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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 35 KB, 225x329, Kiss-X-Sis-kiss-x-sis-12396477-225-329[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9636763 No.9636763 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone please explain to me why the FUCK the Japanese are so obsessed over incest? Entire anime are dedicated to this shit. How can so many people be involved in making something that every society in the world agrees is wrong? And nobody says anything?

I need some 'splainin' please.

>> No.9636775

some old animu explained this
it was about how the older brother grows up caring for his sister and watches her mature and that connection naturally becomes sexual.

>> No.9636780

>every society says is wrong

That's exactly it's appeal dofus

>> No.9636781

if you have a sister you won't understand

>> No.9636782

no it's because they don't have a syster and think it's like having a sex friend at home

>> No.9636784

Incest and pedophillia are two very sexually charged topics, arguably some of the most on Earth actually.

Otaku related media is a medium in which you can express anything you want (almost), so it's expected that many of the topics would be extremely taboo subjects that you can't talk about or do in real life without repercussions.

TLDR; Why WOULDN'T you like incest/pedo in anime or whatever? It's hot, forbidden, and generally more interesting than regular sexual relationships in anime.

>> No.9636787


Not true.

I have a sister and would definitely have sex with her if she wanted to.

Don't even get me started on my cousins.

>> No.9636789

Basically because they categorize their whole circle of acquaintances in family terms. There are the older brother figuers, elder female friends are older sisters, uncles, aunts, etc. pp. It's not a long jump from there to real incest fantasies.

>> No.9636790

This guy pretty much hit the nail on the head
At least that's how I look at things

>> No.9636799


Read this; >>9636787

I don't understand how people are seriously so delusional that they believe only people who are sexually attracted to their sisters, are people without siblings.

>> No.9636803

Why haven't you tried anything yet?

>> No.9636820


I don't see them much and have no opportunity to.

I did metaphorically play "doctor" with my sister when we were younger, and I have flirted with my cousin before. My cousin actually said I was cute too. Too bad I don't see her anymore at all basically.

>> No.9636821


Because he has to sit next to her on thanksgiving

>> No.9636824

I could be wrong, but I also think sibling relationships are generally a lot stronger in Japan than in the US (not sure about other places).

Just saying that because I found it really interesting that in the Japanese version of Nier the story was about a brother fighting demons to save his sister, but for the US release it was completely changed to a father fighting to save his daughter.

>> No.9636825


Maybe because he's not a total idiot. No matter how hot his sister is, the social consequences of incest are way too harsh.

>> No.9636831

That's interesting.

>> No.9636837
File: 446 KB, 600x438, Hot girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I take offense to that.

She's not "hot" at all. She's cute you bastard.

>> No.9636844

Calm down nerd, he was complimenting you.

>> No.9636840

>but for the US release it was completely changed to a father fighting to save his daughter
Why aren't you making babies already, /jp/? Even the video game companies want it.

>> No.9636841

Taboos are hot, didn't you know?

>> No.9636847

I remember when I was a teen and my friend would always go on about how hot my sister was, I love her and all but i would never think of her in any sexual way.

>> No.9636851

You've heard this before because I've posted it on /jp/ a million times already. I dated a girl in college (in before no you didn't lol) and she admitted to me that she was in love with her brother. She was literally in tears one day over how unfair it was that the boy she wanted most was the one she could never have.

There's probably a lot more repressed feelings over incest than people care to admit.

>> No.9636858

>She was literally in tears
That's not very much, is it.

>> No.9636859

Not an expert but I believe it's how traditional japanese families used to be, In a way similar to how young males are more wanted in China because men are the ones that take care of the family, you know the "Dragon mother/father" "are you a doctor yet".

In Japan it's similar in a way, siblings are raised to take care of each other and care for one another. If you think about it someone you've seen naked and bathed with talked to alot watch grow up and develop through school is someone that you know perfectly and vise versa it seems almost obvioius to fall for you younger sister in these situations from manga, anime, etc.

There's also the moms having sex with their sons so they can focus on studying more so they can get into Tokyo University and become a doctor or something but i've never seen any actual legit stories on this.

It's just differences in tradition we from the west that have very little empahsis on families to that degree probably wouldn't get it because of the taboo ( not like there still people in the south that date cousins, aunts, etc. ) but to be honest the pedophilia thing in Japan bothers me more than the incest

>> No.9636864

she was probably kind of ugly to while he was good looking ?

>> No.9636866

I have one and I wouldn't.

And even though my cousins are considered as ``hot" by raging normalfags, I'm not into 3D.

>> No.9636875


hate to quote /v/ but...

>Them feels



>> No.9636878
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Incest is best. Put your sister to the test.

>> No.9636881

She was a cute, short redhead. Not really overweight. Large boobs. She had some pretty major social problems though. Ended up marrying a mutual friend of ours.

Her brother was pretty cool, I actually knew her brother before I met her, in fact she heard of me through him. He was an art student. I wonder whatever happened to him.

>> No.9636882

I have a stepsister, she used to sit on my lap to use my PC and she let me snap her panties.

She's kind of a bitch now though.

>> No.9636895

I dislike it when they play the step-sister card. If you want to cater to that fetish you should go all the way.

>> No.9636905

Now I remember a friend i had when i was 15-16, He had a little sister that would sometimes walk in to his room naked after she took a bath to ask something random and he was really disgusted by it.
she was 13 or something.

>> No.9636909

>Keita! I rather court a faggot like you instead of all the guys I can get with no effort!


>> No.9636912

Don't you mean "every harem anime"?

>> No.9636925

keita it's only in kissxpiss

>> No.9636929

Wanting what you can't have is typical human behavior. I've seen girls completely sink relationships they can have to chase after the one guy every girl is after with no chance of success in fact it happens a lot.

>> No.9636937

I remember a article being brought up on /int/ on day that that talked about how a stagger number of mothers, around 60%ish, are the first sexual encounter Japanese men have. Japanese mothers take it upon themselves to teach their sons about sex directly. I don't remember the article but here is a similar one about incest worldwide.


>> No.9636938

yes but they got the dick while trying this

>> No.9636946

Did he turn out gay?

>> No.9636952

*clap clap*

>> No.9636957

My childhood friend had a little sister

she died of cancer at the age of 6

>> No.9636963


I laughed oh god why did I laugh that wasn't funny I can't stop laughing oh my god I'm turning off the internet and going for a walk.

>> No.9636965

That's pretty cold man

>> No.9636966

No, he wasn't interested in his sister.
you know that incest is sick to most people right ?

>> No.9636967

Wow that's pretty horrible. Reminds me of when I was doing civilian service in a hospital and there was a 9 or so year old kid with a brain tumor.

>> No.9636975

Stay butthurt op that people like what you dont like

>> No.9636977


>Entire anime are dedicated to this shit

"We are not blood related"

>> No.9636979

this was probably funny because that sudden change wasn't expected. I was expecting some incest story.
thank for the laughter.

>> No.9636978

>people who are sexually attracted to their sisters, are people without siblings.
Because that is true for the vast majority.

>> No.9636997

Fuck you now i laughed too
I'm going to bed

>> No.9637002

It used to be sick to me too, but 4chan made me have strange thoughts about my sister. And sometimes I have dreams where I have sex with my sister. I cannot help it.

I've also heard from a reputable source (4chan) that your sister is more likely to be attracted to you than you are to your sister. Apparantly many sisters have big brother complexes.

>> No.9637016

That's because in real life a guy would willingly fuck whatever came his way. If you create a boy that's somehow celibate you'd end up with what you get in these harem shows.

>> No.9637021

i doubt that

>> No.9637030

>That's because in real life a guy would willingly fuck whatever came his way.
What the hell?

>> No.9637025

According to Science women are more likely to be disgusted by incest than men.

>> No.9637026

Too bad my mother didn't give birth to loads of girls, maybe one of them would have a big brother complex.

>> No.9637028

I doubt that

>> No.9637031

Nah that's just some bullshit someone fabricated so that you'll get even more horny when thinking about your sister

>> No.9637035

[citation needed]

>> No.9637039


>> No.9637037


>> No.9637041

I don't know why people even think incest is wrong.

Contrary to popular belief, when siblings have a child, their child rarely has any birth defects.

>> No.9637045

Don't try to explain that to them. Everybody is thought to believe that same genes = mongoloid baby.

>> No.9637046

I can vouch for this as I has seen my friend's sister be quite affectionate towards her brother. Almost borderline so.

Believe me or not but it's the truth.

>> No.9637048

nothing is wrong, it's just socially unconvenient

>> No.9637050

it about doubles the chance for birth defect, so if it happen i generations people will turn out to be very defected.

>> No.9637049

Heard it on a Science podcast a while back. Can't remember one. Their explanation was that a pregnancy carries much higher costs for a woman than for a man, so men are more willing to fuck their relatives since it has fewer consequences for them.

>> No.9637055

Alright, I'm about to hit my breaking point.
What's a really good mother/son or brother/sister doujin that I can explode all over?

>> No.9637059


>> No.9637063

Not that guy but I think it makes sense. I mean just look at england.

>> No.9637065

Can't access ex at the moment, what's it called?

>> No.9637066

>mfw I have to login to that site
>mfw I have to scroll over 200 bookmarks

>> No.9637067

Because first cousin marriages are preferred in Pakistan, people of Pakistani descent in Britain are 10 times more likely to have a number of genetic disorders. Inbreeding does indeed have a detrimental long-term effect.

PS: Here's a source:

>> No.9637069


>> No.9637071

Today on /jp/:
NEETs trying to grasp the concept of long-term consequences.

>> No.9637073

>cant access ex at the moment
lol sand panda faggot get dunked

>> No.9637076

A newspaper isn't a reputable source.

Even Wikipedia can't find a source:

>In a review of 48 studies on the children parented by cousins, most of the babies born to cousins were healthy contrary to the popular perception, with birth defects being 4% of births for consanguineous couples as opposed to 2% for the general population.[80] Inbreeding over many generations does increase risks however.[citation needed]

>> No.9637077

>grasp the concept of long-term consequences
the fuck does that even have to do with this thread nerd

go smell my farts

>> No.9637079

when the last kissxsis ova came out?

>> No.9637080

When did I say I was getting sad panda?
I'm getting "unable to access the network".

>> No.9637089

Sure is.

>> No.9637085

hey that's not incest

>> No.9637087

I stopped reading the manga because it strayed into retarded love triangle drama territory.

Did it get back on track for a harem end?

>> No.9637107
File: 404 KB, 1680x941, no your not getting the source.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can access it just fine

>> No.9637108

How childish.

Underage b&

Not that guy, by the way.

>> No.9637113

I already found the source nerd

Okano Hajime – XXX All Night Long in a Rush Hour Train 2

>> No.9637115

try Hinadori no Koe.

>> No.9637116

Your the one who's crying like a baby.

>> No.9637117

When will you understand the fetish IS for step-sisters and girls who are like sisters but not actually related after all? Actual incest fetish isn't that common.

>> No.9637121

Good. I wanted you to work for it. Not everything is butt-sqeezed to your mouth on a silver toilet bowel you know.

If we all just assumed everything came to us we would not know what to do when our life is on the line and we needed to have accessing skills in the future.

>> No.9637122

It's not even hard to enter sadpanda, is it really something to be all proud about ?

>> No.9637123

Oh wow, this exact same thread op, verbatim, is also on /a/

>> No.9637129

You're still underage. Go jack off to your internet pornos, kid.

>> No.9637136

I don't need to jack off, I get the real thing.

>> No.9637131

Given the sheer amount of people who dont know shit how to internet on a basic level yes it is.

>> No.9637132

So what do you jack off to then?

>> No.9637138

>Now I remember a friend i had when i was 15-16, He had a little sister that would sometimes walk in to his room naked after she took a bath to ask something random

Autism. Also she wasn't cute.

>> No.9637139

Yeah and with your attitude, if Exhentai ever goes down we lose access to all our fucking doujins.

Stop using that fucking site.

>> No.9637141

What are you blabbering about?

>> No.9637142

I get your momma's real thing.

>> No.9637144
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>> No.9637145

exhentai is life

exhentai is love

exhentai is forever

>> No.9637146


>> No.9637152
File: 122 KB, 550x691, 2bee4b206d2476bcd439909c36c58844ec47d195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god, this thread really turned into shit

>> No.9637160

Are you sure about that? Look at the opening post.

>> No.9637161
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>> No.9637170

For the Japanese, incest is part of their history.

You don't live on a little island for however many thousand years and guess what, you're going to be fucking a family member eventually it's your 2nd cousin or whoever down the family tree somewhere.

>> No.9637172

her face reminds me of that retard from disneys notre dame

>> No.9637173

That thin white line at the bottom really scratches my autism
Was this on purpose?
Did you crop it like that to piss me off?
Go fuck yourself
If you don't fix that image I'll make you regret ever being born

>> No.9637182

have you all ever watched JAV, they look fucking handicapped.

>> No.9637186

The same goes for england. just look at their people.

I wish I saved that picture of an average english family.

>> No.9637192

It's usually their teeth
Why do the japanese have such crooked teeth?

>> No.9637194
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>> No.9637199

I remember that article being a whole load of crap. Then again, that's why psychology is, lol.

>> No.9637206

Wasn't ancient japan filled with lots of clan's that hated each other, it's not weird then that they only got married to members of their family.

>> No.9637208

I for one would love to lick their beautiful natural crooked teeth.

Then have them rub their teeth on my peepee would be great

>> No.9637211


>> No.9637214

but then again, you are part of /jp/ and jaypee is just another freakshow.

>> No.9637215

Dint look at the link yet but do they actually crook-ify their teeth? Thats cool.

>> No.9637217

Probably that phenomenon where you deem something obviously inferior as superior because it's not possible for you to have the alternative.

>> No.9637221

from those pictures i doubt that they even brush them.

>> No.9637231

What, like chubby chasers?

>> No.9637247

I think that's more of a fetish but maybe.

>> No.9637257


It's more like wabi sabi and fuck you fat chicks need love too. example: fatchouli > patchouli /jp/ agreed do not bother them about it

>> No.9637296

Sex with little sister is the apex of human sexuality.

>> No.9637293

So once we've perfected contraceptives incest will no longer seem like such a taboo thing?

Actually once that happens the whole world will get a lot sluttier.

>> No.9637294

Wikipedia not being able to find a source doesn't mean that much. It could just mean nobody gives a shit about finding one. And Wikipedia cites newspaper articles at times anyway.

>> No.9637300

Contraceptives ARE perfect.
The only reason they're not 100% is because retards don't use them properly.

>> No.9637306

No, they need to lose weight.

>> No.9637309


>> No.9637307

I mean contraceptives without any drawbacks and a negligible chance for some idiot to misuse it. What I'm saying is that we're still making progress on contraceptives and once we've hit a certain milestone certain types of sexual relationships will be seen as less and less taboo, including probably incest.

>> No.9637313

Has a few drawbacks. Obviously some people wouldn't give a fuck but some people want to be sluts yet are scared to death of procedures like that. Plus it's fuckin' 'spensive

>> No.9637320

Look at it this way, would you rather pay a little less than $1000 once to get a vasectomy or risk paying half your paycheck for 18 years to some dumb bitch who didn't want to get an abortion?

>> No.9637322

It'll still be taboo because most people assume that at some point in a relationship the two will still want to have children, so they'll have to settle for childlessness, surrogacy, or higher chance of defect anyway.

>> No.9637323

Tell this to normals.

>> No.9637324

Tom Leykis, is that you?

>> No.9637328

They've currently worked out a pill that temporarily halts sperm production but doesn't imblance your hormones. Sort of like 'the pill' but for men. However, it's a good 15 years before we even see human clinical trials.

>> No.9637330

eh I guess you're right.. I've heard they are even modifying the procedure to make it easily reversible.

Even then they could just adopt if they really fucking wanted children. Birthing defects should be universally illegal though

>> No.9637335

So what's the point? Can you still cum with that?

>> No.9637340

Of course. Cum isn't all sperm. Don't have the exact figures but sperm makes up a very small portion of semen.

>> No.9637342

The semen also looks exactly the same, tastes exactly the same and feels exactly the same. It just has no sperm in it.

>> No.9637343

Not liking incest?

Are you a faggot or something?

>> No.9637345

Second cousins is actually pretty much the perfect balance between in and outbreeding for producing healthy offspring at the moment for people at the moment.
Incest isn't as terribly debilitating as years of "comedies" shown on the electric jew may have led you to believe, between even first cousins the ill effects are pretty much negligible.

>> No.9637346

Sounds good. Too bad I never have sex anyway.

>> No.9637353

It's seriously not hard and is in no way an accomplishment. None of this "lol us virgin channers XD" shit. Patience is the only thing you need.

>> No.9637351

It seems most people are just against close relatives breeding
I'd be pretty sure most people wouldn't care if those couples didn't have kids

>> No.9637355


>> No.9637361

Well I'm not really looking for it either. I'm decently good looking and I dress well but I just don't like other people that much and every time I think about "girlfriends" I remind myself of all the things I couldn't do if I had one and I quickly forget the thought again.

>> No.9637368

I completely understand. It seems like a fuckton of work for proportionately little payoff. But I still think people should find "the one", I just fucking hate this "LOL UR A VIRGIN OMG XD LUSER" shit where you are expected to fuck the nearest thing as soon as puberty hits just for social acceptance.

>> No.9637378

Took you a long time to basically say "I don't have a source and am talking out of my ass".

>> No.9637387

I had just gotten there, actually.

>> No.9637399

1st cousin marriage is legal in almost all of Europe and Japan. Only Americans are being a douche about it.

>> No.9637403

>But I still think people should find "the one"
As a happy little accident, I don't. Video game parenting creates bitter people.

>> No.9637415


I thought it was legal in most US states too

>> No.9637422

There is no "the one". You will never find her.

>> No.9637424

>I still think people should find "the one"
There is no such thing. Are people so arrogant that they believe the universe has conveniently left for them a specific person that they are destined to be with? Assuming this is true, the odds of meeting this person are astronomical. The odds of actually being with this person? Virtually impossible.

If you are speaking figuratively, it would seem that you have bought into the contemporary media brainwashing that says you need a life partner to be fulfilled and happy. We certainly don't need anymore children. We should give up on these archaic norms and reject this pervasive "Disneythink". By all means, meet people and get as close to them as you want, but don't seek out "the one" because, frankly, he/she doesn't exist.

>> No.9637430

Didn't you learn about genetics in high school? Take out a pencil and paper and do the calculation. It takes quite a few generations of 1st cousin kids (repeatedly) to equal genetic disorder probabilities of brother-sister kid.

>> No.9637434

I've seen too many of derren brown's performances to care about ridiculously low odds.

>> No.9637436

>contemporary media brainwashing
>archaic norms
So is this an old or a new idea that we're dealing with here?

>> No.9637441
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>> No.9637450


>> No.9637451
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>> No.9637454
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>> No.9637455

You should be able to solve that. It's not even a contradiction.

>> No.9637458

I can't, I'm retarded. Please help.

>> No.9637460

This guy's penmanship is so fucking bad.

>> No.9637461

New methods bolstering old ideas. Marriage, "family values", love-at-first sight, etc. breathes new life with the invention of mass media. This is dangerous because the saturation of these images gives us the illusion that it's the norm.

There are girls out there that actually believe that there's a "prince charming" out there for them. The fact that they even word it this way is alarming.

>> No.9637465

So friendly relationships with occasional sexual relief is the way to go?

>> No.9637480

I think you're missing the point. The way to go is your own way. The problem lies in defining your existence and the world around you with the convenient symbols provided by corporations who use these to own you. Love and life does not have to be restricted to paint-by-numbers containerizations.

It may not be as romantic as a search for "the one", but it's infinitely more practical and I'm sure you would be happier if you live and love of your own accord.

>> No.9637509

What about a culture that doesn't revolve entirely around the premise that every single human being should get married and breed, sooner or later? A little bit of common sense and acceptance of diversity could help the world a lot.

>> No.9637514

Calling bullshit on this one.

>> No.9637520

>"the one"

>> No.9637538


That's basically how it was before the French invented, and Hollywood commercialized, romanticism.

>> No.9637546

Romanticism is a cancer. It teaches people to keep desiring, the source of all human suffering.

>> No.9637543

Oh man this is gold.

>> No.9637570

not if Im desiring my sister

>> No.9637571

Can someone please explain to me why the FUCK the Americans are so obsessed over murder? Entire television series are dedicated to this shit. How can so many people be involved in making something that every society in the world agrees is wrong? And nobody says anything?

I need some 'splainin' please.

>> No.9637578


Except all those shows are actually about catching murders

Japanese anime/manga are not about abstaining from incest, nice fail counter troll

>> No.9637580


Murder is quite popular around the world. In fact, it occours with strange regularity in every country.

>> No.9637585

>The basic fact of European history since 1750 has been an unprecedented social upheaval.

>The result was a transformation that touched every aspect of life; and in many ways the less familiar changes were more important. People became sexier. They had intercourse more often, both in and out of marriage.

>The age of puberty declined, ultimately by as much as eight years; in 1700 most lower-class girls began to menstruate only at age eighteen to twenty.

>> No.9637595 [DELETED] 
File: 924 KB, 641x682, IMG_0702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First report: http://www.freep.com/article/20120229/NEWS03/120229035/southfield-child-pornography-FBI-Facebook
FBI's request for arrest/search warrant: http://www.mediafire.com/?5b3cnad1ibrvcy2
Thad pays bond: http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2012120301054
Various court docs: http://ia700806.us.archive.org/4/items/gov.uscourts.mied.267304/gov.uscourts.mied.267304.docket.html

Stallman's wise words: The nominee is quoted as saying that if the choice of a sexual partner were protected by the Constitution, "prostitution, adultery, necrophilia, bestiality, possession of child pornography, and even incest and pedophilia" also would be. He is probably mistaken, legally--but that is unfortunate. All of these acts should be legal as long as no one is coerced. They are illegal only because of prejudice and narrowmindedness.

Some rules might be called for when these acts directly affect other people's interests. For incest, contraception could be mandatory to avoid risk of inbreeding. For prostitution, a license should be required to ensure prostitutes get regular medical check-ups, and they should have training and support in insisting on use of condoms. This will be an advance in public health, compared with the situation today.

For necrophilia, it might be necessary to ask the next of kin for permission if the decedent's will did not authorize it. Necrophilia would be my second choice for what should be done with my corpse, the first being scientific or medical use. Once my dead body is no longer of any use to me, it may as well be of some use to someone. Besides, I often enjoy rhinophytonecrophilia (nasal sex with dead plants).

>> No.9637597

>For necrophilia, it might be necessary to ask the next of kin for permission if the decedent's will did not authorize it.

Can I fuck your dead sister?

>> No.9637599

Some genes need to be present in both parents to be active. A family could carry a retard gene for generations and always have healthy children as long as they don't have sex with someone who also has this particular gene. So it's only natural that eventually evolutionary pressure created aversion to sexual relationships between family members.

>> No.9637600

Oh so we're making it a pedo thread now?

>> No.9637604

>Can I fuck your dead sister?

Only if you do the honorable thing and marry her.

>> No.9637606

Would you like to do that?

>> No.9637607

I would let you fuck my dead body, /jp/.
But please be gentle.

>> No.9637611

She's not dead and I'm pretty sure the decision would go to her husband not me. I really wouldn't mind, I'd allow it if I could (although I would have to go first)

>> No.9637615
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Non-virgin here. Chasing after sex isn't worth it, especially if you're going to let some adulterous whore tell you what you can/cannot do with your time/money. But you knew that already /jp/, just enjoy your onahole and continue living the dream.

>> No.9637618

Why we are suddenly discussing necrophilia?

>> No.9637623

Hell no. True romanticism doesn't teach anything.
It almost always ends up badly!
It's like an ode to self-destruction.

Stop watching crap movies.

>> No.9637625


Necrophilia and incest go hand in hand, silly.

>> No.9637627

I am Saint IGNUcius of the Church of Emacs, I bless your computer my child!

>> No.9637630

But I just want to hold hands with a girl and caress her back.

>> No.9637635


You'll be NTR'd.

>> No.9637641

You don't get to just do that. First you need to expend your time working for money to buy her and her friends anything they want.

>> No.9637646
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>> No.9637648

To be honest, why not. Unlike many other idiocies, it doesn't have real consequences.

>> No.9637656

sounds like he wouldn't be taking it easy

>> No.9637658

That was kind of what I was saying...

>> No.9637662

The only wet dream I've had involving my sister ironically had me cum and wake up before I got to stick it in.
So she is naked over the table and says to stick it in. When I take my cock out she says to wash it first. My heart is beating 10000x a second so I cum as soon as I touch my dick trying to wash it.

>> No.9637668

You know, I need to ask some progressive people I know about that necrophilia thing.

One one hand, with the focus on body autonomy, if the person consented while still alive, it shouldn't matter that say, their family doesn't want it.

On the other hand, consent is an ongoing thing, and some of them treat this pretty much like a religion...

This is going to be good.

>> No.9637675
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>> No.9637685

Maintaining a relationship is anything but taking it easy.

>> No.9637707

Who the fuck reads from left to right

>> No.9637770

my heart ;__;

>> No.9637803
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>> No.9637829

yosuga no sora is teh best anime of all time

>> No.9637842

Can someone please explain to me why the FUCK the Americans are so obsessed over furry? Entire cartoons are dedicated to this shit. How can so many people be involved in making something that every society in the world agrees is wrong? And nobody says anything?

I need some 'splainin' please.

>> No.9637863

People can't choose their fetishes. It's not their fault that their brains for whatever reason explode with arousal on the sight of furry. American cartoons with abundance of talking animals seen during puberty may be at fault, but brain is very complicated, no one knows how these things really work.

>> No.9637868
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>> No.9637902

>American cartoons with abundance of talking animals seen during puberty
Excuse me?

>> No.9637956

I had seen this one billion years ago but until now I have the time to read it.

This guy is a hero. If I have more money than I can spend, I will track him and make a statue of him and put it in my backyard. What a pro. What a man. This is the real deal. This guy is way over Alpha. Congratulations.

>> No.9637996


Even better than KoiKaze? Twincest is pretty hot and all, but I could relate more to Koshiro because he was an adult salaryman.

>> No.9638008

It's probably her step brother so they're not even related.

>> No.9638013

Sora was pretty great.

>> No.9638018

your mom was pretty great

>> No.9638022


Your sister says you're pretty great.


>> No.9638043

I will explain you why
this movie made incest popular in Japan like nothing else.

Its based on a Manga, but the movie did put the final blow

>> No.9638048

Can someone explain why the FUCK are Americans so obsessed that incest is wrong? Entire political party is dedicated to this shit. They even think it's in their own right to barge in into other people's country's business and dictate them.

>> No.9638085

Because it causes deformity and severe medical conditions. And in the real world 90% of incest is incest rape.

>> No.9638090

Aside from first generation incest not having any noteworthy increase in such deformation, how much of that is ``rape'' and how much of that is actually rape.

>> No.9638091


Not seeing the problem.

>> No.9638096

>It's probably her step brother so they're not even related.

Why would you even say something like this?

>> No.9638103

America has very odd policies on insect and such. I don't understand why they would make something that is entirely harmless illegal.

Why not say conceiving a child with you sister is illegal? Would be much less imposing.

>> No.9640006

I know right. Fucking insects.

>> No.9640060

We certainly don't need anymore children
tell that to niggers and muslims.
though they don't care about "the one" shit.

white people are losing the ground.

>> No.9640159

Muslims believe real love starts after marriage so they don't really believe in "the one".

>> No.9640165

I hate insects.

>> No.9640172

I wish boards like this wouldn't exist in /jp/. It goes against our culture.

>> No.9640219

wow did the girl with the braids smoke weed the next day


>> No.9640283
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Make a tulpa/imaginary friend.

The mind can create anything that you want. The power of self-induced insanity is limitless. Want a girlfriend with a perfect personality who will never betray you? There you go. Want a dog but you're allergic to them? Make a tulpa dog. Want children but your girlfriend is imaginary? Make tulpa children.

All of these things are possible. You just have to force yourself to go a bit insane and loosen your grip on reality.

>Did you ever grow anything in the garden of your mind? You can grow ideas in the garden of your mind. You can think about things and make believe. All you have to do is think and they'll grow!

>> No.9640291

I watched some Mister Rogers the other day. I felt really uncomfortable, as though he was some sort of pedophile grooming my inner child.

Fuck you, globalist media. You are why we cannot have nice things.

>> No.9640314

I have a little sister.
And guys, she wants to fuck me.
After I introduced her to animoo and mango a few years ago, I quietly lurked in her PC and looked at history, bookmarks, etc.

Incest. Incest everywhere. So, casually, I recommended YnS to her. A week later she wants to sleep in my room.

>> No.9640315
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If the regular Mr. Rogers episodes made you feel uncomfortable then this will terrify you.


>> No.9640319

Cool story bro.

>> No.9640320

My imagination is too weak.
My grip on reality isn't very strong, but I have no idea how to go further.

>> No.9640330


I'm going for it. wish me luck

>> No.9640334

How about a lucid dream instead? It actually works but it's hard as hell.

>> No.9640353


Psychedelics are your best bet if you want to improve your imagination and further weaken your grip on reality. It's real easy, you can grow your own mushrooms for 50 dollars and if you don't live in California, Georgia, or Idaho then you can legally purchase the spores online and have them shipped right to you.

I was having a lot of trouble creating my tulpa until I started to use them. I'd imagine any psychedelic would work and with enough willpower you could do all of this without any psychedelics, but doing tulpa meditation while under the influence of a psychedelic makes the creation of a tulpa incredibly easy. It's like condensing months of traditional tulpa meditation into a 6 hour trip.

After about four trips over the course of two weeks I was able to clearly hear her and speak to her without any drugs at all, so there's definitely a lasting improvement. It would normally take months to get to that point if you just follow the guides and meditate on your tulpa every day, this seems to speed the whole process up considerably.

>> No.9640366
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>thread about incest

>derails into drug culture 420chan underage shit

neo /jp/

>> No.9640367

It's exactly because it's a taboo you see?
It's somewhat the same with murder and cannibalism.

Pedophilia might somewhat tread lightly along the same lines as well.

I'm not Japanese but I like to utilize such things in my works as well.

>> No.9640380


I enjoy lucid dreaming a lot, but the only thing that bothers me is that it seems somewhat inconsistent. I don't know if this is true for a more experienced lucid dreamer, but on the occasions where I've managed to successfully lucid dream I've been unable to really make anything that lasts.

It's like a video game that wipes the save and creates a new one every time you load it up. I once had a lucid dream where I was in this beautiful forest and created all of these amazing things and I had a dream friend that I was speaking with, I woke up, and later on I had another lucid dream but the forest wasn't there, none of the things I created were there, the dream friend didn't seem to exist anymore, and the whole thing was just completely different.

I like that imaginary friends are a bit more stable. It feels more like building something that will stay with you forever instead of just stumbling into a lucid dream adventure where everything that occurs in the dream will just go away as soon as you wake up.

>> No.9640434
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Why not just use mescaline?

Order san pedro cutting from amazon or ebay, slice it up, blend it, wrap all of the blended shit up in an old shirt and hang it over a bowl so the juice seeps down into the bowl, drink it, try not to vomit, and then create tulpa during the 13+ hour trip.

>> No.9640552

Yeah, creating permanent things, even with a lucid dream, is hard. I've never managed to do it myself. That's why when I get lucid, I usually just use it to fly. Flying feels great. It makes you feel really free and peaceful.

I've had continuous dreams before though, but they were purely accidental.

>> No.9640615

cuz it turns me on

>> No.9640749

I didn`t know you could get mescaline from those. I guess that explains why some day many of my neighbour san pedro cactus were suddenly chopped.

>> No.9640776

It's one of the many reasons why we shouldn't nuke countries.

>> No.9640848 [DELETED] 

japanese ppl all look the same so they cant tell whos related by blood or not, have you noticed how they all have their beady alien-like eyes its kind of gross

>> No.9640919

if you buy them you might support thiefing of >>9640749-sans neighbors garden and that is kind off bad maybe

>> No.9640939

I am >>9640749-san's neighbor, and that is what they are out there for. Please, help yourself. I have plenty.
