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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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69106 No.69106 [Reply] [Original]

NEETs are just lazy.

More broadly, I bet a shit-load of you are procrastinating in some form right now.

What really sucks if we all know we have the power to change and motivate ourselves.

It's very simple, and very pleasant in the long term, but we shirk away from it like orcs from the light.

>> No.69147
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Finally, someone who understands!

>> No.69195
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I personally think the NEET lifestyle is something all those of sufficient standing should aim for. Peasants should stay in the fields.

>> No.69219
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>> No.69286
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>> No.71117
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>> No.71262
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>> No.72112
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>> No.72205
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>> No.72272
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fu fu fufufu

>> No.72304
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>> No.69116

I'm procrastinating writing a sonnet. /jp/ is more interesting so I don't give a fuck.

>> No.69118

>More broadly, I bet a shit-load of you are procrastinating in some form right now.

I have an english paper to write and I'm not doing it. OTL

>> No.69122

>>More broadly, I bet a shit-load of you are procrastinating in some form right now.

You're right. I should be aligning my car window right now, but I found that if I'm away from /jp/ longer than an hour, I'll go into convulsions, so...

>> No.69130

write a sonnet about touhou

>> No.69132

>NEETs are just lazy.
People also die when they are killed.

>> No.69133

I'm not lazy, I just really don't care.

>> No.69124

Because we have no goal.

>> No.69125

I'm not procrastinating at all, this is the last day of my winter break.
Fuck you.

>> No.69141

I've put off filling out this voters registration card for the past two months. Same with this job application to my fathers factory that he's been trying me to apply to. He says if I don't have it filled out by the time he gets back, he's going to throw me out on the street.

Overall it was a pretty good day.

>> No.69153


>> No.69154

Unlike all you other Touhoufags, I don't see what the fuck is so interesting about Touhou. So no, I'm not writing a sonnet about my love for Touhou crap.

>> No.69148

This tripfag makes an excellent point.

>> No.69156

I haven't done any work whatsoever this past week. I have 3 projects due in the next 4 days, and around 5 essays in a week. I spent all my time on the internet, fapping and posting on 4chon.

>> No.69157

So you're a Touhoufag but don't like Touhou?

>> No.69171

I see this is a relevant thread for /jp/, because only NEETs are from Japan?

>> No.69180

I still haven't cashed one of my paychecks because I don't like walking to the bank. I probley won't cash it until I really need the money.

>> No.69182


Sounds like me before I flunked out of school.

>> No.69196

I have a 12 page history paper due tuesday that I should be writing.

>> No.69201


I got a testy to study for tomorrow

But I really got no respect for the teacher and I think his methods suck.

He's even allowing a cheat sheet so I honestly dont want to spend any fucking time at all. I can just write down some formulas and I'm all set

But i have a feeling that ill do badly

Also Kaguya is a fat slutty whore

>> No.69207

Procrastinating writing a mock business plan

also procrastinating writing a shitty poem that I'm probably not going to write

>> No.69209

This weekend I was going to a whole load of stuff, but I got really ill and decided that was enough of an excuse not to. I've spent most of today peeling oranges very slowly and thoroughly and browsing /jp/.

>> No.69213

Change? Motivation? For what?

It's not like anything matters.

>> No.69214


Enjoy leeching off of your parents' work.

>> No.69216

I don't like Touhou at all. I'm not a Touhoufag.

>> No.69211

You have a job? I'm sorry.

Anyways, just woke up. Probably going to play Phoenix Wright, post on 4chan, and fap.

>> No.69224

Kaguya just punched a post off of the internet!

>> No.69227

>Unlike all you other Touhoufags

>> No.69228


Then learn to construct a sentence properly. Go read your previous post again

Fucking retard

>> No.69232

I should be doing my taxes....

>> No.69246

I should be fapping or browsing the interwebs or playing games or something, but I just can't be bothered.

I just sit around and F5 /jp/.

>> No.69256

Yeah, I feel that way as well. My cousins 24 and still lives with his parents. Went to college for a year, but then dropped out. He goes half way across the country every summer to teach a camp, but he doesn't have a job.

I'm aiming for the NEET lifestyle, but I will have it hard since my parents won't let me leech off of them. Since I don't go anywhere and am too lazy to eat most of the time, I figure I can get by on about $250 a month. Maybe I can work all summer and then go into hibernation or some shit.

>> No.69266

>$250 a month
What the hell? Where do you live?

>> No.69272


>> No.69287

I SHOULD be doing a lot of things. Things other people want me to do. Fuck that. I'll do the bare minimum of what other people expect me to do, and spend the rest pursuing my own interests. wasting time with friends. watching anime. gaming. because it's gotta be a sad time when your meaning in life is dictated by what other people think of you.

>> No.69284

With mommy and daddy, footing the bill obviously.

I can't even get by a week with $250, even if I exclude one of my rent/light/phone bills.

>> No.69315

What the fuck are you spending $250 dollars a week on?

>> No.69337

>we have the power to change and motivate ourselves.
are you sure about that?

>It's very simple, and very pleasant in the long term
while we do know that it would be the best thing to do, we still don't do it - why is that? would it not be more reasonable? maybe it's not as simple as you think.

>> No.69363

It's easier not to do anything.

>> No.69372

Like I said, excluding the usual bills:
- Car (Gas, repairs if necessary)
- Student Loan payments (I have 2 to deal with)
- Survival Misc. (groceries, personal hygiene stuff)
- And if anything is left (usually never), Misc. (dire need of new clothes, walking around money)

>> No.69379


highly debatable.

>> No.69403

If I were a young japanese female, this would be a perfect representation of me. Creepy grin and all.

Currently procrastinating on one chemistry lab writeup, one Lit project, and a whole bunch of journal entries.

>> No.69417

Ho ho ho..

>> No.69428

Not everyone on /jp/ is a NEET.

Though I suspect that if you're on /jp/ for more than 5 hours a day on weekdays, you probably are.

>> No.69450


Well she IS from the moon.

>> No.69448

I'm procrastinating taking a shower.

>> No.69503


Same thought here.

The mindset of a 4channer would probably be the same regardless of whether they're an ugly fat American or a cute Japanese female stuck in her basement because, much like the fat American, she has the social skills of a thumbtack.

>> No.69522

NEET people are just afraid of the outside world
Afraid of life, afraid of failure
That was me a year and a half ago
You guys gotta get out there, it sucks hard at first but then you get used to it

>> No.69534

me too. I even turned the water on an hour ago, but I cannot leave /jp/

>> No.69544

Why? It's not so bad just sitting here.

>> No.69566


Who says you have to leave your computer to make good money?

Be a contractor. Charge absurd fees for simple tasks. Live richly, poast on 4chan.

>> No.69569

Why get used to something that sucks hard when you can just avoid it all together?

>> No.69584


Ha, my job enables me to maintain my lifestyle. I work in a cooler and I rarely speak to anyone. I am able to finish most of my work only after a few hours and end up sitting around waiting for my boss to give me some mundane task. During that time I am able to play around on my laptop or raise my Pokemans.

>> No.69635

I need a job like this. Working 6 hours a day 3-4 days a week sucks. Id rather sit around for 8 hours a day in some office browsing /jp/ on a proxy or someshit.

>> No.69636

ITT: NEETS try to convince themselves their shitty life isn't that bad.

>> No.69699

Willpower and the Optimal Control of Visceral Urges
Emre Ozdenoren, Stephen Salant, Dan Silverman

Common intuition and experimental psychology suggest that the ability to self-regulate, willpower, is a depletable resource. We investigate the behavior of an agent who optimally consumes a cake (or paycheck or workload) over time and who recognizes that restraining his consumption too much would exhaust his willpower and leave him unable to manage his consumption. Unlike prior models of self-control, a model with willpower depletion can explain the increasing consumption sequences observable in high frequency data (and corresponding laboratory findings), the apparent links between unrelated self-control behaviors, and the altered economic behavior following imposition of cognitive loads. At the same time, willpower depletion provides an alternative explanation for a taste for commitment, intertemporal preference reversals, and procrastination. Accounting for willpower depletion thus provides a more unified theory of time preference. It also provides an explanation for anomalous intratemporal behaviors such as low correlations between health-related activities.

>> No.70851

your right, i have an 8 page term paper due in a week and i have to finish my java project as well, i guess i should get to work

>> No.70881

Orcs do not fear the light. They just work night shifts because nobody can stand to see them in the daytime.

>> No.70933

I'm not lazy, I'm just too used to the rutine, I hate with every fiber of my soul to wake up early, but I do so every day to go to school, I don't have a job at the momment, but when I had them, I always did them the best I could, just because that was my rutine, it's ironic, but I'm what I hate the most: a common guy with a common rutinary life... what happened to the me in middle school who used to say "fuck rutines, I'll do something different each day"?

>> No.71155

>More broadly, I bet a shit-load of you are procrastinating in some form right now.

I'm procrasting studying Halakhah. In fact, I'm still not quite sure what Halakhah is. I blame /jp/.

>> No.71176

yeah, I admit - I am just lazy.

>> No.71184

Jesus Christ, underaged ban.

>> No.71217


>> No.71229

This isn't ronery. Go back to high school.

What you're going through is just general laziness.

>> No.71235


Need....to uh.....work on that.

Excuse me


>> No.71247


>> No.71259

Don't shoot the messenger, kid.

>> No.71261

You'll realize how easy you had it and how many opportunities that you missed once you finish high school.

>> No.71269

Could someone please translate? I do not understand retard.

>> No.71291

Thank you im gettng off 4chan now...
gawd what self delusion does to a person...

>> No.71318

I'm experiencing laziness.

>> No.71342

orcs can't stand to look at the ugly hyoooomans in broad day light

>> No.71480



>> No.71603

I pity all of you who have to get up 7 in the morning to go to work and spend 8 hours a day doing some bullshit only to finally get home and being drained as fuck.
A NEET life on the other hand is much better, at least if you have parents or someone else you can leech off of. Sure, I might not swim in money, then again I'd only blow it on fastfood and drugs anway.
But if you actually think working your ass of every day is desireable, go ahead.

>> No.71641

A soul numbing dead end job makes leisure time much sweeter.

>> No.71654

and a shitload less frequent.

>> No.71675

Too much is indistinct from nothing.

>> No.71735

Exactly, Karoshi is the result of extreme amounts of free time!

>> No.71752

I am trying to study for a business Japanese test tomorrow but I'm finding it more difficult than studying usually is for me and it causes me to check 4chan.

I don't have any idea how I'm going to prepare a short presentation on the Mitsubishi Group in Japanese on Wednesday or study for my bullshit Islamic politics class on Thursday, but I've clearly procrastinated on those as well.

>> No.71753

Working for six or eight hours a day isn't going to fucking kill you, jesus.

>> No.71770

You'll have to get a job eventually.

Besides, you'll get tired of all your entertainments and it will lose its effect on you.

Workers have enough stress so they can escape from it, you're in wonderland 24/7.

>> No.71775

I am playing Lunar Knights on DS while I should be reading for English and working on Western Civ assignments. I was NEET for a while up until a few months ago. It's still difficult to shake the habits.

>> No.71782

I've been putting of finishing a four page article layout.

It would take me maybe half an hour to shit out, but there's a new thread on /jp/ that looks promising... oh, hey that thread in /h/ just updated... a thread I can contribute to!


>> No.71806

I have a contour line drawing due this week in(basically) photoshop for dummies. Its not like I need the class for a degree either, I basically wanted to wank off for a semester but I couldn't because I need health insurance so I can sleep at night(sleep apnea).

It looks like an orange right now. Maybe I can resolve it into a melon in a couple days.

>> No.71819

That's a damn large portion of your life to be dismissing so offhandedly.

>> No.71822

I should be studying for a calculus final tomorrow. But /jp/ is so fun and all I can think about is playing Melty Blood later.

>> No.71827

ITT The on going struggle of a NEET...

>> No.71830

I go on during school too.

>> No.71838


Have the reason I never bought a laptop is because I know, without a doubt, I would spent all my time in class on 4chan and never pay attention.

>> No.71871

I just don't know what exactly what the fuck am I gong to do with my life.

>> No.71952

I should be working on a corporate research paper and a corresponding audio/visual presentation that's due in a week, but I'm not. Mainly because I still can't believe that I have to do such a stupid and involved assignment FOR A CLASS THAT ISN'T IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM RELATED TO BUSINESS. I'm the only one in the class who's an actual business major, so I can manage, but seriously... I get enough of this shit in my ACTUAL business classes.

>> No.72020

lol American NEETS

Australian NEETs score a disability pension-- $580/fortnight to do nothing! (plus the transport concession-- $2.50 to almost anywhere that other people have to pay $25+ for..)

Every day is a Sunday!
I just won The Game, lol.

>> No.72086

Me neither.

>> No.72087

Australia is a nanny state and a pseudosocialist hellhole, so what did you expect? Leeching off of society has its perks, but the rest of the world will laugh at you once your government finally bans anime and porn. I mean, those are just about the only two things that Australia hasn't banned yet. Enjoy your lack of water and abbo rape too.

>> No.72101

I actually have a full time job I love. A nice place. Some good friends. No girl because I am asexual. Life is pretty good actually thanks.

>> No.72290

>No girl because I am homosexual.

Stop fagging up my /jp/

>> No.72300


We're all fags

>> No.72334

Asexuality would be nice.... less to worry about...

>> No.72337

i agree with OP, NEETs are lazy faggots who have no direction with their life.

>> No.72347


I've completely suppressed my 3D sex drive at this point.

>> No.72352

And nobody here disagrees with you, we just accept it and consequently, don't care.

>> No.72353


I always forget.....

>> No.72354

Oh I have too, but I don't consider myself asexual; I still fap daily.

>> No.72374

Aren't you afraid of the anti-weeaboos bothering you?
>I just don't know what exactly what the fuck am I gong to do with my life.

Certainly not an english professor.

>> No.72484

Yeah but people treat you even worse occasionally, and you'll be mistaken for a homosexual all the time, it sucks.

>> No.72528


But how can someone be on /jp/ and yet not have a 2d fetish?

>> No.72537

Right now, my friend, I'm also reading a 30 page chapter for so I can be prepared for my physics test tomorrow.

>> No.72568

Karoshi is an honorable death compared to life as a parasite.

>> No.72585

OP called it, I myself am staving off sleep despite being fucking exhausted.

Why am I procrastinating in regards to matter like this? I dunno.

Fuck, I need the rest...
