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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 72 KB, 499x671, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11137997 No.11137997[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm here to remind you to take your daily meds, /jp/!

>> No.11138004

Get well soon!

>> No.11138007

This is what happens when you try to draw stylistically without learning anatomy first.

>> No.11138023
File: 496 KB, 1500x1500, 12552773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You draw a cute ass yakui?

>> No.11138048

Good morning! I'm the anon who went to bed at the same time as you last night.

Good luck at the doctors today if you're going.

>> No.11138050
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Yesterday I ran out of my meds. It was scary.

>> No.11138057
File: 350 KB, 748x765, 25585253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What medications, I'll give you time to google schizophrenia medication if you want.

>> No.11138063

Good morning〜 Yup, I'm going. I think! I woke up real early, and don't want to waste that. Going out makes me anxious, but this morning my eyelids were gummed up by snot when I awoke, so it's got to be faced.

>> No.11138065

The only medication I have is an inhaler and it's scary when that runs out. At least recently they've added a little counter so you know how many puffs you have left.

>> No.11138069

Zoloft, Abilify, and Librium — nope, I'm not schizo.

Right now, though, I need something for this silly flu!

>> No.11138074

Give it a rest, pillheads

None of you can even feel without pills helping you. You're a slave to the pharmaceutical machine.

>> No.11138075

Brit dog go die.

>> No.11138076

That sounds so futuristic!

Is it like the gun in the Alien franchise?

>> No.11138082

Jealous of my NHS?

>> No.11138089

I don't take any medicine but if there was one that could make all the bad feelings in my head go away I would take it.

>> No.11138091

Just start popping benzos and make it worse for yourself down the line.

>> No.11138092

Enjoy being a sedated zombie, having your mind tailored to the liking of the ones who desire to have no dissent within their society.

>> No.11138099

Don't knock my dearest benzos.

>> No.11138096

I'm fine with that, all I do is sit on /jp/ anyways.

>> No.11138104

Thats reality if you're taking benzos, an undeniable one at that.

>> No.11138107

Don't do that.

>> No.11138110


Why are they still used as medicine if they make things worse?

How do they make things worse, also?

>> No.11138116

There needs to be an uprising

/jp/ strong

>> No.11138120
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It's just a counter on the back. When they were forced to use a more "environmentally safe" propellant they cut the size of the canister roughly in half on top of increasing the price and then increasing the price more when they added the counter about a year ago.

>> No.11138123

You're not worried their will be a moment when it could help to have a little piss and vinegar in you? I can understand fast acting anxiety benzos, but something that is designed to permanently alter your brain? I wouldn't trust the people that hand those out considering who their target demographic is, social failures and straight up crazy people. Do you actually think they would have our well being in mind?

>> No.11138128

Are there any drugs which will make my personality appeal to lolis?

>> No.11138134

I'm more interested in a drug that will turn me into a loli.

>> No.11138135

For you or them?

>> No.11138137

They're great for short term use, but not all that effective for anything even close to long term. I'm not really in the mood to even google scholar this let alone look up good papers, but you just see the symptoms reappear quite quickly and your options are benzodiazepine withdrawl or switching to another - but where is that going to lead. They're just kinda shitty pills if you're trying to actually change things in your life, pretty much an easy temporary fix.

>> No.11138140

Alternatively, what eccentric personality traits appeal to lolis?

>> No.11138141

I was the type of person making these things at one time, I have no problem being on them now.

>> No.11138142

Additionally, I would be skeptical of their diagnosis in the first place. Even if they got that right, it would still eat at my mind that they are probably only prescribing me certain drugs because they are getting paid to prescribe certain medications.

>> No.11138152

Of course they're being paid to prescribe certain medications, generally they have to tell you thats the case though. Otherwise, hope you end up with a good doctor and make sure to get second opinions.

>> No.11138148
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>> No.11138153

Me, I wish to be the little girl.

>> No.11138168

Impossible. The most you could do is have a drug that interferes with the onset of adolescence and even that wouldn't work as you might expect.

>> No.11138173

take a drug that makes you think you're a little girl

>> No.11138176

Sorry, >>11138135 was meant for >>11138128. I don't think drugs will do it if you want to become a loli. Try being hit by a truck while jaywalking.

>> No.11138177



>> No.11138178

how 'bout pcp apparently that could make you'll tear your own dick off

>> No.11138190


>> No.11138195

I can do that without drugs but the problem is other people won't see me as a cute girl.

>> No.11138202

I don't have meds though!

>> No.11138212

I stopped taking mine and resumed drinking and smoking. Withdraws aside I'm much happier.

>> No.11138217

not helpful bitch cunt


>> No.11138221

40mg celexa daily
10 cans of 5.4% alcohol daily

>> No.11138227

aaand we care because?

>> No.11138228

I havent taken my adderall in a month or so.
I'm saving them up in a film canister and telling my mom im taking them. I'm gonna snort them untill I go super saiyan.

>> No.11138230

calm your tits girl

>> No.11138231

aniki youre going to get fat

>> No.11138234

Oh, this should be good. Party on, Garth!

>> No.11138247

Make sure to break them up into powder this time and don't just snort the chunks

>> No.11138242

I wish I could drop a sick waynes world ref back at you but I can't. Thanks for the reply though

>> No.11138244

Adderall seems like a great drug from the little I know of it. Intense focus and fat asses can lose weight.

>> No.11138254

What type of retard wouldn't crush it into fine powder hahahaha

>> No.11138255

is there any drug which will make a loli really horny

not just lowered inhibitions

just really horny

>> No.11138266
File: 217 KB, 1280x720, 1369385779279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to go fast!
Only the fast medicine is for me!
Zoombo! Zoombo!

>> No.11138270

Do you Drive fast?

>> No.11138284


>> No.11138344

OK really, Adderall sounds like the greatest thing ever invented and I don't see why they don't give it to everyone on the planet and transcend to super humans. Imagine how efficiently you could learn nip speak or practice drawing, or whatever you want to do. I don't care play nonstop VNs for a week. No long term effects on the brain. Increased chance for cardiovascular problems like heart attacks, but really does anyone here care about dying a little earlier for these effects? Also, insomnia. You'll be so focused though, just keep working during the night.

>> No.11138349

Not being able to sleep sucks a lot, especially after it goes on for a few weeks. My OCD gets completely out of control and I stop being able to enjoy anything because I'm so focused on how much shittier my experience is while tired.

>> No.11138357

Sleeping is pretty high on the greatest things ever list. 12 hours a day is the sweet spot.

>> No.11138374

Yeah, but aren't there drugs that can just knock people out? The whole problem of insomnia is not being able to relax and thoughts racing through your head. So, that seems like it would be a good combo.

>> No.11138393


Take a little dose of some benzos with some melatonin supplements, it'll put you right to sleep. I've been taking adderall every day for four years and I always end my day with that, it works like a charm.

>> No.11138400

Neither of those work for me at all, been on ritalin and adderall for over 17 years now (since I was like 7).

>> No.11138418


Do you take instant release adderall or extended release?

I tried the extended release ones once and it lingered in me for so long that I had terrible insomnia that not even the sedatives could fix. The instant release is much better though. Drops out of you really suddenly after about 5 hours so you don't have that lingering stimulation feeling that causes the insomnia.

>> No.11138414

Are there any drugs which will make me cum more?

>> No.11138417

I'll add that I'm definitely the outlier here, too much time on this shit has ruined it for me.

>> No.11138438

I'm on XR right now, but I've been on IR in the past and that just caused super bad anxiety. So its either terrible anxiety and being able to sleep vs no sleep but no anxiety.

I think these medications have a lot to do with how long you're on them, really shouldn't everything to work out perfectly fine for such a long period of time. Eventually more and more side-effects are going to come and ruin it.

>> No.11138449


Do you take anything to lower your tolerance?

I've been taking magnesium every day and that seems to help. Been on the same dose for as long as I've been taking it and never felt any decrease in effectiveness or additional side effects.

>> No.11138480

I take magnesium to help get rid of the bruxism, I'm only up to 30mg of adderall right now and then probably a 10 mg dexedrine around noon if I feel I need it.

On ritalin its a totally different story though, I'll probably end up taking anywhere from 40-100 mg per day depending on what I'm doing.

>> No.11138482

I was shot up with an antipsychotic once. It completely stopped me from being able to ejaculate for the month it was in my system. (one shot lasted that long) For the last year since I took it, my load size has been cut in half. Very depressing. 0/10 would not recommend.

>> No.11138493

I'm going to attempt to fall asleep now though, night other Adderall user.

>> No.11138495

Does that shite even work or is it just something to tease people with and discourage them from reproducing?

>> No.11138501
File: 97 KB, 475x880, 1yxfo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you taken a look at this?

>> No.11138505

those are supposed to do that, deal with it you stupid evil destructive noncompliant fuck.

mcfucking suffer like you make others suffer

>> No.11138510

Are you retarded? Sounds like you should be going in for electroshock.

>> No.11138513

>mcfucking suffer like you make others suffer
What does this mean?

>> No.11138519
File: 97 KB, 1000x632, muh burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who burger here?

>> No.11138521

I'm trying to figure out whether I'm having anxiety or if my medication is causing me difficulty breathing. I'm kinda stuck because I start to have the breathing problems at night when I'm relaxing and listening to music, so I don't know how I could be anxious then. On the other hand, one of the side effects of the medication is difficulty breathing. I'm sure from reading this it seems fairly obvious that it's the medication, but I guess what I'm asking is; is it possible to have anxiety and not know it?

>> No.11138522

If you're actually have trouble breathing then you need to speak to your doctor.

>> No.11138529

Crazy people are fucking evil sneaky scheming fucks, only they don't even need any reason that makes any actual sense to motivate them into being bastards. They're bastards for just any old random reason they just imagine in their sleep.

To hell with crazies. And hell yeah, make 'em take their meds. To hell with them if they don't enjoy it.

>> No.11138527

I eat McDonalds a lot because I'm underweight but it's not working.

How can I become a chubby fatNEET?

>> No.11138528

I totally don't, my mommy thinks I am crazy for being a shut in that has never acted violently towards anyone. So I agreed to go to a psych ward for a few days just to please her. Of course the people that run these things try to trap people their so they get more gov't money. And my parents came to visit me everyday for the week I was there crying because they couldn't pull me out of there and now understood how much they didn't have control of the situation they put me in.
I wouldn't know, it certainly didn't change the way I acted, since I'm not a psychopath. I could see how it would make a man a sedated husk, though. Just cutting your potent seed in half is a big enough psychological blow. I can say the whole experience did nothing but piss me off beyond belief, but I still kept my cool because I'm a kind human being.

>> No.11138534

I want to hug you.

>> No.11138530
File: 213 KB, 800x800, 1325648750205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the wee men are taking my drugs

please stop little men

you might overdose

>> No.11138535

The way of the fatNEET isn't as easy as people think it is. Its not just shoveling a bunch of unhealthy food down your gullet.

Its the bath of the Buddha

>> No.11138540
File: 74 KB, 511x543, 1149378797364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't think it was possible but I dont have that Yakui image saved

>> No.11138545

>for the week
>my parents came to visit me everyday
Damn son, maybe you were literally insane.

>> No.11138580

Interesting, thanks for sharing.
Thank you.

>> No.11138592
File: 57 KB, 500x498, 1353009649126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, Baclofen time!
Thank you, dear Yakui!

>> No.11138591

Protip: most people who are insane believe they are not.

>Of course the people that run these things try to trap people their so they get more gov't money.
Actually, they're so underfunded that they usually try to move people out quickly to free up beds. In America, at least.

>> No.11138597

Shut up, that board is so bad. it kills everyone's creativity. well I guess maybe it's good if you want to learn anatomy. but you don't have to be such a jerk about it!

>> No.11138601
File: 174 KB, 642x800, 1372858990090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do antidepressants make you feel?

I can't abuse weed anymore so I need an alternative to stop feeling bad

>> No.11138606

Yeah, when >>11138545 posted I was thinking the criticism would've held a lot more weight if he had pointed that out. Whether they were holding me their because they have a real desire to help or not, I don't know. But the fact is they really know nothing about me and I did not act out. They took my distraught mother's word for it at the time I was admitted and of course would never consider that she could be wrong. She has been diagnosed with all sorts of mental disorders and is way more deserving of being stuck in there than I.

>> No.11138610

I'll make you feel good. ;-)

>> No.11138612

To clarify this post, I am only agreeing with >Actually, they're so underfunded that they usually try to move people out quickly to free up beds. In America, at least.
That protip is absolutely useless garbage for anybody.

>> No.11138643

Here again. I'm only agreeing with that because a nurse mentioned that that was the case. That they lose money for keeping people there. I actually don't know how true that is, and as far as bed space goes, there was an overwhelming abundance of it. The place was not even close to being crowded, and the quarters where you stay are sectioned off so I never got to even see how much space they actually had.
On a side note, there were plenty of confidence deficient females there and probably a good place to stick a dick in if your not a complete beta like me. Of course, there wouldn't have been much to show at the end in my case, though.

>> No.11138656

So do most people who aren't.

>> No.11138668

Those people generally don't end up in psych wards.

>> No.11138673

I gather some antidepressants will also kill your sex drive. They don't make you feel giddy or good or something, they apparently just numb you up. Might make a more constructive alternative to alcohol if you were drinking for emotional pain-relief rather than to party.

I'd suggest "kava kava," I take it for the buzz myself. It's not without side-effects so read up about it and exercise caution with it, but it actually is a feel-good med and leaves you relatively lucid/rational while you're on it. Plus it's basically totally unregulated except they make people who sell it put a warning on it about one of the side effects you can get if you take way too much (liver problems. Serious shit. But most things that feel good are actually bad for you, like IRL Yakui would be in the hospital.)

>> No.11138688
File: 286 KB, 645x813, aa5841411461ae4d91437d18aeafc436.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OOOHhooohoohoo! Good point!

>> No.11138697

I much preferred weed. Of course I never stayed on them long enough to permanently alter my brain function. I don't trust that at all.

This guy >>11138529 is a caricature, but I really don't trust people that make and distribute these medications to have our best interests in mind. Even if we could assume they did, they we still be willing to use patients as guinea pigs to find out how their drug works long term and the wide variety of unintended effects they can cause within different people.

I'm not saying I think no one should take any long term brain altering drug. you might be completely incapable of going through your life due to depression or maybe you're a psychopath and afraid you will hurt someone. These are understandable reasons, but please be aware of the possibly irreversible effects these drugs can have. Also, many people report decreased quality of life. And if you try to go back (if it's not too late), you could be looking down a long road of seriously painful withdrawal symptoms.

>> No.11138701

Cute post, can I sex you up?

I have a smelly 6" phimosis dick if you're into that.

>> No.11138704

Sounds hot, I wish I had foreskin to rip through to spew forth a cute ocean of blood

>> No.11138712

Cool blog thread, /jp/

>> No.11138717


not something to make them forget sex

just something that makes them really horny

>> No.11138722

If you have schizophrenia, your life just is going to suck more and more as you grow older because your brain is going to rot on it's own, medicated or not. If you're medicated at least you aren't as likely to randomly do nasty stuff like seduce someone mentally-crippled and intentionally give them HIV, which is exactly what someone with schizophrenia, who I unfortunately used to know personally, actually did.

>> No.11138748

Yes, agreed that would be another case where these drugs would help. And there are many more cases, obviously. I'm just saying to any fellow /jp/sies, don't run out and commit to any old antidepressant or drug a doctor prescribes. It's not guaranteed to improve your quality of life.

>> No.11138761

Oh absolutely fucking agreed. Seriously. But I was talking about anti-psychotic shots, the kind they give people who won't take their meds.

People should be much much more careful with prescriptions like those xanax whatever than they are right now.

>> No.11138796

I replaced my medication with working out, eating healthy and maintaining a positive outlook on life.

It doesn't work, but I can still masturbate. S.. suck it l... losers.

>> No.11138810
File: 90 KB, 140x130, cal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to take around 8-16 eye drops and 3 or 4 pills from the age of 7-16.
No days I can't afford it so I don't take anything.

>> No.11138816
File: 72 KB, 414x248, 1369267207677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who LITHIUM here
I can't do anything but take it easy!

>> No.11138821

Lithium sucks. Did nothing to stop my delusional episodes

>> No.11138822

The Nirvana song?

>> No.11138824

I was on a pretty high dose of lithium and didn't even notice it. What does it do to you?

>> No.11138829

That's probably because it's a mood stabilizer, not an anti-psychotic.

>> No.11138835

No, the Evanescence song.

>> No.11138840

i dont need meds

>> No.11138841

My issue is severe bi-polar. Manic episodes lasting months.

Funny you mention anti-psychotics though because I was misdiagnosed as schizophrenic for close to 3 years before they figured out what was actually wrong with me. They had me on risperdal, Geodon, Seroquel, Thorazine, etc... and none of them did shit except make me twitchy and unable to sleep or turn me into a zombie (Seroquel and Thorazine)

I'm on Lamictal now and it works very well. I haven't had an episode since starting it

>> No.11138842


>> No.11138848



>> No.11138849


>> No.11138853

I'm happy for you that you finally found something that works well. The process of finding the right medication, and even just the correct diagnosis, must have given you hell.

>> No.11138862

Thanks. It was pretty fucking bad with the institutions and shit but whatever... not going to dwell on it because if my current cocktail stops working I might be right back there.

Here's to freedom and shitbloggin

>> No.11138889

Never ever reply to emoticonfags, as well as tripfags. It's a waste of your time anon.

>> No.11138898

I don't notice it either, but I do have superpower level apathy.

>> No.11138908

You have no clue what you are talking about. I have bipolar disorder. I take medicine for that, and without it everyone around me is in danger. As a child I once strangled my best friend because of my bipolar disorder.

>> No.11138919

Hell yeah, Lithium bro.

>> No.11138921

Dear >>11138908, this is a later post of mine. I'm sorry to hear that.

>I'm not saying I think no one should take any long term brain altering drug. you might be completely incapable of going through your life due to depression or maybe you're a psychopath and afraid you will hurt someone. These are understandable reasons, but

Sorry for the confusion and not considering all angles initially.

>> No.11138923

In case anyone is wondering, strangulation and homicide is not normal or symptomatic of bipolar disorder.

>> No.11138924

It's ok I still love you.

Mood swings are.

>> No.11138927

> Mood swings are.
Not really. Maybe with the rapid cycling subtype only.

>> No.11138929

Lamictal dude here. My prolonged manic episodes came in 2 flavors. Extreme paranoid delusions or grandiose delusions. Shit is no joke. The problem is a lot of people are diagnosed with it who aren't plus people are only familiar with one type.

It can be a catch-all so I hesitate to even mention my diagnosis. It's better to tell people what I went through instead just saying "bipolar".

btw this thread encouraged me to hit up my clonazepam (klonopin) stash. I only take it when I have to go outside some where so I don't get all anxious and freak out. I'm not suppose to leave my house with an escort but come on. Anyway, I haven't taken more than 2mg K-pin in months. I'm on 6mg now and feeling bretty damn good I must say.


>> No.11138932
File: 81 KB, 1006x930, 1371062705941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you planning to go off your meds today /jp/?

>> No.11138933

>'m not suppose to leave my house with an escort
should be "without an"

too many deep thoughts here, guys. I love and hate this feeling. It's times like this when I wish we could sit around and talk. Not some skype shit.. .just some fucked up 2013 /jp/ers in a garage talking about life

>> No.11138934

I take lamictal too. Do you get extreme headaches if you miss a dose?

>> No.11138941

No. I'm up to 400mg a day. 200 in the morning and 200 in the evening. Like I actually have a true schedule or something but no. I've had no insomnia, headaches, rashes or anything else people I've talked to have.

Very bad to miss doses though. You can get that stephen's-johnson shit if you miss several in a row and go right back to your usual dose. It's kind of a heavy duty med. They didn't make me sign anything for that fucking thorazine nightmare but they sure as shit did with Lamictal regarding rashes

>> No.11138970
File: 76 KB, 640x473, c59340c94a0e56c8bbaca6a62cbcceb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm supposed to be taking prozac and seroquel but I always trash it because I hate being on SSRIs. They make me feel like absolute shit, prevent me from getting high, and help absolutely nothing. I have really bad insomnia, but the doctors I go to just try and pump me with shitty SSRIs and refuse to give me anything to help me sleep. I really just want some ambien or valium or triazolam or something. I wish I had some more klonopin and heroin left. I'm bored as fuck and there's nothing to do. I love kpin because it synergizes well with opiates, and the last time I took it I slept 18 hours. Heroin is my go-to drug, but I'm out of it right now. I'm probably going to get some dxm pretty soon. I want to get my hands on some ketamine or mxe, but I have no fucking idea where to find it.

>> No.11138976

You realize you are on a very terrible path, right? I'm not saying that to preach or be condescending or whatever "listen to me I am awesome" tactics that could be used. I'm just curious if you know where the things you are talking about what and where the things you mentioned will lead you to

>> No.11138983

I'm sure he would have to be aware.

>> No.11138991

Seroquel is an antipsychotic, though...I was on it myself, you're only prescribed that shit if you absolutely have to take it

>> No.11138993
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I don't care anymore. I don't think I'm going to make it alive 5 more years anyway.

>> No.11138995

Of some of it, yeah, that's why I said "I'm sure" but there are things that don't even cross your mind until you are knee deep in it with a knife in your ass,

Anyway. The burned hand teaches best but I feel a need here as an oldhead (33) to at least test the waters.

Karma and all that bullshit I used to believe in is hard to let go of

>> No.11138999

it's not like we're living the dream or anything

if a dude wants to take it too easy then thats his choice

>> No.11139000

I was only prescribed it because the Zoloft/Trazodone combo didn't work. Why were you prescribed it?

>> No.11139005

They have actually used seroquel to help dualdiagnosis out patients get past withdrawal. Not sure if it's approved but I saw it many times in my halfway "you aren't stuck here but you will be if you don't show up for hours every fuvking day.

Pardon me if I am not making sense, I want to talk

>> No.11139007

Needless to say, this is probably not real. If it was, I don't think he'd be looking for moral guidance. I appreciate your compassion though, /jp/.
Definitely some interesting art.

>> No.11139011

Tourette's. Started taking it because I had a bad reaction to Risperidone, it made me super depressed and suicidal.

>> No.11139015

I felt that way many times. The first time I was 14. I'm 33 now. Shit has a way of dragging on seemingly while the years are actually flying past. Wait until 4 years from now and think about the timeline you just laid out. It's going to seem a lot different when you get there.

I'm not saying be a productive member of society. Just be judicious with your substance use

>> No.11139016

It's just as real as the other posts are. This thread was about drugs, I made a post about the drugs I have recurring experience with.

>> No.11139019
File: 95 KB, 800x904, suicide-island-1735418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11139023

I think it's real actually, I've been like this before.

Still am, to a much lesser degree. I told my mom yesterday that we shouldn't procrastinate on a big family event because I might go outside today and get hit by a bus and die, and that would be that.

I dunno what I'm talking about really. It just feels weirdly comfortable, knowing that I have control over my body and I can escape through suicide or drug abuse if I absolutely have no other option, I won't get trapped.

>> No.11139024

If you mean the purple maid art it is Yakui and there is a metric shit ton of stuff out there for your enjoymnt..

if you meant art in a more esoteric way then I dunno.

It's easier just to assume shit is real since so much of it isn't. I can explain why in a lenghty post if you want

>> No.11139042
File: 145 KB, 659x605, wer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah the yakui something maids, will check it out later. You guys believe whatever you feel like, but either way he doesn't seem to be in a position of asking for advice and guidance. May you all do whatever you want with your lives. Anyway, goodnight /jp/.

>> No.11139052


>> No.11139056

I'm just back from the doctor's. Now I've got antibiotics and eye drops, too.

>> No.11139083
File: 321 KB, 827x1169, 1372794984646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to bed at 3, it's 6:42
can't fucking sleep, all I can do is lie in bed

Should I just stay up? I hate the feeling of being tired so I have to sleep or I start getting panic attacks during the day.

>> No.11139089

Didn't mean to make that a reply

>> No.11139099

woke up at 10 am yesterday. it's 4:45 and I'm still not tired. it sucks not getting tired for like 20ish hours and then wanting to sleep for 8.

ah well not like I have things to do so w/e

>> No.11139102


You should try installing f.lux and avoid blue lights after sunset. I did that and now I get so tired by 9PM that I can't even keep myself awake if I wanted to. Sleep 10 hours every day. Shit is so cash.

Before that my sleep schedule was so fucked up that I slept 20 hours some days and then some days I didn't sleep at all.

>> No.11139115
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Since I was a kid I would take a long time to fall asleep. Suddenly a few months ago I developed really bad sleep anxiety, I was afraid of where my consciousness would go while I was out. It made me develop a rigid time (lie in bed at 2:00am with laptop, turn laptop off at 3:00am, watch two episodes of something on tv, turn over and close eyes)

I used to just stay up all night all the time and it never bothered me when I was tired. When I first discovered Space Station 13 I stayed up for what must have been two days straight playing it.

I have no real obligations today. I don't know if I should try to sleep again. I'm either going to stay up and browse 4chan or turn on /jp/ radio and lie here. The sleep anxiety is now just a little worry (I have to sleep every night so naturally I guess it would lessen) but it still makes me open my eyes when I feel like I'm about to knock out.

>> No.11139147

I stopped taking my atomoxetine and methylphenidate near the start of this year due to running out of money.

It's really hard to leave my room during the daytime, and I only have 28usd left.

>> No.11139153

based winamp fired up, fuck vlc streaming

link day /jp/ radio

10mg in and taking it easy

>> No.11139160
File: 71 KB, 500x667, JnJM4LU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should realize that you are not your consciousness. So there is nothing to fear about unconsciousness. Both are impermanent and they are not your self. The eye of the Buddha shines bright, whether it is day or night.

Pic related, peanut buddha.

>> No.11139170
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From perspective it just seems like I'm lying in bed thinking about stuff, and then I'm waking up. Right now I'm sure I fell asleep for 30 minutes a few times. If the rest is short enough (like when I hit snooze) it feels almost instant, like I didn't sleep at all. I like dreaming but what worried me is deep sleep.

I started meditating a bunch, then I started to do it all the time as if it were a drug. Whenever I was done I would be super focused and it would be easy to concentrate, then I'd start doing things like cleaning my room and washing dishes. I started to notice when I did it I would start to get anxiety afterwards so I stopped.

>> No.11139266
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game in your pic was better than the rest of your post, just sayin'

>> No.11139281
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I actually almost forgot, I have a habit of forgetting on my days off from work.

Zoloft & Xanax here.

>> No.11139291
File: 698 KB, 800x960, ed56edbd986474f10179413a2a3d5115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have an avoidant personality? Did the Xanex help with social anxiety? Is it as addictive as they say? How did you get it?

>> No.11139293

The Jews.

>> No.11139295

lol, dongs!

>> No.11139297

How is this Otaku culture?

>> No.11139301

nijiura maids, supposedly. Mostly this thread is just people posing as freaky online for whatever dreary mean little reason people do that on here.

>> No.11139300

I stopped taking my meds a while back. Meds are for homolords. If you're not browsing /jp/ without the effects of some shitty SSRI/stimulant/benzos, you're not doing it right.

>> No.11139304

50mg of prozac,20mg of inderal and antivan only for sometimes

>> No.11139306

Drugs are very much otaku culture.

Nah man, only a handful of people are making shit up. Most of us are pretty psychotic. I would assume the average /jp/ user lives with their parents and sits in front of their computer all day. To be able to live that life style you have to be pretty psychotic. On another note most people actually have some type of mental disorder. I don't know one person who does not have one, but a lot of the times people just don't want to take medicine or it goes undiagnosed.

>> No.11139308

>Drugs are very much otaku culture.
Haha, no.
Maybe in some alternate dimension /jp/.

>> No.11139310
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Is Xanax supposed to be hard to get?

It was the second medicine my doctor prescribed when the Zoloft wasn't enough, according to him I have Severe Anxiety and Moderate-Severe Depression so I guess that does it?

When you first take Xanax you feel -really- good that first day, it's an honestly noticeable effect.
After that it's not as noticeable but I feel like it helps a lot,
I'd probably have a really hard time if I was taken off it.
I don't think it's addictive per se but it's effective enough that you'll really miss it unless you're ready.
It's the only thing that keeps my anxiety down to hold a job.

>> No.11139315

No they aren't. Fuck off to 420chan already, your shit doesn't belong here.

>> No.11139320

We're not talking about drugs for recreational use.

>> No.11139324

And what does this have to do with anything? They're still not Otaku culture. Heroin wasn't made for recreational use either.

>> No.11139336
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I'm considering going to therapy for my social anxiety (I think it's avoidant personality disorder). I know I have a problem I long for friends but I just can't make them (yeah yeah, I'm not a truNEET).

I was on SSRIs for a while but I always forgot doses, they made me just feel 'numb', and nothing really improved. When I quit them I fucking got those brainshocks too. I don't want to take those again.

I used to abuse weed (rather than smoking a bunch to get happy and high, I would smoke small amounts over a few weeks so I would be just high enough to forget my problems). I think I'm the type to become addicted to drugs so I would have to worry about benzos too, sadly.

>> No.11139343

I will make you my girlfriend and you won't ever have to go outside or talk to people again.

>> No.11139388

>btw this thread encouraged me to hit up my clonazepam (klonopin) stash.
What's with all the lunatics? It's getting too scary to come here.

>> No.11139400

Guys, am I just don't understand something, but if you have an insomnia, and REALLY want to sleep, but can't, then why don't you go into full physical activity10km of running, or quarry, for example. You'll fall asleep from tiredness, I guarantee it. If you're not too hikki for that, then how about Acupuncture? When I was little shota, I had enuresis, and because of that can't sleep normal. Long story short, that shit helped me.

>> No.11139403

This is like the most formulaic "jump in and correct me, nuurds" post. Seriously.

>> No.11139405

>10km of running
>You'll fall asleep from tiredness, I guarantee it.
Well, you're wrong. I tried this 10+ times last year.

>> No.11139407

Any depression otakus want to talk?

>> No.11139415

High-heel shoe heel stab wounds in this dude's face, it was freaky. Wait, what were we discussing?

>> No.11139414
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Just going through a period where nothing is fun anymore.
At least I found a MUD to use as a timesink.

>> No.11139418

Go attention whore somewhere else, faggots.

>> No.11139422

btw I take meds
did I mention that I take meds guys?
Also I have depression and social anxiety
someone aknowledge me I want to be special

>> No.11139419

are there any good MUDs out there?
i've played a lot of roguelikes, and would like something with a little more human interaction and longevity

>> No.11139428

I'm not wrong. Try 100km. Not enough? 1000. Just something which'll be enough to close your eyes, and make your efforts on getting up useless.

>> No.11139427

Aardwolf is the only one i've played.
Pretty helpfull community, and it goes from level 1 to 201.
Replayable too.

>> No.11139429

most /jp/ers are somewhat depressed, why are you surprised that some of them want to talk about it?

>> No.11139432
File: 25 KB, 312x312, 1371904728191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to be special

>> No.11139433

It's dangerous to fall asleep outside.

>> No.11139439

whee yeah
ouch, that sounds like that'd hurt. Like, for a long time afterwards too. Not to mention make your heart rate climb

>> No.11139442
File: 27 KB, 200x299, 1372926333876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11139443

1. I'm not surprised that you "depressed" pseudonormals come to /jp/ everyday to blog about your life instead of actually making threads about Otaku culture.

2. Most "/jp/sies" with "depression" are actually self-diagnosed and don't know SHIT about depressions.

3. Fuck off

>> No.11139444

...and what would you do next night? Sit-ups since you can't run anymore?

>> No.11139452

No? I have a job.

>> No.11139450

Woah woah woah guys we got ourselves a truNEET™ here

>> No.11139459

It's like it is your first day on /jp/ or something. /jp/ is not /a/. We are rather care free, calm down.

>> No.11139464

You're only care free as long as you're okay with it.

>> No.11139465

beeeh, look at my tongue

>> No.11139470

But I'm always carefree.

I don't understand. Are you suppose to be sticking your tongue out at me or something?

>> No.11139485

So I take it that you're always carefree and nothing ever bothers you.

>> No.11139486

Only normalfags and /a/.

>> No.11139491

I see.

>> No.11139534
File: 176 KB, 600x972, 051295c1887586f9c07e73f1326be4f0add8e43d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11139542

Well, aren't you a picky one. The entire thread is pretty epic if you ask me.

>> No.11139615
File: 119 KB, 443x414, 1371859314683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>11139083 here
Okay, it's 10:24 am now.

I'm starting to wonder if I had sleep misconception AKA paradoxical insomnia - when you think that you didn't get any sleep at all but you really did.

My thoughts were really crazy and disjointed, and a lot of them were just repeats of random words about things I thought of during the day. I had the TV on but I remember the shows kinda "skipping" forward.

I still gave up 3 hours in so I'm pretty tired.

>> No.11139615,1 [INTERNAL] 

