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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 209 KB, 1000x1000, 1367906557633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10857425 No.10857425 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>10852379

After a lot of discussion, the only semi-concrete plan is to make an album. Tracks are to be uploaded to Dropbox; to get an invite, send an e-mail to jpmusicproject1@gmail.com. There's no length, genre or theme requirement; anything will do.

Discussion of any potential other projects is, of course, also still welcome.

>> No.10857435

Im making a track inspired by John Cage's 4′33″
Its called 0:01

>> No.10857437

momiji sees your incompetence

>> No.10857442

I can draw something for the album cover, in case no one is up to it yet.

>> No.10857450

Very, very much welcome. We can have as many album covers as people interested.

As for my tracks, I think I'll upload something tomorrow, because I'm unable to right now. I do have just one thing up, though, but not in the dropbox just yet. https://soundcloud.com/vapor-hands/opus-6

>> No.10857458

Where is the drop?

>> No.10857469

Dropbox is an enemy to our freedoms. Use BitTorrent Sync.

>> No.10857472

Yes, we should shed our bikes too while we're at it. What color do we paint the bikeshed for our commune?

>> No.10857479

The dropbox? You'll need to send me an email at jpmusicproject1@gmail.com. I'll then invite you to the dropbox personally.

>> No.10857480


Thanks for the reply. What is the general theme of the album? What kind of things should I draw?

>> No.10857484

Liar, this is thread, at least, 4.

>> No.10857488

There isn't a specific 'theme' per se, it's going to be a bunch of tracks made by /jp/ers that they themselves like. In that case, you can probably draw something you like and slap on the title "/jp/ Music Album 1" or something.

>> No.10857492

True, but only because I tried to make the continuation earlier this morning and it got deleted immediately by the janitor... It made me sad for the rest of the afternoon.

>> No.10857503

Please draw something cute!

I like cute things!

>> No.10857509

>it's going to be a bunch of tracks made by /jp/ers that they themselves like
15 lolicore, 1 milfcore?

>> No.10857513

Maybe? But they're going to be tracks made by /jp/ers themselves, so who knows? They might give up and do something much easier.

>> No.10857518


We already have Musha Aleste and Robo Aleste for mechs besides, mechs don't fit well in scrolling shooters

Loli flying a dragon has also already been done

Why is this so hard?

>> No.10857526

So yeah, let's use spaceships instead. THAT'S never been done before!

>> No.10857536


What if we glue propeller on the spaceships?

>> No.10857547

How about a STG that isn't a danmaku STG? A game with power ups that change your shots. Maybe even horizontal scrolling with the ability to crash into the stage.

>> No.10857554
File: 763 KB, 1000x1398, 941764f09f3dc399990f73b1d9e0630a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a Metal Slug with lolis?

And I mean blatantly loli, Fio and the other slut that isn't Fio don't count

>> No.10857558

Or Contra

>> No.10857563


Never was into Contra's gameplay much but sure why not so long as it has guns and loli and gore

I don't think /jp/'s artists would be able to match Metal Slug's animations anyway

>> No.10857565

why does /jp/ have no originality

>> No.10857568


Originality isn't something that comes out of your ass

Try helping with some brainstorming

>> No.10857570 [DELETED] 

I made a midi song a while ago, if I finish it would you like it?

>> No.10857573

Oy vey

>> No.10857577


Sounds very 90's point and click adventure gameish

>> No.10857582

Your brainstorming consists of 'let's clone X!', 'no, let's clone Y instead!', 'that's been done before, we should really make a clone of Z!'.

>> No.10857583

Everything has been done already.

>> No.10857584
File: 242 KB, 635x903, 1318188114030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes i compose music with Reason, I wouldn't mind if you use one of my tracks for the album.
<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F79047765"></iframe>
This is my best composition for now.

>> No.10857588


Originality comes from building upon existent material that has proven itself to work you idiot, it doesn't show up from thin air just because you bitch about it

Especially since none of us has worked on a game before we need to copy good games to know what it takes to make one

>> No.10857590

>I made a midi song a while ago, if I finish it would you like it?
Yes. It's got a nice tune. Just work and it and finish it up till it's something you yourself can like.

>> No.10857591


>> No.10857592

Everything you guys can think of has been done already. Every individual element has been done already, but there are still countless combinations of those elements that haven't been done yet. Even if you were to do as simple as 'let's clone most of X but add element Y from Z!' you'd get something more original (and most likely not done before) than when you just say 'let's clone X'.

>> No.10857593


I don't like it

I'm not sure if it's the production or the overall tune, but it just sounds kind of stuffy

>> No.10857595

>Especially since none of us has worked on a game before we need to copy good games to know what it takes to make one
Not sure whether to laugh or to cry. Copying games only teaches you how to copy the games. Analyze its elements and experiment with different combinations. Only through that will you really understand the elements and what kinds of combinations could make good games.

>> No.10857600

Email me at jpmusicproject1@gmail.com so I can add you to the dropbox and you can upload it there.

>> No.10857605


Good luck with that kind of philosophy, you are going to spend a lot of time doing nothing just because you think of yourself as a special snowflake that's too good to learn from the works of others

>> No.10857610

I'm open to crittique, but i don't get what you mean. Keep in mind that I can't benefit a professional mixing and mastering since I'm alone.
I've already sent an Email but you didn't respond.

>> No.10857616
File: 194 KB, 500x291, 1367775404400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did these while I was doing your mama:

>> No.10857618

I'm sorry about that. I'm checking now.

>> No.10857627

No, the point is that you SHOULD learn from what others have done. Take their elements and put them outside of their original context, and see what this results in. If you just copy the entire thing, the elements will only work the exact same way they did in their original context, and you learn nothing about the elements themselves. You'll learn how to implement those elements, but not how to use them creatively. Different elements behave differently in different contexts, and game design is understanding how those elements work. Learn by copying individual elements, not by copying entire games.

And I'm not 'spending a lot of time doing nothing', at this point I might've made more games than all of /jp/ put together.

>> No.10857632

>Copying games only teaches you how to copy the games. Analyze its elements and experiment with different combinations.
What's the difference? If you're not creating anything original, you aren't. I've always lived in the delusion that everyone automagically analyzes everything. Less gifted people just can't see as much because they focus on easier details.

>> No.10857637


Nobody has talked about copying the entire game down to the level and enemy design we have just talked genres and the games in the genres that we could use for gameplay inspiration

>> No.10857640

Every single element has been done before. If you treat it as creating stuff from void, 'originality' does not exist. Real originality is taking existing ideas and using them in new ways or combinations.

>> No.10857648

>Every single element has been done before.
What is science?

>> No.10857678

Dont let the naysayers get you down. People who have no artistic inclination will always tell you how to do art and what is/isn't art.

>> No.10857683

>Copping out on some shitty album

>> No.10857687

I like it. It's pretty interesting, and has a nice tune to it. The rhythm's pretty neat as well. It's too long, though, and it doesn't have enough interesting moments to save the repetition from being stale. You could've easily cut 2-3 minutes off of it, I reckon. Also, some of your modulation and chord movements seems a bit forced and doesn't ring too well, but those are pretty minor fixes once you're aware of them.

>> No.10857688

It's funny because the guys in this thread aren't even saying anything. It's as if they wanted to bitch but they can't make anything up.

>> No.10857695

So is everyone who submits music going to get into the /jp/ album or are we going to have autists spamming after the album is released because they didn't get picked to be in it, like with that magazine?

>> No.10857700

>autists spamming after the album is released because they didn't get picked to be in it
Autistic people don't understand the point of hungering status and recognition.

>> No.10857701

Or we could just make multiple albums

>> No.10857703

great idea. One good album and a bunch of b-list shitty albums.

>> No.10857704

Oooh, tough call this one. Autists sperging they didn't get in, or autists sperging at the number of shits which got in?

>> No.10857707

Or just a single album with lots of CDs in it
It's not like this is going to have lots of submissions anyway

>> No.10857709

/jp/ pls
don't misuse words
you're promoting a culture where definitions are arbitrary and the more outrageous individuals may use them as expressions of disfavor

>> No.10857714

Thank you for the review. Yes it's long it's basically repeated one time with a few variation, I didn't feel guilty repeating the song one time since most music genre repeat their parts (don't know how to say, I mean, "refrain" and "verse") 2-3 times. I could easely cut the song in half.

>> No.10857713


Please control your autism

>> No.10857716

Please control your bongo drums and cock.

>> No.10857719

Yes, everyone who submits music is getting in. But those do submit should submit an equal number of tracks as everyone else. We're currently aiming for a standard 12 track album, but it can go up or down depending on the number of submissions.

>> No.10857726

Is there no quality control?

>> No.10857727

By the way, those who want to do art for the album should also email me at jpmusicproject1@gmail.com, so you can gain access to the dropbox. Let's just keep everything relevant in one place.

>> No.10857729

Minimal. Just me making sure the 'tracks' aren't just /jp/ers saying 'dick' through their microphone. Though, if it's done in a musical way, that's good enough for me.

>> No.10857735

>I didn't feel guilty repeating the song one time since most music genre repeat their parts
Ah, but you very well should! You know that "just because everyone else is doing it" isn't a fair excuse.

Problem is, 8 minutes is a tad too overbearing. If I'm to be perfectly honest, the repetition is self-serving, self-indulgent, and provides nothing much of value to the listeners that they couldn't have gotten from the first iteration (save for wasting their oh so precious neet time). This I fear might put quite a few people off of listening the track, which is a shame since it's a reasonably interesting tune. Plus, if they want to listen to the track for that long, they could always just put it on repeat or something.

Of course this is just my 2 cents, so take from that as you will.

>> No.10857749

I agree. The repetition in music is here so you can understand and remember the melody easely, that's why commercial genre repeat a lot. I'm going to upload a short version and see wich one jp prefers.

>> No.10857768

/jp/ album organizer here, I'm going to sleep now but just go ahead and send your email to jpmusicproject1@gmail.com if you want to join and I'll invite you as soon as I can tomorrow.

>> No.10857773

Sleep well. Thanks for your effort.

>> No.10857794


>> No.10857834

i think it's good
i would probably just cut it off at 5:08

what kind of timeframe are you looking at? i'd like to submit something, although i'm not sure when i will have something ready.

>> No.10857873

oh great,music,how boring.

Are there any writers on /jp/?

>> No.10857887

Yeah, reporting in. However, I'd personally describe writing as more boring than music. Guess it's a case of the grass being greener on the other side of the fence, though.

>> No.10857900

We could combine writing and music, and get Milk to sing. joking about the Milk part

>> No.10857905

Writing is only not boring if the writer is good at making it interesting. A bad post is tl;dr at two sentances. A good story will have you read it all day.

It's probably easier to write well than make good music because music is probably the most opinionated art though. Good writing will even make bad accompanying art okay.

However, no one wants to read shitty fanfiction or fap stories.

>> No.10857915

I can link some samples, but the goal for this project might require different styles, so I might have to just get writing.
Also, forgive the trip, but I just want to avoid confusion in case there are other writers or similar content providers.

>> No.10858210

>However, no one wants to read shitty fanfiction or fap stories.
From what I've noticed, those two kinds of stories are the only ones that actually get read by people. Good luck getting your story noticed if it neither is based on something with an already existing fanbase nor provides cheap gratification.

(My only two popular stories are a fanfic and a story that was nothing but cheap pandering to the audience (though not sexually).)

>> No.10858272

Drop the thread number thing and the general-oriented OP format, it's attracting crossboarders.

>> No.10859460

Here's some samples of my newest music if you guys still have space and think it's good enough:


>> No.10859620

Hmm... Timeframe? I'll probably consider it complete when we have at least 12 entries and there are no more anons submitting or pending in submission for about 3 or so days? What I mean to say is, I'm not sure just yet.

Come and email me at jpmusicproject1@gmail.com and we'll get rolling.

By the way, for the people uploading music, you can just upload as many tracks as you want in the "Please Upload Here!" folder, and then when we've got a number of tracks in, you can pick which of your own tracks you think is the one you like best and we'll place it in the actual album folder.

>> No.10859902

I love that Blue 3 track. It's very interesting. The other two are also nice. Personally, and this is just me, by the way - so take it with a grain of salt - I think the electronic buzzing and sudden heavy percussion can sometimes get overbearing in Celestial // Spell Cards. But it can see its charm. Also, is that your voice in there, or is that a voice synth?

I've also uploaded all of the tracks I have in the dropbox:


I'm quite partial to Electronic, so I'd say that I like "Into The Dimensional Gerbera Event" most among my work.

>> No.10859925

If you guys need someone to jizz on anything, let me know.

>> No.10859985

By the way, for the /jp/sies who want to follow the progress of the /jp/ music project 1, you're all free to view the submissions through the dropbox link:


If you want to be able to upload, however, you still need an invite from me.

>> No.10860179

Thank you. That celestial track is a little older and I really only uploaded it because it's Touhou and /jp/ related. It does get overbearing, but I wanted it to pound relentlessly and have abrupt shifts to emulate the tension of dodging danmaku.

>is that your voice in there, or is that a voice synth?
The voice is sampled. Ichiko Aoba for Patchwork and Soutaiseiriron for blue.

I like your songs. They're very reminiscent of video games. Though not as exciting as Dimensional Gerbera Event (reminds me of shmup music), my favorite is probably summer drops; it's very sweet. Daydream in a Cup is a close second. Maybe it's the mood I'm in?

>> No.10860481

Go ahead and upload to the dropbox whichever pieces you like and then we can listen to them and later decide which to include in the actual album.

>> No.10860503

Sure thing. I just finished cleaning some of them up.

>> No.10861470

Your beats are weird, but it's nice I like it.

>> No.10861682

Like a narration track? Someone narrating the written story while music and sfx can play in the background?

Not half-bad an idea, really. Doesn't seem too hard either.

>> No.10863037

So is there any deadline I should shoot for? I can probably write a track for this, but a deadline would be a nice motivator and I don't really want to waste my time working on a song for this only to be too late.

>> No.10864119

You should shoot for making something that you like, and wouldn't feel like you wasted your time making it because you liked what you made anyway. Then pass it to us.

>> No.10864171


Well, yes, but you probably want to put a deadline in place so this gets released at some point in time. Otherwise perfectionism will make it take months at the least.

>> No.10864187 [DELETED] 

Any status updates on the /jp/ mansion?

>> No.10864214

As I said, as soon as we get enough submissions, and a few anons have submitted, and more said they will be submitting, we can start filliping up what will be the actual album. For now, only three people have submitted their works in the dropbox, so I'm probably going to wait for at least 3-5 more people to submit, or maybe in a span of 2-3 weeks before we start on selecting the songs.

Don't worry. If it's about actually releasing something that you're worried about, I'm ready to release even just 3 tracks, just one from each of those who have submitted, even without an album art - if ever it turns out that only that many people would really submit something.

And I'll repeat what I said before, I just don't want to set arbitrary limits to pressure or limit anyone who is submitting. Don't even worry about it being 'not good enough'. As I said, as long as you submit something that you, yourself, like - even remotely, then it's well and good.

>> No.10864216

Yeah, I suppose. Deadlines are nice though. I'll just tinker with it forever like >>10864171 said if I don't really have a specific date, sadly.

>> No.10864227

Then a good thing to do is as soon as you have a "draft" up, save it in the dropbox. Then, while you're still working on it, just keep on updating that copy, up until we're ready to release it, and there you go. One track, in the bank.

>> No.10864231

Oh, that's not a bad idea. I got a working rough atm. Gotta mix and tweak it a bit, might upload after that.

>> No.10864370


Well, if you really need submissions, I suppose I wouldn't mind sending in stuff that I made. I'm not really happy with what I've written yet (which is why it doesn't have my real name to it), but I can put it in anyways.


Also, not really sure how /jp/ related any of that is, mostly because I write whatever comes to mind.

>> No.10864441

The melodies are cool. Email me at jpmusicproject1@gmail.com so you can gain access to the dropbox and upload the stuff you like there. As I said, if you're still unsatisfied, you are always free to keep updating your stuff in the dropbox while we're compiling the rest of the works.

>> No.10865652

o snaps you all seem to be doing original music huh. I guess I'll step out of this one, I'll feel bad if I just submit some terrible Touhou arranges in the midst of all those originals.

>> No.10865663

Don't be. It just so happened that people submitted original music. But if you like to create arranges and remixes, then it's good and well - you're still welcome to submit it.

>> No.10865665

Please post some of your arranges here. Touhou arranges are jp related.

>> No.10865671
File: 156 KB, 854x382, art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you make the art too ?

>> No.10865669

I wouldn't mind Touhou arranges.

>> No.10865677

I have very little experience with making music. Is /jp/ ok with my uploading what I would compose for this?

>> No.10865684

Of course. Just email me and I'll give you access right away

>> No.10865688

>Just me making sure the 'tracks' aren't just /jp/ers saying 'dick' through their microphone.

>> No.10865708

I have no such recordings

>> No.10865715

Okay then, I'll try to have a few up by early next week maybe and you can tell me if I have something not mediocre. No promises, though...

>> No.10865719

As long as it's not something boring and tired like trance, I look forward to it.

>> No.10865797

Who wants to do a jp sings for sakura for the intro or outro track?


>> No.10866194
File: 45 KB, 2044x1227, Let&#039;s Rock This.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you call that art, yes. I basically take MSPaint shapes and do things with them. I have to put some port of image up to post stuff on youtube (and I didn't want to take anyone's stuff without permission), though I can't draw worth crap.

>> No.10866469


It's not like most of us do anyways. I've been a performed for a few years, but it's a drastically different mindset than a composer/producer. That's the point of amateur work, you're learning what to do and how to do it.

>> No.10867264

Why don't we make an animation?

>> No.10867330

you start drawing the first 1000 frames.

>> No.10867354

Any status updates on the /jp/ mansion?

>> No.10868787

Is this for group projects only?

>> No.10868865

There's just too many people on /jp/ these days for that to be realistic.
Not that it ever was.

>> No.10869139

/jp/ Commune!

>> No.10869595

I like it

>> No.10870903 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 1920x1080, 1367680200049[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to contribute my recent weeb remixes. There is also random trap and techno on my profile, but who cares about those, am I right?



>> No.10870907

Email me at jpmusicproject1@gmail.com so you can submit it to the dropbox.

>> No.10870923

are you irl gangster?

>> No.10870971

I'll prepare the kool-aid.

>> No.10871057

Is your name Jane?

>> No.10871105

why don't we make a short movie of some sorts. except for programming, this makes use of all the talents.
we use our own music, and our own animation. we could also incorporate several animation/music styles and experiment a bit.
and directing a movie is fun.

we'd need a simple story and make it go through several segments of different animation and music styles.
as for the simple story, think like of ZUN.
-use a MC (youmu/marisa/reimu etc)
-give her a simple task or give her a mystery to solve
-let her meet or seek out other characters for the different segments.

the story isn't too important. what's most important is that the music and the animation meshes well and that the pacing is good.
how does this sound?

>> No.10871279

>how does this sound?

>> No.10871288
File: 245 KB, 1000x1200, 1357258870180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the idea. Plus the music we have are diversified and would fit a story.
But who would do the animation ? I can't do it.

>> No.10871292

I like this. I like this a lot.

>> No.10871293 [DELETED] 

le /jp/ general :P

These threads are so fcking lame, it's like the biggest circlejerk next to NEETs. Why don't you all just fuck off to the already shitty "/jp/" OC thread?

It's pretty clear most people here aren't "from" /jp/ and are just offboarders using it as a springboard, fucking DISGUSTING.

>> No.10871299

>le /jp/ general :P
Only truSHITPOSTERS allowed in /jp/.

>> No.10871300

we should try to be resourceful.
some people can make one or two good scenes, for the rest even babby scratchings are enough.
there are several scenes we could do

-rpg style scene
-a 3d animated scene
-shaft lazyness tricks
-terrible drawings on purpose

there are many possibilities. we can also switch heavily between different music for each scene.

>> No.10871325

add -slideshow animation

>> No.10871352

We could do this in form of one or multiple music videos which form a global story, or not.

>> No.10871401

that already falls under shaft-laziness

>> No.10871803
File: 41 KB, 1280x1024, Empty Space - Avanna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ok, I threw some stuff up. I have another song that I'm currently working on, which should be done sometime within the next month.

>> No.10875964

Get help from the MMD thread guys and do a 3D video

>> No.10875972

wow you guys are so lame and gay. total nerds.

>> No.10880406

a little bump.

>> No.10880434


>> No.10880450


>> No.10880601
File: 183 KB, 500x500, coverbitchwip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover wip for the jp music project (one). Checked out some tracks from the dropbox; cool stuff.

>> No.10880607

That is absolutely gorgeous. Mind if I have a go at inking and colouring it in, in a little while anyways? Unless you want to finish it off some more.
Also, what is her right hand doing?

>> No.10880612

Thanks! I've already started coloring for a bit. You're free to ink/color it anyhow you see fit, though I'll be posting the full one later. Her right hand is supposed to be resting on something like a tv/screen with the title in it.

>> No.10881092

She looks bored.

>> No.10881122

will this album be released under a license that respects my freedoms?

>> No.10881137

Creative content doesn't have to be free, nerd. Even Richard Stallman agrees, and he's a Jewish hippie faggot. Check the bottom of his site, only certain materials are CC, the rest are ordinary copyright.

>> No.10881138

She is browsing /jp/ after all.

>> No.10881144

Are you guys gonna charge money for this....!?

>> No.10881148

i think it looks awesome.

>> No.10881158

Who would the money go to?

>> No.10881160

I dunno maybe you guys would want to buy some 4chan passes to support Moot

>> No.10881167

Uploader here. I think "attribution" and "non commerical" is fine.

>> No.10881190


>> No.10881250
File: 198 KB, 500x500, coverbitchwip2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reworked the sketch a little. Any recommendation for suitable fonts?

Will see what I can do.

>> No.10881287

They are really good, I tell you that.

can i have some download links anon?

>> No.10881292

You should make her more cute and less "bitch", that's just my opinion thought.

>> No.10881295

Very nice.

>> No.10881301

Thanks, I'll try that.

>> No.10881321

save your original, in case it doesn't turn out well, because i think it looks good as is.

>> No.10881332


Please fix her mouth. She looks good except for that Down's Syndrome grin

>> No.10881398

Her smile is fine.

>> No.10881444

One day I will contribute to the /jp/ project thread...but not today

>> No.10881462


it's really not dude. I am sorry if you are the artist, I wasn't trying to be rude but that smile is just pathetic and makes it look like she's suffering from a stroke

>> No.10881468

Different anon here, I don't think it's the smile that makes her look that way, it's more the droopy eyes with it.

>> No.10881471

Other anon here, I see that kind of smile in manga/anime styled art all the time. I think it's cute.

>> No.10881478


Well okay, maybe it's the eyes. Though you do agree that there is something a little "off" about her face, right?

>> No.10881484
File: 222 KB, 1920x1080, Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne - Vol 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too, though I think it looks silly in anime as well. Especially when they do that selective outlining thing.

>> No.10881487

Don't worry I'm sure the artist will fix it.

>> No.10881516

get rid of the space between her legs
she needs them fat thighs

>> No.10881519

Please don't.

>> No.10881529
File: 67 KB, 347x247, muhdick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10881562


I just asked an independent spectator and was told that the right arm is wonky, too.

>> No.10881563

magister pls

>> No.10881690

Yeah, it's a bit on the thick side isn't it? It's still good though.

Also, >>10880607 here. Finally got off my ass and just finished doing the lineart. Time for the fun part!

>> No.10881735

But we still didn't agree on the sketch

>> No.10881797

I know, I'm just doing it for fun.

>> No.10881824

Good for you. That's how these things should be, really, in my opinion.

>> No.10881899
File: 65 KB, 482x162, track art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking, if a lot of different cover art images drawn and we can't decide on a single one, they could all be used for each individual track as the art for that.
Kind of like this.

>> No.10881926

Yes, also if there's a lot of submission we could include a booklet full of art.

>> No.10882066

I'm glad you like them. Updated versions are currently in the dropbox right now along with some other possible tracks so you can DL those before we prune. I'm thinking of releasing an album soon when I have some time seeing as how I have 30+ tracks just sitting here on my HD.

This is a cool idea. I've seen it done on a couple collaborative projects.

>> No.10883128

You, and indeed, others who want to submit art, can upload an archive of art in the dropbox, if you want. Again, just email me at jpmusicproject1@gmail.com and I'll invite you.

And again, for those who just want to _view_ stuff in the dropbox, and have no intention of uploading anything themselves, you can freely do so, with no need of any account, by accessing this link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7vymrf03krqs545/xMtFnbHOQo

>> No.10883913
File: 148 KB, 500x500, covernotbitchwip3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the feedback. Did some hotfixes. Will be inking soon.

>> No.10883930 [DELETED] 

Cute, that. I like it.

>> No.10883944
File: 431 KB, 640x360, 1339624416675.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those legs

>> No.10883954

what the fuck, didn't know it was a gif. scared the fuck out of me

>> No.10884021

She'll eat you up.

>> No.10884117

Seeing music come to life like this would be amazing. If only someone would step up to try it. I doubt animators frequent here anyways though.

>> No.10884893

I'd like to make a quick reminder for the people submitting for /jp/ music project one to the dropbox _not_ to save their only copy in the dropbox. You never know when someone will have a little fun and delete some stuff. Better if you have your working copy in your own machines and just save and update copies of that in the dropbox.

>> No.10884927
File: 18 KB, 800x473, 1363379381996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

masaka! what you talking about.
jaypee full of nice people!

>> No.10885315

Please do not sexualize /jp/music-chan!

>> No.10885322

You are very good.

>> No.10885346


Excellent work. Thank you for listening to the feedback instead of getting upset and refusing to listen :)

>> No.10885395

I liked the previous one better.

>> No.10885700

what is the thing on her head? they look like ears but upon closer inspection appear to be a hood or something.
i guess i'll find out after you color it.

it's not the /jp/ers i would be concerned about.

>> No.10886557
File: 39 KB, 360x360, bump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

captcha: bump

>> No.10886613

you forgot to put bump in the password field

>> No.10886644


You're a retard who just wants to be an idea man and then have his name in the credits somewhere. Fuck off you lousy, pathetic, shit taste, subhuman scum.

>> No.10886702 [DELETED] 

Whoa, I'm just saying I don't like her overly fat things and the "curious" expression on her face.

>> No.10886707 [DELETED] 

And besides, I skilled enough to do something similiar.

>> No.10886716

Whoa, I'm just saying I don't like her overly fat things and the "curious" expression on her face.
And besides, I'm skilled enough to do something similiar.

>> No.10886742

her thighs are not fat, the old one was slightly deformed. if you have your legs together like that, you can't see through between your thighs because there's an ass cheek in the way. they are thicker at the top and get thinner towards your knee.

i'm indifferent about the expression, i liked the old one too.

btw she's my waifu, i called it first.

>> No.10887155

This version is definitely better, good work. Also notice the change in the filename.

>> No.10887248
File: 94 KB, 320x308, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you have your legs together like that, you can't see through between your thighs

>> No.10887316

Is the whole "thigh gap" scare real, or is it just /b/tards making stuff up on Twitter again?

>> No.10887340

What, thigh gaps are hot, and real.

>> No.10887346

that's not a "thigh gap", that's just anorexic

>> No.10887347

Her thighs are fat. Not too fat, but still very meaty.

>> No.10887398

Shut up fatty.

>> No.10887454

Fat bitch detected

>> No.10887456

that's not the same pose. even the twig in your picture would have very little space to see through that gap if she turned ~30 degrees to her right. /jp/music-chan is not facing straight forward.

i won't argue that. she's definitely not skinny, but i wouldn't really call her fat. she's just healthy.

>> No.10888029

>She's not fat! She's a BBW!

>> No.10888048

>She's a BMW!

>> No.10888468

>She's a BBQ!

>> No.10889834


nerds who have never touched a real woman's thighs other than perhaps their mothers should not be commenting.

>> No.10889836

Idiots who don't know shit about anatomy should not be commenting.

>> No.10889929

You mean you have?

>> No.10889994

>Reality in animu girls
no thanks. Bring back the gap.

>> No.10890066

why? it looks better now, realistic or not.

>> No.10890072

>it looks better now
No it doesn't, That's the problem.

>> No.10890091

still talking about this crap?

>> No.10890096


>> No.10890190

Obviously a matter of opinion. Let the artist choose what he thinks looks better, then.

>> No.10890300
File: 289 KB, 862x500, im banned pls help post to thread thanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10890306

I'm a programmer. Would anyone like to make a game where you can take it easy with me?

It would be an open world sandbox and have mundane tasks and a lot of unlockable/customizable stuff.

>> No.10890313

One of the "nerds" is a girl retard.

>> No.10890315

I know some basics of python and C++.

>> No.10890315,1 [INTERNAL] 


Why so many people like this coming to /jp/?

>> No.10890348

i still prefer the thighs in the second image. the third looks wonky to me, although it's hard to say why.

coloring looks great though.

>> No.10890348,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you talking to me?

>> No.10890371

I don't think I would need any help with programming, just an artist and people to talk about ideas with.

>> No.10890371,1 [INTERNAL] 

i love that the “/jp/ is getting shittier” meme is becoming trendy again its my favorite meme

>> No.10890474

Which one?

>> No.10890722

Mine too, dude.

>> No.10890781

go back to your shitposting society

>> No.10890804

I'm already here, dude.

>> No.10890841

I was hoping someone would start a repository where we can just take it easy, adding whatever lines code and other resources, whenever, with the goal of making a game or some interactive time-waster.

>> No.10890882

do eet, I'll come and talk about ideas.

>> No.10890901

Why don't you do it? I will contribute if I can learn to use a repository.

>> No.10890924

what kind of repository would be good for this easygoing project?

>> No.10890976

Git is probably the best bet. I like subversion because I'm used to it from using eclipse all the time.

>> No.10890990

I was hoping someone else would. Not me. Why don't you guys do it?

Are you going to do it? Maybe either Git or Hg.

>> No.10891134

What language will the repository be? I hope it's something I know.

>> No.10891161


>> No.10891183

Late to the party but how about LSDJ?

>> No.10891194

sorry i have no experience with this stuff. (artist)
i was trying to move the conversation along because it sounded like it's useful.

>> No.10891195

I've toyed with it, it's pretty good.

>> No.10891195,1 [INTERNAL] 

I was going to contribute to this but then I submitted my post and saw the janiturd banned me for complaining about 2hu threads on /jp/.

>> No.10892025

Good day, everyone. I'll just post a general update and report as a milestone in the music project.

Currently, we have 6 musicians who have submitted a minimum of 2 tracks each. That finally makes up the target of 12 that I originally aimed for. The first question now that I want to ask is:

Are there still anons who have not submitted yet, but are in the process of making music entries?

While the current lineup is good enough, it would be better to have many more /jp/ers participate and we can get enough participation to only need 1 track per person. Of course, 12 is not a magic number or anything - we can have any suitable number of tracks as the submissions allow. In general, I'm looking at a number of tracks equal to the [ minimum number of tracks per person multiplied to the number of people submitting ]. And that's how I concluded that we've hit the project's target by now.

Now, in the art department, we seem to be coming very close to the early prototype milestone as well, and that's a pleasant surprise - I honestly didn't think we'd even get an artist.

Call it arbitrary, and it is, but I suppose that as soon as we get the first colored prototype of the album cover, the people who have already submitted can start thinking about the Top 1 and 2 of their own tracks, which we will be placing in the actual album. For the people still in progress, however - no worries. We'll wait for you, as long as you say that you're still aiming to submit something.

I'll only note at this end part that submissions _will_ still be accepted - music and art alike. If you are still aiming to submit something, but have not yet been given access to the dropbox, email me at jpmusicproject1@gmail.com. I'll also make a reminder that tracks made somewhere that you cannot save, but can link to, like that one site with the music synthesizers, you can submit the link to my email, and we'll count it as a submission and add it in a text file to come along with the album.

>> No.10892040
File: 912 KB, 500x500, 100_cover.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when some hack board like DQN/SAoVQ can put together a bunch of music albums in just a few years.

That feel when /jp/ fails to make one.

>> No.10892073

Uploader here. I can totally agree with you. I think we should all listen to the submitted tracks so we can decide on 2 tracks to keep per artist, or one track if more artists come and upload their tracks.

>> No.10892079

Working on mine, got to add some one shots / final "mastering" etc

>> No.10892111

Originally, I was thinking the uploaders themselves would pick their favorite among their own tracks. But I can give you guys the freedom on this one, I reckon.

You're free to pick your own tracks or take others' opinions on which of your tracks would be included in the album.

>> No.10892254

It's about quality not quantity, anon! VIP quality doesn't count.

Another uploader here. I have some tracks that I'm partial toward, but seeing how it's a collaborative project, I would rather weigh in the opinions of everyone involved.

>> No.10892635

give me the weekend and i think i can make the song i'm working on presentable. i was just dicking around but i eventually came up with something i liked.

>> No.10892651

Please take as long as you need to create something you like.

>> No.10892829


Jual here, I'm not partial on what gets added/not; all my stuff is on youtube/niconico anyways, so it's not like it isn't already public.

I have another song that I'm working on too, which should hopefully be done within a month or so, but don't wait on it if you're releasing.

>> No.10892834 [DELETED] 

I have a demo that will be ready for /jp/ anal probing either today or tomorrow. I hope it's not too late~

>> No.10892839

I have a few demos that will be ready for /jp/ anal probing either today or tomorrow. I hope it's not too late~

>> No.10894173

anything i can do as an artist?

>> No.10894192

Has the repository been set up yet? I would like to try and contribute.

>> No.10894205

You can make more art. Technically, we already have a cover art, but you can submit another, and we could include as much as we can.

Oh, or, if you would imagine a cd case, there are those that have art at the back, don't they? What with the list of the tracks in the cd? You can also make something for that, if you want.

>> No.10894268

CDs usually have little booklets with more pictures and lyrics on them that fold up and become the cover.

>> No.10894312

yeah it can include as much art as you want. usually the main picture(s) go on the cover and the back cover, but there can be any number of pages in between for lyrics, track info, or just additional pictures.

i'm not the guy managing it, but you could maybe go for a back cover with the same background color as >>10890300

>> No.10894352

Would anybody like mixing or mastering assistance? Assuming I can remember any of the stuff I studied a while back.

>> No.10894389

how does that work? do you need each of the instrument tracks separately so you can mix them together, or do you mix stuff around on the finished track?

>> No.10894406

Mixing would need the session and all the tracks (pro tools can import from various formats), mastering happens on (usually) a single stereo track.

>> No.10894412

>btw i'm a girl btw ;3

>> No.10894431


it sure sounds like i can draw whatever i want.
but i really don't want to meddle with the other artists work too much.

has a general theme been decided for the whole thing? are there any specific characters or are music related drawing in general fine?
i don't know much about this project yet.

anyways, for now i'll just start drawing and then later look at what can be used.

>> No.10894438

Me, me!

Well, to be honest, I'd like to try my hands at post-production, but I'm still learning (shit). So for a release-ready product, I reckon it'd be much better to leave it to someone who knows what they're doing, i.e. not me.

>> No.10894904

Not yet. No one wants to take the initiative.

>> No.10894960
File: 15 KB, 300x100, 65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus fuck, stop being whiny little beta batches and do something:


Use dropbox if you need to store the graphics or something.

Also, come up with a game idea. You're making a sandbox? Is this a minecraft clone, or is it some other sort of sandbox (like a platform to make platformers?)

>> No.10894974

wiki.rei.mu if anyone wants a Wiki. jp-devel.co.cc seems to be dead.

>> No.10895011

>or is it some other sort of sandbox

Something like Animal Crossing or Grand Theft Auto, that kind of sandbox.

>> No.10895017

Make that loli seed game someone suggested where you grow lolis out of seeds.

>> No.10895063

Oh god, I'm imagining super sugary colors as they pop from the flowerbuds while making cute noises, uwaaaah~, pyunnnn~ while flashing happy bright smiles, then calling you daddy/mommy!


>> No.10895069

It really was a cute idea:

>> No.10895108

Please stay away from SVN, it's terrible compared to Git.

>> No.10895127

Makes me think of this game

>> No.10895189

This is neat.

Maybe you could cross-pollinate lolis by planting them near each other. That way you could have a loli with both kuudere and genki attributes. Yandere cross-breeds would be rare and hard to get.

Something a bit like that Chao minigame in the Sonic Adventure games.

>> No.10895209

Just passing by, but didn't you guys made that Kinetic novel "Dandy Girl"?
Just wondering.

>> No.10895217

Why are you using a trip on a board other than your own?

>> No.10895222

Yes, though it was based on a short story and most of the work took place on a separate forum.

Some French people even translated it.

>> No.10895246

I was known here by another name, a long time ago. And I forgot to drop my trip.
Yup, Dandelion Girl by Robert F. Young

>> No.10896182

I guess you can say that the theme is 'stuff that we like'? This is to say that there is no specific theme, just a bunch of tracks that we liked.

>> No.10897410

Uploaded my track, Aftermath.

Thankfully I rendered this shit last night before closing ableton cause now it crashes when I try to open it

>> No.10897576

I like the BGM feel.

>> No.10898318

That feel when no repository to contribute to.

>> No.10898359


That feel when the people who want to are too lazy to start one themselves.

Seriously, there's free stuff all over. Pick one, start, and move later if you have to.

>> No.10898380

When can I listen to the songs?

>> No.10898399


>> No.10898398


Whenever you open the link to the dropbox and download them?

>> No.10898597

so what do you call genius things born from nothing or accident?

>> No.10898659

What do you want the repository for? Why not make it on Github?

>> No.10898673

If anyone needs a programmer for a game project I would gladly devote some of my free time to it.

I have work exeperience with C#, ASP.NET MVC, javascript, jQuery, HTML, CSS and Windows Store apps and also hobby experience with XNA. I also held a one week workshop on XNA once.

I'm prepared to learn some new stuff too if necessary, it just might take some time for me to learn enough to be able to program something useful.

If anyone's interested, my email is in the email field.

>> No.10898677

That's a pretty ENTERPRISE QUALITY repertoire you have there.

>> No.10898698

Just a poor hard working young adult.

>> No.10898858

Have you made any games with XNA?

>> No.10898899


Just simple stuff like Pong and Breakout, but I also played around with 3D and shaders and HLSL.

>> No.10901476
File: 571 KB, 785x530, lolly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this idea was incredibly enticing to me. unfortunately for you guys, all i know is java and i've never made a game in java before. right now it just makes a small board you can move around on (i stole the first Hina sprite i found online for testing purposes)

if anyone is interested, im keeping it on a free, public SVN:
i called it lolly sprout for now because it's the first thing that popped into my head. if you have eclipse you should just be able to check it out and run Main.

not really sure what i'm going for yet. some kind of loli-cultivating sandbox.

>> No.10902360

I don't know Java or SVN but I still want to contribute, is there anything I can do?

>> No.10902989

You could make sprites for him!

>> No.10903453
File: 21 KB, 301x300, HinaKagiyama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sprites would be great. those Hina sprites are 64x64 PNGs (scaled up to 128x128 at the moment). 64x64 seems like a good standard sprite size.

i could also use ideas. maybe it should be a randomly-generated world with pre-growing lolis? or do you have to do something to start growing your first loli?

although i need to finish the basic layout first, it would be good to have some future functionality in mind.

>> No.10903480

momiji sees your dick

>> No.10903721

I think it should be a pre established world. If the game is about growing lolis out of seeds, there should be multiple possibility for the lolis appearance the same way there's multiple possibility for her personnality.
>Something a bit like that Chao minigame in the Sonic Adventure games.
The player should be able to take control of all these parameters, or not. The lolis appearance and personality whould vary with the type of seed and the way you grow it.
>So could could buy tsundere seeds (should be watered daily no matter how much she protests about not liking it), genki girl seeds (requires lots of sun to grow), dojikko moe seeds (prone to toppling over, do not place on balconies), yandere seeds (releases allelochemicals so that she'll be the only one for her onii-sama, shouldn't be planted near other lolis) and so on.
The player whould test and explore possibilities.

>> No.10903757

Also I think it should be an pre established world with places to explore with your loli, like a city (with shops to buy seeds and stuff for your loli), a forest, plains, anything. The player would start poor as a small farm owner, he's got financial difficulties, but some magic shit happens and he is now able to grow lolis. As the game progresses, the player will earn money wherewith he can move to a better place, a new house in the city, a mansion...
So I think we need a pre established world, it would be much more interesting and easier to make something decent graphically.
The graphics would be something like a RPG on the SNES.

>> No.10903814

The graphics for the loli should offer multiple possibilities and a lot of customisation. So I think we should have a large stock of base graphics pieces which we could combine to create an infinity of different sprites.
For example, there should be x different graphics for haircuts, the player could bring his loli to the hairdresser to change the haircut, it means the characters sprites are generated by assembling the base graphics (fuck I can't talk english).

>> No.10903824

Like a jigsaw puzzle?

>> No.10903850

The main interest of the game would be :
- Obtaining seeds and exploring growing methods to obtain lolis with different character.
- Interaction with lolis and interaction between the lolis.
- long term interaction (relation) with loli and between loli (like the sims)
- Getting money and unlockables (seeds, stuff for your loli, anything)
- Buying/unlocking major content like a new house

Maybe add a simple story to the whole thing, in a globally rich and interactive world to discover with your lolis.
I can totally see this game made with RPG Maker or some tool like that.

>> No.10903950

So we need :
- Modular graphics for character (pixelart)
- World and object graphics (pixelart)
- Drawn graphics, for when you talk to the charcter you know, these graphics should be modular too
- Game system with menus, intercation, movement, and the hardest part, IA for the lolis (programmation)
- Music and sounds

Also we need to think precisely about the logic behind the growing and the long term relation, I have no idea how to explain this in english but i'm gonna try...
We need to establish precisely what every action will do for. Basic exemple : the seed give this kind of character.
But I aim for a much more complex system (so it's interesting for the player), see : http://dagobah.net/flash/seed.swf
With cross breeding and cool stuff like that.
>Maybe you could cross-pollinate lolis by planting them near each other. That way you could have a loli with both kuudere and genki attributes. Yandere cross-breeds would be rare and hard to get.
I don't know shit about growing seeds, but i guess we could do stuff like : if you water the seed more or less, or at certain times, or the time when you plant the seed (maybe according to the moon phase), the type of ground you plant the seed in, the use of (magical) fertilizer etc. etc. All this stuff should have an impact on the loli you get in the end.

>> No.10903973

What kind of things will the lolis do on their own that needs AI? Would I be able to do it even if I don't know Java or SVN?

>> No.10904050

For the long term interaction/relation system : we can do something similar to the sims but more focused and cute and moe stuff, every interaction of the player (and the lolis beetween them) should have a consequence. So the player should be able to create a certain relation with the lolis and make them love him or hate him, make them happy or sad, etc. Or even change their long terme personality
Of course the interactions would take account of the personality of the loli, the context and the actual relation you have with her.
So we need to create a systeme that precisely define all this, all the interactions possible, and the consequences.

So each loli has her own specifics that are taken in account for the interactions :
- Sprite generated with modular graphics
- Drawn graphics
- Long term personnality
- Current mood
- Actual relation you have with her
- Actuel relation she has with the other lolis
- Some abstract parameters like favorite color, favorite food, age, birthday and stuff like that (basic exemple : prepare her favorite dish > happy)
- Memory of special events

For the long term personality we can begin with classic stereotypes like tsundere and stuff, but i think we should aim for a more complex system or else it will be boring for the player.

I don't know since I have no knowledge in programmation. See with what I wrote above.

>> No.10904106


For the character/personality :
I think we can define some base personalities that are going to be the guideline for a loli. Then we define a secondary personality (cross breeding) and even maybe a tertiary.
Then we should define context specific personnality.

So when there's an interaction, the system goes :
Check context, check actuel mood, check actual relation with intercating character.
Check base personality, find correct response according with context/mood/relation. (There should be multiple correct responses)
Check secondary personality, narrow the possibility of response, if there's less than one response, go back and ignore this step.
Check tertiary personality, narrow the possibility of response, if there's less than one response, go back and ignore this step.
If there's more than one correct response, choose randomely.
Apply consequences, change in relation, change of mood, etc.

Is it actually possible to program something like that ?

>> No.10904122

>Is it actually possible to program something like that ?


>> No.10904162

Ok so let's do this /jp/.
I got one track to finish and them I'm gonna work on this project.

>> No.10904172

Ok so let's do this /jp/.
I got one track to finish and then I'm gonna work on this project.

>> No.10904191

a loli can have any number of personal attributes and it can be programmed to have them influenced by nearby terrain/spaces/objects every X seconds or whenever an event happens.

i was planning on doing something like growing lolis are influenced by what kinds of objects you place on the tiles surrounding them, and possibly other things like watering them etc.

i was thinking about that, too. maybe if they like you they'll follow you around, or if they don't they'll avoid you (perhaps they will do the same with other lolis if they are shy or not). i'm not sure what other activities they could do, maybe just animations like dancing, singing, etc.

>> No.10906033


And, not the song I was referring to, but I just finished one, which I'll add to the repository.


Did we come up with a deadline?

>> No.10906126

Not exactly, but we did reach our minimum number of tracks, and so I think you can say we're 'close to finishing'

>> No.10906809

Are you still accepting new submissions?

>> No.10907445

Of course. But since we're nearing the end of the project, I suppose I should set a cutoff point. I suppose it would be fair if we stop getting new people once the cover art's first prototype is complete.

At that point, we will only keep waiting for the people who have already said that they will contribute and have already joined the dropbox.

>> No.10907497

I think it would be nice to release the album on the coming Reitaisai date. Get things done before that.

>> No.10907577

Ok, I hope I'm not too late, then


I took it easy too hard last week and only managed to scrounge up one track. I hope /jp/ can still enjoy it, though!

Oh gosh, but what if it's not good enough? And the genre's rather different from the rest of the submissions, too... And it's a Touhou arrange, while most everything else are OC... What should I do, there's so many causes for concern! It's gonna stick out like a sore thumb isn't it

>> No.10907835

good, it'll encourage more touhou arranges for the next CD.

>> No.10907983

>it'll encourage more touhou arranges for the next CD.
Is this a good thing? Are you being sarcastic?

>> No.10908202

Good work !

>> No.10908518

I don't know what date that is, and seeing as this album has no relation to Reitaisai, I don't see it as a necessity to release before that. I'd like to go for a more pliable deadline to give room for our fellow /jp/ers to make something they themselves like and have no qualms or regrets about releasing.

Absolutely welcome. Arranges, OC, whichever and whatever music is welcome. Variety is always welcome.

>> No.10908537

RTS10 is on 26/5, in other words, exactly a week from now.

>> No.10909446

sorry, i wasn't being sarcastic. i just meant that i don't want to alienate people who want to arrange 2hu music. i like 2hu arranges and might do one myself because i suck at coming up with my own tunes.

>> No.10909672

This is awesome good job probably the song i love most from what ive heard

Id love to contribute to the implementation work

how about we decide on a programming language? I know Python and Javascript and could possibly learn a new one quite fast(like Java or C#)

>> No.10909853

Uploader here. So I've listened to all the tracks thoroughly.

Ganjameister - Lovely Girls Anthem
I seem to hear clipping in this track, I think you should review your mix.

The Color Blue, I'm not a specialist on the subject, but In all your tracks, I feel like there's something wrong, the sounds seem to cancel each other out, and the volume oscillates. I think there's too much compression. Please review your mixes. Well maybe that's just me.

Into The Dimensional Gerbera Event
I really like this track but I think it's too long, please consider shortening it.

Here is how I see the album for now :

1. Rhetorics
2. A Misaligned Pulchride (with vocal)
3. Lovely Girls Anthem
4. Canopy Mist
5. Ascend
6. You Are Worthless
7. Aftermath
8. Into The Dimensional Gerbera Event
9. A Miracle
10. Devil's Adorable Disciple
11. Daydream in a Cup
12. reunion
13. Empty Spaces (with vocal)
14. Floating Islands
15. Like The Sun

I used 2 tracks max per artist. I'm still very hesitant for the order but that's the best I came up with for now.
Feel free to give your opinion/suggestion.
