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7858899 No.7858899 [Reply] [Original]

Does /jp/ still play tanks?

>> No.7858908

Buy me a graphics card that would allow me to play it with no fps lag, and I'd do it.

>> No.7858910

sick double dubs, op

>> No.7858927

You could probably buy a graphics card that'd run tanks with the change in your couch

>> No.7858938

I don't think enough /jp/sies play tanks to warrant having threads about it anymore.
I still play but most of /jp/ has moved to a new flavor of the month.

>> No.7858950

What's the new flavor of the month on /jp/?

>> No.7858951

A little , but only to get doubleds in hopes to reach tier 10 somethime in future ..

>> No.7858954

I currently have a ~$20 Nvidia 6700 xl I bought after my previous one fried. It runs WoT, but I can only play arty or else I lag horribly to the point where it's unplayable.

>> No.7858979

Nobody wants to play anymore since the stats were wiped and now you have to pay to get most of the advantages in the game. And since you could only buy the premium garage with gold, nobody wants to do any sort of meaningful progress anymore because grinding this game out without 2x XP is impossible. Putting little girls as camouflage in your tank doesn't outweighs the cons now, and I believe it never did, since nobody besides yourself could see it.

That's just how sad this game is. A dream. An illusion. A time-consuming beast that hypnotizes you, making you think what you do actually matters to you and other people, when it's actually just fooling you and killing you very slowly. A grindfest. A bother. Some cat you picked off the street and found out was a dog when you got home. A fifty dollar priced game that's not worth even five cents of your time.

But hey, maybe you still enjoy it. Don't let me judge you.

>> No.7858992

>Some cat you picked off the street and found out was a dog when you got home.
Oh come on now, it can't be THAT bad.

>> No.7859004

I don't see how it's TOO grindy
all we /jp/s have is time, don't we?
The only thing premium users save is time, as the premium tanks are usually the worst tanks in their tier and if you can't penetrate something with the standard AP shells you shouldn't be engaging it anyways

>> No.7859016

I actually, you know, liked the gameplay somewhat.
Particularly compared to other F2P games.

>> No.7859018

I agree on that
it isn't grinding if you're having fun

>> No.7859024

Well, okay. I overstated a little. The dog I picked up treated me very kindly at first. Then I threw him away and bought an actual cat.

Yes, when you eliminate the prospect of time, I suppose the grind gets more bearable. What you can't eliminate though, is your patience, and I guarantee you it will be extremely jeopardized by the time you get to a tier 7 or 8 tank.

Basically, it's like when you jump into a Korean MMO; the basic mechanics are fine, but the game itself is only interesting for the couple of enemies you end up killing. If you have online friendships that share the experience with you, it gets more bearable, but as stated, only if you think you're doing some sort of meaningful progress, which in this case, may only happen with the 2x EXP.

But like I said, that's subjective. Maybe you enjoy taking it slow. Nice and easy. I don't judge people, just animals.

That is subjective to change. It's only fun until you hit a new bar. Then the bar gets set higher and turns unbearable for you. Let's see how you think how much fun that is, when it rises up.

>> No.7859027

I better not stop having fun.
I made a great flan skin for my Maus when I get to it and i'm only tier 7.

>> No.7859048

I'm still playing it and I never even bothered with skins, but then I'm also paying for premium. I'm mainly playing for win percentage, although that's gotten frustrating lately with my tier 6 tanks always getting the shittiest tier 9-10 teams. I'm starting to believe in the conspiracy theories that the matchmaker tries to balance out good players and bad players, it feels like it's trying its hardest to drag down all my tanks with 60+% win rates.

Also, I saw mugen a while back in a Hummel

>> No.7859105

Oh yeah, also this. The matchmaking was never really good in this game. As soon as you get a tier 5-6 tank, you're tossed into the lion's cage with the tier 8-9-10 tank matches. I don't know about you, but I was unable to win eight out of ten matches before getting a tier 7 tank, which took a while and didn't make things all that better.

>> No.7859110

>mugen using a hummel
typical onion fucker

>> No.7859191

I'd rather kill myself than grind through the m3 lee again.

>> No.7859225

Only mmo posts i've seen recently are Tera but that isn't even out yet.
I don't know how /jp/ spends its time anymore.

>> No.7859258

It's September.
School's back in.

>> No.7859282

Why would you play as pig americans when you could fight for glorious mother russia anyways?

>> No.7859350

school has nothing to do with wasting your day away playing an MMO

>> No.7859386

Is there a reason to play anything other than Russian yet? Last time I played, the Russians were the best in every single tank line.

>> No.7859424

Germans: Tiger P is great. E-Series is also great. Disregard the whining. The downgraded Panther with the 7,5cm L/100 is seriously fun. The TD line is good too, especially the Ferdinard. SPG line is good from Hummel upwards.

USA: fast mediums with good ROF, T7 and up heavies are godlike if played correctly, turreted TDs (serious fun).

>> No.7859429

The only tank that has been nerfed hard is T-54, yet it's arguably still better than the other tier 9 mediums. IS-4 is still in one tier lower than it should be, Maus got fixed in that its mudguards aren't made of paper anymore but its total health got reduced, T30 is still made of paper. I'm not sure about the new American tier 9 TD and Object704, but they both still outclass the Jagdtiger.

>> No.7859464

i'm playing my way down to the E-100 and i'm in T8.
never had a problem killing Russian tanks

>> No.7859487

T1-8 and T10 Russian tanks have been fine, it's T9 that seemed incredibly out of place.

>> No.7859516
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Nothing out of place here, Capt'n
Line em up, my T34 will knock down any German, Russian, or traitor American scum you can throw at it.

>> No.7859537

T34? You mean that tank so shitty it's getting replaced?

>> No.7859563
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More like so strong they're taking it out of the game.

>> No.7859670

how can they take out the most famous russian tank ever?

>> No.7859753

because u touch urself

>> No.7859772

Oh yes, taking chance of the past, could anyone from the mumble server pass me the current info? I was serving jail time and kind of lost my computer with the info inside.

>> No.7859818
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Aren't you cocky, American dog? My tanks eat american puppies for zavtrak!

>> No.7859838
File: 79 KB, 714x806, 32c2a41b8df64842d97bade911cb236d10cd415c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that? I can't hear you over the sound of my T-30 railing your baby tanks.

>> No.7859890

> I was serving jail time and kind of lost my computer with the info inside.
did they find your cp collection?

>> No.7859904

Port 7226

>> No.7860119

I am on a little break, but I after the game went live I got:

T92 (tier 8 American arty)
T28 (Tier 8 American TD)
Lowe (Because it cost well over $10 million total to buy the other top tanks, and this tank prints money).

Was working on T95 to finish off the American TD line, but I got busy with that tournament in August. My team made it to the top eight I think but we lost to a team of expert turtles.

Then Deus Ex came out and I have been too distracted to get back to my T95 grind.

>> No.7860451

fuck, I really should've gotten a Lowe when it was on sale ages ago. Getting enough money fast to upgrade my elite tanks to the next tier really tries your patience.

Also, man I'm in love with the T25 AT. It's like the StuG back in beta days, only more powerful and a lot more faster. My god, i just can't believe how fast it runs.

>> No.7860948

Indeed, what's the flavor of the month this time?

>> No.7860963

Guess I'll reinstall and play some arty until I get bored again in a week.
I wonder if my account got deleted again.

>> No.7861451


>play some arty until I get bored again in a week

You will be bored in under a week if you just play arty. Arty lost their traces so you can't even play as a counter-arty anymore, and for me that took out the last bit of fun out of it.

I only play arty in clanwars now, where the T92 is used to kill campers through buildings or behind rocks/cliffs. On public random games the player quality is so low that tier 7 & 8 arty are not worth playing at all. You will just rage as your team abandons an entire side of the map and your arty gets steamrolled in under 2 minutes.

>> No.7861490

>Arty lost their traces so you can't even play as a counter-arty anymore

So now the priest is COMPLETELY useless now

>> No.7861512

Passwords are bitches.

>> No.7861524


Priest was never good, but it is just a tier 4 arty... It should take like a day or two to get past it and unlock the decent M41.

>> No.7861530

>It should take like a day or two to get past it

it took weeks on a premium account

>> No.7861543

Yes I do.

>> No.7861581


Doing something wrong?

The priest was bad but not that bad. It should still get 2-3 kills per fight and 600-800xp in a decent round (when you aren't A20 rushed). Wasn't it only like 75k to unlock the M41?

I had M41 and KV-3 within days of launch, and that was only playing a few hours in the evening (working 8-5PM, and only playing after catching up on the weeks anime).

>> No.7861631


Actually I kind of lied I just realized. I used gold to unlock the better priest gun right from the start, so I skipped the battles where it was especially helpless.

>> No.7864324

I do
My actual garage:
-Stug III
-JagdPz IV
-M3 Lee
-T1 Heavy

Actually grinding for:

-Pz Tiger VI
-M7 Priest
-M4 Sherman
-Easy 8

>> No.7864334

WoT didn't quite interest me. Just looks like a slow motion FPS to me.

Now that WoWP they're developing does seem kind of interesting. I wonder how well it will do. I'll want to play it.

>> No.7864336


>> No.7864345

Those requirements. I don't think its worth it until beta, I wouldn't play the alpha enough to justify being a tester.
