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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11070480 No.11070480 [Reply] [Original]

Please use this thread to discuss and find matches for Touhou 13.5: Hopeless Masquerade.

The current version of the game is v1.03b, the patch can be found here: http://www.tasofro.net/touhou135/index.html#130612

The wiki can be found here: http://shinkirou.koumakan.jp/wiki/Touhou_Shinkirou

Previous thread: >>11040115

>> No.11070490 Finland

>> No.11070634

(Repost for a friend who is AFK right now)

>Does someone already shared some replays or videos of interresting battles going on here? I'm not pretty good to perform combos and stuff, so I want to see how a real match goes on for my knowledge. Also, it's because I'm not able to play online.

He told me something about how Reimu and Marisa could be broken by using 8 brooms, and about combos who can deal +8k damage.
I'm kinda curious to see it in action too.

>> No.11070645

Still hosting.

>> No.11070644

anyone want a few take-it-easy matches? I'm not really into fighting games outside touhou so don't expect much! east coast

>> No.11070718

thank you to whoever I was playing earlier. good games~

>> No.11070748

Here's the match OP picture is from, though I'm not sure exactly what kind of replays you're looking for. Other than the ridiculous ending it might not be that interesting, since nothing spectacular happens.

You can spectate people with the second connect option if you just want to watch normal matches.

>> No.11070775

GGs, first time I played against a Miko player.

>> No.11070776

Good fights man, that was great. Think I'll let someone else have a turn now since we've been at it almost an hour.

>> No.11071039

GGs, but it has to be a sign for me to stop after I get perfected in 3 out of 4 matches in a row.

>> No.11071041

GGs again. You started using that sword to punish my advances this time, so it became a lot harder to run into you and spam attacks. I think you should start using the corner to your advantage though, since most of the time you back off without using oki.

>> No.11071077

I didn't really get to sleep last night so I wasn't really thinking of what I was doing with all the 5Bs.
Which also explains the last 4 rounds. But whatever, I'll just head to bed early tonight.
As for the oki, I wasn't even sure what it meant until now so I guess I'll try it out some other time.

>> No.11071106 US East

>> No.11071141
Still practicing Ichirin tier

>> No.11071179 [DELETED] Korea
I wanted to play with foreign player so I come to 4chan ^ㅅ^

>> No.11071196 [DELETED] Korea
Futo player. Is there any problem with my network?

>> No.11071232
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>> No.11071305
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Tunnel vision tier

>> No.11071334

GGs Nanou, Ichirin is really scary. I keep wanting to graze Unzan's punches for some reason, haha.

>> No.11071346

GGs Hina, I think that's a good time to stop. A lot of those matches were very close. It's great how when two opponents have low health shit divulges into a danmaku throwing match.

>> No.11071403

GGs Daiwod. Remember to block when your opponent has the advantage.
Continuing to host.

>> No.11071635

ggs pluot
I'm starting to get tired. I'm suprised I even lasted that long.

>> No.11071674

GGs. Mamizou seems a lot better than everyone thought she was at first.

>> No.11071684

Oops, I hit b by accident. It seemed a bit laggy, but we can try a game or two if you want.

>> No.11071708

Are you the one who connected and the game froze while loading the stage? That often happens when the host has their game open for a long time waiting for a connection, and gets solved by restarting the game, so just rejoin if it happens.
Moderate lag is no problem for a short set of matches.

>> No.11071740

Hmm it's very sad to me that i can't play game with you because of lag..

>> No.11072046

Am I the only one who still plays hisoutensoku?

>> No.11072054


yes. anyone here who tells you they'll join a hisou game if you host is just pulling your leg.

>> No.11072057


well, yes, but I also preferred hiso to the new one.
I still prefer MBAAC to hiso though.

>> No.11072066

How do you play?

I can't find anything that explains the controls. I'm stuck with just mashing random keys.

>> No.11072074

Did you figure what key does what?

>> No.11072081

I figured out that A does a basic attack so I just spam A

>> No.11072093

Good now figure out the rest
or just use the wiki that's in the OP

>> No.11072113

The controls listed on the wiki are wrong. It says B does heavy melee but when I press B nothing happens. Also S does some kind of special attack, wiki doesn't list S as a control.

>> No.11072124

They assume you aren't dumb enough to think that the default keys are scattered around the keyboard. They're not wrong.

>> No.11072129

Anyone know how to get two gamepads to work?

I've been trying to get it to recognise my friends 360 pad for the last 45 minutes.

>> No.11072135

you can use xpadder

>> No.11072154

Why didn't I think of that. Thanks, dude.

>> No.11072543


>> No.11072709


Gamespads? Got friends, you fucking faggot. {doesn't need a ? because it's fact} - i am drunk -

(For some reason tasofro are shit and you can't use two 360 pads. Use a different type of pad or something. We ended up with USB>ps2 adaptors)

>> No.11072796
pretty bad.

>> No.11072845
let's have fun~

>> No.11073120

GGs, Pluot. Sorry to cut it short, but these lag spikes and disconnections are killing me. I'm sure it's my connection that's on the fritz again, so I'll play again some other time.

>> No.11073127

That was fun, FluffyRumia. I blew that Last Word spell. -_;;

>> No.11073442

i've been drinking as well~ d-does anyone want to play me???? pls respond ugh ;_;

>> No.11073481

nevermind gonna play some mahjong
have gosdn nit p`

>> No.11074029
File: 315 KB, 1840x769, Flanvsdarkflan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11074029 Easy Coast

>> No.11074773


>> No.11075989 :10800
east coast

>> No.11076221


>> No.11076227









>> No.11076230

And a blog post http://www.tasofro.net/cgi-bin/tasoblo/tasoblo.cgi?no=79







>> No.11076340
Tunnel vision tier

>> No.11076562

Welp, couldn't get a grip on you. Those were really intense for me. Fun matches, though.

>> No.11076579

GGs. I mostly played Ichirin instead of Marisa since I felt the matches were a lot more calculative and based on approaches when I used her, and more about chasing and pinning down with Marisa. The former seemed like a better option for both of us.
Try to use spellcards more. They're essentially handy if you're the one who gets into the hp range to use them faster, and you could probably hit a lot of them even at random against someone as recklessly aggressive as me. Against players who use spellcards a lot, I get hit by one at least every other game, usually more.
I had fun, so feel free to join again in the future if you want to have more matches.


>> No.11076902

GGs Kaali. I can't believe I pulled off that 66A 5B 5X corner loop. It's only really good for training inputs since it's pretty tight, and I drop it maybe 80% of the time in practice.


>> No.11076931

GGs, I can't believe how I kept getting caught by your B attacks over and over again.
Atleast I managed to win that 1 match thanks to the Nitori's item that I finally decided to add.
Oh and funny how you managed to get a combo to a declared spell card while Ichirin had her damage boost up for less damage than yesterday.

>> No.11076938

The spellcard's punch placement is random, so you have to get lucky to get the godly damage. I don't think I was in corner for that damage boosted one either, and that reduces the damage a lot too. Pretty sure you also take less damage the less hp you have, so that's a factor as well.

>> No.11077088

So much for the 1.04 patch being "more than just bugfixes". Where the fug is my playable Kokoro?

>> No.11078078

Anyone got a download link for the tracks from the music room? Can't seem to find the OST on google.

>> No.11078552

waiting for dat translation..

btw Broom nerf so Nitori nerf GG

>> No.11078592

hostingu, kind of drunk

>> No.11078617

hit exit by accident, still hosting

>> No.11078666

Hina, are you not on 1.04? keeps sending us to char select...also nice icon

>> No.11078669

sorry rumia, I think I was the one hitting exit this entire time. I use the ps2 analog stick and pressing L3 takes it back to the character select screen for some retarded reason. Also my game just froze so I think I'll just stop for now.

>> No.11078687
File: 36 KB, 251x277, 1351521106784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The screen was just pitch black, so I quit. First time doing anything online. Sorry.

I'm so embarassed.

>> No.11078717

Don't worry about it, it was my fault anyway. I was pressing whatever button it was that took us back to the character select screen. since I use ps2 analog, I think it was L3 that was doing it. This didn't happen before 1.04...

I'm not sure why Tasofro would add that option in to be honest. Seems like it'd encourage ragequits more than anything.

>> No.11078736

Okay. I'm happy to try again, if you'd like.

>> No.11078757

sure, I think I'll play only a few more though. I am pretty tired.

>> No.11078786

Trying to join again.

>> No.11078810

You were the one hosting...Unless you're not Rumia, then I've been talking to the wrong person this entire time!

>> No.11078814

I'm not Rumia! Whoops.

>> No.11078895

Broom nerf hit Ichirin harder than anyone.

>> No.11079349

After patching, the game runs at 32fps and half the buttons stop working.

>> No.11079380

For me it was like that before patching, but the patch fixed it.

>> No.11079449

Is anyone hosting?

>> No.11079503


>> No.11079520

Is there anything that can be done to improve the framerate in netplay? Feels impossible to play with 5fps and large input delay, when the single player is fine.

>> No.11079534

If single player is fine, netplay should also be fine as long as you have a decent connection and you're playing with someone who isn't too far from you.


>> No.11079540

So the framerate in netplay is dictated off latency? Well, that's unfortunate.

>> No.11079555

Yeah, it seems like past a certain point the game will stop setting the delay higher and start slowing the game down. Or maybe it just uses the same delay all the time and doesn't even try to guess at it.

>> No.11079574

I see. Well, as someone who lives in a remote corner of the world, it's very dissapointing.

>> No.11079712

Someone please onegai

>> No.11081465

What did they nerf about broom?

>> No.11081615

The active part is removed, though from the blog it sounds like it's just a temporary measure? Pretty heavy nerf even if it is just temporary though.

>> No.11082000

Anyone else experiencing this?

>> No.11082739

feelio when your laptop can't handle this game

>> No.11082834

So the devs say they don't want to go on a patching spree and remove things like they did in swr and soku, but they remove broom already?

>> No.11082847

To be fair, broom was kind of horrifically broken.

>> No.11083167


>> No.11083443


>> No.11083443,1 [INTERNAL] 

What's the point of numbering these threads? My god, it pisses me off to no end when people do this.

>> No.11084104

GGs Kaali. Is it 5Y fucking up your spellcards from time to time?

>> No.11084111

GGs as always, I was almost pulling my hair out on those missed spell cards because the 5Ys kept messing it up.

>> No.11084296


>> No.11084647


>> No.11085132

ggs pluot. I am sorry for playing badly. I am drunk right now.

>> No.11085155

GGs, thanks for playing anyway.


>> No.11087177


>> No.11088237


>> No.11088470

translate it weebs

>> No.11088512


bugfixes, shield reduces less damage or something, and broom is useless now.

>> No.11088746


>> No.11088818

And you can now graze on wakeup from nontechable limits.

>> No.11089199


ggs nanou, that might've been the worst beating i've ever received. ichirin's normals are absolutely suffocating!

>> No.11089216

GGs, Sauce. It seems you have a habit of trying to graze through all my spellcards. That's great if possible, but make sure you aren't too reckless. I know I caught you way more times than I should have when I threw oraoraora out.

>> No.11089246


I love watching this guy's futo

>> No.11089252


but it should be possible any time! i usually fuck up the timing, but that's something i'll hopefully get better at as i fight more ichirins; i don't think there's any other safe way for nitori to punish it, anyway.

>> No.11089297

Fuuuck. Wish I could play Futo like that.

>> No.11089410

Oh wow, Futo's pillar attack has a version where she moves forward a bit before rising?
I always had it mapped to 8c and used it like that. That would be fun to play around with, now that I have an empty slot from broom.

>> No.11089423


>> No.11089439

Still hosting Foolish, I just wanted to change options.

>> No.11089467

Controller started failing. I'm still hosting.

>> No.11089468

Well I forgot how to play this game
Must of been soku

>> No.11089525

GGs Foolish. Sorry for all the DCs, but this one is for real. Soku destroyed me the last time I went back to it also, it'll clear up with a little play.

>> No.11089532

Well damn
Guess I'll wait for another EC host to host

>> No.11089539

Actually I can play Maribel, I thought I had to leave. I'll host for you if you want.

>> No.11089553

Lol I think you're still accidentally hosting, Renee.
I was just testing and ended up joining. Sorry, just thought I'd let you know.

>> No.11089556

Not that player
But I'm good for today

>> No.11089785

it's your friendly neighborhood us west nitori

>> No.11090060

Roflmao GGs Secret.
Lol I don't get to play this enough. The lag + my own inherent suckage just made for all kinds of derps, dropped combos, being baited...
Good times, good times. I had fun. Play again some other time.

>> No.11090068


ggs octopus! sorry for that ultra-laggy last match, i think my roommate just got home and is destroying my bandwidth. you started doing a lot better near the end of our set, punishing a lot more of my shit.

>> No.11090097

Lol Thanks. I did start to pick up on what I needed to do/ not do, but my biggest problems are still getting baited by that oh-so-good wrecking ball and just not reacting fast enough by mere frames.
Your defense is so good. If you aren't jump-spamming, your blocking pretty much everything. Half of my failed combos were because I didn't expect actual hit-confirm Lol.
Thanks for beating the crap out of me for a bit; I need the practice.

>> No.11090108


>> No.11090155

Canda East

>> No.11090212


>> No.11090376

GGs Foolish. I am really sad that I whiffed that Last Word because I thought that I missed the combo ender and lost because of it.

>> No.11090410

ggs nanou. sorry about resetting those matches. Sometimes I get a bit too excited and hit L3 by accident. I wish I could remap that button or something.

>> No.11090414

GGs, Hina. I didn't even know there was a reset button. I thought the game was just bugging out.

>> No.11090487

ggs pluot
I didn't know you subbed Byakuren.

>> No.11090494

GGs. I only picked her up a couple of days ago.

>> No.11090495
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Has anyone else had this issue? Google is no help.

>> No.11090781


>> No.11091076 [DELETED] 


>> No.11092962

Hopefully there are Europeans on today. Going without a single game yesterday was suffering.

>> No.11093313

GGs. Jesus christ your corner pressure is brutal. I should work on not getting trapped in that.
I should also learn to actually play Koishi, she's tons of fun.

>> No.11093316

GGs. I felt like a zombie every time I dropped a combo or mistimed my oki, which was something like half the time.
The key to corner pressure is to wait it out and find a way to escape. You don't always have to counterattack, though with my play like that it was a pretty good strategy.

>> No.11093518


>> No.11093525

GGs Quwanti. You probably need to figure out some higher damage Futo combos, since even when I got hit a lot, I lost very little hp.

>> No.11093899


hosting for a bit

>> No.11093999

Yeah. It's really hard though. I'm barely able to do a stun combo.

Gah, sorry about that. Didn't expect to have it like that. Previously haven't had any problems with other region's.

>> No.11094121

how do i remap keys in options, the game keeps freezing

>> No.11094229

>> No.11094317

GGs Secret. Those matches were a lot of fun :)

>> No.11094330


s'alright. your ichirin looked pretty sick despite the lag, anyway.


ggs octopus! your futo is looking better and more aggressive from yesterday; once you get her limit combos down, you'll probably do very well.

>> No.11094355

GGs Rumia, sorry for the lag. Don't forget to pushblock away when you're stuck in a corner.

>> No.11094385
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Port forwarded, hopefully it will work. Dutchland

>> No.11094409

Not working for me, friend.

>> No.11094419

scratch that, it's just fine.

>> No.11094779

>>11094229 rehosting da ze~

>> No.11094815


hosting some more

>> No.11094861
File: 492 KB, 800x473, 1319700638378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much lags and it seems it crash.
But ty and ggs.

>> No.11094928

GGs. Sorry about the lag and all that. Only wanted a few matches, and only people far away tend to be hosting.

>> No.11094966


>> No.11095097


ggs again, octopus; it looks like my client keeps crashing, so i'm just going to call it quits for now.

your miko suddenly became super solid! i guess i can't just throw things out anymore and expect them not to get beat.

>> No.11095098

GGs again, Secret. My program crashed, but that's probably a good place for me to stop for tonight.
Whatever early victories I had were completely undeserved, but I really started to finally feel comfortable during our later matches. It's taking me a long time since I don't get to play with people all the time, but I'm finally starting to get a feel for what is safe and what isn't.
Hope to play again another time :)

>> No.11095108

And one final bit of information I shouldn't tell you, you could actually probably stand to throw out more cucumbers. I fucking hate those things, and I fall for them all the time. Especially when I get baited into doing Miko's slow moves, like the pain circle or whiffed swords.

>> No.11095247


I learn a lot when I play against you, what's good and what's not. Looking forward to the future matches.

>> No.11095248

GGs. Your Futo was quite a bit different from the one I fought a few hours ago.


>> No.11095591
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11095591 US South, version 1.04

I like to 5B at people

>> No.11096209


>> No.11096367
File: 394 KB, 800x1338, cc5f6e8a9da02d27cf578b11eca8ab64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna host tomorrow, more looking to join matches. Any one US east that isn't busy~?

>> No.11096404

Why do you post the way that you do

>> No.11096428
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Normality is boring.

>> No.11096433

Am I being played here or are you really doing this

>> No.11096436
File: 279 KB, 400x480, 7c09a2625b9e3f806d0c840e8b9004723469def2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the pope wear a funny hat?

>> No.11096437

Are you a teenage girl

>> No.11096443

I am you.

>> No.11096446

GGs, Pluot. It's super annoying sharing a hit-box with Unzan. Punching a bullet only to get stunned and open to combos is the worst.

>> No.11096452

GGs. It's too bad we've been getting so many lag spikes. I'd really like to try playing Nitori against your Ichirin in an actual game.


>> No.11096462

Whoever tried to connect, are you patched to 1.04?

>> No.11096639


hosting some games before i pass out for the night

>> No.11096663

GGs Pluot. Sorry for having you play laggy games for a while, but they were really fun, so I didn't want to stop right away.

>> No.11096680

GGs. When it's that laggy it's almost nice sometimes because it's so easy to hitconfirm. And thanks for the Marisa combos, I'll try to use some of them instead of my 5x 5x 5x combo if I ever play her again.

>> No.11096751


fuck, looks like i still can't go toe-to-toe with your ichirin. ggs, though.

still hosting

>> No.11096780

GGs, Sauce. It's hard to initiate Ichirin due to UNZAN STRONG UNZAN SPAM, but if you geyser spam then I can't go on the offensive as much. I'd probably hit the geyser on accident and fuck myself over.

>> No.11096874

GGs. Shame about the lag but hella fun anyways. Lets try again sometime.

>> No.11096882


ggs, renee! it seems like we'll never be able to get a great connection, but doing a long-ish set with you was great. i have to try not getting read so often on wakeup.

>> No.11096901

Just pushblock everything on wakeup and you'll be halfway to mastering the Byakuren matchup. There shouldn't be any reads involved, since everything but blocking will lose.

>> No.11096924


the reads come after the pushblock! and sometimes i'd do stupid shit like think "oh, i'm waking up now, guess i better pushblock" but nitori would already be starting her tech so i'd end up coming out with A instead.

dunno, maybe i'm just tired but i felt like the match ended every time you got me into the corner

>> No.11096947

Since Byakuren isn't Nitori, she can and will run out of spirit very fast if she tries to keep up pressure while you pushblock, so just wait until she does and then getting out of the corner should be straightforward. Her pressure really isn't anything scary. If anything, it's her neutral (read: super confirms) that you should be afraid of, and even that's not too scary because Byakuren just isn't very good.

>> No.11096961


it's not that i think byakuren is some kind of pressure monster or something, i was just saying i thought your aggression was well-timed and it seemed like you'd usually know what i'd try to get out with in the corner. byakuren may be the meiling of HM but you make her look good.

>> No.11097431
File: 86 KB, 700x700, 53097ba7a0cb43147012a0f8f65c44b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11097431 US South, version 1.04

Early morning sleepies tier.

>> No.11097535

Good games, 'Pineapple'.
Sorry for being lame.

>> No.11097785

No fun allowed http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm21148496

>> No.11097843

Some IRCfag did that to me. It was awful.

>> No.11098171


>> No.11098172


>> No.11098258

>that fucking broom

>> No.11098278

I take it this is why tasofro nerfed it

>> No.11098359

That wasn't me (Renee) responding to you sauce. Sorry I headed straight to bed after our set.

I don't know who you are but my wake up pressure varies a lot. With staggers, charge moves and my b moves it's not hard to confirm on someone that is anxious to get out the corner. And no I won't run out of spirit. Even if I do I usually still get a confirm off, I just can't limit. Secret knows what he's doing and it isn't as simple as "pushblocking" on wake up, although that is the first step. I'm not really sure if I can offer many tips on escaping my pressure, but patience will help. In the end all I can do is attempt spirit damage if you just block, that would probably be the easiest time to escape.

>> No.11098470

ggs pluot

Those were some silly sets.

>> No.11098474

GGs. That red cape 8b is insane.

>> No.11098993

what do the tiers for this game look like? I see people saying Byakuren isn't good, but I thought she was pretty decent.

>> No.11099034


>> No.11099071


i guess that's a matter of opinion. here's my take on it:

S+: Marisa
S: Reimu, Nitori
A+: Ichirin
A: Mamizou, Miko
B+: Byakuren, Koishi
Suwako Tier: Futo

>> No.11099130

GGs. Was the lag really that bad when you last connected? I don't remember the matches being that slow.

Still hosting.

>> No.11099133

GGs Relial. Sorry if the lag was too much for you; I was just sort of seeing who was hosting. It was fun, though :)

>> No.11099139

>suwako tier
r u avin a giggle m8

>> No.11099150

I'm curious why you think Byakuren isn't all that good. It's been awhile since I've fought one, and I don't really play her myself, but whenever I spectate matches or used to fight them, they seemed pretty fucking legit. She's got good normals and her speed is pretty fast; what's so bad about her?

>> No.11099232

Isn't Reimu better than Marisa?

>> No.11099235


Her normals are fast, but most of them don't cover a whole lot of space, so she seems to get bullied by characters with bigger normals unless you're careful about your movement. Her dash seems like it's as much of a problem as it is a useful tool, since opponents can preempt it with a heavy attack or use X or Y to autocorrect if Byakuren goes behind them.. Then again, I'm not exactly the God of Touhou so don't take my post too seriously.

>> No.11099251


You tell me!

>> No.11099280

Yeah you aren't too correct on any of those points. Byakuren is weak because her damage often can't keep up with the rest of the cast (her easy confirms barely break 2.5) and has the same weakness as China when it comes to bullet play. Pressure is hard to build in this game but Byakuren does well if you can pull it off. If you can't you're stuck half confirming off normals. Her dash is godly and has none of the problems you attempt to attribute to it. It has been buffed twice since release.

>> No.11099348


>her easy confirms barely break 2.5

Isn't that like half the cast?

>Her dash is godly and has none of the problems you attempt to attribute to it. It has been buffed twice since release.

I've seen people do both those things to her dash. I haven't been keeping up with the changelogs but I was under the impression they were all bugfixes.

>> No.11099387

>A+ Ichirin
nah, her and Mami or Miko should swap places...

>> No.11099394

Now you know that her dash was buffed. Just know that you cannot punish or read the dash itself anymore.

2.5 damage is half the cast? Yeah... no. I'm not sure what players you've been fighting though. And I was being generous saying her easy confirms break 2.5k. I forgot to mention the whole loading thing, which is partially why it's difficult to combo with Byaku. She also can barely limit if she doesn't have a card loaded.

Don't get me wrong, I am barely complaining and I love my character the way she is. I'm just pointing out her weaknesses to you.

>> No.11099395

I'm going to counter your "small normals" argument with: Miko. Let's face it, she got he short end of the stick for most of her physical attacks. Byakuren at least can hit people above her with a physical attack consistently; doing that with Miko takes a miracle or a well-placed 66A. Not to mention that if you Byakuren messes up those physicals, her 5X can actually home while it cancels to continue decent pressure. And if you're comparing her normals to Marisa and Nitori, then don't. Everyone loses to them in that regard.
Her dash /can/ be problematic since you /have/ to go a set distance when you activate it, but it's not really that big of an issue. It's raw speed and spammability make it at least as usable as any other dash. Plus her standard movement speed is high to make up when you just need to re-position yourself normally.
And for damage, that's what that ridiculously easy to land spell card is all about. Proration may drop its value fast, but it still hits like a flock of knife wielding doves driving a truck.
I'll admit that she's no Reimu, but don't lock her down in the dungeon with the low tiers yet. (I'm not even sure I would consider Koishi low- I think she just takes some SERIOUS adjusting to, which I have admittedly not done yet.)

>> No.11099413

>Byakuren at least can hit people above her with a physical attack consistently; doing that with Miko takes a miracle or a well-placed 66A.
8B and swords above level 0 if they count as melee.

>> No.11099429

You cannot "counter" his argument by saying "mikos are wayy wose!" Also he was flat out wrong about her normals not covering range. Only Marisa has ever flat out beat my normals in range. Byaku normals are insane and her major strength. Her 5a is fast and good coming from below but if your opponent haa a 5a that's good from above you won't be seeing 5a's land anytime soon.

Landing spell cards require you to get your ass beat, or beat so much ass that they barely have a chance at coming back. They should never be fully relied on.

>> No.11099436

They count as shots. It brings me great suffering T_T
And 8B hits mainly in front of her- she and Futo have no real practical physical attack for hitting above them.

>> No.11099444


I'm going based off of the combos posted on the wiki. Maybe some people here have some secret tech that they aren't sharing but I'm not aware anyone outside of Marisa, Reimu, Nitori and Ichirin can do much more than that off of "easy confirms."


I'm not saying she isn't viable, but how many characters is she better than? It's hard to tell since I haven't seen any other tier lists in these threads and there's like two consistent Byakuren players here.

>> No.11099460

The only reason I called it a "counter" is because that was part of his argument for her position in his list. I was simply stating that Miko's /are/ worse, so /her/ position on the list above Byakuren confused me.

>> No.11099467

What about cloud fist?

>> No.11099503

I hit people above me with 8B all the time. When it hits from underneath it knocks them behind you but it still hits.
Plus you could just teleport above them or behind them but that's a little risky.

>I'm not aware anyone outside of Marisa, Reimu, Nitori and Ichirin can do much more than that off of "easy confirms."
Miko has a decent amount of ~3k combos you can land off of 66A and 5AAA. Pretty sure they only work at max cape level but they exist and they're pretty easy to confirm.

>> No.11099505

Oh, I think all the characters are viable. The game is... well, kinda balanced for coming out of the gates. I don't expect it to be perfectly even across the board, but it holds up pretty well.
As for who is worse/ better? Well... I don't have exact figures to give, but I would probably say that Reimu and Marisa are over-all better, with Nitori being a likely candidate for the same. I have trouble gauging Ichirin, but if she can get rolling on dealing damage, then I would probably say she's better. That of course depends on the player, which makes my speculation completely worthless.
I would probably say Mamizou and Miko are definitely worse overall, but are still playable for sure. Koishi, like I said, can be great, but is awkward, so I'm not really sure. As for Futo... I kind of think her damage output is a little low, so I'll put her below Byakuren, I guess. But I also sucking at comboing with her.

If that's physical, then I need to equip it right the fuck now. I thought it was a shot attack.

>> No.11099665
File: 35 KB, 149x151, 1371728728409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You clearly didn't play the game enough if you think Miko is one of the worse, Marisa one of the best and thinking that it's balanced.

>> No.11099742

Yeah, you're probably right. I've seen some Miko's that kick ass, and she certainly deals the damage when she connects her hits. I probably just suck too much myself, so maybe I'm being too biased.
I guess I'm just focusing on how small a lot of her hitboxes are, coupled with the fact that a lot of her moves take some anticipation or you leave yourself vulnerable for fucking ever on whiff. Again, I also suck, though, so I'm not great at 5X cancelling all my missed shit like better people.

I am jealous of your ability to hit people above you with 8B. I try and try, but its hitbox is barely short enough vertically for me to fair miserably.

>> No.11099755

Miko loses most of her higher damage combos when her cape isn't red since the ring and 6[6]A become pretty useless and it becomes a lot harder to land 8B/2B. If you slip up and don't get the first hit or have problems dealing with pressure and barely ever get to max cape level she's not that good but red cape Miko is really strong.
Ranking Miko is pretty hard because of the cape mechanic. She's as good as the person playing her.

>> No.11099795

Lol True. If I get on a roll, she can be pretty terrifying, but come purple cape and the game gets a lot harder for me. She needs those longer hit-stuns for some real damage.
To be fair, ranking most of the characters is a pretty daunting task.

>> No.11099852


>> No.11099928

GG, Pluot. I don't know how I managed to get a last word in that round with how poorly I was playing.

>> No.11099934

GGs, but that was even worse than usual.

Also, even if the delay makes it hard to time meaties, you really shouldn't get in the habit of pressing buttons on wakeup.


>> No.11100068

Anyone up for soku?

>> No.11100080


>> No.11100105


>> No.11100205

GGs Nanou. Picking up Futo? She's really fun. Koishi vs Futo looked pretty bad for Futo though, hope you can make her work! Her hitbox is annoyingly small, I can barely combo her midscreen...

>> No.11100209

GGs, Hina. I think I'm going to spend some time in practice so I can figure out some actual Futo combos. This hit and run shit can only get me so far.

>> No.11100280

Okay, 2 games in a row where my program crashes is a sign to let it go for tonight. I like playing with you Relial, but it's just not gonna happen tonight.
GGs for what we got to play, though. Wish we could do more :(

>> No.11100296

GGs. Shame there's no helping the delay.


>> No.11100359

Are there any japanese streams or videos I can watch on nico nico or another website that I can just watch?

>> No.11100380

Earlier in the thread someone posted a link to a guy that plays Futo. You could also try spectating some of the fine folks here. If you want more than that, I can't help you at the moment.

>> No.11100385

Just search for 東方心綺楼 on nico, there are tons.
I've been enjoying this guy's stuff lately: http://www.nicovideo.jp/user/25362498

>> No.11100431

Alright thanks. Is there an english patch in the works or at least a screen capped image of the menus so I can learn how to connect and adjust various settings?

>> No.11100445

Looks interesting thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.11100450

There's a link to the wiki in the OP, it's got everything you need.

>> No.11100470
File: 1.28 MB, 1748x2480, Mizuhashi Parsee 90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs. I just don't know what to do when I get walled... I feel like as soon as you get a jab in I'm being comboed for the rest of the match

I really should try to learn some combos for times I actually DO get openings...

>> No.11100488
File: 366 KB, 525x672, 4fa220f6de5989bcb2ddc70c69027517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11100488 us south, 1.04

the lamest little byakuren in all the west

>> No.11100515

GGs. When you're in the corner you should pushblock and look for an opening to jump out. When I was playing Nitori, you would tend to either press buttons after a close grappling hook or not pushblock my autocombo, letting me stay close enough to close in again with hook. If you pushblock her autocombo (not the first one when you wake up with the lock-on missile, but the one after that) then she only has a few weaker options to keep you under pressure.

>> No.11100584

english patch is in the works at shrinemaiden. No eta as of now but progress is being made.

>> No.11100593

Practicing Futo tier

>> No.11101023

Good games, pluot.
Sorry for being so mashy, I got a little excited. I haven't fought a Nitori or Miko ever since the game came out, so it was really neat. I really had no idea what to do against Nitori, though..
I hope I performed satisfactorily enough.

>> No.11101106

GGs. I haven't played Miko much, so I hope beating me up wasn't too dull. Your Byakuren was interesting, though. I've never seen anyone run Unzan pot on her or use that white aura move before, so I wasn't quite sure what to do either.

>> No.11101123

It wasn't dull at all, except for maybe those times where it seemed like you were saying "kill me" when you were stuck with bluecape and no health. ^^;
I run the pot so I'm not stuck midscreen without something to do if I don't buffer something (which is often, since I kind of forget her skills are there sometimes..).
That little burst thingie is really helpful for robbing Miko of her redcape toys if she gets too zealous, which is nice, although it's kinda easy to bait since it's a bullet and the duration of it is so short. Neat hitbox, though, and the hitstun is absurd. Now only if it dealt good spirit damage..
I can see now why people were talking about Nitori's corner pressure; I really couldn't find a way to pushblock you away once you started that grapple loop.

>> No.11101154

The loop only worked because you kept not pushblocking the first few hits of my autocombo. If you pushblock all of them Nitori will be too far away to catch jumps and mashing with grapple. Her corner pressure is strong, but it's not inescapable.

I was too afraid of your 2b to risk grazing it anyway, but I somehow didn't realize that the white burst was grazable. I guess that explains why it seemed so strong. I'll try to use that the next time I see it.


>> No.11101619

GGs Pluot. Miko!!!! Did you replace byaku as your second or are you gonna play both of them? Anyways I'm excited to see what kinda crazy stuff you gonna do with her!

>> No.11102751
File: 511 KB, 1200x850, fb0b88b116ccfc7b5ec1cb037a6e98be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11102751 us south, 1.04


>> No.11103340


>> No.11103507

How do I declare my spellcard in an actual game? I read the wiki and all is fine during training but I can't do it in a vs com or anything out of training.

>> No.11103544

Health bar

>> No.11103651

Whoops, my game crashed. GGs Nanou, your Futo certainly got a lot better. Fighting her is pretty tiring since she's so fast.

>> No.11103675

GGs Hina, I think I did a lot better than last time. I still can't get use to her short range, but I guess that's because I'm too use to Ichirin. I wish I could better timing spellcards, though. Getting sucked into yours after whiffing is embarrassing.

>> No.11103778

rehostan in hopes that people still aren't sleeping

>> No.11103839

Sorry Byakuren player, but it looks like my connection is on the fritz right now. Some other time maybe.

>> No.11103855

Oh, it's quite alright.

Rehosting again.

>> No.11103876

hosting now

>> No.11103965


>> No.11103976

You can punish my super when I whiff. And don't mash if I get you with an untechable limit combo!

>> No.11103986


>> No.11104092

Sorry game crashed
but ggs!

>> No.11104112
File: 314 KB, 750x678, Mizuhashi Parsee 239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs. I really wish I knew a similar combo to that Down Wrench spin followed up by the spring wall slam and grenade... Got a bit laggy by the end there so I figured I would call it there.

>> No.11104114

ggs Hime!! sorry if it was my connection that was lagging.. It was fun~

>> No.11104121


>> No.11104152

still here~

>> No.11104198

whoops, accidentally pressed cancel out of game
I think that's a good place to stop, though. ^^;

Hm.. I should probably be less predictable, you were reading me throughout the entire set, easy (either that or I happened to run into things at the worst of times..).
What do the popularity auras do, if anything? Do they make you gain/lose popularity faster or what?

>> No.11104231

GGs. If you mean the blue and red auras, I think those affect spirit damage, but I'm not sure if they do anything else. And I may have been a little, but I didn't feel like I was really reading you. I was just running around doing 8b and buffering things until one of them hit. If you noticed my blocked 8b's into supers that was because I was just buffering super hoping it would land. Your pressure seemed a bit static, though. You might want to do more staggered 5a stuff.

>> No.11104261

That 66a plate fireball combo so hard to punish. Man you were running everywhere too I got so frustrated XD. Very fun.
That last word too. GIANT FLASH -> Futo gets hit

>> No.11104274

GGs, Rifle. You got a lot better in the last few fights when you started to punish me for my flying around shit.

>> No.11104277

Hm.. I see. How high is the vertical range on redcape 8B, anyways? I always got pegged with it when I thought I was out of range and got CH or something.
Alright, I'll try to see how I can do that. Renee did it a lot, so I think I'll just borrow some of that.. (also, good games)

>> No.11104454

GGs Pluot, my internet crashed so I guess I'm done for now. That bullet and somersault spam you use is quite something. Every head on clash basically resulted in you counter-hitting me. A little peeved to learn Futo's 'Floor is Lava' last word can't kill the opponent, but what can ya do.

>> No.11104479

GGs. When I had red cape they would counterhit you, but whenever I didn't I just got counterhit every time because Futo.

>> No.11104701


>> No.11104818

Hosting again

>> No.11104827

Does anyone here plan on going to CEO this weekend?

>> No.11104860


I plan on watching it, anyway. Please force your way into the commentator's booth and viral HM to thousands of people online.

>> No.11104919

where can i find a download link to this


>> No.11104925

Wrong thread to ask
Try google

>> No.11104927

Not here.

>> No.11104948

GGs Quwanti. To get out of corners, look for holes in what I do and escape during them. You were dashing down almost every time, so that's what I was looking to punish. At the very end you actually dashed up when I went for a 2B, but came back down to get hit by the followup instead of flying over me, which would've given you an advantage with my back close to the corner.
You should also remember to hold block out of untechable limits.


>> No.11105141
File: 110 KB, 500x500, kurisu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell do I play this, /jp/?

>> No.11105174


>> No.11105186

press x not to die

>> No.11105216 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 400x406, 6e61023c15bfcef14b54531f25c31a40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grind all day for Lagombi+ set because I'm using LR barroth armor this whole time and I really want that evade extend for the 8 star village quests
>mfw I see the distance on my new roll
It was all worth it

>> No.11105444

ggs pluot. Miko's 8b is no joke, I kept underestimating her damage.

>> No.11105456

GGs. It felt like a joke every time I 8b'd into your 5x! I really have no idea how to approach that. If only 66a grazed.

>> No.11105522

Jesus christ three hours. That was way too much fun.
Thanks for the lesson on corner pressure with Ichirin, I feel like I might have learned a little too much. Your Ichirin is a complete monster in corners. I think I managed to pick up a lot about breaking out of corner pressure though.

>> No.11105535

My friend also plays Miko and he has a lot of trouble with B-Koishi's 5x as well. I really don't know what to tell you unfortunately, because I don't think Miko is fast enough to catch Koishi on the startup of it like Ichirin. I guess you could try to outzone her, but that only works for so long. It'd be nice if graze attacks existed!

I wouldn't mind if B-Koishi 5x got nerfed, because it's an incredibly brainless move.

>> No.11105564

GGs. Holy shit I'm exhausted. I was really glad when you started blocking on wakeup. Seeing someone adapt to play better feels nice, and I got plenty of practice for oki timing. Now I just need to hone my Marisa's corners.
It's a shame Ichirin's style seems to fit me much better than Marisa's, since Marisa is a lot more fun to play.

>> No.11105578

Yeah, I played pretty much nothing but Ichirin during the demo which might explain why I managed to beat you with her a few hours earlier than with Miko, but she just feels like she has a lot less energy than the rest of the cast.

>> No.11105678


>> No.11106098


>> No.11106954
several days without sleep tier

>> No.11106990

is there no one here? I guess so..

>> No.11107113

ggs fluffy rumia

Thanks for the games. They were fun.

>> No.11107127

thanks for playing, to the person I just played~

>> No.11107166


>> No.11107285


>> No.11107294



>> No.11107314


>> No.11107337


>> No.11109391


>> No.11109682

Everybody on the IRC now?

>> No.11109687

All 5 of us who still play this game

>> No.11109690

I'm not.

>> No.11109701


no, just busy with other things today.

>> No.11109718

Does anyone host near Australia?

>> No.11112419

Does anyone host anywhere?

>> No.11112557


i swear i'll start hosting again after the weekend!

>> No.11112561

IRC lobby and here. I find most of my games on IRC. I'd host if you don't mind me afking for 3 mins ever so often.

>> No.11112641


>> No.11112776


>> No.11113209

God damn your Koishi does damage. I caught a lot of breaks but sometimes even they weren't enough. GGs HIna.

>> No.11113214

GGs Renee, your Byakuren does a lot of damage too. I pretty much have to play super defensively when you declare so I don't get hit by your 8b like an idiot.

>> No.11113459


>> No.11113660


>> No.11113729


>> No.11113757

GGs Quwanti


>> No.11113827


>> No.11113851

Still hosting!

>> No.11114200


>> No.11114651

did anyone ever post sprites for the background characters? i know there's already a gif of orin dancing but i wanted some of the others.

>> No.11114852

GGs Nanou. My laptop's battery is dying, and I probably ought to call it a night anyways.
Lol We used to at least be kind of roughly the same skill, with you being better overall, but now it's hardly even a contest. You've obviously been practicing/ playing, and it's paying off. The fact that you've gotten better with so many characters is a testament to your improvement :)
In particular, I need to "practice" against Ichirin. Fighting her is pretty brutal.
Good work, and play again some time.

>> No.11114884

GGs, Octopus. It's been awhile since I've played against you, but it looks like your Miko has improved quite a bit. I recommend that you be more aggressive, though. In a lot of the rounds you would retreat to the other side every time I reached you. Escaping pressure is good, but running away so often lowers popularity quite a bit, and I know I managed to beat you through popularity in a few rounds thanks to that. Ya just gotta fight fire with fire, dude.

>> No.11114884,1 [INTERNAL] 

Is anyone gonna make a new thread or should I just learn to use IRC
