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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 116 KB, 256x187, ikikoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10699507 No.10699507 [Reply] [Original]

New thread for visual novel translation discussion as VNTS (>>10685083) is on page 10 and hit bump limit.

Updates this week:
>Aoiro Rinne - "Translation progress: "roughly 40% (495 KB of 1.24 MB)", 15/78 scripts edited
>Ayakashibito - Fully translated, 23808/50995 (46.69%) lines edited
>Cannonball - 9242/36902 (25.04%) lines translated
>Cross Channel - New translation complete, editing of new translation finishing up week 2
>Danganronpa - Fully translated, demo released, 95% TLC, 94% edited
>Fate/Hollow Ataraxia- 90.3% translated, third partial patch out
>Fortune Arterial- Prologue completly translated, patches for Shiro, Kiriha and Kanade routes released. Erika route 65% done. Haruna route 70% done.
>Grisaia no Kajitsu- common, Amane, Sachi, Michiru, and Makina routes fully translated, Yumiko route 135/773 (17.5%) kb translated, overall 5275/5913 (89.21%) kb translated, 4047/5913 (68.46%) kb edited, demo out
>Hadaka Shitsuji - Release within the next week
>Haruka Na Sora - Sora 11.29% translated, Yahiro 4.99% translated, Kozue 20.85% translated
>Hatsuyuki Sakura - 6115/38943 (15.7%) lines translated, ~1500/38943 lines edited
>Higanbana 2 - overall 1571 / 5917 (26.55%) lines translated
>Ikikoi - In translation
>Mashiro Iro Symphony - Common route 13.07% Translated
>Mirai no Uta to Tsunagaru Hitomi - 50% partial patch released. 75% done, estimated release in May
>Oreimo PSP - Youtube based project, part 102 out. Kuroneko Route Patch released
>Princess Maker 5- 76% translated
>Yosuga no Sora - Translation status is Common route 100%, Sora route 100%, Nao 19.76%, Kazuha 100%, Akira 39.12%, Motoka 22.85%
>Secret all ages title - 32% translated

>> No.10699514

>World End Economica - Chapter 1 release planned at Fancy Frontier
So, uh, whatever happened to this?

>> No.10699517

I remember that one thread, some nerd completely lost it over someone asking that question.

>> No.10699521

You must be the nerd that was unable to navigate a spreadsheet.

>> No.10699525

Nope, I just thought it was hilarious that you completely lost your shit over nothing.

>> No.10699530
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>Hadaka Shitsuji - Release within the next week

The Hadaka Shitsuji patch has been released since this update: http://tlwiki.org/index.php?title=Hadaka_Shitsuji#Download

Are you man enough to abuse some butlers?

>> No.10699540
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Is that made by the same dudes that make Gakuen Handsome? Because that was a pretty good game.

>> No.10699541

Whatever you say, darling.

>> No.10699549

I didn't follow your temper tantrum for that long, but it seems like you took it even further than I thought.

>> No.10699550


Reposting for the fabulous Tougou Mitou:

>> No.10699552

Okay, snugglepuss.

>> No.10699594

Is Himegari out yet?

>> No.10699710

A few people have it but they're not sharing.

>> No.10699719
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Not funny.

>> No.10699729

You should have beaten Aroduc at AH3 when you had the chance.

>> No.10699732
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It's not funny because Aroduc doesn't translate games that contain excessive amounts of rape.

>> No.10699737

He translated BBA, that has a good deal of rape in it.

>> No.10699974

Are you cute?

>> No.10700158

Fuck you Futsuu. Stop sucking dick and start translating, you little bitch.

>> No.10700249
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That feel when you profit from software designed to help people illegally translate and redistribute other people's hard work for free.

>> No.10700252

[11:40:35] <Futsuu> I was actually working on baldr now btw
[11:40:42] <Futsuu> but now I'm distracted. good job, /jp/

>> No.10700268


>> No.10700368

When was this quote from? If it's from today, he's either got a big sense of humour or is bad sense of time.

>> No.10700375

According to his kickstater page, if he reaches $2000 he'll start a commercial translation. If that happens at least one translation will be legal. I honestly don't know which titles use that engine though.

>> No.10700408

>I honestly don't know which titles use that engine though.

They have a list of the most popular games on their site. It's mostly shitty freeware games that last half an hour and have terrible art.
It's the Ren'Py of Japan, basically.

>> No.10700435

>It's the Ren'Py of Japan, basically.
It's rather Novelty of Japan because from the looks of it that thing requires just as "many" brain cells. The Japanese counterpart of Ren'Py would be Kirikiri, programming-wise.
It's not like there are many Western VN engines to choose from in the first place.

As for that Kickstarter, the most disturbing part of it is that it pretends to help English VN TL scene while in reality it's as useful as yaoi in Esperanto. I'd rather have the group working on English Kirikiri start the Kickstarter, which would be infinitely more useful than that scam.

>> No.10700440



looks like it's from today

>> No.10700448
File: 189 KB, 800x600, ss (2013-04-03 at 10.28.31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from today, pic related.

>> No.10700460

>English Kirikiri


I know the tools were translated:
And insani wrote an extraction tool:

What else is there? Are they translating the documentation or something?

I'd like to see a reimplementation like ONScripter. Then I could run most VNs on just about any device.

>> No.10700462

He's writing it for a game he wants to translate (Anaheim Girl's Love Story).

I guess he just figured that rather than release the tools as a byproduct of the project (like most groups) he might as well get some money out of it.

>> No.10700464

That doesn't mean that Futsuu wrote that today. That person could be quoting from something he said a while ago.

>> No.10700467
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>> No.10700470

I hope they use a different font. I know these things generally use gothic fonts because Japanese, but with the transparent ADV window it looks like the text might get a little difficult to read.

>> No.10700484

Do you even lurk #tlwiki?

>> No.10700491

It's mentioned on English Wikipedia page of Kirikiri: http://www.mysteryparfait.com
Ren'Py has Windows, Linux and Android versions, which is enough for any practical purpose. However, it doesn't run on PSP.

>> No.10700505

How come? SDL runs on PSP and there are Python interpreters for PSP.

>> No.10700543

PSPs have 64MB of RAM (let's ignore fat ones with half of that).
SDL + Python + pygame + <PSP_OS> [+ CFW] = dream on.

>> No.10700745

You can confirm anything said on #tlwiki at http://tindabox.net/irclog . Futsuu's quote is currently on page 3: http://tindabox.net/irclog?p=3

>> No.10700951

>PSPs have 64MB of RAM

That still seems like enough. Even if they're optimized to hell and back, native PSP games must store a lot of sprites, textures, audio, etc. in memory.

Unless the problem is Python, but I always figured programs (even interpreters) don't take up a whole lot of memory. Once you load the program into memory, what else is there? Are the modules super huge or something?

And if SDL runs on the PSP (I remember reading it can run on the Dreamcast) what things can it run? I'm guessing people have ported other SDL games/software over.

Not that I'm saying you're wrong (you know more than me) but I'm curious where the bottleneck is.

>> No.10701040
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Nope, they're by completely different people. The Hadaka Shitsuji image is just fanart drawn by Gakuen's artist.

>> No.10701217
File: 21 KB, 500x313, Meanwhile, Duke Nukem 3D required 8 MB of RAM to run.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Handheld games are generally optimized to hell and back (though with the tons of memory PSP has perhaps it's an exception). The Nintendo DS, for example, has a grand total of 4 MB of RAM. Go check what kind of games you can run on it; it's not what you'd expect from a 100 Mhz/4 MB RAM machine.

On the other hand, stuff like Python is like it's anti-optimized; with all the unnecessary stuff happening low-level it's waaaay slower than it could be. But you have that problem with everything nowadays; the more power programmers get, the more they waste it.

>> No.10701228

Waiting warmly for fortune arterial since forever not that i mind, nice to see some progress.

>> No.10702979

Comyu translation begins today:


>> No.10702986


What do you think about it?

>> No.10703002

renpy does run on the psp if that's what you are arguing about. Not like it matter, there's nothing good for it.

>> No.10703014

Great game Hadaka is. I wonder is here are cute boys who played it also

>> No.10703015

>That still seems like enough.
Yeah, on paper. 32MB of those is reserved for UMD/ISO cache, another 8MB is reserved for the OS/kernel and some more is eaten by CFW (excluding fully hackable PSPs, last of which was manufactured in 2008'Q3; and even on those RAM is still used by PRX plugins). In reality this often leaves you less than 20MB to play with, in which you have to somehow cram SDL + Python + pygame + (uncompressed!) game resources with the whole thing being able to show at least a few FPS and not draining the battery in minutes.
Also, SDL on PSP is (reportedly) slow as fuck since no one bothered to optimize it because Sony. You'd have to ditch it and everything dependent on it, leaving you with a bare Python and game resources. That's why RenPSP is just a script-compatible clone of Ren'Py in LUA.
SDL by itself can't run anything, think of it like DirectX, which is only capable of showing you the pictures you tell it to show, play audio you tell it to play and handle keypad input.

Nope, it's its LUA clone which runs there.

>> No.10703902
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Mangagamer went full botnet with their new Japanese DRM. I wonder how long it will take to crack it now that the game itself (SSSS) is published on erogedl. My prediction is longer than 2 weeks because nobody will bother with this nukige

>> No.10703946

I looked it up on vndb.org. Man is the description for the game funny (and probably fully unrelated).

>> No.10703956

I was under the impression that its target audience was predominantly male. Perhaps I understimate the fujoshi.

>> No.10703957

My experience thus far tells me that the Japanese are hilariously incompetent at DRM. Indeed this very DRM scheme has been cracked countless times before. This will stop nothing.

>> No.10704166

Softdenchi might be shit, but botnet is a bit of a stretch. It's still one time activation, no online required after. It's not really more annoying than their old drm.

>> No.10704204

How long did it take for Raidy 3 to get cracked again? ...Yeah.

>> No.10704278

Go read up their blog post on that, especially "battery charging" part. "It's not really more annoying" only if you are completely computer illiterate. That DRM is a botnet by design, and MG currently using only part of its functionaly doesn't make it any less botnetish.
And it's made by the Japanese "devs", as if it just running as an always-on service with full admin rights wasn't alarming enough already. They're simply encouraging piracy, if anything.

>> No.10704309

Would it be possible to watermark eroge and doujins sold digitally? If someone uploaded them on the web, you would instantly know who did it.

>> No.10704312

It's unfortunate. I don't think mangagamer had a great deal of choice in the matter.

What their Japanese partners demand of them is pretty much what happens.

Note that JAST actually puts out non-nukige games, and they're available in DRM-free editions. Talk with your dollars.

>> No.10704313

I'm not sure your definition of 'botnet' is the same as mine. For one, it only goes online during activation. It's a pretty standard drm in japan though, it's used in quite a few digital download shops. MG is using it for one time activations, just because it CAN be used for time limited licenses doesn't mean they are. If you read their forum post about it, they aren't really expecting it to solve piracy at all, it's just that they have to use something because Japanese companies are paranoid and require them to do it in contract.

>> No.10704376

it would, but after the first time, the people releasing the games would just compare 2 different downloads to find the watermark

>> No.10704380

it permanently (i.e. even when not running the game) runs a background service

>> No.10704389

It should be possible to implement some kind of digital signature for each copy sold. For instance, by offsetting the colour values in-game of the top and bottommost horizontal lines on a per-pixel basis. It would be essentially unnoticeable to the naked eye to boot.

>> No.10704413

>Note that JAST actually puts out [...] games

>> No.10704419

MG knows who exactly is going to upload their stuff even before it gets uploaded, so what?

>What their Japanese partners demand of them is pretty much what happens.
"Let's rape our legit customers and shift the blame onto the Japs!"
Mr.Payne, get out of /jp/. We already have your shit plastered all over the place.

>I'm not sure your definition of 'botnet' is the same as mine.
Yeah, I'm totally implying that MG is going to DDoS JAST erogedownload into oblivion and send eroge spam in millions. Totally.
Obviously it's a sarcasm, I'm talking in /g/ sense.
But if you want to get pedantic, I'd classify that shit as a spyware, potential backdoor/rootkit and definitely as a "possibly unwanted application".
And the problem with that is that the cure is worse than the disease, i.e. they are about to get opposite results by turning (even more of their) legit customers into pirates.
Fuck off, Kouryuu

>> No.10704429

>Mr.Payne, get out of /jp/.
>Fuck off, Kouryuu
Don’t take this the wrong way, but you might be a bit paranoid.

>> No.10704447

Do I really have to write SARCASM in capitals as a disclaimer of every my post in this thread?

>> No.10704466

Yes, alternatively a happy face [:-)] to indicate a joke is acceptable.

>> No.10704477

>Fuck off, Kouryuu
Wrong, but pretty good guess actually. But in all seriousness, I don't think any of the English staff is happy about the change in DRM, I don't want to have to deal with this clusterfuck either. I don't think it's nearly as bad as some people make it out to be, but it's definitely not good. At least the boxed copies will all stay DRM free.

>> No.10704515

I come from the past/I just woke up of a long dream, how is the Tsukihime remake going? And the think about Aoko, Maou something whatever?

>> No.10704968

Announcement :
Looking for cute boys to discuss Hadaka Shitsuji.
My Skype is: BigSexyCockBitchKiller

>> No.10705637

If I were still a MangaGamer customer (they no longer release anything for me to buy) I'd boycott their games for the ridiculous new DRM. The previous DRM was bad enough, requiring to crack all of my games back when I was running WinXP 64-bit (games worked perfectly, but DRM failed under that OS), but installing a program that will permanently run in the background? Botnet indeed.

'But it doesn't do anything bad' is not an excuse. It should not become common practice for companies to install and permanently run random junk on users' systems. I want the program to do stuff to my system when I run it, and to leave my system alone when I'm not running it. I have a bazillion programs installed, I don't want each of them running a small program to make sure if I'm really a legitimate customer (and ironically only checks that for legitimate customers).

Regardless of how anyone feels about DRM, this is NOT the way to implement it. You're making it much worse for paying customers, while pirates can just keep on doing what they've always been doing.

>> No.10706067

No you make a valid point. I was going to write something to defend it's use, but I can't really come up with a convincing argument. I don't think it's that intrusive, but if the English staff had any say in the matter we wouldn't be using it.

>> No.10706122

This might be why people consider MG a joke.

>> No.10706371

Well its a shame good sense doesn't have a place at the bargaining table. I've bought at least 10 games from mangagamer, but with this ugly bit of news I think I'll start buying either when the protection is broken, or when a boxed copy is released.

A real catch-22 for you, though, if sales dive after it's cracked, but pre-cracked sales go down because of crappy DRM.

>> No.10706483

Himegari out yet?

>> No.10706693


>> No.10706714


>> No.10706796
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>> No.10707009


>> No.10707024
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I concur. Can't believe people don't check on translation statuses themselves.

>> No.10707190


>> No.10707186

Isn't the entire point of these threads for someone else to check translation status so we don't have to?

>> No.10707198

higher res available:

>> No.10707215

And yet they can't even both to check the OP.

>> No.10707267

The news in the OP can be up to a week old though.

>> No.10707405

and yet it almost never is

>> No.10709884

Is he still working on it or is he taking another break?

>> No.10709906

he never was working

>> No.10710127

RIP Tokidan. You will be missed.

>> No.10710482

When is Jast going to release something? Yumina, Seinarukana, whatever. Something decent, as opposed to Mangagamer's nukige. Why are the so incompetent?

>> No.10710507

>I have no idea how this works

>> No.10712566

Super Secret Sexy Spy is out.
/jp/ doesn't really seem to be on top of even the VN publishers anymore. It really is but a shell of its former self.

>> No.10712675

SSSS's release was pointed out earlier in the thread. I'll probably be in the OP's list of completed translation when the next thread starts between today and Monday.

>> No.10712851

That's because the only relevant VN publishers have gone nukige-only again. We've only reverted to the pre-MG era when it comes to keeping up with publishers.

>> No.10712872

Not only nukige, but nukige with cow tits.

>> No.10712875

Nukige taking a long time to get uploaded and cracked is nothing new. Boob Wars took 3 weeks or so before a crack surfaced I think, and that was just the same old protection they always use.

>> No.10712878

Nukige are where they make most of their profits. They try to put out a few "legitimate" VNs to stay relevant, but they'd bankrupt in no time if that was all they did.

>> No.10712891

It still doesn't make them worth talking about.

>> No.10712900

I think the hacker was either on vacation or had business elsewhere when Boob Wars was released. He said that the next official release that came out would be hacked much sooner due to advanced planning or something. I don't remember how long it took for the next thing to be hacked, but I remember it was significantly shorter than Boob Wars took.

>> No.10713217
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Cant wait to play Danganronpa!

>> No.10713223

The full patch is scheduled to be released in June.

>> No.10713236
File: 17 KB, 396x402, 10779512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the info. Its awesome!

>> No.10713269

Oh cool, so around the same time YU-NO is coming out?

>> No.10713294

YU-NO's translation came out on September 29th 2011 and the latest news on the tlwiki page for it came out December 6th 2011.

>> No.10713302

>Cross Channel - New translation
Wait what? What have I been missing?

>> No.10713303

Really? I heard it's coming out in June. Not sure what translation you're talking about.

>> No.10713307

A lot, apparently. Some unknown random dude apparently thinks he can do a better job than Ixrec. Whether or not he humiliates himself completely remains to be seen.

>> No.10713308 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10713309

Are you talking about YU-NO - The Girl that Chants Love at the Edge of the World or another visual novel?

>> No.10713312

Yeah, that's the one.

>> No.10713316

This joke never gets old.

>> No.10713319

What are you talking about, YU-NO is coming out NEXT June.

>> No.10713323

It's their own fault for naming a game after a meme.

>> No.10713327

As far as I know, there isn't another translation project for YU-NO taking place. Here's a link to the currently completed one:

>> No.10713328

I know the translation is completed but we're still waiting on editing to be finished. Supposedly the final release is planned in June.

>> No.10713330

You are entirely too new.

>> No.10713351

YU-NO what is going on.

>> No.10713399
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>Fate/Hollow Ataraxia- 90.3%

>> No.10713539

This is cute. I was the person you were arguing with first, and my argument never went much further than "I may be missing something fairly simple, but it's not as easy to find as you're implying it is" before you started freaking out, and I was completely right.

You see, that's not a link to a new translation project, that's a link to Spicy Tail's website. Also, I understand very little Japanese, but I was under the impression that 中国語 meant Chinese.

So you got me. There was a link, you win. I guess I should've looked into the spreadsheet anyway. I clearly need to lean basic Google skills, as that was all that mattered here.

I find it highly amusing that this was actually brought up again. You must feel so smart.
