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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8566955 No.8566955 [Reply] [Original]

Speaking as a fan of both, I feel the need to ask.

Touhou (a VIDEO GAME series) is posted here constantly, but never on /v/.

Katawa Shoujo (a VISUAL NOVEL done in the Japanese style [read: Otaku] is constantly posted on /v/, but never here.

Why the hate and double-standards from everybody?

>> No.8566974

hate is all I know.

>> No.8566988

1. Katawa Shoujo is being shunted to the new board, read the sticky.

2. This board is for touhou and visual novels. Touhou is the reason THIS BOARD WAS CREATED.

>> No.8566992

/v/ does not want that weeaboo shit on their board
/jp/ does not want that filthy gaijin shit on their board

>> No.8566993

>done in the Japanese style [read: Otaku]

No. It's not from Japan, ergo it doesn't belong on /jp/. u mad, webo?

>> No.8566994

/jp/ was made to get Touhou away from /a/.

KS isn't Japanese. "Done in Japanese style" isn't enough to cut it or else we'd have shitty thread about tons of American things.

>> No.8567011

Because it made everybody happier to do it that way then autistically stick to the rules exactly one hundred percent as written.

/v/ didn't want Touhou. /jp/ did. /jp/ didn't want Katawa Shoujo. /v/ didn't particularly want it but they sure as fuck wanted it more than we did.

>> No.8567003


>> No.8567018

So neko sugar girls isn't /jp/ related?

>> No.8567035


You're not Japanese either. You're an 'Otaku'. So does this mean you deserve a ban?

This merely reaffirms my statements and in no way helps to answer my question.

I did read it and once that new board is made I'll adhere to it, but it still makes no sense.

>> No.8567056
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Rose Thread

>> No.8567059

It's not like /jp/ likes Touhou either.

>> No.8567067

>You're not Japanese either.

Ahahaha. What makes you think that?

>> No.8567072

/jp/ is full of retards.

>> No.8567073

Because of the very definition of Otaku. And if you really are from grolious nippon, then get the fuck back to 2chan.

>> No.8567082

It's because KS is filth and the reason why /jp/ is in such a mess now.

>> No.8567119 [DELETED] 


As it gets dim enough that he starts stumbling over small rocks and things, he finds a spot and sits down to wait for full dark and the town lights.

Full dark comes before he knows it. He must have dozed off. He stands back up and turns all the way around. He sees nothing but stars.

He wakes up the next morning feeling absolutely lousy. His eyes are gummy and his mouth and nose feel like they’re full of sand. He so thirsty that he can’t even swallow. He barely got any sleep because it was so cold. He’d forgotten how cold it got at night in the desert and hadn’t noticed it the night before because he’d been in his car.

He knows the Rule of Threes – three minutes without air, three days without water, three weeks without food – then you die. Some people can make it a little longer, in the best situations. But the desert heat and having to walk and sweat isn’t the best situation to be without water. He figures, unless he finds water, this is his last day.

>> No.8567109
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>> No.8567110

Fuck your logic or whatever.

>> No.8567105

What do you think the definition of 'otaku' is?

>> No.8567106

OELVNs are frowned upon on /jp/ while Doujin/Japanese Indie games aren't. Pretty much that.

>> No.8567113
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the very 'definition' of otaku is 'maniac' you blithering idiot

you can be a Japanese train otaku, a car otaku, an anime otaku, whatever the fuck

you are completely out of your element

>> No.8567149

The very 'definition' refers to another person's family, whilst the English colloquialism refers to 'one who is obsessed with Japanese culture'.

You're out of your element.

>> No.8567157
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>> No.8567163

To be honest, I think the people on KS General and the people on /jp/ are completely incompatible. It's not a matter of what subject their talking about.
If you're a /jp/er, read one of their threads on /v/. You'll see what I mean.
I'd like it more if we just got along, but alas. Maybe separation is what's best for us.
Either way, take it easy, KS General.

>> No.8567180 [DELETED] 

After a while, he begins to stagger. He’s not sure if it’s fatigue, heat stroke finally catching him, or maybe he was wrong and the denaturing of the wiper fluid was worse than he thought. He tries to steady himself, and keep going.

After more walking, he comes to a large stretch of sand. This is good! He knows he passed over a stretch of sand in the SUV – he remembers doing donuts in it. Or at least he thinks he remembers it – he’s getting woozy enough and tired enough that he’s not sure what he remembers any more or if he’s hallucinating. But he thinks he remembers it. So he heads off into it, trying to get to the other side, hoping that it gets him closer to the town.

He was heading for a town, wasn’t he? He thinks he was. He isn’t sure any more. He’s not even sure how long he’s been walking any more. Is it still morning? Or has it moved into afternoon and the sun is going down again? It must be afternoon – it seems like it’s been too long since he started out.

He walks through the sand.

>> No.8567196
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Don't bring up semantics. You can't use an English colloquialism in this case and ignore the Japanese colloquialism. Which is what this is.

>> No.8567218

It's perfectly fine to use the American usage on the American imageboard. That's what this is all for, after all, and is what makes the argument relevant in the first place.

>> No.8567251 [DELETED] 

He stops, at the bottom of the dune. After a minute or two, he finds enough energy to try to sit up and get the sand out of his face and clothes. When he clears his eyes enough, he looks around to make sure that the dark spot in the sand it still there and he hadn’t just imagined it.

So, seeing the large, flat, dark spot on the sand is still there, he begins to crawl towards it. He’d get up and walk towards it, but he doesn’t seem to have the energy to get up and walk right now. He must be in the final stages of dehydration he figures, as he crawls. If this place in the sand doesn’t have water, he’ll likely never make it anywhere else. This is his last chance.

He gets closer and closer, but still can’t see what’s in the middle of the dark area. His eyes won’t quite focus any more for some reason. And lifting his head up to look takes so much effort that he gives up trying. He just keeps crawling.

Finally, he reaches the area he’d seen from the dune. It takes him a minute of crawling on it before he realizes that he’s no longer on sand – he’s now crawling on some kind of dark stone. Stone with some kind of marking on it -a pattern cut into the stone. He’s too tired to stand up and try to see what the pattern is – so he just keeps crawling. He crawls towards the center, where his blurry eyes still see something in the middle of the dark stone area.

>> No.8567269
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Just so you know, there are plenty of people who browse this board who live in Japan (some are even Japanese) and browse both 2chan/2ch and 4chan. DQN, what have you.

The definition you are trying to force means that we would have to accept DeviantArt-level crap from white people trying to make retarded Japanese-style shit.

>> No.8567289
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If you weren't in /a/ in 2007 you just won't and probably never will understand, OP.

Also, Touhou and KS are indeed both Japanese-style video games. Only, Touhou is actually Japanese. Not only is it Japanese, it's -really- fucking Japanese. It dominates Comiket. It has its own board on futaba channel. It has its own yearly convention in Japan entirely dedicated to it. It is one of the largest fandoms in Japan right now (and by far the largest of its kind, doujinshi), and has been for years.

KS on the other hand, is barely heard of over there and regarded as little more than a curiosity. The hype for KS is all one-sided I'm saying, whereas Touhou has a massive base in Japan that legitimizes it as something more appropriate for this board. Just because it's popular on /v/ (and sadly, reddit) doesn't mean it's AT ALL on the same caliber as Touhou.

>> No.8567313 [DELETED] 

Well, at least dying of a bite from this monster should be quicker than dying of thirst. He’ll face his end like a man. He struggles to sit up a little straighter. The snake keeps watching him. He lifts one hand and waves it in the snake’s direction, feebly. The snake watches the hand for a moment, then goes back to watching the man, looking into his eyes.

Hmmm. Maybe the snake had no interest in biting him? It hadn’t rattled yet -that was a good sign. Maybe he wasn’t going to die of snake bite after all.

He then remembers that he’d looked up when he’d reached the center here because he thought he’d heard a voice. He was still very woozy – he was likely to pass out soon, the sun still beat down on him even though he was now on cool stone. He still didn’t have anything to drink. But maybe he had actually heard a voice. This stone didn’t look natural. Nor did that white post sticking up out of the stone. Someone had to have built this.

Maybe they were still nearby. Maybe that was who talked to him. Maybe this snake was even their pet, and that’s why it wasn’t biting.

He tries to clear his throat to say, “Hello,” but his throat is too dry. All that comes out is a coughing or wheezing sound. There is no way he’s going to be able to talk without something to drink. He feels his pocket, and the bottle with the wiper fluid is still there. He shakily pulls the bottle out, almost losing his balance and falling on his back in the process. This isn’t good. He doesn’t have much time left, by his reckoning, before he passes out.

>> No.8567315

Otaku culture.
KS is just 4chan circle-jerking because "durr someone from here made a game with waifus!".

>> No.8567339
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>> No.8567370 [DELETED] 

“Have I died? Is this the afterlife? Why are you biting me in the afterlife?”

“Sorry about that, but I had to bite you,” says the snake. “That’s the way I work. It all comes through the bite. Think of it as natural medicine.”

“You bit me to help me? Why aren’t I thirsty any more? Did you give me a drink before you bit me? How did I drink enough while unconscious to not be thirsty any more? I haven’t had a drink for over two days. Well, except for the windshield wiper fluid… hold it, how in the world does a snake talk? Are you real? Are you some sort of Disney animation?”

“No,” says the snake, “I’m real. As real as you or anyone is, anyway. I didn’t give you a drink. I bit you. That’s how it works – it’s what I do. I bite. I don’t have hands to give you a drink, even if I had water just sitting around here.”

The man sat stunned for a minute. Here he was, sitting in the middle of the desert on some strange stone that should be hot but wasn’t, talking to a snake that could talk back and had just bitten him. And he felt better. Not great – he was still starving and exhausted, but much better – he was no longer thirsty. He had started to sweat again, but only slightly. He felt hot, in this sun, but it was starting to get lower in the sky, and the cool stone beneath him was a relief he could notice now that he was no longer dying of thirst.

>> No.8567417 [DELETED] 

“Ummm…yeah.” Jack leaned back a little as he remembered again that he was talking to a fifteen foot poisonous reptile with a reputation for having a nasty temper. “So, what is this ‘Bound by Secrecy’ stuff, and can you really stop the effects of the methanol?” Jack thought for a second. “And, what do you mean methanol, anyway? I thought these days they use ethanol in wiper fluid, and just denature it?”

“They may, I don’t really know,” said Nate. “I haven’t gotten out in a while. Maybe they do. All I know is that I smell methanol on your breath and on that bottle in your pocket. And the blue color of the liquid when you pulled it out to drink some let me guess that it was wiper fluid. I assume that they still color wiper fluid blue?”

“Yeah, they do,” said Jack.

“I figured,” replied Nate. “As for being bound by secrecy – with the fulfillment of your next request, you will be bound to say nothing about me, this place, or any of the information I will tell you after that, when you decide to go back out to your kind. You won’t be allowed to talk about me, write about me, use sign language, charades, or even act in a way that will lead someone to guess correctly about me. You’ll be bound to secrecy. Of course, I’ll also ask you to promise not to give me away, and as I’m guessing that you’re a man of your word, you’ll never test the binding anyway, so you won’t notice.” Nate said the last part with utter confidence.

>> No.8567462 [DELETED] 

“No,” said Nate. “Just hold out your hand. Or heel.” Nate grinned. “Or whatever part you want me to bite. I have to bite you again. Like I said, that’s how it works – the poison, you know,” Nate said apologetically.

Jack winced a little and felt his shoulder, where the last bite was. Hey, it didn’t hurt any more. Just like Nate had said. That made Jack feel better about the biting business. But still, standing still while a fifteen foot snake sunk it’s fangs into you. Jack stood up. Ignoring how good it felt to be able to stand again, and the hunger starting to gnaw at his stomach, Jack tried to decide where he wanted to get bitten. Despite knowing that it wouldn’t hurt for long, Jack knew that this wasn’t going to be easy.

“Hey, Jack,” Nate suddenly said, looking past Jack towards the dunes behind him, “is that someone else coming up over there?”

Jack spun around and looked. Who else could be out here in the middle of nowhere? And did they bring food?

>> No.8567506 [DELETED] 

Jack stood up and looked. Carved into the stone in a bas-relief was a representation of a large tree. The angled-pole that Nate was wrapped around was coming out of the trunk of the tree, right below where the main branches left the truck to reach out across the stone. It was very well done – it looked more like a tree had been reduced to almost two dimensions and embedded in the stone than it did like a carving.

Jack walked around and looked at the details in the fading light of the setting sun. He wished he’d looked at it while the sun was higher in the sky.

Wait! The sun was setting! That meant he was going to have to spend another night out here! Arrrgh!

Jack looked out across the desert for a little bit, and then came back and stood next to Nate. “In all the excitement, I almost forgot, Nate,” said Jack. “Which way is it back to town? And how far? I’m eventually going to have to head back – I’m not sure I’ll be able to survive by eating raw desert critters for long. And even if I can, I’m not sure I’ll want to.”

>> No.8568566

Where's the next part?

>> No.8570316
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That's Rose?!?

>> No.8570326

Go ahead, talk about it.
I love laughing at you guys grasping at media which is badly mimiced and then shat out by a group of amateurs armed with only a bag of tropes and a general idea what elements they've seen in other real japanese projects.
You guys are like children sitting on the floor drawing bad shapes and squiggly lines while the big /jp/ caretaker draws the next rembrandt while listening to assorted touhou compilations.    
