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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 52 KB, 360x480, 1228928436963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5001730 No.5001730 [Reply] [Original]

Are you a person who reads VN's for the cute girls, plot, romance, sex, or hot guys?

I picked up F/SN only because I wanted to read something, and found myself in love with the plot. Even more so for Shirou. I would go gay for this man if he was real. A friend found out and is now so adamant on making me read this other VN that it makes me want to refuse even harder.

What about you?

>> No.5001744

>for Shirou
damn, that's some shitty taste you have there.

>> No.5001746

i did not read most of this i just skimmed and read hot shiru and i agree too

>> No.5001751

>Even more so for Shirou. I would go gay for this man if he was real.
Jesus christ...

>> No.5001763

I read it for the cute girls, plot, romance, sex and gar guys.

>> No.5001770

Oh right, this is /jp/. They can't stand men here.

>> No.5001773
File: 121 KB, 400x396, Shirou_Emiya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gay for Shirou

I could understand Archer,Lancer,Kotomine,Shinji fuck,even Issei but Shirou? Really?

>> No.5001783


>> No.5001787
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Face it, he's the perfect man. He may not be as "powerful" as the others, but he's a beautiful character and well developed (though HF is debatable...)

>> No.5001799

>Gay for Shinji
Shirou redeemed himself pretty well imo but Shinji was and always will be a faggot.

>> No.5001826
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>> No.5001868

I'd let Issei eat my meat, if you know what I mean.

>> No.5001872

Plot mainly. Then characters, they must be interesting.

>> No.5001879
File: 58 KB, 811x613, IsseiSexy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Issei eats Shirou's meat all the time...
Shirou lets him have a bit of his own lunch now and then.

>> No.5001890
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>A faggot

Bitch please,he was a pimp-to-be thrust into some Midevil magical warfare shit. The man was not built for these kind of things.

Dont be hating just because he gets bloody raw meat every day.

>> No.5001894
File: 49 KB, 298x600, 1253017144915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even more so for Shirou. I would go gay for this man if he was real.
You have shitty taste

>> No.5001899


Can Shirou go gay with himself or does he still have bad taste if this is the case?

>> No.5001903

I read them for the story. I guess I just like over the top melodrama.

>> No.5001910

>Master Shinji Matou, Sex: Always, Age: 8

...Wait. Age 8?

>> No.5001919
File: 41 KB, 386x500, cbc202fd7269935610d3c00917806e23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lancer is the only man from FSN worth going gay for.

>> No.5001923

>Sex: Always
Where the fuck did you read that? And do you have a problem with Shinji being mature for his age?

>> No.5001979

plot and cute girls basically

>> No.5001980

Depends on the VN.
I read Sharin no Kuni HnS for the Bro-tagonist, the girls, the plot, the comedy...
Sharin no Kuni is awesome.

>> No.5002009

Yeah, I know. I feel kind of bad for Issei.

>> No.5002096

For the cute girls, gar guys, and plot, never for the romance or sex, though sometimes a lack of romance (or route) pisses me off.

>> No.5002120

Like with anime, I tend to play VNs for the male lead more than the female characters. Don't ask me why, it probably has something to do with how cliche the women always are...

>> No.5002129

>though sometimes a lack of romance (or route) pisses me off.

Like the Hiiragi Kappei route in Clannad. That one just pissed me off.

>> No.5002133

If you read VNs for anything but the porn, you have absolutely no taste and need to get out of /jp/.

>> No.5002156


Why would you want to read VNs for the porn? The porn always sucks.

>> No.5002161

I don't think so.

>> No.5002164

I try skipping porn scenes as much as possible. They usually just annoy me if they're too long. Like the scenes with Aeka in YMK, way too much plowing going on.

>> No.5002165

Why would you read VNs for the plot? The plot always sucks, assuming that its even there.

>> No.5002173


Are you serious? Plot is the only reason to read VNs, unless you're reading some sex romp.

And in that case, why not just google "tits"?

>> No.5002180

Man, in that case just watch a porn.

>> No.5002189

>for Shirou
OP's taste:
[ ] Not Told
[x] TOLD

>> No.5002190

Name a VN that has a decent plot. Go on.

>> No.5002198

Here we go..

>> No.5002207

Ever 17
Fate S/N
Cross Channel

>> No.5002212


Don't forget Sharin no Kuni.

>> No.5002215

Plots in most VNs suck, so do porn scenes and most of the protagonists.
I guess I read them for the girls, romance, and slice of life parts? To feel what would it be like if I had a life. Of course it's good if the story and drama is done well, but that happens rarely enough for me not to expect it.

>> No.5002216


I don't like sex scenes since i'm a faggot, but i can stand them if there aren't to many.

I hate to much fanservice, like "every girls is bi" like in FS/N, it ruins the setting for me.

I don't mind romance, but i don't read a vn for it.

Hot guys are ok, tough most of them are either side character or don't have a path, so even if some of them catch my interest i don't rean a vn only for them. Also, most of my favorite characters are female.

>> No.5002217

You forgot Umineko.

>> No.5002222


In addition:

Sharin no Kuni
Little Busters
Saya no Uta

Hell, even Rance 7 has a pretty decent plot.

>> No.5002226


No, I think he forgot that on purpose.

>> No.5002233
File: 198 KB, 640x480, 1256727457295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plots in most VNs suck, so do porn scenes and most of the protagonists.

Ever17, Higurashi, Remember11.

No porn, awesome main character.

>> No.5002243
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Haters gonna hate.

Umineko is entertain, deal with it.

>> No.5002248
File: 757 KB, 439x600, 7743132_m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shirou is moe~

>> No.5002276



>> No.5002278

plot. heavy character development is always great, and romance is usually a plus.

it must suck to have an imagination so crippled you can't enjoy anything.
>plot sucks.
>porn is good.

>> No.5002282

>FSN and Clannad on a list of VNs with good plot.
>No Saya

>Good plot

I admit K1 was awesome, but that doesn't mean the plot's good.

>Rance 7

It's funny because as far as showing a plot and a consistent setting, the Rance series does better than a lot of more "serious" attempts.

>> No.5002284

Plot of FSN was pretty mediocre as a whole.
Only thing that felt interesting was Shirou's conflict with Archer.
Every other bits was standard anime bullshit, except with more infodump.

>> No.5002298


*saves picture*

sank yooo

>> No.5002299
File: 125 KB, 438x550, 1272326713907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Helly, i'm an animefag who watched deen shit and believe that's Higurashi plot.

Also, the fuck? Higurashi wasn't only brain parasites, it has a fucking good and awesome cast.

>> No.5002302

Not ALL.
Of course you can post some VNs with good plots, so could I, but it's not something that makes me like them as a genre.

>> No.5002303

What was the plot of Rance 7?
A guy who get possessed by an evil spirit who then want to destroy japan by making an old man cry?
Sure is awesome plot there.
You guys are completely deluded, Sengoku Rance is a fun game but stop thinking it had a fucking plot.

>> No.5002304

You people know that the plots in VNs are on the same level as Harry Potter and Twilight, right?

>> No.5002313


you must have read alice parade.....if you did i feel bad for you it was just shit

>> No.5002315

VNs that could pass as competent novels:

Swan Song, from what I've read
Cross Channel
Sharin no Kuni with some tweaking
Ever17, same as above

Honestly these are the only ones, maybe Phantom of Inferno and Saya with some reworking here and there.

>> No.5002325


That's what it boils down to, yeah. The cast more than makes up for how mediocre it sounds.

What would YOU consider to be a good plot?


>Implying that Harry Potter is as bad as Twilight

>> No.5002329

You're not making a lot of sense, OP.

So you recently get turned on to VNs by F/SN, which I agree is a classic. Here comes the green text from faggots looking to put it down because it's overexposed and IT IS... BUT... Let's ignore them.

You say your friend wants to recommend you another one based on how much you loved F/SN but you are resistant BECAUSE of how much you loved it?

Yeah, flawed logic.

>> No.5002330

>Also, the fuck? Higurashi wasn't only brain parasites, it has a fucking good and awesome cast.

And Rika breaking fate, friendship etc.

Seriously, it's like saying ever17 plot is retarded because cure virus is a fucking stupid plot device.

>> No.5002334

I enjoyed reading Harry Potter. Making something difficult to understand doesn't make it good or enjoyable at all. If I want to read complicated things I can just read my biochemistry textbooks...

>> No.5002335


CC and Sharin are partially epic because of how they twist the genre, though.

Converting them to books wouldn't have nearly the same kind of impact.

>> No.5002338

Holy shit, let's make a 14 man war to make a wish on the Holy Grail in Japan with dead heroes because lulz! And we'll have the shitty kid win it in the end.

>> No.5002339

>I have written anything in my life

Hint: A work of fiction is not good because it tries to be DEEP and complex. Look no further than FSN for proof. Every possible idea's been done before; what matters more than just ideas is how they're executed. Goethe agreed, don't bother him about it..

>> No.5002343
File: 136 KB, 640x480, Madwhenkilled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, flawed logic.

Well, he said he likes Shirou....

You may want to try Tsukihime op.

>> No.5002346


>> No.5002355

>>The cast more than makes up for how mediocre it sounds.
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
The only character who get any bits of good characterization in the whole fucking game is Kou.

Everyone else is simply a stereotype pushed to the extreme.
Nothing wrong with this but stop thinking they are good characters.
Shallow characters like this works for a parody and a pure ero game, that's what the author of Rance obviously wanted.
But if you think they were "good" character and that this game had a "good" plot, then sorry but you are completely and utterly retarded.

>> No.5002358
File: 175 KB, 550x650, 1265090011058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP has shitty taste

>> No.5002366


Go back to /v/.

>> No.5002370

>implying F/SN wasn't just about Shirou like it was for Kou, or the other heroines of the other routes
You also wouldn't appreciate much of the growth of the recurring characters in the game if you haven't played the other ones in the series.

>> No.5002381


Again, what would you consider to be "good"?

I had a lot of fun reading Rance. The characters were all hilarious and awesome.

It's well-written, even if it isn't "deep". It was entertaining, and that's all that matters.

>> No.5002383

>You've got to be fucking kidding me.
The only character who get any bits of good characterization in the whole fucking game is Kotomine.

Everyone else is simply a stereotype pushed to the extreme.
Nothing wrong with this but stop thinking they are good characters.
Shallow characters like this works for a parody and a pure ero game, that's what the author of FSN obviously wanted.
But if you think they were "good" character and that this game had a "good" plot, then sorry but you are completely and utterly retarded.

>> No.5002386

Agreed, I hate that implying shit.

>> No.5002392

Shallow characters? Really? As far as I can tell, they are as shallow as much of the other RPGs I've ever played, as well as shallow as the ones from Nasuverse VNs.

>> No.5002418

FS/N cast is fucking awful

I like some character like Caster, Ilya, but fuck, they are totally undeveloped.

Rin is the main heirone of UBW and she has ZERO development, Sakura is shit, but she has more depth than her.

>> No.5002434

>I know how to paraphrase plots
How can you even rank the quality of a plot? It seems asinine at best.

Moby Dick
>Guy goes on a whale hunt with a captain who has an unhealthy obsession with whales

Sun Also Rises
>Group of people plus one slut go to Spain to watch bull fights

Judging stories by their "plot" is retarded.

>> No.5002436

That's because you are fucking retarded.
Also I like how you guys seem to think I'm a FSN fag.
The only character who got any decent development in FSN was Shirou and Nasu only managed to do it by repeating his shit again and again and again.

>> No.5002458

I'm just showing you how retarded you were by oversimplifying things. How's the medicine taste?

>> No.5002478

Not an FSN fag? Then tell me, please. What should characterization be like to not be considered "shallow"?

And then tell me what game or character those are in.

>> No.5002480

I have to agree on this, all I need is a good hook, twists or interactions that keep the story interesting and moving, and characters that you can get a feel for, but I guess I'm easy to please.
Being deep or complex can be great and if used properly will make the experience all the better, especially if it forces me to think and then choose based on that. Many things try too hard to be deep and end up shitting all over themselves.
Most stories seem to fail at creating characters that catch your interest, which is usually accompanied by a dull or cookie cutter story, which is pretty much where books like Twilight fall.

>> No.5002507



If a story makes you feel something for any of the characters, it has succeeded. End of discussion.

>> No.5002525

I'm not the same person you were talking to earlier. I thought that the change in tone and topic would have tipped you off but I guess that's too much to expect.

>> No.5002549


Dude, I know, I know... What can I say? I liked it. I'm not alone on this, right?


>> No.5002561

Not the same guy.
But there is a difference between Moby Dick and Sengoku Rance.
Heck even between FSN and Sengoku Rance since you guys are so intent in bringing it up.

Know what it is?
The thematics. If you strip these stories to their bare minimum, you'll see them
Moby Dick can be seen as a commentary of religion, racism, struggle against fate, finding oneself by pursuing a goal, etc...

Even FSN, as clumsy as it is, can be seen as the story of a man trying to find himself by pursuing an impossible ideal, the growth of Shirou is actually pretty well done thematically wise (also the only interesting thing in the game).

Sengoku Rance?
If you strip it of everything, it only has 2 things.
Parody and ero, that's all.

It's your right to say THE CHARACTERS/PLO ARE FUN but in the same way the Twilight fans (since you guys love to talk about it) can says the same fucking shit.
You guys enjoyed the characters of Rance who are complete exaggerated stereotypes.
In the same way the fangirls of Twilights enjoyed creaming in their panties reading about the sparkling vampires.

But Sengoku Rance has one thing over it, fun gameplay.
And that's more than enough.

>> No.5002595

... Did you just put "characters are fun" and "twilight" in the same sentence?

>> No.5002607

>Even FSN, as clumsy as it is, can be seen as the story of a man trying to find himself by pursuing an impossible ideal, the growth of Shirou is actually pretty well done thematically wise (also the only interesting thing in the game).

Are you saying that characters don't grow in Rance? Are you saying Rance doesn't pursue an ideal? Are you saying only impossible ideals make for good characters? Are you saying that parodies don't develop good characters? Are you saying that ero doesn't have stories that make them work? Are you saying that the story wasn't done as well as in FSN as it was in Rance? Because damn, they were pretty much the same, except you didn't have to read Nasu repeating the same shit over and over again.

You must be nuts.

>> No.5002615

Shirou is a parody of Captain Ahab. So his character is already void by your argument.

>> No.5002626

As a fact, Ever 17 was the only game i thought to have a HOLY SHIT THE PLOT IS THE FUCKING AWESOME MAN WITH WHEELS FOR HANDS.

>> No.5002628

The characters are fun for the fangirls, that's why it's popular with them.

I'm saying that Sengoku Rance only works as a parody and that you who try to see anything else in it are a fucking moron.
Not that hard to understand.

Do you know what "parody" mean?

>> No.5002631

he was referring to the fact that to vampire fangirls, the characters already had that hook since they are desperate for that to happen to them in real life, which is why they like it so much.
most people that aren't fans won't feel that hook, and think 'what is this shit?'

>> No.5002646

Answer the fucking questions. You haven't answered any of them.

And parodies can have their own messages as well. Saying parodies themselves have no merit on their own already makes you void your own argument on what being shallow is.

>> No.5002657

>The characters are fun for the fangirls, that's why it's popular with them.
Are you saying no one had fun with the characters in F/SN or any other work? Really?

>> No.5002658

So what is the message of Sengoku Rance?
What does it try to tell you?

>> No.5002660

Are you a retard or something?
Seriously, I feel like I'm arguing with a 5 years old there.

>> No.5002661


>> No.5002663

Not everything will go your way.
That you only know the what something means to you when you've lost it.
That good intentions and their solutions don't necessarily solve problems.
And I'm sure that's not just the whole of it.

>> No.5002675
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This question may be out of place but...

What's the message of Ever17?

>> No.5002676
File: 139 KB, 800x600, cg01201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You don't know how precious something is until it's too late."

- in a fabulous deep voice

>> No.5002683


>> No.5002686

Social Problems obviously.

>> No.5002687

True. I realize it each time my pc dies.

>> No.5002690


Don't go to underwater amusement parks

>> No.5002699
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Good enough for me.

>> No.5002707

Now, tell me.
Do you really think these messages were well delivered to you?

You can anything in pretty much everything if you look hard enough.
But do you really think that Sengoku Rance managed to have a sufficiently well characterized cast with enough development, well delivered and consistent thematics, good proses to make the whole thing more impactful.

Did the messages really manage to get to you through its sheer narrative strength?
Be honest.

>> No.5002709



>> No.5002718
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>> No.5002728

>punches random cis dude with sunglasses fetish

>> No.5002743

Yes, it did. And I've read novels before, played other RPGs before. This game says it right in your fucking face. The only reason you're probably saying that is if you skipped the fucking scenes and just concentrated on the gameplay itself.

Messages, plots, characterizations, stories. These things do not need to be written in a fucking manner that is similar to novels to be good and deeper than other works. The moment you say that is the moment your artistic appreciation of anything dies.

Next thing you'll probably tell me is that you can't see the hardship Picasso's blue paintings showed about his childhood, because it's not written in prose.

>> No.5002760

Just having a message is not enough. If my story was consisted of only the line, "Not everything will go your way," then it would have a message. However, the story would be crap because it doesn't develop or otherwise illustrate the message in a way that is meaningful to the audience. Just having a theme or multiple themes doesn't make it a good story.

>> No.5002768

BTW, as a follow up to this post, GIVE me your definition of what a sufficiently well characterized cast with enough development, and well delivered, consistent thematics look like.

>> No.5002775 [DELETED] 

Not Rance.

>> No.5002786

You asked me for a message. I gave you a message. Does the game show it in a manner that can emotionally impact you? YES IT CAN. Sure, it can make you laugh, but it can also make you rage, sad, and fearful for the characters' sakes.

The moment something does that to you, then yes, that work is not as shallow as you say it is.

The game can show it to the audience. I can't believe you're so dense that you won't even see something that the game slams in your face for countless scenes throughout the game.

>> No.5002790

Nice troll. Try again.

>> No.5002793

I read fucking VNs, I'm not having any expectations for them, believe me.
I think that several of them can pull it off.

But Sengoku Rance didn't, the writing was bland, the dialogues were bland, the storytelling was bland, there was no impact whatsoever.
It's not the case of me having too much expectations, it's only that this game didn't even TRY to pull it off.
It's obvious.
But of course there will always be some guys like you who will try to look too hard into everything for no reasons whatsoever except maybe feeding their delusions.
Well be my guest.

>> No.5002795
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>pointing out CurryButt is a troll

well holy shit, you're a smart one

>> No.5002798

>random CSI dude
That's the motherfucking Horatio Caine, bro.

>> No.5002804
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Is that so?

>> No.5002805

Swan Song, Cross Channel, Sharin no Kuni, Phantom of Inferno.
From what I can think of.
They do it with some success

>> No.5002806
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plot and romance

>> No.5002813
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>implying you are a 'clever troll' and not just a retard

>> No.5002824

>implying I ever said anything like that

o u

>> No.5002825


Namefag referring to himself in the 3rd person. Awesome. Do you do that in real life?

>> No.5002836
File: 285 KB, 601x472, 4theghetto1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm a namefag
>3:50pm PST

I guess highschool has been out long today enough for the /a/ kiddies to start showing up.

>> No.5002837


>>green text is the apex of sarcasm!

I can feel your pimples from here, faggot.

>> No.5002838

I've played the game in Japanese, so the translation doesn't hold up well, I know. But to say that the story is plain bland and that it had no impact altogether is just ignorant. It's like you haven't even played the game at all.

If the characters make you feel for them, there is impact. If the message is shown so easily, if you can't see it, something is wrong with you. Rance 7 is no literary masterpiece, but degrading it like it had no merit at all just for being a parody and ero, which it isn't all that it is, is pure ignorance.

The characterizations worked quite well past the stereotypes. The overarching plot was simple, but the events leading to the end wasn't as simple. The writing is quite equal to a lot of VNs and RPGs. Your complaints are for people who are looking for complete literal masterpieces.

So again, I ASK you, what are these masterpieces you are looking for or have found?

>> No.5002855


>>posts tripcode
>>doesn't realize he is a namefag

Awesome, dude. Awesome.

>> No.5002859
File: 144 KB, 491x557, 1269210987808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure is asspained samefag today.

>> No.5002861


>>lives in PST
>>thinks everyone else does too

Keep going, man.

>> No.5002864

I can't stand a VN in which I cannot relate to the protagonist at all. He must be either shy, smart, skinny, wear glasses or something like that.
I think this is what you were trying to say.

>> No.5002869

Anyone else in the US would also be out of school, the fact that it's already almost 4pm PST means its already that time or later in the country - thus meaning children like you are out regardless of where you live in the US.

If you don't live in the US then you don't matter to me anyway.

>> No.5002870


I think you are trying to argue with two or three of us, pal... but fear not, I am not even a little butthurt. This is so awesome. I am totally screencapping all of this. You're so fucking stupid it's amazing. I love you.

>> No.5002875


>Implying I can relate to Taichi, Kenichi, Shirou, Rance, etc.

Go to hell. I play VNs for BADASS male leads, not pussyfaggots.

>> No.5002876
File: 202 KB, 361x401, Fucking Retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5002882

Oh god, why... I can't even tell what the topic is anymore.

>> No.5002886

You know, some people will say those VNs were not that special at all.

>> No.5002887

>screencapping me being the same way I am all day, every day, on /jp/

Good job at continuously proving you are new.

>> No.5002893


CurryButt Embarrassment General

>> No.5002896

Brain parasites was Takano's theory and it was debunked within the visual novel. The reason Takano beleived it was becuase her father or whatever beleived that parasites caused religion that's why Rena thinks that Sonazaki's were religous fanatics and that turned out to be wrong too.

The japanese government also assassinated Takano in every game except the last one because of her stupid scrap books, but they only did it after she killed Rika.

>> No.5002897

And these people would be idiots.
And who care about idiots?

>> No.5002904

Some people will also call you an idiot.
And they most certainly would ask the same question.

>> No.5002905


...and that's where you've come to already?

Having to sink to calling me a newfag. Wow. Bravo. What a witty rejoinder.

>> No.5002922
File: 119 KB, 421x265, laughin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could at least know who you're dealing with before you start saying stupid shit like LOL CSCREEN CAPPEEEDDDD OWNENEDD if you want a better response than calling you new.

It's basically unavoidable to see me and how I am constantly on /jp/ if you even come here for a day, so acting like any of it is a surprise makes it so there is no better response other than calling you what you are.

I hope you enjoyed your first 10 minutes of /jp/ though, welcome.

>> No.5002953

I have never read F/SN and God willing I never will.

>> No.5003013


Know who I'm dealing with? Oh, I do. A fucking tripfag who can't post three words without sounding like an enormous tool. Acts like a newfag so calls others newfags. Is easily butthurt so therefore calls others butthurt as if we don't know better. The awesome thing is you're one of those people that has to get the last word in so you just bury yourself deeper and deeper and deeper. You rock, bro. Don't ever change. I'm out.

>> No.5003022
File: 97 KB, 723x728, 1270748998525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5003042


Yeah, totally a newfag.

>> No.5003043


It was a diseases.

But yes, in the novel it was less stupid, there were more clues and it really fitted Hinamizawa background. (the ogre coming out of the swamp)

>> No.5003053



>> No.5003067


No, actually. I just know a newfag when I see one.

>> No.5003069


>> No.5003073

>newfag still thinks I ever remove my trip

>> No.5003101


Yet I do not believe you. Also, are you aware that almost exclusively newfags troll outside of /b/, use green text and reaction images in /jp/ and tripcode outside of /a/. I'd refresh myself on the rules before shitposting. You sound like a retard.

>> No.5003105

Stop replying to him, fuck.
He ruins every thread because people keep falling to his bait.

>> No.5003109


you do when you want it to look like someone's agreeing with you.

>> No.5003112



>> No.5003113


Okay, get your fucking stick out of your ass.

Right now. I mean it.

>> No.5003124


He's a fucking idiot. Ignore him. Stop feeding the troll, dipshit.

>> No.5003173

higurashi fucking meakashi-hen bitches.


>> No.5003414

what was this thread about again?
