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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 349 KB, 600x600, 1352764731494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10058752 No.10058752 [Reply] [Original]

Please keep in mind the following definitions:

>NEET: Not under Employment Education, or Training

>Tamaki Saitō defines hikikomori as "A state that has become a problem by the late twenties, that involves cooping oneself up in one’s own home and not participating in society for six months or longer, but that does not seem to have another psychological problem as its principal source.

As the ones who (probably) spend the most time on this board, how are you making it better?

Have you made any breakthroughs in taking it easy, lately?

>> No.10058757

I have a lot to learn about flanfly punctuality.

>> No.10058765

So are you only a hikikomori if you've been shut up for over six months, in your late 20s, and neurotypical?

>> No.10058766

you literally do not need to start the thread with greentext. fuck off.

>> No.10058769

Me and mah girls are going out for another night in Miami to get shitfaced again (Ladies drink for free!) no dudes this time though cuz Tammy just broke it off with her boyfriend.

>> No.10058770

Why does everyone in Japan have one of around 10-15 last names? Is it the incest? Is that why they're all related?

>> No.10058777
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I'll be able to take it easy when I find a way to make money without working.

I've been denied for autismbux and I don't think I'll get that. Bitcoins don't make enough to be worth it. I'm thinking of trying to make money with that adsense stuff.

>> No.10058781

They are quotes, please relax. Okay, maybe the NEET explanation didn't need to be a quote, but still take it easy, sheesh.

Hikikomori certainly aren't neurotypical. The 20s is when it starts to become a bigger problem.

>> No.10058782

Japan has a much greater diversity of names than most countries, largely because surnames were not used by the general population until comparatively recently.

>> No.10058785

We have any bus otaku here? I had to take the bus today to purchase the things that keep me alive. It was terrifying.

>> No.10058787

probably because some last names sound better like why most Koreans have Park or Kim in their names.

>> No.10058793

Why were you denied? I recall an anon recommending admitting yourself into a hospital claiming suicidal thoughts, and then applying.

>> No.10058796

Use better images in the future (not touhou)

>> No.10058800

You know, not everyone is capable of that. It requires a lot of interaction and putting yourself out there.

>> No.10058802

It's really hard to choose an image.

>> No.10058807


People like this are the reason I can't take NEET threads seriously anymore. NEET is becoming a meme and people who live busy lives full of success and potential come on 4chan and start calling themselves shut-ins and NEETs because they don't have anything to do on a particular weekend or something similar.

I am a proper Hikikomori and its pretty frustrating and it discourages me and I'm sure a lot of other proper NEETs and Hiki's from trying to congregate in these threads.

>> No.10058818

>Have you made any breakthroughs in taking it easy, lately?

I need a machine to poop.

>> No.10058819
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I have a driver's license. I hope I never have to take the us again.

>> No.10058822

I did it a while back, not even for the neetbux. I was there for nearly a week and everything I said probably adds up to about a paragraph. I think for the purpose of neetbux, the less you say the better since you'll probably be diagnosed with something along the lines of Social Anxiety Disorder.

>> No.10058826

I'm a real hikki as well, but I don't take pride in it. There are moments where I want nothing more than to go outside and lead a normal life or find a girlfriend. Then usually there is an off topic /r9k/ megafaggot thread that ruins my hikki breaking vibe and makes me hate all people, so I shut myself in even harder.

>> No.10058835
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Hay guise let's shit on DA FLOOR.

>> No.10058837

Please don't let those people discourage you. Much of the time they are easy to spot, and why should they get in the way of interacting with those who actually share your frustrations, etc?

>> No.10058839
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Do you have to go to the hospital to get on SSI?

I'm so scared. I don't want to do that. I don't mind reapplying a million times, but I can't go to a hospital overnight.

>> No.10058859

You certainly don't have to, I only recommended it as a last resort. Check the rules in your state and the archive for more info.
Also, I got my own room so it wasn't too bad.

>> No.10058867

Does anyone else think they'll never have sex?

I can't see myself being in the position where me and a girl wanna do it.

>> No.10058877


I had sex with my tulpa. It's pretty much the same thing.

>> No.10058878

why would you want to?

>> No.10058879

I have reached The Easy. Now I should figure out how I can dig myself out of this suicidal mood.

>> No.10058882


I dunno.

I never want to do it until I get rid of my man-boobs

>> No.10058887

They aren't that easy to spot. A lot of the time they will get a lot of feedback and reaction from their posts. Such as the recent post by an alleged "TruNEET" girl who was wanting to sell her foul smelling underwear. Apparently now she is the "NEET princess" when her post was obviously a far fetched troll.

>> No.10058906

When I was an unNEET I rejected a few girls. I was overweight, didn't talk with anybody and still some of them wanted to fugg me. Never knew why. I bet they were all a bunch of whores, they felt my virginness and thought I was rapeable. But that's in the past now.

>> No.10058914

What? I didn't even finish reading the first line of "her" post. Your training is weak.

>> No.10058954

Any recovering hikkis? Doing anything productive lately?

>> No.10058965

I crushed my fingers and spilled tea over someone's important papers and then dropped their laptop on the ground.

Why do I go outside again?

>> No.10058966

but you admit she was obviously a far fetched troll. People who buy into it are probably one of the following:
not NEETs
playing along

>> No.10058970

There's an opening for a night auditor in my area, considering it.

>> No.10058979


I'd look for a job too if it wasn't so soul-crushing and utterly hopeless.

I've never worked a day in my life and I live in the era where employees are utterly disposable and job openings are cut-throat

I hate my life.

>> No.10058987

I'm applying for foodstamps+SSI and moving in with some people I've known for a long time online.
Then: teach myself some skills (programming & japanese to start) and start getting in shape.

>> No.10058998

I agree. There's no place for greentext or spoilers misuse on /jp/.

>> No.10059006

My father recently tried getting me a job at his workplace. According to him, he talked to his boss and said I'd be able to get it easily. I sent in the first job application in my life, and did an interview, but got a call the other day saying they hired someone else. Oh well.

>> No.10059008

Is incest really such a big thing thing in Japan that someone should consider it a valid reason for a small name-pool? Surely we're just exposed to it more due to our hobbies.

Are incest themed anime/manga mainstream in Japan?

>> No.10059025

Why the fuck do people think getting a job is easy?

My mother is always bitching at me to get a job but she is only able to survive because she a government leech (post office) that is also a veteran that gets monthly checks (she's getting more for leg problems).

I am a high school dropout with no skills in an age where only 50+ year olds get priority on jobs that used to be for young people.

If I knew how to code I'd make an indie game.

>> No.10059039


It's because old people are stupid and think we are still living in the age where manufacturing is still in the west and getting a job is "talk to the manager, show them you have a can-do attitude and elbow grease and you'll for sure get the job!"

Blame politics and the degeneracy of our culture through feminism, multi-culturalism, and progressives/socialists/neo-cons taking over the government. Old people don't care unless they get their stupid medical coverage.

>> No.10059063 [DELETED] 
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>couple weeks ago apply for a job at mcdonalds as a cashier
>mfw they wanted me to have a masters degree in psychology

>> No.10059064

They don't know or they don't care. Uneducated people might be genuinely clueless. Influential and wealthy people might think that they'll manage regardless of what will happen.

>> No.10059072

Where do you live?

>> No.10059076

After being away from /jp/ for a big, I clocked my bookmark to the catalog, only to see it completely blank. In a panic, I looked over the different boards at the top of the page and couldn't find /jp/. My heart was going crazy at this point, thinking "The rumors were true! Moot deleted /jp/!". Then I came to the actual board/refreshed the catalog and saw that it was just my internet acting up. It was very stressful.

>> No.10059085

The joke here is that psychology degrees are worthless.

>> No.10059092
File: 85 KB, 982x714, federal funding inc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a free, online IQ test and I got a pretty decent score.

My ego is intact, if I got around 100 or heaven forbid below that my world view would shatter and i'd be a mess.

>> No.10059093

Why do Americans treat public schools like it is something sacred I stayed home until I was kicked out (31 days in a row) and they called the cops on me and I almost had to go to court.

Public school is worse than unschooling your child in my opinion because people are horrible and you should deal with them as little as possible.

>> No.10059099

I got an average 108(I think) on that which is more than I was expecting. Maybe I would have gotten better if I didn't get bored half way through and just answering based on gut instinct. Or maybe I would have gotten worse if I actually used my head without my gut instinct to save me. We may never know.

>> No.10059100


Blame old people and liberals; they think government will make everything better. Public schools are shit because it's monopolized and the people (bureaucrats) that run the public schools don't have to worry about quality.

>> No.10059109

That background looks lewd, somehow.

Also, IQ isn't exceedingly important and online IQ tests can't be trusted. I don't mean to downplay your intelligence.

>> No.10059112

Wow dudes, you must be retarded. Those internet tests are always inflated.
In a real regulated IQ test given and set up by my psychiatrist, I scored 103, but on internet test I always make 140 easy.

>> No.10059116


> I don't mean to downplay your intelligence.

It doesn't matter. All that matters is that I took a free, online IQ test and I got a decent score. If I got a terrible score my life would be in tatters and I would have to re-evaluate everything that i'm doing.

A man's ego is a fragile thing.

>> No.10059121

I want to recover, but is it not too late for me? I am 24 years old and have been unemployed since I dropped out of high school six years ago.

>> No.10059131

Well of course I am. That's why I only managed to score average.

>> No.10059133
File: 125 KB, 1246x776, what is this tune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's never too late.

You just need to find something worth doing.

Playing touhou tunes on my violin is something worth doing, and I am better off for doing it.

>> No.10059138
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I took it easy playing dota 2 this week.

>> No.10059139
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I completely understand, in that regard. I refuse to take any such test because of the danger to my ego.
My god, if it's too late for you then I'm fucked. Don't give up!

>> No.10059155
File: 19 KB, 272x380, go all in or go home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You either go big or go home when you game. You can't bring in such pitiful hours.

>> No.10059167

Doesn't it cost money? A lot of it? Hospitals are so anal about people using rooms and stuff.

>> No.10059171

>23 Online
fuck off, friendlord.

>> No.10059179

play long play strong

>> No.10059185

Yes, I completely/stupidly forgot about that aspect... I owe them like $5,000 now. It sucks being in debt, but as a neet how are they going to make me pay them? I think having medical debt counts towards qualifying for the neetbux as well.

>> No.10059191

Maybe he only silently plays with those people, only rarely speaking to them. I don't know and neither do you, please don't be so harsh and judgmental, try to take it easy!

>> No.10059197


When you've been gaming since you were 9 (and none of that pussy singleplayer rpg theme park bullshit), you make friends.

90% of the people on my friend list are people I am just too lazy to remove.

>> No.10059203

how do you literally play a single game for over 1600 hours, you could have gotten a college degree with that amount of time.

>> No.10059216


Japan seems to have enough names to easily refer to one another, but that one always bothers. How the HELL do Koreans talk to each other when they all have the same name?

>> No.10059219

The walls are closing in on me I think. It's a terrible thought to think I'm going to get crushed. But i guess it's a fitting end for someone like me, crushed in his room until he takes up the whole space as his own.

And then I woke up and realized it was actually happening. But I'm not sure, I'll find out tomorrow I think.

>> No.10059222
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I envy you

I get so bored when I play videogames now

Ive put about 20 hours on monster hunter this week though so I guess that could be added to this

>> No.10059223


I've been playing DotA 2 for maybe a year.

Imagine what my hours would be like if they've been recorded my whole life. I have 30 days clocked in on Bloodline Champions.

I'm pretty much a master at gaming in general. Might be a useful skill once the gaming industry stops being so fucking shit in the next several years. Plus, you'd be surprised how well constant competition in technically challenging games can make your brain better (dota isn't technically challenging, it's just pure teamwork)

>> No.10059234
File: 116 KB, 1006x1392, Kamimemo_cover_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 3000 combined hours on Xbox/PC Super Street Fighter 4

Im this person

>> No.10059235

I'm not going to tell you how much time I've spent playing massive multiplayer online RPGs.

>> No.10059240


I know the feeling. Once I get bored of playing games I usually fall into a depressive slump. But when I get bored it's usually because i'm too hung up on a flaw in the game that spoils the whole experience.

I played SSF4 for awhile with my friends, but we gradually stopped playing. It's quite a technically challenging game and there is a lot of room to be proficient. Although, as with all things that require absurd amount of muscle memory, there's no real transferable skills going into the fighting genre for the first time.

>> No.10059255

I just can't find the same enjoyment with them anymore, when I was young I would play videogames all day with my friends, Timesplitters series was the most fun multiplayer experience I've ever had period. But now that I don't have any friends, I can't play all the great games like that and have fun with local multiplayer, online can be fun sometimes but mostly I just feel out of place and it still feels lifeless.

I started playing SF4 at Super and have become very good at it, however no one online really poses a threat to me and the only time I actually have fun with it is when I rarely go to the tournaments in my area so I can actually apply myself and try to play smart.

>> No.10059261

It's not too late for you. I'm 27 and got my first real job this year. To be fair, I ran my own shitty business for years because my neetbux were never enough, and the guy that hired me thought I was cool enough to hire. Shit was so surreal.

Today, I'm working a 10 hour shift on my own, no breaks, and I'm really tired and lamenting leaving my room to live life. I'm barely at home, and sometimes people are too hard to bear.

I want to sleep the day away and wake up at 6pm to game all night. I'm sure tomorrow will be fine.

Don't be disheartened by what I am saying. You can still recover and lead a "normal" life.

>> No.10059267

the fact that he didn't think to even try to hide it in the first place, along with his shitty attempt at being clever with a filename proves that he's a crossboarding secondary that isn't even a NEET, and is just trying to show off his steam stats for whatever stupid reason

>> No.10059274

Ex-NEET/HIKKI. I'm in school again, so far so good. I still don't have any friends though.

>> No.10059282


The one biggest drawback I find in DotA (the game I invested lots of time in), is that your team is essentially as strong as your weakest link.

I could queue up in match making by myself, maybe get 9 other solo queuers roughly around the same skill and have a decent game. But that isn't what happens. When you play dota, you have friends you play with. If you are like me, your friends have extreme variations in skill. You can have 2 good players, 1 mediocre, and 2 really bad players on your team and queue up. If you queue vs 5 mediocres, you'll most likely lose because DotA is very team dependent. Then they'll talk shit and think they are good, but they aren't and you can't show them that because you cant flaunt your individual skill in that game.

So as you said how you can individually beat the majority of players you meet and you have to go out of your way for a challenge, that's not the case in the game I mastered. You cannot queue vs lower skilled players (nor would you want to), but you'll probably queue vs 5 try hards who pick the best comp and tri lane.

I just want a legitimately good RTS to come out. SC2 is fucking garbage and no one actually has fun playing that game. No one finds SC2 fun. Anyone who plays SC2 only thinks they are having fun, but they aren't. Once a good RTS that I love playing comes out, ill be in heaven.

>> No.10059304


Learn to play dwarf fortress, it's pretty much the best sort-of RTS out there, it's endlessly entertaining. Also free.

Warning massively steep learning curve however.

>> No.10059306

I actually wanted to try to get into DotA2 but it is very intimidating for the reasons you stated. Unlike a large part of the fanbase, I'm not willing to just jump into a game knowing very little about it , I will feel like a weak link and when my team inevitably loses because of me I will get insulted and feel too bad to even bother trying again.

I do like that the only one responsible for my loss in a fighting game is myself, but my interest in the genre is fading because a lack of community in the games that I am interested in.

I still like the SF4 series, but I definitely feel less strong about than I did two years ago, its the last popular fighting game I am still interested in.

>> No.10059307

Apparently a pipe under the shower stall in my apartment is leaking and the water goes through the floor to the apartment below mine. I received a notice that says that I have to call them and arrange a time when a plumber can come in to do the repairs. Someone came twice already, but I didn't answer the door because of I am very afraid of people and my place is dirty. It was so terrifying knowing that they are standing so close to my door, ringing my doorbell. Worst way to wake up, I always sleep during the day.

I don't know what to do /jp/. Even if I somehow fix the leak myself they still may do something bad like call the police and demand I compensate them for the damage water caused. It's possible that I would have to go gensokyo to escape them, I am very scared and worried.

>> No.10059311


A multiplayer RTS with legitimate competitive value is what I meant.

>> No.10059315

Thanks. I will try harder. I only want to work so I can move away from my parents (who hate me more and more every day).

>> No.10059326

They're adding tutorials soonish, and you could always play with/against bots.

It's a shame, but I can hardly even think of any RTS games coming out. What is there besides SC2 expansions and CoH2?

>> No.10059330

I'm on the verge of getting some things done for a change, but I have that sinking feeling in my chest which some of you may be familiar with. I really need to go out there into the world, just for a few days, but thinking about it makes my eyes teary.

It seems ridiculous that it can be this bad, even though I'm staying in a living room with no privacy, under a constant barrage from family of my faults being pointed out and pleas to go outside at least for a walk.
Even when they aren't being negative or hassling me about staying inside all the time, it's extremely difficult to interact normally. My little sister once asked me why I always keep a "poker face".

Once I apply for neetbux and move, I'll have a nice laid back job where I can take it easy and not have to deal with anyone besides my friends, who won't judge me if I can't interact with them very well until I get a little better.

I just have to go out first.

I apologise for my blog post.

>> No.10059333

Arrange a time, leave the door unlocked but lock yourself in your room and pretend to not be home.

>> No.10059334

Driving test is soon, been putting this shit off for a while.

My heart starts fucking racing when I think about it.

>> No.10059386


I hate team games because I never know if we won because I played good or my teammates compensated for me being shit. It also sucks then I do something awesome in game but we lose anyway. I don't have friends to play with and I don't want any.

>No one finds SC2 fun.
SC2 gives me the satisfaction of being objectively better than another person. Winning never gets boring or stale. I used to think that don't even like games anymore, especially multiplayer, but SC2 revived my competitive side.

It's the same feeling I got in my younger days playing Ultima Online where person who killed you gets to take all the items from the corpse and vice versa. Cold sweat, trembling hands, adrenaline thrill. True joy of winning and true anger of losing. Real, strong emotions that I forgot how to experience.

>> No.10059419

normalfag here, how do you guys fund your life style?

>> No.10059420

I sell my body...

>> No.10059423

My steam friend has gotten very needy lately. Just today he told me he was a failure and wanted to commit suicide. ( Not the first time he's told me this. He tells me every few days) Also I can't play or talk to anyone else without him getting envious. Everyday he gives me a list of complaints of what I'm doing wrong to him.

I want to stop being his friend but I'm afraid he'll blow his brains out if I do.

>> No.10059430

I understand. All the best.

>> No.10059431

Just do it

>> No.10059433

He won't. He may just wake up to himself. If not, and he blows his brains out, too bad.

>> No.10059434

No, he's just desperate for attention. He doesn't actually want to hurt himself, but he will if he thinks it'll get him attention.

>> No.10059436


I want to. This guy is really sad though. Tells me I'm the only person who brightens his day and i'm his best friend in the whole world ect ect. I can't stand hearing him talk about it anymore.

>> No.10059439

People who say that they'll kill themselves rarely do. Even if they do, they do it poorly like swallow some pills that at worst will cause a little bit a liver damage.

People who kill themselves don't tell anyone because they are genuinely afraid that others will find out and stop them.

>> No.10059442

This exactly. Just defriending them is the best thing you can do for them

>> No.10059446

I got it like 3 weeks ago

>> No.10059460

Life is just life. He's not a child anymore, is he?

>> No.10059462

Sound like a typical clingy girlfriend. How does it feel to have an online lover?

>> No.10059466


bad, very bad

>> No.10059468

I'm 23, but I haven't left my house in nearly 3 years. Can I still be a hikikomori pls

>> No.10059469

Tough luck, faggot.

>> No.10059477

I don't think the late twenties thing is that strict. 3 years is a long time.

>> No.10059489


Look at these posts. It's ridiculous how much attention a suicide threat generates, even by proxy. This is supposed to be 4chan, where people tell you to kill yourself ASAP.

I bet you could make a cutesy anime blog where you pretend to be poor, disabled, depressed anime fan girl and threaten to kill yourself once a week, recount fake suicide attempt experiences and psych ward visits. Would probably even make ad money to support your NEET lifestyle.

>> No.10059494

Your mother is supposed to be in my anus.

>> No.10059495

People who kill themselves don't tell people about it beforehand. It's why when you hear about a suicide friends and family are always shocked. Those who advertise are just looking for attention. This thread is a good example of this effect.

>> No.10059501

But none of those posts are asking him not to suicide.

>> No.10059512

my parents told me i could take a year off college to play league


>> No.10059513

Expect us.

>> No.10059523

why aren't you at /vg/? fug off

>> No.10059518

I wish I had nice parents.

They somehow expect me to take find a job while taking 4 college classes, meanwhile they never went to college but somehow know more about the time and effort it takes than me.

Sure 4 classes isn't a lot for everyone, but for me its hard.

>> No.10059527

Disagree. If I were to suicide, I'd tell people about it beforehand so no questions are left about where I've gone.
Also with preparation to make sure all my responsibilities have been cut.
Only then would I perform a sure-kill suicide.

>> No.10059534

What are you doing in the NEET thread?

>> No.10059535

Dollfaggers generated a similar amount of attention with drunken suicide talk in the last thread

kinda annoying, but not as annoying as:
>This is supposed to be 4chan, where people tell you to kill yourself ASAP.

>> No.10059539

Replying to a post I saw while browsing jp

>> No.10059542

>If I were to suicide, I'd tell people about it beforehand so no questions are left about where I've gone.
Your suicide plan sounds like an ineffective one.

>> No.10059547
File: 14 KB, 704x396, spring1029166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's where the sure-kill part comes in. Even if they'd call the cops or whatever I'd be mou shindeiru.

>> No.10059555

On the cleaning of bedding I suppose it depends whether you shower at night or in the morning. Your bedding will remain cleaner for longer if you shower before sleep.

>> No.10059554

>no questions are left about where I've gone
You leave a note and a set of delayed email messages.
>Also with preparation to make sure all my responsibilities have been cut.
Why be so considerate is you are going to die soon anyway?

>> No.10059561

I host a website for some people and it'd be rude to just disappear without making sure that they can get all their shit off the server before the monthly payment runs out or whatever happens to it

>> No.10059568

I imagine a lot of that results from people not wanting to say anything along the lines of "We didn't think he was serious/thought he was joking." Nobody wants to look like they're to blame for a family suicide.

That said even when someone doesn't advertise it, they'll generally be showing signs of it beforehand. I really doubt that the majority of suicides are from people that look completely healthy on the outside.

>> No.10059571

You won't get that far. They'll kick your ass and tie you up for interrogation before you even manage to leave.

>> No.10059573

The only thing stopping me from living the dream is a source of income.

I'm not exactly worth hiring, which is why I'm a NEET in the first place, but I keep hearing about people making money online even in this thread.

How is it done?

>> No.10059575

My psychologist sessions have finally ended for the meantime after exhausting the number of sessions the service provides, I'm now expected to go home and magically get better or something. Didn't even get any autismbux out of it - though they seemed to imply that I was eligible for it.

I hope I don't have to do anything as fruitless as that for a few years, though it was a useful means of looking like I was trying to fix myself. Getting asked how you feel and realising that you have no idea is frustrating, it makes me feel like some angsty teen claiming they feel nothing - when surely I do, I'm pretty sure I used to. But no matter how much I sit around being introspective, I can't figure out what. I don't know "where to look" to find out, which makes me feel stupid and / or like some pretentious, angsty little shit.

>> No.10059578

What makes you think I would commit suicide in a place other than in front of my PC sending my last words over IRC?

>> No.10059591

Oh, okay. I'd prefer timed messages.

>> No.10059621

oh jesus christ
i've got no fucking job man

>> No.10059628

That sucks. Do you at least have a regular job?

>> No.10059638
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>> No.10059732

"I hate bitches though"

Why didn't you say so sooner?!
welcome to JP repost friend.

>> No.10059802

So, after several months of being able to do nothing but browse the internet with my laptop, I'm finally able to use my rig to play any games and download any anime I want.

Yet, for some reason, I don't want to. I just went back to listening to music (the same music, in fact) and lurking /jp/. It feels like too much effort to finish any of the shows I was following previously, or to catch up on all the current ones I haven't been able to watch. It feels like too much effort to update DotA 2, install Borderlands 2, or catch up in any of the MMOs I was playing formerly, or download more eroge.

I don't know why I feel this way, but being able to lurk in 1920x1080p is quite nice.

>> No.10059819

>Dota 2, Borderlands 2, MMOs

>> No.10059834

My desktop is 5 years old.

I've wanted to replace it for like 2 years but still haven't because of the intense lack of motivation.

My laptop was like 400 bucks 3 years ago and under my previous circumstances I wouldn't have been able to download the games, let alone play them.

>> No.10059844

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10059845
File: 157 KB, 512x512, 1352816246723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D-Don't explain yourself! I w-was trying to be mean!

You probably should've picked up an old second hand laptop if you were going to use it for browsing and playing some doujin games.

>> No.10059848

why are you typing letters twice? are you mentally retarded?

>> No.10059859

How does it make your brain better and what games are technically challenging?

>> No.10059856

Yeah, I think he's a fucking retard. FUcking. REtard. It's not a joke, either.

>> No.10059862
File: 150 KB, 600x557, 0b418b4098521671f3788c6deff3c828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eye think!

>> No.10059872

Yeah, I probably should have.

Back when I got that laptop I was still somewhat of a filthy non-frugal consumerist.

Don't bully, other bullies. Two wrongs don't make a right!

>> No.10059877

i could give a shit less about the feelings of some crossboarding faggot.

>> No.10059884

>i could
What's wrong with you?

>> No.10059917

Everything is relative.

>> No.10059942

What do hikkis do when the boiler breaks down, or something of that sort? You'd usually have to have a guy come in to fix it. But do they just ignore it for the rest of their lives?

>> No.10059953


>> No.10059956

What exactly is a 'boiler'? I've only heard about them from American TV shows. Seems like something you'd have in a ship's engine room, rather than in a house.

As for what happens when a hiki needs something fixed, apparently they freak out about it. See >>10059307

>> No.10059963 [SPOILER] 
File: 323 KB, 776x711, pram3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I make a little progress I find myself stopping. I think it must be some kind of anxiety.

>> No.10059964

It's a water heater that uses gas instead of electricity.
They exist outside of america too, you know.

>> No.10059972

Sounds Russian.

>> No.10059976

I fear this all the time...

I'll wake up from an anime marathon with greasy hair and stink pits and my shower won't work.

I'll have to go into the world ot find a repair man I can't afford.

>> No.10059977

Gas as in real gas, not gasoline.
I wouldn't say that russians don't use boilers a lot due to their natural gas reserves though.

>> No.10059988

Our air conditioner broke down this summer and we had to have it repaired. I live in the basement and that's where the unit is. I had some dude coming in and out for like 8 hours trying to fix it. It was pretty stressful but I managed to ignore him after a while. I sometimes wonder what he thought about all my stupid anime posters and figures all over.

>> No.10059990

I thought first world countries had district heating systems.

>> No.10059996

Is that all? Huh.
In Australia that's called a gas hot water service.

That wouldn't be too bad. At least over here, they're normally located outside the house so they could probably fix it without coming inside. Still, you'd have to call someone.

You own your own home? You don't have to pay for repairs if you're renting.

>> No.10059997

Iceland 95%
Denmark 60% (2005)[11]
Estonia 52%
Poland 52%
Sweden 50%
Czech Rep. 49%
Finland 49%

>first world countries
Not that most of these aren't first world, it's just that it's mostly cold euro countries that have district heatnig.

>> No.10060010

This post gave me /v/.

>> No.10060043

No I don't... but I would still have to wait 3-4 days for them to get an asshole out here.

>> No.10060626 [DELETED] 

My wife has 2 problems. One is the fact that everytime she gets drunk she gets mean. She always looks for a fight, or a way to make me feel like shit me. The other problem is that every morning after she gets drunk she has an explosive watery shit. One night she pushed me to far.

She was drunk of course and felling a little frisky so we we messing around and I tried to put it in the butt, she got mad and started talking shit, about how I'm no good and my dick is small, and that she probally wouldn't even feel it. so we never did have sex.

After she went to sleep I couldn't get the pain of her saying my dick was small out of my head. I wanted to embarrass her as much as she embarrased me. So I got an Idea.

I went to my sons room and got his bag of marbles. i then went to my secret stash and got a bottle of lube. I could just image her reactions when you shit marbles the next morning. I lubed them up one at a time and slowly pushed each one in. About a hundered in all. I got so excited I jerked off then giggled my self to sleep.

The next morning I woke up so excited I couldn't stand it. I made allot of noise getting dressed so she would wake up. She did and not 3 minutes later she said " oh my stomach. not again" and ran to the bathroom. I was in thee brushing my teeth. Usually she would tell me to leave but the urge was to intense. She sat down and let it rip.

She dam near had a heart attack from the noise. The marbles hitting the porcelin sounded like a machine gun going off in the bathroon. She turned white as a sheet and stood up. Still shitting all over the place. Marbles rolling all over the floor as they bounced around. It took her a couple of minutes to put it all together. She said " What the ****" I just laughed and laughed as she packed her shit and left.

I really do kind of miss her though.

>> No.10061358
File: 33 KB, 488x541, 1352596560348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to eat a pizza but don't want to pay the stupidly high price. What are my alternatives for delicious pizza, /jp/?

>> No.10061368

I know this is kind of late but thank you for taking our suggestions into consideration, good job with the OP.

>As the ones who (probably) spend the most time on this board, how are you making it better?

I just try my best to act fairly to everyone, even the people that are acting out, being nice to everyone has made me feel a lot better as well, When you're browsing for so many hours each day its nice to keep a positive attitude, instead of letting yourself get to worked up over nothing. I'm not sure if its making the board a better place, but being nice to everyone can't hurt, maybe they'll even calm down and act nicely to others too.

>> No.10061390

I am drunk at 12:25pm

fuck my shitty NEET life

>> No.10061392

I just dropped out of HS for the third time and doctor wants to give me antidepressants now.
Are you proud of me yet /jp/? Can be part of the truNEET club now?

>> No.10061394

i did it once too. I thought I was going to go crazy. never again.

>> No.10061395
File: 705 KB, 1403x2000, 1334967352370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make one yourself it's so easy and it won't be more than $10.

>> No.10061401

I think you'd probably be better off at least attempting to finish high school, either by taking some personal time now and then head back with a clear head, or by just trying to get through it. As for the antidepressants you're going to ask yourself if your mental state is self-inflicted or if it may actually better with medical treatment. SSRIs are not going to be worth it, if its something you can get over yourself.

>> No.10061407

But a small pizza costs $10 and with no effort from me.

>> No.10061408
File: 2.75 MB, 1041x1523, slav culture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Konata cosplaying as a Slav?

>> No.10061450

I'm pretty sure rule 1 of having a tulpa is to not have sex with your tulpa. What were you thinking?

>> No.10061916

I definitely think you're making the board a better place. Thanks a lot, anon. I try to be always be nice too, especially when someone isn't being so nice, as perhaps they're having a a bad day.

Heh, you and >>10058818 are the only ones who responded to the questions.

>> No.10061921

What are you going to buy for Black Friday / Cyber Monday?

>> No.10061971
File: 27 KB, 419x387, 1349243796060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of going to buy some snacks and maybe watch the new batman film.

Problem is, my bike has a flat tire and it's still only 10PM so there might be people around.

>> No.10061992

I've been living like this for two years now, making no effort to do anything.

Living with a single parent who has low income.

Is there any way for me to remain a NEET in the UK(Scotland specifically) and still gain some sort of income? I'm honestly terrified to leave my house as I have only really left it once in the past two years.

Any UK NEETs that can share their experience?

>> No.10061997

Are you fucking insane?

>> No.10062006

No why

>> No.10062205

Just a sub-genre of bishoujo, pretty similar to childhood friend thing. Nothing more.

>> No.10062206

Just came back and it was horrible. I really need to get that bike fixed somehow.

>> No.10062229

Pizza cost 5 dollars for a large here.

>> No.10062243

Just make it yourself, the individual ingredients are cheap and pizza is so easy, even a child could make it.

>> No.10062292

I try to walk or take my bike but it's too cold to do that now so I've been having to take the bus. I know how you feel. I was going to have to take the bus tomorrow but I convinced my mother to take me so I won't have to suffer through the bus this time.

>> No.10062304

It's not safe to go out on black friday if you're a real neet. All the people and rush will set your social anxiety into overdrive causing you to create a scene where you will need to be rescued by friends or family.

and by friends or family I mean your mother

>> No.10062306

But aren't most incest themed things are targeted towards males?

Maybe he means because of Black Friday crowds. Most NEETs probably can't afford to take part in Cyber Monday, either.

I wish I had money for some hard drives, though.

>> No.10062320


one kilogram of flour is 99 cents
yeast comes in packs of 12 and is usually cheap too in fact cheese and meat are probably your most expensive products being a few dollars each. you could make 12 pizzas for around 10 dollars.

or make spaghetti.

>> No.10062334

Can't you guys just do some getting in shape and join the god damn military? Most of you are smart enough to qualify for the non-shooting jobs.

What's holding you back? The military is basically the young males final chance to get a decent job and house, with enough money for fun shit.

Are you really that fucking beta you can't even go outside? Shit your pants when you hold a gun?

>> No.10062338

I don't want to work thats whats holding me back, how hard is it to understand that.

>> No.10062345

are there non-shooting jobs I can qualify for in the canadian military?

>> No.10062347

Can't pass basic training and, besides, don't want to be blown up with a cruise missile.

>> No.10062349

Why the fuck would I want to contribute to the military in any way?

>> No.10062353

I'm morally opposed. I'm already underweight, and I consider that being in shape.

>> No.10062371

So really, neets are just also lazy.

Do you guys really expect any sort of sympathy from society? Its like you guys research your options, and then just throw it away being like "but I would rather not work" And then just stay inside living a shitty life.

Working a few hours a day of a crappy job and then having money to do fun stuff can't be worse then staying inside all day every day.

Almost all of you hate your lives, being a NEET. Why are you encouraging others to be hospitalized for sucide(which takes away the military option and a decent portion of engineering jobs) when living like this isn't even going to improve your life?

The neet lifestyle can be enjoyable, but only for a short while.

Enjoy your future suicides, lazy idiots.

>> No.10062377

Newsflash. Most people who join the military are not especially patriotic. Most never were. People join not to contribute, but because college isn't an option or they don't want to go to college.

But its a good option, and after only 20 years in it(which for most people here is retiring in their 40's) you get a decent paycheck for life.

>> No.10062374

Don't respond to, guys. Just move on.

>> No.10062391

What NEET food is everyone eating right now? I just had a really tasty piece of chocolate.

>> No.10062395

Whiskey and rice.

>> No.10062399

Interesting combination. I will have to try this sometime!

>> No.10062402

try KD and baileys too

>> No.10062407

>Enjoy your future suicides, lazy idiots.
Enjoy reaping what you sow, dumb fuck.

>> No.10062411


If we can't leave the house or handle regular jobs, what makes you think we would ever join the fucking military?

Personally, I don't want to take even the smallest part in murdering innocent people.

Non-shooting jobs are not guaranteed, and people who take part in that are never the same again. Why would you recommend that, have you even been in the military?

You're making a lot of assumptions, and coming off as an ignorant asshole.

>> No.10062413

Don't it's terrible. I only drink the whiskey because I hate plain rice. I could be eaging it with egg and soy sauce, but I'm out of soy sauce and I dropped all the eggs on the floor. I found mold in my pinto bean bag, so I can't have those either.

If you are up for some zany combinations, I do recommend steak sauce and rice. It goes down nice with lemon and spiced rum (but then again, what doesn't?).

>> No.10062416

Please don't reply to people like that.

>> No.10062424

I made a delicious sandwhich with lots of tomato, some lettuce, a little chicken, some turkey ham, and mozarella cheese.

>> No.10062425

He looked like he was serious. If he was, he was ignorant.

>> No.10062438

Alcoholic detected.

>> No.10062433

You're probably right and I regret doing so.

>> No.10062437

really I love plain rice it's one of my favourites sometimes I put a little pepper in it though if i want to "spice" tings up lol

>> No.10062446

Ever get the feeling God hates you, /jp/? I swear I've been locked inside my room jerking off, browsing 4chan, wallowing in self hate, losing track of time and all that, and today I decided to leave my room for the first time in ages, just to get some fresh air and think about things, you know? So I dress up, leave the house, walk all the way there and sit on the bench. Before I know my cellphone is ringing and my sister is screeching at me asking me ANON DID YOU BUY SOME JAP SHIT ON THE INTERNET? I rushed home (nearly got a heart attack) and found my relatives standing around my opened hobbysearch box like it was a crashed UFO. When my mom saw me coming in she held the fig up to my face and screamed WHAT IS THIS? WHAT IS THIS? IS THIS WHAT YOU SPEND YOUR MONEY ON? (I get funbucks) she threatened to throw her against the wall so I got on my knees and I screamed, I didn't even do it on purpose, I just didn't want to see it in pieaces. My mom gave it back and I ran back to my room.

Why did the mailman had to come over today? I was gone for less than one hour. Last time I left my house was back in June. Could God be trying to send me a message?

>> No.10062447

I don't like either one of you. Please don't reply to me anymore.

>> No.10062460

I think it's obvious that God hates us all. If he didn't then we wouldn't have been born.

>> No.10062457


So, do you guys just wallow in your touhou girls and self-pity all day?

I hear about how especially pathetic this board and /a/ is from other boards, and the few times I come here, I agree. Its basically, look, a suicide thread. Look, a NEET thread.

How can I improve my life /jp/ idk, just stay inside like I do all day, and maybe your brain will magically produce different chemicals.

Maybe join community college, do well, and transfer to an actual one in probably computer science, all while trying to stay in shape.

But any real advise just gets shot down here. I visit /jp/ on occasion, and it seems like one of the most harmful places on the internet to go. Its the equivalent of anorexics and bulimics giving other anorexics and bulimics advise on how to hide it from their family and friends.

But im not going to get any responses that tell others to get off their butts and do something. Just some lazy idiots who are probably going to commit suicide in a few years when they realize they had their chance a few years ago, but just blew it off.

>> No.10062458

>does not seem to have another psychological problem as its principal source
I think most of silly /jp/ misses this bit. You're not a hikikomori if your reclusiveness can be explained by social anxiety disorder.

>> No.10062465

It's okay. Just breathe.

>> No.10062480

What would you tell to a person who has worked, been in the army and studied CS? Bite me, fucker. I'm right here. Should I sit on a rock and fart myself into oblivion?

>> No.10062493


But im curious, why not? I really am shocked by this place. This is the most self-defeating place on the planet.

Is this where people go when they are tired of people telling them to man up, tired of people giving them practical advise.

Really, I think your parents should turn off the electricity and internet in your rooms, and stop feeding you and giving you money. Is that what will force you guys to take care of yourselves in a long-term way.

Do you guys not realize that when people say these harsh things, we are trying to help you in the long run?

>> No.10062502

You're telling me what other people told me ten years ago.

>> No.10062504

Please stop responding to him.

>> No.10062505

Do you actually enjoy this lifestyle? Tried drugs? Drinking friends? meetup.com and find people with similar interests?

>> No.10062506

what did I do wrong?

>> No.10062514

I was in the military for a short while when I ran out of money and thought I was going to end up homeless, it was horrible, you have to work 14 hours a day and if you mess up you will have to stay in during the weekends. As much as it pains me to say it, I just don't want to work, it's like I'm allergic to effort. There are things I want but I'm too lazy to go get them. Staying inside is much easier.... and I can't go back to the military, I would have to go through basic all over again and the instructor will notice I know the drill and he'll want to know why I quit, those people are not dumb

>> No.10062526
File: 10 KB, 243x144, lips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is my NEET 'tache growing like this? There's less hair in the middle (particularly towards the top) and I have two "fangs" on either side of it. Am I eating the middle part or something?

>> No.10062538

That looks like a stereotypical pedophile mustache. Perhaps it is because you are a pedophile.

>> No.10062539

>Do you actually enjoy this lifestyle?
It's the best I've encountered so far.
>Tried drugs?
>Drinking friends?
Of course.
No, because I'm not a huge faggot.
>find people with similar interests?
Naturally. Practically all of the non-clowns are like me.

>> No.10062565

You should probably go back to whatever board you came from. I would venture to guess /r9k/ and or /k/.

Your advice is either dumb (join the military) or generic (fix your problems by doing things you would do if your problems were fixed).

You're whole thought process seems incompatible with ours, and you seem to want to judge rather than understand.

I don't believe in god, so I think it's more that we hate ourselves.

Uneven facial hair growth really bugs me. On my chin I get about 40% less hair growth down the center. Overall, my facial hair growth is like face pubes, so it sucks. I let it grow once every few months to see how it's doing.
I blame two things: being fat, and horrible acne as a teenager (still have the acne, just not horrible)
It seems to be futile. I want to stop, but others keep responding anyway.

>> No.10062568

So THAT'S why I got kicked out of Toys "R" Us.

Thanks for the heads-up, Anon.

>> No.10062578

Please stop giving him the attention he wants. It's not futile. If everyone stops responding, he will stop posting.

>> No.10062579

Yeah, dumbfuck. Don't spend money on anime toys. That's what you would expect a child to do. I to would be embarrassed if my lazy son who jacks off all day and has nothing going for him spends his cash on toys of girl figures

Maybe spend it on a self-improving something. A self improving whatever.

But when people say that obvious here, everyone tells others to not to respond to the troll.

>> No.10062588

Anyone want to come in my mouth?

>> No.10062589

Why does it matter? This is le NEET thread and it's not like he's going to start hanging around here.

>> No.10062593 [DELETED] 

u college jealous? gdi bitter because money mine? more strong, squat big?

jealous of my bitter babby beta? gdi scum frat castle jeans?


just because i get party pussy means you mad alcohol!? beer bbq jealous at me?

u frat greek? money? get mad at money? i make more stuff better so i better than you mad!

make business connection make 4034K year/month? yeah frat jalous

legit no homo, business connections = party legit

>> No.10062597

Except its not. Its what young males across America do. It used to even be standard advise for young males who didn't know where they were going. I know alot of men who were not going to college, and if they didn't military it up, they might be stuck at home being neets to.

Basic advise such as enroll in a community college, start getting in shape, taking care of your appearance, and not wasting money on anime toys isn't generic advise.

>> No.10062600
File: 6 KB, 392x34, everyone just do this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's become clear to me how right you are. Nothing will be accomplished by interacting with him. Everyone please see attached image.

>> No.10062603

Now you are being hysterical.

>> No.10062605

By that definition I was a hikki. It actually helped me grow and learn quite a bit. I don't regret it at all.

>> No.10062606

No, give me attention.


>> No.10062609

Why do you hate my freedom? Do you work for compuserve?

>> No.10062612
File: 5 KB, 564x26, FIREFOX.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else let's their browsing get out of hand? This is after 2 or 3 days with the browser open, probably close to 100 tabs open.

>> No.10062617

u mad i can buy anime toys and waifer pillows and do w/e i want xD

*throws u on DA FLOOR*

>> No.10062619

>Except its not. Its what young males across America do. It used to even be standard advise for young males who didn't know where they were going.

>> No.10062621
File: 9 KB, 221x255, whoisthepokeman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why haven't you joined the military yet?

>> No.10062626
File: 12 KB, 364x68, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was not aware .gif didn't respect my freedoms, I just wanted a small filesize, but I now see PNG would've worked just fine. What about animated gifs though?

>> No.10062629

That gave me a good laugh, thanks.

>> No.10062632

Ignore him. The patents on GIF expired. He's just repeating 10-year-old GNU rhetoric because LOL STALLMAN IS TEH EPICS xDD

>> No.10062633

There are now animated png files, and anyone with a decent browser can view them.

>> No.10062634 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 400x400, 1346677503777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when you were born too early to experience the world when robots do everything and everything is automated and you don't have to do anything and everything is free and weed is legal

>> No.10062636

As no alternative exist, it is permitted, though discouraged. moot and MrVacBob are hard at work on allowing animated PNGs, so the patent-encumbered GIF will soon be obsoleted by superior and Free (as in speech) formats.

>> No.10062643
File: 64 KB, 209x276, 1350722514120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1600 hrs DOTA 2

I bet you're one of those pathetic faggots who plays all day like my little brother. Every time he opens his faggoty meme-spouting mouth I have to hold myself back from breaking his jaw. He blows his paycheck on the cash shop, too.

Tryhard DOTA players are the worst kind of people. Even worse than normals.

>> No.10062645

speak for yourself.

>> No.10062646

Eleven hours ago I went to that 24-hour grocery store and bought some cupcakes with the last few dollars I had. I think these ones better than the ones from my normal grocery store. The frosting on these ones is sprayed with dye rather than the frosting itself being dyed. With the latter, the red and purple cupcakes have a very bitter taste that makes them unpleasant to eat.

>> No.10062648

This. God damnit, most competitive gamers are complete faggots.

>> No.10062650


We don't even have a Standford torus and you're trying to tell me that machines doing everything in our lives will happen? it wont.

>> No.10062651

>moot and MrVacBob are hard at work on allowing animated PNGs
This is the first I'm hearing of animated PNGs and that 4chan support is being worked on. How exciting.

>> No.10062652

kil urself

>> No.10062654
File: 5 KB, 250x250, DSFSFSDFSDF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use memes ironically. There's a huge difference.

>> No.10062655

If you're not a baby-boomer, and stay in good shape through 2030, you should be fine (assuming globalized culture doesn't burn itself out before it bears such fruit).

>> No.10062658
File: 764 KB, 807x719, blackbest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hit a little too close to home for you?

>> No.10062664

LZW Patent Information
License Information on GIF and Other LZW-based Technologies

Unisys U.S. LZW Patent No. 4,558,302 expired on June 20, 2003, the counterpart patents in the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy expired on June 18, 2004, the Japanese counterpart patents expired on June 20, 2004 and the counterpart Canadian patent expired on July 7, 2004.


>> No.10062666

I didn't read it, I just saw what appeared to be another nonsense florida anon post and posted kil urself.

>> No.10062667

Get out Kurzweil. Go swallow your daily 300 pill ration and sell shit to retards just like you. Faggot.

>> No.10062668

that kaiokan guy already shit up this thread enough, could you please just go make a new one or something

>> No.10062674

They can still sue for infringement that happened while the patent was active. This would endanger 4chan and it's users.

>> No.10062679 [DELETED] 

>Standford torus
I had no idea what that was so I googled it

that is fucking amazing, if they ever made a community like that in space do you think they would only want smart people/scientist? Or do you think they might take people from the general population up there

>> No.10062680 [DELETED] 

Why'd you delete? It made me laugh and was good satire. I'm going to repost it and you can't stop me:

u college jealous? gdi bitter because money mine? more strong, squat big?

jealous of my bitter babby beta? gdi scum frat castle jeans?


just because i get party pussy means you mad alcohol!? beer bbq jealous at me?

u frat greek? money? get mad at money? i make more stuff better so i better than you mad!

make business connection make 4034K year/month? yeah frat jalous

legit no homo, business connections = party legit

>> No.10062684
File: 167 KB, 568x431, DtEMy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Reckful, he's pretty cool.

Kripp isn't bad, either.

I haven't watched either of them in months, though.

>> No.10062687

They sure as shit won't take you or me. Why? We're broke, that's why. Colonists moving to America had to sell themselves into indentured servitude to make the trip, despite the fact that more people in the colony meant more money for the shareholders.

No, we are stuck here forever.

>> No.10062688

This is such an epic new fad. I think this might be the next big /jp/ kopipe.

>> No.10062690

Please don't bully me; I'm just stating that Gen X might be fortunate to die in the care of (crude) robots.

>> No.10062692 [DELETED] 
File: 323 KB, 803x1065, 1350294647456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only come here to shit up this board so moot deletes it, you know.

This thread was shitty from the start, anyways.

>> No.10062700
File: 586 KB, 1280x720, yuki 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one would like to say that if you have tried to find a job you are not a neet...

But what if you look for jobs with the intention to not find one? But more so to save face?

>> No.10062697

I didn't delete it. Someone must have reported it.

It's kopipe anyway. Have at it.

>> No.10062699
File: 87 KB, 351x194, support.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I bet I am better at DOTA than you and with a third of the time invested.

>> No.10062703

>so moot deletes it
That will never happen, unfortunately.

>> No.10062705
File: 37 KB, 640x480, 1304874226839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's called being George.

>> No.10062708

I have a feeling my next e-mail will do it.

>> No.10062709

Oh. I thought you were about to start on a singularity story about how we are going to have nanobots that fuse our minds with machines by 2045, then we will increase the speed of light so we can turn the entire universe into a computer.

If you are more realistic than that, then we can be friends.

>> No.10062710

meh, new Venge looks pf gay

>> No.10062715

You're kind of irrelevant though, why would he delete the board over only the shit you post

>> No.10062717

Because I'm kind of a big deal.

>> No.10062719

Its not like moot takes any of us seriously anyways.

>> No.10062724

I'm a nigerian prince, he has to do it. White man's burden.

>> No.10062726

Well in fairness, we don't take him seriously either. He does have a bit more force to back his decrees up with, but it's nothing to cry over.

>> No.10062727

I hope to live long enough that my life will be slowly extended to the point where I can see true AI, and live hundreds of years.

It's one of the only things that keeps crippling fear of death away from my mind.

>> No.10062729

I'm not sure you fully understand what that means.

>> No.10062730

I, too, post shit.

>> No.10062737

It is your burden to teach me, cracker.

>> No.10062740

I'm so sorry I didn't recognise kopipe.
I guess I'll delete mine too.

>> No.10062746 [DELETED] 

if you put ketchup on your hotdog you're a fucking scumbag and you should just kill yourself

>> No.10062747

So are you just on 4chan all the time, I haven't been up this early in months but normally you're on late at night circlejerking with your little crew.

>> No.10062750

I agree. I'm not even sure why ketchup exists. It's disgusting.

>> No.10062760

I guess everyone has different tastes, go figure.

>> No.10062764
File: 148 KB, 445x500, when 4chan was good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put ketchup on my lasagne when it turns out too dry

>> No.10062766

What are you talking about, you fucking idiot? Tokiko's a piece of shit and a jew. I hate jews.

>> No.10062773

Sometimes I put i t on spaghetti when I don't like the sauce enough.
It's also good mixed with mayo in a sandwich that includes tomatoes.

>> No.10062776

Wow lets not get to excited here, what invoked tokiko?

>> No.10062780 [DELETED] 

what the fuck? on spaghetti?? D-does that actually work?

>> No.10062782

He has his own little circlejerk irc, too. Haven't you heard?

>> No.10062783

oh yes, ketchup and mayo. Sort of mediocre on their own, when their powers combine - futari wa sauce

>> No.10062792

Well of course he does, I meant the little circlejerk you and your little fan club have while the janitor is gone. Never mind I guess, I'm going to go start dinner, have a good one.

>> No.10062793

Well, it's a tomato sauce. It might depend on your taste regarding sweetness in non-desert foods. I haven't done it in a long time, but I think I only put a little.
Like I said, it's mostly for when the normal sauce doesn't cut it.

>> No.10062795 [SPOILER] 
File: 270 KB, 2560x1839, 13212313123123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10062796

I don't use irc, retard.

>> No.10062803

Why does your windows look all weird
Are you a hacker??

>> No.10062807

Fucking macfag

>> No.10062812

I prefer to call it cracking.

I'm kind of a big deal in the cracking scenes.

>> No.10062817 [DELETED] 

was that from the day everyone was shitposting on /jp/?

>> No.10062818

If you are a hacker, you better stick with mischief, rather than causing money losses. U.S. authorities often prosecute computer hacks that cause more mischief than money losses, but long prison sentences are very rare in such cases.

>> No.10062824

Probably. I can't imagine how a perma didn't get thrown in there.

>> No.10062825
File: 327 KB, 1008x827, 1352757598273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEETs, please share ideas for the next thread.

Should I keep choosing an image at random/by cuteness or is there an image that fits enough to be the standard NEET Thread Image?

What are some good topics for future discussion?

I'd like to work on a project together, but I'm not sure what. I have a few ideas but they need to be thought out a little more.

>> No.10062831

choose the lamest image you have because thats what all these threads are

>> No.10062837 [DELETED] 

post your diq

>> No.10062838

Contributing to autism medicine research would be a better idea.

>> No.10062843
File: 295 KB, 370x1024, 1348793584374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like depressing images for NEET threads.

>> No.10062846 [DELETED] 

we can all raid a slow moving board together if you want

dubs decides who we raid and what we raid it with

>> No.10062853 [DELETED] 

I'm genuinely curious what aspect of my post encourages these kinda replies.

>> No.10062850 [DELETED] 

Let's raid /b/ with quality threads.

>> No.10062852 [DELETED] 

/jp/ with holocaust threads

>> No.10062871 [DELETED] 


>> No.10062881 [DELETED] 

People are going to act out no matter how nice you are, thats just how it is. Just post them with whatever images you think are appropriate, maybe cute ones or just look for NEET related ones on pixiv.

>> No.10062890

Wow that was a genuine suggestion, you better repost that for me janitor.

>> No.10062894

Stop saging my thread

>> No.10062950
File: 9 KB, 1465x106, please be more careful, meido.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10063009
File: 172 KB, 280x529, 1351480130700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1)Don't post any sort of pasta in the OP
2)Don't use a touhou picture unless it looks dark and moody like pic related.
3)Start the thread off with a short, specific question. Preferably something about depression, people will start arguing about whether depressed NEETs belong on /jp/ or not, and the thread will hit autosage in a few hours.
4)If you have a story to share, don't post it in the OP, keep it short and simple otherwise people will just scroll past your post. You can post a reply with your story later on your thread has gotten a few replies.

That's how I like NEET threads, I always start them off like that
Just my opinion

>> No.10063015 [DELETED] 

how do I spell "I fuck bitches" in japanese?

>> No.10063016

>2)Don't use a touhou picture unless it looks dark and moody like pic related.

>> No.10063020

Hey there OP!

Im glad you ditched the trip & "general"

To answer your question; yes I have, thank you. After a few days of hesitation, I managed to contact an potential employer for a part-time that hopefully will keep me afloat. The call went suprisingly smooth and they seemed positive thus suggesting an interview. Euphoric by the success of the call, I went the very next day.

On the way there, my nerves kicked in and I hid inside the library for about 4 hours whilst trying to force myself to go. It didnt work, and I didnt attend any interview.

Oh well, atleast the phonecall went well... progress!

How about you, OP?

>> No.10063038

I think threads that start off with edgy material get more traffic. The problem is that being too edgy/extreme will get you deleted or spammed, you gotta find the right balance to have a successful thread.
plus the pictures are also relevant when discussing depression, and they're nice to look at

>> No.10063042 [DELETED] 

why are there no happy NEET's anymore?

>> No.10063047

What do you mean?

>> No.10063134

I ain't no goldenboy, son

>> No.10063147

Happiness is just a brain impulse, dude.

>> No.10063156

Can you give me enough money so that I'll never have to work? I would be the happiest NEET ever! I would post on /jp/ every day with happy posts about clouds and shit.

>> No.10063169 [DELETED] 

>I would post on /jp/ every day with happy posts about clouds and shit.
thats called shitposting

>> No.10063170

I'll give you that money if I ever become God in another timeline, I promise. Wait for me.

>> No.10063174

Shitposting is okay if you are rich. Just keep renting your own private proxies and 4chan passes and you are good to go.

>> No.10063296

Okay. Thanks friend. Knowing this I will never attempt to do anything with my life. I'll just wait for you to fulfill your promise. It's great to know that you have my back.

>> No.10063557

There are, they just don't post in these threads anymore.

>> No.10064568
File: 115 KB, 600x600, 1352770677204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) how do the definitions detract from the thread?
2+3) Why do you think "dark & moody" depressing threads are preferable? and wouldn't sexy images inspire just as much traffic, but without the spam?
4) I agree
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

I really dread phone calls, and avoid them as long as possible. Then, if the smallest of calls goes well it feels like a big accomplishment.
I can relate to your situation specifically because I went through it during my own job search. In the end, I never made it to an interview and instead got a job as a line cook through a connection of my mom's.
I think this dread of phone calls is a big sign of Social Anxiety Disorder.

is this thread is particularly depressing, especially considering NEET threads are made up largely of posters with mental hangups of one form or another?

I'm sorry if I made any mistakes or was harsh or missed anything: this is my third time rewriting this reply. Accidentally closed the quick reply (with esc), then firefox crashed out of nowhere (it wouldn't even start in safemode, I had to restart).

>> No.10064676

Aside from NEET threads being a running joke up until the past few months, where they became something entirely else, /jp/ never use to be composed of whiny NEETs. Of course theres always a few people complaining but much of /jp/'s old user base was content with the lifestyle, the only reason to be depressed would be to have normal person aspirations after all. You can confirm this for yourself on the archives if you wish.

>> No.10065456
File: 50 KB, 600x800, 1352588420381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see too much whining in this thread, and I think a lot of NEETs are trying to compromise between the lifestyle a need for money.
and, I wonder wonder how many NEETs from back then are hikikomori/shut-ins now. I think that would also account for an increase in depression.

>> No.10067066



Still not as epic as SO RONERY ;_; threads back on /a/!

>> No.10067066,1 [INTERNAL] 

This has hit the bump limit.

Is the cool thing to do waiting for it to be pruned, or is it okay if I make the next one?

>> No.10067066,2 [INTERNAL] 


Why the FUCK do you care what people spend their money on?

>> No.10067066,3 [INTERNAL] 

He can't hear you. You're a ghost.

>> No.10067066,4 [INTERNAL] 

the neets

>> No.10067066,5 [INTERNAL] 

the neet old days...

>> No.10067066,6 [INTERNAL] 

It's against the rules.
