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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 47 KB, 354x249, Miyako_Question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9038642 No.9038642 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9038644

Is this girl as slutty as she looks? I don't wanna watch the show if she isn't.

>> No.9038643

I am too musy fucking my onnahole

>> No.9038648

Don't use Hidamaris for your shitposting, please.

>> No.9038650

Bad news, Miyako is pure and jovial.

>> No.9038646

But I do things, I'm learning japanese, I play touhou, I play VNs, I listen to doujin music, I post on /jp/ and many other interesting things you might never heard of.

>> No.9038654

She's not. She felt ashamed for sleeping in the same bed with a male cat once.

>> No.9038656
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Don't use Miya-chan for your shitposting.

>> No.9038662

that being said, if any of the hidamari girls were gonna be tricked into becoming a cumdumpster for heroin money, it'd be Miyako.

>> No.9038663

she has the best ass in that show. I shall say nothing more.

>> No.9038665

she had the best everything

>> No.9038667
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Is it as nice and tight as Yuno's?

>> No.9038670

I like you. Be my friend, please.

>> No.9038671

Are you just going to keep running away?

>> No.9038675
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Hidamari thread.

>> No.9038678

Why is Chika such a goddamn slut??

>> No.9038682


>> No.9038688

She's a typical bitch like you can find in real life.
Too bad since she looks moe as fuck.

>> No.9038684

This is was the most boring anime I watched, not the worst but it was such a pain to endure through the episode without pausing.

>> No.9038693
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>> No.9038695
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>> No.9038698
File: 213 KB, 1280x720, [furzi-Raws] Tantei Opera Milky Holmes 2 - 01 (1280x720 VFR Web x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_04.04_[2012.01.03_01.59.45].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9038699

I liked the fact that nothing ever happened in the show. I watched one episode every morning with a cup of coffee, and it always felt really pleasant.
Those were probably the best ~45 consecutive days I've had in a while.

>> No.9038704

Hey guys, I'm a 19 year old boy and it would be nice to hear some opinions on things I got on my mind.
I have a very active social life and I have alot of friends, really I do and I'm so glad with that.

But it seems like all the girls I get to know are either taken or just want to be friends with me because I'm "a fun guy" to hang around with.
About 3 months ago me and my beautiful girlfriend broke up because it wasn't working out anymore, I miss her damn much. Even though I heard some disgusting stories about her recently.

Thing is, I'm stil a virgin, alot of the people I know would be shocked by that, because I'm pretty known around her. (I guess they automatically think I'm not a virgin because of that.)

So how do deal with that?

And also, it's pretty hard to find a girlfriend. Because I know most girls here and it seems so hard to start a relationship with girls I already know.

I shouldn't complain though, I have a pretty damn good life. (except for school, I'm really screwing it up there.)
But the virgin/girlfriend thing is really bothering me.

Any suggestions/tips ? Or any similar stories? be free to shoot.

Even if I won't get any decent answers, feels good to get it off my chest.

>> No.9038708

Why is Corderia-san's mouth so erotic?

>> No.9038711

Why does losing your virginity matter, you sound like a pretty big fucking idiot when you were in a relationship and when you left it all you cared about was your virginity.

>> No.9038714
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, [Zero-Raws] Tantei Opera Milky Holmes II - 04 (MX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_02.35_[2012.01.27_01.02.56].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9038729

Not at all, I wouldn't have to do alot of effort to lose my virginity to her, but I didn't care because I liked just being with her and I felt she could decide what she wanted to do and when (she was 16, recently turned 17).

It's not that I really wanna lose my virginity. I just want to build some experience because 19 is pretty late and I don't my next girlfriend to be not a virgin and me having to say that to her. Sound ridicilous, but it bothers me.

>> No.9038732

fug u

>> No.9038734

You must remain pure, always.

>> No.9038735

Imagine a world where people didn't respond to shit threads and shit posts.

>> No.9038739

>19 is pretty late

This is what current and future generations actually believe.

Don't buy in to all the typical teenage-love bullshit or the idea that your life should be like an American Pie movie.

Real men have bigger fish to fry than their V card.

>> No.9038741

Go away. /r9k/ will better cater to your normalfag bullshit.

>> No.9038742

Just find a girlfriend that is your comfortable with.

If she's a virgin then great you can both share the moment but if she's not then don't worry if she's actually a good person she will take it slow and teach you so can build on that. I hope your not one of those guys that gets freaked out if a girl has had more experience then them in the past.

Also, 19 isn't late maybe about 23-25 in this generation. I lost my virginity at 15 and have had lots of time to experiment and gain new knowledge.

>> No.9038747

Listen kid, the hardest thing to do when I was your age was keep my fly zipped. Here is the amazing thing about that sex that, for some reason, always comes as a suprise: It gets women pregnant. Oh sure, there are safety products out there that lessen that chance, but ask yourself one thing: "Even with all these things out there to make sex safer, if she does become pregnant, do I really want to end up a teenage father?"

My own answer to that was an absolute "NO". I have met a man that became a father at the age of 15. I don't have to piss on THAT fence to know it's electrified. When I was 19, there was no God damn way I could possibly support a child, and the best way to prevent that was to hold off. Yes it hurt, yes I was left envious of others, but tell you what, at least I didn't end up as another statistic at the welfare office like some people I knew where that condom broke, or she forgot to take her pill that morning.

>> No.9038752

Why do they sometimes look like they have really huge tits but other times they look flat? How old are they really?

>> No.9038759

I know, I know. But somehow it still bothers me.
Owya, I almost fucked a girl I know for 3 days but I was a little bit too drunk and couldn't get 'him' up for some reason. That happened twice, actually. (different girls)

Ye, but it seems so hard. I know alot of girls who interest me, but they are mostly friends and I think they see me as a friend too. Maybe I should speak to unknown girls more often again.

I would have safe sex anyway. And I'm pretty sure girls of my age would have an abortion if something went wrong. I live in a pretty developed place.

>> No.9038760

I've always wondered this, the characters in that show could be anywhere between 10-18 years old, by anime standards.

>> No.9038762

Never mind. I guess /jp/ is normalfag now. This time used to be free of you fucks.

>> No.9038767

Dude, just don't be focused on having a social life or getting laid.


Get your grades up, get a job, do well in life, THEN you can start worrying about women.

>> No.9038771

Please guys, don't talk about these things in /jp/. Onegai.

>> No.9038772

Normalfags aren't capable of keeping their filth to themselves, unfortunately.

>> No.9038776

I know they are not all priorities in life, but for some reason I love it to be social and go out alot. I know that I need to make more effort at school, but I just can't study for shit. I'm a pretty clever guy. (Meds don't work)

>> No.9038778

Don't get me started on abortion.
At the risk of coming off as trolling,I just state that in my view of the topic, abortion is proves that some women simply do not love the very children they bing to life. And i'll leave it at that.

I'm not going to argue, we all have our own opinions, and any further discussion will only derail this thread.

>> No.9038785

It's really not hard to get laid and I'm not talking about cheap whores or drugging a girl.

All you have to do is either go to party and socialize or you can just meet a new girl and build a relationship good enough for her to give you what you want. (this one takes more time obviously.)

Boards like /adv/, /r9k/ and /v/ make sex sound like it's an impossible reward guarded by ferocious dragons and demons that will devour your whole family but it really isn't. Sex in this day and age practically means the same as kiss was back in the day.

>> No.9038794

Let's indeed not argue about that, making someone pregnant isn't really on my mind.

I know it's not that hard. But i'll say it again, I'm really the fun guy to hang around with. Not the one to have a relationship with. Maybe I'm wrong here and this makes it harder for me. I don't know.

>> No.9038798
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Normalfags, go away.

>> No.9038800
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>> No.9038803

In the complete same boat as you except im 18. 19 in the next 3 months. It does bother me though, i know it shouldnt but its just how our generation has built it up etc. Recently ive been looking better and having more chances. Ive done everything else and only lost out due to floppy dick. I've got a hopeful feeling it'll happen this summer, going to a big music festival and stuff so who knows. When it happens it happens. But if i reach like 21 im definetly just getting an escort...

>> No.9038806


>> No.9038814

Yup, done eveything else too. Almost lost it, but knowing she was in a relationship, me being pretty drunk and being pretty nervous because it wasn't really how it should be made my dick not go hard.
Second time we just were having fun by doing other things.

>> No.9038816

Dude, being a virgin at 19 is nothing to be ashamed of, don't worry about it and it will come eventually.
However, don't listen to the other virginfags here who talk down to people who lose their virginity. There's nothing wrong with sex, and if you take precautions and aren't a complete idiot, the chances of getting a girl pregnant are less than dieing in a car crash.
I'd bet my left nut that 99% of all teenage parents got pregnant because they didn't use protection or were stupid about it. Most girls are on the pill, and if you make sure she is and always wear a condom, nothing is going to happen. If it does, by chance, then you just were just the unlucky one-in-a-million guy to pull the shit-stick.
I bet the people here who claim "I didn't get laid because I didn't want to be a teenage dad!" still have a car and still drive to work or uni every day, which is a LOT more dangerous than having sex. Think having a kid at a young age will ruin your life? Not nearly as bad as being a paraplegic or getting someone (or yourself) killed.

>> No.9038826


>> No.9038829

OP here. I did not create this thread for your normal faggotry. Take that shit to >>>/adv/ or >>>/r9k/.
Too bad I didn't use a password, otherwise I'd have deleted this mess.

>> No.9038835

What this anon said, I lost my virginity to a 16 year old girl when I was 17, she had more experience, but she knew what she was doing.

>> No.9038905

The worst HIDAMARI.

>> No.9038913

Can't argue with that.

>> No.9038923

The only good hidamaris are yuno, miya and that fatass.
I never really give a damm for the rest while chika just disgust me.
I am not sure what pisses me off, everything from the voice and that clingy attitude just rustled my jimmies.

>> No.9038936


>> No.9039132
File: 31 KB, 399x388, Assburger..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9039145


>> No.9039155

/b/ wuz here u guys suck cock

>> No.9039166

Hiro is the best Hidamari. All other opinions are irrelevant.

>> No.9039171

I really hope this is just a samefag copypasting posts from /r9k/ or something

>> No.9039309 [DELETED] 


>> No.9039428

fixing the thread
