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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6314739 No.6314739 [Reply] [Original]

OB2 is over.
Is /jp/ on WIZ in jpCB?

>> No.6314747

We are not even sure if /jp/ will keep playing. That will probably be decided during the mini beta next month.

I don't see a problem staying on WIZ though. But we need at least one clan to move to BRD, poor guys.

>> No.6314753

Wait, we are migrating to the japanese one?

>> No.6314756

No. He asked if we play on WIZ in jpCB, which most of us do, but there are a few people on DOS and BRD as well.

>> No.6314776

I finally got enough Rt for my blue-haired Crimrose. After an Izuna and Saggitary that is. Now I just need 50 more for a spin of the Megagarapon. I know I'll probably get blue, but some of those weapons look nice. Especially the railgun.

>> No.6314892

Most of us on are in WIZ. What's that melee weapon that I see a lot of air using that has a blue arc? It's annoying as shit, but I want one.

>> No.6314899


i was speaking with some people of Snowflake , and they said they probably were going to BRD

>> No.6314907

Tell them not to ;_;

Can someone in WIZ even communicate with someone in BRD?

>> No.6314914

through whisper I guess.

But in the central channel for sure.

>> No.6314936

JPCB is absolutely miserable. The lowbie room is always empty and the other ranked room is impossibly hard. Everything absolutely rapes new players in there. Stardusts and garapon weapons everywhere. You and your dingy little bazooka can't compete at all. To add insult to injury, they give you terribly gimped bots to fill up your commando. C'mon, seriously. I'm sure they can be made into good bots with time and money, but I just started the fucking game.

The RT system thing looks promising, though. It doesn't look like not spending cash on RT will be that big of a deal.

>> No.6314946

fuck off, spammer

>> No.6314966

Hey, OP. Quit being a fucking idiot and make sure to link to the new thread in the old one when you make a new one. If you can't do that much, please refrain from making these threads.

>> No.6314980

doesn't fucking matter, why the fuck you are whining?

>> No.6314985
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>> No.6314994

So people who are still posting in the old one know that there is a new one. It's done for a reason.

>> No.6314998


laughing whores.jpg

>> No.6315000

Why would I want loyalty raging in this thread

>> No.6315005

Those guys will browse /jp/ anyways, they will noticed that thread with so many replies is already on auto-sage. Again, I don't see why you are acted like that, it's not a big deal at all.

>> No.6315019

>people still posting in that thread

Too proud to admit your fault? You're gonna keep this up until the entirety of this thread is just you and me arguing and not CB related.

>> No.6315034

Forget it.

There's lots of good WIZ clans that can become just as good.

Hotglue can stay in WIZ.

Loyalty is going to DOS except Canaan who is going to BRD. Don't forget Sturgeon's Law.

>> No.6315037

srsly WIZ has so many clans and so many people they'll somehow manage with their numbers. Let em be.

>> No.6315046

I'm not the OP of this thread.
You are fucking retard for complaining about such a thing.
OP did nothing wrong, most of the CB threads actually only got a "new thread here: link" several minutes after the other thread being made.
You are probably from another board.

>> No.6315254
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why ? , it would help BRD a lot , idk if u guys from hotglue are staying on WIZ , but everyone seems to be leaving T.T , im sure im going to be the only one left on that freezer

>> No.6316952
File: 193 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100712_1427_41_641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hotglue might move to BRD.

My account is on BRD site on jCB

It's not that difficult to get into top 10 with untuned UC bots on crown games, deal w it nerds.

>> No.6317529


But Jikun is a Rt bot.

>> No.6317575


He's probably using the starter Jikun

>> No.6317597

Does it even matter?
You are not even in hotglue.

>> No.6317638
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jCB starters are (or were) crim/lily/jikun

>> No.6317930

Is maintenance tonight or tomorrow night? And will the quest money reset?

Also, what is the fastest way to get rank points? Playing constantly with the same 2 bots using the same 2 weapons is getting annoying, but I can't get money to buy new bots unless I use them or the quests reset.

>> No.6317951


I believe it's tonight at 21:00 4chan time. I think quests on JPCB reset every 2 weeks, so it probably won't reset. No clue until it happens though.

As of right now, Arena's the fastest way to get rank points. There was an easier way last time I played where you could do the level 5 quest for 50 rank points using just the first 4 gates, but they've reset since then.

>> No.6318008

Do i get Crimrose after i rank up in Jp or should i pick her right from the start?

>> No.6318028


When you hit rank 12, you can buy one for 6000 Uc. Right now everything in the shop is half price, so it is 3000. I'd pick Lily because of the promotion item that seems to be coming out soon. Unless you like melee more.

>> No.6318725


>implying i cant have fun playing with them just cause im not on hotglue

>> No.6318751

>>6314936 The lowbie room is always empty
Just wait until tomorrow when the new rankup rewards come live, I can guarantee an influx of sub accounts.

>> No.6318770

Try actually playing at peak times and not with 15 people in a room.

>> No.6318807


Doing well in the crown room even at peak times isn't difficult. I'd say it's easier than the restricted rooms. Everyone ignores you because going for a shitty crim is a waste of time.

>> No.6318850

considering there are a little more ivis now on jpcb with the mega garapon, getting cheap air is kind of nice.

>> No.6318923 [DELETED] 

let me get right on that

>> No.6318928 [DELETED] 


Let's condense our threads, we don't need 3 dakimakura threads.

>> No.6318930 [DELETED] 
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>I'd give my soul for this.

For a pillow cover?

>> No.6318938 [DELETED] 

oh good, another retard like Satorin.

Time to fire up the report button. Enjoy your avatarfaggotry while you can.

>> No.6318942

Those jp players were butthurt after Tempura showed them the Ivis horde photos.

>> No.6319008

Now I see why jpCB is so empty and called a "kusoge". New players have such a huge obstacle to overcome. I thought new players would be able to get useful bots just like in the US CB, but apparently not.

>> No.6319022

Also because

-lol balance
-spending $200+ monthly just to get what you want on lottery, tuneups not included
-really low player count

>> No.6319051

Cunning plan: Have everyone group up all the time, get ourselves a gaijin guild together.

Then, we always stay in games together in Air, and just stay in one big clump and gang jump things. Crimrose fighter wing.

>> No.6319098


There are already a few Gaijin clans. There's a /jp/ clan as well.

>> No.6319117

I don't really mind no tune ups. But the beginner bots they give you to fill you teams are so... pathetic. I thought I'd get a Crimrose or something. Instead I got a Bee that dies in one bazooka hit.

>> No.6319222

If they don't deliver weapon balance by mini beta or start of OBT3, we have to pester the fuck out of them. twi's plan is pretty sound as it is and we need to propose concrete examples/hard numbers for weapons.

>> No.6319240

low player count. Yea, that's totally the issue. I've never seen a netgame with such low population density than this. Maybe it's because you pretty much need to pay, or hope your faction gets first for rt trade/uc garapon and get gold for 1rt, and the fact that an auction trade system is non-existant, something that almost all MMOs are supposed to have, and bazzars are only open on the third saturday of every month.

>> No.6319249

I WANT MY ACCOUNT BACK! I refuse to start over from the beginning on jCB again but I don't see them fixing what they may not even realize is a problem

>> No.6319350

Is the stage editor available separately?

>> No.6319393

You still have your account, silly Chloro. For at least 1 week when the mini beta begins again. Make sure to enjoy it.

>> No.6319449

in Japan. I can't log into my jCB account at all.

>> No.6319939
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The Japanese server is on (surprise, surprise) Japan time. You're logging on at the wrong time of day to see lots of people.

>auction trade system is non-existant
It's called the bazar. On bazar days, you can't teleport into the central area because it's full of players.

WTF do you mean "deliver" weapon balance? The code is already done; it's fucking running jCB right now. They're not writing much, if any, new code for the English beta. They're just translating the text and wedging it into the UI.

Send Tempura a nice note using the form on the US contact page. He said during one of the radio shows that he answers email.

>> No.6319953


I'm thinking about starting a JCB account... But only if there are lots of people from /jp/ in it.

How many do you guys think there are in JCB hotglue?

>> No.6319956

about 5 I think.

>> No.6319971


I'd be in it, but I have no idea who to contact. I don't even know if WIZ is the right faction.

>> No.6320001

Not worth it unless you're really willing to work up from being dirt poor and know enough moonspeak to understand the UI and radio messages. It's a hell of a lot of grinding that you'll have to do all over again when English CB opens up.

(Actually, not being able to read moonspeak is an advantage since you won't see the JP players bitch about overseas players the way we bitch about the BRs. LOL)

>> No.6320013


Croases, Xanthe, Solva, or Minamitsu. Anyone in the clan will do, actually, but we're the ones that seem to be on at all.

>> No.6320021

and that why it sux to be BR , u got judged cause most of brfags are idiots

>> No.6320039


What channel? I've hopped around a bit and couldn't find anybody with English names that weren't clearly Japanese. Maybe I'm just playing at the wrong times.

And when is this maintenance supposed to end?

>> No.6320050

I'm pretty sure I saw Solva for a couple hours before the maintenance began in Channel 1 WIZ.

>> No.6320051

BR? gib money or i report u! UEHEUEHEUEHEUEHEUE!

>> No.6320052


I usually hang around channel 1. Others may be elsewhere. Maintenance ends in about an hour.

>> No.6320068

how full are the channels in Jcb?

>> No.6320091


Empty. If you play when it's day time in Japan, there will be a decent number of people on. But most people from North America won't be playing at those times. There are usually less than 200 people on when I'm online with less than 100 in channel 1.

>> No.6320101

Depends on what time of day you go. Look at the Japan Standard Time clock at the upper right. 8pm there is 8am where I live, so I only see crowds if I log on before breakfast.

It's 2 hours long normally.

Don't type "u". It makes people think you're uneducated or stupid. Talk like the yanquis do and no one will care where you came from.

>> No.6320119



i hope 1700 R$ will do D;

>> No.6320219

Mmm Maintenance Over.

>> No.6320225

New mech looks awesome. Too bad I have no Rt.

>> No.6320256

And now it doesn't want me to stop playing. Telling me my rank up rewards on the logout screen is evil.

>> No.6320276

Well, I see Solva here and Abolla and some guy openly speaking in English. I thought there'd be more people from /jp/.

>> No.6320319

fuck that retard

>> No.6320330

Looks like quests didn't reset. Bummer. Also, saw a guy with a scarf on his Ivis. How does that work?

>> No.6320334

openly speaking in english is rude.

>> No.6320499

There. Now I have 5 jp accounts. I'll never have nothing to do again!

>> No.6320584
File: 1 KB, 50x24, cosmicbreak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ヒーローマフラーHDJ (Hero muffler HDJ)
+5 cost (not capacity)
+5 HP

>> No.6320614

Any of you that know Japanese better than I do know how to read the notice at the lower right of the screen when the shop opens? It seems to say that the half off sale ends on 11/11 and that the mega-garapon ends on 11/4.

New mech does look awesome. M size LND bot on a hoverboard that has some sort of grind maneuver.

>> No.6320633
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This guy has... dual blast bazookas on his shoulders. :3

I hope they put in all these little bots in the next mini-beta.

>> No.6320676

Don't count on it, so far the only bots available in enCB are cash only. There are a few that show up here and there, I saw someone with a frog lander, but really they're only giving us the cash only bots.

>> No.6320716

So wheres the /jp/ guild in jpCB? Wiz still? Also, whats the clan name/icon look like? Figure I'll play this to get my fix from no more enCB

>> No.6320717


At least I think that's it. No idea.

>> No.6320748

I don't think it's worth starting from scratch in jcb

>> No.6320757

I actually got one of those in the last beta, so it's already in. Victory-1 right?

I never used it though.

>> No.6320774

If you got a frog lander or one of the other UC only bots it probably came from a box, a level up reward, or a quest. We never had the options of buying any UC only bot except Crimrose.

>> No.6320779

Yes, that's what it says.

Be happy. They might give out another freebie to make up for it.

>> No.6320801


I hope so. They are even taking longer than they expected! Hopefully it is something good. I bet they meant to quick fix a problem and are having trouble with it. Maybe the new bot.

>> No.6320805

I don't even know what a frog lander is. I just got a Victory 1 from the level up thing or a box from the level up thing, like you said.

also two of these other robots I can't remember what they are called. Kinda boxy things, also art I think. Destructors maybe?

>> No.6320845

Are there clan rank up rewards in JPCB?

>> No.6320935

>>6320101 Don't type "u". It makes people think you're uneducated or stupid.
I think people who use wapuro are uneducated and stupid, but hey.

>> No.6321027

>Sword Machinegun

Unfortunately, it's not a machinegun that shoots swords.

>> No.6321035

That's the machinegun you can hit people with as a sword, right?

>> No.6321051

It's a machine gun that looks like a sword. It's also a sword.

>> No.6321054

Is it a sword that you can also shoot people with, or is it a machinegun that you can also cut people up with?!

I'm so confused!

(I actually had one of those which I put on my Zero Saber.. in the end it wasn't that useful as either a sword OR gun)

>> No.6321064


Shahead can glide in the air when you run off a ledge, and during that time THE BOOST DECREASES AT THE SAME SPED AS FOR AIRS.


>> No.6321115

So how did that guy pop the head off Ivis to put in the joint?

>> No.6321942

They took out Chicken and Sitting Duck and added three new awards. One is last attack and another is leadership. I don't know what the other one is and I have no idea how "leadership" is measured.

>> No.6321953

Best Jammer
Given to the person with the most offensive support points (negative status effects, stun)

Given to the person with highest contribution

Last attacker is rather self explanatory.

>> No.6321961
File: 46 KB, 792x569, hello.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modeling a Baltheon girl because big girls need love too.

Hopefully the low poly/resolution style will hide my severe lack of talent and experience.

>> No.6321971

Call me blind/stupid but, is that a single mesh? Why aren't you making it as separate meshes? I'm not a CB player at all, but these seem to modeled as separate meshes too. This would also make texturing and if you will, animating, a lot easier.

But I have to say, it doesn't look bad at all.

>> No.6321980

Looks good.

>> No.6322046

The parts are separated, I just put it in a single object because I was too lazy to apply mirror modifiers to all of them. I'll put them in separate objects for texturing, probably.

>> No.6322488

Please make her a mecha musume, and not a fembot.

>> No.6322525

That was my intention. I guess it's hard to tell but I pretty much copied the face and much of the torso from existing girls.

>> No.6322579

What's the difference?

>> No.6322597

L type girls tend to be riding on exoskeletons ala Shino or Thorala.

>> No.6322989

Skin this and submit it to Tempura.

>> No.6323689

Mecha musumes are cute girls wearing armor and/or part machine (like Lazflamme, Crimrose, Lily), whereas fembot are female-robots (like the cheerleading bots, "A Maid", the WIZ guardian)

She can be a M or S size Baltheon. There's no rule that says she must be L.

>> No.6324186

>There's no rule that says she must be L.

There no precedent for it either. I like that design though, so I wouldn't mind S or M size at all.

>> No.6325512

Cosmic Bump.

>> No.6325843

yea, but even in peak time, it's like.. uh, 400-500? Well my only gripe is that the 30v30s are rarely full.

>> No.6325875

Now that I've got 50 RT, what bot should I buy? I prefer air, but any suggestion welcome.

>> No.6325900


Gwyain is great with a stardust cannon if you have one. It has very high TGH for an air and the core weapon is a good short ranged backup.
Izuna Kamui Nagi has the booster leg thing that makes it awesome. It isn't too capacity efficient though. I think Seraphs are better.
Tesladonna is cute, but unfortunately isn't very good. The arm weapons are pretty much useless with the nerf to lasers.
Batheon arms were good until the nerf, but the core bot is terribly inefficient capacity wise.
Thorla is pretty good without customizing too much, and the legs are useful to put on another bot to get another booster slot along with 3 TGH.

I can't recommend any other type because I almost exclusively play air, but Destructor Girl and Maril March are awesome. Byne and Hatigarm are probably the best Land. Sturbanger, Saggitary Maxis, and Toybox are great Art if you want to play something large.

>> No.6325978

Mega Garapon it. Whatever you get, it's fully worth more than 50Rt.

>There no precedent for it either.

There is, actually. The swimsuit Thoarla is S AIR, her Wonder Bit is a special one that calls back her exoskeleton. There's also Mecha Jetter/Destructor girls (Mecha Jetter is M AIR, Destructor is L ART. )

That being said, there needs to be a(n useful) drill robot. Misty Hollow has drillhair, but it isn't sufficient. Ace Braver arm (or whichever drill weapon it was) is worthless. I'd like a S LND girl with drill hair, one of her drills wrapped around a (fixed) arm that serves as a weapon. Fluff it as her hair being made of carbon nanotubes or something like that.

In other news, failed my tuneups on Accelsaber arm and Izuna Kamuy legs. Oh well, I still have 40FLY and pass the TEC treshold for extra damage.

>> No.6325991

What the fuck? Last Attacker gives 300 points while Leadership only 100?
Let's encourage more faggotry, great idea!

>> No.6325992

What does her exoskeleton WB do?

>> No.6326000

>>6325978 Mega Garapon it. Whatever you get, it's fully worth more than 50Rt.
There's plenty of shitty bots in there, even in the gold balls.

More like 700-800. I don't like the 30 rooms because the game runs like shit with that many people on the map anyway.

>> No.6326006

It goes ORAORAORAORA if someone is close. I shit you not.
Also shoots the jupitizer weapon at enemies below.

>> No.6326049

during the beta when I wanted something specific from the machine it took me 15 rolls on average to get it. that's like 750Rt right? how the fuck are you supposed to get that much? does everyone in the jp game spend a shitload of money on the game or do they just give up on using their favorite robots and use random crap?

>> No.6326071

>>6326049 does everyone in the jp game spend a shitload of money on the game
Pretty much. Well, not everyone.

The way people see it, it's like a hobby. You know, like anime figurines.

>> No.6326089

at least if I want to waste money on an animu figure I can order the specific one I want.

>> No.6326093

Good point.

>> No.6326097

Jesus fuck, Lazflamme need something like this. A Promotion that de-centuar her, but have a WB that summons a horse that charges at enemies.

>> No.6326352


How did you manage 40 fly if you failed your tuneups? I've been trying to think of ways to increase my Seraph's fly, but I'm only around 32 and already have 2 tunes. I remember in the beta I only needed 3 or 4 tuneups to get her to 40, but no such luck this time.

>> No.6326479

I really love the opening theme of jp version. Also, just bought Izuna for 25 Rt, good deal?

>> No.6326504


Good deal. She's normally 50, but everything's half off right now. Get what you need while you can

>> No.6326510

Izuna is awesome in jCB. Let's you keep your distance.

>> No.6326689

Ran into another problem in my sorry attempts at tuning. I realized I have no idea how to get midoro cosmos other than garapon and login rewards. Are those the only ways to get them or do they drop in quests as well?

>> No.6326699
File: 154 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20101022_1845_48_317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How did you manage 40 fly if you failed your tuneups?

I failed two and succeeded all else.

>> No.6326711

gwayn has also a fuckton of cap, it's the air bot with the most cap of all

>> No.6326718

It also had a monster starting cost too, so it's not that big of a cap to work with.

>> No.6326782

Now I understand why CB is so frustrating. I can easily see myself spending at least a hundred bucks in one sitting just to get me started.

>> No.6326807

but you can replace those parts with cheaper ones and invest the gained points in tune up stats

>> No.6326819

I'm going to start this some day, when should I start version-wise? With the OB?

>> No.6326834


There's a mini beta sometime in November which will last for about a week and then everything will get wiped. You could start playing during that beta just to understand the basics of the game before OB3/live release. You could also play the Japanese version until OB3. It doesn't really matter.

>> No.6326845

But she's not required to be a centuar at all. The second legs are just boosters. Also if Lazflamme got a promotion, I want another set of legs behind them (not on top like you can currently do) so they're like a spider or something.

>> No.6326850
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Look it's Shink-, er.., pinku Ivis! Also some pics of the new hoverboard bot on the right.

Start at the next mini-Beta where you can still get access to everything for free and there are bonus events that give you extra money and materials.

After the final beta starts, you will have to grind a lot or pay cash to get anything. Odds are there will be no tree events or multiplier weekends in the final beta because it would wreck the game economy.

>> No.6326874 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 346x231, 1285784322096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw half RT prices don't apply to robot parts

one lily arm costs as much as a lily bot at half price. why would anyone buy the robot part when they can just wait and get two for one

>> No.6327439

Be sure to log in today and tomorrow for the Rt.

>> No.6327536

I'm 5 RT away from a Tesla but it seems I've reached the RT charge cap... Time to get the next rank.

>> No.6327539

She's not, but that leg is just useless as her "unique" trait, especially when everyone can take it and use it themselves (although why would you do that really). However, she's by far one of the best lolibot to customize, assuming you are willing to invest heavily on her. Without being high level, have heavy tuning or part swapping, she's not that good.
>Lazflamme = 7, 6, 10, 8, 7 (38 total), 180 HP -> 313 HP, 625 usable capacity, 1065 max capacity (Lv 7)
>Misty = 11, 8, 13, 8, 8 (48 total), 225 HP -> 309 HP, 515 usable capacity, 1135 max capacity (Lv 6)
>Jikun = 14, 7, 14, 10, 8 (53 total), 255 HP -> 321 HP,
475 usable capacity, 1135 max capacity (Lv 6)

>> No.6327571

>Is /jp/ on WIZ in jpCB?
don't you kids speak english anymore

>> No.6327585

shaden has more

>> No.6327703

I don't see the problem.

>> No.6328004

>(although why would you do that really)
I like to knock people around. I should see next time if I can get something that can use lazflamme legs and that fan. KICK AND BLOW

>> No.6328145

They don't combo, and the kick doesn't knock your opponent back that much nor give you much invulnerability. Plus, if you're melee, expect to get focus fired like a bitch. Speaking of Lazflamme, I can't wait for the pink hair one. She comes with 2 Lazflamme AM2 which have built in shields like Ouka (but it seems like they only 50~ish durability each)

>> No.6328187

If only it was my primary language.

>> No.6328245

It does kick them into the air though, at least the alternate legs that I was using from one of the garapon lazflames, but then I didn't use it enough to compare.

I actually had the legs on a jikun girl so they were kicking and charging everywhere. I stopped using it because it was as hard to aim it as it was to hit it.

Sucks if the fan can't combo with it, but maybe the fishing wip(sic) will.

>> No.6328488

It's better off just using the Jikun girl legs than Lazflamme's BS; her full kick combo chains well (full stun during), easier to use (easy to aim and it's pretty accurate), and finish off kicking your opponent into the air for easy escape (or just backdash, wait for him to land, and repeat combo)

>> No.6329606

Right. Finally got a reply from the GMs. They say that my account in Japanese Cosmic Break was never verified by email and therefore doesn't actually exist. Weird, considering I was playing it. They're actually willing to assist me in recovering my account even in Japan. Ok, CB GMs are AWESOME.

>> No.6329616

Well, you're in my clan gaijin project, clearly you have to exist somewhere.

>> No.6329676
File: 134 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20101022_2243_27_489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you?

>> No.6329698

That's me yeah. Ever since last Friday I've been unable to log in and when I try to recover my password the site says my login name is an invalid user.

The GMs here in enCB are helping me recover my account. So far they said that there IS an account with my account name in Japanese CB but the email was never verified. They asked if I may have used another login name and email (not damned likely) but for all I know I did. So, I told them my in game name is Chloroform in the clan 外人Project and I was under the impression that it was under the account name I was trying to use.

I also gave them the only 2 other email I've used in the last 10 years. If my primary spam email which I use to sign up for games isn't the right one perhaps one of the other two is?

>> No.6329731

CB MODS = GODS. They have recovered my account! The fault was somewhat mine. I'd been relying on the login info for so long I was unaware that I'd used a different user name in Japan than I'm accustomed to using. It's an old login from my iRO days about 8 years ago. Perhaps I'd screwed up in my original CB application and went to it then when my login information changed last week I had forgotten such an old old login name which I'd used.

>> No.6329798

There's some guy named Zig wandering around the WIZ area. I'm tempted to ask him whether he gets great justice when he moves.

Hmm, I've seen you around tonight too.
