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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 30 KB, 198x368, 豊臣 秀吉.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10797337 No.10797337 [Reply] [Original]

Who is your favourite figure from Japanese history?

Mine would have to be 豊臣 秀吉. Such powerful unification.

>> No.10797338
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>> No.10797343

Oda Nobuna

>> No.10797352

>Oda Nobuna
Who's that?

>> No.10797359

It's from アニメ
He's a funny guy

>> No.10797384
File: 37 KB, 851x477, FtoUw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10797410

That Japanese Mengele.

>> No.10797419


>> No.10797661

Enola Gay.

>> No.10797666

Toyotomi was great, shame he didn't have a competent Heir

>> No.10797671

黒崎 一護

>> No.10797681

Yeah he used a vacuum chamber to pull all of some guy's intestines out through his butt

Also did shit to grey aliens in x files

>> No.10797696

His influence on the nation was massive and is still felt today.
His son was crucified at age 10 right?

>> No.10797722

Uesugi Kenshin

>> No.10799776


>> No.10799807

Oda Nobunaga because he likes to eat good food.

>> No.10799825

you can google this

>> No.10799833 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 468x600, 468px-Sakamoto_Ryoma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakamoto Ryoma

Fucker decided to assassinate Katsu Kaishu, a supporter of westernization. However, Katsu Kaishu persuaded Ryoma of the necessity of a long-term plan to increase Japan's military strength. Instead of killing Katsu Kaishu, Ryoma started working as his assistant and protégé.

He stood by all men being equal, and a removal of the Japanese "caste system".

>> No.10799832

I just become American after watching this.

>> No.10799836
File: 36 KB, 468x600, 468px-Sakamoto_Ryoma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakamoto Ryoma

Fucker decided to assassinate Katsu Kaishu, a supporter of westernization. However, Katsu Kaishu persuaded Ryoma of the necessity of westernization. Instead of killing Katsu Kaishu, Ryoma started working as his assistant and protégé.

He stood by all men being equal, and a removal of the Japanese "caste system".

>> No.10799837

I only did it to bump the thread...

>> No.10799861

山田寅次郎 Torajirou Yamada


>> No.10799871

How big is your weaboo level?

>> No.10799902

very big. yours?

>> No.10799907

no english wikipedia article..

>> No.10799935
File: 369 KB, 2562x1772, 1366727910830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to say he sucks as a hero, bit uea Japan had no choice adapt. The way in ehich they did it was not elegant and they could have done it in a way that upheld the samurai and their code much better.

He's a failure, becuase he didn't fulfill his objective: Kill the tradourus scum.

>> No.10799937

He was a shit ruler.

>> No.10799941

None. I use common sense in all things.

>> No.10799946

Murakami Haruki. He is a great Japanese writer that writes like an American. Not only that, but he has many interesting things to write about

>> No.10800014

Nobody like Benkei? He's like the most badass Japanese ever.

>> No.10800024

Tadakatsu Honda because he's badASS as HELL!!

>> No.10800042


>> No.10800057


>> No.10800072
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大石内蔵助 is pretty cute

>> No.10800109
File: 76 KB, 562x650, 1337898961630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amakusa Shiro
Spread Christianity through Japan even as a kid and didn't afraid of Shogunate.
Was doing good too even in war, but was betrayed by one of his own soldiers which caused their capture and the Shogunate to order the massacre of almost 40,000 Japanese Christians, including women and children.

Before he was executed, he swore that he would return one day to bring his revenge.

>> No.10800112

>anyone but Oda

>> No.10800132

sounds like the story of jesus in Japan. Betrayed by Judas, yada yada yada

>> No.10800134

mishima since he's handsome and tried to revive the Japanese empire.

>> No.10800138

Fuck the Christians. Fuck you. Every Christian should be killed for destroying this planet.

>> No.10800148
File: 35 KB, 500x421, Yukio_Mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10800152

What bad did the Christians do to Japan?


>> No.10800161

Spread their religions and slaves to Nobunaga and destroy shrines. That was before everyone of them were killed. hah

>> No.10800171

You're wrong

Christianity only made Japan a richer country

>> No.10800174
File: 11 KB, 258x194, patriotism5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're wrong and a bigit with no logical criteria to back up his hate.

You shall be known as brother to from this day forward anon.

>> No.10800191

It only disrupt their system before they massacred them off their island. The only righteous deed few dare to do. I salute them.

>> No.10800209

>Before he was executed, he swore that he would return one say to bring his revenge.
He may have been a chrisitan in his entire lifetime, but with those final words died as a Samurai and not exactly what we call christian mentality.

But there is no rule for cursing those that kill you in Christianity, except that you have to forgive them, so it's possible it could be argued that he still died a Christian death.

I back track to my point that he was more of a samirai at death than a christian though.

>> No.10800211

>It only disrupt their system
Christians 'hardly' ruined Japan's culture

You're just grasping straws

>> No.10800215


>> No.10800260
File: 107 KB, 500x316, tumblr_mb0xm8U45U1r3cisg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you will never exchange ideas with Yukio Mishima-sama.

>> No.10800266

Ruined hard enough and that was only because of they had like a few of them in there. What if they had more?

Christianity is destructive and needs to be abolished off this planet. Lies of friendship and understanding best ways to gain dictatorship of all the people.

>> No.10800275

> Lies of friendship and understanding best ways to gain dictatorship of all the people.


Maybe you should read a brief history about Japan and Foreign countries in the 16th century

>> No.10800288

I did. Your lies hold no place in Japan.

>> No.10800295

Every looked at the Postive aspect of what Christianity or should i say..... the Portuguese brought to Japan?

>> No.10800305

There was none of the positive aspects.

>> No.10800315

>There was none of the positive aspects.
Whelp, that's it. you're the pinnacle of ignorance
off to /r/atheist you go

>> No.10800317

There were positive aspects to the Portuguese. I don't know about Christianity though - I only know of the destruction that Christianity unleashed on the country.

>> No.10800324

Speak up you Christian shit. What is the good you have ever brought up on any land? Defend your God if you can.

Maybe trade ports? All of that was colonialism in the end. The same Europe did the China and Hong kong.

>> No.10800334

I'm talking about the Portuguese in Japan, Not Christianity in other places

Please stay on topic you nerd

> All of that was colonialism in the end
You don't know what you're talking about, again if yo're not so ignorant read a brief history of the Nanban trade

>> No.10800341

Nanban trade was unfair that is all everyone need to know.

>> No.10800570

>unfair trade
The concept of trade is to gain as much of a profit as possible. There really is no such thing as unfair trade. The Japanese were paying for technology and goods they never had ascess to before. It was fair.

>> No.10800638

For their lands and their lands be poisoned by colonialists? The same they did at Africa. Give rifles to rivaling tribes. Make them shoot each other so you can take their lands.

Japan before this agreement refused all trade with western barbarians.

All trading is deception.

>> No.10800654

>All trading is deception.
All traders fool all traders all of the time?

>> No.10800684

Did Bob deceive you into buying your computer?

>> No.10800695

who buys computers?

>> No.10800714

My buddy Silberstein does

>> No.10800762

Taira no Kiyomori. His entire clan was as awesome as you'd expect from a warrior house that uses a butterfly as its emblem and gets away with it, but Kiyomori stands out for openly ruling Japan with an iron fist and fucking up the Emperor's shit whenever he felt like it in an era where looking at the Imperial palace funny was a potential death sentence. He also stared down vengeful ghosts out of existence, punched out the Yama's guardians and died in such fervent rage that he ended up boiling his own bath, and his last request to his clan was more or less "kill fucking everyone". He also inadvertently ended up being a patron of loli incest, making him a role model for all of /jp/ (the book says the sisters in question "retreated to a secluded place and became nuns", but it's obvious that they were incestous lesbians).

Heike only lost because Kiyomori's only decent son committed suicide by god and all he was left with were colossal idiots. If he had Shigemori and his health was fine he'd fuck Japan so hard that historians would call his dick the second Ame-no-nuhoko.

>> No.10802704

wiki says that he died of a fever, not in a boiling bath

Thanks for the post though - seems like an interesting character.
Which book are you referencing?

>> No.10802807

My Favorite historical figure is the Fat Man

>> No.10803397

Oh, he boiled his bath when they were trying to get his fever down and then died in a massive conflagration some time later. He radiated such heat that his body couldn't even be approached at the time of his death, so he was probably so mighty pissed that the Genji were dicking with his clan that he started undergoing fission.

>Which book are you referencing?
Heike Monogatari, a book written with the single exclusive purpose of hating Kiyomori's guts. There is a drinking game involving it, but following its rules will invariably destroy your liver.
