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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7135664 No.7135664 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ drink?
Coffee or tea?

>> No.7135675 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 1440x810, Tabane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometime i drink coffee when my mom makes it (it's HELLa naizz) in the morning, but tea for every dinner.

>> No.7135674


>> No.7135670

I drink water. It's the best.

>> No.7135679
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>> No.7135683 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7135682

Nobody cares what you drink.

Interesting choices...

>> No.7135687


Nobody cares what you drink.

>> No.7135691 [DELETED] 
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Plenty of water, with the occasional Dew.

>> No.7135689

darjeeling that cost 20$ for 3.5 oz.
That was a present for my birthday...

>> No.7135690


>> No.7135696
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>> No.7135697
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>> No.7135699

Yume ZUNikki xD

>> No.7135701
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Coffee. I grew up in Latin America, and was only given coffee, as I was told it "Esto te pondrá pelo en tu pecho."

I wasn't even given sugar nor milk. Only black bitter coffee. Whenever I asked for tea, I was told "Eso es una bebida para las mujeres y los europeos afeminados."

Little did my father know that I wanted to be the little girl. I had to do heavy manual labor that morphed me into a big hulking monster, and nothing short of a miracle will grant my wish. Surgery cannot change me.


>> No.7135713

I wish I had your dad.
He sounds pretty cool.

>> No.7135717

Tea is the way to go. Making my own blends is one of my great pleasures in life.

AoC is that you?
Tea is perfectly acceptable in places like Argentina and Chile, so I could only see that kind of shit happening in Colombia or Venezuela.

>> No.7135718

I sleep and rise at healthy hours, so I don't need either.

>> No.7135724

I like both.
Too bad my teeth suffer.

>> No.7135725

Black Coffee

>> No.7135728


INSTANT coffee.

After tasting REAL coffee that doesn't require tons of sugar and shit to make it taste good, I've just switched to hot cocoa, since it has almost as much caffeine per spoonful, doesn't taste like shit, and with the sugar-free stuff, has a lot less calories (accounting for creamer + sugar and stuff.)

>> No.7135730


Who IS this character, in your picture? Keep on seeing her around.

>> No.7135732


>> No.7135736
File: 645 KB, 480x747, sake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been getting into drinking nihonshu (sake) lately.
Does /jp/ have any suggestions?
I usually just buy the cheapest type available.

>> No.7135741

Milk and orange juice.

>> No.7135739

look up Yume Nikki.

>> No.7135740

Liquid bread.

>> No.7135751


Thank you.

>> No.7135753

Sake is rather gross. A decent Rum or a good Vodka beats the best sake any day.

I hope those are not "Velocity sensitive" keys. Weighted is the only way to go.

>> No.7135756

/jp/ - Blog Culture

>> No.7135764
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Milk and Cola

>> No.7135775

I like the taste sake, and it's cheaper than rum or vodka, and gives me almost no hangover regardless of how much I drink. I like rum a lot too though.

And yeah, they're crappy keys, it's a cheap keyboard, Korg X50. I'd invest in a better keyboard, but I suck at playing anyway.

>> No.7135801



>> No.7135805
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>> No.7135890

Depends on the mood. Milk sometimes, tea others. I'm normally not picky as to which I drink, though, just whatever is readily on hand at the time.

>> No.7135904

Tea, like all little girls.

>> No.7135918

Tea, water and carbonated soda

>> No.7135931
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Tea all time, orange juice and ba(o?)rshch for dinner.
Sometimes I get mood to drink a lot of coffee.

>> No.7135945

Earl Grey.

>> No.7135949

Mainly water, whisky or soda.

>> No.7136444

But I drink beer, OP.

>> No.7136456

Looseleaf teas all the way

>> No.7136469


>> No.7136482


>> No.7136488

Iron goddess of Mercy.

>> No.7136494

hot chocolate, and the occasional beer.

tea and coffee aren't my thing. If I need caffeine, i take espresso begrudgingly, but more often I go for an energy drink.

>> No.7136502

Black coffee, dark beer, Monster, and Coke.

>> No.7136503

both of them, cofee on the morning, and tea on the afternoon

>> No.7136506

I drink mostly water and milk, and occasionally beer and wine. Coffee, coke, and energy drinks are for fat retards, tea is alright, but I'm just not used to drinking it.

>> No.7136513

Usted parece haber sido criado en una buena familia.

I prefer Black coffee in the mornings

>> No.7136515

Whiskey, Vodka, Rum, Gin and occasionally beer.
It helps me forget I failed at life.

>> No.7136519

( ´・ω・)  Tea
( つ旦O   ∫  ∫  ∫  ∫  ∫  ∫  ∫  ∫
と_)_)  旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦

>> No.7136520

>I drink mostly water and milk
>call others fat
nigga you just went full retard

>> No.7136523

You are a retard.
I drink two gallons of milk a day. It's a MAN'S drink.

>> No.7136526

>greeny green greentext!

>> No.7136541


There's a difference between energy-rich, healthy drinks like milk and shit like red bull and coke that is full of useless calories and more sugar than your body can handle.

>> No.7136544

milk is for babies

>> No.7136551

Titty milk is. Cow's milk helps your BONES GROW MAN

>> No.7136555

all milk is for babies

>> No.7136559

A human's body isn't suppose to intake milk past infancy.

>> No.7136563

Then why is it so delicous, huh?
Besides, we're not supposed to intake a lot of things, infancy or not, I think milk is the cleanest shit I put through my system daily.

>> No.7136607

Nesquik, Cedevita, Milk, Tea and rarely Cappuccino.

When friends comes over we buy the cheapest shitty cola possible so we drink that.

>> No.7136618

Tea only. I never drink coffee. Green tea is fine any time, and black tea is for either the morning or the evening. Green is more common, while black is more classy. I used to drink mostly black, but now I'm getting more into green. It's fine with or without sugar, but the better the quality the less likely I am to use sugar.

And I like it strong. I usually leave it to steep until I can just barely stand it.

>> No.7136625

Neither. I'm not a stimulant junkie.
Water and fruit or vegetable juice only.

>> No.7136633

Tap Water. And Tap Water alone. No way to heat up things aside from a microwave and I'm too poor to buy a standalone appliance to just heat up water.

>> No.7136651

>I'm too poor to buy a standalone appliance to just heat up water.

Umm... I don't know about where you live but here they cost like 10€ and less... I bought mine for 10$/7€

>> No.7136659

Sweet tea and frappuccinos. Fat ass master race.

>> No.7136663

A cocktail of cacao powder (for the mood), sugar (because sugar), coffee (for the attention spawn) and milk (to temper the bitterness of the coffee).

>> No.7136668

It depends. I need a lot of caffeine to survive so I find myself drinking much more coffee than tea and much more Mountain Dew than anything else.

>> No.7136694

Water and tea during the week (extra strong, black tea). During the weekend when I couldn't care less about what I'm eating or drinking I'll drink some coke. It is one of the only sodas I really like now besides Dr.Pepper. I used to love Mountain Dew years ago but recently when I got a bottle just to try it out again I hated it, just too sweet for me. Another great way to have tea is by adding honey, cinnamon, and less than a 1/2 a drop of whatever hot pepper extract, and about a teaspoon of vanilla. The drink is amazing.

>> No.7136707
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I love smoking a bowl and chilling with some coffee.

>> No.7136719

Tea and carbonated water.
Sometimes I treat myself to diet Pepsi on the weekends. I don't like the taste of regular soda, it's too sweet.

>> No.7136725

Carbonated water is the worst carbonated drink ever.
I like regular water, but they put bicarbonate of soda or something in the carbonated stuff and it tastes disgusting.

>> No.7136734

Mostly orange juice, and then iced tea.

>> No.7136747

Carbon dioxide. I agree it doesn't taste good.

>> No.7136766
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So I'm not the only one who does this, excellent

>> No.7136771

What the hell happened to /jp/, last time i checked everybody drank tea, now its coffee? anyway yeah i drink tea, fuck coffee.

>> No.7136774

Since I got a big loan recently, I've been indulging in Starbucks very often (sometimes up to 4 times a day).

The problem though is that I'm scared of the people working there seeing me more than once and thinking I'm weird. So I drew a map of all the Starbucks' in my city and started a rotation system whereby I visit each one only one day of the week.

Sometime the staff still recognise me. It makes me feel awkward and one time after a man said he'd seen me before I went to the toilet and cried.

>> No.7136782

I do too except subtract the coffee. I don't like drinking too much caffeine when smoking because then it masks to relaxation and all I feel is jittery. Just get some cheap junk food like tortilla chips and cheese dip, some tasty ginger snaps, or even fried food like fried dumplings or egg rolls from the local Chinese place and I'm in heaven.

>> No.7136784

Depends, if I don't want to get drowsy then coffee.
Most of the time Cola, Milk, Tea in order of preference.

>> No.7136789

I hate when people remember me in Starbucks and other places where I frequent to eat or drink too. I feel like I'm just annoying them, so I prefer to stay anonymous wherever I go.

>> No.7136806

Why would that be weird? Back when I was in high school, there was a Tim Horton's nearby that we stopped by nearly everyday after school. Even now, since we live scattered across the city quite a bit, we use the place as a meet-up location. I'm pretty damn sure the staff there have not only recognized our faces, but also have a general idea of what we order.

Thread related, I'm a tea fan. Green tea is delicious, but I don't like tea-bag green tea too much. Powder-made green tea is my preferred kind, but I'm too lazy to search for it myself, so I only have it when I'm at Asian restaurants.
Other than green tea, I like Orange Pekoe, thanks to it being the only tea my family ever drank, and Earl Grey, the both of which I take black, with an absurd amount of sugar.

>> No.7136808

Tea keeps me up for 10 hours so its good for when i want to stay up late., but i never drank or want to drink coffee.

>> No.7136820

Its because hes afraid of people, this is /jp/ after all.
the new posters gotta understand most of /jp/ has problems, well maybe not any more anyway. I think a lot of them left sadly.

>> No.7136846




A normalfriend like you could not understand. Could not understand the feeling of anxiety. Wondering what the staff think of you. Wonder if they're thinking "lol, all that guy does is drink fucking coffee all day, what a loser". Thinking about how stupid your glasses are. Or questioning why you buy the same drink. Why your voice sounds so nervous. Why you look so scared. Why you seem to struggle to speak.

No, normalfriend. People like you have no problem with this stuff, do you? You find it natural as air to cruise into any store you like and strike up a conversation with anyone. You will never understand.

>> No.7136856

There's a difference between being afraid of people and being paranoid of people. I've been here long enough to get that a good chunk of /jp/'s population is afraid of the social repercussions of trying to fit a very non-uniform personality into society. Which is fine and a perfectly reasonable fear. Society is an asshole, after all.
However, people working at a cafe don't really give a fuck who comes in, as long as they pay for their stuff and don't cause an uproar. In fact, having worked in a Tim Horton's, I can say they even like regulars, since it's a bit of consistency in the waves of faceless people who come in and out daily.

>> No.7136864

At least you're able to go out and order some coffee. I can't order anything if I'm alone, I'm too scared.

>> No.7136868


>However, people working at a cafe don't really give a fuck who comes in

Like I say, you wouldn't understand. It's the fact alone that they recognise me. It's scary to think that they are acknowledging my existence, that they know me for something (frequenting their store). That I am "that guy". I don't fucking want anyone to know me, I want to go in and get a coffee and leave, I don't care if they "like" having regulars or not.

The day they implement self-service machines in every kind of store cannot come sooner.

>> No.7136871

I prefer tea. When I went to order some tea the other day I was disappointed that the shop had closed due to the earthquake. They said they'd be back but I have no idea how long.

>> No.7136905
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I drink coffee every day. I usually drink it black because it doesn't taste good even with things like creamer or sugar (not bad, not good, just plain)

I don't drink tea very much because I don't want to experience the "consuming so much of something that it loses its charm" effect. I like tea that much.

>> No.7136939

Oh trust me they do well at least when my cursed self comes in. When I come all eyes are on me for some reason. Some people just give me the most angry expressions other people have these fake smiles to hide the fact that they would probably want me dead for just existing. I'm always referred to as "that guy" like I'm a threat to everyone around me when some of the most suspicious looking people that come in don't even get as much as a weird look.

>> No.7136998

I hate the smell of coffee. I don't drink tea often, but it's okay.

>> No.7137021

I was fine with this, but...
This is...
I'm not going to preach to you, or tell you to fix your life. I don't agree with it, but at the same time I couldn't care less about you.
But I do have one request. Do not assume, because someone does not understand your predicament, that they are immediately "like everyone else."
I can't start conversations as easily as breathing, like you assumed. You think you're the only one who is paranoid about what people think about your appearance? Or the way you talk? Or how you do nothing but sit in front of a laptop day in and day out? That you maybe leave your house only twice a week?
I don't understand your predicament, and I'm not going to pretend I care enough to. Just don't assume you are special because how socially inept you are. The fact alone that you go outside daily, regardless of how you feel about it, shows you aren't so irregular as you seem to egotistically think you are.

>> No.7137056

>When I come all eyes are on me for some reason.
Pretty sure this might be a sign of a psychological problem. I used to suffer from believing this myself, but then I "broke" some more and I don't even care now.
But if such a thing is a really bothering you, it might be best to try seeking some help from somewhere.

>> No.7137119

I drink Coffee until midday/early afternoon. Then tea in the evening.

Also, I worked at a cafe for a few months, nobody gives a fuck about you. Or any customer. Get your coffee and do whatever.

>> No.7137153

I drink tea because I'm a lady.
