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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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657340 No.657340 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/, I picked up Vol 1 of Heisig this morning and memorized my first 125 kanji, in that I can now associate them with whatever crazy stupid single reading heisig thinks I should know. I know he's teaching me incomplete readings.., but holy fuck is his technique easy and fast; I will go through 2000 of these things in two weeks at this rate. The question is, what next, what supplemental knowledge or source of learning should I use to complement heisig?

>> No.657348

>this morning and memorized my first 125 kanji
>this morning

>> No.657363


It's going very quickly and well for me. I hope to hit 200 by tonight, but my brain is starting to hurt.

>> No.657367


And I didn't mean to bragderail the thread. It's going quickly for me, it will probably go a lot slower when they get more complicated.

>> No.657378

Is there a pdf version?

>> No.657387


Yes there is. Rapidshit. It's what I'm using.

>> No.657388

If you can hit 2000 in two weeks and retain them, then my hat's off to you, Anon. However I wouldn't count on things going so fast after the first 500 or so.

>> No.657469

Google up some sites with lists of kanji with their kun and onyomi readings. Heisig is nice but it wont teach you how to actually read.

For example, you probably know that 今 means something like "current" and that 日 means "day", but can you actually say what they are? What about if you combine the two 今日?

^ a nice place to start.

>> No.657481


I get the feeling that if I learn to identify them uniquely and reliably under heisig, the next step of adding sounds and recognizing patterns and interpretations will come much, much easier.

>> No.657498

Heisig's あ.

A dagger-throwing otter, clapping his paws in glee.

>> No.657516


You're kidding.


>> No.657521


his "re" is some fucked up story about jumping into a haystack looking for seven dwarfs and then running away because of course haystacks are slanted up.

>> No.657528


I see it more as a whale doing a backflip out of water. While clutching a dagger.

>> No.657550


Give up Heisig, pick up Henshall


Heisig will teach you to write, Henshall will teach you to write, read and the etymology of the letters.

Either method will need to be suplemented (obviously) with plenty of reading.

Just knowing the letters won't make you literate, you need a strong vocabulary and an understanding of grammar also.

>> No.657551



way better than Heisig and his otter

>> No.657564

>Sound: na
>Mnemonic: narwhal - A narwhal is a kind of whale with a large horn on its nose. This picture shows a normal whale that wants to become a narwhal. For its new horn, it is choosing between a sword (top left) and a stick (top right).

>> No.657583


Who the hell needs mnemonics to remember the syllaberies?

>> No.657589


That's clearly a sailboat that has been capsized by a giant tadpole which seems to be feeding on the sail.

>> No.657594


OP here, I was wondering the same thing. I just blew through 'em on that jrpg program. These mnemonics would fuck things up and make it take way longer as I imagine otters throwing daggers and narwhals getting assraped

>> No.657599



>> No.657614

>Sound: ha

>Mnemonic: Hammer - You are at an MC Hammer concert, and he's just finished performing U Can't Touch This. Naturally, you applaud. This kana depicts your arms as you clap (at the top of the picture are your hands coming together).

>> No.657620

You can use this for the alphabet also:

It's just a little quiz that you can repeat as much as you want. I memorized through repetition. Took me about 2 hours collectively.

>> No.657641

Idiots do.

>> No.657642


Try this instead.

>> No.657762

Hey faggots, OP here, up to 165. Now I'm bragging.

>> No.657789

Good Morning Anon!

>> No.657807

Enjoy not being able to reproduce them.

>> No.657815

this man speaks the truth

you're doing too many in one day. if you can do it, more power to you, but I highly doubt you'll have any good percentage of recollection down the line.

>> No.657821


I'm writing them several times as I go along. When I look at them, remembering how I write them assists me greatly in recalling their meaning.

>> No.657832

that's good, but 165 kanji in 1 day? You're fine now, but we'll talk when you reach about 500

>> No.657840


I think when I hit 500 they're all going to look alike and I will shoot myself after realizing I wasted three days of my time getting to 500.

>> No.657847

then why are you doing it???? There's like 2000 you know

>> No.657859


I think that if I spend time looking at the specific elements of these characters and learning to distinguish between them so that they don't all look like identical little fucking pictures to me, it will make any future attempt I make at learning them much, much easier.

>> No.658018

200 motherfuckers. I review each and every one of them in a massive flash card deck which I constantly go through. I have a 98% recognition rate of them now. Time to call it a day and see if I remember any of these tomorrow.

>> No.658162

after a night of sleep and hours gone by, watch that recognition rate be divided by 3.
And the reconstruction rate even worse.

>> No.658190

hf doing too much. And don't try to go kanji -> keyword. You should learn how to write them (this is the fun part).

Do them at a normal pace and over 1-2 months and you'll be fine. After that of course, proceed with readings (just pick them up bit by bit through reading actual japanese).

That's way better than rushing things.

>> No.658220

high five?

other than that, everything else you said is correct. But, I'd suggest doing Kanji Chains or something as opposed to picking up readings. Learn on/kun for them, just 1 each, and then pick up on weird variations like you suggest.

>> No.658256

I never do reviewing the night I learn them. I memorize my little story for about 20 seconds, write it 2-3 times and don't think about it until the next day. I usually get 80-90% retention.

If I wait 2 days before reviewing, it goes down to 40%, because they don't get solidified into my memory until that next day review.

>> No.658506

Actually, if you're studying effectively, what you learned will actually be more accessible and functional following sleep. Rest is a critical part of the learning process.

>> No.658542


OP again.

Is there a good source or textbook for "kanji chains"? What is a kanji chain?

>> No.659037

a kanji chain is when you pull off a kanji combo for damage and point multipliers

>> No.660751


No, jp, you are stupid. A Kanji chain is a sytematic method of learning kanji that involves using them in sentences that have a similar subject and then slowly changing the subject unbeknownst to the practitioner until he is given terrible insight into the workings of the universe and after looking beyond the veil, he returns without his sanity.

>> No.660755

Hey faggot, Anonymous here, up to 2055. You fail at bragging.

>> No.660758

You should already know about this site.

>> No.660768


Don't point them to our haven, you fool!

>> No.660771
File: 18 KB, 380x288, 1211288643733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>site based on Heisig

>> No.660790

You really need a spaced repetition program.. or just use http://kanji.koohii.com/

>> No.660791

So heisig teaches you to read japanese without teaching you japanese? This is good, how?

>> No.660833


Thank you. This site is awesome. It's messing me up a little because I never really practiced going from concept to kanji but I am still doing ok.

>> No.660869

Because you're going to have to independently memorize those evil fuckers anyway, and if you try to learn it all together you'll be fucked.

Learning a word is easy. Learning the meaning of a kanji is easy. Learning a kanji's two main pronunciations is fairly easy. But learning all of it at once usually results in failure.

>> No.660884

>But learning all of it at once usually results in failure.

I love these weird rationalizations people make for using Heisig over a method that will actually teach you how to read, essentially everything other than Heisig.

>> No.660901

Heisig got me through in six weeks, when I had trouble learning even 15 of the fuckers over two days.

>> No.660914

Can you pick what Kanji goes in to your flashcard list on that Koohii site? Because I'm not following Heisig, but this flash card system would be hella useful.

>> No.660921


no u can't

>> No.660938

Just use Anki and make your own decks.

>> No.660949

Use Anki or jMemorize or something like that.

>> No.660951


>> No.661424

Op here. It's morning now and I forgot all of them. LOL

>> No.661426

Well, these things happen. Hell, I only do 10 to 15 a day.

>> No.661439


>> No.661442

It's really hard. Isn't it sad, anonymous? ;_;

>> No.661468

i was surprised to find this still here!

but, all I can say is...i told you so.

I know this, but I find that it generally works better if the studying is done right before bed. If you're not "studying effectively" (ie. what OP was doing 200+ in one day) then no matter what you do, you're going to be shit.

>> No.661485

If you're not using spaced repetition software you're doomed. Even Heisig technique can't give you good retention if you're learning at that rate.

>> No.661548

REAL Op here. I only forgot like 10 of them. Still going strong. I realized this morning that I'm supposed to study them by writing them instead of just recognizing the kanji, so I had to relearn around 10-15. He's introducing a lot more per chapter now so I'm suffering. ;_;

>> No.661568

>I will go through 2000 of these things in two weeks at this rate.

Trust me, when you get in the thousands, you have so much to review that you almost feel like you have no time to learn new cards. Currently im at 1750 kanji

Also are you writing the kanji out? If you're skipping that you're going to fail, hard.

>> No.661574


I'm doing that today with all the kanji I learned yesterday. Took me about 10 minutes but I am back to about the same rate. I'm up to 225 for today, hoping to break 350 or 400. After each chapter I randomly review one deck stack of the last three chapters and one half of a deck stack of every chapter up to the last three chapters. It's working well.

>> No.661612

>Henshall will teach you to write, read and the etymology of the letters.

I am very interested.

Not really for learning the characters (as I already have my own means), but to discover their etymology.

Now I need a pdf.

>> No.661634

You really ought to use an SRS program and not use actual cards. A SRS program will test you when you NEED to study the card, if you're going about randomly you're going to start forgetting cards in time.

personally, I write a kanji 10x when I first encounter it then mark it as wrong, and if I get any cards wrong, I write it 10x as well. When I'm done for the day, I review the ones I have written down so it's a backwards attempt of studying, and any kanji I don't remember I mark it down so I can retry the troublemakers in an hour or whenever

It might not be the fastest but it works for me. If you're rushing through it, you might find yourself forgetting nearly everything as time goes on.

Oh and of course, I try and write the kanji down before seeing it, if that wasn't obvious.

>> No.661995

I'm up to 234, I'm pausing now to solidify my memory and write them out. So far I have a 99% writeability rate, despite just starting yesterday.

I am the second coming of the grand weeaboo dragon.

>> No.662007

Real OP here.
It's morning and not only did I forget all of them, but I seem to have lost the ability to learn any Japanese at all. I advise you to stay away from Heisig because his books are obviously cursed.

>> No.662017

>>etymology of the letters

>> No.662030

If you're able to study full time 8 hours a day finishing RTK within 3-4 weeks isn't impossible.
However you are going to slow down somewhat when you start hitting into the ~300-400 range since the kanji are going to get more complicated, but if you're doing it right that won't hinder your overall progress.
Also check out http://kanji.koohii.com for stories. The ones Heisig provies aren't always memorable and he stops after 500, so this will be your best friend. It also has a SRS you should start using if you're not already doing so.

>> No.662045

>>etymology of the letters
I remember when curiosity was still the main geek quality...

>> No.662055

Also check the forum.
It has all the info you need on what to do after you're done with RTK.
Personally I can recommend the books "Understanding Basic Japanese Grammar" and "Kanji Odysee" and then going by the AJATT method. But look for yourself.

>> No.662071

I'm not saying that it's not interesting to know, but learning how the kanji came to be the way they are now is like learning the history of the Latin alphabet to learn English (multiplied by 1000).
You should do that after you have a firm grasp of the characters. If you try to force everything into your brain at once it becomes a huge clusterfuck.

>> No.662108

curiousity has been replaced by stupidity these days
licking a live powerline is considdered geeky today

>> No.662353

Dear /jp/

Going a lot slower now. I'm only up to 250 ;_;

>> No.662834


Be my kanji buddy. I just started last week and I just also cracked 225. We should have a cannonball kanji week in /jp/ where anonymous becomes moon literate. It would surely bring about an explosion of translated manga and doujinshi.

>> No.662839


We're not all autistic like you guys.

>> No.663533


It's just a matter of putting in a dedicated 8 or so hours per day at it.

>> No.663550

You won't be literate by finishing RTK. If it's anything, then it's the first step on a still much longer way. I hope you realize that.

>> No.663607


Oh no somehow I miss the 9000 times he says that himself in the book which I am studying in.

>> No.663609


many do.

>> No.663628

Ok, OP here again. I'm up to 278 for the day; that's pretty good for two days. Near perfect recall and I can reproduce all of the kanji I have learned by writing them.

It's possible if you just dedicate yourself and really incorporate your mental faculties. I use imagery, emotional feeling, and I try to personify each charactrer as I go along. For instance, the character for "same" is an otaku who hides under his floorboards and always gets dicked. :( He gets copper instead of gold, he has to live in an animal den, and he went crazy and chopped up someone and carried their torso out at night :(

It's possible anon. Make the journey. LETS DO THIS TOGETHER ANONYMOUS. YOU CAN DO IT

>> No.664079


Alright anonymous. I can feel the power.

>> No.664140

No. Fuck you and Heisig.

>> No.664214

Why is there so much Heisig hate out there? Does anyone who actually completed vol 1 successfully hate him, or is this a bunch of whining from failfags who are butthurt about failure?

>> No.664240
File: 33 KB, 736x736, 1196733604645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My stories suck.

Almost all my mental images end up with the guy making this face and giving me a thumbs up. I have no idea why.

>> No.664244


It's fucking retarded.

And yes, I've tried Heisig. I got up to 500-550 before I realized how truly counter-intuitive the shit truly is and tossed it aside.

>> No.664252


>> No.664262
File: 15 KB, 240x160, 365909764_a7877f74fa_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


900 here Mr. Big shot.



Genuflect before Heisig.

>> No.664285


At this current rate I will be up to 900 within a week LADYBOY

>> No.664304



>> No.664324

lol, okay. Since Heisig is so gosh darn wonderful, how about demonstrating some of what you've learned? Compose a few half-way intelligible Japanese sentences and I'll eat my fucking Xbox.

>> No.664397


How would practicing a skill which is completely different from what the book teaches you demonstrate mastery of the learning material contained in the book?

>> No.664402


My biggest problem with Heisig is he assigns an arbitrary meaning to the kanji so you can use them in your images. Like the kanji for "page" is supposed to mean head when you use it in your images. Sometimes I mix up the what it really means and what it means in the stories. It is a pain.

I'm only sticking with it because it seems like the easiest way to do it.

>> No.664407

The book is called "Remembering the Kanji", not "Writing Sentences using Kanji", dumbass. The point of Heisig's book is to help you remember how to write the kanji and how to remember their basic meaning.

>> No.664441


His fucking associations are shit, man. I have problems with "head," "computer," and "baseball team." What the hell, who watches baseball? Nobody.

>> No.664445

I can poop on the ceiling.

>> No.664447

Surely all of the people here claiming that they've memorized hundreds of kanji in X number of days can prove it by doing something USEFUL with them? It doesn't even have to be a sentence. Telling us the *Japanese* meaning of a few of the symbol they've "memorized" would suffice. Hell, I'll throw in extra points for firing off some of the words those symbols are used in as well.

Learning new ways to read "WALKING STICK", "
"DROPS OF WATER", and ONE-LEGGED HORSE is *not* learning Japanese.

>> No.664457


You've got to work harder if you want people to rage. This trolling is lackluster.

>> No.664460

>The point of Heisig's book is to help you remember how to write the kanji and how to remember their basic meaning.

Which is fucking useless if those "meanings" are arbitrarily chosen ENGLISH KEYWORDS.

>> No.664479


I don't quite get your point. You use english keywords to help you remember the character, which you then associate with a Japanese meaning. I'm sorry if it's too hard for you to conceptualize, but many find it to be a simple method.

>> No.664517

Wouldn't it be a lot simpler to just remember the characters and meanings instead of going through all these convoluted stores and keywords and things? Especially in cases where the english keywords wouldn't tell you anything about the word you're trying to read?

Example: "up" + "hand" = "skillful". You're not going to figure that out through Heisig, so why not just learn what jouzu means and how to read it in the first place?

>> No.664524

Because Heisig users are looking for a quick fix, rather than learning the language correctly and accurately.

>> No.664530

>You use english keywords to help you remember the character, which you then associate with a Japanese meaning.

My point is that that's a cumbersome and needless additional step which ULTIMATELY makes things more difficult than it has to be. Why is it "easier" to go "X means Y which in turn means Z" than "X means Z"?

>> No.664914


I actually is. The human brain does work that way.

>> No.665091

Worked for me.

>> No.665273

Do you people realize why the Chinese have such an huge advantage when it comes to learning Japanese? And yes, they learn much quicker and have a higher success rate than westerners. (If you don't believe me google it)
Doing Heisig gives you the same advantage Chinese people have within 3-6 months. How hard is that to understand?

>> No.665312

I just read the first 20 characters, I felt like I must not only read it but write it off a piece of paper as well (not something for a fag like me who surfs teh internets from an internet cafe)

For those who need help regarding the sounds, I think someone recommended here on /jp/ you use NDS Kanji Kakitori-kun, haven't tried that though

>> No.665317

Can't agree you totally...
There are certain discrepancies between them, and that makes a trap.
Similarity raises confusion.

>> No.665332

Have you ever seen a JLPT 1 test room?
It's full of Chinese and some Koreans.

>> No.665384

No... I guess there are only Chinese in my place. (cf name)

It's the trend that make people go for the test, easiness goes second. But of course, Chinese has the advantage for the kanji part (that goes for: order of strokes, inherented meaning, use of dictionary by radicals, blahblahblah...) while Koreans get the grammar (agglutinative, ftw).

>> No.665689

>order of strokes
Except not. This is where Chinese fail it hard because they often have a different stroke order.

>> No.665935


Actually, adding easily rememberable associations to help remember a particular fact is a common technique in many different memory books, and is well known to assist in memory tasks. Think of the additional association like building an additional "road" to the goal of your desired memory which you can use if the original road degrades due to the gradual and natural degredation of neuronal connections.

>> No.666150

Foreigner learning kanji is like dog learns to meditate; it look like but truth is they tricks.

>> No.666166


>> No.666171

You learning english is like dog learns to meditate; it look like but truth is they tricks.

>> No.666183



>> No.666969


>> No.667490

Up to 400 Kanji in 3 days, fuckers. ~90% retention rate.

>> No.667497
File: 10 KB, 772x100, 言-bw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know of a site that lists the stroke order like this? I'm just looking for a site that lists the stoke order in something other than an animation.

>> No.667775

Is there a Heisig thread on /jp/ every day?

Also, OP, remember that Heisig for some absurd reason mixes up the characters for 'village' and 'town'. That did not give me a great deal of confidence when I noticed that one fifth of the way through his book.

>> No.667871


What, are you serious? Are you shitting me? Really? REALLY?

>> No.667880


Really? Really!

>> No.667997


Yes, really. He says that 町 means village and 村 means town. Now possibly Henshall and Sakade are wrong and Heisig is correct but that's not fucking likely. Florence Sakade doesn't know how to speak her own native language? bullshit.

There are a number of other errors. Some of the meanings chosen are very obscure. Also some of the characters are not in the 乗用漢字 list. Japanese Judas Tree? Is it that essential that you know that?

>> No.668062


Yeah that looked fishy when I saw it, because why would a town have fewer rice fields and more trees than a RURAL FUCKING VILLAGE?

>> No.668122

To be fair, it could be a logging town and a rice farming village...

>> No.669920

i'm not letting this die

>> No.669946

lol thread necromancy.

>> No.669974

omg no i healed it and now its all healthy and on the 1st page

>> No.670175

For people studying Heisig, download a program called Anki, it has a timed flash recognition algorhythm programmed by psychologists who have determined the perfect drilling intervals for memorizing and retaining cards.

>> No.671169

When someday you catually go to Japan you'll see that damn "Japanese Judas Tree" quite frequently.
Same with the non-joyo kanji. They're either going to show up freqently or are parts of other kanji.
So yes, it's good to know.

>> No.672111

What the fuck IS a japanese judas tree. And why is it so important that they have a symbol for it?

>> No.672150
File: 79 KB, 725x667, JUDAS 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, there are Judas trees world over; probably named for being the tree Judas hung himself on.

>> No.672274

I thought judas was turned to stone for drinking from the wrong grail

>> No.672272
File: 33 KB, 622x360, screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anybody ever asks whether you remember back when /jp/ was good, remember this thread.

>> No.672294
File: 174 KB, 1360x580, 1211537622298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.672350

>Yotsuba theme
>JPG screenshot of text
Could you possibly fail harder?

>> No.672362

I thought his face melted because he looked inside the arc?

>> No.672378
File: 19 KB, 689x403, FIXED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There, fixed. I wish people stopped being dumbasses, JPG is NOT for screenshots. Note how PNG compresses better for text-oriented images with few colors and doesn't leave a shitload of artifacts floating around.

>> No.672381

Huh? All of the themes look identical to me... As far as I can tell it's basically a choice between two colors - something I don't really care about.

>> No.674077

Sup /jp/,

I read heisig now I'm literate in japanese. Their newspapers are bizarre and disturbing. Dog fire black peach tree, inside water water dirt holy fucking shit.

>> No.674078


You can also use .gif for your images.

>> No.674398

Heisig is the pig foreigner

he say he know kanzi but he know nothing but pig

a lie is everything for him.

>> No.674460

Heisig leaves out the other definitions of the Kanji. Good luck trying to read combinations.

>> No.674489


He also doesn't teach grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, how to read the japanese subway system accurately, geography, history, different kinds of sake, so good luck figuring all that stuff out too. Heisig sucks look at all the stuff he left out.

>> No.674495

Not op, but I pulled this from that Reviewing the Kanji site:

"Heisig addresses this himself in the introduction to his book. Basically, to be literate, you NEED to know ALL the basic kanji. If you're missing just 1 single kanji, then inevitably the fates will twist against you and you'll start seeing that one kanji everywhere. With that in mind, it doesn't really matter what order you learn them in. The order matters in the traditional method when you spend TWELVE YEARS learning the kanji. Adult learners must learn all the kanji fast, if it takes more than two years then you're in trouble. So order's not all that important."

Bullshit or not? That really worries me.

>> No.674497

The series is Remembering the Kanji, not Learning Basic Japanese.

>> No.674516

For god sake guys Heisig method is for REMEMBERING KANJIS not LEARNING WHAT THE FUCK IT MEANS, in other words if you want to read the shit properly you must study something else.

>> No.674517


Where's the blog of that nigger who apparently became proficient at this shit with Heisig? He listed all "his" steps, the SRS programs, etc.

>> No.674523


>> No.674561


Yeah, this is the guy who constantly sucks Heisig's cock.

Credible or no?

>> No.675273

Oh god I'm at like 315 and fuck am I sick of thinking up new gay little stories for every character. :(

>> No.675316

If this dude really learned japanese in one year all by himself I must say he's a genius. Now I ask you, are you a genius?

Most of people can't learn shit alone and that's the reason we have schools around so instead of learning things wrong just go take classes.

>> No.675323


I'm a tensai.
I mean genius.

>> No.675353


It's not so much that he's a genius--he did nothing BUT study moonspeak. I mean, fuck. Read all the bullshit he types about "mental preparation."

Sorry, but I'm not going to throw away my Amerikkkan movies/novels, English videyagames or ditch all my English music just to learn quicker because some nigger said so.

>> No.675391

Didn't he also listen to japanese while he was sleeping? That shit is just retarded.

>> No.675434

Full immersion method. Basically what he did = living in moonland. Only thing amazing about his method was how he was able to live in a nigraboo bubble for a whole year and get something out of it.

>> No.675482

So uh, Chinese 人 here.

For mnemosyne are there any premade packs of kanji or do you have to make it yourself? Are there any other programs that already have them done?

>> No.675511


I'd use Anki instead. Although it's set up so that you can't review every three seconds, unlike Mnemosyne, its SRS seems a lot more effective.

Yeah, I'm dropping Heisig. Not to say it was a complete loss; I know those 300 kanji, roughly.

>> No.675517


Niggers? Anime?

That shit just doesn't mix.

>> No.675527


You'd be surprised.

>> No.675533

slow mnemonic is slow


>> No.675603

Ah, It's a bit irrelevant at this point, but just wanted to say that the Henshall book ended up being a lot of fun. The etymology itself isn't necessary at all, but it's fun to read. Some of the imagery mnemonics made sense, but making your own ends up being more satisfying.
And printing out the kanji paper from the .pdf generator helps too.
Good luck.

>> No.675671


I posted this

>If you try to force everything into your brain at once it becomes a huge clusterfuck.

I was already literate when I read Henshall's book, so I may have a skewed perspective. However, I think learning the history of the characters is a much better reference point than some random english mnemonic.

But setting that aside, I still recommend the book over Heisig's because it simply offers you more; Readings, stroke order, etymology, example usage in jukugo, etc.

I wouldn't put anything aside because it tries to "force too much into your brain".

>> No.675708


That sounds nice. I think I'll try that book if I ever get around to trying to learn moonspeak. Even setting all the criticism of Heisig aside, that sounds like a much better way for me personally to remember the runes than some mnemonic.

>> No.675715

What ever system work for you, use it.

>> No.675721

Here is the deal-breaker, can I download that book in PDF format for free?

Also, I'll stick this in this thread instead of starting another language thread. Anyone know if I can download some Anki decks for Genki I? I don't want to type in all this vocab.

>> No.675732

>book...for free?

Fucking google it. We don't fucking know.

>> No.675820

its on rapidshit

>> No.675835


>> No.675892


>> No.675904




>> No.675915

Because your father is a transvestite.

>> No.675945

Because the post is inconsequential and bumping the thread with it would be in poor form.

>> No.675961


Poor form? Poor form? This is 4chan. I shit on your poor form and I call it a sticky.

>> No.676373


do want anki decks

>> No.676894

Going through Heisig is like learning the alphabet to learn English.
Sure, you can try to memorize every word by looks, but learning the actual letters that make up words makes the whole process much easier.
Heisig is like that.

>> No.676903


Most accurate short description I've heard so far.

>> No.677839

Anon, does anyone else feel like they've hit a block around 400? It feels like it physically hurts to try to think up new bullshit stories to remember these goddamn things. Like learning any more characters would be physically painful and harmful to my brain.

>> No.677859
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>> No.677867


Yes and no. Stop being a pussy and get over with it. You haven't even reached the interesting part yet, where you really have to make up stories on your own.

You can actually go through with it at a steady pace in less than 2 months. Probably even just a month.

>> No.677883

mah boi?

>> No.677886

What should I look at after Heisig to learn grammar?

>> No.677904

Where should I go to learn these "kanji chains"

What are these kanji chains

where are my kanji chains

I'll find who took my kanji chains

>> No.677914

EVERYONE in this thread who bashes Heisig's method are butthurt anons who gave up after 10 hours of studying and however spend 15 hours a day in /jp/.

Heisig is good, period.

>> No.678170

I read some of Heisig's papers on philosophy. The dude is stupendously retarded and makes me want to be a professor of philosophy in japan because the bar is very obviously quite low.

>> No.678179

You don't even have to make up any stories on your own. Just take grab them from http://kanji.koohii.com..

"Understanding Basic Japanese Grammar" is a nice book that will get you started on grammar. For readings I can recommend "Kanji Odyssey". It has plenty example sentences with many readings for the 1100 most used kanji. After doing both you'll able to make sense of real Japanese. Then you can just learn as you go along reading stuff you like (your dirty porn games etc).
Also read http://forum.kohii.com.. There you will find plenty of good advice.

>> No.678185

You don't even have to make up any stories on your own. Just take grab them from http://kanji.koohii.com..

"Understanding Basic Japanese Grammar" is a nice book that will get you started on grammar. For readings I can recommend "Kanji Odyssey". It has plenty example sentences with many readings for the 1100 most used kanji. After doing both you'll able to make sense of real Japanese. Then you can just learn as you go along reading stuff you like (your dirty porn games etc).
Also read http://forum.koohii.com.. There you will find plenty of good advice.

>> No.678359


I already make up my own stories because Heisig's are totally lame and make things less easy to memorize.

>> No.678367

These stories I make up typically involve rape, violation, guro, schoolgirls, and blackmail. For instance his primitive "Ryo" which he wants to call a "computer" is what I call flesh dismemberment torture. So, say, take his symbol for fish, which I mentally remember as vaginal eels, and put it next to Ryo. Suddenly you are tortuing someone to death by shoving eels into their vagina until it bursts and then ripping their flesh off. It's way better.

>> No.678450

I'm sure Heisig works great with the AJATT guy's method, but who here has used Heisig and not used that method? Personally, I think reviewing sentences from an SRS 4 hours a day would be boring as fuck and what's even more boring is having to keep looking for sentences.

>> No.678468


no shit, all good philosophers are from germany

>> No.678566

"The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato."

gb2/greece, faget

>> No.678615

The source for sentences should be stuff you enjoy doing anyway. In your case probably manga, animu, porn games, light novels and other otaku related things.
The hurdle is high, but it pays off. If you're not willing to take it you probably aren't going to learn Japanese anytime soon, either way.

>> No.678648

The problem with a lot of people is that they associate the kanji with it's meaning in English, you're supposed to simply associate with what it is. Learn it like it's the first language you've ever learned and it'll go much quicker.

>> No.678664

A native already knows Japanese, so I don't see how that could work out.

>> No.678685
File: 62 KB, 433x337, 1211653065942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly the kind of person I'm talking about. How did you first learn English? Adults gave you a word and showed you what it was. Do the same fucking thing with Japanese.

>> No.678690

Holy fucking shit, I swear I posted in this thread 4 days ago! And people thought /a/ was going to die with /jp/.

>> No.678749


I posted this thread, asshole pigdog.

>> No.678947


>> No.679004

You're talking about acquiring vocabulary now, not kanji. That's a little different, pal.

>> No.679523


>> No.680473

Jesus christ people, Anki is amazing. It's like a memory maintenence program that takes away all the fuss and muss.
