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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8459326 No.8459326 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ what are your experiences with showing touhou, (the games) to normalfags?

>> No.8459328

I haven't done such a thing because I'm not an idiot.

>> No.8459332

If you're decent, people will think its the hardest game ever, and will respect you for your skills.
Either that, or they will think you're a pedophile.
Possibly both.

>> No.8459333

I used to play it on my laptop at University because I didn't give a shit.

Some people go "wow, what the hell is that", most people don't give a shit. It's just a video game.

>> No.8459336
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most will think you are a pedo, in japan too

>> No.8459341

I used to play it too in public too.
People would sometimes crowd around to watch me.

>> No.8459344

Normals are people, people hate me, at least it helps me avoid these situations.

>> No.8459345

I was told that a coworker of his also played touhou and had like 5 touhou shirts.

>> No.8459347

Why do they hate you?
I can understand not caring, but hate?

>> No.8459355
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This. Just playing the games isn't too bad, but God forbid showing anything else Touhou-related to normals.

>> No.8459356

i still play a couple of rounds of hisouten or pofv with my friends inside the college, and most people just ask what the heck it is

but there's always the few who go like "WHOA, LOLIS"

>> No.8459361

Well my friend loved Bad Apple.

>> No.8459362

Karma or somethng alike, I've been an asshole to everyone around me for several years, now I'm alone.
It's a nice mixture of comfort, despair, regret and Linkin Park.

>> No.8459363

>Pedoshit, Cave or Konami games are much better.
This was the answer I got, after that I gave up.
Well, this guy did browse /v/, so yeah.

>> No.8459368

Bad Apple is entry level for Touhou in general.
Also, didn't it get mentioned on a news report?

>> No.8459371
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be happy

>> No.8459378
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Had a weeabooish friend come over while I was playing Fairy Wars. After a few minutes he just outright asked if this was my way of coming out of the closet.

This was a guy that watches Lucky Star and other shows he calls his "cute shows" so I dunno.

>> No.8459381
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My dad saw me playing touhou 6 the other day, but my old man is to bussy to give a shit about my games. My mom thinks Ran and Chen are cute thought

>> No.8459386

Anybody who thinks Touhou is hard is a fucking moron.

Sorry Lain, but if you just give your opinion on the games you have the answer to your own thread.

>> No.8459387

Why would I do that?

>> No.8459388
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You're dad has good taste.

>> No.8459393
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It's easier to watch other people being happy, not Kyoko case though, yet she's still lovely.
Always when I see her chewing something and enjoying it I go grab whatever is avaible and eat too, reconforts me.

>> No.8459396
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Many normalfags has been interested in Touhou when they see me play the games; say things like:
>this is a old school game
>holy crap, how to dodge all these bullets?
>these colors, perfect to lsd trip, i want to play this game!

...but if we talk about the fandom and some PV's.. the aceptation is low in the normalfags, because not everyone likes the moe and anime.

However... im called a "pedophile", or "lolicon" for those people who watch anime.

The touhou canon is the best way to convert to all impure and sinners normalfags to the touhou creed.

>> No.8459431

I never play or talk about 2hu around others.
I just keep it to myself, we already have too much fucking secondaries as it is.
And whenever someone mentions touhou around me I just pretend I don't know what it is.

>> No.8459441

I was once helping my sister babysit a couple of young shota twins and started playing EoSD on my laptop after I'd thought they'd gone to sleep. One of them came up to me and asked me what I was playing and if he could play so I let him. He fucking sucked but was interested in it.

I think I ruined his life.

>> No.8459447
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>> No.8459450
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>> No.8459458

I only get annoyed sometimes why I am playing this kind of game instead of CoD and have to explain to them why I like it but that's about it.

>> No.8459460
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"Hey anon, why are you playing a weeaboo moonrunes game?"

>> No.8459461

>Bad Apple

Till you meet somebody at an anime convention saying that Bad Apple originally is Reimu and Marisa's theme
seriously, "Reimu and Marisa's theme"? GOD! It create more retarded secondaries than proper fans, and Its really overrated

>> No.8459464

Your mom is right.

>> No.8459467

Actually, that reminds me. A lot of people asked me to try it out because it looked really hard/interesting and they had seen that "HARDEST VIDEO GAME BOSS EVER" video or something on youtube from Mushihimesama.

I put EoSD on a thumb drive, passed it around and watched them play it. It was depressing, they were all playing easy mode and coin feeding.

>> No.8459468

Fuking buttmad meido delete my threads AGAIN.
When will he learn that off-topic threads are /jp/ -related and 2hu threads are fucking shit.
Why is /jp/ even SFW when nobody on /jp/ has a job? I can't wait for moot to fire his sorry ass

>> No.8459469

My mom likes watching me play, because they're "pretty" games.

>> No.8459471

Well of course they're going to play on easy modo.
They've never played touhou, or any bullet hell game.

>> No.8459474
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There's no acceptable excuse for playing easymodo.

>> No.8459477

Newfags mod doesn't understand how /jp/ works and he refuse to learn

>> No.8459478

>unless you're an elementary kid

>> No.8459482

You got me, Anonymous.

>> No.8459486


>> No.8459490
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same here dude

>> No.8459501

We all know that starting on Ultra is the best way to learn how to play Touhou.

On topic, yes. I showed one guy PCB, he made it to stage 5 on normal, first try. A week later, he managed to 1cc the game and even came close to 1-ALLing DoDonPachi. He seriously died when the 1-6 boss had no life left. Since then, he managed to clear all of the touhou games on Lunatic, but he's been playing them for about a year now.

>> No.8459513

Damn, what a boss.

>> No.8459515
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where do i start with touhou games?

>> No.8459520

From the beginning.

>> No.8459521

I've been playing 2hu for about 4 years now and all I ever accomplished was EoSD 1cc on Normal.

>> No.8459524

Touhou 8 is a good starting 2hu.

>> No.8459527


Just don't.

>> No.8459530

This was my starter 2hu. I actually would recommend PCB, though, since IN teaches you bad bombing habits.

>> No.8459537

My dad likes to play shmups since Mega Drive/Genesis. He's a cool guy.

>> No.8459539

I play in classes regularly, and some friends enjoy watching my "crazy japanese games". They think it's a little faggy, but stop complaining when they see the shitload of bullets onscreen.

And, when I show Touhou to someone, it always goes like this:

1. "wtf dude, why are you playing with girls".
2. "wow, are you supposed to dodge all that?".
3. "heh, the music is nice".
4. "wtf man, the bullets are touching you and you didn't die, you cheater.
5. They get bored and leave.

When someone asks for the name of the game, I say a friend of mine mailed it to me, and feign ignorance, so they may not find the sea of touhou porn on internet.

And, I avoid playing GFW in public, even the music is too girly.

>> No.8459540

Not really. Either EoSD or LLS are the best to start with. Because they:
* Don't overflow you with extra lives
* Has a lot more that requires you to actually be good at dodging bullets
* Simple gameplay

>> No.8459541

um, why?

>> No.8459548

Well, I, personally, have started with Touhou 1 and worked my way up to TD

>> No.8459551

EoSD (TH06) is the best starter.
Simple is beautiful.

>> No.8459567

I get that a lot too, plus the usual "Where's the HP bar?"

Bloody modern gamers and their fancy lifebars...

>> No.8459570

No, PCB is a better starter. It even rewards you for attempting scoring and good habits in general.

>> No.8459590

thanks, im going to try EoSD then

>> No.8459603

>4. "wtf man, the bullets are touching you and you didn't die, you cheater.

haha every time

>> No.8459610

"I'd rather play Gradius"

>> No.8459622

Gradius is much harder than Touhou, though; why would they do that?

>> No.8459627

pretty much indifference.

I showed Samidare to a guy once and he was like "where do all those bullets even go"

>> No.8459642

>anon, stop playing shitty weeaboo games

my friends just say it jokingly though, they don't think they're shitty or weeaboo, just different

most of them just don't understand the appeal of the 2hus, which is completely understandable for normalfags

as long as i don't delve into the 2hus themselves they actually like the gameplay and the mythology behind it

>> No.8459670

>my friends just say it jokingly
>understandable for normalfags

>> No.8459673


>> No.8459700


out of context

who are you quoting

>> No.8459727

Showed IN to one ``friend.'' He managed to 1cc it on Lunatic after about 3 days. He lost interest after that, but this event made me remember that I hate other people for always being better at everything.

>> No.8459729

"Well this is kinda difficult"

>> No.8459754

I know how it feels, the guy I mentioned above got his normal/lunatic 1cc's with only about 30 minutes of casual practice a day. It makes me extremely jealous.

>> No.8459760

That's nothing. I showed it to my mother who only rarely played mario kart and she beat every single game on lunatic without losing a single life or bombing after just 1 day.

>> No.8459792


>> No.8461683 [DELETED] 
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Who are you quoting?

>> No.8461708

when i was in highschool all i did was play touhou in my computer class. they said it was the hardest game ever and i think i may have earned their respect.

>> No.8461729

oh yeah I showed my touhou skillz to mah niggas in the hood. They don't get the lolis but they dont be denying my mad skills. They jelly. Stop being such betas and be an alpha like me.

>> No.8461792 [DELETED] 
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Who are you quoting?

>> No.8461860
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>4. "wtf man, the bullets are touching you and you didn't die, you cheater.

Granted the only time anybody watches me play is when i'm at a LAN party waiting for everybody else to get set up and fix their stupid computers, or if i'm at this hookah bar that nobody fucking goes to but still stays up for some reason.
Every now and then a stoner or two will wander in, notice the patterns out of the corner of his eye like some delirious moth and go "huwwhoooooaaah, dude".

I fucking love stoners, they are the epitome of taking it too easy.

>> No.8461961 [DELETED] 
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>Who are you quoting?

>> No.8461972

I never have. The only time I play in public is on a laptop in breakfast/lunch restaurants and I purposely pick a corner where nobody can disturb me or see the screen.

>> No.8461984 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 330x695, whoruquoting7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8462023

I played PCB in my web class, and the guy next to me asked what it was, then said it looked shitty until all of the bullets came on screen.

On that note I've only played PCB and TD, are the others fun?

>> No.8462217

They will probably look at it as another retro indie shooter.

>> No.8462241

I heard a lot of weeaboos hang out in the computer lab at school, so I played PCB on my laptop and a couple of people recognized it. They seem like nice people but I don't really like socializing enough to try to go out of my way to make new friends...

>> No.8462242

Which it pretty much is.

In before people who think Touhou is original. Probably the "ZUN's art is good" crowd.

>> No.8462244


I don't show games to people. End of subject.

>> No.8462254
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>> No.8462256
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Got several of my normalfag friends to play SWR/ soku with me. We used to play for hours and hours. Haven't been able to get anyone interested in the shmups yet, they're really not for everyone I suppose.

>> No.8462270

My little brother and a group of his friends, they're around 15 and 16 years old came in my room for a gamecube controller while i was playing touhou. They started watching and they were amazed I was able to dodge bullets and shit like that. Lucky for me it was quite a run of luck and I looked much better than I actually was for those 2 minutes.

Now they all think I'm some gaming god since i fucking rape them in Melee too.

>> No.8462281


Still want to know who that guy is and how he became associated with poking fun at greentext misuse. If anything, who are you quoting should be a rich 34 year old sitting in a nice leather chair with a glass of 18 year old scotch and a huge sarcastic smile on his face.

>> No.8462283

I find this guy with aspergers much more fitting.

>> No.8462293

I think it's Touhou that's not for everyone. Show them something like DoDonPachi or Mushihime-sama and they might react differently.

>> No.8462296

That guy has been reposted over and over and over again, since I can recall.

This association with greentext misuse is pretty recent.

>> No.8462316


Fascinating... I only saw him appear on /jp/ relatively recently, certainly well within a year. I wouldn't know if his mug appeared on other boards though, as I steer clear of most other boards besides /o/.

>> No.8462322
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>I think it's Touhou that's not for everyone.

Yeah probably. One of them was the best out of any of my friends but he would only ever use stock decks because he hated the card system. Any time he bitched about it I told him I'd help him build a deck for any characters he wanted to use but I think he just liked to use it as an excuse for losing.

I loved the old days when I played a lot, any time I started to feel good about myself I just went to a /jp/ netplay thread or #hisouten to get thoroughly sphincter-slammed. Never let myself build up an ego by beating up on low power level normals.

>> No.8462353

Me and a friend used to always play SWR in college while working because our job was to babysit a door.

We had two 360 controllers plugged into a laptop, and it was always the same thing...

"Dude, you can play 360 games on a laptop?"
And then we explain that it wasn't a 360 game...
"What game is it."
Tell them the name.
"Oh, I think I've played that before."
It was quite obvious they hadn't played it before.

We also set it up in one of the university rooms with a giant projector screen one time for laughs. Playing SWR on a very large screen was interesting.

I kind of miss having someone to play it with.

>> No.8462369

One of the Top Gear guys talked about Perfect Cherry Blossom, it's casual shit now.

>> No.8462407
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Touhou is hard for people new to the genre. Saying that Touhou is easy, Cave is much better, blah blah blah, is bad semantics.

Compared to mainstream games, Touhou is hard. Compared to other, established STG franchises, Touhou is not hard. It's only unique in that it emphasizes pretty patterns, not so much the difficulty.

SO PLEASE, QUIT SAYING X IS EASY Y IS HARD. It's a fucking dead horse.

ANIME IS SHIT compared to critically acclaimed films. Yes we know. VNS ARE SHIT compared to the great works of literature. Yes we fucking know.

So please shut the fuck up about Touhou being hard or not hard. Everybody knows damn well that it's babby's first shooter.

>> No.8462409
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Why would you show Touhou to normals? Don't do that. Just don't. Nevertheless, if it can't be helped, since normals can't understand the appeal of its art or characters (much less the ocean of doujin about them), the one thing they would instantly understand is the gameplay. If you're playing PC-98 they may be able to point out it's got really cool music too; they might still notice it on windows games, but those don't have the cool FM synth sound that is now very unusual to hear these days, so it's not as obvious to philistine ears.

So, if you can clear the games on Lunatic pretty easy, that's the best way of showing them the game without actually needing to talk about it. You'd want their kneejerk reaction to be, "shit, this looks hard" rather than "shit, what the fuck am I seeing". In other words, normals should at least respect that there's something tangible in the game itself that gives it reason for you to play it. Then again, pretty much that's the appeal of all shmups. You don't play shmups for plot, visuals, multiplayer or the other typical game stuff, you play them because they are one of the few game types left that absolutely will flog your ass all day long if you're not careful (or skilled).

I'd actually refrain from talking about the doujin work and song remixes etc because they will have no idea what those are. I wouldn't focus on the game too much either, to blend in with normals easily you'd need to be able to easily shift the conversation to games they probably play such as TF2, unless of course they want to try Touhou out for themselves. All you'd need to say is, "It's fun as hell once you get the hang of it" or something like that and they might try it out for a bit. I wouldn't stress offering it to them though, after all they're much more likely to probably say something like "nah, I totally suck at these" or some such.

>> No.8462487

My sister introduced me to the games. Prior to that, I was a dirty secondary

>> No.8462541

I showed it to my younger brother and i've been playing it for 3 months. But i felt upset when he owned hard mode of pcb in only 3 days.

>> No.8462595
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Who are you quoting?

>> No.8462605

Are you a bot, or just a regular shitposter?

>> No.8462654

I've shown off my toohooing skills before and amaze my friends yeah

Also, I'd love to play Soku with some people but since I'm so damn good I think that it wouldn't be much fun for them to get buttslammed all of the time. I guess I could always use a char I suck with.

>> No.8462674

There sure is a lot of talk about school and friends in here...

>> No.8462784
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Who are you quoting?

>> No.8462797 [DELETED] 
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I introduced it to some otaku in my school's computer lab in between classes. I brought my game controller so they had an easy as HELL time playing (set it to easy, laughed quietly to myself). Then I showed it to them on Hard and they freaked out.

I left them with links to torrents and told them to check out shrinemaiden. I feel like I did the right thing.

>> No.8462814 [DELETED] 
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>Who are you quoting?

>> No.8462831 [DELETED] 
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Who are you quoting?

>> No.8462836

But nobody in the west is actually good at soku except for Duckator and Magister.

>> No.8462842 [DELETED] 
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Who are you quoting?

>> No.8462851
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one guy thought it looked awesome (the normal fag) and more weeabooish guy thought it looked stupid. completely opposite reactions to what I was expecting.

>> No.8462868 [DELETED] 
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Who are you quoting?

>> No.8462952 [DELETED] 
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Who are you quoting?

>> No.8462956

How does /jp/ feel about Hitogatta Happa?

Saw it on steam, never really thought it was interesting myself.

>> No.8462971 [DELETED] 
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Who are you quoting?

>> No.8462987

Looks dumb

>> No.8462989 [DELETED] 
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Who are you quoting?

>> No.8463007 [DELETED] 
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Who are you quoting?

>> No.8463018

I own it, I am ashamed to admit that I don't know how to play it, I can't even clear the first level on Edrince because I can't seem to tap into the abilities of my doll at all.

>> No.8463109

Bullshit, prove it.

>> No.8463135

Hitagata Happa means humanoid explosion, the game revolves around staying alive long enough to suicide your doll face-first into the enemy. One button uses it's "special" attack or power, like slowing down time or whatever, and its limited by a meter. The other bar fills up over time and when its full you can ram the enemy with the doll for a ton of damage, it's required on bosses and useful even on normal enemies.

That's the main gimmick if you will, other then that it's fairly standard. You get money to buy more dolls, each one has different shot type/movement speed/time required before they can suicide, and different costs. If you do even mediocrely you end up with a TON of dolls so being liberal with the explosions is a good idea.

Also, if bosses timer runs out, you enter a sudden death mode where losing your next doll causes you to lose instantly, so that's another reason suiciding dolls is important.

>> No.8463138

It's good but requires some patience until the mechanics click in your head.

Do you know that your meant to ram the boss with your dolls? Suicide on it to kill it.

>> No.8463145

what seriously? that'd be why I am so bad at it, it goes against standard shump rules.

>> No.8463148

It's not the greatest game ever but I do like it

Same for all the Gundemonium games really, Recollection is probably my favorite just cause of Stage 1 and 3 music though

>> No.8463158
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That western theme.

>> No.8463196


Jeez this was harder to find then it should've been

It's pretty kickin too

>> No.8463207
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People have been bitching about having the soundtrack release on steam, but the devs don't budge. They even changed he bgm dat so people can't easily get at the songs.

>> No.8463361 [DELETED] 
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Who are you quoting?

>> No.8463394

Thank you for doing this.

Just kill Anonymous of Colombia and burn the fucking remains.

>> No.8463400

I ended up preferring the original OSTs. They're more folky and bright.


>> No.8463431

I usually play serious runs with the original music. I don't really know why.

If anyone was wondering this series is not something you want to play in front of people.

>> No.8463467 [DELETED] 
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Who are you quoting?

>> No.8463480 [DELETED] 
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Who are you quoting?

>> No.8463510 [DELETED] 
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Who are you quoting?

>> No.8463525 [DELETED] 
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Who are you quoting?

>> No.8463544 [DELETED] 
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Who are you quoting?

>> No.8463553

I'll report you all damn day.

>> No.8463649
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Who are you quoting?

>> No.8463726 [DELETED] 
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Who are you quoting?

>> No.8464133

I've played Touhou once infront of my friends. I played IN Extra stage and the response was basically:

"This shit is fucking impossible I don't even. You must not have a life to play this game."
"There's no way you could fit through that gap this is bullshit"

They don't really listen to video game OSTs so they didn't have much to comment on it, and they didn't care about the characters being little girls since they figured that would be the case when I told them it was from Japan. My teach did ask me to put it on his computer though.

>> No.8464160

What did say when jelly donuts?

>> No.8464496

This is why I'm happy to have 1 or 2 really good friends rather than a group of crazy kids that make fun of you.

>> No.8466007

I've seen some people interested before when I played in public places. I've also noticed a small crowd gathering behind me once when I was joking around in some of the extra levels in a mall. Speaking of which the extras really are the best levels in the game if you want to show quickly what the games are about, they are really quick to the point.


This, holy shit this a thousand times.

>> No.8466026

"graphics suck"

>> No.8466081

"Hey what's that thing on your USB drive ?"
"Ah, don't mind it's a game. A shmup."
"Come on dude, show me"
So then I play a bit of UFO, I'm so terrible at that game, he laughed at me.
"Oh dude, that's why I never liked shmups, too fucking hard. Well it's colorful and the music is kinda cool"

And I guess he completely forgot about it the next minute.

>> No.8466141
File: 813 KB, 1996x1697, Konachan.com - 73533 black_hair braids catgirl green_hair horns kisume long_hair purple_hair red_eyes red_hair ribbons short_hair skirt touhou weapon white_hair wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll play for a sec or two to pass the time between classes, or when I'm having a quick lunch and wanna wait for the weather to warm up before leaving the college. (I have early classes and my convertible's top doesnt keep warmth in like a little bitch)

Friends and classmates (co workers too, but I hardly play at work) are always like "Not exactly the kind of game you always play, a little girly dont you think?" Since I mostly play fighting games or RPGs. They usually stick around a while, if they mention the difficulty or are amazed at any point, I'll purposely kill myself without making it look like it and offer them the next Retry.

Everyone always takes the offer. "Oh, well, I got nothing better to do.." Becomes "Skills, man. These little japanese bitches cant touch this" And then "Shit nigga, how do I..." And then they either ask for the name (which, like another anon stated, I always say "I forgot, I found it on my little cousin's computer") or carry on like it wasnt anything special.

Hurr I'm a durr.

>> No.8468885

I'd have no problem playing this in public if I could get rid of the damn spellcard / bomb portraits.
