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File: 101 KB, 300x196, 1375438378800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11415184 No.11415184[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is....the worst thing....ever to happen to me.

Ok, So im not religous. And deffinantly not christian or whatever, so if you can guess my penis is not circumsiezed. And i masturbait once every 2 or 4 days.

Now, today My mom told me she was going to a book sale in town at the library she does charity cervices at. And my dad, being a traveling ceo and sales rep is out of town till next week. I decided this would be the best time to masturbait.

What i inferred from my mother was that she was leaving immedeatly. So i go into my room, fire up limewire, and start looking at porn.

Push comes to shove and im done...

Heres where the non circumsiezed part comes in. (no pun intended). When im ready to blow my load i can hold it inside my dick by literally holding the end of my penis shut. i know it seems far fetched but go fill a bag full of syrup, hold the end shut and tip it upside down. I was running to the bathroom with my cock hard and literally full of sperm when my mom walks in front of me.

The awkward silence that filled the air was like mustard gas. My mom looks at my pantless self and i immideatly let go of my dick. (im gonna puke) and i let my pre exploaded load go all over the floor...in front of my mom.

she let out a wimper and turned the corner but not befor i could sprint. And i tell you, sprint into my room. this is where i am now. I dont know if ill ever face my mom again.

>> No.11415186


>> No.11415190
File: 45 KB, 353x412, 1314193276104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you even say okaeri to your mom?

>> No.11415200

Who cares my mom and my sister have caught me jacking off plenty of times.
She'll make a joke or just wont talk about it, everyone masturbates

>> No.11415204

>everyone masturbates

Not everyone.

This is dangerous thinking. It's why women become sluts, because "everyone else is doing it."

In reality there are plenty of people who don't have sex and don't masturbate, by choice.

>> No.11415222


>> No.11415224

God women are such whores.

>> No.11415227

Do you tell yourself that while you're masturbating to them?

>> No.11415232

Ass damaged slut whore detected. Don't you have dicks to be sucking, slut.

>> No.11415237

I'm a boy and i want to suck dicks am I a slut?

>> No.11415244

That makes you a disgusting subhuman who should kill themself immediately.

>> No.11415245

You're a fucking AIDS spreading faggot.

>> No.11415250

b-but peepees are c-cute...
I want to suck and kiss them...

>> No.11415251


>> No.11415248


>> No.11415257
File: 84 KB, 333x389, gays not welcome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out you fuckin queer.

>> No.11415266
File: 92 KB, 828x811, 1340060316021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being gay

>> No.11415264

You're doing it again.

I am a man and I don't masturbate, because I'm not a slut. If you were a woman, you'd be a slut if you could, because you masturbate as a man.

Go join your frat bros at the club, you normalfag hypocrite.

>> No.11415265
File: 84 KB, 500x611, 1355621836953109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont wanna~

I have a cute boy butt too

>> No.11415271

Thank god the gayslayers are out in full force today, we shouldn't have to put up with these degenerates.

>> No.11415274

Guys, please stop being so homophobic. Fags are people too.

>> No.11415277
File: 38 KB, 448x460, 1355664486213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top lel dude, top lel.

>> No.11415280
File: 768 KB, 880x1100, 1352849471865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you wanna be my bf?
I can be c-cute for you

>> No.11415286

Sorry, I'm straight and have a gf.

>> No.11415288
File: 154 KB, 675x840, fags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Abused 'More Likely to Be Gay'

Bug Chasing Why Some Men Want to Become HIV Positive

Drug Use 'Seven Times Higher' Among Gays

Folsom Street Fair 2007

HIV Among Gay and Bisexual Men

Homosexual Men Have 50 Times Higher Rate of AIDS

Homosexuality: The Mental Illness That Went Away

One in Five Gay, Bisexual Men in U.S. Cities Has HIV

Report Finds Black Gay Males in US Worst Hit By HIV-AIDS

STD Facts - Syphilis & MSM

Up Your Alley 2008

Viral Hepatitis Populations - Men Who Have Sex with Men

>> No.11415291

Average degenerate homosexual slutting around.

>> No.11415294

>have a gf.
top lel

>> No.11415302

Tell her that at least you're not gay, she'll feel better.

>> No.11415307


>> No.11415316

lmao you schooled that gay nerd.

>> No.11415343

Now I want to visit London.
