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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7439547 No.7439547 [Reply] [Original]

When was the last time you went outside?

>> No.7439557


Uhm.... Today?

>> No.7439560


>> No.7439572
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>> No.7439578


Cirno will never interact with me...Unless I can go to Gensokyo. So off I go.

>> No.7439583


They should send you to Mars. Remember all the concerns over whether or not people would be able to handle the psychological stress of being isolated away from everyone for a year or two? You'd have no problems at all mate.

>> No.7439591

Any schizoid would be fine for the trip.

>> No.7439611

5 hours ago

>> No.7439651

I go in my backyard to smoke every hour or two. Otherwise, 4 years.

>> No.7439664

how do you get food

>> No.7439676

Today for about 20 seconds to take out the trash. I don't know if that counts.

>> No.7439677

your parents buy you food and cigarettes? if not how do you make money?

>> No.7439696

Thanksgiving I think. Unless taking the garbage out counts.

>> No.7439853

Previous year. Why do you ask?

>> No.7439877

This afternoon, I went to sushi for lunch with my little sister. Jelly?

>> No.7439963

How old are you and what are your parents like?

>> No.7439988

not them, but i last left my place in september or october, i forgot. i live alone. average age of /jp/.

>> No.7440003

How do you make money? How do you get food? How old is the average /jp/er?

>> No.7440014

yesterday i think.
closest i got to outside today was opening the door for the food delivery guy.
now that i can have sashimi brought to my house, i see no need to leave

>> No.7440019

Is your sister asian and 13-16?

>> No.7440079


17 and white. Meh.

>> No.7440087

about 12 hours ago
one of my friends has a going away party tomorrow so I'm going out again

I think that's grounds for cancelling my /jp/ membership

>> No.7440113

Does anyone else on /jp/ actually like going outside? Going outside does not mean you have to socialize. You can go outside and be places where you're able to be alone. The weather is often nice outside so I just go driving and try to enjoy the suburban area I live in. Sometimes I'll drive somewhere to get something nice to eat and then eat it on the side of the road or in a parking lot with the windows open.

>> No.7440119

I feel the same. I enjoy taking walks around my suburban area. I like to get something to eat, eat by the lake alone, sometimes smoke some pot and just chill out being alone.

>> No.7440254

how were you able to find a drug dealer if you have no friends and how were you able to talk to him without having a panic attack?

>> No.7440266

About 2 weeks ago.

>> No.7440267

Just a few minutes ago. I go outside to around 2-4 am, since it's a fairly small town I usually don't run into anything, not even animals.

There was one time that a pickup passed me at midnight and then started turning around in the middle of the street, and I was sure whoever was driving was coming back for me so I freaked out and hid behind a tree in someone's lawn. I was afraid to go out for a walk for a couple months after that.

>> No.7440272

A few days ago to see my psychologist

>> No.7440279

I once had people throw oranges at me while I was walking outside. People are rude.

>> No.7440284

I just got out of bed.

>> No.7440340

I can't wait for the government to start rounding up NEETs for the space program.

>> No.7440403

november 2007

>> No.7440429

Yesterday, went to see an old schoolfriend, I had not seen him for about 9 months. We played some ping-pong outside, then I vomited because the sun and heat made me sick. But it was nice seeing him again.

>> No.7440436

A few minutes ago. I took a walk in the park, then sat on my balcony and ate some ice cream in the sunshine.

>> No.7440446

It's not like I don't have any friends. I just don't really like being around people that much, I'm a loner. Also, I'm a grower myself. I sell stuff to a couple of local low level dealers, mostly 20 y/o kids or something to make a living.

>> No.7440453

20 minutes ago I went out with my mum and we bought some snacks and ice cream

>> No.7440473

Yesterday evening, got drunk with several friends. Wasn't worth it.

>> No.7440525 [DELETED] 

yesterday shopping and to get a haircut. i hate long hair so i had it shaved to almost bald.

>> No.7440524

lolwut? what do you look like?

>> No.7440526

how old are you?

>> No.7440527

how do you pay for your shelter and how do you get food?

>> No.7440593

Getting to 30.

>> No.7440752

Welfare and I buy it online and it gets delivered.

>> No.7440841

do you live in america? i'm a shut in but i live with my parents who make me want to kill myself and i wish i could just be independent

>> No.7440871

I like to go out and take walks.

i went out yesterday and got ice-cream.

>> No.7441966

June 2009.

>> No.7441968

Last week. And I regret it. I'm never going out there again.

>> No.7442023

This morning. Breakfast at Arby's, beeyotch.

>> No.7442031

Nowadays this is about the only way I ever go out. Does anyone else ever feel that pang of self conscious shame when they go someplace where there's other people and everyone seems to be with someone else but you? That happens all the time to me. It's mostly the reason why I never go to bars or cafes

>> No.7442036

3 hours ago

>> No.7442737
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I go out multiple times a day every day. I have numerous social interactions with every of person out there. I have had 2 girlfriends, one of them was a 22 year old Korean who enjoyed anime. I dumped her. I have a part time job that helps me save for a university where I will study illustration and film making. I have a 2 year scholarship at my local college. I am young, workout, am part of a filming project and am learning 2 languages. I still am Otaku though, on the account that I have been so enthralled in Japanese culture sense I was 2 watchin imported Fox kids shows. - Dissability-san

>> No.7442775

>study illustration and film making

Lost all respect right there. I can mostly match you if I cared to penis-wave online, but my degree'll actually means something.

Really, sounds like /a/ to me.

>> No.7442882
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A few hours ago to go grocery shopping.

Macked on some hoes, god fucking damn girls dress hot in public here. Cannot contain my raging boner.

Yesterday spent the whole day high and drunk at the pool. My skin is hella sunburnt but it feels better than being inside constantly.

Don't get me wrong - I <3 my indoor time. I'm a former-NEET and pseudo-hikki...I know how awesome chilling at the computer is, playin' games and jacking off and sleeping all day.

But goddamn I need some variety. And natural vitamin D. And pussy.

Pic related. In b4 3DPD

>> No.7442904
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Just becaue I'm going into illustrating and Film making doesn't mean I can't make it a serious profession and focus on serious matters that people refect on and ext. . Maybe I was pennies waving a little to much, but what I was trying to say is that even Otaku can have a chance in life and work towards thier drams, while living in society. I have honed my beliefs and morals in truth wich will be come on with my film making. I love to tell stories and if I can help inspire the world to make the right choices, then I think that is a useful profession anon-san

>> No.7442908


You forgot your tripcode, wtH.

I'm interested in knowing how exactly said girls dress in public... provide a description?

>> No.7442915
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thanks, my bad. been a while, ive been using my macbook pro and hadn't entered my trip in a while.

it's texas. girls in their middleschool age wear very tight t-shirts/polos that show their budding bosoms (and in rare cases, epic boobage) and they wear soffee (pronounced so-phee) shorts, which are these very tiny workout/lounge shorts that display the entire leg all the way up to and sometimes including the lower butt.

shit is so cash, om nom nom

pic small but related.

>> No.7442925 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 165x104, nasu_eggplant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sure as HELL aint me and i havn't been out much but my sis dresses like a hipster so i guess that's what all girls are into these days and thats how they'd look like lol...the only time i see girls beside my mom is when i watch porn and theyre ussually naked so i wouldn't know WHAT.

>> No.7442929


a good chunk of my female friends dress hipsterish. it can be sexy at times...depends tho. i like my girls approaching slutty chola status - short skirts, high heels, ponytails, hoop earrings

>> No.7442934 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7442935


Thanks, you have made me very happy.

>> No.7442994
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>mfw no matter how much i hold stretch my hand, it just touches the screen.

Cirno don't leave me. I don't want to be alone anymore.

To answer OP's question. 6 years since i finished high school.

>> No.7443896

where do you live? and how did you stop being shy?

>> No.7443898

what the fuck man... you had to go outside once

>> No.7443911

get out of jp and take your facebook friends with you

actually, entire fucking thread should just get out
why are you even there

>> No.7443918

i don't have any friends and i am a shut-in... am i cool now? but i go outside to get food and usually late at night and at drive thrus but still 6 years without leaving the house? i guess your parents must be nice, mine treat me like shit

>> No.7444493

I'm not sure what's more pathetic- the fact that you think this makes you worth something or the fact that you're bragging about it on /jp/.

>> No.7444528

get out of /jp/

>> No.7444551

I wonder often how /jp/ can manage to get worse and these kind of threads prove it.

I understand a few people in the thread should leave, but "everyone"? do you even realize by typing that you're apart of it? In fact, because you typed something so stupid, you should do it first.

>> No.7444580

He's a moron, just ignore him. You shouldn't take him seriously, and most of /jp/ are shut-ins with no social interaction which is what this thread is about.

>> No.7444601

I meant later half of the thread was what managed to make /jp/ worse. As in, the people bragging about "macking on hoes" and the random guy named stoneranonymous.

Since when did /jp/ have so many long time shut-ins here? I know it had a lot of people in the one year region, but 5+ years? Out of all the shut-in threads that have been posted there hasn't been one with someone long term shut-ins so far. I wonder if half of these posts are actually real.

>> No.7444734

yeah it's hard to believe someone stayed in their home for 6 straight years. what the fuck

>> No.7444756

Yesterday to steal dinner from the 99c Store.

>> No.7445074

Today for an exam, which I might have failed, for fuck's sake.

Also must leave tomorrow for another exam.
