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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10431877 No.10431877[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you watch Japanese anime ?
Original? or dubbed? with sub?
from my viewpoint,Japanese,I wonder it.

>> No.10431881

You should ask that on /a/, but for me, when the anime is like about girls in high school life, I watch it with no subs (like Azumanga Daioh and Hidamari Sketch). When it's something like jojo and ghost in the shell, subs.

>> No.10431882

Japanese voice acting, subtitled.

Dubs never seem to be as good as the original, and besides, english isn't even my first language to begin with.

I'm not good enough at japanese to watch without subtitles yet, but I'm working on it.

>> No.10431887


the original VA is not good either, you just don't know what spoken japanese is like so it sounds ok to you

the only recent show which had substantial money spent on VAs was kokoro connect

>> No.10431889


>> No.10431896


I study japanese at the university, I'm pretty sure I have a general idea of what japanese sounds like.

The main difference between normal japanese and VA's seems to be the use of intonation.

Either way, even in cases where the japanese voices aren't great, they're generally worse in english. And besides that, the languages express various emotions differently, and a lot of nuance is lost in the translation, even when the quality is comparable. As a result, even if the VA's were better in english, I'd still take them in japanese.

>> No.10431894

Eng dub voice actresses always sound horrible (Especially Christina Vee) with the exception of Wendy Lee and Stephanie Sheh so Japanese but really new seiyuu in Japan are getting worse and worse as well (That girl who played Madoka sounds horrible but she is so popular)

>> No.10431897
File: 96 KB, 1122x707, hitsuyounai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese audio and Japanese subtitles.

>> No.10431902

>You should ask that on /a/
Thanks for giving me advice.
Here is new to me.
If I ask next , I'd do so.

>> No.10431904


>> No.10431910

fuck fuck fuck my friend just saw my battestation with my animu wallpapers. I need to hide my powerlevel oh shit what will i do im so nervous, this is first thread i saw please respond.

>> No.10431912

Poop in your hand and smear it all over him. It will make him forget all about it.

>> No.10431913

>fuck my friend
Looks like you answered your own question.

>> No.10431929

Do a barrel roll.

>> No.10431935


>I study japanese at the university

i don't know how i can convey to you how worthless of a qualification this is

did you know there are people who study *their own language* at university and are still shit at it?

>> No.10431942

Someone with a degree in a language has much more reliability than an idiot talking shit in the internet.

>> No.10431947
File: 12 KB, 212x238, get that degree, goyim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yes, yes

you are worthless without our degrees

give us your money, goy

>> No.10431950


First of all, this:>>10431942

Second, if you had been following the discussion, you would have known that the reason I stated it was to point out that I did, in fact, know what japanese as spoken by japanese people sounds like, which can be different from how it sounds in anime and the likes.


And I haven't paid a cent for my studies either. Fucking 'muricans.

>> No.10431952


You should really be studying English instead. You are awful at it.

>> No.10431958

/a/ faggot.

delete your thread.

>> No.10431959

Please try to be less discouraging.
Maybe he is studying English as well.

>> No.10431960


why are you typing like you came here from gaia

there is just something about your shitty sentence structure, awful arguments and mildly hysterical sort of 'I MUST NOT BE WRONG' tone that tricks me into thinking i'm reading a post on really low-quality forums, like runescape forums or something

>> No.10431966

Funny, I got the same impression from your use of capitalisation.

>> No.10431969


also the usage of argument from identity/environment, which is really deeply ingrained into the normie mindset

i'm right and you're wrong, ignoring our arguments, because i have a degree - etc


'capitalization,' champ

>> No.10431978

You're complaining that not everyone on the Internet uses your regional spelling variation?
Yeah, that's definitely the way to avoid awful arguments.

>> No.10431980

my japanese friend says she download every episode, but without legend

I ask why she don't watch them on TV,and then she answer ''It's too late, I have school tomorrow and stuff..''

>> No.10431984


It was a shit sentence, I'll give you that. And good work changing the topic. You were successful.


How ironic.

>> No.10431985

I find it amusing that the Japanese are so offended by the idea of people downloading anime.
Because recording it is completely different.

>> No.10431988

>regional spelling variation

And THIS is why I hate english.

>> No.10431996


it's because japanese people are racist fucks who hate other nations enjoying their things

a company is localizing their content for america? demonize it. it's no longer welcome in japan.

a company's unlocalized content is being pirated by americans? demonize them. they are scum.

>> No.10432001

Not every company is minori-esque, dude.

>> No.10432006

If you buy them nobody will complain...

>> No.10432010

I seriously hope there are no subhuman dub fans on /jp/.

>> No.10432015

Not the orthography in general?

>> No.10432031

toplel @euros trying to act superior.

>> No.10432044


why would i spend money on content which has not been created with me in mind

why would i vote with my dollars on a business model that leaves out my needs

>> No.10432047

I recently tried some Chinese fansubs and there's this group that does has Chinese subtitles and under it Japanese subtitles, and then a track with only Japanese subtitles.

I... guess it's for learning?

>> No.10432046

Some dubs are superior to the original.
Deal with it weeb.

>> No.10432054


Are you referring to the method of delivery or the content? Because you said content, but if that was the problem, why are you even on /jp/?

>> No.10432062

It's 2013, if you're not watching raws by now I have no idea what you've been doing.

>> No.10432060

Yeah, I guess. Or maybe it's for when a Chinese person wants to watch anime together with his deaf Japanese friend?

>> No.10432068


how about you stop being a pedantic twat

>> No.10432071
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, cutesyfont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope that Japanese friend isn't also visually impaired because their font choice is pretty bad.

Also: it seems some shows have a track for traditional and some for simplified but not all of them do. This one only has simplified+Japanese but the torrent swarm was mostly Taiwanese and Hong Kong

I just thought adding Japanese was an odd quirk. I wonder if English subbers have done it at some point.

>> No.10432081 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 295x361, nigggggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10432080

It depends on the show really, I usually watch with Japanese audio and English subs but If the English dub's good I'll watch that instead.

>> No.10432117


How about you answer my question?

>> No.10432134

How about you learn how to use the shift key?

>> No.10432194

Honestly Japanese subtitles help so much, I love it when T.V shows have.

>> No.10432236

Apart from those game shows, what else is normally subtitled on TV?
