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File: 125 KB, 741x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10782282 No.10782282 [Reply] [Original]

An official English IM@S is going to be released, the Shiny Fiesta series is being ported to iOS.

>> No.10782296

The Jews are at it again

>> No.10782303

>Shiny fiesta
Who gives a shit?

Speaking of IM@S though, didn't IM@S 2 get put on PSN?

>> No.10782307

Calling Namco Jews is a bigger insult to Jews than holocaust denial.

>> No.10782358
File: 63 KB, 480x480, fiesta-cluster-supershape-foil-balloon-p1907.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiny fiesta?

>> No.10782367 [DELETED] 


>> No.10782377
File: 30 KB, 225x240, Picture (3208).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An official English IM@S is going to be released.
>Please make it a ps3 gam...


>> No.10782383

Please do not misuse the quoting feature.

>> No.10782398
File: 637 KB, 1548x1100, pic (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am Ganishka. I misuse all I want you foolish human.

>> No.10782401

Yes but it's not translated. I have the free demo

>> No.10782405 [DELETED] 


>> No.10782506

Cute image dude

>> No.10784641

So I bought the Harmonic Score one. Looking at the leaderboards, a whopping 91 people, mostly Japanese, bought this game. I think its safe to say that unless they pull a Totori+ with these on PSN tomorrow there will be no more idolm@ster outside of Japan ever.

Great job Namco.

>> No.10784672
File: 312 KB, 1280x720, 1344559141662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pricing is insanity. And iOS? Come on.

>> No.10784863


They don't want money, they just like spiting pig disgusting baka gaijin.

Bring across something that you know won't sell because nobody wants it, so that you have an excuse not to bring across other things that they do want.

>> No.10784892

Why iOS only? Would it really cost that much to put it on PSN?

>> No.10784914

Could you please crack and upload?

>> No.10784917


Fucking dropped, will pirate if possible but never buy.

>> No.10784924

So where can I download them all for free, to show my appreciation to Namco?

>> No.10784938


>> No.10784946

>3GB each

>> No.10784995

Start requesting them at the various app trackers.

>> No.10785040

I played one of these on the PSP, it's alright but they use videos instead of real time footage and the quality is bad enough to notice that.

>> No.10785052

Tutorial if you need

>> No.10785076

I thought these games had funny names like "groovy tune." did they change them or am I thinking of something else?

>> No.10785099
File: 30 KB, 509x378, 1346863852150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has got to be the biggest scandal I have ever seen Bamco try to pull.

>> No.10785126

>did they change them or am I thinking of something else?
They changed them.

>> No.10785127

How much did they originally cost in nip?

>> No.10785364

Similar, price calculations made the difference a buck or two.

>> No.10785832

oh wow what the fuck

>> No.10786017

So, those are just rhythm games with im@s characters dancing in the background? No story or anything related to the idols?

>> No.10786376

The original games had a unique anime episode with each one. There's a mode where you "compete" against other idol groups and it has a small story too. Like Groovy Tune is about the group searching for lost treasure.

>> No.10787312


>> No.10789294

Would people really be more likely to buy it on iOS than on PSN?

Is that what they think?

>> No.10789307

Correct. They are not galge. Just rhythm games. That's probably why they decided to do it, because it would take very little effort to translate. At the same time though I'm not sure on the mentality of bringing it to iOS. Perhaps because the PSP is kind of dead in the US? I imagine it will sell poorly on iOS though and then they will use that as reasoning to not bring other imas titles.

>> No.10789371

Bamco never ceases to amaze me.

>> No.10791250

Cocks and semen
A lot of it

>> No.10791303

It'll be impossible to pirate & emulate, I'll give it that.

>> No.10791335

Seriously. The amount of work it takes to be THIS BAD at overseas licensing of games is astounding.

To consistently ignore audience demographics, bring over the worst games in each series with the wrong marketing or to try and revamp series to be more generic, the whole thing is just...

Words really fail me now.

>> No.10791352
File: 350 KB, 960x3193, ztCcGKG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10791362

But Mami is clearly more sexy than Ami.

>> No.10791364

Namco just called a 13 year old sexy

>> No.10791484

Sexy, not pedo.

>> No.10791642


>> No.10791661

People pirate iOS things, so it's not that.
If they really were worried about pirates they'd release it on the vita which is yet to be properly hacked. But the market is too small, and the iOS market is gigantic (in japan too).

>> No.10791808

Please post more cute images

>> No.10791849
File: 123 KB, 800x756, 35169038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10791868


Man, Bamco are some shit eating faggots. There is absolutely no possible way they don't recognize the games wont sell over here like this.

Fucking niggers just need to dissolve already.

>> No.10795641

BCG request policy:
>No requesting a game/torrent before release date or within 14 days of its official release date.
So I'm requesting all 3 of them over there on May 6th unless they'll have been made available elsewhere by then. I want to see if it's possible to backport the translated stuff to PSP versions.
By the way, does anyone want me to upload untouched releases of
to Nyaa in one handy 3.45GB package? Consider that these are already uploaded there as separate unpacked ISOs.

>> No.10795657
File: 91 KB, 267x270, Hibikin6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to see if it's possible to backport the translated stuff to PSP versions.

If you can encrypt and decrypt the text files on the PSP.

iOS version seems to have most of the text inside .bin files (Japanese versions of the files seem to be there as well). Text isn't encrypted and readable but you have to go into a hex editor and replace 00 with 0A for newlines.

Assuming it's going to be more of a copy and paste work.

>> No.10795690

>If you can encrypt and decrypt the text files on the PSP.
I have JPCSP for decrypting and I don't think that modified files must be encrypted for the game to accept them. Hex editor is my second name and I think I have enough programming experience.

That said, is there a way to get the files from >>10784938 or elsewhere without installing and owning any iCrap software/devices?

>> No.10795900
File: 281 KB, 338x719, Hibiki 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Changes are that it might crash the PSP game if the sizes are changed, though.

> I don't think that modified files must be encrypted for the game to accept them.
I'm assuming it would as the game is programmed to decrypt. Who knows it gets gibberish when it tries to decrypt already decrypted binary and crashes.

>is there a way to get the files
Currently, no. You need to buy the games before you can extract them.

Good news though, as I own Funky Note myself and most likely later today I will have the chance to rip the other games for the OVA and MV's.
And I wouldn't mind sharing the hordes of BIN and ZAR files containing the BGM, Text and textures and so on for the game.

>> No.10795945

Please upload crack too.

>> No.10795969

I want Ami and Mami to enslave me with their bodies.

>> No.10796035

Shoulda just made a totally American game with some Cinderella girls.

>> No.10796260

Encrypted files on PSP tend to have some kind of flag telling whether they're encrypted or not. I'm not sure what kind of audio format is used in this port, but audio BINs on PSP are actually .AT3 files, and video BIN files (which are renamed PSP-standard PMFs) have AT3 audio as well. But video files are 'encrypted' (although 'obfuscated' is the correct term in this case) by XORing every byte by 123 (or 0x7B). You might check whether it's the same in your version if you're going after the videos.
Text strings are stored in PkCmn.bin file in Unicode (either they finally realised that there's no place for ShiftJIS in 2013 or the game was built with English port in mind), so I don't see a big problem with changing them.
Images are stored in another well-known PSP format, GIM.
There's almost nothing preventing a backport technically.

Waiting warmly for the iOS files, with or without the crack.

>> No.10798890

>Cinderella girls.

>> No.10798950

Is there a way to play both pirated PSP and vita games on a vita? Can you even play pirated games on a PS3? Is there as sage way to get a flashcard for a DS in the UK?

>> No.10800511

Please respond

>> No.10800525

>Is there a way to play both pirated PSP and vita games on a vita?
Only on the PSP.

>Can you even play pirated games on a PS3?
Possible with a old firmware, 3.35 I believe. If your PS3 is running a higher firmware you will have to flash your PS3 to a lower firmware with for example eZflasher

>Is there as sage way to get a flashcard for a DS in the UK?
Don't be a pussy and just fucking buy it from ebay or what ever.

>> No.10800566

>Possible with a old firmware, 3.35 I believe.

3.55 and below, then you patch up to 3.55 and install your CFW. If you purchase a PS3 that comes with FW after 3.55, then even hardware flashing it back down wont save you.

Don't quote me on that last bit, as I'm not 100% mega ultra certain that is correct. Still, the fact remains that hardware flashing is a giant pain in the ass. Your best bet, if you truly want pirated games on your PS3, is to get an older used model, and hope whatever retard you are purchasing from didn't "upgrade" the FW.

>> No.10800588

>If you purchase a PS3 that comes with FW after 3.55, then even hardware flashing it back down wont save you.

Fuck, that's easily misunderstood. Let me amend that sentence.

If you purchase a newer PS3 model that comes with a baseline FW higher than 3.55, then even flashing it back down wont save you.

Once again, I am not 100% certain this is objective fact. I simply recall reading this many times in the process of getting my own PS3, and it rings true in my mind.

>> No.10800651

I've been out of loop for several months, much like >>10800566, but at the start of 2013:
>Is there a way to play both pirated PSP and vita games on a vita?
You must have a certain FW (2.02) which you can't downgrade to if you have a newer one; you must have bought an exploitable game before Sony pulled it from the Store AND then you will be able to run PSP native games (as in, no PSone ports and no Vita games) and some homebrew.

>Can you even play pirated games on a PS3?
If the PS3 in question was manufactured before 2011 AND you install FW 3.55 on it either by normal means (if it already has 3.55 or lower) or by a hardware flasher (complete PS3 disassembly is required, but no soldering unless you've bricked it). Then you update it to the latest CFW and play any PS3 game in existence as is (no patching or anything required). But if you go online on such PS3, you WILL get permanently banned (console and/or PSN account). Although there were some talks about flashing CFW directly on 3.56+ consoles, it still probably has to be a hackable (pre-2011) PS3.

>Is there as sage way to get a flashcard for a DS in the UK?
No idea.

On topic, I'm still waiting for the iOS version of iM@S, even just a script file with English text strings will be enough to let me start backporting translation to PSP counterpart(-s).

>> No.10800700

Why don't they just translate the XBOX360 game? What's the point of releasing a game for iOS even? And fucking expensive Jesus Christ.

>> No.10800725

Thanks everyone, I'll probably wait so emulation or a huge price drop and buy my games legally

>> No.10800734

PS3 games will NEVER drop in prices because Sony is full of greedy JEWS.

>> No.10800767

>But if you go online on such PS3, you WILL get permanently banned (console and/or PSN account).

I don't go online with my CFW PS3, because I don't care about that shit, but I've heard countless times that it is piss easy to unban yourself.

That's just hearsay, though. I haven't investigated those claims because I haven't had to.

>> No.10800835

"Unban" is spoofing banned console's IDs with unbanned one's. Since new IDs can't be generated arbitrarily because nobody knows the method Sony is using to generate them and all publicly available flash dumps with legit IDs have already been mined for IDs which got used by many people and, consequently, banned as well, there's no easy unban method anymore, if there's any at all.
That's also why any second-hand hackable PS3 that's being sold now is likely banned too.

Is anyone interested in the video files from PSP iM@S? I can get untouched video from them and convert their AT3 audio to something usable (say, MP3v0) and mux all of them in .mkv with English subtitles (if anyone is willing to provide them. Timing isn't required, I still remember how to use Aegisub). From the looks of it, videos in PSP version are exactly the same as in iOS version except for 480x272 instead of HD(?) resolution.

>> No.10801305
File: 771 KB, 960x540, Silly Hibikin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some of the files from Funky Note (iOS) http://www.mediafire.com/?wfhqn1sw87scsa6 + http://www.mediafire.com/?cv9lxbkux6zuyar

>> No.10801440

Thank you. The file formats are almost exactly the same as on the PSP, only header is changed here and there. I can't thank Namco enough for being this lazy.
By the way, that XOR 'encryption' is still there, but now even on the BGM files. XOR is symmetric, so decryption = encryption. XOR the entire file by 123 (dec) or 7B (hex) to get the original one. This time it looks like it's MP3 with WAV header. It's getting too late for me to work on this tonight, but I have the whole weekend ahead. If I don't get the whole thing done, I'll upload what I've done and the tools on Nyaa.

>> No.10802087

Please upload cracked IPA too.

>> No.10802309

Weren't the Japanese PSP versions of these games already translated by fans?

>> No.10803856

That's idolm@ster SP, not shiny festa.

>> No.10809781

That sounds great. Eagerly awaiting any more details. Also bump.

>> No.10811749
File: 157 KB, 480x272, NPJH50676-Shot-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The VN element in this isn't going to be done easily, but almost everything else is simple. If anyone is interested in, say, image editing, I'll gladly give all needed instructions in this or similar thread.
The problem with VN-type text here is the character limit, which is exactly 96 bytes per message regardless of an on-screen message box size. iOS version is using UTF8 (which can be considered single byte encoding for Latin alphabet), so English translation there can have up to all 96 characters per message. PSP version is using Unicode instead, which is 2-byte per symbol, meaning 48 chars (kanji/kana/English) per message. Pic related, I'm using all available 96 bytes here. Since black magic of MIPS disassembly required to make the game accept UTF8 is beyond me, all workarounds I can think of at the moment (splitting message in two or remaking the font glyphs to contain two English letters in "one") are pretty time consuming and I'm not really willing to invest my time in them for the sake of a single game.
However, once found and implemented, the method of showing English text properly will work on all 3 games, so if at least the most important files containing English translation (ZAR files) of the other two games get uploaded, I will do my best to find the method in question (which will likely involve me sucking dicks of PSP hackers, but that's another story).
I am going to backport the GUI elements (menus, fonts etc.) from iOS to PSP for now, because the end result will be applicable to all 3 games regrdless of the availability of their English translations. UI patch will be distributed as xdelta patch for an untouched ISO which are available on Nyaa.
