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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11241200 No.11241200[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

my tumor! waaahh!

>> No.11241206

>le have a nice day faec

>> No.11241207
File: 997 KB, 500x277, 1369621944718.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's dead, dude.

>> No.11241212

Is there anyone who unironically thinks /jp/, general threads aside, is still better than /a/ at this point?

>> No.11241213

No bully pls

>> No.11241218
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>> No.11241220

What else is there?

>> No.11241221



>> No.11241232

Old /jp/ = old /a/
Mid /jp/ >>> mid /a/
New /a/ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> new /jp/

How did this board become so utterly shite?

>> No.11241233

All I do is shitpost, so yes.

>> No.11241235

That's what I'm wondering. It was like one day I woke up, and everything was shit as far as I could see, and I couldn't figure out how I got here.

Makes sense.

>> No.11241237

>That's what I'm wondering. It was like one day I woke up, and everything was shit as far as I could see, and I couldn't figure out how I got here.


>> No.11241239

Everything aside from /b/ is better than /a/ at this point.

>> No.11241242

I don't want to discuss anime and the userbase is unironically fucktarded so yeah.

>> No.11241241

It didn't get any better after he was gone.

/jp/ is just /b/ stapled to a bunch of general threads.

>> No.11241244

I used to get mad at shitposters during what you call ``mid /jp/'' and I was generally being an angry person.

Now when someone shitposts, I just shitpost harder. I think most of the old posters left or are like me now.

>> No.11241246

Seriously. I can understand gradual deterioration over time, but things changed way too much, way too quickly. Not sure what happened.

Let's not fool ourselves. I used to love this board, but now it's pretty much 2D/Random & Shitposting Central.

>> No.11241247

/a/ is filled with normalfags.

>> No.11241248
File: 477 KB, 600x420, 1001859_10151467006130933_803943420_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. /jp/ is basically /2DG/ at this point.

>> No.11241249

/jp/ is filled with /a/ and /v/.

>> No.11241251

I'm not, unless /a/ has changed in the few months since I last visited it every board I've been to aside from /b/ is better than it. Though I haven't been to some boards like /mlp/ or /cgl/ before so I can't comment on their shittiness in relation to /a/

>> No.11241252

/a/ become unenjoyable for me when I learned its just one big turf war.

>> No.11241255


>New /a/
>a bunch of little kids seriously and angrily arguing about how the anime character they want to fuck is better than the anime character someone else wants to fuck

newf/a/g pls

At the very least, /jp/ doesn't take itself seriously, which automatically makes it infinitely better than that shithole /a/

>> No.11241256

/jp/ is basically /c/ meets /s/ with /b/ sprinkled in.

>> No.11241257

You forgot *tips fedora and walks into the sunset*.

>> No.11241253

I'm not from /a/ or /v/.

Checkmate, Atheists.

>> No.11241261

I go there all the time. I have a big cosplay fetish and enjoy the self posting.

>> No.11241258

/cgl/ makes me rage every time I go there, which is about two or three times a year.

>tfw no gf

>> No.11241259

For a long time I insisted I would never become a shitposter, too.

Japan / General again. What a dumb way to come full circle.

>> No.11241260

You misunderstand. I meant:

Shit >>>>> New /a/ >>>>>>> New /jp/

>> No.11241263

Trust me, /v/ is still undeniably worse. I think even /b/ is better than that board by this point.

>> No.11241264

So is /jp/. Don't kid yourself.

I'm pretty sure they aren't taking any of that shit seriously. People just like trash talking each other because it's fun.

>> No.11241265

The worst part of /a/ is the kids that don't understand irony and start actually believing the memes.

>> No.11241266

Same thing happened to me, though I don't think I do it too badly.

We can fix /jp/ a little if we stop shitposting when someone shitposts.

>> No.11241269

I dropped in for a look and it's just a bunch of nerds talking about video games.

>> No.11241270

If you can't beat them join them. There's no saving /jp/ or any board for that matter.

>> No.11241271
File: 269 KB, 850x1188, 1374711647938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with Japan / General as long as posters aren't total weebs about what they post. I think the excessive 2hu posting helped drive away the weebs.

>> No.11241273

You know that's not true. Hyperbole doesn't work in this case.

>> No.11241276

Has there been a board or community that stopped being shit, ever?

>> No.11241275


you must not look at other boards if you think /a/ is even close to being one of the worst boards on this website

/sp/ is an absolute dump of shitty memes and horrible posters, /pol/ is full of tinfoil hatters, memes and literal retards, /fit/ and /r9k/ are basically >tfw central, /soc/ is just full of camwhores and generally horrible people who shouldn't even be on 4chan, /s4s/ is an actual board made just for shitposting and /v/ has been absolute garbage and normies ever since around 2008

the thing that makes /a/ really, really bad is the huge userbase

>> No.11241280


I'm pretty sure you've never been to /a/. /jp/ likes to trash talk each other for fun and the difference you see in posting style is obvious. Have you ever seen how defensive cross boarders get when they post on /jp/? You should check it out sometime

>> No.11241281

This thread will probably get pruned soon, but before then I just want to say that I love you all. This board is rotting and we might all leave eventually, but I will never forget the fond memories from this place. You are always in my heart.

>> No.11241282

>I go there all the time

That's fine as long as you aren't a rabid ultrafeminist who parades around cosplaying and then goes on to hook up with the football team like a whore.

>> No.11241283

/a/ has threads where they unironically blog about their social lives.

>> No.11241288

it's not blogging about life that is bad, it's just they blog about their normalfag social circle: a literal real life circlejerk.

>> No.11241289

/a/ is the same threads every day.
/jp/ has a ton of image dumps, but at least there is some variety with a random fun thread or two.

>> No.11241284

what did you think ``NEET threads'' were exactly dude

>> No.11241285

Y-yeah! Haha....

>> No.11241286

A lot of people in /sp/ are irritated that their board has gone to shit, too. A couple sports generals floating in a sea of garbage.

>> No.11241287

This. /a/ may not be great by any means, but there is far worse shit on this accursed site.

>> No.11241290

Okay, you got me, I've only visited about 10 boards on this site. I forgot most of the boards you listed even exist. I do think /pol/ is better than /a/ though, by a thin margin.

>> No.11241291

There's an unironic blog thread on the first page of /jp/ right now. /a/ just has more of it because they have twenty times as many users.

>> No.11241292

No, I just masturbate to them.

>> No.11241296

/pol/, although good (Zimzam threads), has been being raided intensely for the past 6 months. There are shills literally everywhere.

>> No.11241297

>it's not blogging about life that is bad, it's just they blog about their normalfag social circle: a literal real life circlejerk.
All blogging is shit, dude. /r9k/ blogs every day about how their lack of a social circle. /jp/ blogs every day about inane shit. None of it is really any better than the rest of it.

>> No.11241298

What if every board at a sister board that was a "(x)/random"? ex. /jp/ otaku culture/random.

It seems like people use most of 4chan as a social network. They don't want to talk about board specific board, but think "Oh, these people have the same hobbies as me and I want to talk about non-board related things with them like music and movies".

>> No.11241300

I don't understand why people come to 4chan expecting on-topic discussion.

>> No.11241299

Last I went to /a/, they had 3 threads on the first page about which anime character they wanted to have sex with. Kind of like /jp/ but they were doing it unironically

>> No.11241305

Half the appeal of a VN is having sex with a fictional character, and nobody is doing that shit ironically.

I proposed that 4chan import 裏 boards from futaba in /q/, but naturally nobody gave a shit.

>> No.11241306

I refuse to quit. They took it from me now I want to ruin it for everyone else.

>> No.11241301

>For a long time I insisted I would never become a shitposter, too.
I remember when I used to be like that. Now I don't even bother using the shift key or proper punctuation for 70% of my posts. Most of my posts are just me shitposting in crossboarder threads or discussing meta shit.

I should really just quit 4chan.

>> No.11241303


>> No.11241304

I'm not sure if old posters left and new ones usurped their place, or if the old posters just got tired and became shitposters themselves, but late 2012 on has been pretty damn unsightly. I can't bear browsing this board anymore.

Even today's so-called ironic shitposting completely lacks finesse. It's not witty, it's not fresh, it's just recycled garbage spewed by /a/v/b/ fucktards. Okay, you censored f**k. You made a your mom joke. It was moderately funny the first 10,000 fucking times, you mongoloid. Ingest cyanide posthaste.

>> No.11241308

It's already pretty fucking ruined, dude.

>> No.11241309

Every /a/ thread is either a BEST GIRL ITT or an attempt to flame a show they don't like.

>> No.11241312

>Half the appeal of a VN is having sex with a fictional character, and nobody is doing that shit ironically.
I'm just masturbating, dude. I don't think I'm actually fucking a 2D character and I certainly won't make it my ``waifu.''

>> No.11241313

I want to fiddle as it burns.

>> No.11241315

It's hard coming up with original content.

>> No.11241317

U mad?

>> No.11241321

People like to fantasize. There's nothing weird about that. If you're able to do all your masturbation as a voyeur as opposed to imagining that you're actually fucking whoever, that's great, but I think you're in the minority.

>> No.11241326

/a/ - New Sincerity
/jp/ - Metamodernism

>> No.11241330

/a/'s pretty bad too, but at least they have a plethora of users and content to discuss. What the fuck does this place have? When people take a shit all over this board, we don't even have the metaphorical water of new content to wash the filth away with.

Whatever. Intelligent and civil metathreads have always been my favorite aspect of /jp/ anyway.

>> No.11241331

Just because they sound like they're being hyperjudgmental jerkasses to each other doesn't mean they really mean it. They're just being fun.

>> No.11241332

I'm not gonna put effort in my shitposting for some /v/ crossboarder asking for a translation or a recommendation of what to do in Japan.

>> No.11241334


Making /#/ / Generals would work for the largest boards, although I could imagine them becoming shitposting contests in short order. I still like the idea though, because even /jp/ is too fast sometimes.

>> No.11241338

But they don't discuss their content, they just try to troll every show.

>> No.11241345

Then don't shitpost at all. A quarter of people in /jp/ have an interest in learning or translating various Japanese things. Just some retard from /v/ started an off-topic thread doesn't mean you have to ensure it stays shit for another two hours.

>> No.11241341

You can't be "new sincerity" when you don't even have a grasp of what irony is in the first place.

>> No.11241351

Why are you so fucking obnoxious? You're trying too hard. Stop defending /a/, you quasi-sentient subhuman.

I don't even like /a/ as a whole, but that's an immense generalization. They at least have 1 decent fanbase for every 100 shitty ones.

>> No.11241355

They discuss shows all the time. "Your favorite girl is shit" is just what they do in their spare time when they're not talking about anything.

It's like saying that /sp/ in its "90s SITCOM POWER RANKING BOWL" days didn't actually discuss sports. They did. They just posted a lot of dumb shit when they weren't.

>> No.11241357
File: 86 KB, 640x480, xFvw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this knowledge hasn't been imparted through participation in modern society

>> No.11241365

Sounds like 2010 /v/.
>Greentext. Greentext everywhere.

>> No.11241364

If nothing else, at least people still know how to sage.

>> No.11241373

>Stop defending /a/, you quasi-sentient subhuman.
I'll defend whoever I like.

Most boards don't give a shit about silly or dumb discussions as long as they don't drown out the meat of what people actually want to discuss.

>> No.11241377

The thing is about /a/ is they shit all over eachother even when they do discuss shows. Like if it has a manga or an LN already out they'll spam spoilers, or half of the posts will be about how much of a slut a certain character was in one episode and the people defending their new 'waifu'.

>> No.11241374

When I learned /a/ is all a bunch of secret clubs it lost its fun to me. You always know the trips talk to each other outside, but when I found out groups put special things in their email field to identify each other and all the steam/irc/skype groups it just lost its fun for me.

>> No.11241375

shut the f*ck up tripfag

>> No.11241379

Is this the NEET thread?

>> No.11241381

Four hours after this discussion ends, somebody is going to bump it with a "lmao" and it's going to become a shitposting party.

>> No.11241382

That's probably the biggest downfall of /jp/. Other than the surge of content we get around Comiket time, there really isn't much left to discuss. Most of our ``successful'' threads (=lots of posts) are meta threads or only tangentially related to /jp/ (stupid shit like tripfriend drama or milk). All of our threads, even the ``good ones'' such as our STG threads are just rehashes of threads we've already had 60 times.

Hell, even during Comiket time we don't really have much to talk about. Even doujin games aren't being discussed anymore and there really isn't much to talk about with new albums other than ``yeah this one's good.''

What we end up being left with is shitty Touhou imagedump threads (half being ironic, half being actually serious threads for some reason) and threads we've had a hundred times before.

Not shitposting in their threads makes them think their threads are accepted and that they should stick around. Not to mention translation threads are just fucking retarded in general.

>> No.11241383

Oh hey, how have you been?

Have you been drinking plenty of water?

>> No.11241391

/jp/ has had a shitload of secret clubs. It's just most of them left /jp/ entirely.

>Not shitposting in their threads makes them think their threads are accepted and that they should stick around.
I'm pretty sure almost nobody actually sticks around for that kind of shit, and for every one that does there's a dozen who come and stay just for the shitposting.

>> No.11241399
File: 1.29 MB, 579x3936, rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn I hate that shit. Fucking normalfags making everything a social network and then taking it to an anonymous image board to post in-jokes and shit like that that were made in a private group so no one knows what's going on besides the "VIP's". That's one reason why I don't have any friends is because you have to go through so much to get a normalfag to attach to you socially because they've already got their group and they want to keep it that way.

>> No.11241400

I have no where else to go. I don't want to stay here, I just don't want to build up an online persona on forums again.

>> No.11241401

It became shit because of moderation and rules to satisfy all the autistic losers that want to pigeonhole everything. They got what they wanted and now there is nothing new left to discuss.

>> No.11241405

I didn't really mean stick around, sorry. I meant that they start thinking /jp/ is an acceptable dump for their shitty, unrelated threads and will end up telling other people about it.

Now instead, when people discuss /jp/ on other boards, they just say we hate Japan and that we're assholes. In general it's better because it'll make them avoid us.

>> No.11241422

I don't know. Ask the real White Ren.

If he's still around, I mean.

>> No.11241425

>I meant that they start thinking /jp/ is an acceptable dump for their shitty, unrelated threads and will end up telling other people about it.
You can do that without shitposting outright. We handled it just fine for years without having to resort to "lmao get a load of this fukin weeb" idiocy.

>Now instead, when people discuss /jp/ on other boards, they just say we hate Japan and that we're assholes.
That's how people used to think of us. Now people just think of us as being a cross between /s4s/ and /b/.

>> No.11241433

Really? I think they consider us "autistic weeaboos," or something of that nature.

>> No.11241438

We were proud of not wanting or needing moderation for years. The problem is that self-moderation doesn't work when you get people who are actively trying to be faggots or shit up the board.

>> No.11241439

>those feels
I know them well. Some forums aren't bad, but there's nothing that really matches /jp/. Even the shitty secret club chans (that have no posts and are slow a fuck) are still shit. The truth is that everything is shit. The sooner you realize this, the less your suffering.

>> No.11241440

Actually the way I remember it people used to hate /jp/ and say it was incomprehensible. Now people pretty much accept it and use it for image dumping, upload/download threads, and Touhou.

This is the result of heavy moderation.

>> No.11241443

>I think they consider us "autistic weeaboos," or something of that nature.
In the public consciousness we're split halfway between /a/-tier Touhou posters and "autistic shitposting fucks."

>> No.11241441

I just have more fun going full shitposter than telling them to just leave or telling them to fuck off, which is what we used to do. What can I say.

>> No.11241444


|KAWAII TRUCK | ‘|”“”;.., ___.
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>> No.11241457

The problem is people not hiding threads or taking a nap and just moving on. A few years ago people got really mad at any kind of off-topic (as in no Touhou) threads and spammed all the threads they don't like and sometimes with illegal content.

Those people that thought they were doing something good by that should have gotten banned. People would have moved on and trolls would have gotten bored.

>> No.11241458

Fuck off, subhuman. You didn't even sage.

>> No.11241459

>I just have more fun going full shitposter
We're already far too far gone for me to be angry or even irritated about it, but congratulations, you're why /jp/ is shit today.

We only have heavy moderation because people got tired of unironic homosexual fuckmeet and blatant blog threads filling most of the first page, while most of pages 6-15 were either ironically shitty Touhou threads, or just outright /b/ garbage..

>> No.11241464

>People would have moved on and trolls would have gotten bored.
We already fucking tried that. "If you leave the cocksucking, blogging, avatarfagging, attention whoring, blatant shitposting, and meetup threads alone, they'll go away after people get bored eventually," that was the logic. They didn't. Fucked.

>> No.11241468

We used to have that sort of stuff and similar right at the start. It never got as much attention back then and it was only when people were kicking and screaming and throwing terror tantrums that it got out of control.

The whole cult of meido just got ay too aspergers and out of control.

>> No.11241466

That's like saying "Don't reply to trpfags, they'll get bored and leave". No, they just talk to themselves or get a friend to join them.

>> No.11241470

Be frank with me. Is there any way to still salvage this board? Is it far too late?

>> No.11241471
File: 596 KB, 4358x2000, jptimeline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're already far too far gone for me to be angry or even irritated about it, but congratulations, you're why /jp/ is shit today.
I did the whole board redirection thing, telling people to fuck off, asking them to ``leave, `please'' for 4 years and it never amounted to anything. There's no way to save /jp/ now so I might as well just join the shitposters and have some fun before this board finally gets axed.

We tried. It's over.

>> No.11241473

4chan is dead and has been for a long time.

>> No.11241478

Not unless we get an intelligent moderator with relevant expertise who cares about it.

And since we will never get one of those, the answer is no.

>> No.11241486

How much do you think he cares?

>> No.11241483

Getting rid of the toho and idol posters would be good start.

>> No.11241485

You forgot your sage again, shitmeister.

>> No.11241490

So instead you spammed and replied to them and showed them how much you hated their threads by replying all RAGE'ed up like some collosal sperglord, whined to moot daily, and got your hard won moderation. Their threads got deleted and they just made new ones and laughed because look how silly /jp/ is getting so easily mad. Then /q/ comes around and like 5 people decide what is /jp/ content forever and ever from that point on so people now shitpost with a Touhou in OP instead. GJ. Now /jp/ is stale shit and you can't complain because that is what you wanted.

>> No.11241487

When we get absorbed by cheezeburger we will.

>> No.11241494

I want you to kill yourself.

>> No.11241496

Let's say we didn't have any moderation on /jp/ and you could discuss whatever the hell you want (except for anime and manga or anything clearly meant for another board).

What WOULD go here that would rejuvenate /jp/? There still isn't anything new and fresh for us to discuss. The best we can do is 2D/Random and that's basically what we are right now, except sometimes our threads get pruned by the janitor.

>> No.11241497

>So instead you spammed and replied to them
No, I didn't do that either. I left it alone. It still became shit.

>Then /q/ comes around and like 5 people decide what is /jp/ content forever and ever from that point on so people now shitpost with a Touhou in OP instead
People had been shitposting with Touhou in the OP nonstop since way before /q/ existed (QUALITY THREAD).

>Now /jp/ is stale shit and you can't complain because that is what you wanted.
It was shit after /q/, but it was shit in the year leading up to /q/ too, so there's barely fucking anything to complain about.

>> No.11241498

It doesn't matter either way, since neither option works. It's a fucking impasse. There is no real solution.

>> No.11241500

You can only ignore and act elitist so much. No matter how hard you stick to your guns, you can't stop a massive influx of outsiders that outnumber the former userbase.

>> No.11241501

This is the only worthwhile thread on /jp/ at the moment. Why wouldn't I bump it?

>> No.11241502

There are worthwhile threads which shouldn't be bumped.

>> No.11241502,1 [INTERNAL] 

>complaining about off-topic threads in an off-topic thread

>> No.11241502,2 [INTERNAL] 

I'm glad there are still some decent posters around. That alone gives me solace. Gods lurk here... ;_;

>> No.11241502,3 [INTERNAL] 

Nobody really gives a shit about an off-topic thread or ten as long as they're not permanently at the top of the board.

>> No.11241502,4 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off, you shitposting janitor.

>> No.11241502,5 [INTERNAL] 

Here come the warosubros. Abandon hope, etc.

>> No.11241502,6 [INTERNAL] 

Death to non-shitposters.

>> No.11241502,7 [INTERNAL] 

Martyr me, fiend!

>> No.11241502,8 [INTERNAL] 

I'm pretty sure most of the pleasant saging gentlemen complaining about how /jp/ is ruined admitted to being shitposters anyway.

>> No.11241502,9 [INTERNAL] 

They probably became that way after losing all hope, like some sort of demented final form.

>> No.11241502,10 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ - Megucas/Suffering

>> No.11241502,11 [INTERNAL] 

Literally nothing has changed.

>> No.11241502,12 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck, I missed this thread and flanfly. I shouldn't have gone to sleep yesterday
