren’t real

>> No.45210259

i don't need kun reading?

>> No.45210294

no need for how it sounds readings

>> No.45210298

katakana is english

>> No.45210302

you dont even need to know the readings of kana to read

>> No.45210306

you don't need illusory sounds to read

>> No.45210334

well it trust you guys with this

>> No.45210378
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, IMG_5866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yni^ ゆめかわいい魔法妖精cute magical dreamy pure yay2play fairyy games

We are developing "online games" and "dream art magic/community services" that can be enjoyed on PCs and smartphones around the world. Through our services, we are able to give form to feelings that cannot be expressed in words.

yni^, a cute dream magic customization app that even anti-fairies can enjoy, seeks to enjoy magic not just as a "fairy bonus" but as a "fairy itself", and provides customers with a "place where they can be themselves" through magic. This is a new sensation dream app.
Enjoy the cutest dream magical life that makes your personality come true.

^◌⑅ 𖡼 .𖤣𖥧◌.𖡼⑅^
⋈・. ・. ⋈・. ・. ⋈・. ・. ⋈

⋈・. ・. ⋈・. ・. ⋈・. ・. ⋈

>> No.45210395

見 how do i know if it's seeing vs something is visible

>> No.45210418
File: 498 KB, 672x670, m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45210474
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>> No.45210483
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>> No.45210540


>> No.45210697

guess i have to start reading the thread in the archive again

>> No.45210733
File: 199 KB, 540x412, 1684309829537580.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do anki
>recognize some words easily
>read vn
>couldn't recognize those same words when they appeared

>> No.45210748

because namesimasu

>> No.45210765

failure to make enough connections when you created the memory
sentence mining will solve this

>> No.45210803

happens, just keep at it

>> No.45210894
File: 426 KB, 600x835, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45210903

just gotta keep going, honestly i had the reverse for a while

>> No.45211009

>>do anki

>> No.45211039
File: 4 KB, 320x180, IMG_0535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Written Japanese sentence with kanji in it make sense to me now, will I finally make it?

>> No.45211140

why isnt anime land real
why do i have to suffer
god is cruel

>> No.45211154

>i guess that's why there's furigana for this one?
no cuz you're reading something for 5 year olds

>> No.45211158

tulpas, my friend

>> No.45211169

down a glassa water at midnight and do my reps yosh

>> No.45211193
File: 9 KB, 558x204, 1683046229865119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a ten year old's birthday cake on a table

>> No.45211199

not him but im reading 1ldk そして 2jk which is wish fufillment slop about living with two JKs and it has furigana for 瞬間 but kara no kyoukai, crazy ass chuuni bs has virtually no furigana in comparasion. i know lns are YA novels but what 14 year old is reading 1ldk

>> No.45211363


>> No.45211480

No flashcards
No mnemonics
No text books
No anime
No visual novels
24/7 Weather Channel

>> No.45212144

different font

>> No.45212163


>> No.45212166

boutta crack open a cold one at 2 am and finna play cs2 yosh

>> No.45212190
File: 511 KB, 1080x2270, 1699691717912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of kanji if they have to use furigana for all of them

>> No.45212197

Even my vinnies made for manchild pedophiles (me) don't use furigana. Stop reading crap.

>> No.45212210


>> No.45212223














>> No.45212246
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>> No.45212296


>> No.45212319
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>> No.45212332


>> No.45212352


>> No.45212363


>> No.45212430


>> No.45212436
File: 153 KB, 800x576, 1679135131978251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45212462


>> No.45212491

put this guide in the next thread

>> No.45212575

gonna put my foot up ur ass rn

>> No.45212578

p-please be gentle, guys
t-this is the i-intermediate th-thread...

>> No.45212601

stfu latamer

>> No.45212608


>> No.45212620

this is actually the upper advanced thread between midnight and dawn

>> No.45212659

crepuscular thread

>> No.45212668

it's the upper advanced thread whenever i'm here.

>> No.45212715

never going to watch frieren out of spite

>> No.45212719


>> No.45212733

tempted to watch frieren cuz of that purple hair big tits bitch

>> No.45212775


saw this in a ntrge

>> No.45212787

never been tempted to get a job though amirite

>> No.45212790


>> No.45212795


>> No.45212812

been working since i was 13 bro

>> No.45212823

big if true

>> No.45212835

uminibas be like

>> No.45212839

it is bro shit aint funny in the third world

>> No.45212847

buddha don’t care

>> No.45213018

frieren is crazy good
just hurting yourself by not watching

>> No.45213189
File: 185 KB, 800x450, 921336865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.45213322

if i go full ape neet mode and grind 10 hours a day reading vns, how how long would it take?

>> No.45213344


>> No.45213384

about 20

>> No.45213394

itd take ten hours a day
yall are stupid

>> No.45213426

oh oh baka ga utsutta

>> No.45213454

if i fully plug up and go no poop mode 24 hours a day how long would it take

>> No.45214245

someone make a good post

>> No.45214272

>smug british language teacher goes to language school and embarrasses himself while trying to impress his fellow students after 6 years of living in japan:

>> No.45214458

guy's gone on record saying he made it to ~n2 and then just stopped. also says he doesn't give a shit anymore.

>> No.45214487

bro still gets manko why should he give a shit

>> No.45214521

nah hes with that canadian chick

>> No.45214541

pretty sure canadian chicks have manko too

>> No.45214559

mlen filters popping

>> No.45214580
File: 440 KB, 1920x1080, 盾の勇者の成り上がり S03E04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45214610

immersionfags got real quiet after this post dropped

>> No.45214650
File: 90 KB, 736x919, d3a1f4d76a54111c9a524939d0937e36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished learning all the hiragana and katakana.

What now?
Kanji? Grammar? Words?

>> No.45214655


>> No.45214690

refer to the gambs guide

>> No.45214703

that man is s tier

>> No.45214715

true true

>> No.45214749

now learn 舐めます

>> No.45214801

Good morning

>> No.45214812

im drinking calpis soda for the first time and it's actually not bad. i expected it to taste bad based on the description but im enjoying it

>> No.45214818

what does british man that conducts most of his business in english have to do with immersion

>> No.45214828

>page 8
>under 400
it's over. we lost.

>> No.45214829

>lived in japan for more than half a decade
>literally had a job where he was in a japanese school envirionment
>consumed japanese media and made japanese friends
sounds immersive to me

>> No.45214831

this dude is drinking cowpiss lmao

>> No.45214851

>>lived in japan for more than half a decade
ok and?
>>literally had a job where he was in a japanese school envirionment
yeah teaching english
>>consumed japanese media and made japanese friends
yeah i think he's actually fluent in japanese but his main job now (being a youtuber) he does everything in english

>> No.45214879

you can live in japan and never actively listen to any japanese except for 10-20 phrases that you hear every day
it's not the same

>> No.45214880

not going to post in a thread with mlenfreak

>> No.45214888

wtf why did I spent all this time in anki learning japanese then

>> No.45214894

i paid over €3 for the cowpiss , pricy because they have to import it from japan but actually cheap considering i didn't have to import it myself

>> No.45215006
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>> No.45215022

toad is the only one here that needs furigana

>> No.45215024


>> No.45215100

pls delete this streamable, i never wanna see that guy's face ever again... what a グロテスク gaijin

>> No.45215150
File: 58 KB, 246x250, essex.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know of games or some kind of exercises to learn numbers?

>> No.45215155

big if true

>> No.45215175


>> No.45215189

He's the opposite of Matto: Lives in Japan but probably only watches English YouTube videos, reads English books etc.
My colleagues for example who have lived in my country for years now also don't speak my native language because they can do everything in English.
The immersion you get from reading a few signs on the street and having basic conversations about food and the weather isn't enough to improve.
I've noticed that if I just listen to gaming streams, I'll know every single word and won't learn a thing, even for hours. If I listen to the news or an audiobook, things are different.
Maybe locking yourself in your room and reading books all day is the better immersion after all...

>> No.45215205

living in japan doesn't do anything for you if you don't go out and talk to every ningen in earth

>> No.45215214


>> No.45215220

video games
rpgs are great at that just read the numbers in jap

>> No.45215238

still only VN I ever played

>> No.45215244

cant believe there are novinnies itt

>> No.45215262

There are 0 good ones, why bother

>> No.45215280

there are 0 smart uppercasers

>> No.45215299


>> No.45215387

the vinners are all in the discord

>> No.45215440

that's where they belong です

>> No.45215475
File: 271 KB, 1248x918, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, it's immersion time

>> No.45215494

big yikes

>> No.45215499

it's morbin time

>> No.45215505
File: 35 KB, 793x240, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was s rank in japanese

>> No.45215520

lmao at all the d rankers downvoting

>> No.45215597

big yikes if true

>> No.45215601

kowaii americans wake the fuck up

>> No.45215612

Is there a recommendation list for easy linnies like there are many for anime/manga?

>> No.45215618
File: 55 KB, 800x611, IMG_20231027_222036_037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I'm reminded of the existence of that subreddit and scroll through the front page, I feel an emptiness growing inside. These people all share their little tricks, secrets, some new app, a new way to think about duolingo, a "hack" how you can speak Japanese without knowing kanji, a method to remember the katakana etc.
I'm willing to bet that nobody on that site is actually putting in real work. It's as easy as that, engage with the language in a way that is challenging but not impossible for as much time as possible and you'll learn. Anything else will lead to failure. All these little tricks will do nothing in the long run, their mentality is completely wrong. They're looking for shortcuts. It reminds me of the feeling I get when I see these magazines for women that tell you to eat avocado every evening for quick weight loss. This will do nothing if you're still eating 4000kcal a day.
But the scariest part about these people is that they're unaware of this fact. Might there be something in life where I myself am just threading water, getting nowhere, wasting my time, even though I want to improve? Creating that tiny little doubt in my mind, which might lead to further improvement is the only positive quality of these people. They are worthless in virtually every other regard and should be-

>> No.45215641

big if true

>> No.45215656

yeah bruh not reading all that

>> No.45215666

>going to reddit

>> No.45215684
File: 1.47 MB, 3015x1953, jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno how good this is

>> No.45215698

4bro loved going on r/learnjapanese

>> No.45215704 [DELETED] 

maybe it's for the best they left the eu

>> No.45215716

you cannot convince me that man wasn't on cocaine while he did that intro

>> No.45215724 [DELETED] 

How will this help me learn japanese?

>> No.45215731

gotta watch until the end to find out

>> No.45215738 [DELETED] 


>> No.45215742

Many a progress goblin itt

>> No.45215750


>> No.45215789

Prove it.

>> No.45215819

hate going outside but i have no food left

>> No.45215838

order food then?

>> No.45215865

that's a waste of money

>> No.45215902


>> No.45215907

hamas approves

>> No.45215914

there's just no way that degenerate didn't built a sex dungeon down there

>> No.45215981

>was told 大好き yesterday
Is there even a point to keep working on improving my JP? Is there anything beyond this?

>> No.45215994

big if true

>> No.45216034

(its not)

>> No.45216038

yeah keep talking to yourself

>> No.45216046

what did you reply with desukedo?

>> No.45216123
File: 3.01 MB, 576x720, acrobatics.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your thoughts on 迷惑行為? Are western countries too lenient?

>> No.45216157


>> No.45216196

yeah put her in jail

>> No.45216212

I have been practicing writing kanji for some time, but I honestly write them based on how they display on computers. I don't do "proper" stroke order, but I try to stick to the general rule of top-down, left-right, one radical at a time, etc., For those who have actually lived and worked there, is this fine? Specifically in academia and social work, which is what I anticipate doing. (I am aware of the characters that have official variation between standard form and whats on computer, but I havent gotten to those kanji yet.)

>> No.45216288

japanese people can often tell if your stroke order is off even from the finished character, especially if they're teachers but this doesn't really matter so much when it comes to foreigners. as long as your shit is legible it's gonna be fine. many foreigners can't write by hand at all. now of course in academics and the realm of higher education that's a different story. but it makes no sense speculating about it without you posting a picture of your script.

>> No.45216310

stroke order is not difficult at all

>> No.45216313

that being said, i deliberately defy the stroke order of certain characters if i personally find them harder to write that way. which aren't many. most of the time it makes sense but there are a few outliers.

>> No.45216329


>> No.45216527

kinda reminds me of learning programming, a lot of new people asking the best way to learn and what to study and basically won't start until someone tells them exactly what to do, always giving up etc, but i just kept doing random stuff until i got better and understood everything

>> No.45216541

exactly same experience here
just practice

>> No.45216603

The only stroke order I care about is when I'm beating my meat.

>> No.45216617

how does stroke order change the way the character looks? theoretically, couldn't you draw the exact same set of lines in any order?

>> No.45216628

how'd you guys go about learning how to get good at listening? is it just a simple as bang my head against raw anime/drama shit? i've only been trying to read vns up to this point, so i wanna get started on listening sooner than later

>> No.45216634

please explain the stroke order of beating meat

>> No.45216643

because of the imperfections of human handwriting also they used to write with brushes

>> No.45216653

if only everyone did their 10k hours of anime before asking shit

>> No.45216658

what if you get bored of anime before you get to 10k tho

>> No.45216667

10k is a lot of anime bro

>> No.45216668

I'm already bored at 40hrs

>> No.45216679


>> No.45216680

then just watch dramas like nukemarine

>> No.45216717
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You're all losers

>> No.45216728

oh i'm an expert at this

>> No.45216750

This is me taking the N1.

>> No.45216759


>> No.45216766


>> No.45216826

if you don't want to bang your head against shit you don't understand in audio form, you could just learn to understand basic japanese by reading vinnies for 1000 hours, doing anki to associate word-sounds with word-meanings you already know, and only then do a lot of listening

>> No.45216880

looks like something djt would enjoy

>> No.45216972

3+ hours of hololive per day
just practice
reading helps with listening too

>> No.45217000


>> No.45217142

Find people that speak clearly, relatively slowly, and relatively simply. People such as Okayu in hololive (or my oshi Aqua) are good for this, or for less weeb-y shit, just go through podcasts until you find one fitting this criteria such as ゆとたわ. Even if you can't understand the meanings of their words, just focus on the actual sounds coming out of their mouths. Over time you will get better at recognizing the syllables they're saying, and your brain will get better and piecing those syllables together into the words you've learned from reading/anki/etc

>> No.45217189

this fucking anime girl speaks faster than destiny debating nick fuentes

>> No.45217240

not even close

>> No.45217353

>anime girl
you mean vtuber, she's not from anime, you don't call every "anime" looking character "waifu" like every riajuu faggot now do you?
>speaks faster then
immerse in jp

>> No.45217383

anime is hand-drawn and computer-generated animation originating from Japan. she clearly fits the bill
and there's no jp content of that level of entertainment an depth, otherwise people wouldn't be watching fucking basic bitch vtubers

>> No.45217407

because in handwriting people write quickly and take shortcuts between strokes so it's obvious when you are writing it incorrectly because you will have to do something completely different. additionally there isnt not just stroke order but stroke types: はね とめ はらい and you can't do them properly if you're writing the wrong direction so it will look completely weird
that being said unless you work in a JTC then you will never have to write more than your address in japan and nobody cares if you just write it in hiragana as long as you get the 郵便番号 correct

>> No.45217408

not anime

>> No.45217409

can I make gains by listening to lagtrain on repeat for 2 hours

>> No.45217422

gonna go to japan and pay for everything with 2000 yen bills
fuck the system

>> No.45217427

just encountered this sentence. is this 早く開きすぎる the standard pattern for saying somthing happened too early?

>> No.45217428

oh shit shes a vtuber? damn bro thanks for clarifying i really thought i was watching an anime

>> No.45217430
File: 3.57 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20231111_183931036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yosh im stocked up for this weekend

>> No.45217446

djt has literally never been wrong about anything

>> No.45217450

why do you have to write the word for "braids" into the options when you don't want to bump a thread with your post? i don't get it

>> No.45217454

>I'm new
self aware poster

>> No.45217457

1 no
>level of entertainment an depth
im sorry about your japanese ability
>otherwise people wouldn't be watching fucking basic bitch vtubers
casual internet uses will watch anything and everything, some "people" think that vtubers have gotten so entertaining that they have stopped watching actual entertaining content, watching others be bad at games and talk about sexual content is entertaining for the masses they choose to enjoy 3dpd mask and clown slop
my personally it feels as though my brain is dying whenever they talk, its the same thing from years ago with brainless and unimaginative "lets plays" now riajuu conjugate and circle jerk a women behind drawn characters, no story, no character development, just a person talking about very interesting topics sucks as: their day...their previous days...

>> No.45217459

real people don't watch vtumors only weird creepy perverts do

>> No.45217462

try eating some meat or fish

>> No.45217464

this is the truth

>> No.45217465

Let's Plays actually used to be good. People switched to streaming because it made them a lot more money, but it subsequently worsened the experience in every way possible.

>> No.45217470

fascinating insight right here

>> No.45217478

thanks for not helping at all you FAGGOTS

>> No.45217494


>> No.45217505

we don't answer questions that chat gpt can take

>> No.45217507

djt let's play

>> No.45217511

right, you only take it up the ass

>> No.45217515

>reading a VN
>getting happy because I'm on a roll and I haven't needed to look up anything in the dictionary for a while
>comprension streak breaks because a fucking omnotopeia

>> No.45217520

I'd answer with the wrong answer so I didn't answer

>> No.45217522

jp vtuber trying to read a random shitty djt for 30 minutes would be more entertaining than 10000 hours of gaypex legends taken together

>> No.45217523

just feel them out it's easy

>> No.45217530

they're called onomatopoeias because it's not comic shit retard

>> No.45217531


>> No.45217558

jsl moment

>> No.45217563

TFW you'll never be a jsl

>> No.45217565

>secondary language
i hate anglos so fucking much its unreal

>> No.45217566

Good thing about threads like this is that when someone finally learns japanese after 1 or 2 years they stop coming here, and new people join constanly, so it makes a good flow of old blood leaving and new one coming

>> No.45217570

jtl here yoroshiku

>> No.45217576

you can tell there are a couple dudes here who have overstayed their welcome. they've turned and it's become a bit smelly in here

>> No.45217581


>> No.45217593

i'm just here because my favorite vtubers has a retstraining order out against me so i have nothing else to do

>> No.45217596

stfu pathetic mlenbitch cry about it in your favela not in the thread

>> No.45217599

my turn to piss, shit and fart the thread

>> No.45217601

how come all the namefags and discordfags are still here after so many years?

>> No.45217611
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chatgpt jsl moments

>> No.45217612

>nooooo why is the thread not full of n7 newfags who make me feel superior about my n6 japanese reeee let me seethe and reply in agreement to myself

>> No.45217624

what's this mens talking about

>> No.45217657

he kinda snapped

>> No.45217660

say one nice thing about the japanese language

>> No.45217664

sounds better than chinese

>> No.45217671

>10. When you thought you knew the te-form

>> No.45217689


>> No.45217700

It relies on context unlike english.
Having to repeat the subject in every single sentence is the most retarded shit imaginable

It's like this language is made for ADHD zoomer who if you don't constantly state who is talking to who they will lose track of the whole thing

>> No.45217707
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>> No.45217709

the namefags and discordfags are n7 though

>> No.45217712

maybe ive been exposed to japanese for too long but アイスクリーム is perfectly intelligible english for me

>> No.45217722

ya i think it was a bit on the newbie side desu

>> No.45217751

it can be very space efficient on the page

>> No.45217752

They’re too busy discussing djt wannabe ecelebs to actually learn japanese

>> No.45217761

why are you in this thread and not emersing right now?

>> No.45217766

anyone who is still N5 by the end of this year will have to perform naked dogeza in front of the entire thread

>> No.45217767

matt is on record having admitted that he makes himself look more proficient than he actually is and that he and i quote "lives for" the feeling of recognition, admiration he gets from others and feeling superior

>> No.45217771

god i wash that were me

>> No.45217793

I'm n3 at heart

>> No.45217803

dame someone should kick his ass

>> No.45217807

i would get no feeling of recognition from curbstomping that loser

>> No.45217812

i mean that's the hallmark of a great teacher

>> No.45217813

matto needs to be made humble

>> No.45217818

honey in here we say hamuburu

>> No.45217845

reminder that とも as a conjunctional posposition has many various uses and you probably know them by heart if you want to survive

>> No.45217855


>> No.45217858

my heart doesn't know what conjuctional posposition is

>> No.45217869

my heart wants 20 year old japanese manko

>> No.45217875

i first watched death note when i was 16, now im 30 and a lot of light's mistakes suddenly make sense to me: he's a dumb teenager

>> No.45217876

12yo manko ToT

>> No.45217877
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what are flocks of sheep to do without their shepherds

>> No.45217883

do you think they fooled around on that bed after?

>> No.45217887
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>> No.45217897

can we stop discussing wanna-be e-celebs

>> No.45217900


>> No.45217903

can you shut your bitch ass up

>> No.45217905


>> No.45217927

why? you have nothing to say. nothing ever happens in here. none of you mfs writes anything in jap and if someone does have a specific question it doesn't get answered most of the time. all you do is point people to yotsuba to! or tae kim or whatever. nobody needs you to be here and do that. a jpg can do that. this place is worthless. might as well shit it up the place as long as i can stand to be around you smelly fucks.

>> No.45217936

now where were we? oh yeah! do you think matt has ever worn paltform shoes are inlay in his sneakers? i think he certainly did.

>> No.45217949

yeah sorry no one needs to discuss with you how to do stuff in japanese lil crybitch ass nigga

>> No.45217959
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japanese learning is solved
there is literally nothing to discuss

>> No.45217963

i see quiz is coping again he scaled himself up 400% on that montage

>> No.45217969


>> No.45217977

so no inlays?

>> No.45217980

japanese learning is obsolete, just get a japanese girlfriend that knows english

>> No.45217983

matt and by extension djt died the day he took down the manga wall
try and watch without tearing up you cant

>> No.45217984

nah she should speak my language. english kinda icky yknow

>> No.45217992

crazy how matt used the manga wall to look like some kinda manga fan but he only read like 20 volumes

>> No.45218005

yeah crazy how the guy that butchered manga and covered his walls in manga corpses hates manga

>> No.45218011

"so it's pretty funny." hahaha ok

>> No.45218017

this is one of those moments where you see the world in a new way. how didn't i realize this before

>> No.45218030


高秋水村路 隔岸見人家
好是經霜葉 紅於帶露花
臨罾魚易得 就店酒難賒
吟興胡能盡 風清日又斜

吟興、胡(なん)ぞ尽くるに能ふ? 風清くて日は又た斜(かたむ)けり


>> No.45218034

The paper in the walls is made of real manga?...

>> No.45218037

never read i just put it straight on the wall

>> No.45218046


>> No.45218069

yeah he has making of videos and everything
he microwaves the manga to often the glue and tear the pages out

>> No.45218240


>> No.45218267

i was at an asian convenience store yesterday and the store attendant spoke japanese and now im in love

>> No.45218280

remember to microwave your manga before eating it

>> No.45218309

but i can speak japanese to you as well. why won't you return my calls?

>> No.45218319

because you're not 5 feet tall

>> No.45218345


>> No.45218368

you know, if it wasn't for the gunma dialect 血の轍 might just be the easiest read you could recommend to a beginner.

>> No.45218380

never read that one. what is it about?

>> No.45218398

it's about a boy in high school whose mother is batshit insane. like scary crazy. i thought it was pretty grim. she's like very overprotective and possessive at first and the it just escalates. pretty short.

>> No.45218448

wow just like my real life

>> No.45218470

>novice Japanese learning book
>is completely in japanese

>> No.45218475

really? sorry to hear that. better don’t read it then.

>> No.45218513

yes, and?

>> No.45218527

you mean manga yeah they make those for japanese people i heard

>> No.45218529

if you're intermediate you should check out the books japanese people use to learn english.

>> No.45218553

I now english thought?

>> No.45218570

me oo!

>> No.45218719
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Day 170: Can't really focus on today session so I had to redo a lot of cards.

>> No.45219161

shits fucking dead in here

>> No.45219219

ur sex life is dead

>> No.45219290

true its been a while
