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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.11587402
File: 185 KB, 626x332, 911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11587401
File: 6 KB, 348x53, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an ongoing war. There are going to be casualties.


>> No.11587404

The 'paedogheddon' brass eye special is mandatory viewing for this.

>> No.11587414
File: 54 KB, 600x414, syd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We believe that paedophiles are using an area of internet the size of Ireland, and through this they can control keyboards.

>> No.11587421

underage keyboards?

>> No.11587430

Well this news just makes me recall the part where there's a mob outside a hospital that burns a pedo to death

>> No.11587458

That guy in to OP is pretty handsome - I mean model-level handsome. My mental picture of an average nonce is someone who's really fat with no self-respect. Guess you learn something every day...

>> No.11587477
File: 202 KB, 618x465, movies-man-of-steel-henry-cavill-superman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He reminds me of the new Superman.

>> No.11587484


>> No.11587485

the cops got suspended, but the people who murdered him arent getting punished?

so you can kill anyone you want if you just call him a pedo first

>> No.11587488

You'd be surprised, I've been told all my life I look damn good and that I'm charming but here I'm in my 24, friendless, living alone in Touhouland after cutting contact with my family and losing half of my time every day looking for lewd doujinshi and ero games and masturbating to them.
I've yet to regret this lifestyle and honestly doubt that day will come.

>> No.11587490

>Lee James, 24, pleaded guilty to murder at Bristol Crown Court and his friend Stephen Norley, also 24, admitted assisting an offender after deciding to “take the law into their own hands”.

>> No.11587491

Well it's an honest mistake that can't be helped.

Of course, if they had killed an actual paedophile, it legally wouldn't be murder and they'd all get medals.

>> No.11587495

Can we just go back to hating Poles or Muslims or something?

I like it when I'm on the bullies' side.

>> No.11587492

Seriously, fuck this. Yes this has made me anally devastated and I am extremely upset and disturbed. Why would any human burn a guy to death for reasons like that?

>> No.11587496

> I've been told all my life I look damn good and that I'm charming

By your mom and grandma? Me too ahahaha.

>> No.11587502

It's what you get for caring about your hanging plants

>> No.11587503

By HIS mom and grandma?

(was that the joke sorry if i ruined it)

>> No.11587509

>keen gardener
>his plants

He was probably a poof anyway, same difference.

>> No.11587512

Yeah, fuck me for thinking that my work shouldn't be ruined by insufferable cunts.

>> No.11587511

Aren't all homos pedos anyway?

>> No.11587516

stop projecting, I don't need to lie in the internet and much less in /jp/

>> No.11587518

Self-righteousness. It's the same when those mongrels go to EDL rallies because they think Muslims and 'terrorists' are responsible for the downfall of the United Kingdom, not the corporations or Royals who put them all into economic slavery centuries ago. Funny how Muslims weren't really a problem until 9/11 and they've been in our country for 100 years.

Case in point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32qQGLVHiHk

>> No.11587521

Fucking paedos taking pictures of fully-clothed children. There's no limit to their depravity.

*loads up black BBW scat porn*

>> No.11587526

Yes, I recommend all the little boys on /jp/ watch this enlightening documentary:

>> No.11587534

I'm afraid that I'll rape a child and go to jail forever.

>> No.11587537

If they really think it's self-righteousness, then I have lost all hope.

>> No.11587539

Didn't you see that chart about how tall/old we all are?

Apparently a lot of people feel the need to lie. I lie on anonymous boards because it makes me feel better.

>> No.11587545

Kill all the non-pedos.

>> No.11587546

Just stay in your house, man.

>> No.11587547

feel when your mom tells you like it is

>> No.11587541

I could burn you if you want. It will save you.

>> No.11587549
File: 175 KB, 648x633, 1377966246620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apparently a lot of people feel the need to lie
>I lie on anonymous boards because it makes me feel better
Jesus christ anon, get it together.

>> No.11587555

alright then, everyone here is a short and ugly.

>> No.11587562


It's really strange seeing how he justifies this to himself. He obviously did the research after the fact. Which is a shame because there are real problems with Islam and Asian immigration, but these people make no effort to even pretend those are the points they're making.

It's the same with paedophiles. There is plenty of evidence for the negative effects of child sex abuse (there's also evidence it gets exaggerated, but it's still a real issue). People don't focus on those though. They're not even attacking just child molesters, all "paedophiles" are guilty in their eyes. Your paedophilia is causing you concern and you want to talk about it, maybe even get professional help? Tough shit, you are a potential criminal who deserves to die, just all those "heterosexual" men who are just rapists waiting to happen.

>> No.11587560
File: 381 KB, 960x1280, 5.7sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah not quite kid

>> No.11587561
File: 609 KB, 720x480, Himari Niikura - In Himari Wonderland [ICDV-30117].mp4_snapshot_00.17.37_[2013.11.03_12.07.37].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pedo is a longtime /jp/ tradition.
Fapping to adorable pictures of young girls is not a crime or even morally reprehensible.

>> No.11587562,1 [INTERNAL] 

This gets posted, and then the thread gets deleted.

>> No.11587562,2 [INTERNAL] 

Sorry Anon, but even fapping to cartoon girls means you'll go out and rape a child.

Jules Mulder is a psychotherapist working a clinic specializing in the treatment of paedophiles, and here's his expert opinion:
"[...] for some people it will certainly increase the likelihood of going through with it (sexual abuse) [...] Some want photos of naked children, others want children having sex while someone else wants an eight-year-old boy with dark hair and a certain look in his eyes [...] It's not possible to satisfy these different desires with a bit of virtual child pornography."


>> No.11587562,3 [INTERNAL] 

My people... this is 6 billion times worse than the shoa

>> No.11587562,4 [INTERNAL] 

Wow. Normals are crazy and evil as hell. They really think that killing somebody for being a pedophile is to “take the law into their own hands”. I fear their idea of justice.

>> No.11587562,5 [INTERNAL] 

uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh..... no?

you are the pedo here.
youa re crazy and evil as hell.

>> No.11587562,6 [INTERNAL] 

No. I don't hurt anyone and I never will.

...Is how I would respond to someone like you if you were serious. But then you would just go on about the rape and murder of children as if it's somehow relevant.

>> No.11587562,7 [INTERNAL] 

>I don't hurt anyone and I never will.
you want to hurt lolis by shoving your dick in their tiny undeveloped vaginas

don't lie to me

>> No.11587562,8 [INTERNAL] 

>you want to hurt...
Even if that desire existed it wouldn't really change anything I said. It's possible to have sadistic fantasies without ever actually hurting anyone, or even really wanting to hurt anyone. Assuming that all pedophiles are sadistic is stupid though.

>> No.11587562,9 [INTERNAL] 

Humans need to have targets to hate, but normies are unable of enough independent thinking to decide on their own who they should count as enemies. Normies rely on the mass media to give them targets, and as pedos are currently one of the few groups that are still considered socially alright to hate, they fill that gap nicely.

>> No.11587562,10 [INTERNAL] 

Man, wouldn't it be great if all humans had a target to hate, like aliens? Imagine the things we'd get done if only we knew there were some aliens coming to wreck everything. Imagine the comradery average people of all cultures would feel toward eachother.

Too bad aliens aren't real.

>> No.11587562,11 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe so many little girls get raped and molested because they put their trust into a good looking guy like in the OP. Maybe they enjoy the attention they get from such a person.

>> No.11587562,12 [INTERNAL] 

This, our only equal threat is eachother.
However I still think that even in the face of total destruction by an alien race, we'll still find some way to kill and lie to eachother in the meantime.

>> No.11587562,13 [INTERNAL] 

Aliens are both real and people hate them. Assuming you mean the terrestrial kind.

>> No.11587562,14 [INTERNAL] 

The picture only says he's a sex offender. Many things can get you labelled that, not just molesting children. A girl could have cheated with him because he was attractive and later claim it was rape. After being impregnated with his valuable seed, that is.

>> No.11587562,15 [INTERNAL] 

Terrestrial aliens are different depending on who you are. And even the concept itself is not universally hated. So no, he obviously does not mean that.

And anyway, even if we did have aliens to fight, we'd just go back to infighting if we ever beat them.

>> No.11587562,16 [INTERNAL] 

That's unlikely considering the image.

>> No.11587562,17 [INTERNAL] 

No, not really. The fact that they use the term "sex offender" makes it likely. Either that was the term used when they found the photo, or they intentionally use the ambiguous term because it was a charge that did not involve children.

Or it could even be a generic frame from some site where the image could be any sexual offender in the database, not just poor Johnathan here.

Stop being mislead by normies.

>> No.11587562,18 [INTERNAL] 

How can you say aliens are real if there is no proof?

>> No.11587562,19 [INTERNAL] 

Tourist season is proof enough.
