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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 46 KB, 700x362, ArtificialAcademy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7046814 No.7046814 [Reply] [Original]

>Cell shaded
>Girls and guys are customisable
>Body, club, voice, pitch, personality and sexual preferences can be modified
>clothing customisable
>25 characters in a game at once
>Can have a school full of girls, boys or both sexes
>Can switch between any character as MC
>Licensed middleware physics engine
>Made by Illusion, so Hongfire will mod it very quickly



>> No.7046819
File: 300 KB, 1280x960, artificialacademy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A class full of girls. That I can make. That I can play as the MC of.

My body will never be ready.

>mfw forcing 16x AA doesn't make this lag at all.

>> No.7046820
File: 158 KB, 400x386, 6-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant wait to create a shota trap with a super manly voice.

>> No.7046821

The faces... look bizarre.

>> No.7046823

If I try to make a school for both genders, I'll end up walking in on some fat fuck screwing my favorite girl.

All girls school for me.

>> No.7046831

Just... not make a fat guy for the class?

Also you could tag the girl so that she's only attracted to the tags your dude has.

And then do that for every girl so you're one guy with a harem of 24.

>> No.7046841
File: 117 KB, 400x386, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure to give your character a tiny dick and the fat guy a massive one.

>Command:/Start NTR scenario nr:2
Oh god if only.. I..I would pay for this game

>> No.7046847

Its an Illusion game, I'm expecting the AI to be awful and the preferences to mean very little. Look at AG3, it had a "likes girls" tag that did absolutely nothing until their expansion. And even then all it did was make that girl kiss another girl occasionally.

If theres any kind of arousal system like AG3, it'll probably end up as some kind of orgy school where anyone will fuck anyone.

I'm excited but you really have to set your hopes low with Illusion if you don't want to be disappointed.

>> No.7046891

Oh, of course.I expect the traits to, at best, dictate where AI will gravitate towards staying (eg. swim club members tend to be in the swim club area), and the preferences to dictate who they befriend and who they have sex with. MAYBE a line or two of dialogue will change from the traits, at most.

Each character would probably have an internal attraction meter that applies to all other characters in the world. Characters of whichever gender(s) they're set to be attracted to will be guaged as sex partners, with higher attraction based on the preferences tags, and characters of the other genders will be friends and share only dialogue.

It wouldn't be advanced, but hopefully from there sheer amount of characters and tags there are, it might be a little less derp at first glance than AG3. before you realise how fucking retarded the AI is after a tiny bit of thought.

>> No.7046906

"Japanese mudcrabs sure are horrid little things."
"They are indeed."

>> No.7046912

I-its you! the hero of Kvatch!

>> No.7046913

at least it LOOKS better than an oblivion sex mod.

>> No.7046921 [DELETED] 

That's debatable.

>> No.7046926

Oblivion can have some really nice looking characters if you put some work into it. It also has far more positions than actual sex games. Thats about all it has though.

>> No.7046979

>Ugly fat man

Wow, they're really covering all their bases here. Whether rape and/or group sex are in will have to wait until the full game, but this is a great start.

>> No.7046995
File: 220 KB, 1024x768, 2011_0304_2327_37575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7047002

I'm really hoping for proper girl+girl or threesomes, but I'm expecting any girl+girl scenes to use strap ons and have the same animations as girl+guy.

Maybe do the same for guy+guy with anal only, but two fat guys would probably be a giant blob clipping through each other.

>> No.7047032

Pretty sure this is something you will never see in any illusion game ever.

>> No.7047033
File: 279 KB, 1280x960, aa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do very want.

>> No.7047035

I think it'll happen in this. For AA, guys and girls seem to be basically handled exactly the same, just with different base models.

>> No.7047048

Will this be the holy grail of 3d eroge?

>> No.7047052

>holy grail of 3d eroge
Otome Function is the holy grail of 3D eroge.

>> No.7047054
File: 613 KB, 1163x900, 1298260288066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still kinda doubt it.
Not that im not okay with it and all.. If i can put a dress on a trap character well..

>Picture kinda related

>> No.7047058

Wouldn't be hard. Illusion's the only real player in town (yes, yes, CM3D, whatever), and this seems to build on their flagship series.

I really like their cell shading technique. Using soft-shaded 3D with outlines avoids the harshness of typical cell-shading, but also helps cover over the inherent issues in 3D games made on a shoestring budget. This, along with the level of customisability so far, puts it in a very favourable light. The fact it's from the Artificial series also means open-world is assured.

What we need to see now is how the clothing looks, how many sex positions there are, and how horrible the environments look.

>> No.7047066

OF isn't 3D...

>> No.7047070

I really wish you could edit the male's eyes like you can with the girls.

>> No.7047085
File: 21 KB, 122x172, 1298783631931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make class of black and brown-haired girls, maybe one with brighter "dyed" hair, where everyone has normal coloured eyes and reasonable body proportions.
>Everyone else has horrible technicolour deformed lolis and Amazons.

>> No.7047091

I would imagine you can in the final version.

>> No.7047093




>> No.7047094


This is the physics engine Illusion are using. Thank FUCKING GOD that they finally realised they can't program worth shit and are using middleware this time.

This is probably the only reason they can give the ability to run 25 characters at once without causing a Chernobyl event on every PC that tries to run it.

>> No.7047097

It's been done, though by Teatime.

Of course, being Teatime, it's so ugly and buggy that it's useless.

>> No.7047101

Wait are we talking LoveDeath 0-FPS the game?

>> No.7047102

So guys make this shit multiplayer.

I want to pretend to be myself in 3D Japanese school.

>> No.7047113
File: 2 KB, 139x138, 1292930672688.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We learned that Megamind, Shrek 4 and How to train your dragon are using Bullet physics for rigid body simulation. For Megamind, PDI build their own destruction system on top of the Bullet solver. Megamind is out in the cinemas on November 5th.
Jesus fuck.

Touche, Illusion. Touche.

>> No.7047117

It should also be noted that this game does not require japanese locale to be set. It uses unicode - a first for Illusion games.

God knows why, really.

>> No.7047146



>> No.7047189

Anyone have that image that rated the voices?

>> No.7047225

dunno but the first one (top left) is the typical loli cock craving monster

>> No.7047258

Because someone has to start a good trend. Shift_JIS is a relic used by lazy/shitty programmers.

>> No.7047266
File: 559 KB, 1680x1050, szs_group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2-H, here I come.

>> No.7047319
File: 419 KB, 1018x724, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mai waifu 4 laifu

>> No.7047325

Considering that this game is Japanese, "amazon" proportions probably mean 5'6".

>> No.7047340

what happened to the old thread? anyway I'm still hoping someone will translate the stuff on the last 3 tabs. it looks like one is for voices but I'm interested in what's on the other two.

>> No.7047534
File: 334 KB, 950x728, kimberly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shall call her "Kimberly Michiyukikimiko-chan."

>> No.7047732

>pubic hair
>huge nipples

>> No.7047760

Are there translations around? That would be lovely.

>> No.7047765

Are there any updated tools released by the fine folks at hongfire yet?

>> No.7047767

date of release?

>> No.7047769
File: 65 KB, 1408x727, somanyoptions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no but here's the untranslated shit if anyone here wants to take a shot at it.

>> No.7047865

first tab is what club they're in - studying skill - physical skill (right = better for both) - tone of voice (left is lower pitch) - personality (I don't know half the kanji in there, but it's various shit like gloomy, overbearing, pure, silent, passive, etc)
second tab is a bunch pf sezual preferences, like how open they are to sex or how much they like having sex and so on (pretty much useless in the demo)
third tab is what they are looking for in a partner as far as personality and appearance go, you can have them like people with glasses more, arrogant people rather than meek people, and so on (useless in the demo)

>> No.7047889

How far does the trial go?
Any sex, or just the character builder?

>> No.7047933 [DELETED] 

You can make her tits bounce.

>> No.7047992

if you have it at certain angles it looks like the nipple is just floating around like a lazy eyeball

>> No.7048023
File: 69 KB, 300x220, lolitrollu_directx11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>licensed middleware physics engine
>hair still clips through everything

>> No.7048054

>Games take 2014 hardware to run smoothly and have 2006 graphics.

I have up on 3D hentai games a long time ago. They should just release mods for Cryengine or unreal engine or whatever western FPS engine they're all 1000 more optimized and better then anything illusion soft can make.

>> No.7048056

Still no built-in anti aliasing.

Stay classy Illusion.

>> No.7048081 [SPOILER] 
File: 79 KB, 423x768, 2011_0305_1444_52843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tons of customization options to let you make the bullshittiest characters ever.

pic related, it's my amputee waifu.

>> No.7048084 [DELETED] 

Making good use of the anorexia slider there.
I like it.

>> No.7048091 [SPOILER] 
File: 90 KB, 460x768, 2011_0305_1452_06740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also, bmp screenshots

>> No.7048104

Reserving my hyped penis until I see some Sex and Clothing customization. Although, I actually imagine they'll get the Sex part right this time around... But the clothing? lololololololol

Based on AG3 and their games before this one,I expect it to suck and need a crap ton of mods.

>> No.7048103 [DELETED] 

I'm partial to Vindictus' looks myself. Has nice animuesque faces without looking like this. Too bad the gameplay sucks.

>> No.7048108

>Still no volume level option

>> No.7048124 [SPOILER] 
File: 22 KB, 164x478, 2011_0305_1504_55672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the swimming club will feet her well.


>> No.7048129 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 274x242, 590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The level of customization in this game is amazing. I'll wait for the full game and an English patch.

Illusion has my approval.

>> No.7048138

>The level of customization in this game is amazing
Now all we need to know is how the AI will handle all these customizations.

>> No.7048160


Same as AG3 of course. They're going to walk around and talk to the player/girls once in awhile. And if they've made more interactive items laying around like in @Homemate,they might use some of those too.

>> No.7048167

I am literally vibrating with excitement.

Like, spilling my tea all over the fucking place.

>> No.7048169
File: 82 KB, 1408x727, 1299326897617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't read some of them.

>> No.7048182
File: 202 KB, 1518x1325, Illusion grief cycle v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get too excited guys. I'm sure everyone will be crying the day after release.
Might be the exception this time since it has "artificial" in the name though.

>> No.7048185



Oh god I can't wait to get my ass kicked at Kendo at the hands of a girl...Also



>Choice for none


>> No.7048188

More like Track & Field

>> No.7048189

He translated a bit literally, "Land club" is supposed to be track and field, and it's not really "knowledge" but "learning skill".

>> No.7048191

You can make her completely retarded.

>> No.7048196

I got a little excited yesterday but I've managed to un-hype myself by thinking about it a little more. first of all, how are they going to keep the open world gameplay with the expanded school theme? are they really going to have 25 houses for all the characters to live in? the character creator doesn't seem to have options for making teachers or siblings either.

but you do this every time a new game comes out

>> No.7048209

I'm easy to excite.

>> No.7048216

Be realistic, this game is going to fade away in a few weeks of faping even less. It's boring, it has shitty graphics for 2011 on the PC and it's still clipping as shit through everything.

>> No.7048221

>Mein Camera

Translation 1.2v when?

>> No.7048245

I see you aren't familiar with FH4

>> No.7048251 [DELETED] 
File: 285 KB, 441x744, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure wish we could save them...
I really like some of the ones that random has been giving me.
Also, what is the personality left of "Faithful"?
The one that says something like, "saa itsudemo watashi o motomeru gai"

>> No.7048270
File: 265 KB, 1024x768, 2011_0304_0513_58618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Sure wish we could save them..

Oh me too ;_;

I have far too much freetime so i've already come up numberous titty monsters i'd like to rape with my PC's fat body and small penis.

>> No.7048280 [DELETED] 

Holy crap I'm a retard slap me silly.

>> No.7048287

The male customization doesn't have much things yet. At least the most important characteristic (trap) has been confirmed.

>> No.7048306 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 335x746, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost perfect, but...
The legs are too long!
How does he get that tall with his jelly rolls weighing him down?

>> No.7048319

What are you trying to achieve?

>> No.7048328


Site for the game is up. According to Google Translate this is what the text on the first page says

Jinkougakuen [] is a new genre in the wake of Artificial Girl series "3D simulator school life" is:

[] The ability to create characters in Jinkougakuen "Yarameiku been" power-up!
Breast slider, as well as the new height and plump, 25 species increased significantly in the kinds of voices and allow to set the size of the head, custom characters can also now man!
Personality can be set more closely. Sociability and sense of virtue, by setting targets and lesbian sexual ... not vice versa.

In addition, the increased number of characters in a maximum of 25 people! Characters as well as men, now women can also do the characters.

Harlem one can create a class guy, you too are free to create a class of only girls. Her lover and friends while building relationships with them and please enjoy living the dream calyx entrance!

>> No.7048359

You nerds get excited over the gayest shit.

>> No.7048398

Yeah, that's why we are winning in life, every day.

>> No.7048422

So, I read something that AA isn't supported in the game itself?

>> No.7048437

Just override it in your graphics card/display options.

>> No.7048440

Yeah, did that already.

Also, heard something about voices? Or aren't they implemented yet?

>> No.7048443

Wait, never mind that.

>> No.7048445

So I just learned that hongfire are going to have trouble translating it because the game is unicode.

I have zero experience or knowledge in modding but how long would it take them to translate it?

>> No.7048448

Why are you asking us and not hongfire?
It's not even known how much text the game has yet, it's a stupid question.

>> No.7048474 [DELETED] 

>because the game is unicode
It's bullshit, stop reading HF, it's only "good" for downloads only.

>> No.7048492

Please don't misuse the quotes. Seriously, what have happened to /jp/?
The old thread is also very much alive.

>> No.7048505

穏 = Calm
静 = Quiet

>> No.7048532

Pico,Chico, Coco,Shonen maid Kuro Kun and Bridget.

Words cannot grasp the sheer number of nuclear explosions thta would define my hapenis right now.

If this allows M/M if not full release, then M/m mods.

>> No.7048539 [DELETED] 

Sure hope we'll be able to assemble the entire class in the classroom and make people have sex in front of them.

>> No.7048550
File: 116 KB, 400x386, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if previous games are anything to go by half of them will go "Kyaa~" and run away, and the other half if slutty or horny enough will stand there and watch.

>> No.7048740


"Today class,me and my girlfriend are going to educate you in the matters of sex. Would anyone like to volunteer? You? Yes, okay, no need for a condom, just stick your pOnOs in her vaGOO."

And then it just devolves into just one massive orgy... But then again,since this is Illusion, Gangbangs or other things like that probably won't happen unless its in a lolbonusdisk.

>> No.7049121

Ok somebody needs to remove the mosaic, it drives me nuts.

>> No.7049143

>somebody needs
best sentence to get someone to do you a favor ever

>> No.7049178 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 326x478, m8mxU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon-kun i...

>> No.7049266 [SPOILER] 
File: 126 KB, 1024x768, 2011_0305_2123_24618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok brah, I'll do it myself. Right now I have some troubles though, I accidentally zombie saten.

>> No.7049436
File: 239 KB, 1920x1080, SquiddingMe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Warning for posting the upper body of a man with pink hair while leaving the rest of the lewder images.
Oh mods you so crazy.jpg

On a more thread related note.
When is the release date?

>> No.7049732


May 13th

Plenty of time for otaku everywhere to get a temporary job at McDonalds and upgrade their toasters.


Reminds me,I hope this game allows you to color your girls and guys' skin. I mean, how else am I going to get alien Transfer students enrolled into whatever glorious school our PC be attending?

>> No.7049770 [DELETED] 

They look about as good as any screenshot I've seen of cm3d. The faces in cm3d can look downright terrifying because of the shadows.

>> No.7049773 [DELETED] 

They look about as good as any screenshot I've seen of cm3d. The faces in cm3d can look downright terrifying because of the shadows. Not that you were comparing them.

The game looks good, but I don't want to have to deal with another Illusion file system... unpacking and repacking large files, working with .lsts, etc. is a pain in the ass.

>> No.7049782
File: 350 KB, 1084x864, 1296006825529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can switch between any character as MC
So i can finally be the lesbian little girl?

I want to believe that this will be awsome as hell, but illusion has a tendency to crush dreams and hope.

>> No.7049811 [DELETED] 

That's your fault for having hopes and dreams in the first place.
Don't blame Illusion for your own shortcomings.
Also, >>>/a/

>> No.7050283

I'm going to make all girls lesbians and all guys gay.

>> No.7050395

I don't think I could possible come up with 25 characters. I'm having trouble even thinking of 5.

childhood friend
class rep
transfer student
sporty girl
junior/senior girl

I have newfound respect for character designers

>> No.7050407
File: 27 KB, 640x360, MISAKA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misaka clones.
25 of them.

>> No.7050413

Awkward Fat Guy
Class Clown, male or female
Stuck up girl
Bookworm, male or female, possibly one of each
Well-meaning but stupid girl
Spaced out girl
Incredibly gay guy

See? It's easy.

>> No.7050411 [DELETED] 

don't forget ojou sama

>> No.7050436

yeah but most of those are 5 second background character traits. I feel like I need to consolidate those into other character types to make them more believable.

>> No.7050446
File: 124 KB, 388x489, 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Create a couple with perfectly matching personalities.
Only pure pure loving and kissing.

...Then create one ugly fat guy to have sex with her and make sure the other guy walks in on it/watches it happen.

I..I simply must know what is going to happen~

>> No.7050476
File: 51 KB, 800x600, 1291512529769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking awesome.


>> No.7050496
File: 46 KB, 459x450, I am not mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wannabe Teacher(Since there doesnt seem to be a voice or personality for it,goddammit)
Badass Delinquent
Wannabe Principal
Cool Gals/Girls
School Dunce(s)
Mentally Retarded moeblobs

Just to give you some inspiration since you just gave me a little bit

>sporty girl

fff how could I forget about that delicious type? I know who one of my first girls will be now.

>> No.7050521

Translations for the character creator?

>> No.7050555



>> No.7050560

Is this trial only the creator?

>> No.7050570
File: 14 KB, 80x80, 32423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on the installer right now!~

>> No.7050658
File: 107 KB, 1408x727, 1299326897617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd page + >>7048505. Can't read that last one. 黴感?

>> No.7050736
File: 114 KB, 395x381, GreenElfManDrinkingTea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sexual feelings
>Rare utensil

>> No.7050746


>> No.7050768


Your guess is as good as mine.

>> No.7050802

I don't understand what sexual feeling is supposed to mean.

>> No.7050876

Messing with the character creator gave me an erection and now I have a wet patch on my formerly nice and clean pyjama pants...

>> No.7050884


>Latent thought

I am beginning to think that this game will cause some of the most painful,borderline NTR bullshit I could never hope to accurately imagine.

>> No.7050901

Easy way to avoid that: 1 guy, 24 girls.
Worst case scenario is they fall in love with a girl and, well, that's unfortunate but pretty hot.

>> No.7050902

Worried your waifu will have naughty thoughts about the stud sitting next to her in class?

>> No.7050927
File: 82 KB, 446x400, girls-getty_1376498i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They still fap to 3D hentai games

Welcome to fucking 2003, you fucking losers.

>> No.7050933

The kiddies on /a/ and /v/ are just now finding out about them, let them have their fun with their one shitty thread in /jp/. Just hide it.

>> No.7050939


Pretty much. That and im afraid they'll mock you for preforming poorly during and after sex.

My penis would never stand again after such an atrocity.

>> No.7050958

GEE you sure got dem i'll be benching 200 now cya

>> No.7050966
File: 73 KB, 944x332, 1295892209465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes me wonder how the AI will handle personalities and interaction.
I am hoping for something interesting but.. If previous illusion games are anything to go by i am slightly worried.

>Picture may or may not be related.

>> No.7050977 [DELETED] 
File: 963 KB, 1200x900, 70b97b2e4819b19ee93afc489717467b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a better idea..24 mean as fuck girls in class and 1 skinny wussy...what it gives ? of course revenge for all this female toilet(graffiti) boy that would be evil
also ive wandered into uppervolta board about Yuusha mods and it seems that..they are porting items from older illusion games(for example that sm2 pic with rope bondage..it was ported most likley from @Home mate) and they have even more mods...and they damn dont share those

have a pic since post not related to AA this time

>> No.7051512

Is there enough room for my pants?

>> No.7051570

The physics engine they're using can do pretty advanced cloth physics.

I really fucking hope they're using them for the clothing system. They'd be nuts not to.

>> No.7051637

Predictions for how the tags work (using male as shorthand for the player, and female for the created character), mostly based on how AG3's tags work and Illusion's general game logic so far in their games:

Club Activity dictates which map they spend the most time in (with one for each of the clubs).

Knowledge... maybe how much they they cut class?

Movement: How fast they move around.

Voice modification: Just voice pitch.

Personality: Voice, some unique dialogue lines.

Sexual experience: Blood or not in first sex encounter.

Sexual target: which character types can have Attraction go above 0. This assumes all characters have several internal stats, which includes an attraction and friendship level (like in AG3, but one for each character in the world). (continued)

>> No.7051648



>> No.7051649

I think "movement" is supposed to be atheletic skill, but I wouldn't know what that's going to mean in game.

>> No.7051652 [DELETED] 

Sexual feelings: How quickly the guy comes during sex.

>> No.7051659
File: 98 KB, 1137x570, vdfmle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexual feelings: How quickly the guy comes during sex.

Virtue: How deviant the girl is willing to go with sex positions/activities.

Sociability: How long the girl spends with other characters.

Latent thought: Hidden personality, probably comes out after getting a very high level of attraction.

As for the last tab, this shittily translated menu image from Hongfire illustrates:

Good chemistry: This maps at least partially with the Personality group from before, and likely dictates who the girl will try to become friends with.

Favorite looks: This probably dictates who the girl will be predisposed to try and start a relationship with (absent intervention from the player.

All of this wouldn't be too hard to implement - it would essentially be a matter of trying to "brute force" more dynamic characters by taking the traits from AG3 and just throwing in a bunch more of them. As long as the player doesn't expect believable AI, but rather just NPCs that don't have to be lead around by the nose to do everything, it should be servicable.

>> No.7051666

In AG3, it meant the movement speed the girls had. If it was high enough you could barely ever manage to catch them. I imagine it'll be similar in this.

>> No.7051670
File: 80 KB, 371x350, 1295964016500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me there is a "dohoho~" stuck up ojou-sama voice.
It is all i have ever wanted..
I..I want her to look down on me and laugh at me and call me lowly peasant.

>> No.7051678

There are about three of them.

>> No.7051700

oh god is it weird that thining about making my creation a cockhungry slut makes me harder than her physical appearance?

the mistress one sounds like it's only good for loli characters though.

>> No.7051717

You could try turning the pitch down. Leftmost tag in the row above the voices group.

>> No.7051735
File: 552 KB, 1256x1049, DatSlut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh god is it weird that thining about making my creation a cockhungry slut makes me harder than her physical appearance?
I feel the same way.jpg

That said i cant wait to create Saten v2.0 in this.

>> No.7051770

On one hand we have
>Erotic given
>Thinks about
but then we have
>Rare Utensil
>Darkness of Hart
does anyone here ACTUALLY know Japanese?

>> No.7051775
File: 115 KB, 1024x768, 2011_0306_0728_57998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mai waifu

>> No.7051793

Clearly it's just how much they like The Blackhart Owen Hart.

>> No.7051819

ok I think I get it. the first stat is how good it feels when you fuck her. the second stat is how good it feels for her. third stat is whether she wants to please you or herself. fourth is how much of a slut she is.

I can't wait to make a virtuous girl who can't stop thinking about sex.

>> No.7051862

Complete with no septum and mononostril hair.

>> No.7051872


>> No.7051900


>> No.7051903

what's with the black spot at the tip of the nose? it doesn't go away no matter what angle you're looking from. is it part of the face texture?

>> No.7052230
File: 128 KB, 1449x740, aatraits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, done. Full traits menu (actually) translated.

>> No.7052267

Fuck yeah.

>> No.7052273


>> No.7052282

Where are the "alot" option under experience?

>> No.7052316

"Some" means "Alot"

As in raped by your stepdad and a 100 hobos in the park+selling herself as a 5yen prostitute on a daily basis "Some".

>> No.7052321

That setting likely means nothing except having blood & some unique dialogue the first time they have sex.

>> No.7052325


>> No.7052327

May 13th?
Fuck, I can't wait that long! I'll be long dead by then!

>> No.7052537

Would I be asking too much if I said I wanted a "never had sex but masturbates furiously every night" option?

>> No.7052559

So a female version of you, then?

>> No.7052593 [DELETED] 

Masturbation is probably in. If the Perversion tag makes the girl's arousal stat go up reasonably quickly, and they masturbate if they don't have a sex partner around and hit 100 arousal, they probably masturbate. This is how AG3 worked, after all.

>> No.7052595

I hope they have good animations for it. the ag3 ones were so dull.

>> No.7052597

Masturbation is probably in. If the Perversion tag makes the girl's arousal stat go up reasonably quickly, and don't have a sex partner around, and hit 100 arousal, they probably masturbate reasonably often. This is how AG3 worked, after all.

>> No.7052598


That actually wouldn't be too bad...

But unfortunately I only masturbate once a week nowadays and I somehow managed to lose my virginity when I was 17...

>> No.7052624

Of course. Think about it, most /jp/ers find female, 2D idealized versions of ourselves to be the most attractive mates:

-Virgin and pure, but still a hidden and strong desire for sexual contact
-Some kind of unusual hobby or goal, perhaps resulting from some previous trauma, that separates the individual from "everyone else" (most VN heroines have something like this)
-Strange personality disorders that prevent normal social interaction (i.e. tsundere, yandere, etc.)
-Idiosyncratic speech patterns

I think what it comes down to is that we subconsciously actually love ourselves and have a lot of self confidence, but for some reason consciously interpret this feeling as self-loathing.

>> No.7052647


The last 4 options in chemistry are male personalities. I don't know why'd they'd call a male being a "tomboy", though. Maybe they mean boyish?

>> No.7052649


or manly, rather.

>> No.7052690

So if the last 4 are male, and the rest are female, do you get a trap if you put them all in?

>> No.7052740

I think that part determines what kind of characters the one you're making is attracted to. so you can make your lesbian slut lust after quiet girls with glasses and big tits or whatever.

>> No.7052745

The previous tab (with the Personality group) is the one that sets the character. The tab we're talking about, with the Chemistry group, probably dictates who the character gets along with (so you could make a dominating, dirty, perverted girl really like soft-spoken shotas by selecting the "Soft" tab when making the girl character in that screen, for example).

>> No.7052752
File: 128 KB, 1449x740, aatraits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated version. Good catch; I didn't think to check the male tags.

>> No.7052765

>無 translated as "worst"
>性感 translated as "skill", copied the choices from somewhere else even though the options are completely different

>> No.7052786

Eh, they look as if they're just shortened given that they communicate what they're probably going to mean in fewer words. "Seeks" is the only questionable one, but that's hard to say either way until we can test what the tags do in-game.

>> No.7054815

I hope that we can remove limbs in this game so that I may have my 3D Katawa Shoujo.

>> No.7054866

Not going to happen~
You could probably mod it in easy but certain animations and positions‎ would be.. Odd

>> No.7055159 [DELETED] 
File: 946 KB, 480x272, tasty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I think you mean arousing as fuck

>My face when I start screwing a legless girl standing up

>> No.7057930


>> No.7057994

can i make myself a disgusting fat monstrosity that is the only guy in a school full of submissive girls?

>> No.7061026
File: 368 KB, 1000x740, My whole life was alcohol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7061063

can't wait for this.

>> No.7061070

>No yandere
Come on

>> No.7061089

I'm not normally into this stuff, but this actually sounds like alot of fun.

>> No.7061163


The full game will most likely end up just being @Homemate + Customization,More than 1 Girl can be on a Map and brand new Maps. Don't get too excited for the game brah. Clothing Customization will most likely suck too,but eh,not like i've found a game where unmodded Clothes actually meet my expectations.


Theres 3 spaces left in the Personality selection thing so most likely its in a lolbonusdisk.

Illusion should team up with Bioware. Their combined efforts would make them filthy rich.

>> No.7061326

but bioware sucks

>> No.7061354
File: 26 KB, 348x347, 1294108798987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dealbreaker here
will this game include yandere?
and will there be ahegao
if one of the two isnt in >mfw

>> No.7061362

So wait... Does this mean I can play a girl and in a class full of guys?

Because otherwise I'll stick with CM3D

>> No.7061388

>So I just learned that hongfire are going to have trouble translating it because the game is unicode.

That makes no sense whatsoever.

That's like saying you you'll have trouble reading something because it is in ink instead of pencil

>> No.7061423


In case you dont "get it" ... the buttons were just images so it was easy to extract and edit the image.

Compare that with having to look for the text on the .exe ...

>> No.7061491

but that's just buttons. you can easily use a reference for that kind of thing. the parts that actually need translating are dialogue and shit.

>> No.7061718
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, hipsaremovingbythemselves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>will there be ahegao

I see no reason for them to not add in the classic "fucked silly" face. They had it in AG3 I think when you made your girl cum too many times.

>> No.7064278

Alamar of HF released teh pp unpacking file if someone is interested

also bout 2 days to new info bout AA

>> No.7064291

So what do you guys think the size of this game is gonna be like? Has to be at least 10gb.

>> No.7064305 [DELETED] 


more than 3, less than 7.

>> No.7064371

size is mainly based on textures and sounds. illusion games have always had shitty low res textures so any size is going to come from voice files. it seems like there's going to be a lot this time so probably at least as big as ag3.

>> No.7064376
File: 132 KB, 400x386, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering the amount of different voice options id say its going to be large-ish

My guess is at 7-8~GB.

>> No.7064545

I made better looking women in my xlovers than any illusion game after AG3.

>> No.7064578

>The full game will most likely end up just being @Homemate + Customization,More than 1 Girl can be on a Map and brand new Maps. Don't get too excited for the game brah
To be honest, that would basically be my perfect eroge anyway. Uniform customisation would be really, really nice (I'd love to make those dress kind of uniforms, ala KnK and OtoBoku), but there's always modding if need be.

>> No.7064585

Yes, you can. You can make the girls either repulsed by you or want to suck your cock, too.

>> No.7065094

the file is 7z? stupid question but how do i open that? i have winRAR and stuff but i can't unzip it?

>> No.7065333

Use Winrar. 7Zip (google it) is guaranteed to open it, but Winrar should do it fine.

>> No.7065345

Modded the tanned skin to be darker, so it looked less like a tan and more like genuinely dark skin. Pretty pleased with the result.

When the full game comes I'll probably shift all the skin tones so that medium becomes light (for foreigners), tanned becomes medium (for the bulk of the students), and this replaced tanned. Pseudo-realistic skintones, hair colours and proportions, fuck yeah.

>> No.7065586

Yes, AA works flawlessly. Glorious global settings.

>> No.7066813
File: 211 KB, 448x463, 1299026868386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as ive mentioned in the earlier thread..and what is written on the main AA page
MINIMUM is 8gb recommended is 8gb+(depends on content created)

>> No.7068806

Sure is file deletion in here.


Thats kinda mine too(since I actually did like @Homemate) but ut's better to not get your hopes up too much. It's Illusion,they'll probably fuck up something. My bets is with the Sex as they have almost always manage to get that completely wrong.

>> No.7070761

>no AA
what are you doing!

>> No.7074929


>> No.7074994

I'm new and what is this. A game?

>> No.7075421


Breaking News: Japan got hit by earthquake and tsunami, Illusion studio got destroyed, Artificial Academy cancelled FOR GOOD!!

>> No.7075427

Illusion's site updated normally about half an hour ago. They're fine.

Illusion is based in Yokohama, which despite being near Tokyo, appears to be doing okay.

>> No.7075478 [DELETED] 
File: 629 KB, 1282x961, waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

original waifu plsnotsteal

>> No.7075486
File: 216 KB, 353x412, 29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Silver haired
...But i want to steal her~

>> No.7075523 [SPOILER] 
File: 629 KB, 1282x961, waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposting with spoiler, original waifu nosteal!

>> No.7076534

Lotus land Bump

>> No.7077221

Japan is dead. This game will never be released.

>> No.7077334


It's a game where you create Girls and Guys from scratch,then after their creation you begin totenderly rape them until they cannot live without your Main Characters Penis/Vagina.


Hopefully the Earthquake doesn't cause the game to get pushed back. Speaking of that Site update as well,I hope in the full version theres more male voices to choose from. None of the current ones are going to be a match for my overweight fat virgin character who's also incredibly narcissistic and a huge asshole.

>> No.7077851

>25 characters in a game at once

i think you can scratch that...since its most likley about 25 voices to choose from..

>> No.7077883

>Many voices
>5 pitches for each
>2 genders

I think that's enough for 25 characters.

>> No.7078155

Can you only make your character look like a trap or can you make some of the girls into traps?

>> No.7078171

Is there any to create a girl with DAT ASS in this game? Or are Japanese artists still ignorant to the god-tier bodies of western women?

>> No.7078240

Asses are Illusion standard, but there will be a mod for it soon enough.

>> No.7078261

Is there ero in the demo?

>> No.7078516


Ass and titties

>> No.7079390
File: 33 KB, 720x480, whoa3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I can finally be the little girl? Amazing.

>> No.7079455


Quick, someone tell moot that he can finally be the little girl!

>> No.7079948
File: 143 KB, 683x1176, Eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am proud of my new set of eyes.

>> No.7079952

They look very nice. Good job.

Possible to share? I like making girls that look pseudo-realistic, and those eyes fit the bill nicely.

>> No.7080107

uploaded here:


>> No.7080112

Nevermind, just saw your Hongfire post.


>> No.7080188
File: 108 KB, 986x958, Image19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy then.

>> No.7080570

is the relase date still the same? or the disaster delayed the date?

>> No.7081701 [DELETED] 
File: 189 KB, 1598x1202, 111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the right mods, this should be fantastic.

>> No.7081744

How big can you make the boobs??!??! I MUST KNOW!!!

>> No.7081798



>> No.7081800

Pretty big, you can even edit the areolas and color of the nipples and everything. I just wish there were some pubic hair trimming options beyond what we currently see. Also no censoring. The censoring sucks.

I imagine there will be tons of extra hairstyles added in. If it's possible I'm betting we'll see more skin tones, tanline options and hair colors if the ability to add in textures is sensible.

>> No.7081812
File: 292 KB, 1024x768, 43242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Large but not /d/ large.

>> No.7081839

>Edit skintones
>Anon's got jungle fever

>> No.7081850

i can dream
i wish to make a pale goddess

>> No.7081886

cool story brah

>> No.7081964
File: 98 KB, 605x717, pale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pale goddess, you say?

>> No.7081981
File: 181 KB, 353x483, 27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks more like a week old corpse then a pale person..

..I am sure someone out there would enjoy this aswell.

>> No.7081996

I would enjoy that quite a lot, thanks.

>> No.7082015

>Cell shaded
its shit

>> No.7082018
File: 78 KB, 799x999, Other - 00003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not pale enough

>> No.7082031
File: 62 KB, 439x729, orion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you prefer an Orion slave girl?

>> No.7082152
File: 240 KB, 1024x768, 67576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girly looking male with a manly as fuck voice..
All girls school with 24 horny as fuck huge amazon females.

There better be pink frilly dresses for the male aswell or someone is getting raped.

..Infact someone is getting raped no matter what but still.

>> No.7083485
File: 735 KB, 5000x2813, maiwallpaperu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red skin,eyes and horn mod fukkin where?


It's either Cell Shaded or those 3D 2D girls again. Oh, the horrors I had to go through just to get an acceptable looking Kneesocks in AG3... I nearly lost hope hope at one point.

>> No.7084148

How do you install this? It keeps giving me errors.

>> No.7084193
File: 39 KB, 417x722, Deal with it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7084242

@_@ My characters are black...what did I do wrong?

>> No.7084247 [DELETED] 

Looked at too much niggercock hentai.

>> No.7084248
File: 10 KB, 206x633, black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my picture.

>> No.7084260

Idk what to do!

>> No.7084328

Does this mean I can make Cromartie High?

>> No.7084332

Why the fuck is mine doing this!

>> No.7084335
File: 138 KB, 1219x953, Image7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two month...damn....

>> No.7084340

Can ANYONE help me.

>> No.7084347 [DELETED] 


Go ask /b/ or /v/.

>> No.7084370

You know those people aren't nice.

>> No.7084376

now get out and educate yourself

>> No.7084386

We're worse.

>> No.7084401

I still can't find it D:

>> No.7084421

This is why faggots like you don't belong on this board.

>> No.7086001

so what kind of classmates is everyone going to make?

clumsy childhood friend
hardworking class rep
wealthy transfer student
easygoing athletic girl
adorable junior
sadistic lesbian school idol

>> No.7086038

25 autistic little girl lesbians

>> No.7086039

>I still can't find it
The evidence couldn't be more clear.

>> No.7086162

Perverted tomboys.

>> No.7086181

It's because you're retarded.

>> No.7086304

24 submissive lesbian girls that want to stay pure for the girl love of their life each with their own mental handicap that makes them socially awkward

1 giant sadistic hairy pedophile with a huge cock to destroy their lesbian dreams

>> No.7087019

Trial goes just fine, but how do I work the mods?

>> No.7088382

Replace your 3 file.

>> No.7088467
File: 34 KB, 450x450, 1299586019782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 months until I can fuck Kuroko straight

>> No.7088473

Did the menu get fully translated yet?

>> No.7088935

I didn't know you could addd clothes...

1 Lesbian Kendo Tomboy
1 foreign Ballet girl lesbian
1 gloomy girl lesbian
1 tsundere loli lesbian
1 playful loli lesbian
20 fat hairy guys that only are interested in Gundam

>> No.7089096

Will you be able to get the girls pregnant?

>> No.7089159

I'm gonna make so many lesbians and then let them get fucked by fat, hairy men.
Finally I can fulfill my fetish.

>> No.7089214

that question didn't even cross my mind...

So 23 lesbians
1 Straight guy
1 Bisexual girl

my body will never be ready

>> No.7089435

What are some other good hentai games I should play ?

>> No.7089446
File: 180 KB, 353x483, 28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No i seriously doubt that considering the other illusion games like this.

(And rapelay is well.. rapelay.)

>> No.7090182

How easy is it to mod?

>> No.7090227

Not very, but the opposite is also true.
In other words, it's not so bad, but you need to know what you are doing.

>> No.7091712

This is way to awesome!!!

>> No.7091734

Why are the faces so flat

>> No.7091754
File: 1.49 MB, 300x199, awwesome.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'mma gonna make a trap MC who disguises himself to get in an all girl school and fuck/rape the students and the teachers.

Shit will be cash.

And cash will be shat.

>> No.7094650
File: 277 KB, 998x653, Rin mk2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my set

>> No.7094666

I didn't know this game was going to be on the DS.

>> No.7094784


Dem low settings

I don't know how to managed to pull off that REALLY jaggy looking Male Character though. Not even my Integrated card can produce that horror.
