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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 669 KB, 2000x1485, 6932c967ceefe7487917e072f6869e0e_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5339742 No.5339742 [Reply] [Original]

Do you know Japanese, have some free time, and want to do some fun VN translation for /jp/?

If your answer to all of the above was 'yes', then join us in the Flyable Heart Translation Competition!

How do I participate?
Go to http://flyabletrans.freewebhostx.com/transproj_ajax.PHP?proj=flyableheart
Click on any file you want
Click on column 2; now you can see the original and what you'll be translating
Pick any page to start from, which hasn't been translated yet
Write your translated lines into the left column, you can click on the one you want or use alt+shift+J or alt+shift+K to move between them
Fill in the code at the bottom and click submit
Repeat for as long as you feel like it.

Have fun and don't let the trolls get in your way!

晶, Shou
結衣, Yui
天音, Amane
くるり, Kururi
すずの, Suzuno
茉百合, Mayuri
桜子, Sakurako
奏龍, Souryu
繚蘭会, Ryouran Committee

Use English punctuation and leave lines with only a name alone. Keep honorifics.

Userscript for using arrow keys instead of j/k

>> No.5339803

I thought I was looking at improved Sill

>> No.5339873


>> No.5340123
File: 46 KB, 800x600, notworking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone gotten this working with AppLocale? I have the fonts and everything, even the little messagebox you get when you click X reads properly, but the text is still fucked.

>> No.5340673

Finally set sys locale to Jap and it works now. This VN had better be worth losing over 9000 hours of uptime for.

>> No.5340688


>> No.5340709

Not everyone uses Linux just because they can easily change locale for a specific program, you know.

>> No.5340727

Use a real OS then.

>> No.5341708

Fuck off machine translating devs.

>> No.5342055


>> No.5342165


>> No.5342178


>> No.5342658

>implying Linux isn't a real OS

>> No.5342686

like Symbian?

>> No.5342687


>> No.5342811

shitty retrans

>> No.5342878 [DELETED] 

cd10261cc0f607dca8b3a62de27c230c kindly re move you r ille gal clo ne and give back our dom ain chrisb ear pol e see http:// tinyurl . com / 36wo8m5

>> No.5342874

Out, TLwiki shill.

>> No.5343912


>> No.5343915

Wafu thread needs your support. Please come.

>> No.5343948

Stop it with this "translation competition" shit already. It's distasteful and annoying as fuck. No one's competing for anything here.

>> No.5343963

zomgz u trol get out

>> No.5344044

We're competing to see who can use ATLAS and google translate most effectively

>> No.5345083

Cudder's ego is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.5347618

Or perhaps did you mean like affiliation, carries a connotation that some may find unpleasant?

>> No.5348649

Looks like there's still progress... and still hope.

>> No.5349088

And let's not forget dictionaries, wikipedia, etc.

>> No.5349665


>> No.5349684

Shit VN

>> No.5349859

Since no one asked your opinion no one gives a fuck.

>> No.5350340

Keeping this alive for more translators.

>> No.5350812


>> No.5351375

Support /jp/ visual novel projects!

>> No.5353866

Warmly waiting.

>> No.5354685

This deserves a bump.

>> No.5355293

I'm going to see how much better I can translate with two new 24" monitors. Need to get them set up first...

>> No.5356600

Up up up!

>> No.5357493

We are currently experiencing some issues due to server load on the REtrans subsidiary sites. REchan IHG is unaffected. We are working to resolve this as soon as possible.

Senior Directory and Temporary Infrastructure Support Manager
REchan IHG

>> No.5358525

The issue appears to be limited to HTTP, which is going up and down intermittently. FTP and database are still up.

There is no cause for concern, we can move service at any time but small outages like this are infrequent and should be expected.

You also might want to fix your sig.

>> No.5358574

It's back up and with some slight improvements now.

Senior Director and Temporary Infrastructure Support Manager
REchan IHG

>> No.5358597

>Senior Director and Temporary Infrastructure Support Manager
>RE: Server Load Issues
It baffles me how you faggots go up a step every time with your pseudo-professionalism, making you look like a bunch of retards with an inflated ego, pretending they are in a position of power. Shame it's a position of power for some shitty project where you beg people to work for you on an anonymous imageboard.

These threads are worse than idol threads. I said it.

>> No.5358613

Unlike idol threads, we actually get things done here.

>> No.5358630

Idol threads have no purpose. They are a meaningless discussion of the newest pig disgusting 3D idol that no one besides 2 people on /jp/ care about. This, on the other hand is 2 or so fucktards waving their dicks around doing fuck all in a desperate attempt to get ANYONE to help them.

Hatuskoi is not finished, and it will never BE finished. REtrans is shitty and would never be used by an actual group of professionals, regardless of how many '™'s you attatch

>> No.5362239

This is the Flyable Heart thread.

>> No.5362247

The ATLASable Heart, you mean.

>> No.5362297

>implying machine-assisted translation is not the future

>> No.5362309

This is what people on this project actually believe

>> No.5362318

But the future has already begun

>> No.5363756

>> No.5363850


>> No.5364524

Up you go!

>> No.5364531

>Do you know Japanese

Well I guess that's no longer a prerequisite.

>> No.5364864

If you can use dictionaries, Google, and translators effectively, that counts as knowing Japanese enough for this purpose. There's no realtime requirement anyway, just the ability to figure out what something means.

>> No.5364901

If this were true, real translators would be out of work. Machine translations are SUPPLEMENTS to your knowledge, not replacements.

>> No.5364934

It can't be helped. The people who are saying machine translations and stuff are suitable replacements, are people who don't even know Japanese.

>> No.5365346

Keep living in the past, anons. The only reason real translators aren't out of work is because of people like you who believe they're better.

>> No.5365505

You could try convincing us with examples then that atlas works better.

>> No.5365724

He wasn't speaking specifically of ATLAS. Also, see the first 1000 line sor so.

>> No.5366001
File: 30 KB, 829x787, told.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can any human do a better job than this, in less than a second too?

>> No.5366055

What software is that that accesses all the online stuff at the same time.

>> No.5366069

Give me sample text to work with.
Preferably from the game itself.

>> No.5366081


Link please?

>> No.5366082

Translation Aggregator 0.4.2b

>> No.5366087


Was post before, thanks.

>> No.5366126
File: 24 KB, 852x783, pleasewait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5366147
File: 19 KB, 955x561, sugoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5366219

Wow this program has really exploded since the last time I checked it out. That's awesome. Although they could cut out everything except WWWJDIC, JParser and maybe Google. It also needs at least one furigana converter. But still, really cool.

>> No.5366289


>> No.5366309

>It is enormous

>> No.5366333

That's what SHE said...

>> No.5366372

In my experience from using TL Aggregator, Google has shown to have some piss poor translations.

Not that any of them aren't terrible but Google certainly isn't the any better than the rest.

>> No.5366444

It's happening again. I need to reload the page several times to get it to work.

I'm doing 100 lines at a time so it's not that bad...

>> No.5366570

Sorry for the inconvenience, but there's not much we can do on a Sunday. I don't even think anyone is in the datacenter right now.

Senior Director and Temporary Infrastructure Support Manager
REchan IHG

>> No.5366576
File: 114 KB, 1071x670, toilet_stall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the "datacenter"

>> No.5366667
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>> No.5367222

>> No.5367299

Works for me now.

>> No.5367325
File: 11 KB, 120x120, 1251491659722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can any human do a better job than this, in less than a second too?
>simple animu/disney VN sentence even a child with kana knowledge can decipher

Provide us some more challenging sentences and we'll see.

>> No.5367509

>It is the joke where this is bad well truly.
Babelfish fails hard even by machine translation standards.

>> No.5371219

That's why you use a bunch of translators together.

>> No.5371507

Considering all the translations translated the いや portion as a literal no, which is not optimal for how it's being used there, I'd say yeah. I'd hesitate to give it a passing grade there compared to a human

>> No.5371537
File: 474 KB, 1015x1505, 6001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Satori has been achieved.

>> No.5371552

What is it with the black python recently?

>> No.5371561


php web design~

>> No.5371566


>> No.5371589


>> No.5371839


>> No.5372071

I see what you did there.

>> No.5372285

Do you think it'll make them sound too Canadian if I use "eh?" for "え?"

>> No.5372390

ok, now try a random mildly complicated sentence from SubaHibi

>> No.5372456
File: 26 KB, 857x813, ohwow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the more important things when doing assisted translation is to try not to laugh your ass off at what some of the outputs are.

>> No.5372474

Clearly, "I am older, and it is sushi" is correct

>> No.5372508
File: 97 KB, 850x637, adb02eb37ad4f95c1151e15629382e95_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason I felt the urge to post this.

>> No.5372671

You can tuna filesystem, but you can't fsck a fish!

>> No.5372866
File: 44 KB, 840x900, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd have to know the context to figure out what sort of time jump it was referring to.

>> No.5373678

Needs a bump.

>> No.5373946

Where's n0mZ? Looks like only q6hk is working on it now.

>> No.5374075
File: 123 KB, 1200x900, EV303A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When this novel gets fully translated I am going to try out her route first, only because of her majestic globes.

>> No.5374085

What's with that line on her chest?

>> No.5374098

Disase, she will die

>> No.5374120

Ah, good to hear.

>> No.5374166

That's a weird scar.

>> No.5374215

Moe! Maybe I will play this game after all.

>> No.5374243
File: 447 KB, 1400x874, 138861_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yui is still my favorite. She reminds me of a certain... god.

>> No.5375050


>> No.5375115


>> No.5375471


>> No.5376495

Support /jp/ VN translation!

>> No.5378846

>> No.5379585

You now realize her head is detached from her body

>> No.5382416

Time to do some more work for /jp/.

>> No.5382992

ok, that's it for now.

first 2k lines (mostly) contiguously done.

this + the other files should give us about 4k total so far, about 5%.

>> No.5384307

bampu pantsu

>> No.5384328

"Wait just a minute, don't be surprised by the coincidence. It's all right, since there's no mistake in that weird procedure!"

Is the the fruits of the so called machine translation you guys have been boasting

>> No.5384349

"[Cho], ..surprise.. [kanaideyo] . when it is simultaneous for a moment by twoSafe, ..[nukarihaari].. [kara] to the procedure of [sonohen]. "

>> No.5387478

That looks more like the translator isn't that great at English.

>> No.5387604

This is really Flyable Heart's translation quality? Seems pretty sugoi.

>> No.5387622

I can see where they got 'weird' from(a;though it seems 9/10 machine translations didn't even make that mistake) but the 'coincidence' part has me confused. I don't think you could draw that up from a machine translation. I'm confused

>> No.5387663

from the 同時 I assume. Apparently being at the same time implied being a coincidence.
all the machine offered choices are pretty bad there.

>> No.5387730
File: 50 KB, 868x943, ohwow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of the machine translators are even close to that line.

>> No.5387784

there is no rice bran in the procedure

>> No.5387835

It is enormous.

But clearly he is older, and you are sushi.

>> No.5387839

That's... wow. I am disappoint.

>> No.5387887

>complaining about the translation quality but not showing that you can translate nor doing any work for the project
0/10, nice try trolls

>> No.5387917

>Implying that anyone that could translate would want to touch this disaster of a project.

That would be a real troll, having ability and wasting it here

>> No.5387920

>Complaining about people pointing out errors without doing any actual work

>> No.5387971

>translation quality
>machine "translation"

>> No.5388112

>machine-assisted translation

>> No.5388171

>machine-assisted original story
fixed some more

>> No.5388370

I guess the translator doesn't use machine translations then, but looks up every word in the dictionary.

>> No.5388490

ITT: We judge the project based on one mistake.

>> No.5389503

If only there'd be only one mistake.

>> No.5389527


>> No.5390423

Yui is so SUGOI

>> No.5390668
File: 109 KB, 635x800, moe_28640_flyable_heart_inaba_yui_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already lost count of how many times I've fapped to her.

>> No.5390852

Do your best Flyable Heart project!
Don't let the haters get to you.

>> No.5390885

2200. Signing off for tonight. I'll try to get 200-300 lines per day done.

>> No.5391064

It'll take about a year at that rate. Let's hope more join in.

>> No.5392461


>> No.5396101

Bumping SUGOI thread

>> No.5396162

○その辺 の 手続き ×その 変 の 手続き
So 'weird procedure' is an inappropriate expression.
It should be like 'those procedure'.

>> No.5396630


>> No.5397189


>> No.5397296

同時に 【どうじに】 (adv,conj) coincident with, while, simultaneously

i think they were searching for "simultaneously" or something meaning they showed amazement at the same time

>> No.5397491
File: 130 KB, 1024x768, webvne_itouch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little more of a preview of (hopefully) what's to come.

>> No.5397785

Let's do this.

>> No.5398497


>> No.5399278

Done up until around 2440. Signing off for tonight.

>> No.5400419

Cudder is a macfag? I didn't expect this.

>> No.5401439

You didn't expect the future to already begin, either.

>> No.5404735

Up you go!

>> No.5405177

Got C&D off of TLWiki

>> No.5405294


>> No.5405582

I guess our competitor is dead.
We won by default! Woohoo!

>> No.5405999


>> No.5406827

Now if we'll only finish...

>> No.5406847


>> No.5407411
File: 45 KB, 800x480, webvne_bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's just the interop lab so we have a mix of Macs and PCs (and some other stuff) in there, and same with our mobile devices.

>> No.5407428

Make it work for PSP and I love you long time.

>> No.5407798

keikaku doori, ne?

>> No.5407898

Up to 2600 for today. Will do a ton more over the weekend, hopefully. The site is still being a little erratic.

>> No.5409108


>> No.5413034

Keep translating!

>> No.5414984


>> No.5416024

Site is a little on the slow side... but I'm going to try doing some more.

>> No.5416036

Thank you very much.

>> No.5416783


>> No.5416925

Does the PSP have a relatively standards-compliant web browser? We don't have one here.

>> No.5416993

Where can I find more images like the OP's posted image of Sakurako and other Flyable Hearts characters? That is a really nice rendering of her

>> No.5417114

>Flyable Hearts

>> No.5417396

First 2700 lines more-or-less completed.

...and the site finally becomes SUGOI fast, right as a decide to stop for the day.

>> No.5417993
File: 60 KB, 270x530, 3890017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5421732

bampu pantsu~

>> No.5422401

Time to get back to work.

>> No.5423812

Ganbatte, translators!

>> No.5424737

n0mZ, where are you? I might be running into your translations soon.

>> No.5426114
File: 13 KB, 384x256, rechan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are currently experiencing performance issues on the server and are working to resolve them as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience.

Senior Directory and Temporary Infrastructure Support Manager
REchan IHG

>> No.5426115

Today is SICP day.

>> No.5426151


>> No.5426153

Have you read your SICP today?

>> No.5426287
File: 90 KB, 1284x847, alice_at_MIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a matter of face, I have.

>> No.5426398

3060 lines done. This is 25% of the first file and around where the first decision is. We're around 5% total now.

>> No.5426774

The performance has much improved now, and we will continue to monitor the situation, but we are ready to switch hosting at a moment's notice if the situation becomes worse. We will continue to provide updates on this. Thank you for your patience.

Senior Directory and Temporary Infrastructure Support Manager
REchan IHG
