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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9728743 No.9728743[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I can't do it anymore, /jp/. I just can't go to work. It's just so boring and pointless. I'd rather spend that time doing nothing as I wait to die.

Who else feels this way? I wish I could be a NEET like you guys.

>> No.9728752

Nope, I like $100k per year. Anyway, killing yourself sounds like a good idea, no?

>> No.9728755

Maybe you should have been born with a critical physical abnormality that had been misdiagnosed, which would allow you to sue the doctor and hospital for millions like me. Not my fault your genes are defective.

>> No.9728770

that feel when no gf :(

>> No.9728780

If you're going to work, do it with ambition in mind. Working just to work is going to drive you insane.

>> No.9728801

edgy as fuck, OP

>> No.9728818
File: 409 KB, 268x288, lolumad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like edgy ass-fuck, am i right guys?

>> No.9728821

Try to look at it from a perspective of a contributor to society, rather than the perspective of a mindless drone. You'll feel more fulfilled knowing that you did a good job.

this shit is so old

>> No.9728975


yea grimdark is the new edgy

>> No.9729016
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OP - Penguin
Seal - Me

Suck my dock, cude.

>> No.9729035
File: 27 KB, 170x170, 1346290402157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Change your life around and become a criminal.

This is what most suicidal people should be doing. If you don't have the confidence to do criminal activity then get some confidence drugs like cocaine and then do some crime.

You could be a drug dealer, a petty thief, identity theft, some sort of crime that you can commit on the internet, or be a con artist. The options for fun are limitless.

There's a reason why many people choose to be criminals when they could easily get a job that would pay as much or more. It's just exciting work. There's little point in living a life that is as stagnant and repetitive as what you get from working an honest job.

If someone is at the point where they want to kill themselves because they hate working so much then what do you have to lose? At that point you can do any crime that you want and the worst punishment you can get is just what you were already going to do to yourself anyway through suicide.

>> No.9729082

So guys, for a few moments my heart was beating extremely fast.It calmed down once I laid down for a bit but when I measured my shit was normal except for my pulse rate which was 160. Am I going to die easy?

>> No.9729104

Have you ever fallen deeply in love with a fictional character?

Not just that you find the person attractive or would like to be with him/her, but having dreams of the character, having romantic desires (above sexual desires), and would absolutely do anything possible to be with him/her.

>> No.9729111


I think I would like to be a smuggler, but I don't know how to make the connections that I would need to make money off of it.

I already have some experience with smuggling and it was very fun. I went to Comiket this year and before that I had visited Japan twice. I'm addicted to several drugs which are legal here but very illegal over there though, so I had to smuggle them into the country with me so that I wouldn't have to deal with withdrawals during my vacation.

Finding ways to modify my clothing and hide the pills on me was exhilarating and each time it was one the most enjoyable parts of my trips.

>> No.9729118


Are you on anything? It's not normal for your heart rate to spike like that unless you were exercising, having a panic attack, or taking drugs. My heart has beaten faster than that without any issues, but I was either exercising, on a drug, or a combination of both. I don't think that's supposed to happen for no apparent reason.

>> No.9729119

Now that I'm thinking about death, it doesn't seem bad at all. I'd at least get away from the world that I hate. I wonder if sleep deprivation has finally caught up to me.
No. There's a girl I see in dreams sometimes though. It'd be nice if she was real.

>> No.9729121

I was on antibiotics a few weeks ago. Also I was wrestling with my sister 20 or 30 minutes before it happened.

>> No.9729142

>I just can't go to work. It's just so boring and pointless.
>Not being intelligent enough to do well in university and get a job you enjoy.

>> No.9729153

>going to university and getting a job you "enjoy"
It's like you want to live a miserable life.

>> No.9729150

Are you living the barista dream?

>> No.9729161


Are you in bad shape or do you exercise regularly? If you're very out of shape then wrestling could cause your heart to beat like that. The heart can handle beating a lot faster than most people think though. My heart consistently beats at around 95BPM every day because of the medication I'm on and my doctor says it's fine.


You can check what your maximum heartrate should be by punching in your sex, age, and weight on there. You should still probably see a doctor though.

>> No.9729155


I think you need a beta blocker.

>> No.9729166

Don't do this, it's retarded as fuck. Why don't you go fuck up a shark with a harpoon? I mean, your concern for death would be 0, so why not just go airboarding or use fly suits and go throw yourself into a Swiss hill and just fly there looking at the LotR-like forests? No, you lower yourself to a gangsta level.
/jp/ is seriously full of repressed teenagers.

>> No.9729167
File: 224 KB, 1024x614, 4f8c51ef0fd0f251609005da81f45aca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why dont you quit?

>> No.9729178

Nah, that's not for me at all.
I'm taking a course I enjoy. It will allow me to get a job I enjoy. This is really not a difficult concept.

>> No.9729189


>No, you lower yourself to a gangsta level.

Why does that matter? Most people on /jp/ are already at the bottom of barrel. Drug dealers in the ghetto have more social status in the eyes most people then some person that sits in their home all day, never goes outside, and pisses in bottles. Once you're at this point there's no reason to care about "lowering" yourself because you can't go any lower.

>> No.9729197

I'm not talking about social lowness, I'm talking about intellectual lowness.

>> No.9729201

I'm in bad shape. The calculator says my max is 201, which I probably went over before I laid down. I should say that I haven't been perfect for the past few days though. I have slight stomach pains while eating sometimes, which come right before I have to take a shit. I also felt reeeally bad a few nights ago. I slept though and felt better than usual. I think my real problem is sleep deprivation.
What's that?

>> No.9729205

Why do you want to make a name by yourself by doing lowly subhuman activity?
Why not try to make a point and go out with gun blazing. Stock up on firearms and go to the madoka premier and try to break the gook kill score.
This will teach those madoka and uroboshitfags.

>> No.9729215

>I'm taking a course I enjoy. It will allow me to get a job I enjoy.
How does that translate to:
>>Not being intelligent enough to do well in university and get a job you enjoy.

I had an objectively good GPA but I dropped out because all noteworthy career options started to look too disgusting and I lost my motivation. What are you studying?

>> No.9729217

are NEETs just nihilists in disguise?

>> No.9729221

They are pretty much like pre-teens but like to think they are not.

>> No.9729223


>I'm talking about intellectual lowness

What does your job have to do with your intellect though? It's just how you choose to make money, doesn't have anything to do with your intelligence.

Someone might be a criminal during the day and then come home and have all sorts of intellectual pursuits that they're working on for fun. It's like saying that janitors aren't intelligent simply because they're janitors. They might be brilliant mathematicians, but they just happen to enjoy working as a janitor for whatever reason.

Your career doesn't have to be based around your interests. Going down that road usually just sucks the passion out of whatever you used to enjoy since you now have deadlines and responsibilities and all of the things that come with a career which will suck the fun out of it.

>> No.9729234

What the fuck are you talking about carriers and janitors being intelligent? If you are a mugger you are just as clever as a detroit nigga. How is taking money with violence from others a career, fucking retard? Those kind of thoughts are what have you on rock bottom.
Don't come with "being lazy" or "I don't care" as an excuse to mug.

>> No.9729239
File: 22 KB, 640x359, shikirogi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What are you studying?

I'm doing perfectly well in Uni, but school is nothing like a job. You would understand this if you had ever worked a day in your life. I'm only in college to prolong living with my parents.

Jobs are miserable toil. I don't understand how anyone could enjoy giving up most of their free time and life just to survive long enough to become old and useless.

>> No.9729237
File: 815 KB, 1383x2000, 02_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>job you enjoy
Nothing beat sleeping in your bed.
Enjoy your alarm clock silly work drone.

>> No.9729244

Would you work in Paradise, or would it be a chore?

>> No.9729255
File: 91 KB, 396x396, chiakifascinating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You think the only way to express or use your intelligence is in professional money-making pursuits?

They sure got you good, goyim. You can't even understand why that's sad and pathetic.

>> No.9729257

>What does your job have to do with your intellect though?
Statistics exist. For example, a person with profound mental retardation is unlikely to end up as a researcher. Intelligence affects personality and the ability to accumulate knowledge. Some groups appreciate civilization more than others.

>> No.9729261

How big is the collection of bottles under your bed?

Reapply for Hikki/NEET when you hit forty litres.

>> No.9729265

Is mugging one way to use your "intelligence".

Nice reaction image, /b/ro. You are way, way too retarded.

>> No.9729270

>They sure got you good, goyim. You can't even understand why that's sad and pathetic.
oh god my sides.

>> No.9729273

The approach you take to mugging can be clever.

>> No.9729274

It wouldnt be called a paradise if you have to work.
Does a king work?

>> No.9729277

You can have a pretty clever way to punch yourself in the face that it's still retarded. You are just replying with technicalities and stupid things just for the sake of not loosing.

>> No.9729282

>Does a king work?
Why is he a king? Does he lead and manage?

>> No.9729289

Only the first.
You are born into monarchy/royal bloodline.

>> No.9729286


I never said anything about mugging. I'm not the same guy you were arguing with.

Yet, I see you really are incapable of understanding what I just said, and just attacked my character because you had no counterargument. Read my post again and think about it for a few minutes until it sinks in, pig-dog.

>> No.9729298


>How is taking money with violence from others a career, fucking retard?

What else would you describe it as? It's morally wrong and illegal, but it's still a career.

Just look at the definition of a career.
>An occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress.
They're criminals for the majority of their lives, the opportunities for progress are committing increasingly lucrative crimes, so I would say it's a career.

>If you are a mugger you are just as clever as a detroit nigga.

What if someone just wants to be a mugger? It's not accurate to try to determine someone's intelligence by looking at their job. There's plenty of people who are already wealthy and educated and yet they commit crimes just because they want to do it and it's more entertaining than the alternatives. Maybe he just enjoys mugging people, it says something about their morals but it doesn't say anything about their intellect.

>> No.9729296

>does he lead and manage?

That's what court advisors are for, idiot.

Kings are just kings because they happened to win the life-lottery and came out of the royal vagina.

>> No.9729299

I'm not even the guy you were arguing it. I just find it extremely stupid of you to think that certain professions require a certain level of intelligence. And how do you define intelligence? Practicality? Memorization capabilities? Algebra problem solving? Think for a second in what you're saying before making dumb generalizations.

>> No.9729300

If you could stay home all day by some method then you're basically in paradise on earth. The only problem is how long you can keep at it. But my point was that work is in fact a chore which happens to be useful. I don't see what's nihilistic about that.

>> No.9729302


i don't understand why i should care about how i've affected other people

their pleasure is not my pleasure

>> No.9729304


I'd say it takes more intelligence to successfully mug multiple people without being arrested than it does to go to college.

Same with most internet crime, drug production, etc.

>> No.9729311

Again, retard, you can have a clever way to punch yourself in the face that it's still retarded. Who cares if your fucking way of mugging is clever if what you are doing is retarded?
I attacked your argument, not your character.

God, I always thought that every board was joking that this was the most retarded board of all leaving the shitposting aside.

>> No.9729312

>That's what court advisors are for, idiot.
That's why I asked. There is no need to feel insulted. Did cavemen have kings? Did their have advisors?

>> No.9729313

Just so you know, thievery and stealing is considered a work of art.
Have you watch shows like the italian job and ocean 11? The western media glorify these criminal acts and they are always portrayed as geniuses.

>> No.9729323


using torrents of ableist insults and false dichotomy is


i don't even know why i am putting a moment of effort into this post


>> No.9729317

You don't have any friends, do you?

>> No.9729319

who cares, what you're doing is retarded by nature.

>> No.9729333

Why are you comparing physical self-harm to a career choice? Your argument makes no sense and has no credibility because you skew it to fit your purposes. I take it you were mugged a couple of times by idiotic niggers and can't accept the fact anyone in their right mind would do it. Well, they do. Live with it instead of living a bitter life over broken teeth and a lost cell phone.

>> No.9729339


>who cares, what you're doing is retarded by nature.

What is your definition of retarded?

These people are doing illegal activities, they're making obscene amounts of money, and they're intelligent enough to do all of this without getting caught.

What part of this is retarded?

>> No.9729340


pplease die

just ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ die ok

i don't have the energy to help you not be stupid

>> No.9729342

Is that all your argument's reduced to? "It's retarded because it's retarded"?

>> No.9729346

Can you please drop your gimmick already?

>> No.9729348

And the racing world is not about Hyundai and losing tons of money for exhausts, it is all like Fast and Furious, it is from a movie, so it must happen in real life. They are portrayed as badasses so they have to be unbelievably intelligent.

And how does a scum from the otaku culture board on 4chan can compare to Alcapone? It's like saying you rock at soccer because Messi does. How does Ocean 11 compare to a /jp/sie coming to you and saying "yo giv me ur things!"

>> No.9729350
File: 30 KB, 502x455, shizukuvaccuumgirl1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here was what I asked:

>You think the only way to express or use your intelligence is in professional money-making pursuits?

You responded with what I assume was supposed to be a question:

>Is mugging one way to use your "intelligence".
>Nice reaction image, /b/ro. You are way, way too retarded.

By the way, that second part is indeed an attack on my character that had nothing to do whatsoever with my post.

You need to stop posting. You are embarrassing yourself and struggle with reading comprehension to a significant degree.

>> No.9729352

You should take all of your money and go to some remote forest in Asia or any place distant from society and live out the rest of your days in solitude. That's what I plan to do once the loan sharks start to get impatient.

>> No.9729353

Normalfags are generally whiteknight and huge moralfag.Their idea of intelligence are studying hard and working as hard as they can to fit into social norm to get 100 in their test.

While the real smart and intelligent anon will just cheat for their test to achieve the same score.

>> No.9729356

Who says that will be a /jp/sies approach to mugging?

>> No.9729359

You see? >>9729277 Technicalities.

>> No.9729363

Guess I was right. There's no shame in being robbed unless you bring it to yourself. Which you are doing by acting completely nonsensical.

>> No.9729364

Why would a person choose a criminal career if he could just grab easy university degrees and live a life of relatively easy wealth filled with acceptance? Do we really need to dig up elementary psychology books or is taking a look at Maslow's hierarchy enough for you?

>> No.9729365

Not the guy you responded to, but define "retarded by nature", so far you're only giving a retarded generalization and you use, extensively, stereotypes.
Who you are, to define something as being retarded, giving no counterarguments, without explaining it thoroughly whatsoever. Why stealing would be retarded, or doing something illegal, like selling drugs, smuggling, cyber crime. Because Fox News told you so, mister amerifat? Stop using social norms, morals and laws, as they have no importance here, none at all.

So please, stop arguing just because something comes against your brainwashed mindset, stop embarrassing yourself even more.

>> No.9729370


it's not a gimmick holy shit

you are a fucking troglodyte

no you're the opposite of a troglodyte and that's why you are so amazingly incapable of critical thought

>> No.9729372

The real smart anon studies quickly and has the subject on his pocket just by reading once. Your friend with the Linkin Park hoodie and his Monster energy drink will cheat.

>> No.9729373
File: 73 KB, 460x400, killmebabyderp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm really curious as to what you are studying/doing for a job now.

I want to laugh at you harder than I am already.

>> No.9729377

Not everyone has equal opportunities and you get money faster in a criminal setting. That attracts a lot of people. Just because they are like that, doesn't necessarily mean they are stupid. Everyone makes mistakes.

>> No.9729379


please tell me more about what it takes to be truly smart, cheeto-chomping white male teenager living with his parents

pass the mtn. dew also

>> No.9729380

Capitalize before trying to look smart, please. And drop the pretentious talk.

>> No.9729381

Not that guy, but you sure that's not just a cliche? The cheaters are usually weeded out one way or the other, whereas people in legitimate business might be tempted...

>> No.9729384


good 1 :iceburn: :hazard:

I Think This Epic (+1 I like)

>> No.9729385

Back to square one, huh.

>> No.9729388


You've been saying that all criminal activity is retarded though. Now you're saying that it's only retarded if you do it wrong.

What exactly is your argument?

Crime is not easy and it requires a great deal of intelligence if you want to get away with it. There's a reason why the prisons are filled with so many people, they just weren't intelligent enough to find a way to do their crimes without getting caught.

Take bank robbery for example. I doubt there's a single person here who has the intelligence to successfully rob a bank and get away with it and yet there are criminals who still rob banks today and are never caught. They're very skilled and intelligent people. You can attempt to do anything in life, but whether or not you succeed is based on your intelligence and the same applies to crime.

>> No.9729390

I'm sorry I'm just joining this thread, but what the fuck is this? /b/? Get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.9729393

As someone in a reputed university taking a coure that will put me well off in life even if I'm not the best in class, I can tell you most teachers give no shits about students cheating. I see people bringing their smart phones and whatnot to their tests with all the info they need on them and making full use of it, even sending messages to each other. Really, it only gets worse after high school.

>> No.9729394

read >>9729365

Now please kindly go away or shut your faggotish mouth.

>> No.9729397

What is cheating? Is it taking the easiest viable path in order to get ahead of people? In that case the business world is full of cheaters.

>> No.9729398


Because you could make more money being a criminal? Because it doesn't require a bunch of formalistic bullshit to enter and finish? Because it's more interesting? Because it's more available and exploitable to a given person?

There are plenty of reasons, you simpering moron. The fact that you just brought out Maslow's hierarchy of needs is just further proof of how mindlessly idiotic you are. His hierarchy wasn't based on any evidence-he basically pulled it out of his ass and asserted it was right because it seemed right. Most research done on it disproved it, and even Maslow, in his later life, lost confidence in his hierarchy after seeing plenty of exceptions to his little pyramid of bullshit.

The more you know, psychology and/or business major. What a joke.

>> No.9729399

haha oh wow this guy values intellectualism..

don't get me wrong i believe the unexamined life is not worth living but intellectualism is sophistry

>> No.9729400

Cliche? I guess it is rare to see any cheating nowadays but just look at the real world.
The real intelligent people generally do not stay in school long. Bill Gates, Zuckerberg & those googles guys. All of them realize school and degree are bullshit. They all started their own business and did not succumb to a life of labor slavery.

>> No.9729401


"There's a reason why the prisons are filled with so many people, they just weren't intelligent enough to find a way to do their crimes without getting caught."

yes *strokes goku action figure* that atom over there was so stupid to decay at the time it did

>> No.9729402

Says the guy on /jp/ using pretentious words.

>> No.9729404

Are you implying people who commit crimes will end up getting caught no matter what they do to avoid it? Are you really that delusional?

>> No.9729406

>you get money faster in a criminal setting
The risks and downsides were obvious to me already when I was a child. Does an intelligent person automatically appreciate fast money? Why would he do that?

>Not everyone has equal opportunities
That is true and conditions vary. However, I must say again that statistics exist. Relatively intelligent people generally end up in relatively demanding and/or bookish positions.

>> No.9729413

My first day of work starts at Monday. Don't really know how to feel about it.

>> No.9729408


no you horrendous fucking idiot

this has progressed past the point of frustration and is just comedy now

>> No.9729409

If you support crime so much, why are you posting on /jp/ instead of running your billionaire industry?

>> No.9729414
File: 38 KB, 444x480, frankbaroneneutral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And if you actually understood statistics, you'd also understand that correlation does not imply causation.

>> No.9729415

>Does an intelligent person automatically appreciate fast money? Why would he do that?

Thus comes the big question: what is intelligence? A person might be amazing at solving mathematical problems and have a gambling addiction, to the point he tries using his mathemathical abilities to find patterns to his gambling in order to win. Shit happens.

>> No.9729419

The prisons are filled with the lowest common denominators of the criminal syndicate.
The bigshot drug kingpin and people that do human slavery are rarely caught.

>> No.9729420

God, I just love it when something like this happens.

>> No.9729421

>What is cheating?
>what is intelligence?

Are you kidding, /jp/? Seriously? Seriously?

>> No.9729431
File: 2.69 MB, 500x281, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please leave.

>> No.9729425

I wonder, why if there are so many people talking about how mugging is the best career in the world, they are browsing /jp/ instead of going around there running their multimillion empire.

>> No.9729429

intelligence is:

• something you are born with

• physical

• an expression of cognitive potential, not an assurance

having a big penis is

• something you are born with

• physical

why is one of these praised as though it's the person's fault that they have it

>> No.9729435

It was only presented as a hypothesis to someone who has nothing to lose. Of course most people see the downsides to a life of crime, even if the rewards are equally great.

>> No.9729433

I can't tell if you're underage or a shitposter.

>> No.9729437


epic +1 I Like! I Like Pussy Smell!

>> No.9729438

The original spark which I replied to was:
>What does your job have to do with your intellect though? It's just how you choose to make money, doesn't have anything to do with your intelligence.
Do you understand now why I started replying like I did?

>> No.9729439

Because most /jp/ anons are good nature people.
Although mugging will bring you tons of easy $$$, you are still causing harm to the other people.
I mean where else can you find a job where you can earn at least $500 in 10minutes. Sometimes if you get a rolex watch off the person you are mugging, you can earn even more.

>> No.9729443

I prefer one month of work, be ok with the law and get a laptop in one month than running away from tens of government organizations and get an used iPhone and a broken XPERIA in the same time. And being looked down by everyone.

>> No.9729444


>Why would a person choose a criminal career if he could just grab easy university degrees and live a life of relatively easy wealth filled with acceptance?

Look at people like OP. He's working, making money, maybe he's able to support himself and living comfortably, and yet he hates it all because he finds it boring and pointless. Just because you have an easy and safe life doesn't mean that you're going to be happy. The sheer boredom of honest work can bother some people.

Criminal activity is exciting. Many criminals get caught and others are smart enough to get away with it, but the only reason you need to become a criminal in the first place is that it's just more interesting to you than what you're currently doing and at the end of the day that's all that really matters.

Boring lives are not lives that are worth living. If you're not living a life where you enjoy yourself then you're basically just living a life where you do nothing but push through each day and wait to die.

>> No.9729446 [DELETED] 


lol 'good natured'

yep, definitely that

has nothing to do with the centuries of social conditioning that egotism/selfishness = bad

they just chose to care about others' feelings because they're naturally good people. that whole deal with their rape, murder and theft-prone caveman ancestors was coincidence and people definitely don't behave that way if left alone

>> No.9729449
File: 124 KB, 685x720, kananotthisshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I understood from the beginning. It's because you're a fucking moron who can't digest a paragraph.

He was using a criminal as a broad example of typically low-class jobs that may belie the actual intelligence of the person holding that job. You went off on that tangent, because you couldn't actually refute anything he said, and tried to save face by attacking a bunch of people, coming off as (and continuing to come off as) a complete dipshit.

>> No.9729450

Why are you still here? I mean, why?

>> No.9729453 [DELETED] 


rofl owned :P u burnt that nerd o.o

>> No.9729457


Mugging people involves leaving the house and physically confronting and intimidating people.

Those are two things /jp/ers cannot do, and especially not well enough to be successful with it in the longterm. Also, mugging is not the basis of criminal empires. It's just the easiest way to grab cash in certain areas.

>> No.9729458

>Because you could make more money being a criminal?
Money, money money. What's the rush? How much do you need? Why? There's already a comfortable future waiting for you.
>Because it doesn't require a bunch of formalistic bullshit to enter and finish?
I thought formalistic bullshit was enjoyable.
>Because it's more interesting?
Come on.
>Because it's more available and exploitable to a given person?
This is a reasonable point.

>There are plenty of reasons, you simpering moron. The fact that you just brought out Maslow's hierarchy of needs is just further proof of how mindlessly idiotic you are. His hierarchy wasn't based on any evidence-he basically pulled it out of his ass and asserted it was right because it seemed right. Most research done on it disproved it, and even Maslow, in his later life, lost confidence in his hierarchy after seeing plenty of exceptions to his little pyramid of bullshit.
Thank you for this wall of unneeded insults. Does modern science think that intelligent people are drawn to crime?

>The more you know, psychology and/or business major. What a joke.
I'm a CS major.

>> No.9729459

You go and defend the people who would rob you any day and come here saying that the people from Ocean 11 (who obviously exist) have a brighter future than, I dunno, Bill Gates.
And, you use reaction images.

>> No.9729462

You think shitposting and saging makes you look clever? You just didn't have anything and spat out your shitty comeback. Go ahead and reply umad or shitpost saging thinking you are the shit.

>> No.9729463


i would rob me too if i could get away with it

>> No.9729467


Again, not the same person. Why are you so fucking retarded?

>> No.9729468

Bill Gates isnt a saint.
He stole from Apple, just like how Apple stole from xerox.

>> No.9729470

Heeeeeeere we go! We ran out of arguments.

>> No.9729475


>.> dude wtf ur problem were all having fun here nd u gotta be an ass? u.u frick off jerk

>> No.9729476

>He was using a criminal as a broad example of typically low-class jobs that may belie the actual intelligence of the person holding that job.
Why didn't he write what he meant?

>You went off on that tangent, because you couldn't actually refute anything he said, and tried to save face by attacking a bunch of people, coming off as (and continuing to come off as) a complete dipshit.
Multiple persons have been replying. I'm sure that you can pick the calm ones - they are mine.

>> No.9729477

But Bill Gates is a thief.

>> No.9729478

lol epic /jp/ shitposting you so fit in here.

>> No.9729480


"if i don't understand something it's shitposting

ron paul 2012"

- anonymous, 2012

>> No.9729481


>I dunno

>> No.9729482

But you ran out of arguments half an hour ago! Why are you saying you ran out of arguments now? Hell, it's debatable that you even had any argument in the first place!

>> No.9729484

What? My first post was >>9729450

>> No.9729486


So you think that by majoring in CS, you have a comfortable future waiting for you?

Oh wow. Have fun competing with Indians, chinks and the millions of other CS majors crawling out of universities every year.

Considering that you're a CS major, I find it hard to believe that you are unable to acknowledge how intelligent organized cyber crime groups based in Russia and eastern Europe are. I mean, seriously? They would probably laugh at you for going to college.

>> No.9729487

sometimes i wish the people with pictures of gay porn would wipe out the thread i'm in

just descend from the rafters like angels of death & hairy man ass

>> No.9729490

See? You didn't have any arguments in the first place! Saying you ran out of arguments is pretty redundant, anon.

>> No.9729493

This is so unfitting in this thread.
As a mugger, you will have a lot, lot of competition. Not marketing competition that gets the guys from publicity in the office hyping.

>> No.9729497

Wait, what? I was just sending that guy who was shitposting (I hope) to go eat shit. You are visibly upset.

>> No.9729499

I think we need to layoff that poor dude.
He is probably stressed out doing his current CS major. And then when he came to /jp/ he saw everyone making fun of work drones and he became insecure with his "ideal future". He is currently still at the denial stage. Like they always said, denial is the first step toward acceptance.

>> No.9729503

Hey guys, apparently Bill Gates is a typical example of what happens if you go to school, work hard, and get a CS degree!

Fun fact: Bill Gates dropped out of college because he realized it was fucking pointless and stupid.

The irony.
>why didn't he write what he meant?
Because most people over the age of 14 can figure out what is implied in a sentence without having to be told what it means.

>> No.9729507


pretty sure he dropped out of college because he got a really good idea

same deal w/ newell

>> No.9729505

I'm not upset, I'm just confused becaus you said you ran out of arguments, then went ahead and proved to me you didn't even have an argument and your original post itt was actually a question...

>> No.9729510

Did /jp/ forget to take it easy and to resist being baited? Uncultured posters will be the death of us.

>> No.9729513

Okay. This is the point where I finally realized I'm dealing with crossboard scum. Please, make us all a favour and go back to your /v/alve circlejerks.

>> No.9729515
File: 130 KB, 1920x1080, sabereatshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If he doesn't like seeing monkeys and drones made fun of for toiling for peanuts at the expense of most of their life, he probably shouldn't be on /jp/.

Have another reaction image, CS guy-I know that NO ONE on /jp/ uses them. We are all quality posters with respectable jobs, after all.

>> No.9729517


>There's already a comfortable future waiting for you.

Comfort is not happiness. Living a life of nothing but comfort actually becomes extremely depressing after awhile. You become like those fat pampered dogs that just sit near the door and lay there all day.

Constant comfort with no excitement will eventually lead to a lethargic and depressed life. Some people can be genuinely content with comfort and safety and no real excitement, but most people aren't.

Just look around. Wealthy people are constantly looking for a way to add some rush of excitement to their boring and safe lives. Jumping out of planes, abusing drugs, trying to act out some survivalist fantasy in a jungle, rich people that commit petty theft just for the rush of it, etc.

Aiming for a comfortable future is a pretty depressing ambition, I would much prefer an exciting future.

>> No.9729519

>So you think that by majoring in CS, you have a comfortable future waiting for you?
Relatively, yes, but not necessarily because of my degree.

>Considering that you're a CS major, I find it hard to believe that you are unable to acknowledge how intelligent organized cyber crime groups based in Russia and eastern Europe are. I mean, seriously? They would probably laugh at you for going to college.
I know, but I thought that we were talking about society in general. No one was aware of my background when this discussion started and I wouldn't have mentioned it if you or someone else had not made an assumption.

>> No.9729520


i don't know if you realize this but gabe newell had a lot more to do with the planet than video games

>> No.9729522

This is how the usual NEET blogshit.
Usually some guy that is studying and working hard come along and give a long sermon on how studying and working toward a good life is the ideal lifestyle. They always lose against the trueNEET legion and either crawl back to their original board or become a convert.

>> No.9729523

When did I say I ran out of arguments? What the fuck is wrong with you? I was asking a fucking idiot why was he in /jp/ and you come here speaking bullshit? Fuck off, you suck. You just want to start an argument with anyone because you're mad as fuck.
I'm out.

>> No.9729527

What a disaster.

>> No.9729528

Come tell us about your amazing mafia, or your brilliant CS. Come on.

What the fuck is wrong with /jp/? There is better argumentation in /a/, I'm not joking about this and I know you're gonna get pissed as fuck but post something equal in argumentation and validation to "yeah right".

>> No.9729533

>i don't know if you realize this but gabe newell had a lot more to do with the planet than video games

Are you referring to how he's become so large that he actually affects earth's own gravity with his?

Or how that he eats so much food that certain countries are unable to feed their school children because gaben ate it?

Or possibly, how, he became the first whale smart enough to successfully create a DRM system that prints him and his fellow nerds money?

Is it how much of America has pizza and cheeseburger famines on Gaben's birthday?

Are you saying that Gabe Newell emits so much natural pollution from his burrito farts that he is affecting world's climate more than all other factors combined?

Is it because many scientists are studying him, trying to learn how a man could become pregnant, and remain pregnant, for such a long time?

>> No.9729534


>As a mugger

The whole post that started this argument >>9729035 simply stated that there are a huge variety of criminal activities that someone who has nothing left to lose could pursue if he wanted to. Cybercrime is one of the types of crimes mentioned in that post.

The "/jp/ mugger" hypothetical was brought up by the person who was arguing with the original post in an attempt to associate all criminals with "detroit niggas" and hood gangstas.

>> No.9729536

I don't remember it being this bad. It feels like it's the fault of a combination of /q/, restrictive condensed threads and the resulting lost good posters. Maybe I'm just seeing what I want to see though.

>> No.9729539

I dont have to post anything.
Please screencap this post. Go study hard and graduate top of your class. Please report back once you actually get a real job because of your CS degree making $300k/year and tell us if you are enjoying your life and banging hot bitches every night.

>> No.9729541

As any kind of criminal. Damn, there are some people who seriously stop taking little details as a valid argument. /jp/ is the kind of people who would think that an example is a fact.

>> No.9729550

Why do I have to post anything if you don't? You are the guy who says you only require intelligence to be a good mugger so why don't you go and rob some hipsters and gloat about it on /jp/?

>> No.9729552

>Have another reaction image, CS guy-I know that NO ONE on /jp/ uses them.
Please. That wasn't me. These are my posts in this thread:

>> No.9729555

You know that truNEET use autismbucks, not mugging, right? Hivemind.

>> No.9729558

Stop trying to fit in and fuck off.

>> No.9729561

Why does no one understand what nihilism is?

/jp/ is not filled with nihilists. /jp/ NEETs are largely existentialists or hedonists.

>> No.9729560

Shit /jp/ pull yourself together. /g/, I like you but go back to your board or tone it down a bit please.

>> No.9729566


everyone who has a nervous system is a hedonist

>> No.9729567

These people drop out of college because they got a better job lined up and had plans to eventually go back and finish their degree. They dropped out due to time management.

We dropped out because we're lazy, that doesn't make us geniuses.

>> No.9729575
File: 118 KB, 1061x1065, misato34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9729577

Im a drug dealer who buys his drugs with the money the government gives me ...ask me anything

>> No.9729578
File: 71 KB, 954x614, tdfhj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9729579

Worst character in the show.

>> No.9729581

It's not like wasting your life watching autists shitpost and force memes and suicidal NEET meta threads such as this one is that much better.

>> No.9729583
File: 873 KB, 1280x800, 1305864629583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that turned out SO well didn't it?

>> No.9729584
File: 29 KB, 581x615, daifh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9729587

You think muggers are stupid and a detrimental to the society.

Me on the other hand, if they want to steal for $$$, they are free to do so. They have to avoid the LAW and not get beaten up by the people that they are trying to steal from. Their risk reward justify this. Have you ever taken a train in yurop? Do you know how often people pickpocket happened? They rarely get caught since they usually work in group.

>> No.9729597

But.. a NEET life is exactly that. Basically it's all about never leaving your comfort zone.

I don't know, I don't have the balls to be a criminal, but if you're going to do it then you should start by probably leaving the internet.
And if you intend on being a cyber criminal, well with the amount of knowledge it takes you'd be better off just starting your own IT business.

>> No.9729598


>We dropped out because we're lazy, that doesn't make us geniuses.

I think that most people drop out because they just realize that college is incredibly expensive and a huge waste of time.

The internet continues to make going to college increasingly meaningless with each passing year. As far as educational value college is completely pointless since you can obtain all of that knowledge for free with the internet and it's just a google search away. There's very few things left that you can't learn completely through the internet.

So college is now essentially the degree place and it has no other real purpose than to give people pieces of people so that they can try to get jobs, but the internet even negates this because of the huge amount of opportunities to make money through the internet that require no degree at all.

>> No.9729594

>people still don't get the ending

>> No.9729596

>and not get beaten up by the people that they are trying to steal from.
You know absolutely nothing about mugging, right? They are cowards with guns and knives, not clean fist fighters.

>> No.9729602

I'mma mug you tomorrow and beat the shit of you. Then I'm going to violently rape your anus with my 25 centimetre long cock. We'll see how you feel about the subject after that mate

>> No.9729599
File: 110 KB, 685x1386, shinji_phone2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9729600


>still haven't watched that show

>> No.9729604

This better not be kopipe from /v/, because that's awesome.

>> No.9729608
File: 162 KB, 500x378, dai82199483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9729612

Sure think tuff guy, I dare you to break into my house. I hope you enjoy the hot lead that I will shoot to your butthole aniku.

>> No.9729614

/jp/ is for hedonists with poor self control, then.

>> No.9729619

You're naive if you think you can now do anything just because you want to kill yourself.

The worst case scenario is not your death, it is your imprisonment and constant surveillance so you cannot die, but are subjected to monotony, beatings and rape for the rest of your life.

>> No.9729622
File: 97 KB, 970x944, nge23423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9729626
File: 11 KB, 493x325, dialohgjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9729632

Why do you use subtitles? Can't into japanese?

>> No.9729633
File: 111 KB, 971x1247, 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9729635

I agree with everything you said, BUT, college does have one big advantage over the internet: discipline. You have to show up on time for classes, hand off your assignments, cram for your finals.
I couldn't keep up with any of that and thought that by being alone I'd be self taught on my own, big mistake. I still haven't done anything and it's been 2 years.

I'm not arguing with the NEET lifestyle, but I do need someone telling me what to do in order to get anything done. I need deadlines. I think most people are like this, even collaborative or creative communities need to pull off a contest or two in order to get its users to finally finish something. Just my ramblings.

>> No.9729636


>But.. a NEET life is exactly that

It doesn't have to be though. NEETs are like a blank canvas. If you have a job then most of your life is going to be based around doing that job, but there's nothing required from a NEET. No obligations, nothing that they need to do, so they're at a point in their life where they can do basically anything.

Some NEETs are completely content with the stereotypical life of a NEET that you see on /jp/, others find excitement through drug use, and there's a whole different type of NEET that isn't really represented on /jp/ and they enjoy the nightlife of parties and clubs or they go on adventures.

If you're a NEET then you just don't work or go to college. What you do after that point is up to you. You just generally have more time for excitement and fun when your time isn't being taken up with work.

>> No.9729638

It's an old show, he probably didn't take the screencaps himself and pirating it hard subbed is much easier.

>> No.9729639
File: 448 KB, 824x633, daielstG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9729644

>And if you intend on being a cyber criminal, well with the amount of knowledge it takes you'd be better off just starting your own IT business.
I wonder if the guy who was all over the place and talking about Russian hackers knew this.

>But.. a NEET life is exactly that. Basically it's all about never leaving your comfort zone.
Looks like /jp/ is now for people who live fast.

>> No.9729641

It's a good thing that images have sound, right?

>> No.9729647

The original point you started arguing against, as far as I can tell, was this:
>What does your job have to do with your intellect though? It's just how you choose to make money, doesn't have anything to do with your intelligence.
And the original point isn't wrong. Intelligence doesn't *necessarily* equate to a specific job. Certain jobs are more likely for people with greater intelligence, but having a higher intelligence doesn't amount to having those types of jobs in and of itself.

Saying that intelligent people don't usually become criminals is accurate, but it doesn't mean one can conclude that there are no intelligent criminals (that reasoning would be fallacious). I'm not sure why you're disputing the original statement at all. Maybe you confused a trivial but factual statement with an assertion about correlations between jobs and IQ.

>> No.9729649

They do if you use 4chan [sound] plugin.

>> No.9729650

>Comfort is not happiness.

Maybe to you, normal friend. Comfort is the very definition of happiness. Not everyone is a masochist like you.


Post there instead.

>> No.9729651
File: 75 KB, 534x1084, maya23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9729659

that's not what your mom said when I fucked her.

>> No.9729661
File: 112 KB, 1053x1403, shiji2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9729669

The psychoanalytic dialogue is probably the only truly deep aspect of Evangelion, I wish more people gave it attention rather than all the random religious and mythological references.

>> No.9729667
File: 22 KB, 251x231, 1331327047112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't get the paraprofessional job at the library I applied for. I cried for hours. I thought the interview went over well, I have no idea what I did wrong. Maybe some day I'll join the /jp/ library crew...

>> No.9729671
File: 20 KB, 720x540, dai5288662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9729674

It's also difficult to live with people that are pretentious.

>> No.9729673

you should rape someone

>> No.9729676


Don't cry, Anonymous - libraries are for pussy-ass nerds anyway.

>> No.9729685

fucking owned.

>> No.9729679


>I still haven't done anything and it's been 2 years.

Doesn't this mean that it requires more discipline to be self-taught though?

I've always thought that college was the easy way to learn things, but it came at the cost of massive tuition fees. If I knew that I'm in a huge amount of debt or I paid tons of money then I'm going to feel a lot of pressure to study and work hard to try to justify the money I paid to get here.

If you're self-taught then you need to be a very disciplined person though, but ultimately the results will be better because you trained your mind and that discipline that you cultivated will help you with everything in your life.

It's like running for miles in comparison to running for miles while someone stands behind you and whips you every time you stop. It's going to be much harder for the first person, but if he succeeds then he will have a lot of self-discipline because he succeeded without needing someone else to force him to keep going.

>> No.9729684

Long term social isolation is physically and mentally unhealthy, it causes cognitive decline, increased risk for heart problems, stroke, diabetes, cancer, increased anxiety/depression, and anhedonia. Go outside and talk to somebody, get a girlfriend.

>> No.9729691

It wasn't the best translation.

>> No.9729696

I sometimes dream about working on a video rental chain store so I'd have a legitimate reason to obsess over my escapism as a way to earn money. But then I realized what kind of people I'd be giving out movie suggestions to.

>> No.9729692
File: 188 KB, 1169x1570, party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9729693

Only if you're a normalfag. truNEETs with true schizoid personality do not suffer such faggot diseases.

>> No.9729699

>>>What does your job have to do with your intellect though?
>And the original point isn't wrong.

"have to do with something: to be associated with or related to something."

I just had to react.

>> No.9729704
File: 61 KB, 485x1331, EVA_in_one_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9729708
File: 413 KB, 717x880, 138573494857498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a girlfriend

>> No.9729706

SPD isn't real, it's cognitive dissonance due to longterm social rejection, you actually convince yourself that you're happy being alone, it's just being a self-pitying little shit who never attempts to do anything to improve your situation.

>> No.9729715

It's all exaggerated.
I've stayed inside for something like 2 years and I never had any trouble communicating. My body has surely gone to shit though, but that could've been easily fixed if I jog for 30 minutes everyday.

>> No.9729717

a personality type is cognitive dissonance...gg fagets.

>> No.9729719

Woah. That is convincing from someone that doesn't have it. Are you that same faggot that says psychology is a pseudoscience?
I guess people with autism must be lying to themselves too? Since they also lack the drive to speak with people.

>> No.9729722 [DELETED] 

Welp, if you've been socially rejected on the longterm maybe you really are better off alone.

>> No.9729724

It's not hard to get a NEET gf

>> No.9729725

Everything is a lie by the zionist overlords! There is no such things as brains! Believe in jesus! Evolution is a lie!

>> No.9729727

>using an image that contains the word "cancerous"
>using an image that portrays 4chan as being some kind of cohesive community, or "EPIC LEGION"
>still using meme arrows

reddit sucks but that still dosent change the fact that you're a fag....dude

>> No.9729731

Well, if you've been socially rejected on a long term basis maybe you really are better off alone.

>> No.9729734

Or you could try to improve your self confidence little by little instead of doing nothing to improve the situation.

>> No.9729737


>Comfort is the very definition of happiness. Not everyone is a masochist like you.

NEETs aren't living a life of pure comfort though. A life of pure comfort would just be sitting in the softest chair you can find and doing nothing else because you're comfortable.

If you have hobbies then you're not living this way. Visual novels or almost any of the forms of entertainment that /jp/ consumes can make you feel happy, it will make you stop feeling bored, they make you cry, they can make you feel excited or scared, and all of these things are desirable because it's stimulating and it's emotionally engaging. You still require this stimulation for your happiness.

The only people who I would say are truly happy with a life of comfort are maybe monks who meditate constantly. They live a very slow paced life while trying to remain in the most calm and emotionally neutral state of mind that they can be in. /jp/ isn't like this though. You get your excitement and emotional stimulation from your hobbies.

>> No.9729739 [DELETED] 

You bet I'm a fag, now suck my cock....dude
*whips out cock*

>> No.9729743

Achieve a perpetual state of enlightenment through self realization

>> No.9729744

If it is possible look for another job, don`t stick yourself to a single workspace because in the end you will inevitably end up hating it.

I have been working in a photo store for the past 5 years and I could not take it anymore, I am tired with dealing with all the stupid shit people ask for so I finally got accepted in a company`s graphic design department, I will be in an office most of the time I will not have to attedn people directly. Man, I am so nervous I start in 2 weeks I hope my future coworkers are nice.

>> No.9729749

If you don't need to socialize, why do you post here? You're interacting with other people.

>> No.9729752

oh please. some people prefer to not have social obligation. I can function normally outside but I just do not try to keep my social links active. They are a huge drag and troublesome. when the ask me to go out, I will fulfill my social obligation but I never initiate any social activities.

>> No.9729753

>self realization
/jp/ seems to do whatever they can to avoid this

>> No.9729751

This was never funny and forcing won't make it any better. Shitposter.

>> No.9729759

Because no one who posts here is actually a NEET.

>> No.9729760


>> No.9729766

He's not forcing himself on you, stupid feminist cunt.

>> No.9729761

Honestly, these talks are hardly normal.
We are mostly among teenage autists, angry drunk Finnish and lost BRs.

>> No.9729763

That's why I clarified with:
>Intelligence doesn't *necessarily* equate to a specific job.
The emphasis on "necessarily" being the important thing. A job doesn't have anything to do with intelligence in and of itself. There's no reason a criminal can't be intelligent. That's why the original point is correct (though it can be easily misconstrued).

>> No.9729768

Wait, what? What?
I mean, forcing a meme.
Jesus what the fuck is wrong with you guys.

>> No.9729772


>Long term social isolation is physically and mentally unhealthy, it causes cognitive decline, increased risk for heart problems, stroke, diabetes, cancer, increased anxiety/depression, and anhedonia

The same can easily apply to either social isolation or social contact. There's nothing inherently unhealthy about either. Being socially isolated doesn't give you diabetes, heart problems, or any of those issues and neither does social contact. The people who have these issues lead sedentary lives and consume a lot of unhealthy food, but it has nothing to do with social contact.

You can never talk to anyone for years and exercise every day and you can talk to tons of people every day and be a social butterfly and still be morbidly obese, have diabetes, depression, heart problems, and eventually die of a stroke.

>> No.9729799


Talking online and talking in real life is different. If you met me in real life, you would think differently about me.

>> No.9729800

Where's the NGE image guy? I was enjoying those.

>> No.9729820
File: 31 KB, 240x320, 1346547656932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you actually convince yourself that you're happy being alone

So if you convince yourself that you are happy with being alone then you are now happy with being alone.

Whether schizoids are real or not is irrelevant. You said it yourself, it's possible for humans to convince themselves that they are happy with being alone and at that point they are happy with being alone because they convinced themselves that they are. If they are a schizoid or if they just convinced themselves that they are doesn't matter at all since the end result is identical.

Isn't it preferable to be happy with being alone? This requires less effort than talking to people and you will be just as happy. For example, imagine that you're in a competition and you're racing someone. If you have fully convinced yourself that it is more enjoyable to lose than to win then all you have to do is stand there and let the other guy win the race and you will experience just as much happiness as if you would have if you bothered to exert the effort required to win the race.

Self-delusion is one of the most powerful tools that a human has. We can delude ourselves to the point that we will firmly believe that living in undesirable condition is more enjoyable than living in desirable conditions and at that point the undesirable becomes desirable because we lied to ourselves so well that we convinced your body that it was true.

>> No.9729852

>That's why I clarified with:
I know, but the original poster didn't or at least I didn't notice.
>That's why the original point is correct
I still can't see why it would be.

I've always thought that each sentence has to be true on its own without other supporting sentences. If you want to put together a greater unit of text, shouldn't you ensure that single statements can't be pulled out of it without nullifying their state of being true?

>> No.9729896

Are there any jobs the useless among us here can do?
It'd have to be out of the public and lack body strength.

>> No.9729919

Manipulating database with excel & SQL.

>> No.9730011

I've never been socially rejected in my entire life and I hate having to interact with people when I don't want to.

>> No.9730030

>I've always thought that each sentence has to be true on its own without other supporting sentences.
You're funny or very naive.

>I still can't see why it would be.
Is there anything that would completely prohibit an intelligent person from becoming a criminal? Unless there is, the answer should be clear.

>If you want to put together a greater unit of text, shouldn't you ensure that single statements can't be pulled out of it without nullifying their state of being true?
If we could predict ahead of time every statement that might be misunderstood out of context, there would never be misunderstandings in the first place. Moreover, I didn't write the original statement.

>> No.9730534


No, normalfags are just risk averse and mediocre. Believe it or not, for the vast majority of people, studying is the far more economic decision as far as rationale self interest go. The only people whom crime/cheating is actually the best option for them are the exceptionally talented, the suicidal and the irredeemably inept.

I don't think many people here fall into the former.

>> No.9730543 [DELETED] 
File: 750 KB, 1000x1243, Akiha wink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9730589
File: 7 KB, 377x326, 1346147262885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I could be a NEET like you guys.

No you don't.

>> No.9730598

I'll assume you missed the word "wish" out of your quote.

Speak for yourself. If you don't like it do something about it and don't return here.

>> No.9730611


Could you at least learn how to use that term properly, truNEET faggot?

>> No.9730627

Keep up the good work.

>> No.9730633

Enlighten us, /jp/ master.

>> No.9730688

You can't say that all intelligent people are three incredibly lucky guys.

Their success was stupidly unlikely, as well. They were lucky and they tried hard. Unless perseverance is part of your view of intelligence, theirs does not enter the equation.

>> No.9730716

Fun fact: The amount of money you have in your bank account is not even a direct representation of success. Money IS success.

Feels good to have a shit ton of money in my bank account while you silly faggots are too busy stealing from people. Damn son, can't you even fake mental illness or something so you don't have to get shot?

Daily reminder that you are useless.

>> No.9730731

Useless to who exactly?

>> No.9730762

Of course, I was just giving some example.
Lets look at Eduardo Saverin, NEET, tons of cash of because of Facebook and can do anything that he want.
Can you really say that he isnt living the life? They are successful because they are smart and are able to predict the future.

>> No.9733631

quality /jp/ thread

>> No.9733678

I care more about happiness than money. Enjoy your hedonic treadmill. At least I have far less to lose.

>> No.9733720

I can't do it anymore, /jp/. I just can't play Call of Duty. It's just so boring and pointless. I'd rather spend that time doing nothing as I wait to die.

Who else feels this way? I wish I could be a Touhou pro like you guys.

>> No.9733816

Bump because we can't have too many blog threads!

>> No.9733825

Call of Duty 2 is still good. I tear noobs up in that.

>> No.9733882

Hold shift for focussed movement.
