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9482278 No.9482278[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where did you usually eat at school?

>> No.9482285
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in the cafeteria

>> No.9482296

I never ate lunch.

>> No.9482299

I'd go out of school and eat somewhere nice by myself.
The closed structure of american schools would probably have driven me to suicide.

>> No.9482305

By some stairs outside with my bro.

>> No.9482316

At the Jack in the Box across the street.

>> No.9482312

At home.

Some of my fondest school memories was walking home in the snow during winter while listening to the kanon soundtrack

>> No.9482315
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Went out to different restaurants with friends, I was rather popular in school. I always felt bad for the kids eating alone and would invite them and told them I'd pay for their meal but they always declined me no matter how many times I tried.

>> No.9482318

When I was in public schools there wasn't really an option. Is America the only place where eating in the cafeteria is compulsory?

>> No.9482323

Take a hint, dumbass.

>> No.9482326


That's actually really sweet of you. I can tell you're a good and selfless guy on the inside. It takes guts to reach out to someone who needs a friend.

>> No.9482335

Why would anyone turn down friendship or at least a free meal? I never understood this, why impose isolation on yourself like that? Eating alone because you had no friends and when someone finally reaches out to you, you turn them down? Nice.

>> No.9482344

I'd go out and walk around the area. I don't pack anything big for lunch so I just ate and went around.

>> No.9482362

Well they were probably alone by choice.

>> No.9482357

Outside on a bench or if it was too crowded in the bathroom.

I'd only eat because I had free lunch and it'd pass the time.

>> No.9482358
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In the stairs with my best friend, i wonder what happened to him.

>> No.9482361
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During breaks me and my friends usually went to get something to eat in the mall or the bakery. Next to the bakery there was also a shop with a nice old man that would sell us weed regardless of us being underaged. I don't think I've eaten in the shitty cafeteria we had once.

>> No.9482366

On the field/track after a jog.

>> No.9482372

I spent all of the time in between classes in the library since it was sort of a safe haven for me.

Food wasn't allowed in the library so I never ate at school. I'd hit the water fountain on the way, though.

>> No.9482370
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Next to the music room by myself usually.

>> No.9482371

With buddies? Outside or on the stairs. Alone? Outside or beside my locker in the hallway. I fucking hate the cafeteria, so many staring eyes.

>> No.9482373

Probably thought you were fucking with them. As a kid who sat alone at lunch in high school I would have immediately assumed that anyone wanting to buy me a free meal was trying to humiliate me again in some manner.

>> No.9482379

In the library. Eventually the librarian started to like me even though I never talked to her, and she would let me in there at any time, even if no other students were actually supposed to be in there at the time. She didn't like me putting my feet on the tables, but hell, I did it anyway.

I had one friend I would have eaten with, but my school had different lunch periods to fit the class schedules, and we always had different lunches.

>> No.9482381
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Seconded. I actually gave in once or twice only to be made fun of.

I guess it's still my fault for turning down genuine generosity, but it's just hard to trust people when so many have been assholes.

>> No.9482385

Alone at a lunch table. School was incredibly strict about it and was near impossible to sneak out.

>> No.9482388
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I understand and this is why I always approached them alone and why I went back at least a couple of times for each person I tried so they would see I was not trying to mess with them.

Still a free meal at a great place.

>> No.9482389

I didn't eat at school. I sat outside of the cafeteria on a bench and read for the entire duration. I valued this time, too.

>> No.9482392

In elementary and middle school I would eat in the cafeteria. In high school I would walk home and eat lunch.

>> No.9482393

While you will run into a lot of assholes you should always take that leap of faith because when you do find someone who was being kind you'll have a great friend. I think that alone is worth all the assholes it might of took to find such a person.

>> No.9482394

Plenty of places. Under the stairs of a building when I had a packed lunch and wasn't feeling too hungry, in the canteen with a friend or two when I felt like a hot meal and I'd sometimes just walk down to the chippy or the Tesco and get something from there. Most days I didn't eat anything though.

>> No.9482401

Maybe you were leaving this vibe where you thought about them being pitiable beings that needed comfort which you felt compelled to provide because of your morality/pity?
Not saying that it''s true, but maybe that's what they thought even on a subconscious level.

>> No.9482416
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I understand that now, 4 years after graduating. But back then I was just sick of it I suppose.

>> No.9482423

Maybe, regardless of his altruistic motives, he lacked finesse and did not inch his way through it when offering.

>> No.9482422

It's possible but I never saw them that way. I have my motives that I can't really go into but they were genuine tries to befriend them. I never saw them as people lower than me either, I've always treated others as my equals.

>> No.9482430

I made my own sandwiches and ate them alone.

Or went to the nearby store and bought sandwich material, made them on the spot and ate them.

>> No.9482444

In the cafeteria obviously

>> No.9482453


forced to eat in lunch room

High school: dropped out in grade 8 so I didn't even eat lunch due to being fat and bullied

replaced being bullied with general misanthropy and hate, life improved.

>> No.9482454

Never ate lunch during college. I usually slept at the library during lunch break because no one ever goes to the library. If I was really hungry sometimes I'd eat something somewhere quiet after classes. Sometimes not.

>> No.9482459

I ate with my ``friends'' until the 10th grade.

Then I decided that eating in the bathroom was much better since I could be alone without anyone judging me.

>> No.9482464

Outside school property smoking and sometimes eating pizza with friends

It was a cool delinquent life

How low I've fallen, or how far I've come
either way...

>> No.9482481

I wouldn't eat lunch and just sit in the library. Then I would spend the money my mom gave me for lunch on bubble tea on the way home or just save it for a figure.

>> No.9482488

With "friends" that constantly talked shit behind my back. Eventually I got fed up with it and hanged with one friend that left that group earlier. He was this incredibly tongue-in-cheek Vietnamese guy that was way into hip-hop and "black" culture. He called me "1-800-COLLECT". I miss shooting the shit with him.

>> No.9482505
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I never ate at school.

See you later weeaboos.

>> No.9482512

At the McDonald's that was directly across the street. Thankfully my school had off-campus lunch.

>> No.9482570

Never ate lunch

>> No.9482585

That's so cute!

>> No.9482586

It's not, it's actually pretty homosexual.

>> No.9482589
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Usually ate a table of a couple "cool" kids I didn't particularly like, but I didn't know anyone else at lunch, and had nothing to talk about with anyone anyway. Occasionally ate with a specific friend and we'd talk about stuff, but we didn't always have lunch together. Never really ate alone, except in college, where I almost always did.

>> No.9482604


That's not true for most schools. At mine you could eat anywhere on campus and Juniors and Seniors could go off to get food.

>> No.9482611

In the cafeteria, with the closest things I'll ever come to being "friends" with. I started bolting straight to the library before every lunch period after they thought it was fun to spit food in my hair.

On top of that, they hit me while driving a couple of times while I was walking home from school.

>> No.9482620

It kind of disappoints me that more /jp/ers didn't spend highschool alone all the time.

Makes me feel like this place is really full of semi-normals like they say. If I don't belong on /jp/ then there's nowhere else for me to go.

>> No.9482628

If it makes you feel any better, it was only because my few only friends in primary school happened to go to the same high school as me. I sure as hell didn't make any new friends.

>> No.9482631
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I'll be your friend no matter what, anon.

>> No.9482639

i didn't eat at school. i'm afraid of eating in public.

>> No.9482642

I never ate at school because I had an eating disorder. Unlike your American and British schools ours didn't even have a fucking library or canteen and you were kicked out into the yard if you were there during lunch time. A tiny yard was the only place you could go, and even then we weren't allowed to go into the grass.

I'd be surrounded by people who were eating their lunch and I'd always get asked by someone why wasn't I eating. I just wanted to be kawaii, jippers.

>> No.9482647

I know how you feel.

>> No.9482648

Did you talk about chemistry?

>> No.9482671

Did anyone else become really distressed when your usual lunchspot was "invaded"? Like you go to the cafeteria but your usual spot alone is taken by some group of bullies, or you go into the bathroom and lock yourself in the stall and somebody comes in and waits outside assuming you're taking a dump and will be leaving soon.

>> No.9482674

Why be disappointed that someone isn't alone? Don't we all seek connections in one form or another? Why else would we be here? Isn't a close friend something precious and meaningful?

I understand disappointment at those that try to fit in, but toward those that have found others like them? What are we doing here? At any rate, none of the relationships I made survived past high school; perhaps it's for the better. Also, I want you to know that I will always welcome you here.

>> No.9482682

This was the ultimate form of stress in school for me.

>> No.9482685

It wouldn't last long. I always gave out an aura that would make people feel uncomfortable and leave if I wanted to.

>> No.9482689

That bugs me to this day

When I sit in the same spot long enough it becomes MY spot. Walking in to see some bastard in MY spot gets on my nerves like nothing else.

I usually end up sitting in some shitty spot and calm myself down with passive aggressive thoughts of ruining their lives.

>> No.9482702

Kind of similar to this, but when I was still in university it would stress me out to no end if I was late to a lecture. Often, if I knew I was going to be even a minute late I just wouldn't even go. The thought of all those people focusing their attention on me was just way to much.

A solution I came up with was just arrive to the lecture hall 10 minutes early, that way I could just sit there with my music on stress free.

>> No.9482727

Early years, I ate home, as I lived 2mn away from the school.
Come high-school, I ate at any of the random snacks in the city that were close enough.

>> No.9482736

With my friends... I only had 3 of them...

One introduced me to games and music, one was autistic, and one was that obligatory popular kid who never actually wants to hang out with you, but still thinks of you as a great friend.

>> No.9482754

Have you ever thought that they don't give a fuck? Unless the entrance was at the front of the hall, I'm not turning my head for another latecomer.

>> No.9482759

I would just not leave the room. Everybody went out to eat whenever they would eat, and I just didn't even get up. I'd stay there drawing or reading something until class started again. I guess the equivalent of someone taking your spot to me was when girls entered the room so they could gossip far from the others, but they would always end up leaving when they realized the tall guy with glasses wasn't going anywhere.

I'm actually kinda surprised no one else did this. It's a perfect situation: you avoid having to go out and walk in the middle of all those people, avoid having to find a spot, avoid having to eat surrounded by everybody, avoid having to talk with anyone or getting into trouble, and avoid having to walk back. That infernal room turned into a very peaceful place during lunch.

>> No.9482763

Almost all of my third/fourth year lectures had the entrances at the front, just smaller lecture halls.

>> No.9482768

Did your teacher just not give a shit? Did he/she stay in there or leave like everyone else did?

>> No.9482782
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With my friends.

>> No.9482788

My le jimmies just got RUSTLED

>> No.9482796
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I created a room in the space under a staircase and sat around there with my embarrassing weeb henchmen

>> No.9482828

I hid out in empty rooms with the lights off and would meditate. I never ate anything.

>> No.9482856

The teachers always left, I was always the only one there.

After some time people started turning the lights off when they left, since they realized I wasn't going anywhere, and I rather liked it.

>> No.9482872

Everyone ate in the mess hall. No exceptions.
