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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6659167 No.6659167 [Reply] [Original]

>Phone Contacts:
>Pizza Hut

Forever alone.

>> No.6659170

Screw you, I don't even have a phone.

>> No.6659176

My mom forced me to get a phone.

>> No.6659178

The fact that you're unhappy with that proves you are not /jp/ material.
Try /v/ or /r9k/.

>> No.6659179


My only contact is "my phone" ;_;

>> No.6659182

I can't tell if you're trolling or serious. If you're trolling, fuck you. If you're serious, we share your pain, bro.

>> No.6659183

Why do you even have a phone?

>> No.6659187

Jokes on you, I have 30+ phone contacts.
The phone belonged to my mother before she gave me it.

>> No.6659191


>> No.6659193

/jp/ - No sense of humor whatsoever/General

>> No.6659200

Hmm, one family member, 10 drug dealers, and 2 friends.
I should probably get rid of all those drug contacts, seeing as how I don't live anywhere near them anymore.

>> No.6659204
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I regret buying an Iphone, i have not received one single call since i bought it 1 year ago, i should have bought an ipod with a huge storage.

>> No.6659209

Reported to FBI

>> No.6659211
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By phone's battery is drained.

>> No.6659224

FBI handles federal issues. As I've never crossed state lines while breaking a law nor broken any federal law that isn't also a state law, you'd be better off contacting my local law-enforcement rather than the FBI.

>> No.6659229

46 contacts hell yeah.

>> No.6659234

Should I feel bad that I have my comic/anime shop on my phone? I am a bit of a buyfag....

>> No.6659241

phone contacts starting with

ending with


fuck yeah wrong dial prevention

>> No.6659242

GTFO, most people who are happy to be ronery are those who had life but voluntary became hikkikomori. Involuntary roneries are true roneries, others are usually normalfags.

>> No.6659244

It's pretty cool. You ain't fooling any normalfag though.

>> No.6659246

>12 contacts
>10 are service numbers
>1 is the workplace I was fired from
>1 is home phone number

Anybody else call their cell from their house to hear it ring?

>> No.6659248

Reported to Nevada law enforcement.

>> No.6659254

Could it be that /jp/ is the last bastion of true anons among normalfagous, mainstream crowd of modern 4chan?

>> No.6659255

Why do you hate on the dude? Drugs shouldn't even be illegal in the first place, it's essentially a victimless crime (as long as you're not operating equipment or doing a job where you would be in a position to hurt someone).

>> No.6659262

Oh, they already know all about my past. I'm on probation, and there's no stipulation that says "No keeping contact information for drug dealers"

>> No.6659264

Drugs degenerate society physicaly, psychicaly and culturaly.

>> No.6659273

It WAS, but not so much anymore. Better per-capita here than any other board, though.
Oldfag Island, after all.

>> No.6659276

Hardly. Look at the moral degeneration China's port cities took when they lost the Opium wars.

>> No.6659277
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>> No.6659280

You didn't correctly spell a single one of those.

>> No.6659283

You know what, /jp/ does the same, and so does almost all entertainment. You don't need to use drugs to be useless to society, if you so wish. Forcing people to do things against their own will is immoral. I take it, you would rather have anything that "degrades" a society be illegal? You remind me of a certain 70+ year old japanese politician who introduced a terrible local law, not very long ago.

>> No.6659289

>physicaly psychicaly culturaly
You are making this WAY too easy.

>> No.6659290

>it was
Then why remain here, instead of making our own chan, or going to tohno-chan? (This one is quite shitty, but still better than 4chan.)

>> No.6659294

Do you have any friends?

Did you give them your number?

If you don't have frends / didn't plan to give them your number, why did you buy A PHONE WHICH IS INTENED TO HELP YOU COMMUNATE WITH PEPELE

>> No.6659297
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I was about to do that one day but i thought it was very pathetic, even for me.

>> No.6659303
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>correctly spell

>> No.6659306

Best Friend

Not many close friends, but it's better than none...

Then illegalize alcohol. If you cannot do this, you cannot illegalize drugs such as Marijuana.

>> No.6659310

Drugs are not entertainment. They are drugs. The only drug which is acceptable for Western cultures is alcohol, because it has long tradition and its place in our culture.

>> No.6659318

It's not so victimless when a junkie drives over a kid or crash into a family going back home, is it ?

>> No.6659320
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I think you came to a wrong board.

>> No.6659324

...suggesting that marijuana did not also have its place before 1937.
Like music? Thank weed, negroes and Jazz.

>> No.6659327
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No i don't have any friends but i always hope i can meet someone someday and give him/her my phone number.

>> No.6659349

Drugs make people go crazy and crazy people do crazy things. Some more than other granted, but there's a reason you can't buy adderall without a prescription.

No, the needle that finds my vein is good pure porn and voyeurism.

>> No.6659350
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Good luck

>> No.6659353

So you support the prohibition of alcohol, right?

Drunk driving does more damage than "junk driving".

ALso, ban cellphones.

>> No.6659355
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So this isn't a board to dump touhou comics?

Too bad...

>> No.6659358
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Because Cirno is mai waifu...

>> No.6659364

No, and it's not place for attention whores from facebook.

>> No.6659365
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>> No.6659366

But they are entertainment. Drugs just slightly alter various aspects of your neurochemsitry, some such alterations can be done by someone through sheer thought if people so wish. Most drugs don't really do what isn't naturally possible for an invidual, they're just a bit more forceful than natural processes. While I don't see much need to consume drugs, I find it reprehensible that smartasses that make laws think that it's moral to send people to jail for chemically altering their own brain processes. It's a personal thing, and there is no victim there other than yourself. It's completly counterproductive and wrong to send someone to jail for toying with his mind in "non-approved" ways. I can't wait for the days when brain-like devices (emulated) are commonplace and people can just build them in any way they want, add sensors which can sense larger parts of the electromagnetic spectrum (not just visible light, but much more), as well as make deeper hierarchies which allow building much greater understanding of the world (think of the jump between old monkeys and humans, how it's just an enlarged prefrontal cortex which allows us to build much better understanding of the world, as well as develop and understand language). Restricting playing with your own mind seems so silly and unenforceable...

>> No.6659370

Sometimes I wish I had one person too. I only ever get advertisements and lost food delivery guys who always think I say say Roosevelt street instead of Resevoir because of a little accent I have. All I have on my contacts is some family members and other random people I met at some Summer job 3 years ago that I never saw again.

>> No.6659372

Unless you're referring to schizoid breaks that can occur with LSD use (which occurs in people already predisposed to mental disorder), the "crazy" behavior described is caused by having to turn to the underground and pay black-market prices for their fix.

This really isn't the drugs' problem as it is an issuewith legislation against drugs.

>> No.6659373
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I don't have a facebook

>> No.6659398

Have you read my post? I explicitly mentioned this:
>as long as you're not operating equipment or doing a job where you would be in a position to hurt someone
Driving cars qualifies as handling equipment which when improperly handled could cause loss of life or injury. This is entirely the drivers fault and he shouldn't be driving if he's not sober.

>> No.6659399
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1. Legalize drugs
2. Tax drugs
3. ????

>> No.6659404

I think all drugs should be legal. If a person wants to do them responsibly and in a position where no ones gonna get hurt then fine then I don't see what the problem is.

>> No.6659412

call log:

Mom (4 days ago)
dad (6 days ago)
some 1-800 number (9 days ago)
mom (18 days ago)
mom (23 days ago)

>> No.6659427
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So like... I have to go grab some shit soon.... will upload the rest later...

>> No.6659429

Stop posting, cancer. Reported.

>> No.6659440

dont have one
dont need one

>> No.6659442
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You forgot your sage.

>> No.6659444

As far as I've read about it, it seems LSD is safe even in high doses, however it can uncover psychological problems that have been lingering underneath, so one shouldn't take it if they're not stable.

>> No.6659457

I've been on prescription medication my whole life and I'll tell you right now that what you are on or off of changes you. Sorry if that's hard pill for you to swallow.

>> No.6659502
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>> No.6659503

>changes you
...That's largely the POINT of prescription medication. I'm not doubting you in the slightest, but every tiny experience changes you in some way.
My drug use has changed me significantly, but almost entirely for the better. I'm no longer depressed, I don't lay in bed all day with no motivation (I sit in a chair now instead, and no longer hide in my room avoiding contact), and I've crystallized a life philosophy that makes perfect logical sense (to me).

Are you suggesting change is bad? Change can also be described as 'growth'

>> No.6659505

Junkies are a silly lot. Can't trust 'em, though.

>> No.6659520
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So here's the deal...

I don't have a facebook because I don't like giving away my fucking information to advertisers. I don't have MUCH of a social life, but I am dating a half chinese mormon weeaboo. I've been on 4chan for about 4 fucking years (agingfag I guess) and consider half of you to be cancer.

Still hate me? Post chemo

>> No.6659538
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If this thread doesn't get deleted by meido when I get back buying christmas presents, I'll upload the cirno sex scene and probably some reimu....

Until then, peace NEETs...

>> No.6659539

>can't trust 'em
Can't trust them to do what? Straights lie, cheat, steal, and kill too.
'Don't trust Junkies' is about as logical as "don't trust Muslims/blacks/whites/jews", etc., ad nauseum

>> No.6659557
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Trying to impress group of nerd virgins... how low someone can fall.

>> No.6659558
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don't make me hurt you ruby

>> No.6659561

He's probably talking about the stereotype where junkies are poor and resort to stealing (or worse) to get their fix.
I wouldn't know how common this is in real life as I've never encounted such people myself.

>> No.6659587

I've encountered many, so I understand where the stereotype comes from. I've also encountered functional junkies that don't cause any problems and work hard for a living.

Windows development is fueled by weed, heroin, and meth, I shit you not. Does explain a lot of the more obvious flaws in the system though, doesn't it? Well, that and the bureaucratic structure that many of the dev teams work under.

>> No.6659595

I'm glad you found a good cocktail. I'm saying that the wrong one can take you into dangerous territory.

Sometimes that territory involves smothering your infant because it was crying too loud. Sometimes it involves bringing a gun to work because your boss won't leave well enough alone. And yes, sometimes it involves a blackout that ends with your body hitting concrete at twenty miles an hour.

Drugs are things that should be prescribed by someone who is also in a position to monitor their effects. Playing Russian Roulette with your brain isn't the best idea in the world.

>> No.6659614

>no life loser thread
>70 posts
>only thing in filter is that spammer who posts in every threads
>11 hidden posts
>he is 1/7th of /jp/'s loneliness

>> No.6659619

Great, now go back to animesuki cuntface.

>> No.6659630

Also, if you're argument is that Heroine and such should be allowed to be prescribed, then maybe. They tried that before and made it illegal once they realized how addictive it was.

Sometimes the need to get more alone can ruin your life and endanger those around you. And even if it was legal, that shit would still be fairly expensive. Hell, as cheap as beer is, people still do stupid shit to get it.

>> No.6659634

...ahah what? because I am not a tripfag or namefag spammer I need to leave? What?? Are you new or just high? or both?

>> No.6659638

It's because everyone started talking about drugs. Also, this roriaki guy does not sleep, what the fuck.

>> No.6659645

You are bashing roneries, elite of /jp/

>> No.6659649

Wouldn't the best one to monitor the effects be the one experiencing them? Going in blind to the drug world is damn near suicide, I agree. Everyone should do their research and understand exactly what they'll be getting into. That's the reason sites like Dancesafe.org and Erowid.org exist.
harm reduction goes so much farther than outright restriction. You're punishing people before a crime is even committed.

>> No.6659664

I'm just as bad, but I don't attention whore myself on message board, I just deal with it. if you think it is ok to attention whore you should go get a cool avatar and deep signature and join a forum.

>> No.6659666

I store numbers from the past just so I can see who's calling and decide whether to pick up or let it keep ringing.

The only people who call me are my family, though, so maybe I should just get rid of them all.
"Friends" could be cut down to 2, and the rest could be family.

>> No.6659667

This is assuming that people who take drugs will be intelligent and responsible enough to do that--and once the drugs become addicting, they're going to lose all the rationality they had before anyways.

>> No.6659671

Attention whoring is talking about girlfriend. Talking about loneliness is preserving our identity here. Or it was, because normalfags prevailed.

>> No.6659679

Stupid people will do stupid things, but does that mean it's right to hurt non-stupid people too by outright banning such experimentation? It is, after all, just something one does to oneself.

>> No.6659686

>Wouldn't the best one to monitor the effects be the one experiencing them?
Given that they explicitly place you in an altered state of mind, it's hard to recommend that. Alcoholics can quit anytime, and they also know when they've had enough... at least that's what they say.

The thing about alcohol is that it'll never go away, but l've seen too many battered wives and broken men to wish it wouldn't. With other drugs we have a chance to keep them from being abused on such a level, and also to better reap their benefits for the mentally ill through close study and scientific analysis.

I support groups that help users use the substances in a safer manner, but it often isn't enough when your decision making is being impaired.

>> No.6659697

It's stupid to willingly modify your perception of reality and your brain's chemical balance in as drastic a manner as taking drugs. It's harmful for society as a whole, not just to the individual. There is nothing good that can come of drugs. I see nothing wrong with banning them.

>> No.6659707

I fuck the pizza delivery man everytime.

>> No.6659711

You are harmful to society and serve no purpose either, yet we haven't banned you from life yet, have we?

>> No.6659722

I have never became addicted to anything. I really can stop any time I want to but no. Why should I if it only makes me feel less depressed and helps me get through life. I don't spend all my money on drugs at all but I do because I only buy food and the occasional CD for my little collection anyways. I may be a bit poor and a lifeless druggie but that doesn't mean I'm stupid and a terrible person. I won't ever lie or steal from you and I have no intent to hurt anyone.

>> No.6659732

I expect intelligence and responsibility from people in ALL things. I never get it, though. For some reason, the stupidity itself isn't banned, only logically inconsistent and arbitrary restrictions on various things, both victimless and not.

>altered state
There's a certain kernel of clear thought amidst every altered state available. There's almost always a small part of your mind capable of introspection-- 'I've noticed these effects, which is different from my normal state." Pushing it to the point where you lose this is just pushing yourself to unconsciousness.
Also, you aren't really drawing a significant line between "use" and "abuse", and you are suggesting that drugs have no beneficial value to those without mental illness. This is patently false.

>> No.6659738

I really can't wait until designing general AI's which are based on our own model of the nervous system to be truly feasible (in realtime). I really wonder what qualia one would experience with different sensors, what it would be like to be "like that". Life is just life, there is no use, there is no purpose, unless you make one for yourself. If someone wants to experiment with his own perceptions using drugs, I think he should be free to do so, at his own risk. Being a NEET or whatever is no more of use to society, why should we have the right to forbid people to alter their own perceptions as long as they are not hurting anyone? It would indeed be immoral to deny one such internal freedoms. Would you like to ban lucid dreaming too? Would you like to ban fapping? Would you like to ban meditation? What one does by themselves should be their own damn bussines.

>> No.6659744

Society can never really be 'harmed'. Only 'eradicated'.

Just because you don't support certain changes in society doesn't mean it's been harmed.

Increase in computer use has lead to a decline in both use of correct English and writing by hand.
Society has not been 'damaged' by this.

>> No.6659775

Humans as a whole are not destroying society we are destroying the planet. Resources are quickly be drained now with such a large and still growing human population. Sometimes there isn't even a place for people to live anymore. But this is unavoidable. Any species that dominates and industrializes an entire planet to become more advanced is bound to completely change its natural state without advanced technology negatively. Everything people do harms the planet and step closer and closer to extinction every day.

>> No.6659800

I would argue that war and murder serve to depopulate, and thus must naturally be considered as not that harmful in the long run. Death and extinction are natural, I see no need to preserve anything in particular.

Our fear of death augmented with technology to preserve life will be the death of us all, and I find it funny as fuck. Eventually, a population reaches a critical tipping point that will require massive population die-offs. I support this because it'd be interesting to see biological evolution to return to the post-apocalyptic world, rather than the technological evolution we have now.

>> No.6659804

I'm >>6659686 not >>6659667

>Also, you aren't really drawing a significant line between "use" and "abuse", and you are suggesting that drugs have no beneficial value to those without mental illness. This is patently false.

Fair enough. Then make an argument for monitored recreational use of substances. It's not like parents don't already make their perfectly normal kids choke down ritalin to improve their test scores.

And you argue for a kernal of clear thought, but it doesn't require a person to be in a state of unconsciousness to get in a car after having had one too many. The person placed themselves in a position where they were more likely to make a normally insane decision and someone else ends up suffering for it. The decision made perfect sense to them at the time, because they were drunk.

I'm not arguing for the ban of all potentially dangerous substances, but for their regulation. People aren't responsible creatures, and when the side effects of certain behaviors have the potential to hurt other people, we have to be careful. This is hardly a principle reserved solely for narcotics.

>> No.6659840

war and murder can't even make a dent on love (read: people having fuck).

>> No.6659842

You're making the assumption that regulation changes anything regarding use and abuse of drugs. If regulation was the answer, Oxycodone would not be nearly so popular as a recreational drug.

I can get prescribed a drug that makes me drowsy and is clearly marked "Do not operate heavy machinery while under the influence of this drug".
Me having to go to a doctor to get it has nothing to do with me opting to eat 3-4 times the prescribed dose and go tool around a school zone in my Hummer. Stupid people make stupid mistakes, even when "supervised."

>> No.6659850

Eh, humans are just the Earth's attempt to reproduce. Sure it takes a lot of energy to produce a species capable expanding beyond its planet of origin, but the need to grow is nature's greatest drive.

>> No.6659854

That's where disease comes in.

>> No.6659861

disease can't either.
Things that already exist has failed to prevent us from booming to 6 billion. You gotta be creative, man.

>> No.6659875

>phone has no other contact than home
>work finished at night
>no one at the rented small house
>call home before start driving and leave a message:
>"Hey (name), just want to tell you, you are doing good today. Love, your morning self.
>turn on message machine
>pretend to love it
>ronery forever.jpg

>> No.6659877

"Destroying" is a bit too much. Fucking up the environment for the other species living on this planet is pretty much the point.
I do hold hopes for humanity that we'll be achieving biological pseudoimmortality in less than 50 years, as we're well on that way given the current direction of research (perfecting stem cell treatments, getting some working nanotech for DNA repair, stop cell senescense, etc ). People should also stop breeding this much, damn normalfags, or maybe something like China's population control.
Other things I expect from the future is phasing out of fossil fuels, in favor of current centralized (as much as I dislike centralized systems) electrical supply driven by fission-based plants, and in 5-30 years fusion based plants (we have way too much fuel for that and they're close to achieving it), meanwhile solar power is also a very good alternative, especially if you go and build yourself panels outside of the atmosphere (getting the energy back would still be a massive engineering effort, but all this is possible, just expensive).
Oh, and, general AI research will be getting very hot in some 5 years, given the progress in some related areas which will jumpstart that field. Very very interesting years ahead of us, as long as we don't become too fucking stupid and kill ourselves. Sadly, while we may succeed in the fields I mentioned before, we've still got a long way to go when it comes to colonizing space (a huge number of problems need to be solved for this to happen, but if we make it to the farther future, it'll happen).

>> No.6659878
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wow you guys sure arent taking it easy

>> No.6659883

This is true, but we require people to get a license to own a firearm, as well as to drive a car. The license does not magically make those people smarter in the use, but it's generally a good idea.

And really, gun control is a good example. Some people like to go to a range and shoot, some people like to go hunting... and some people like to shoot other people. We regulate guns to deal with the stupid people, and apparently it works when you compare harsher laws in various countries around the world.

>> No.6659886

Creative, nothing.
Once the population grows to a point that is unsustainable (which we may well be past the tipping point on that), death due to war, famine, and pestilence will go through the roof. Government and education systems will fall, and suddenly no one remembers why wearing a condom was a good idea. Nature will balance us out-- it's inevitable.

>> No.6659906
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i lol'd. "you can take my heroine when you pry it from my cold dead hands"

>> No.6659913

World seems pretty stable to me, even in some third world countries, however you're right, if the density in some places will be higher than they can sustain by themselves, that may indeed happen, however if things get too worse, China-like population control will just happen (1 child per family).

>> No.6659922

I'm not sure there's a method known to man that could eradicate all life on earth, no matter how good we seem at it as-is. Unless it's a concentrated effort to destroy EVERYTHING is made, there will always be some survivors.

Frankly, I feel a balance of fission reactors, solar, wind, and geothermal power sources to be an ideal method to supplying power.

Well, I'd argue that gun regulation only reduces gun violence by reducing the actual number of guns available (which is why it'll never work in the US, too many already out in the wild to appropriately regulate), rather than actually resulting in reduced violence in general. As long as someone will get up the rage enough to hurt someone else, they will find a way to do it.

At least a bullet to the head is somewhat more "humane" than a bludgeoning or poisoning death.

>> No.6659943

Stay strong. Those are the most important ones, anyway.

>> No.6659945


All the damn time ;_;

>> No.6659946

But Little Caesars is so much cheaper than Pizza Hut...

>> No.6659956

I agree with your statement concerning gun control, though remember that we are still at a point in history where "there are already more guns in America than people" does not yet apply to narcotics. The government can still step in, legalize the substances "for medical use" (which would basically cut the balls off the illegal trade, as its now traveling through legit channels), and then keep a tight grip on who gets it. It's basically giving the government control instead of the "corporations", which while not especially capitalist, might work better here.

So we get fewer Charles Mansons and more Bob Marleys.

>> No.6659965

>Phone Contacts:
>Pizza Hut

I wanna buy Iphone 4 for ~1000$, but 99% of my calls are mom, dad and delivery services (they call me back).

>> No.6659986

>"for medical use"
>cut the balls off
This is bullshit, as it's done nothing to stop illegal trade in prescription medication. We've been over this.
The black-market infrastructure would still be there to move it illegally, even with legit channels in place. Add to this the need to see a doctor to 'make sure' one needs the drug means a lot of people will turn to illegal means to obtain it after legitimate methods are exhausted.

Also, large amounts of narcotics (a misnomer, to be sure) come into the US every year. Taken as a broad category, your supposition regarding the quantity of narcotics in the wild is rather questionable. Also, it's difficult to make a valid comparison between a one-time-use thing like drugs and multi-use things like guns.

>> No.6659990

Also I don't even feel myself lonely, I have no problem with people, I don't hate anyone and easily talk with strangers If I need something. I didn't create a single whine-lonely-post or thread for years.

It's just fine to do what you want without drunk-parties or some shitty relationships.

>> No.6660020

I more meant in terms of "The Drug Wars" as they apply to South America. The difference is still that of having adderal behind the pharmacy counter or by the registers, regardless.

>> No.6660035

>"The Drug Wars" as they apply to South America.

..You lost me, actually. In what way? I'm obviously missing something here.

>> No.6660044


>Phone Contacts:
>Pizza Hut
>Self phone no


>> No.6660046
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Now where was I...

>> No.6660058
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If you're going to mock me, remember to draw the fucking neckbeard...

>> No.6660063
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Relax, you'll get your chance to watch your waifu deflowered....

You just had to wait for me to buy my family wii fit....

>> No.6660081
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What if we nuked Beijing....

>> No.6660082

The production and distribution of illegal narcotics is a cause for untold bloodshed in various parts of the world, as well as a key source of conflict for gangs in the United States and Mexico.

>> No.6660094

Or production and shipment is a better way to say it, as prescription drugs are still distributed illegally.

>> No.6660105

I fail to see what regulation will solve there. It will reduce the problem by legitimizing the production of drugs, but cannot eliminate it. Reduction is good, but full legalization (rather than the agnostic 'decriminalization') can handle the situation more effectively. It allows the production to go completely legit, eliminating the need for a black market. It also allows for purity control, which is extremely important to me.

One may argue that the gangs and cartels may be the first to become legitimate producers, but will still be willing to eliminate the competition in a very literal manner rather than via the market, and would solve nothing.

Who knows for sure? We'll nveer have full legalization anyway because it severely affects the pharmaceutical industry.

>> No.6660108
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@drug discussion:

Here's what you do:

1. Legalize it. There's no logical reason for one to be jailed for say, smoking marijuana in their own home.

2. Apply sales tax (same as one would have with tobacco, alcohol, etc...)

3. Leave it the fuck alone.

People will buy from legitimate sources because it's convenient. Some people may still buy from shady dealers, but there won't really be any drug lords / drug wars, as they have become obsolete. Same effect would happen as after the prohibition.

>> No.6660124
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Because you can't just walk up to a pharmacy and ask for some, you need a doctor's signature. And people will abuse these drugs as their possession won't automatically get you thrown in jail while some lesser drugs that are illegal will.

>> No.6660126

More importantly, allow a certain quantity to be produced at home, tax free, as we do with beer/wine etc.

>> No.6660138
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marijuana != heroine

>> No.6660141
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The pharmaceutical industry can simply sell pot then...

If only we had a president and some senators and congressmen that didn't take money from large corporations....

If only we could make it illegal for them to accept money from large corporations...

>> No.6660148

Kindly refrain from building a meth lab in your apartment.

>> No.6660151
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Good one

>> No.6660157

Why should I be punished for the people who end up burning down their complex when I would be so much more careful with my meth lab?

>> No.6660158
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So long as anything sold is taxed....

>> No.6660163
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If the production of the drug is a fire hazard, require a license for it.

>> No.6660169

In b4 the heat kills her and it ends with him burying her in the backyard with tears in his eyes.

>> No.6660195

Part of the problem with this debate is the disagreement on how much of an effect the substances have on the user. Also the addiction factor is being ignored for things that were banned mostly because they were too addictive.

>> No.6660197

Here's the question-- if one could buy methamphetamine at the local 7-11, would one be inclined to build a meth lab in their house?

Also, how much of failed meth labs are caused by trying to circumvent federal chemical restrictions by using something slightly more dangerous? Frankly, I'm not familiar enough with all th methods to say for sure.

This problem can be circumvented by requiring a license to produce it, much like an amateur pyrotechnician's license in the US.

Failing that, areas can be zoned for meth production based on population density and/or domicile construction methods.

>> No.6660214
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Well.... that's not exactly the ending....

He goes to gensokyo to try and get her cured...

>> No.6660237
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Will someone give a logical reason for drugs to be illegal?

>> No.6660239
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I mean... religion is bad for you, but it isn't illegal!

>> No.6660252

>how much of an effect
See, the problem here is that the people who know, the users, are marginalized and those who have no real experience with it are allowed to make the call.

Addiction is only a problem when the substance is controlled, really. Alcoholics are allowed to attend rehab programs without incarceration (unless they fucked up by running someone over or somesuch). Cigarette smokes can buy nicotine patches. Addiction is not the problem.

>> No.6660266

Alcohol addiction ruins lives and people kill for a drink when they can't get it. They're just as bad as crack addicts, or perhaps a bit worse.

>> No.6660269


Well, now that you put it that way.



>> No.6660282

Not only that, alcohol is one of the few drugs that has a withdrawal syndrome that can be lethal. Yet, I can go down the street and buy a bottle of 151 and drink myself to death right now.

Addiction to anything can ruin your life. That doesn't mean it should be made illegal. The legal drugs get support programs, but the illegal ones get jailtime.

>> No.6660317

And yet you said that addiction is only a problem when the substance is controlled. You never stop being an alcoholic, and heroine was banned once the people they were testing it on started breaking into the labs.

Marijuana you can make an argument for, but certain things shouldn't be something a 14 year old can ask a stranger to buy him at a gas station.

>> No.6660366

I'll modify my original statement by saying DEPENDENCE is the problem, and seeking help for being dependent on a controlled substance is much harder than that of a legal one.
You (and I, previously) are not differentiating between physical addiction and mental dependence. This is a mistake.
Alcoholics continue to be alcoholics after they've quit because AA says they are.
I am not currently a heroin addict because I experience no withdrawal symptoms by doing without. I occasionally crave it the same way I would crave a cigarette, candy, or my favorite food. I have self control enough to do without, even though once upon a time I was going through 2 grams a day (a fairly significant quantity, and more than enough to kill a novice). I got laid off from my job, so I bought a bunch of heroin to step myself down with minimal withdrawal. Here I am, clean (of heroin).

People who have to resort to illegal methods to obtain what they're dependent on have very little mental compunction to continuing to break the law to financially sustain that dependence.

>> No.6660370

I prefer Chinese takeout to pizza.

>> No.6660417

If you were gay would you be the dominate one in the relationship?
