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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 114 KB, 240x342, EWZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5125593 No.5125593 [Reply] [Original]

The time has come again, /jp/.

Do you enjoy VNs?
Do you enjoy seeing your favorite heroines beating each other up?
Do you enjoy playing 9-year-old games just to be different?
Of course you do! We've enjoyed a couple of successful threads recently, so let's have another one. Take a break from the other Tasofro shit like SWR and IaMP to enjoy good ol' fishing for recoil guards.

Everything you'll need:
- http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KOB5BAGL (200 MB)
- http://poverty.mizuumi.net/efzstuff/EFZdotNET_EX_011_Beta_Debug_fs5.zip (netplay)
- http://poverty.mizuumi.net/index.php/Eternal_Fighter_Zero

And hosting on port 7500:
US Central. Let's have a fun time getting slammed into walls, /jp/.

>> No.5125613
File: 93 KB, 1124x799, how to be a tourneyfag in an old game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, here's a repost of yesterday's tier chart so we can have thousands of Nagamori players jumping in.


>> No.5125636


look like its impossible ...

>> No.5125651

How laggy is the netplay?

>> No.5125657


random from 300 to 1k5 ms i think my ISP fucked it up

>> No.5125674 on 7500
Europe shit tier

>> No.5125899

>so we can have thousands of Nagamori players jumping in
I picked her before seeing the tier list, I swear! ;_; The note bombs are just so much fun...

>> No.5126020

noone playing? uguu~~

>> No.5126100

Great games Tree. That jam worked even better than I thought it would.

>> No.5126106 Asia 7500 fs5 Everyone is welcome !

>> No.5126129 ec, hosting on port 88 fs5 client

>> No.5126131

Nah, it would've been fine since I have no real problem playing at 400+ms, it's just that Duckator jumped in in the middle of our attempts. Sorry 'bout that, let me know if you're still up and I GUESS I can host again, otherwise taking a break for a little while.

Hoooly fuck, I really hope you screenshotted that part where I rolled through your GOAL, because mine didn't go through. Best netplay moment in this ever, I'm sure you laughed somewhere near as hard as I did when it happened.

Aaanyway GGs, 'ator. You really are getting a lot better really quickly, I swear, Kano magicspamming doesn't even work at all. I have to be SCARE IN CORNAH for entire matches until I can even get you to start blocking those things, and actually hitting? PFFT.

Also, DAT JAM. Eventually it got to a point where every time you did it I dropped my controller and groaned really loudly, but the first one we actually input our FMs at the exact same time and yours went through first, hurrrr. And the second, I was making some attempt to control spacing, something along the lines of "okay, I need to set up my barrel but I know he's going to jam me if I don't fish for EX 214 quick, I'll just go over here aaAAAARARAGhaRarhgAMNERGH"
Yeah, that sounds pretty accurate.

There's probably something I'm forgetting but that's okay, I type enough to drown a whale anyway. Thanks for the games, friend.

>> No.5126143


ISP fucked up but its fine now so i wonder if someone wanna play ?

>> No.5126207

>Hoooly fuck, I really hope you screenshotted that part where I rolled through your GOAL, because mine didn't go through.
That was amazing but unfortunately my screenshot didn't go through either. It's a shame though, I don't think I'll ever see that happen again.

>> No.5126292

GGs host up again ! Asia 7500 fs5 Everyone is welcome !

>> No.5126296

Why does it always crash at the title screen? What a piece of shit.

>> No.5126299

Ow... Just ow... Can't imagine the shit you would've pulled on me without the delay, since it's obvious that it was causing you a few issues. I was lucky if I could touch you half of the time... Thanks for the game, Mizunashi, hope I didn't bore you.

>> No.5126303


its a problem with Fs5 it will (may) be crashed at the fist time

>> No.5126308

Two possibilities:
1. You're using the wrong netplay client. There's the regular one and then there's the frame skip 5 client. Most people here use the latter since it tends to be more reliable and produce better results.
2. The netplay client is being a bitch. Just keep reconnecting until it works.

>> No.5126310

If you mean in netplay, you two aren't using the same client. Both players should be using the fs5 client linked in the OP because it has the least problems; likely, somebody's still using the version hosted on the main page of the wiki or something.

If you mean in general, uh, good luck figuring out what it is, never heard of that problem before.

>> No.5126316

Nope its fun to play you besides that noone is near me to play *signed*

>> No.5126317

The thing is, I'm not even trying to connect to netplay. It just freezes and crashes if I start the original exe.

>> No.5126354

Sounds like your game is corrupted for whatever reason. Try redownloading.

>> No.5126367

You're asian, right? Teach us the secret of playing Starcraft and fightan well.

>> No.5126413

Im not good enough to teach someone ... still have a long way to go *signed* but if u want me to help in EFZ i think i can manage somehow

P/s : ggs it's 2:30 AM here so i guess its time to sleep

>> No.5126415

I can't believe how much mai's anti airs extend her hit box. Even her mist finer was getting killed by your jB!
Also, I don't think I managed to recoil guard your jA jB even once, that would probably have made escaping from the corner easier.

>> No.5126420

yep GGs! heh you always recoil guarded one but not the other, melty habit here but it seemed to work pretty well. I stole a few things from your mishio... is that 33b actually +f on block or is it just ass in netplay? And I really need to work recoil guard into my game more

>> No.5126430 on 7500 fs5
Europe shit tier
rehostan uguu~~

>> No.5126431

Awright, GGs, friend. I understand your situation - that both nobody lives near you AND that a lot of players are probably "BAAAAWWWW YOU'RE TOO GOOD I HATE LOSING" - so I tried to play a decent amount; 5 is a number I like, so I went with 5. Thought about 3 but I wanted to give poor Mio a chance to redeem herself, which didn't end up happening anyway.
Oh well, if I didn't stop there I would've ended up with a controller embedded in my monitor, which isn't something I'd want to replace anytime soon. That one where I used Mayu especially so, I was screaming at my screen because like 20 failed attempts to IC super.

Fuck your shit.

I would've liked a chance to learn more from you, though, so maybe sometime in the future I'll pop in and jack some wallslam secrets. I mean, really:
>6321463214 in 30 fps
Infinite pro.

I wish I could be that pro.

>> No.5126442

Yeah, that 663B should be + on block, and a 2a should be safe after. The problem is 2a has a terrible range, so you need to do the 663b really close to them.

>> No.5126459

with Mayu, she can 2c and super cancel no need for using IC so all u have to do is ABB2C 641236 A/B/C

>> No.5126482

Oh okay, thank you. I was actually referring to ICing into 2141236 or even a command grab, but that does sound like a much better idea now that I think about it. Still takes my rage to ridiculous efforts when THAT many drops happen, and trying to DP out of Nagamori wakeup note+DP-- well okay, that was just dumb on my part.

Still, I'd love more wallslam mirrors in the future, thanks for putting up with me. A day will come when I learn the secret of 6231463214C in 30 fps; actually I think that day is now, because I'm pretty sure that secret is buffering anything on RG. But actually pulling it off is a totally different story.

>> No.5126486

>technical jargon I can barely understand in anything except Hisoutensoku
I bet you're all tourneyfags.

>> No.5126492

East Coast host
Port 7500, fs5 client

>> No.5126525


>> No.5126533

Title crash. You haven't tried reconnecting since.

>> No.5126534

GGs, but we're too far. It's pretty obvious neither of us can do much of anything complicated.

>> No.5126545

yea too bad it lagged so much GG

>> No.5126546

list of characters?

>> No.5126551

oh OK if u want some Sayuri mirror it'll be my pleasure since she's my sub character . And about 6321463214 ... u have to input it slowly in this lag , yeah u can use it really easy to counter in this lag with rg but also because of this lag i dont want to use it ... its not fair for a super grab in this lag u knows ?

Night ! (^_^)

>> No.5126559

Sorry, an IM brought me out of window. Apparently tabbing back in only brings up a black screen. Rehosting.

>> No.5126561
File: 44 KB, 704x400, 6445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5126561 on 7500 fs5
Europe shit tier
rehostan uguu~~

>> No.5126570


>> No.5126573

All the girls from One, Kanon, and Air, plus a couple originals.

>> No.5126580

of that list, i only played MOON so i guess i better not bother

>> No.5126586

I don't get how the netplay thing works.

When I open it and press enter, it says:

"Listening on UDP port 88. Your IP adress is" which is definitely not it because it's my local IP

And when I try to connect to someone else, it doesn't ask me for the port the host is using.

>> No.5126591

scroll down
communication port

or whatever port you're using

>> No.5126596


>> No.5126770

>open up the netplay caster thing, 2 windows should open up, both with black backgrounds and possibly white text.

Here's the first problem. Only one window appears.

>> No.5126789

As far as I know, only one is supposed to appear.

>> No.5126864
File: 109 KB, 344x344, Territorial Kanye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo ZomB, I think Mishio's great and I'mma let you finish, but Sayuri Wallslamurata is the greatest character OF ALL TIME!

>> No.5126890

GGs again, Saje. Nice Nagamori combos there. I need to work on those myself.

>> No.5126898

Must be going for a little while. GGs. God, I cried so hard at the number of time I missed that IC combo with hair-girl. Seems I was just a wee bit late there... Really gotta watch some other UNKOWNs. I've seen some crazy pressure using the ball, but either I'm using it wrong or my timing is off. Thanks for the games, had a good time.

>> No.5126963

<ZomB> man why the fuck did i just spend the last 2 hours grindning efz combos

Well, it's been fun, guys.

>> No.5126986


>> No.5127009

BTW, Saje, how do you practice your combos? I tried going into practice but the RF gauge won't fill for whatever reason, so you can't practice any IC combos.

>> No.5127012

Waiting for the host to specify the frameskip rate...

>> No.5127033

Press F5 once to get full blue IC, press again to go to flashing health for lvl3 specials, press again to go back to normal. If you hold F5, you can fill up the IC bar as much as you want, so you can practice red IC combos as well.
F6 should change between stand/jump/crouch, F7 toggles blocking, F8 pauses.

>> No.5127099

Many thanks, anon. I've just broken 4k damage for the first time. Well, with a real combo, that is.

>> No.5127196

Hey, sort of wandered here from /toy/

Can I play as well? I'm not good at fightan games, though.

>> No.5127228

I haven't played anyone really good at the game yet.

>> No.5127236

7,000 damage combos are the norm in this game. You have 10,000 total.
The highest I've seen done here was less than 2,000, so you're fine. Just don't play Zomb.

>> No.5127243


Okay, thanks - I'll try installing it and will report back if someone sets up a new game

>> No.5127250

Do you enjoy being a gaylord homo?
Do you enjoy bad games that revolve around fan service?
Do you enjoy playing bad doujin fighters just to be different?
Of course you do! You also like men!

>> No.5127252

GGs Saje.
It looks like I'm incapable of doing my mishio IC combos online. Maybe I'll try figuring out how Kano plays, she looks like she has some nice trolling potential

>> No.5127256
File: 40 KB, 458x371, surprised_snake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You also like men!


>> No.5127258

>7,000 damage combos are the norm in this game.
Norm for corner combos with full SP and perfect execution, maybe.

>> No.5127269

GGs. What an anti-climactic way to end things. IAD j.5C? That Samurai ghost girl though... Ugh... So annoyingly difficult to approach... Air's out of the question without instant blocking. Ground means I can't combo, since Nagamori can't combo from 662A, only 2A. I'm reduced to laying and blowing up notes, which seemed to work to some degree. Of course, then I get a ghost explosion to the face, but if that's the best I can manage, so be it!

>Maybe I'll try figuring out how Kano plays, she looks like she has some nice trolling potential
Dat staff, man... Dat staff... So much range and every hit's a knockdown.

>> No.5127283

>Dat staff, man... Dat staff... So much range and every hit's a knockdown.

>> No.5127319
File: 3 KB, 124x122, Territorial Wallslam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went even with ZomB; as in equal match tradeoffs and everything, I counted. I still get perfected by Mizunashi and 0-2'd by DamageDesu.
While I don't doubt that he'll learn like 50x the speed of the rest of us nor am I even saying he's not really good, I think you may need to rethink the focus of your paranoia. I do agree that there are few tourneyfags over here and most of us just play for fun though, and I hope it stays that way. It won't.

Future UNKNOWN player spotted. Learn to mash 214C 463214C when you have level 3 meter beforehand and you'll to fine. Make sure to put your coolface.jpg on when you do it.

Anyway, what's that? No hosts? TIME TO FIX THAT.
port 7500, fs5 client
Holy shit my IP is silly-looking no just kidding, WALLSLAM tier

>> No.5127334

>Learn to mash 214C 463214C

I... have no idea what this means. But eh, I'll try and do something.

By the way, I just installed the game, but the netplay client gives me a fatal error when I start it (I moved the .exe to the game folder - am I doing it wrong?), and also the game starts with the colors all wrong.

Is it reported to work on Windows 7 64?

>> No.5127359


>> No.5127367
File: 97 KB, 640x480, Nanase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7000 might be the norm for the slightly harder hitting characters, with full blue IC and very likely the corner. For characters like UNKNOWN, though, it'd be satisfying just to get a 5k knife loop.

Nanase breaks everything though.

>> No.5127368

Bump for another host.

>> No.5127388

Windowed mode? How?

>> No.5127403

More like screenshot while in fullscreen mode. There's a program called D3DWindower that'll let you play it in window mode, though.

>> No.5127406

Not the guy you asked, but there's a tool that does that, AFAIK

This one at the top


But I can't seem to make it work (can't read japanese). If you manage to do it, please post instructions.

>> No.5127407

>Is it reported to work on Windows 7 64?
It works but you should kill explorer.exe before you run it otherwise the colors will be messed up.

Oh and those numbers are

>> No.5127468


That did the trick, thanks. The netplay is also working with the explorer killed.

I'll train a bit with Misuzu (I only know the characters from Air, so... might as well play with them) offline and then I'll join you guys.

>> No.5127473

GGs. Sorry bout the lag in the last round, someone else is doing something, apparently.

>> No.5127493

Oh alright, I thought that was on my side due to the windower so I clicked out to see if I could find out what it was, then SURPRISE it crashed. Sorry about that, just say the word and I can rehost, else I suppose I'm finished for a little.

GGs either way; I assume it was >>5127252 I was playing? If so then no wonder -- "trolling" is the only way to appropriately describe your playstyle. I swear, you have the weirdest movements I've seen out of anybody thus far, and I couldn't even begin to understand what kind of player you were just by watching. So if your idea of "trolling" was tripping me up with erratic movements, you succeeded hella well. Still, you've got some good shit up your sleeve, I'd like to see more of it someday.

>> No.5127527

Oh, I know.

[15:58:51] <@ZomB> woo
[15:58:54] <@ZomB> got my target combo down
[15:59:22] <@ZomB> jc 5b 2b 2c 623c 22c j9 jab j66 b 5b 2b 5b 2b 5b 2b 5c jab djbc
[16:00:25] <@ZomB> alternatively
[16:00:51] <@ZomB> jc5b2b2c623c22cj9ab66b5b2b5b2b5b2b5ca
[16:00:54] <@ZomB> to activate my fm
[16:08:07] <raymooplc> your fullmetal
[16:11:38] <raymooplc> shut up faggot
[16:11:46] <@ZomB> lol tree
[16:11:48] <@ZomB> someone has copy pasted
[16:11:53] <@ZomB> <ZomB> man why the fuck did i just spend the last 2 hours grindning efz combos
[16:11:56] <@ZomB> from #sb on mizu

Just sayin', don't piss yourself over adorable little ZomB just because he's ZomB. If you're not afraid of him, he won't bite as hard.
I mean look at that, his combos revolve around guessing what element he's going to get. That means he has a 50% chance of tripping himself up. Good luck!

>> No.5127528

>Oh and those numbers are
Look at your numpad, 2 is down 6 is forward 4 is back and so on. The letters are just the name of the button so for something like 236A you would input down, down-forward, forward and A to do the attack.

>> No.5127535

Someone host for a couple games, I just want to see if I can connect.

>> No.5127545

fuck this game

>> No.5127556

Well, okay.

>> No.5127566

port 88

>> No.5127607
West Coast, very new

>> No.5127618

port 88

>> No.5127798
File: 181 KB, 1920x1080, ayu!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great games, Tree, and thank you for hosting. Is it always a bit laggy like that or was it just because of the Europe/US connection?

God, that game is so fun, I'm mashing like the motherfucking fist of the North Star! Someone start to write a wiki so that we can become pros!

>> No.5127808


port 88

>> No.5127809
File: 132 KB, 549x362, the_more_you_know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mashing on wakeup
>constantly airteching

Good ol' Akagi. I'll admit I missed you, GGs.
Those lagspikes were getting silly though, even on 5 delay, and I need to get off my ass for a little while anyway. I've almost lost count of the returning faces from soku who're playing this now, which I suppose is a pretty good thing.

Still, if you just started, you're doing a pretty decent job of learning, just STOP MASHING ON WAKEUP, JESUS CHRIST. What you want to do is either just block low all the time or watch for fancy mixups/crossup, but never EVER mash until you're completely positive it's going to work. Certain top tier characters like Nagamori can do it, and Mayu occasionally but you'll have to be careful doing it in the latter case.
It may beneficial to block more and airtech less too, but I'm sure you've heard things before. Just climb along the ladder and do things at your own pace.

Also, FUN FACT: I say "No" out loud every single time I do a non-hitconfirmed wallslam.

>> No.5127813
Midwest US hosting
noob level

>> No.5127820

You've obviously been playing for a while. I'll have to actually practice some solid oki instead of just improvising. I hope I'll be more of a challenge next time

>> No.5127823


>> No.5127835

Im rehosting, i theoretically fixed the problem

>> No.5127846

Whoever is trying to join me, im using port 88, if your using that, i dont know what the problem is.

>> No.5127867

>>5127846 rehosting (again)

>> No.5127877

Maybe you host, or maybe were using different versions? dunno bro.

>> No.5127889

Psst, just so you know, in EFZ netplay crashing is a ridiculously common thing, so much so that most players know to just try again when they crash; if it happens 3 times or more, THEN it's a good idea to post and try to figure out what's going on. If it loads the title screen, no buttons work, then it crashes a few seconds later, that means the players are using two different versions of the netplay client; for the most part, unless you have a really good reason, everybody here should be using the fs5 version linked in the OP.

If the game itself is what crashes, it's corrupted or someshit and you'll have to reinstall. Hope that helped.

>> No.5127896

Helpful indeed. port 88 hosting

>> No.5127897

Trying to see if I have shit set up right to connect to people. I got a busy message from
earlier and can't connect at all to

>> No.5127899

Good games, Damage. I'll never get used to grabs in this game, it feels like I was taking a lot of damage because I kept trying to throw you on wake-up. Thanks for the demos.

>> No.5127919

Hosting with EFZdotnet_ex

>> No.5127931

I'm using the one in the OP. You?

>> No.5127941

GGs. Near the end or so you kept on try to mash out of Misaki pressure, not usually a good thing to do. Guess the throw every now and then and try to get out, but it's better to take the tick throw than to get hit with a full combo if you're not really sure. Learn some patience and some damaging combos and you'll be doing fine.

>> No.5127943

I was using a different version, try now

>> No.5127958
File: 46 KB, 396x396, 1264297978293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear I don't mash (that much) on wake up, I just wrongblock! It's the first time I netplay, so it's the first time I have to face oki in this game.

So, I guess wrongblock doesn't exist, and thus if you try to wrongblock on wake up you just eat some punches, that's it? I'll remember it for the next time, thank you for the tips.

Damn, I want TasoFro to add Clannad and Little Busters to the roster and to revamp the game like they did with IaMP. That could become the best fighting game ever.

>> No.5127959

I dropped Kaori's 2AA 5C 66A 5C [...] 214214A/B/C combo and I never got a chance to tornado loop you, which are the only damaging combos I know so far. Hopefully I'll pick up more stuff eventually.

>> No.5128025

I messed up tornado loop too. Actually, I have no idea how they manage to do tornado after 214214B, I can never seem to hit before they can tech.
Also, 5C is an amazing poke for Kaori, easy enough to hitconfirm it into 214214 stuff for good combos. You can sort of mix stuff up by walking towards them and 5A/B fishing for poke/jumpouts, or if you expect them to poke, you can back off and 5C instead. And of course, throw.

>> No.5128063

>So, I guess wrongblock doesn't exist, and thus if you try to wrongblock on wake up you just eat some punches, that's it?
Exactly. If you guess right on wakeup, learn to time their hits so you can fish for RG - which usually consists of actually letting go of 1 or 4 and hitting it again - THEN mash out. Sometimes RG can't save you from a good blockstring so you'll need to dick around with it a little more, but often it will help enough to get you out.
If you're going to keep playing Mayu, my favorite thing to do on wakeup is RG then 2C to score a knockdown, from which I'll either hitconfirm into some crazy shit like a super or start prepping my own oki. Oki city, this game is.

>Damn, I want TasoFro to add Clannad and Little Busters to the roster and to revamp the game like they did with IaMP. That could become the best fighting game ever.
Send them emails or someshit, tell them the EFZ scene is going through a revival and fans of theirs demand new shit. Even better if you're fluent enough in moonrunes to not hint that the "fans" are western players. This isn't some big company, they make doujin soft; if they're convinced enough that they can get something done by cranking out shit that's not Touhou upon Touhou, it's possible that they'll think about it.
Too bad it'll never work. ;_;

>> No.5128155


Which reminds me, when I was Kaori I tried to throw you when you were crouching (you were Ikumi), but the throw whiffed and you ended up punishing me.

Can some characters just avoid regular throws by crouching?

>> No.5128166


>> No.5128185

Good god. So laggy. Can't even use supers, let alone confirm any combos.

>> No.5128190

Wow, people on /jp/ sure are dumb.

>> No.5128193

So I've discovered that normal Nayuki can IC for 4-5k off ANYTHING in or near the corner. You get hit by one hit of my spinning kick? Enjoy your 5k damage. Get hit by my flying kick? 5k damage. Get hit by a melty style 2A? 5k damage. 6k if I have SP. I feel like a tourneyfag.

>> No.5128197

How to window mode? I think I tried every option twice now.

>> No.5128202

Most throws have really bad range. You probably just weren't close enough.

>> No.5128212

/jp/ sure got full of tourneyfags real quick, the other day people didnt even know what a 214 meant.

>> No.5128213 Rehostan.

>> No.5128231

I joined your game, waiting for frame skip choice

>> No.5128243

I know about 2 combos per characters, none of them using the cancel. Playing in 35 FPS with spikes just isn't fun.

>> No.5128261

I think I was just still in blockstun that time, so the throw whiffed and I could punish once I was out of blockstun. That, or you were just too far away.

>> No.5128278


you do it like 214214B (after the last hit hit IC immediately ) 236B 2A 236B 2A 236B 2A B 236B 2A 236B 2A 236B 2A B ...

>> No.5128312

Yeah, I got that, but I just can't seem to time it fast enough. Maybe it's just netplay. Also probably easier just to do 62A3B xN.

>> No.5128361 Asia Fps port 7500 ... Everyone is welcome !

>> No.5128371

ggs, you are pretty good. My first online fight for this game

>> No.5128372


>> No.5128377 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 366x650, 1273817150201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rehosting, still very new.

>> No.5128451


rehost Asia Fps port 7500 ... Everyone is welcome !

>> No.5128469

Okay, 3's good. Thank you very much; I feel bad making you play in 35 fps so I don't want to elongate it any more than necessary; I feel that I've learned plenty just by watching you wallslam my wallslammer and trade walslams too.

GGs, 'course, I at least now understand the combo I'm supposed to do from an EX wallslam; I'd figured that I could either - from 66 or not - j.5B j.5C 66 j.whatever but I guess not. Landing then relaunching never occurred to me until now, so that's one thing that helped a bunch.

6321463214 on wakeup is pro too, I'll keep that in mind when I really need it, plus buffering from RG but that's a no-brainer.
Finally, I also understand that walking into projectiles with the intent of RGing them does NOT work in 300+ms ping. Whoops.

Thanks for all the help.

>> No.5128509

>Wow, people on /jp/ sure have a good sense of humor.
It's like you've never been in a netplay thread before.

Aaanyway, rehosting for a little while longer:
7500, fs5
WALLSLAMS, now with super mashing on wakeup! Get your free combos in today!

>> No.5128545

I can only get about ~6.2k off of 2AA 5C 66A 5C 66A 5C 214214B IC 623B 5A 623B 5A 623B [...]

Is the ~800 extra damage worth using 214214B instead of 214214A?

>> No.5128599

Most ppl do it cause that is the combo can be used with Red IC as well as Blue IC ... Blue IC can does around 7-8k damage and 5-6k for red IC

P/s : ggs

>> No.5128623

Well u can do ABB5C (1 hits) 41236C IAD jAjC AB2C jAjBjC or ABB5C (1 hits) 41236C 66 jBjC (walks a little) AB2C jAjBjC

The first one only works for some character but the later works for all the cast

>> No.5128665

Good games, it's amazing to see what kind of stuff you can pull off in this game and sorry about the crash.

>> No.5128744

Np its nice to play u . hope that we can play again sometimes

>> No.5129099

Nayuki is fuckin awesome, part 2:
2C IC 66B 66B 66B 66B 66B 66B j.ABC dj.BC 214B is a valid combo. Does the game just stop giving a shit about what you're putting in when you use IC?

>> No.5129234

>Sandbagging just to use an FM

You're a terrible person. And you let me do mine that one time on purpose, you jerk.
Still, Mio mirrors are feeling like tutorials now; even that stage feels like a tutorial stage. You may be pleased to know that I'd been using what I learned against some other silly scrubs in 64fps, but when I try doing those fancy combos in our lag it just doesn't go through. Plus, when I was mashing 2 pre-match that wasn't a teabag or anything; I noticed that first few frames of Mio's 2 look like an apology bow, so that was me apologizing for being so incompetent. ;_;

Besides that, though, watermelon-flavored Makoto is a palette I like, I thought about subbing her more often or something, so thanks for helping me test that out a bit more. It feels a little like she takes less work than most of the cast, especially with those silly DPs of hers. I sort of figured she'd be a Noel at first glance when I first played this, but now all I really see is Reisen. Fun shit.

Aaaand where I was going, I lost it, but GGs either way. Did I already say GGs? Oh well, GGs. Have a great night, /jp/.

>> No.5129242

Sure, Awake Nayuki can do some good damage, but the main problem with her is that you have to work really hard to get a hit off of someone who's willing to block. The only overheads you have are jump attacks, 663C (slow), j412B (slow), and 236C (can't followup). Throw does okay damage but you can't follow it up and you just go back to blockstringing all day again.

>> No.5129287

GGs. I can't believe you actually let me get time stop off. I didn't even set it up or anything. Finally was able to get some Mio stuff down, though I still mess up that corner variation.
But yeah, it's too bad our connection isn't all that great. You set it on delay 5 right?

>> No.5129301

anyone hosting? I was practicing earlier and feel like getting killed by my first human opponent.

>> No.5129350

Of course. And I TRIED to stop that, you saw what I did there; I just, uh, whiffed it because I forgot to think about judging distance beforehand. Herp.

All I really need to work on is getting off the aircombo into that 5C, wallbouncing, and switching to L-Range to finish it off. It happens so rarely that I draw blanks in the middle of the action and forget what I'm doing; that's my most challenging opponent at this point, and training mode doesn't help. More netplay grindan it is.
Also, before I forget, relying on a jump-in for said aircombo can be a real pain sometimes, is there any specific launcher that works well for comboing into it? I've messed around, but all I've seen let them tech too soon or just plain don't do the launching job right. Bleh.

>> No.5129386
File: 63 KB, 366x650, 1273817150201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rehosting, still very new.

>> No.5129400

Only real "launchers" Mio has all require IC. j2C IC will work, 623 (1) IC will work, 2C 214214A IC will work, 236B236A works if you have blue IC and want to waste it. Other than that, fish for A2A counterhits or 5B antiair.

>> No.5129453

I have a question about hosting do I use the ip the netplay client says or do I use the same one I would use for something like Touhou?

>> No.5129530

attempting to host first time playing online

>> No.5129692

Good games.


>> No.5129696

Sorry to cut it short, but we're dropping way too many frames here.

>> No.5129703

Very much agreed.

>> No.5129709 hostan

>> No.5129736

It crashed. Rehosting.

>> No.5129751

I picked the wrong option, rehosting.

>> No.5129896
File: 87 KB, 516x475, 1273817197197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games. I can't seem to land any of my combos.

>> No.5129901

No one can in netplay.

>> No.5130086
File: 74 KB, 240x320, 1273818004816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In all honesty it's more my fault, rather than netplay.

>> No.5130208

ilu giantree ggs

>> No.5130226

ilu2 zomb ggs


>> No.5130313


>> No.5130440

Too many characters on the wiki lacking info. I guess I'll begin with Remi Nanase.

>> No.5130454
File: 60 KB, 500x600, aeeeb77f787d5769c4627d384b728e9683ee0ca3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5130536
File: 65 KB, 646x505, one9094611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go brush your teeth.

>> No.5131016 port 7500 fs5

>> No.5131852

Is it normal that when I try to host (pressing enter), the netplay assistant says that my IP is my local IP?

>> No.5131900

Yes. You'll have to go get your IP from some outside source. You could check your router for it or just go to whatismyip.org or some similar site.

>> No.5132694


>> No.5132953 Asia Fs5 port 7500 Everyone is welcome !

>> No.5132994 [DELETED] 

Let's do this. port 7500 - EU ~mya tier

>> No.5132996

I lol'd. You must have an ungodly amount of practice at comboing at 25 FPS.

>> No.5133006

Nope i havent played in lag until yesterday ! well maybe i should wait a bit later when the network gets better

>> No.5133016

It's not your connection, it's just the distance. I don't think there's much of anyone in /jp/ who could play with you.

>> No.5133035

i can get 220ms to US but now the ping is random from 250 to 500 ms ...

>> No.5133458

EFZ guys awake yet? Come on, tree, you know you wanna host.

>> No.5133594
File: 446 KB, 600x600, 1267475632242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EFZ guys awake yet

I'm here. I tried to host earlier but nobody was joining after a while so I stopped hosting. port 7500 - EU Mya~ tier

>> No.5133641

No response.

>> No.5133663

Damn, I don't know what's wrong. Trying port 10800.

>> No.5133769

Nevermind, I give up. Someone else host.

>> No.5133802


Did u change ur port to 7500 or 10800 in lang_0.txt ?

>> No.5133815
File: 721 B, 62x61, Territorial Oak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was busy, okay? And totally not asleep.

I'm sure all that happened was that somebody forgot to edit their lang_0 file and change the communication port to 7500.
Hosting's still fine with me though, I'll run some for a little while:
7500, fs5, US Central

>> No.5133862


>> No.5134116


>> No.5134316 Hosting
New player tier.

>> No.5134540

Damn, the hosts are taken faster than in a Soku netplay thread.

>> No.5134545
File: 14 KB, 516x249, metal-dice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm up...

>> No.5134554

East Coast
New player

>> No.5134577

something broke

>> No.5134591 Port 7500

>> No.5134597

can someone tell me why this keeps crashing after I pick the delay?

>> No.5134607

also hosting again no idea if it will work

>> No.5134613

You have to specify the frameskip rate if you want to start playing. 4 if you've got a really good connection, 5 else.

>> No.5134626

LolIforgottohitenter. Hosting...

>> No.5134686

>Waiting for the host to specify the frameskip rate

Wake up.

>> No.5134721

Wish some people were a bit more patient.
I get bored of waiting for forever

>> No.5134861

I'm confused about Sayuri. When are you supposed to jump out? 2A 5A 5B 5C is airtight, jumping out after 5C doesn't work because I eat the grab, and then the grab apparently has an advantage on block because I can't mash out after it either.

>> No.5134909

Try to recoil guard the "grab", then counter attack/jump out

>> No.5134930

I'm not tourneyfag enough for that.

>> No.5134961

Oh Saje, you goof. If I didn't see that Nuguu~ combo I wouldn't have even been able to guess it was you. GGs bro, you've gotten a fuckton better.

But oh man, I giggled like a schoolgirl both of those times I FM'd in the middle of your supers and went through the projectiles or whatever there were to RUGAL the match away, that made my day. The first time I did it I could feel your murderous intent even over the internet, and I don't blame you because that was complete bullshit. Really hilarious bullshit from my point of view, but bullshit nonetheless. And the oki thing... yeah, she can do that. It's really hard but it happens and it makes people angry, that's probably the only reason I actually play her.
Okay, no it's not, the reason is actually WALLSLAMS; TK'd stars can come too. But Sayhurri's moveset is mainly just designed to be a complete dick to the opponent, you really can't play respectfully with her.

Speaking of which, 'nashi, if you're around, that 5B 2C~whatever after 66 j.B j.C land from an EX wallslam -- how'd you do it? No matter who I'm playing against there's never enough distance to connect the 2C after 5B - which, I might add, only connects half the time itself - and the most I can ever get out is 5C, which can't be cancelled into anything else besides another wallslam and usually I don't have the RF gauge to IC it into anything. Am I doing something wrong? Is it just my positioning, like there's a secret to how long you have to delay the 66 5B, or what? I'm starting to get a little frustrated at this, although I can still destroy poor souls with her so it keeps me calm, but I really wish I knew what was wrong.

EITHER WAY thank you for the games, I'll likely disappear for the rest of the day. Of course, all the times I've said that before I was always back in like 30 minutes, but you never know.

>> No.5134999

Then you're not "tourneyfag" enough to beat the wallslam, deal with eating it every time.

But no really, all it takes to RG is to lighly press 4 again once you've got the timing down and it'll give enough pushback for you to either escape or mash out whatever; bonus if you're using a character like Mayu or Makoto who has some sort of slide because it's pretty much guaranteed knockdown that way.
Even if not, fishing for RG is 90% of what this game is, so over time you'll just naturally learn how to go with the flow and turn normal blocks into RG once you've memorized certain characters' moves and blockstrings.

Good luck, friend.

>> No.5135052

>Oh Saje, you goof. If I didn't see that Nuguu~ combo I wouldn't have even been able to guess it was you. GGs bro, you've gotten a fuckton better.
Not Saje, lol.

>> No.5135066

too bad rg means nothing in this game

>> No.5135079

Well, that was my second guess. Didn't know you were a Nu player too though; shit, I bet you were also a Millia. All of the soku players who crossed over seem pretty pro, yourself included; let's have a wallslam festival again sometime soon.

You do play almost exactly like Saje did though. You two should meet up and battle it out if you haven't yet.

>> No.5135103

We have, we've actually played like 8 times in the past 3 days. We probably pulled all each other's tricks.

>> No.5135142

Yeah, if you're a scrub.
RG is the only way to get out of blockstrings, which players who know what they're doing will constantly be pulling on you for entire matches at a time. They don't give a shit if you keep blocking, they'll just assault you forever as long as they can. They'll kill you with chip damage alone if they have to, unless you RG and get the fuck out.

Plus RGs look cool and the SFX is alright; the only reason to not do them is if you have the reflexes of a brick.

Makes sense. I thought he and myself were the only ones who would ever do something so silly with Uguu, especially when 214 isn't even very useful at the end of that aircombo.
I guess that's what you get when you play mainstream fightans for so long.

>> No.5135147

Ggs, I really have to learn more spear girl combos and situationals.

>> No.5135152
File: 70 KB, 500x600, 1273268932482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games and thank you for hosting! First time playing without lag, feels good.

Damn, I'm still looking for a character I like...

>> No.5135165

I still don't know what you mean by the uguu combo. Using the Taiyaki at the end of Ayu's air combo? What else would you do?

>> No.5135214

no anon, you are the scrub. Since the opponent can cancel the stun from your rg by counter rg'ing, then cancel that into another move, hence keeping you right were you are.
Here's a reason not to do them: you get punished for it.

>> No.5135234

DP, usually; super works too. The point is that j.BC dj.BC 214B looks and handles exactly like Nu's j.C j.2C dj.C dj.2C 214D basic aircombo from BlazBlue, and the reason Saje and I did it that way was because we were just so used to pulling that thing off. That particular aircombo isn't a wiki combo or even one that the Japs use because its damage isn't super crazy, so when he first used it it was hilarious to see because I knew exactly what was going on.
A lot of recognizable habits a bunch of the players here have are picked up from other fightans, shit's fun to notice if you pay enough attention.

see >>5125613
Nah, I'd be disappointed if /jp/ thought that way, good luck on your search.

>> No.5135303

>Here's a reason not to do them: you risk getting punished for it.

Fix'd for accuracy. So, you're saying it's better to not do it and stay in a position where you can't do anything than to do it and risk a chance of being put back where you were to begin with without actually harming you? Gee, that sure sounds logical.
RGs weren't put there so you could be afraid to use them, plus nobody said countering was the ONLY option you have after doing it. If you have the space to escape, then great! They can't counter RG that, the worse that can happen is they'll try to attack you again as you get out which you can just block if you're not a mashing idiot.

The fact that you're saying to do nothing just makes your point make no sense entirely, anyway. What are you going to do, chickenblock the entire match and hope they whiff? Hope you enjoy getting perfected.

>> No.5135391

>Fix'd for accuracy.
The barn is this way, hon.

>So, you're saying it's better to not do it and stay in a position where you can't do anything
Stopped right there.

>> No.5135453

>DP, usually; super works too.
I can't get the DP to land unless I do j.ABC dj.BC instead of j.ABC dj.ABC, and dropping the A makes me lose more than I gain by using DP instead. Super of course does more damage, but I don't have the execution.

>> No.5135488
File: 31 KB, 500x247, RPS.dice.big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GG man, I had fun.

>> No.5135506

Yeah GGs I need to get better at inputs only meant to use the fire breathing Dino about 3 of the times I used it.

>> No.5135536

Actually, I see most of the PROS just do j(A)BC djD and then fish for techs with jB or airthrow. From there it's oki time, which you should be using jD for pretty much always.

>> No.5135629

>air throw
Speaking of which, I've never been able to do this. Ground throws are 6C at point blank, but trying that in the air doesn't work.

>> No.5135634
File: 3 KB, 124x122, Territorial Slamwall.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just you; inputs in this game - especially at anything below 60 fps - are slippery as fuck, so the game reading your inputs wrong and fucking you is something that happens frequently to everyone. What you really need to be doing is expecting misinputs like that and finding ways to cover them, if at all possible depending on who you're using.

>So, you're saying it's better to not do it and stay in a position where you can't do anything
Okay so you don't know what you're talking about, glad we could clear that up. In case you were thinking about claiming that you could do a reversal or throw, keep in mind that this silly internet argument started with asking how to get out of a 5C[1] hitconfirmed Sayuri wallslam; nothing besides a RG will save you there, because mashing out anything else gets your ass slammed into the wall and guarding normally just puts you in a position to get pounded on more. If there's some other magical solution to that then please, I'd love to hear it.

Okay I lied, time to rehost again.
7500 fs5 US, even bullet-time is welcome
I don't need to mention how the walls will respond to your face.

>> No.5135665

Same thing in the air. Feels like the airthrows are much more lenient in distance, so maybe you're just not hitting 6 correctly? Might not work with j9C or j3C.

>> No.5135696

Territorial learn2read. I guess I have to make it simpler for people like you.

>So, you're saying it's better to not do it and stay in a position where you can't do anything
>can't do anything
This statement is false, therefore invalidating the rest of your arguement.

>> No.5135724

port 88 fs5
US east

>> No.5135882

GGs. 50 fps is always strange. It's fast enough to not seem too far off but there's always that small delay in there that screws up my RGs and stuff.

>> No.5136221
File: 78 KB, 343x256, 1244769320504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I guess I have to make it simpler for people like you.
So simple that it leaves you no reason to finish your own argument, I suppose? It's a shame that you let the way something is worded get in the way of you actually making sense in anything else you say.
See >>5135634 again; in the situation described, the only option is to either guard normally or RG, on hit it's a hitconfirm and in block it can't be reversaled, nor is their any way to throw. So learn2read yourself, as refusing to RG there will get you pinned, nothing more, nothing less.
Oh yeah, let me grab a "u mad" image while I'm at it so you have even more incentive to make fun of me or whatever.

Yeah, I think I've played this enough now, GGs Akagi.

I thought Soku random select was sentient, this dumb thing gave you 90% Mayu and me only characters I'd never even used before, with an exception or two. I swear you rigged the thing. Still had barrels dohohoho of fun though, lot of silly shit going on. Keep up the good work on wakeup mashing/airteching less; unless, of course, you have Makoto or somesuch, in which case DP ON WAKEUP ALL THE TIME. Did you see that shit? That's how glorious wakeup DP is.
It's like I'm really ZomB!

>> No.5136244
File: 253 KB, 814x792, makoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games Tree! I laughed a lot. I think my favorite match was the Doppel Nanase mirror. Also, sorry if my random kept choosing Mayu. She's like the Suika of this game. Easy to use, easy BnBs, easy traps, and unfair hitbox. I feel bad to like her, now! I need to find another character.

But damn, a lot of these are really hard to use. I had no idea what to do with Kaori, Akiko or Ikumi. It's like their moves didn't want to connect. I guess I should at least read what's in the wiki once in order to understand some of these characters mechanics.

See you around!

>> No.5136247
File: 123 KB, 481x592, Rumi stylin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awww I was hoping to catch you today Wallslam, but oh well, cya around man.

>> No.5136300

>She's like the Suika of this game.
Well, she is high tier, and she does have a lot going for her, but I dunno, I think Sayuri Wallslamurata's a little worse, considering there're so many hitconfirm setups for her and TK'd 236 is so useful that it's not funny.
What is funny, though, is getting out of supers and winning matches by mashing her FM.
... Yeah, Sayuri's broken shit, don't let Mayu make you feel bad. That doesn't apply to tourneyfag play though, because a good player won't let Sayuri get in once with anything. ;_;

Well I dunno Dice, I was wanting the chance to play you again. It's just, I'm tired of seeing this screen for so long, I want to go do something else.

Tell you what, if you'll be quick about it I'll do you some for like 15 minutes or something, maybe 20 if I don't bother counting which I won't.

But goddamn my fingers hurt.

>> No.5136311
File: 23 KB, 347x335, Rumi_tank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody still hosting?

I'd host myself but...as said before...lifes a trial for me...

>> No.5136406

>I had no idea what to do with Kaori, Akiko or Ikumi.
I see you didn't find her j.B, aka the best move in the game. It has an enormous hitbox, gallons of priority, combos into itself 4+ times in a row, is near impossible to RG, has advantage on block, and is just all around the only reason you play Akiko, since that and her FM are all that she has worth using.

>> No.5136525 [DELETED] 


>> No.5136603
File: 108 KB, 617x837, Armored hits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the play walls. later and take it easy

>> No.5136653

Oh no, the Akiko in question was played when we both picked random and got a mirror; I can confirm that the whole match was spent trying to mash j.B 66 j.B 66 j.B etc at each other.
It's just that he didn't know combos or whatever, I suppose -- but that's okay, Akagi, because neither did I. ;_;

Yeah, Gee Gees. But hawly crawp, I feel like I could just fall asleep with controller in hand right now, so I'mma let you go.

Your Rumi is boss, especially considering I haven't seen anyone else maining her around here, but holy fuck, it's like I don't know what to do against her shinai besides GET HIT followed by GET HIT SOME MORE. You saw how that one match finished, when I wakeup DP'd to do what would've been the last hit -- NOPE, SUPERARMOR! I wanted to play respectfully and just let you pick it up after throwing it for a while, but after seeing how effective it was against Treekoto she was like "nuh-uh, fuck that" and tried to rushdown you away from it. I really gotta work on anticipating your superarmor moves before that happens again.

That said, WAKEUP DP: THE CHARACTER needs a lot more work, her playstyle is hella fun and she's not as popular as I thought she'd be, plus I like her palette, it's just I don't know any real combos besides her basic BnB and to hitconfirm anything at all whatsoever into 631236C every chance I get. It's only 50% effective, you know.

Aaanyway, thanks for having a few games before I vanish, friend. Tree out.

>> No.5136654 port 7500.
Crappy player tier ;~;

>> No.5136752

You mean nearly half the cast?

>> No.5136918
File: 83 KB, 896x504, 1273618118597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I'm playing Kaori, how do I approach and get in on a Mishio that isn't braindead?

She has a much greater range and her attacks are still really fast.

>> No.5136948

Anticipate her moves and try to tag her out with a 5C. Alternatively yomi the fuck out of the opponent and use your dash to dodge her moves.
Most of the time you have to wait for her to come to you, though.

>> No.5137002

So that really is it, then? I was doing that, but failing miserably; it seems I still have a long way to go.

I did have some luck with the occasional recoil ducking 66C as a surprise too. Well, thanks for the input, there's naught else to do but keep trying and get used to the match-up I guess.

>> No.5137187

We don't need another Nagamori player. Your Mishio is good, just work on not eating air attacks because you low block them.

>> No.5137236

Yeah ggs, Im working on alot of things with the Mishio atm, and when I played Nagamori, it was pure mash+ small amounts of touhou skills.

>> No.5137244 [DELETED] 

any hosts?

>> No.5137326

Also, just to throw in some comments on the match, your corner pressure is really amazing compared to the rest of your game. I haven't seen anyone else on /jp/ who could make me sweat like that, or at least I hadn't until I figured out I could DP out every time. If you bait those and win half the time, you can do much more damage by countering whiffed DPs than I can get off with the ones I guess right (this isn't true of all characters, especially Nagaymori). What you really need to work on is your combos. Use 623 at the end of every non-IC combo so you can grab an element, and go into practice and learn some IC combos. I don't play Mishio, so I can't tell you any, but just experiment. Any launcher or even some moves that knock down can be used to start an IC combo for two or three times normal combo damage, which is why I kept winning even though you were beating my ass in nine times out of ten when I tried to approach. You just couldn't keep up when you had to land so many more combos to win.
Anyway, thanks for the practice. I love that air grab -> sword hair combo, and I've never been able to do it in netplay before. Hope you learned something too.

>> No.5137353

You have to walk forward a little really fast but if u find it hard to do just do like this ABB5C (1hit) 41236C 66 jBjC A 2B jBjC its easier and deal a good amount of damage as well

>> No.5137373

>You have to walk forward a little really fast

While the easymode version helps too, that answered every question I had. Thank you.
I always figured you were supposed to land then immediately do it and even now I find it pretty ridiculous that there's even the time to move before doing it at all, but I'll definitely give that a try, thanks for the help.

>> No.5137500

And for everyone who doesnt know how to do with the wallslam of sayuri . There's a little amount of time before she hits u with 41236A wallslam so before that u can always counter with a move that have invisible frame . All the cast have at least one move that have invisible frame ... just use it to counter. If you dont know which move of your character that have invisible frame just ask i'll answer

>> No.5137533

Start by telling us what an invisible frame is, then Akane, Ayu, and normal Nayuki, please.

>> No.5137617

Invisible means invisible xD . Invisible frame is frame that your hit box disappear so basically nothing can hit u when u're using it

see this vids for more info http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLWtG9MFLDE

Akane : 623C / 641236B

Ayu : 236C / 641236 A/B/C / Final Memory / 236236B/C / 623 A/B/C (it has low body invisible)

Nayuki normal ? Awake ? : 623C / 236236 B/C

>> No.5137632


>> No.5137636

that's so stupid I can't even see straight.

>> No.5137639

This thread just got godly, yo.

>> No.5137659


Makoto : 623 C / 641236 B/C

>> No.5137666

This is the most retarded thing I've ever read
Invisible frames? It's fucking INVINCIBILITY FRAMES
When you're INVINCIBLE, not invisible
Please kill yourself

>> No.5137670

>arguing with a non-native english speaker

>> No.5137676

You mean...like...invincible?

>> No.5137677

Oh, stop it. He's from what, Vietnam?
I confused 'invisible' and 'invincible' when I was first learning English too-- of course, I was like 2 years old, but it's still a common mistake.

Invulnerable frames exist in all fightans, anyway -- or at least most of them. Grabs are normally a prime example, and supers too. DPs as well, because that's one of the main factors that defines a move as a 'DP.'
What I'm confused about, though, is if you're saying it can be invuln'd out on 5C[1] hitconfirm or just on block; the latter I can understand, but while being hit WHOA WHAT? I gotta test that, as the (supposedly) only Sayuri main on /jp/, at least as far as I'm aware.

Also thanks for spoiling all the strategies my main has, jerk. ;_;

>> No.5137718

oh sorry my english isnt good so i mistaked .

Moves that have invulnerable frame mosly use on waking up to counter or get off blockstring

>> No.5137731

So I'd just like to say that the Japanese are disturbingly good at this game, if Youtube is anything to go by.

>> No.5137764

>>5137666 here.
English is not my main language, I've learned it all by myself and I never had to give a fucking stupid excuse like "English is not my first language", stop being so retarded, you're not a baby.
This is an English-speaking site, and so you should be able to use it properly.

Confusing Invisible with Invincible and then giving an excuse for being stupid is even more retarded

>> No.5137774
File: 13 KB, 125x125, 1270420285134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5137788

Who fucking cares about that except you?

>> No.5137824

i wont argue with u since this is the matter of calling . There's nothing wrong when i called invisible frame cause ur hit box disappear is like invisible.

>> No.5137875
File: 165 KB, 640x480, AkikoOver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5137875, port 7500. I guess I'll use the EX-5 client this time.
Not-too-shabby tier, west coast.

>> No.5137904
File: 20 KB, 300x225, makingastupidpoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invisible hitboxes.

>> No.5137980

Yet your native language is an Indo-European one. Living in globalized first world countries also helps. Obviously your English will be better than his.

>> No.5138057

Hahaha. Oh god, it's been so long since I've played. Can't even remember how to throw.

>> No.5138098

Throwing in this game is 6C. Sorry if I air-threw you a lot, but you definitely should defend yourself more in the air even with some light As.

Doppel 2-0 Shiori
You were jumping a bit too much, I think.
Unknown 2-0 Makoto
level 3 BARREL success~ Haven't seen one of those work in a long time.
Nayuki 0-2 Mishio
Good job! I don't know what I'm doing with Nayuki most of the time. You shoud use your crossovers more, like an early version of Komachi.
Mai 2-1 Sayuri
A bit too many counters than I would like to see from Sayuri.
Mayu 2-0 Misuzu
Sorry, wanted to try out my main for a match.
Sayuri 2-0 Kano
Wallslams and air throws~ and to be honest, Kano isn't the easiest person to pickup and play.

>> No.5138148 [DELETED] 

where the hosts at?

>> No.5138154

Yeah, I know most of that crap. I just haven't played in literally years and Shiori's the only one I sort of vaguely remembered, but I still couldn't get the spacing or whatever right for her chainsaw loop and spent half the match trying to remember the input for the ice-drop. Forgetting that Kano needs a full magic gauge to use her specials didn't help either. I was trying to catch you on mash-outs with Sayuri's counter since Mai's got such a huge range.

Just need some practice to remember what the fuck I'm doing and all the inputs.

>> No.5138232
Port 7500

>> No.5138334

Are you using the fs5 caster and do you have all the settings like on the wiki?

>> No.5138364

Yeah, I'm using fs5 and all of the settings are the same.
I've hosted before with no problems so it might be something on your end.

>> No.5138491


>> No.5138527
File: 130 KB, 462x458, Rumi's commin 4 ya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back and ready to play

>> No.5138538


>> No.5138688

GGs. I sure love eating those Misaki DP-ish things. I didn't even realize that was what it was till like the 3rd time you played her. Was really frustrating when I ate one of those on every jump-in and then Misaki bitch-slapped me out of every DP I tried.
Now I just need to find some way of applying pressure with Ayu. Half her moves leave her vulnerable on block, and I couldn't piece shit together. That and dropping the combo every time I got an IC setup really screwed me.

>> No.5138691

Good games, that hair hammer is pretty deadly.

>> No.5139277
File: 14 KB, 640x480, AkikoEFZCar2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>5137875, port 7500. I guess I'll use the EX-5 client this time.
Hosting again, west coast.

>> No.5139387

>Trying to connect the specified host...no response.
>Trying to connect the specified host...denied.
>Trying to connect the specified host...already in play.

All within 5 seconds of each other. Weird.
Anyway I've had enough of not wallslamming /jp/ and I'd like to do it regardless of who it's against; for best results, connect while already against a wall to save trouble.
7500 fs5 US Central, I don't care where you're from, all are equal when they're slammed into a wall.
By the way, WALLSLAMS. Just in case you didn't gather that yet.

>> No.5139476

Why can't I connect to poverty.mizuumi.net

>> No.5139742

GGs. Still rusty and fucking supers won't come out (too used to MBAC buffering) but sort of getting there.

>> No.5139754
File: 42 KB, 640x480, AkikoTruck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiori 0-2 Mayu
Akane 0-2 Doppel
Nod bad play with the hammer
Mizuka 0-2 Akane
Nice no-tick throws :p
Akiko 0-2 Nayuki
Akiko takes a while to understand how to combo. 5C can't do much on its own
Mishio 0-2 Kaori
Ayu 0-2 Mishio
Misaki 1-2 Ayu
Nayuki awake 0-2 Misaki
Ikumi 0-2 Akiko
Wallslam 2-1 Ikumi
Mio 0-2 Wallslam
Mai 0-2 Makoto
Close game there! You still let me have 2 meat buns though.
Shiori 1-2 Nakuyi awake
Another good game.
Mishio 0-2 Kano
Shield super~
Akiko 2-0 Mai
Things got a little better for you near the end. It's good to see.

All in all, you show some promise. You should pick out a single character you like and start learning some combos. And watch out for those air throws -- try to throw out some short attacks in the air to stuff those.

>> No.5139765

There's something I'm not getting with the air throws, because you're plucking me out of the air from at least half a body length away, often by my sword/foot.

>> No.5139802
File: 92 KB, 640x480, AkikoEFZCar3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EFZ's air throws are a bit strange.
First, they have at least twice the range, if not more, than ground throws.
Second, you can only air-throw with 6C. 4C will never work in the air. I suppose if you've played MB a lot this would be unexpected. How does GG handle air throw inputs?

Also, I guess I'll host more. Why not., port 7500, ex-5 client.

>> No.5139851

No one uses Tohno ;_;

>> No.5139867

GG's air throws let you use 4 or 6, however they're practically impossible to hit with unless you're rising up from underneath and they're ultra short range only.

>> No.5139964
File: 65 KB, 475x774, Rumied Core.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GG wallslam,...man that wall combo....I'm get around it eventually, I mainly keep responding too slow. Thanks for the play, you know what they say I can only get better by fighting someone better.

>> No.5139997

But seriously, Litchi main here; practically the same thing, but ugh. I just can't. No aerial 4/6S? Yeah, no.

What have I started? ;_;

Oh, finished so soon? I would've expected a good ~3-4 hours out of you again, but my thumb really is feeling the blisters so I gotta thank you. GGs either way.

So, remember when you figured out that all I did was mash DP on wakeup every single time and started actually punishing it? Yeah, neither do I. At a couple points I thought you'd finally got the idea because there were some segments where you'd back off on oki instead of mashing 2A or whatever, but NOPE, it started back up again soon enough. Treekoto's is the only one you have to worry about, really, because with Mio I hardly ever do it unless I can either C for slightly better range or IC it meaning I'm going to need a crapton of RF, and with Wallslam I don't give a shit about wakeup DPs because hers are more situational. Plus, who needs wakeup when one wallslam practically gives you the whole match?
That character makes me really fucking angry. I mean sure, I'm the one playing her therefore I'm making me angry, but just what she does to people is a violent sight to behold, and I really hate it. Sayuri as a character is perfect waifu material, sure, but this is just a massacre.

Speaking of things that end in "a massacre," why have you not done a Hakumen version of your Rumi MSpaints yet? Look into that, that'd be something to brighten everyone's day.
Anyway, thanks for the games, and start punishing wakeup DPs sometime soon so I can learn, 'kay? 'Kay. Goodnight, /jp/.

>> No.5140035
File: 79 KB, 500x667, 1273494337428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can only get better by fighting someone better.
But you just played me... I don't get it. Well, I'll send ZomB your way later, how's that sound? Yeah, that sounds great, you'll love it. Look forward to it.

Oh yeah, I forgot to clarify my reason there; both characters have sword swipes that do fucking stupid damage in comparison to everything else they do. Where Rumi has superarmor, Hakumen has counters which, for the purpose of effectively counterattacking, do essentially the same thing.

>> No.5140159

- Lots of mirror matches
Something odd was going on with the RNG, selecting mirror matches 2 times in a row, after 2 deliberate mirror matches
- Ayu Mirror
I finally got that BnB down near the end of that match. 6B 6C jBC jBC 214214A~
- Mai Mirror
I got my FM throw to land somehow on your mobile Mai. I was pretty lucky there.
- Lots of other random matches
This is definitely more relaxing than fighting in the IRC channel, although that can be fun in its own way.
- Wallslam vs Mio
Sorry for slamming you into the wall about 20 times during that match. If Sayuri does those presses at the right distance and you don't RG them, she has the frame advantage.

>> No.5140166

That's 'cause I'm an awesome guy.

>> No.5140329

/jp/ playing EFZ?

unprecedented levels of manning up

>> No.5141041

Damn, I guess I'm the only Eurofag playing EFZ.

The thread's dead during Europe daytime.

>> No.5141108

someone host (and not get taken within .02 seconds of p osting)

>> No.5141811


>> No.5142115
File: 42 KB, 704x400, 234233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hostan time 7500
Shit tier Europe uguu~~

>> No.5142219

Time for some pleasant wakeup EFZ.
That's just like wakeup DP!
Mind you, I'll be doing plenty of both.
7500, fs5, US of A.
Come join the fun.

>> No.5142293


>> No.5142304


>> No.5142313

Well that went by pretty fast, hope you finished testing what you needed tested. GGs, Tester.

Goddamn, Misuzu has to be the most fun character to watch actual good play of, I kept thinking there was no way you'd be able to get me into that trap across the entire screen, then BAM airthrow from nowhere, DOWN. I really need to do a lot of work on my resisting pressure and my TKing stars, and let's not even go into crossup. Thanks for the painful lessons though, friend.

Aaaand rehosting.

>> No.5142342

I had to disconnect, GGs even though it was very laggy

>> No.5142369

>> No.5142372

West Coast USA.

>> No.5142395

Anyone got any good Rumi combos? I know she can do more than the shitty 3500 combos on the wiki.

>> No.5142408

We desynched.

>> No.5142424


>> No.5142501

GGs Poland, it was too laggy, so I don't know when we desynched.


>> No.5142521

GGs Tree

>> No.5142535

You are good, GGs even though you kicked my ass.

>> No.5142551

Yeah GGs.

Rehosting, west coast USA.

>> No.5142552

GGs, friend. I sort of miss having 4-hour matchfests with /jp/, but I guess at the same time I don't. Oh well.

You are certainly no stranger to EFZ from what I can tell, you're actually the first player who really used movement to their advantage to (occasionally) stop my silly wakeup DPs. As you can tell, Treekoto still has really stale positioning and all I can do with her is just like, move left and right, do one shitty 1k combo, occasionally use specials. And now, a story:
>"Okay, I finally have level 3 meter, I just need to get him blocking over here so I can eat a meatbun and--"
>Input 421B
>Get 214214B
fffffff this game

One could say I could even go on a tangent about all this, but naaah, I'll leave /jp/ to itself for a good chunk of today. Have an enjoyable time, friends.

>> No.5142564
File: 62 KB, 193x240, Rumi-base.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can only get better by fighting someone better.
>But you just played me... I don't get it.

Haha silly silly walls, I meant it as you're a better player than me, and I'm still learning from you.
Thus I will become better by playing you, and others of such high skill.

the same could be said of all competitive games.

>> No.5142580

I just picked it back up again yesterday since these threads seem to be sticking around, but I play almost all of the Jap fighters (MBAC/AA, GG, BB, AH, etc), so I'm used to wakeup silliness. Haven't played EFZ in years though. I only barely remember Shiori, Mizuka, and NayukiB. Catch me another day and I'll play 3-4 hours with you. I just have a meeting that I need to get to in 20 minutes

>> No.5142592

Someone host for a couple games before dinner

>> No.5142605

Nah bro, I'd say if anything we're on even footing, especially considering those first matches of ours were 3 hours of equal tradeoffs and DOUBLE KOs.
ZomB and Guy are real prodigies at this game, already tourneyfag level after just a couple days. Go check them out if you get the chance.

Oh, so you WERE that Shiori-playing anon who got told that we "didn't need another Nagamori player" earlier, I thought that was you when you Nagamori'd at first because that was more or less word-for-word what I was thinking. Besides, you know, the "WALLSLAM WALLSLAM WALLSLAM" mentality that's always there.
But yeah, we have surprisingly few Shioris around here, I'd like to face off some more sometime in the future if you're ever shakin'.

Anyway, just so I don't feel like I'm making a trash post here as well as because I'm genuinely curious: How many players here are actually controller-wielders?
As luck would have it in fightan, most top players are usually keyboarders for some silly reason. I wallslam with a PS2 USB myself, but let's see what setups you have, /jp/.

>> No.5142629
File: 3 KB, 124x122, I posted too many oaks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... Just a couple.
7500 aaand fs5

>> No.5142647

Generally I favour keyboard playing, with "wasd" as my controls and 'n' 'm' '<' '>' as my 4 buttons. Makes my keyboard almost feel like a terrible arcade setup.

>> No.5142669

>ZomB and Guy
Ah I'll remember that, thanks

>> No.5142719

I realize the bump limit's reached, but...
>Oh, so you WERE that Shiori-playing anon who got told that we "didn't need another Nagamori player" earlier

That wasn't me at all. I've never been told anything. I just played LV a couple times last night.

>> No.5142723

Nice FM.

>> No.5142731

Barely missed.


>> No.5142783
File: 100 KB, 450x550, akane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Tree, it really was just a couple games. Thank you for hosting! The lag was quite hard with us today...

>> No.5142802

Don't worry 'bout it, it's generally a good idea to keep posting in fightan threads even on autosage because all the players stick around, in most cases. We don't need to worry about a new one until this one totally disappears, unless somebody really wants to.

GGs Akagi, but unfortunately I have some "dinner" of my own to go to now. Actually it's lunch over here in AMERICA, but food is food I guess. Speaking of food, did I say "lol meatbun" yet? Yeah, I probably did at some point.

Anyway, RUMI VERSUS WALLSLAM MAKES MY BUTT MAD. Actually Rumi in general makes my butt mad. I could be calculating enough to run a supercomputer yet still one stupid mistake, HURR 3K DAMAGE PER HIT. At least the timing on that one grab+swing looks fairly difficult to do, good luck on mastering that one bro.

Thanks for playin', still.

>> No.5142840

i can play for a bout 30 mins

port 7500 fs5

>> No.5142925
File: 134 KB, 473x442, 1273822315717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's overrating the latter, don't take it too seriously. That doesn't mean I'd turn down some matches against you; don't hesitate to join whenever I host, though I still don't know very many characters at all.

>> No.5143017

Thread is on auto-sage; make a new one.

>> No.5143037
File: 1 KB, 62x61, exactly what you think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's lying, of course. Guy will rape your asshole and then ask you why you raped his asshole so hard; for all practical purposes, just interpret everything he means as the exact opposite of what he says.

Of course, by that logic he would turn down matches against you, but it's okay, keep trying and you'll work something out.
ZomB is a different story though, just look for really plain hosting messages with only the IP and "west" or "wc," you'll be able to spot him that way. Though at this point he's 100% Mishio, so you may want to start counterpicking beforehand.

>> No.5143042

see >>5142802

If you really want another one this early, you do it. Else we're completely fine doing it this way, because we all know most of us never left the thread to begin with.

>> No.5143113

good games to the bro who connected, they were fun! I have to go get ready for work now. Thanks for playing.

>> No.5143137

I'M SORRY, I LIED, ZomB is EC, Guy is WC.
Please find it in your heart to correct my grave mistake.

>> No.5143146
File: 113 KB, 266x304, 1268528729063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walls was spot on, Not even once did I do any good, your are a beast ZomB, I need to learn how to use Throws, Recoil guard, Instant charge, Reinforce attacks, and Final specials before I even think about challenging you again...

>> No.5143222 [SPOILER] 
File: 57 KB, 500x369, large-hori-fs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How many players here are actually controller-wielders

Behold my terrible secret.

>> No.5143226

[14:40:18] <@ZomB> oh
[14:40:19] <@ZomB> you're walls
[14:40:22] <Giantree> I also love how he calls me "walls" and "Wallslam" even though my name is blatantly Giant Tree.
[14:40:31] <@ZomB> i like walls
[14:40:33] <@ZomB> wallslam
[14:40:34] <@ZomB> walls of text
[14:40:44] <Viitasleep> I'm not sure which move he uses more, ZomB
[14:40:45] <Viitasleep> Dohohohoho

Oh Dice, look what you've started. ;_;

>> No.5143249
File: 48 KB, 184x184, 1248369183362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bro
if its any if it's any constellation I think Zomb
should change his name to AstepAbove, cause thats where he usually is ;_;

>> No.5143271

I'm not even gonna lie, AstepAbove was what I was thinking ever since the first match...

>> No.5143275

>if its any if it's any constellation

... Is that you, Mizunashi?

>> No.5143289
File: 147 KB, 565x560, 286725d04c572603c02936e882f33c4dfa684fff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the tri posting, but just gotta say I'll see you guys around, Had tons of fun again today.

Gotta get stuff done as well as take care of my little cousins staying at my place...they are being real bad, and its punishment time.

>> No.5143297

I use PSP with homebrew to use it as gamepad becouse D-pad is awesome. It`s much better then Xbox 360 pad or keyboard.

>> No.5143307
File: 1 KB, 62x61, So many oaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psst, we're on autosage, nobody is reading this shit.
Teach your cousins to EFZ, I wanna play them.

No, I'm serious.
Do it.

>> No.5143358

I have FuSa Gamepad on my CFW PSP too -- that is the one you're using, right? I dicked with it a couple times and couldn't get it to work, I think I may be using an old version though. Which one're you using, anon?

Of course, I dunno how helpful it'd be in my case since I'm using a PS2 controller anyway, which has a much better D-pad and is slightly more comfortable to hold. Still wouldn't hurt to have the thing, though.

>> No.5143378
File: 408 KB, 546x800, 1273384572968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5143394

>west coast

Why you do this? I'll try but I'm expecting the worse.

>> No.5143398

Yea FuSa gamepad v0.2 I never had any problems. I just had to connect psp via USB and it automatically anstalled. Just remember to use xpadder becouse games rarely work normally with FuSa.

>> No.5143454

Hosting EU fs5

>> No.5143482

That was a bit laggy, but GGs.


>> No.5143543

Well, as expected from the west coast/Europe connection... I think the most annoying thing was the damn sound. Sound + lag = headache in less than 5 games. I'm suprised you're able to play so well despite the connection. You must be one hell of a strong player. Good games anyways.

Also, if anyone has a decent connection with Europe and is willing to host for a while, go ahead.

>> No.5143613

GGs. It was a bit laggy, probably because I set the delay to 3.
Rehosting, feel free to rejoin

>> No.5143627

Very good games I must say, Most fun I had in some time. I hope to play with you again. Probably first time I played someone who wasn`t way above my level.

>> No.5143908
File: 630 KB, 1600x1200, Key.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for ending the massacre, 6A. It was fun to play without any lag, though.

>> No.5143917

GGs! I think you should try to focus on one character, and learn some mixups and combos. This isn't soku, learning a single char can take a while

>> No.5143969

Yeah, I'm not sure about the character I want to play yet, that's why I'm still fooling around in order to find the one. Which leads to some serious beatings against a veteran, of course.

>> No.5144180

baseless hisouten bash is baseless.
especially considering both games are made by the same company with the same control scheme.
point five out of ten

>> No.5144886

There's a pretty massive difference in playstyle between EFZ/IaMP and SWR/Soku. I'm really not very fond of the change, myself.

>> No.5144886,1 [INTERNAL] 

It sure was nice when /jp/ actually played something that was posted on the board.
