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11831252 No.11831252[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who was the best grisaia?

>> No.11831264

Did she hurt her ankle? Is she okay? Did she hurt her own body? Does she need help?

>> No.11831270

You can't help anyone. You can only destroy.

>> No.11831284

yes, but she is used to
she is a big girl but her feet is small so she hurt her ankle a lot, she is okay.

>> No.11831288

Michiru obviously
Wouldnt even touch this slut with a ten foot pole

>> No.11831300

>Wouldnt even touch this slut with a ten foot pole
sure you wouldnt

>> No.11831304

I can call the ambulance though.

>> No.11831318

Is there a lot of NTR here? Why are you calling her a slut?

>> No.11831332 [SPOILER] 
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Because she is one.

>> No.11831352

Does she suck other peoples dicks?

>> No.11831363

That's hot dude

>> No.11831372

Fucking slut, she was a boring character.

>> No.11831381

They were all nice girls

>> No.11832632 [SPOILER] 
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Clearly Kazuki.

The ending where Yuuji took over from Oslo and she continued being the Thanatos system was much better than the crappy harem ending.

>> No.11832797

Atcher and Mitcher are best grisaias.

>> No.11832936
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Clearly Chiruchiru

>> No.11832940

>liking a literally retarded, edgy bitch

-hey yuuji, i'm not a complete retard afterall. i can totally be deep and edgy
-hey yuuji, let's play a game of pretend, since i'm retarded and all
-hey, my cat died. probably figured it would be better to die than put up with me
-i was born retarded, my parents hate me for it, and my whore friend killed herself. super sad.
-baaaaawwwww life's so hard, i want to die. i'm so dark and edgy.
-holy shit, yuuji's actually helping me die after i wouldn't stop bitching about it every 5 seconds. everyone is so sad, guess i didn't want to die afterall. i'm such a fucking retard.
-hey edgy spirit, let's be best friends forever. totally super awesome xD.

On the bright side, reading through this insufferable route actually made me appreciate Makina for beating this dumb cunt up during various points of the game.

>> No.11832972

calm down

>> No.11833020

Now that's what I call edgy!

>> No.11833042
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The negro one

>> No.11833099

Manika is the best girl

Honourable mention goes to sensei for having the best system voice

>> No.11833210

I wish he had more screen time.

I need to find a VN where you and your black bro are in the army together. The Yabuinu squad parts were some of the best scenes in the VN.

>> No.11833272
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Makina, but that's probably because I'm an EOP.

>> No.11833299
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Sachi of course

>> No.11833358

He died right?
Why the best Yabuinu had to die?

>> No.11833360

I wanted to like her but she was boring as fuck

>> No.11833370
File: 146 KB, 1280x720, 20130525_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wasn't boring, she was pretty cute, specially when she started to sing.

>> No.11833379


>> No.11833385

I guess she was cute in parts. Just most of her route kinda dragged
nice contribution

>> No.11833432

I liked her route, but maybe that was because I liked her.
I found it a lot more interesting than yumiko's flashback when I was almost sleeping.

>> No.11833445

Yumiko's was awful
Makina was by far the best though
Michiru was my favorite girl but damn was her route too drama heavy

>> No.11833466

Michiru's route doesn't count, the guy who wrote it is a retard

>> No.11833525
File: 125 KB, 1024x576, fire fire yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe the writer was too much of a pussy to put in a gangbang backstory for this dumb whore

>> No.11833542

>slick rag
Why English translations use so many difficult words?

>> No.11833546

Have you considered that you might just read at an elementary school level?

>> No.11833552

isn't text in moege supposed to be elementary school level?

>> No.11833568

I'm pretty sure you don't know what moege means

>> No.11833572

>On the bright side, reading through this insufferable route actually made me appreciate Makina for beating this dumb cunt up during various points of the game.

Can't you understand that Makina is the worst?

>> No.11833577

Epic spoiler meme /a/niki

>> No.11833579


That's just rude.

>> No.11833639

Yumiko and Michiru, the two best girls, had the worst routes.
Makina and Amane, the two worst girls, had the best routes.
It's a shame.

>> No.11833708

your taste is so terrible it is a shame

>> No.11833710

If you like Makina you are a literal subhuman.

>> No.11833740

If you like Shitchiru you are a less than subhuman, just like her.

>> No.11833748


At least half michiru votes was just one autistic retard

>> No.11833899

Michiru is the most popular character, fake tsunderes like her aren't that common.

>> No.11833912

loli is fucking the worst and is shit taste.
amane is the best and so is the blue haired girl.

>> No.11833920

>fake tsunderes

Is that a new term for literally retarded?

>> No.11833923

So i still haven't finished this but are they translating the other two games? have they said anything lately about it?

>> No.11834247


>> No.11834440
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Sachi is a miracle of the universe

>> No.11836125

The worst part about it was that they didn't even properly acknowledge his death. I was wanting to hear how it happened, or at least see Yuuji's reaction.

>> No.11836135

Nah, it has been dropped since the translator realised just how crap the series was, and didn't want to make it even worse by translating it.

Seems like you'll be needing to learn moon if you want to read them.

>> No.11836208
File: 140 KB, 450x337, Komine Sachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Sachi so much.

>> No.11836957
File: 199 KB, 1280x768, sdasdas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why everyone in US speak Japanese fluently?

>> No.11836984
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I wish this wasn't pleather.

...Do you think a grey or blue one would be approved?

>> No.11836988
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gotta go pink.

or grey.

>> No.11836998



>> No.11837011

based koestl

>> No.11837062

automatic translation.
yuuji speaks english fluently so he can understand everything the others say.

>> No.11837101

And then Shiki kicked a box of kittens. And Arc was very very mad.

>> No.11837130

I've done two routes

I adore bottle blonde so far.
A "I'm not gonna play the sappy role of 'I'll be your reson to live' but instead I'll let you struggle and prove you yourself want to" sort of deal

>> No.11837161

I wish there was a sex scene of sachi sucking the dick of a random man dressed in a shark costume

>> No.11837272
File: 26 KB, 600x600, L_g0015643865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grey. It's canvas so it won't be as shitty but it ain't swag.
