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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 110 KB, 480x854, japanesefashion17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4528620 No.4528620 [Reply] [Original]

It's understandable to wish I were Japanese, right?

I mean, I'm a pretty average looking white girl, which is fine I guess (could be worse), but average looking Japanese girls are just. . .better. Their average is superior.

Am I dumb for wishing this? I know I take weeabooism to an all new level, but I simply can't help it.

>> No.4528641

average Japanese are not good looking

>> No.4528640

I'd say on an attractive scale the Japanese aren't on average that attractive.

Should have said Korean~

>> No.4528642

Better luck next time maybe


>> No.4528649

No girls on the internet.

>> No.4528652

90% of Koreans are plastic. Just about everyone there gets plastic surgery.

>> No.4528671

We (whites) just think that because we can't pick up on the subtle differences between Asian ethnicities.

To me, a black looks like a black. But I can tell the difference between a Bosnian and a Romanian no problem.

>> No.4528675

That might be true but at what age?

I'm not really talking about the electronic expo Samsung floor girls or whatever, there just seems to be more averagely cute Korean girls. Is the plastic surgery rate even that high? I've only heard that thrown around on /jp/

>> No.4528690

I used to wish this too...

And then I saw that all those cute japanese girls wrinkle up and become prunes after they hit 50

And that without makeup, most of them look like complete shit

>> No.4528693
File: 250 KB, 1280x720, naruup6586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip: Media distorts the perception of beauty in other cultures too.

Japan is especially shallow as well

>> No.4528700


Can you really not tell the difference between different Asian ethnicites? Or different black/mestizo/mid eastern ones for that matter?

I can immediately tell a Jap from a Korean or Chinese or Filipino. The same way I can tell an Indian from a Pakki. Or a Mexican from a Salvadorean. Blacks are actualyl a little harder, but I can almsot always tell an Americanized slave descendant from a real African, from a carribean black.

Maybe I have the advantage of growing up in Las Vegas, which has a fairly good mix of cultures.

>> No.4528709
File: 42 KB, 720x480, nagi bored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead and kill yourself OP. Get it over with already.

All 3d bitches are fucking ugly.

>> No.4528725

Most Koreans get plastic surgery in the early teens. Kinda sad.

>> No.4528734

Made up stats.

>> No.4528735

more of her!

>> No.4528741

Nope, sorry, I can't.

And almost all anime characters look white to me too.

>> No.4528747

korean detected.

>> No.4528756

Japanese girls really aren't that attractive it's just their sense of style and what they show you in the media.

In the 60s and 70s we used to thing Italians were hawt cuz they were cutting edge in world fashion, now days we think they are kinda gross and hairy.

Japanese girls just seem more attractive right now because their clothing and make-up styles are what's "in" right now, but if you were to walk around the streets of Japan you'd see there are just as many (if not more) buck-toothed, awkward looking girls with bad complexions.

I'm pretty sure most races find whites the most attractive overall.

>> No.4528789

Don't worry you can get black dudes for free OP.

>> No.4528794

>I'm pretty sure most races find whites the most attractive overall.


>> No.4528960

>I'm pretty sure most races find whites the most attractive overall.

Statically true.

>> No.4528967

how does it feel like to be a butthurt corean in /jp/?

>> No.4528997

I'm going to have nightmares.

>> No.4529445
File: 36 KB, 604x339, n854135106_5139688_6211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the input, everyone. You guys are actually pretty friendly for being 4chan. Nice change of pace.

Her name is Sakurai Rina :]

>> No.4529454

Would you go out with me, OP? We can go to IHOP if you'd like.

>> No.4529464

I actually have a boyfriend already, sorry. I do love IHOP, though.

>> No.4529469

It's halfies who really win. Best of both worlds, etc.

>> No.4529473


>> No.4529478

Slut. Get out of /jp/.

>> No.4529517

Fuck off.

>> No.4529555

GTFO OP, attention whoring dumbass. You are exactly that, average, nobody needs to see you, fuck off.

>> No.4529556

obvious troll is obvious. Just go back to /b/, faggot.

>> No.4529574

Says some fat pimply useless retard with no job.

>> No.4529597


>> No.4529608

I am a manslut butthurt-san

>> No.4529613
File: 115 KB, 435x435, 8l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were born a girl, stop complaining.

>> No.4529616

non-weaboo lurking through here, the only halfie I know of (and have seen detailed images of) is maria ozawa and she is tore up as all hell without makeup on. I mean it's just her complexion, she'd be 10/10 face and all if she didn't have acne scars so bad that it looks like she got a face full of birdshot.

>> No.4529622

Photoshop is widely used.

>> No.4529709
File: 42 KB, 720x404, RHJ104-Maria.Ozawa_Sc.01.avi_snapshot_08.15_[2010.03.02_23.14.16].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, it's usually pretty obvious to me when something is touched up. the thing is that it was done so well in so many films I didn't have a clue. I figured it was just the lighting or something and not expertly applied makeup and probably a bit of post processing. pic is the scene that made me realize what was up. she's still hot as all hell though imo.

>> No.4530715

bump for more hot jp girl

>> No.4530718
File: 55 KB, 190x209, 1258764525792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4530733

This thread was nice before the kids woke up from their naps.

>> No.4531141

girls do browse /jp/ lol

>> No.4531166

oh noes i got trolled

>> No.4531220

I'd honestly hate to be nip. Their society is too competitive & rigid for their own good. Despite being leader in many new tech fields, their model of everydaylife isn't keeping up with the modern world. Just look at all the new social problems they are experiencing, ageing population and lowest birthrate in the world.

>> No.4531473

No, it never was. Fucking blogging /b/ shit cancer. Fucking reported.

>> No.4531577

Tch, Chinese male here, lemme clarify a bit regarding Asians.

Koreans are fucking ugly without plastic surgery. About as ugly as Asians get.

Japanese and Taiwanese are god tier beautiful, Thai too but you can never be sure if they are dudes in disguise so that adds some doubt.

Taiwanese are natural beauties. Japanese are not, they spend all their money on hairstyles, branded clothes and accessories, and spend all their time doing makeup and keeping up to date with fashion.

When I went to Japan recently, I realized I looked exactly like the average Japanese male, only reason they looked hotter than me was their haircuts and clothes.

Work with what you have, if you're average white dressing normally, blow some cash on a makeover, I guarantee you will look loads hotter.

>> No.4531581

Nip nong
Ching chong

>> No.4531601

ni de mama

>> No.4531662

japanese live like dogs and look like them most often!

>> No.4531670

Haven't been here since late 2008.

Is this what you've come to, /jp/?


>> No.4531681

Shut up! It's just... no it's not weekend, not summer either... hmmm... not really daytime in America yet also...

Well shit...

>> No.4531700

at least they don't hide their dog faces like the coreans do

>> No.4531712

I'm just amazed by the drastic difference. Look at these posts:


It's pathetic. This used to actually be a good board. Apparently the demographic it appeals to has changed.

>> No.4531718

In Asian culture white pale skin is typically seen as the most beautiful. I have really white and pale skin so some of my Japanese girl friends and boyfriend call me 美白美人.

I'm going to assume OP is white and if so then enjoy your whiteness. Everybody loves white girls. If you're not white then my condolences to you.

>> No.4531737

That, or you can go the other way and become GANGURO.

A good day to you too! Yes it will be an honor to have you clean my anus, thanks for offering!

That actually made me laugh.

>> No.4531748


what about mainland Chinese, Chinaman?

>> No.4531756

I'm not from the mainland, but Shanghai girls are dogs. The real beauties are hiding in the mountains, in rural villages under a layer of mud. But tending to the paddy fields apparently give them really smooth and soft hands every man would dream of holding. Or so the legends say.

I come from lousy Singapore, girls here are like uglier Taiwanese girls with smaller tits.

>> No.4531824

What? I knew a lot of really pretty Singaporean girls when I lived there. And you say small tits like it's a bad thing. Shame on you.

>> No.4531863

Maybe the grass is always greener on the other side, ey?

I like small boobs too, my ex had boobs so small she didn't even need to wear a bra. But it kinda sucks that you don't really get to see huge boobs leaking out of tank tops often.

>> No.4532164
File: 351 KB, 384x512, proper_weeaboo_by_Adeacia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4532184

You don't know shit about Japan, average Japanese are fugly, I'm sorry.

Hot Japanese women are better than hot whites though.

>> No.4533210

