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6235949 No.6235949 [Reply] [Original]

Can youkai truly die?

>> No.6235975

Youkai die of old age. That age is just like 10000 years.

Fairies, immortals, hermits, vampires, and witches generally don't die though.

>> No.6235980

They are demons, aren't they? If so, yes.

>> No.6236004

Regular traditional youkai or Touhou youkai?

If it's the latter, hard to tell, none of them ever did. If the former, >>>/int/.

>> No.6236006

Vampires can die quite easily, Remilia commented that she hated the rain because she could get sick and die if she were exposed to it. Witches and such can likely die under similar circumstances; being able to protect yourself does not mean being able to protect yourself infinitely. Then there's also apathy, long-lived beings will eventually get tired of life and stop trying so hard to stay alive.

Immortals can likely suffer something the same as death by entering into a destructive state which they cannot escape, such as being sucked into a black hole or being sealed deep underground by a miko.

>> No.6236017

Pre Boundary humans killed them by the metric fuckton.

>> No.6236020
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NASA space marines say "Yes, yes they can." You don't even need a spiritual weapon, either. Conventional weapons will work as long as you kill them hard enough.

>> No.6236026

Remilia would probably die if she was exposed to enough sunlight, too, and lesser vampires would die even quicker than that.

Also, wooden stake through the heart would probably put them down, too, considering they've got all the other weaknesses except the cross.

>> No.6236029

That's how we conquered Hell and Heaven, after all.

>> No.6236038


being burried alive is a nightmare

>> No.6236040

The oni retreated underground because humans were killing a fuckload of them through deception and tricks.

>> No.6236048

Everyone in Gensokyo will one day die, save two people.

Isn't it said, Mokou/Kaguya?

>> No.6236055

Immortality. The worst punishment ever created.
Sometimes, even the gods get tired of living.

>> No.6236056

Hey, I'm pretty tired of it, already.

>> No.6236058

Yeah, but would you really get tired of living if you lived in Gensokyo and not where you are now?

>> No.6236060

probably not

>> No.6236076

And how do we know this? Have you ever talked to a immortal? I think its pretty arrogant that we (Touhou community+broader humanity) just 'assume' living eternally is boring. We go on poetically about how wonderful our short lives are. Surely we aren't just tearing down the idea of immortality to make us feel better about our own short lives? Of course not, because in our infinite wisdom we really can imagine what its like to be alive forever. Just like how we can count to infinity and grasp the size of the universe, we're able to project what immortality is like. Of course.

>> No.6236122

No, but I doubt immortals never thought 'Ok, I'm done'.
Unless, of course, their psychology is so alien to ours we can't understand them.

>> No.6236177
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Ghostbusters can kill off Yuyuko and Co. if they cross the streams.

They prolly just trap Yuyuoko and Yomou instead of killing them though.

>> No.6236191

>So alien we can't understand
One of Nietzsche's famous quotes says "The Mind is nothing but a plaything of the Body!"
Most of what we think and experience is filtered through the tinted glass that is our body. As our body ages physically, our brains change physically, becoming duller and less ambitious. Now, in a immortal body, the brain never does experience this parring down. An Immortal body (and thus the mind within it) is like a everlasting snapshot of a human at its prime. So assuming you're a 20 something, have you ever said to yourself "Well, I'm done." an then just quit in the last 5 years? I imagine not or you'd probably not be here with us today...Though I'll give you this. I'm sure a immortal can get depressed, especially if things aren't going well. If you've ever been through a deep depression, you might say to yourself "Well, I quit". Its not the same though, because the desire to 'quit' doesn't last. It fades and life goes on.

We think Immortals must look long into the future and past, and pass time as if a year to us is a day to them. More likely, they live entirely in the moment. Living in the moment causes you to disassociate with time. Like the old saying "Time flies when you're having fun". In fact, thanks to memory tending to get stale over time, you don't necessarily have to keep finding new stimuli. Ever listened to a song you liked too much, wound up hating it, only to hear it again sometime much later? You think "wow this songs really good, why did I stop listening to it?". An Immortal may even be able to get away with simply having a handful of hobbies and distractions, and just rotate through them as needed.

That's all conjecture though. Like I said its impossible to say for sure. I just don't think any immortal would consider their immortality a "punishment". Never mind what Touhou says, its written by a drunk and neets for crying out loud. They'd slit their wrists if they we'rent such cowards.
