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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 96 KB, 640x480, gioconda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11985111 No.11985111 [Reply] [Original]

General original content/drawthread for /jp/sies. You may use this thread to contribute your works or to share ideas related to possible projects. Anything OC is welcomed; including drawings, writings, music, and programming.

Previous thread: >>11964022

>> No.11985119

I wish one of the good artists on /jp/ would make a nice OP pic one day.

>> No.11985134

From my perspective that's a nice OP pic. Stop being so elitist.

>> No.11985140

No need to get so defensive, my comment has nothing to do with your drawing. /jp/ does have good artists and I simply wish they could make a nice one one time.

>> No.11985151

I wish the stuff people made was more utilitarian. Or thought out so far enough so that it's easier to steal. Like facial expressions to be used around in VNs everyone wants to make instead of getting together a whole retardo team to bicker at one another. I'll modify something on google and not look as cool.

Wait is there an OC archive or something? If I'm going to make something for you guys I want to have it as /jp/ related as it can be.

>> No.11985161

i'm pretty sure most of the artist in the OC threads aren't even visiting /jp/ frequently other than posting their anime girls in here every once a while

>> No.11985210


Hey, I know you, you're the angry /ic/reject from the past thread!

Hopefully this thread will have enough cute drawingses for you to sweep away your frustration~

>> No.11985214

I dunno about that.

I mean, even I as a developer who really want to make a /jp/ game, I can understand why an artist would rather make one random picture, post it, and try something else rater than providing -utilitarian- stuff.

We just have to wait for someone who "have fun" while doing it, otherwise it's pretty much pointless.

>> No.11985236

> is there an OC archive or something?
None, as far as I know. Just check the archives manually.

>> No.11985262


It's kind of funny that the quality of the drawings here is usually higher of the threads in /a/

>> No.11985271


>higher than

I meant, damn

>> No.11985269

I finished a few songs lately but I can't bring myself to give it the final push and mix them so they're presentable for /jp/. Someone, please send help...

>> No.11985272

Its not really worth the effort to make something high quality. OPs pic is fine.

>> No.11985281

Why was a new thread made if the old one is still up?

>> No.11985286 [DELETED] 

bitch-tan is behind the op!

>> No.11985319 [DELETED] 
File: 251 KB, 600x1192, Viper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished this one a few days ago. I'm working on a story called "Project: Absolute!" and I'm looking forward to starting it, I'm still sorting stuff out though.

The girl is Viper, who is the main character for the story.

Oh yeah! I found that MMD is great for making poses too!

>> No.11985323

i used to use mmd for stuff like perspective when i couldn't figure it out. i should do that again sometime.

>> No.11985329

its also kind of helpful figuring out how to color the shading if you know where you want your light source to come from.

>> No.11985355 [DELETED] 

Plastic shading, soft brush highlights and a DA watermark?
Please fuck off.

>> No.11985357


It's frustration-kun trying to derail the thread.

>> No.11985364

Yes, let's support people spamming watermarked images as if anyone here would steal them.

>> No.11985371 [DELETED] 


What, I meant >>11985319 with >It's frustration-kun trying to derail the thread.

>> No.11985369

I think he's responding to his own bait.

>> No.11985375

He is someone else, because I'm the one who was called that in the last thread. Maybe I should feel insulted because I only visited that board a few times myself and that was a long time ago.

My criticism about those beginner mistakes were appropriate and if you don't want to see better artwork in the future, you can always go to a touhou roll thread and pet everyone's head there.

>> No.11985403

That wasn't me who posted that

>> No.11985415

Post your art or go away.

>> No.11985420 [DELETED] 

I only posted it here to see if people would enjoy it, I guess I was just a bit worried since I'm a newfag

>> No.11985428 [DELETED] 

Dear Magister,

I know you will post something soon again, so I wanted to ask you to only stick to Kancolle characters in the future instead of drawing my favorite girls from other media.
I don't like the ship thingies anyway so that way you and all the other bad things can stay together and I don't need to be as annoyed about you as I was in the past.

Thank you for your understanding.

>> No.11985436 [DELETED] 

It's okay, don't take it too hard. How old are you by the way?

>> No.11985442

Damn where's hyperactive new meido when you need someone to deal with the bullshit here

>> No.11985449

All the good /jp/ artists are banned from this thread. Other artists get mad and bully-shitpost them till they leave or get banned. They have to actually bring down their standards and draw something shitty just so that it's acceptable on this thread. It's also an unspoken rule that if a good artist made the OP pic, the thread will get deleted.

>> No.11985478

What you consider good art isn't as good as you think. It's possible is that you are just angry that your own thread was deleted in the past.

>> No.11985540 [DELETED] 


Did you seriously watermark that? Seriously dude?

>> No.11985542

I've started working on a text-based adventure in a fantasy setting; something similar to Oregon Trail, conceptually. I'm making it run from a console, so that limits functionality quite a bit, but hopefully that will make it run nicely on most computers. Would any of you be interested in playing something like that?

>> No.11985544

You can do it anon, I would love to hear your music!

>> No.11985547

Dude, I'm working on a text-based game too, and I'd definitely play one made by another /jp/sie. I'm thinking at this point it's going to be Touhou-based, but I've got some other ideas as well. What are you writing it in?

>> No.11985555

Java, unfortunately. It is what I've learned to use at school. I'm making the game to help me practice algorithms that we use in class. If all goes well, I'll make a sequel or re-write the original in C or C++ so I can practice a new language. I'll need C in my next class, so it will likely be that.

>> No.11985556
File: 547 KB, 1500x1400, Utsuho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11985562
File: 195 KB, 1296x1821, Mokkomokomokou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew a Mocca. I fucked up big time.
I hope you guys still kind of like it, though.

I enjoy the way you draw hair, really, but her face kinda puts me off. There are also some issues with the hands.
Let's do our best to get better, shall we?

>> No.11985563

I was going to teach myself Objective-C to write mine (C is the language I'm most comfortable with), but I actually ended up deciding to use Java since it's something I know already. Good luck in your endeavors, anon.

>> No.11985568

Nice Okuu, anon.

>> No.11985570

Arms are too short.

>> No.11985573

Is this the underage kids- version of the OC threads or what?
Where are all the older guys right now?

>> No.11985574

Yeah I'm still pretty shit at drawing hands. And what do you see wrong with the face exactly?
For your picture I like the idea, just need to work on those arms. They are a bit short and if you wanted them to look a bit more muscular you should check out some references.
Thank you.

>> No.11985577

Why is everyone so mad?

>> No.11985579

Her face reminds me of Espurr.

>> No.11985580

>Where are all the older guys right now?
Not anywhere in /jp/, that's for sure.

>> No.11985582

You are right, now I know what didn't feel right about it all the time... Though it was such an obvious mistake.

Well, about the head, don't worry too much about it, it's just that it doesn't quite match my preferences, but it is still well drawn.

>> No.11985584

The hair looks very nice and soft, but the torso/midsection looks bad, and her breasts seems kind of awkward, they should "squish" a bit more, I think.
Her forearms are too short, her hands too small, her face seems kind of flat and the ponytail doesn't look like hair, at the base it's reminding me of wood. I do really like the expressions you draw, though.

>> No.11985585

If I remember correctly, /jp/'s visitor's average age should have been in the early or mid-twenties at some point.

>> No.11985588

I like the direction you're going in with your Okuu. I don't have any great advice to give but I think the face and torso needs work, but that just might be my own preference. Hope you keep improving.

>> No.11985590

that's some awesome oc you posted in this oc thread man

seriously great stuff

>> No.11985598

What do you think I can do with the torso/face to improve it? And I'll work on adding a bit more "squish" to the breasts.

>> No.11985608

I'm not sure since im still not confident with my own anatomy yet, but you might want to look for some references and find a few artists you like on Danbooru. Are you trying to completely move away from the sort of chibi style you drew her in before?

>> No.11985610 [DELETED] 

Sorry. Like I said, I'm a newfag and wanted to be cautious. I need to stop being so worried about things :<

>> No.11985612

Just try to study actual torsos. I'm bad with explaining, if I had a tablet I would've try to redline it.

>> No.11985623

Okay, I'll try and do some research. And for this one I wanted to go for a bit more of a mature Okuu with her body at least, but still keep a cuter face.

>> No.11985627 [DELETED] 

Oh boy, first using those awesome internet terms and then emoticons...

>> No.11985632 [DELETED] 


>> No.11985639 [DELETED] 

Please answer the question

>> No.11985650

So we have now two drawfags dedicated to improving themselves by drawing Okuu? Very nice.

>> No.11985657

I'll do a few requests, but don't say "draw x touhou", try to be a little more creative than that.

>> No.11985658

Can you draw Yukari smoking weed with Biggie Smalls in heaven?

>> No.11985665

People post their artworks here themselves. Requests are despised by most posters here.

We need age control of some kind in here by the way, even if it's impossible.

>> No.11985666 [DELETED] 

I'd much rather not say

>> No.11985668

Draw Patchouli holding a Kindle with a disgusted look on her face.

>> No.11985670 [DELETED] 

Be brave, come on!

>> No.11985671 [DELETED] 

What else should I have said?

>> No.11985676

Alright, but I can't guarantee this will turn out well, especially for Biggie Smalls.
I know, but isn't that normall requests something out of the blue? I figured asking for requests would be fine.

>> No.11985681

I don't see anyone mad about it but you, friend.

>> No.11985687

Those people all successfully killed themselves or became wizards and are off doing wizard things.

>> No.11985688 [DELETED] 

17, 18 in a few months

>> No.11985689

Yeah, and then they all left because they found people to talk to who weren't as shit as your average /jp/sie.

>> No.11985691

I like seeing pictures of banal products that conceal ecchi pictures. You might have seen them: a gift bag from comiket that was plain beige on the outside, but the inside looked like a vagina. Or a navy blue umbrella that had panties and a bitchi's legs drawn on the inside, so that the umbrella was a "skirt".

Can you think of any other products like that? Please draw a schematic if you can, or just type up an idea for another bored anon to sketch.

>> No.11985699

I want to bury my face in her breasts. Such a nice body.

>> No.11985710
File: 323 KB, 2410x3436, OCrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all say smart things, may I ask about some tips here too?
I know the hand wouldn't quite work that way, though, but are there more things that strike you?

>> No.11985727
File: 230 KB, 700x500, fshksf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the likeness is okay.
I'm not very creative, so I'm not the person for that, sorry.
I'm confused on what I'm looking at. The neck is too wide, and the eyes don't seem to be facing the same direction as the rest of the face.

>> No.11985733

A /jp/sie's age is, on average, inversely proportional to his visibility and tendency to shitpost.

Assuming he doesn't kill himself, his attitudes towards life will mature and he will devote more time towards self-improvement and various projects or hobbies. This usually comes about between the ages of 23-25, when he realizes that all of the time he has spent shitposting on the jay between classes or after work could have been better spent learning japanese, practicing his drawing, or working on other otaku hobbies that he has been too lazy to actually work on. Oftentimes, health scares, the death of a relative, or straightened economic circumstances will provoke a re-evaluation of the shitposter's life, which is the first step towards attaining maturity and wizardhood.

However, this is not a universal process, and many /jp/sies continue to languish as secondaries and shitposters will into their late twenties. Please donate today to help cure these unfortunate souls.

>> No.11985741

Thank you so much. It's awesome.

>> No.11985744

Thanks, noted.
I tend to make mistakes like that quite often in early phases and maybe letting others point some things out I might overlook will help me improving.

Cool picture, but it would be slightly more hilarious if Yukari was the one putting her arm around Biggie.

>> No.11985751
File: 12 KB, 447x500, patchouli 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11985766

What is patchy reading?

>> No.11985769

It reads "aniki" I think.

>> No.11985772

It's a Kindle. She's disappointed in it because she prefers the feel of real books.

>> No.11985782

I think that's a bit too high tech for Touhou.

>> No.11985783

Patchouli is ``old fashioned''!

>> No.11985784

If you read the post that >>11985751
is quoting you'd know that it's a Kindle.

>> No.11985788

It could still be a book titled "Kindness".

>> No.11985789

There isn't enough room for the ness.

>> No.11985795

Thanks anon! I love it.

>> No.11985914
File: 273 KB, 1500x1400, Utsuho v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this is an improvement or not, I've been staring at it for too long.

>> No.11985961

It's different, not really better.
In my book, however, it's worse because I like wide hips and thick thighs.

>> No.11985966
File: 166 KB, 1000x1000, Patches Tablet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funnily enough the first request I ever made here was of something similar with Patches. This was a nice drawing.

>> No.11985991

So if you were to go about doing less than savory commissions, how would you receive money? How would you go about keeping that money untied to your name? Paypal with fake info into a specific bank account?

>> No.11985999
File: 2.41 MB, 512x288, 1386456144711.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw neet with no bank account so i only do commissions for game money and gifts

>> No.11986027

That's actually a good idea. I can try and get some NX to blow on stupid gambling shit.

>> No.11986048

I'll buy dumb cash shop stuff for you in exchange for drawings of Irisu.

>> No.11986055

What kind of drawings?
Post your ideas

>> No.11986069

I want to make some OC but not sure what I should make. I can program so I can maybe make a game.

>> No.11986078

Irisu dressed as Nagito Komaeda (a parody of another image)
Irisu using a tissue to play with a rabbit (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsMcQEvySXA))
Irisu playing an elaborate cat variation of Mouse Trap

they're all very boring and unexciting ideas that i can only assume someone would want to do through commission

>> No.11986105

read this book.

>> No.11986109
File: 134 KB, 549x347, landsss1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The outside world is ruining my escapism.

>> No.11986123

Could use more hue shifting, especially for the yellow one

>> No.11986131

That top left one is really beautiful.

>> No.11986299

and the threads at bun

>> No.11986320

I can't draw for shit, but I have this idea that keeps bugging me.

It's about a personification of WinRAR. She's this timid girl with glasses, always carrying books around. She'll work for you for free, but every once in a while she brings up the courage to ask the user to pay her for her for her work so she and her family won't have to starve to death. You know how we all react when she does.

If anyone is bored enough (and let's face it, if you read this far you probably are) I request a picture of her with her with her small siblings, and a dialog along the lines of:
"Okay, it's bed time now"
"Ehh? But I'm still hungry~"
"I know, but we can't afford more food than this. But I'm sure User-kun will pay me soon if I keep on giving my best and work hard. I know it."
"I'm cold..."

>> No.11986339

I might take a crack at this at some point.

>> No.11986341

This makes me feel warm because I bought my copy of WinRAR.

>> No.11986349

Thanks, I'm looking forward to it!

>> No.11986389

You're making me want to pay for WinRAR ;_;

>> No.11986397

Wait, there are actually people that don't use 7-zip?

>> No.11986407

And make WinRAR-chan jobless?

>> No.11986420


That's User-goshujinsama to you.

>> No.11986423

I use both.

>> No.11986427

Why not both

>> No.11986499
File: 9 KB, 150x135, klk_nui4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>captcha: senketu findla

>> No.11986501
File: 8 KB, 165x125, klk_ragyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>captcha: the archgm

>> No.11986502

Nobody gives a fuck about your captcha.

>> No.11986503
File: 5 KB, 65x105, klk_rei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fun allowed on jay pee

>> No.11986511
File: 4 KB, 86x27, rvcs4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the Game Boy Advance era.

>> No.11986516

Pretty cute.

>> No.11986531

why not pixeling girls from an actual good anime that people will still memorize a month after it aired

>> No.11986559

Well then, let's see your ``superior taste" faggot

This is the /jp/ drawthread, please take it easy.

>> No.11986561

>This is the /jp/ drawthread
Exactly, not the /a/ drawthread.

>> No.11986567

But I don't want to go to /a/, they're scary

>> No.11986601

like Evangelion?...

>> No.11986614

Why not pixel teh Rei?

>> No.11986635

I'd like to see a pixelized Rei.

The KLK ones are pretty darned good.

>> No.11986728
File: 49 KB, 640x1200, vgoestothemovies 1 of idunno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, I finished part 2 of this.

>> No.11986729
File: 91 KB, 640x1200, 1395466851928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11986746

Hasn't /v/ been around longer than /vr/? Why is /v/ the little bro?

>> No.11986751

He's supposed to be his long lost brother or something like that. I guess people found it more fitting for him to be older since he's into older things.

>> No.11986754

/jp/ is cute I want to fuq it

>> No.11986764

this better not be your first time seeing that personification of /jp/

might have to call you gay and stuff...

>> No.11986767


Its not. I still want to. Post more. Thanks.

>> No.11986782

>little bro

/vr/ is filled with little shits playing games that came out before they were born, complete shit board. Not like its any better than the babies at /v/ today tht think demonsouls franchise is a hard game.

>> No.11986789

That last panel is so good. Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place.

>> No.11986808
File: 48 KB, 960x540, maid_game_0003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quickly (and half assedly) putting together an editor for animations, I need to add information like hitboxes, the correct alignment point for playback, maybe some other attributes and then export it to a file.

Won't be long, then I can start testing some placeholder animations in the game.

>> No.11986811

I'm rooting for you.

>> No.11986820

is DS as difficult as From's Armored Core Ps to Ps2 series? Those games were some bullshit at times.

>> No.11986878

dont bother

>> No.11986986
File: 353 KB, 1509x1372, ftr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Futurism eludes me. It meshes too often with brutalism and constructivism.

I was trying to get some ideas for buildings so I could add some to my landscapes.

>> No.11987022
File: 143 KB, 419x386, laugh with me snake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the idea for this effect a while back, I implemented it now.

I want to use this, added with a bit of distortion, for the motion trail of weapons if it doesn't look good I'll just draw them myself.

>> No.11987043
File: 2.07 MB, 522x302, cloak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a gif

Thanks anon!

>> No.11987054

Oh my, anon.

This is turning out pretty good. Keep up the good work!

>> No.11987068

I like it!

>> No.11987418

some demo recording i did on my phone
i fucked up but i still like it

>> No.11987423

Make a game!

>> No.11987447

I like it

>> No.11987536

A tiny bit better. I'll masturbate to this one.

Thigh-highs are great.

>> No.11987582

Keep up the awesome work dude.

>> No.11987611

make a visual novel with stats. I think is pretty easy and I like to see numbers going up

>> No.11987621

I've played a bit of thet pipefish game an anon made last thread and I like it. Is it still developed or was that the finished version? There's a bug where sometimes the first "question" doesn't show up. Some means to change the existing settings for a deck and the possibility to make reverse questions would be pretty rad. As of now I have to copy the deck and name it differently to play the same deck with different options.

>> No.11988054

okay, I have to think of what type of game to make now. Maybe some sort of multiplayer game that you can take it easy with other /jp/ers

I imagine a visual novel would need a lot of well done art which I am not good at...

>> No.11988073

Team up with some /jp/sies and you can take a try at a visual novel. Also what kind of multiplayer game will it be? Co-op or versus?

>> No.11988140
File: 2.36 MB, 522x302, distortion.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the support

I added the wave
Here's the source: http://pastebin.com/KYTNxEgU

>> No.11988152 [DELETED] 

Just wanted to say that /jp/ draw threads are pretty much the best anime/manga related draw threads; /a/ is filled with requester cancer and actively discourages OC, /ic/ threads are mostly about learning and people hating on each other when they feel bad after having their mistakes shown, whereas most creativity is seen here even if much of it is 2hu related.


>> No.11988187

I could... For the multiplayer game it would be maybe some sort of 2d co-op game.

>> No.11988197

Would it be touhou related? I think a fun game where we could all take it easy would be a game similar to the multiplayer kirby games.

>> No.11988204

Mostly because /jp/ has been slow recently, which is a GOOD thing.

What engine are you using to make the game again?

>> No.11988207

>What engine are you using to make the game again?
None, just doing it in C++ and DX9

>> No.11988229

It probably won't be touhou related. A multiplayer online side scroller like kirby does sound interesting. I was thinking maybe something similar to harvest moon, top down game where you can farm and fish with /jp/sies

>> No.11988285

I use ALZIP.
It's CUTE and EASY.

>> No.11988326
File: 901 KB, 2000x1600, Utsuho v3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I redid the entire thing. Improvement maybe?

>> No.11988334
File: 819 KB, 2000x1600, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would look better without these stomach lines, those are better represented through shading, don't put those in the linework

Also the eyes are way too close to the end of the face extremities, add a small amount of space

Then you're golden

>> No.11988346
File: 743 KB, 1322x1324, kalers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to color this

>> No.11988355
File: 885 KB, 2000x1600, Utsuho v3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it.

>> No.11988366

Cute, do you have a pixiv?
10/10, would cuddle and pet head

>> No.11988368

Don't sexualize wide girls!

>> No.11988374


what's between her breasts?

>> No.11988376

Its Okuu, dude.

>> No.11988377

The eye of yatagarasu.

>> No.11988381


Ok thanks. I'm not too big on 2hu, I just come here because I like the threads.

>> No.11988399 [DELETED] 

Please tell me how old you are.

>> No.11988428

But I like wide girls. Hips and thighs are my favorite.

>> No.11988443

The wave seems like it's going too fast, but that's just my opinion. I'm not even sure if there is a way to slow it down.

>> No.11988461
File: 1.81 MB, 522x302, distortion2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I changed it
You can change the speed of it with the time

>> No.11988466

Oh yeah that looks much better. Keep up the good work.

>> No.11988470

I was just joking, that wide and cute face reminds me to Hidamari. Ofc wide hips and thighs are a miracle of the universe, specially with the stockings rubber pressing the thighs, that's awesome.

>> No.11988472

>Don't sexualize wide girls!
But a girl with wide hips and thick thighs is made for breeding.

Utsuho anon I appreciate your hard work, please keep posting new wank material for me.

Do you mind posting a link to a V.4 without censor bars? Please?

>> No.11988540

>specially with the stockings rubber pressing the thighs, that's awesome.
I plan to color it eventually so maybe then.

>> No.11988547

>I plan to color it eventually so maybe then.

>> No.11988608

Okuu definitely needs good childbearing hips, so I can impregnate her.

>> No.11988618

But birds don't work that way anon.

>> No.11988626

This bird does

>> No.11988632

I can't stop fixing tiny mistakes in my linework even though I know it will barely be visible in the downscaled version. Please help.

>> No.11988634

zoom out

>> No.11988638

What do you suppose we can tell you what you don't know yourself?
You already know what you have to do. Now go do it.

>> No.11988641

I have this problem too. Try to work on it more where its zoomed out, try to make the picture presentable in the size that people will actually see it.

>> No.11988651

I do a similar thing while colouring, you just need willpower.

>> No.11988676

Working on piano sheets again:

For this, I'm not sure about the part at around 0:44 to :47.
Any opinion would be much appreciated, of course also to other parts.

>> No.11988787

I think for that part in particular.

You could keep it as a continual scale as opposed to breaking it up like that. Other than that this is pretty cool, anon.

>> No.11988797

I like it quite a bit. Reminds me of something that would play right before the final boss in a JRPG. For the part in question I feel like its a tiny bit out of place and doesn't flow as well as the rest of the song. Maybe do what >>11988787 said to get it to flow a bit better.

>> No.11988820

Cute background. I can really take it easy.

>> No.11988826
File: 263 KB, 700x500, ojdfjifd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like doing a few more requests, same as before (>>11985657).

>> No.11988847

Draw Sanae on the toilet.

>> No.11988850

Draw your favorite touhous fighting a nargacuga from monster hunter.

>> No.11988853

Patchouli spraying sick and stylish graffiti art with Koakuma.

>> No.11988879

Draw an original catgirl character doing kamehameha Wave.

>> No.11988899
File: 34 KB, 1000x1000, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've drawn too many toilets in my life.
This is too hard for me, so I just made a bad attempt at the nargacuga.

>> No.11988903

I appreciate the effort!

>> No.11988906


>> No.11988968

Not him but just search for Wakasagihime or Kagerou on pixiv and you'll see it.

>> No.11989008
File: 85 KB, 859x863, mabi design staff 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wants to be a magician but she can't use magic.

>> No.11989010

Cute. Why can't she use magic?

>> No.11989019


because she doesn't exist.

>> No.11989021

what a tweest

>> No.11989070

It looks like Rorona.

>> No.11989074
File: 1 KB, 96x192, grassTile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I decided to try to start working on the 2d top down game. I still haven't decided which programming language to use so I am working on the tiles for the game. This is what I have so far for the grass tiles.

>> No.11989081


Neat. If you get a good pallet going on it will compliment everything else nicely.

>> No.11989083

Maybe I should take off the cape or changer her colors.

>> No.11989095

I really like how she looks!

>> No.11989110

Woah calm down buddy, it's not like she'll have sex with you.

>> No.11989115


I thought the same thing.

>> No.11989206
File: 462 KB, 960x1080, shaderv2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel silly now, the effect I wanted was much simpler than the other one I wrote before

The top image is the effect you want to apply, basically the lighter the color is, the more distortion it causes.
Black does nothing.

Here's the new shader:

Now I can make a nicer motion trail effect for weapons and whatnot.

>> No.11989216

I can't wait, keep up the good work.

>> No.11989242
File: 246 KB, 717x960, cawcaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once saw a cute picture of JoJo characters in bird form.
Made me want to take a crack at it and draw DIO.
Sorry if it stinks.

>> No.11989246

I think it's cute. but then again I don't know a lot about bird anatomy so I don't know if it's proper or not.
Well, it's cute either way. Will save

>> No.11989255
File: 386 KB, 960x540, maid_game_0015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do my best

You can get neat results by putting photos

>> No.11989288
File: 16 KB, 404x203, iso_scene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isometric tiles are hard. These ones are also far too sharp. Guess I should read those threads about pixel art again.

>> No.11989318
File: 47 KB, 960x720, 1395558456595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sort of like that "sharp" look.
Inspired from this by any chance? I saw it referenced a lot in the project threads.

>> No.11989323


I think if anything inspired me it was an attempt to make a semi-realistic tile set that is reminiscent of Roller coaster tycoon. Even though RCT used 3D models and turned hem into sprites...

I do like that image a lot though because isometric art is very nice even if I struggle with it.

>> No.11989331

Will there be tentacles?

>> No.11989545


>other anon

Damn, already working on a catgirl, but checked the thread just now and too late to make her kamehameha

>> No.11989551

Did /jp/ ever have an animation project?
Just wondering.

>> No.11989651
File: 53 KB, 640x1200, vgoestothemovies 3 of idunno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished part 3.

>> No.11989662

Thanks for the feedback, I tried to fix it and also added a little to the end.


>> No.11989664


Has anyone ever seriously said gnarly?

>> No.11989665 [DELETED] 

Why doesn't anyone delete these?

If the poster wanted to upload these somewhere, he should have done it on another board.

>> No.11989666

Nice I like it.

>> No.11989674

This is really cool.

>> No.11989694 [DELETED] 

Fuck off with board-tan shit.

>> No.11989701 [DELETED] 

Forgive me, I didn't mean to upset anyone. I'll stop posting them here.

>> No.11989717 [DELETED] 

C'mon bro what's with you? He's just posting his comics and it happens to be somewhat /jp/ related. I'd rather see his comics than 50 posts about "wah i'm bad at drawing how do i start"

>> No.11989728

I stinks in a good way. Would smell again.
I like the recent increase in pixelstuff. And yes, iso-tiles are hell compared to normal square tiles.

>> No.11989733 [DELETED] 

This abomination called /jp/ board-tan wasn't even created on this board. Please take it somewhere else.

>> No.11989844


At least it's art, I'l ltake it over 50 retarded shitposts like at the start of the thread any day.

>> No.11989868 [DELETED] 

Don't compare art with meme garbage from your home board.

>> No.11989917

Post OC or shut the fuck up.

>> No.11989922 [DELETED] 


You sound like the buttflustered guy from the start of the thread.

>Anything OC is welcomed; including drawings, writings, music, and programming.

If you have a problem with certain posts feel free to report them to the janitor, he is hyperactive when he got too much sugar so he will surely consider your report. It's more likely that you just want to play forum police to boost your ego, though.

>> No.11989931

I don't like the second melody (i.e. the part at 0:25 - 0:37). It sounds off for some reason.

>> No.11990051

Ignore that shitter, keep doing what you find fun. The comics are amusing.

>> No.11990100

Would anyone be able and willing to stream themselves coloring? I'm still an amateur at it and want to learn how to do it better.

>> No.11990102

It reminds me of old computer games, it's nice. I can see the roller coaster tycoon inspiration. Maybe a little more contrast between the grey stone and grasswould help?

>> No.11990252

I liked it better when it was, "You may use this thread to contribute your works or to share ideas related to possible projects.
OC should pertain to light/visual novels, figures, and other otaku paraphernalia, Touhou Project, doujin works and music, and diverse niche Japanese interests (kigurumi, idols, mahjong, tea)."

>> No.11990334


>> No.11990600

One other person said something similar, so I guess I should take this seriously.
The mood does change a bit in that part, and I can see how that might throw a listener off, but I actually like the feeling of it.
The only fix I can think of at the moment would be scratching the part entirely (and maybe see if it wants to be a separate piece) and replace it. I don't really like that thought.

Or perhaps there's a more specific part of it that bothers you?
I realize that it's very difficult to put your finger on it, but as I don't see anything wrong with it at all, that would be the only way to make a change.

Glad to hear some praise, any chance I can get a statement to the issue above?

>> No.11990644 [DELETED] 

Patiently awaitng the next rapecat comic.

>> No.11990652

Should I color and shade the face first before the eyes? Will that give me a better idea if they look good or too flat?

>> No.11990739
File: 328 KB, 473x656, [3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11990748


Give her nose a bit more definition, it barely stands out making it look like a frog nose or something.

>> No.11990890


The eyes and hair are nice. However unlike the hair and eyes the skintones do not vary much in terms of value.places like her ear, under the bridge of her brows and under her neck should be some of the darkest value wise.

>> No.11990894

Don't forget to mention that light and hair physic don't work like that.

>> No.11990944

I think-- keyword is think - I hear the problem.

It seems like you are doing a break for that part and musically speaking a break for there isn't a terrible idea. But your harmony(melody? I've been out of the music game for years so I forget) seems to not want to take a break, like you're still going with the same flow as before? If that makes any sense. The percussive bass line has starts and stops, but the melody keeps on trucking on the same path as before.

What I guess I am saying is that- You may want to tweak either the bass line or tweak the melody line so it fits a bit better, as to how you would do either, I'm at a loss.

Or maybe it's because you can't commit to one style of bass during that part? I don't know offhand I keep listening to it and find very little wrong with it myself.

>> No.11990954 [DELETED] 


/v/ just saw the end of this comic thanks to this guy

you all are going to be invaded by those "crossboarders" you love so much

just thought i'd let you all know in advance ♥

>> No.11990957

I'm very fond of them. This board is like a wasteland nowadays, it's not like new people will make it even worse.

>> No.11990959

Nobody actually cares about visiting crossboarders. It's the scum that move in and make /jp/ their home that are the problem. And even then, only if they're obnoxious fucks.

>> No.11990962 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 210 KB, 640x3600, endofvgoestothemovies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very sorry. I didn't expect it to be so popular.

Here's the comic in question.

>> No.11990986 [DELETED] 


>> No.11990988 [DELETED] 

If I made a touhou comic and named a character /v/-tan and posted it on /v/, would that automatically be more related to /v/ than to /jp/?

Someone answer me why it's allowed to post these comics here? I think I'm going to explain this to the staff to clear this problem up.

>> No.11990990

This is probably the most pointless thing i've seen all year.

>> No.11991001 [DELETED] 

My favorite thing about these replies is how expected they were when people started spamming "show this to /jp/ show this to /jp/". Not the poster nor the comic's creator by the way, just curious to see if it made it's way over here.

Bunch of tightwads here seriously

>> No.11991010 [DELETED] 

They won't even listen to you or care, this is what "power" does to you, your post and mine just like that previous one will get deleted or we'll be "removed" from the board or site

oops let me stay "on topic" what Visual Novel have you just finished recently anon? I finally finished Umineko a while back and i'm impressed R07 really brought it home

>> No.11991022

Short version (included one repetition of the first part, so it's not completely out of context) with rhythm of bass line and melody synced up:
If you ask me, it sounds... primitive. I don't like it.

Then there's this version, with a line that does its best not to stick out:
I could imagine working this into something not terrible, but to me, this sounds like the song lost something that defined it.

>> No.11991047

If you don't like then you don't like it man. Out of all three (including the original)

I would still say I liked the original the best.

>> No.11991052

Honestly, this comic would be much better if you didn't attempt that whole "mindfuck twist". You could have at least tried to make a smart pun or something.

>> No.11991056 [DELETED] 

Wow. Just wow.

>> No.11991061

I really want to see where this is heading to.

>> No.11991070


It ends really dumb. I think it was meant to be shock humor but you can't really do that on 4chan effectively.

>> No.11991075

I guess I'm going to give it a little longer and see if I can find a replacement for the part.
Won't put my hopes up too high though since I've gotten so used to it at this point, so that will probably be what I'm sticking with.

Anyway, thank you for putting so much thought into this, opinions are invaluable. I'll dump some more pianos in the near future.

>> No.11991079

Sorry I couldn't be of more help, like I said earlier. I used to study music and all that, but I've long since dealt with any real music.

It was sort of refreshing to think about again.

>> No.11991080

Just go look in one of the archives or something, it had potential but he blew it.

>> No.11991085

I think he just wanted to draw her naked.

>> No.11991087

I think he should have made /jp/ bitter and actually powerful, after all a fuckton of "memes" came from here and exploded there, for better or for worse.

>> No.11991091

There is no power in memetics.

>> No.11991101

I tried getting into music theory once or twice, but for some reason I find that way to think about music repulsive.
I can read scores, and know what makes the difference between minor and major, but the biggest part of it is just whatever feels right.
Makes me feel like an idiot from time to time, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying working with it.

>> No.11991105

A little girl getting raped while everybody points and laughs is more or less a spot-on depiction.

>> No.11991106

It's like I'm on /ic/ again.

>> No.11991118


Sorry, I just think the kindest thing you can do to another artist is give feedback.

>> No.11991144

A while ago, but a good way to make semi-realistic tiles without having to put way too much effort in to blending and shit is make your drawing happen at double the resolution you are targeting, then downscale it with resampling on.
That way it will blur pixels together.

Sure, it is technically cheating, but who cares, wasting time is for nerds that wank off to elitism.
There is being good at something and wasting time at something.

Hell, to be honest, even a simple small blur over the top of those tiles and cleaning up the edges would likely do it well.

>> No.11991358

Looking bretty gud~
I wish I was good at coding, so far all I can do is moving around and jumping, been trying to add attack animations but so far all I get is a big mess, oh well, looking forward to play with meidos.

>> No.11991363


I should start doing more meido fanart.

>> No.11991395

I've been thinking of making a text based online RPG
Is this too anachronistic?

>> No.11991434 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 167 KB, 472x622, 1359662851768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little bit bigger boobs and a little bit pubic hair would be fine too. I think to wide hips fits this very good.

>> No.11991491

I think that's less of problem than text based and multiplayer not working well together. Unless you just meant online as in browser based.

>> No.11991503

They worked fine for years.

>> No.11991510

Never played a MUD?

>> No.11991513
File: 565 B, 60x60, cuberwip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've still been trying to think if it is worth it. Then again games like sim city 4 turned 3D models into sprites. I'm not sure how they exactly set the camera up to be perfectly isometric though.

>> No.11991519

Yeah, I was thinking of something like LotGD actually

>> No.11991541

>I'm not sure how they exactly set the camera up to be perfectly isometric though.
With glRotate?

>> No.11991554


I found something in about 20 seconds of searching that sets up the correct angle for isometric in blender.

I may try something with that if I ever decide to give up on it fully manually. At the very least I could use it for setting up basic structure for objects faster than I probably could in pure 2D

>> No.11991555

You set the projection to orthographic instead of perspective, that way you can place your camera anywhere you want and it will look perfectly isometric.

>> No.11991592

I'm the anon who said it sounds off, sorry for all the mess...

My main problem is with how the mood changes in the second part, which creates a bit of an unpleasant feeling for me.

For why it sounds somewhat unpleasant, I think it's because you introduced that G# in the second melody. You started off rather firmly in G minor, but transitioned to something like G phrygian (with a diminished ii, the G#) without any anticipation to smoothen the transition, which totally throws the mood off. This is the main cause of the jarring feeling, but if this was your goal, more power to you.

These kinds of thing can be real tricky, since I found modulation to be even more subjective than most things in music. I once wrote a song with some mode changes going on, and while I didn't hear anything off with it, a friend told me it sounded way too weird to be listenable. In another instance I found a particular song's key shift to ruin the whole song, whereas the same friend didn't find anything weird.

So there's that to consider. Since it's so subjective, I'd say just go with the majority, unless you really feel the need to ``fix'' it.

>> No.11991619


/jp/-tan is so cute. Eager to see more.

>> No.11991627

#4 was a fake, right? Something about it seemed off.

>> No.11991642
File: 46 KB, 960x540, maid_game_0003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost done, just need to add functionality to put hitboxes in frames.

That black circle will be the alignment of the animation. If I drag it near the feet the character will appear to be touching the ground.

The blue rectangles at the bottom show how long a frame lasts.


What were you using? There might be easier tools you can use

I've been using the fan art I got so far as my wallpaper, it's really motivating.

>> No.11991640

What do you mean anon?

>> No.11991644

Getting pretty excited.

>> No.11991685

Finally put together another batch of tracks


Song times should be fixed in a minute

>> No.11991693

Thought you guys would be interested in this.
A video of Toyo from Innocent Grey coloring a promotional image for FLOWERS, their newest shoujo-ai game.
It kind of goes over my head since I am a programmer and not an illustrator but it was nice to watch even so.

>> No.11991804
File: 78 KB, 684x854, ah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand 3D at all. Everything suggests those quads should be smooth but they have weird triangles. trying to edit normals didn't work but the wing on the right seems fine...

>> No.11991901 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 125x110, klk_satsuki3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which version of teh Rei do you want to see? (School uniform, plugsuit, Rei Q...)

>> No.11991904
File: 48 KB, 960x540, ah2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I figured out my problem. some posts said quads have to be planar. I'm not sure how to make it perfect but I have solved a few of them by eye.

I can't delete the other post because it's too old, I don't remember this being a problem in the past.

>> No.11991916
File: 7 KB, 125x110, klk_satsuki3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I screwed up on the last image, so here's a better one. Also, someone requested this last thread (or at least that's what I assume they meant)

Which version of teh Rei do you want to see? (School uniform, plugsuit, Rei Q...)

>> No.11991926 [DELETED] 
File: 820 KB, 5000x5000, madotsuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Plugsuit obviously.

>Rei Q

>> No.11992063
File: 4 KB, 125x63, bricks_iso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried a method where I used a 3D program with a fixed camera. This isn't true pixel are but it still is isometric art which I think I maybe be a bit obsessed with. It kind of reminds me of the sims.

A shame I have nothing I could use this with outside of making pictures and were I to do that I think the purity of pixel art would give more impact where as this would be far more interesting and acceptable in a project.

I'll stop spamming the thread.

>> No.11992090

I'd prefer uniform because plugsuits are dumb but the plugsuit would probably look better.

>> No.11992113

You could make an admissible mesh of Cirno using tetrahedra (or better hexahedra if possible), so we could solve some PDEs on her like melting her down.

>> No.11992119

Wow. I like it

>> No.11992123

A regular tiling of 3-space should be sufficient, you don't need an analytic solution

>> No.11992133


I don't understand...

>> No.11992134

that's a numerical approximation of the solution
i don't know how you wanna disassemble the Cirno with just the surface, maybe they're mesh generators that can do that, but you need to disassemble the whole Cirno into simple shapes if you wanna simulate something on her

>> No.11992143

these 3D models reminded me of my scientific computing classes, where you take a polygonal domain (like a polygonal approximation of Cirno) and disassemble it into easy shapes like hexahedra. Then you can simulate stuff like elasticity, heat transfer etc. by solving equations on the easy shapes and put everything together.
It has probably nothing to do with it but i always wanted to do this if i got some free time to spare.

>> No.11992155 [DELETED] 


But why would you want to melt her?

>> No.11992159 [DELETED] 
File: 233 KB, 500x500, 1299078986052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11992160 [DELETED] 
File: 184 KB, 400x1150, 1395661500999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11992166

A full general-purpose polyhedral model would be great sure, but if you take it easy early on it's more likely you'll finish something, then it's a lot easier to add things like a 4-space simulation and kinematics to simulate Cirno trying to run away while being melted

>> No.11992223
File: 263 KB, 787x1051, up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love your simple sketchy coloring. Do you have any tutorials or anything? I'm decently pleased with my sketches (nothing pro, just having fun) but I don't know the first thing about digital coloring.

>> No.11992228

>300 replies in 3 days

These threads sure go fast.

>> No.11992234 [DELETED] 

>only 47 pictures in 3 days, some of them memes/reaction images/other unorginal stuff.
not the good kind of fast.

waiting for meido to delete 90% of the thread and clean it out so only art remains.

>> No.11992248

Game Maker, I think this is a good program, I just need to learn more about coding.

>> No.11992247 [DELETED] 

just what makes you think the "janitor" will actually be useful for a change?

>> No.11992249

One thing I did a while back was use Blender to create 3D models to get perspective right for some touch-based thing, similar to Myst (but with 8 directions only)

I only used the Blender models to get perspective, colored them different colors to know where edges are, then colored over those in an external drawing app. Worked well until I lost files and gave up on it for 6 years, then started it again and never bothered finishing it.
I might continue it later on the year though, I am re-organizing everything to make my life generally more productive because I like making things for fun like games and drawings.
And hell, I may even try get money for it.

It was basically some murder mystery on an island (go figure) at some mansion (again?!).
It was based on a dream, funnily enough.
Some adventure holiday thing where people pair up with another random person for the 2 weeks.
Get invited to the dining hall, late, roommate left the note on your bed and left without waking, run to dining hall, get distracted by janitor, arrive, spike flies through the door with blood, hear screaming, walk in, people impaled to chairs and walls and it went from there.

It worked quite well with the point and click style because it was mostly corridor based.
But those areas where it wasn't, I used Blender to make the room models and then align light (like going through railings at the top of a grand staircase) and other things.
It was point and click Resident Evil essentially, but with no zombies.

>> No.11992252 [DELETED] 

well, deleting most of the non contributing posts from here should move this thread out of the bump limit and possibly shave off 150-200 posts, assuming meido deletes everything, not just randomly picked posts from the end of the thread.

as it is now, it's already dying since it went over it, so it'll just keep falling until it's deleted.

in /jp/-ese meido means janitor/maid.

>> No.11992254

Now that is very precise.
I was never aware of this, so I guess I'll try to be a bit more careful with this kind of stuff.
But even so, the only conclusion I can draw from this is "it will be a matter of taste". I'll just stay true to my instincts.

If you don't mind me asking, what kind of music do you and your friend listen to respectively?
I wonder if the perception of this depends on what a person is used to and has accepted as normal.
For myself, I think (next to the usual /jp/ related stuff) western rock/alternative influenced me strongly, which I'm guessing has some less subtle stuff in it than I used in this particular song.
I also can't stand it when a song just repeats itself a few semitones shifted, but that's mostly in the kind of pop song that I didn't like in the first place, so it might just be the feeling of "god dammit not again".

>> No.11992255
File: 21 KB, 460x453, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm decently pleased with my sketches (nothing pro, just having fun) but I don't know the first thing about digital coloring.
>decently pleased

>> No.11992260
File: 3 KB, 92x109, parts copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, that is unfortunate. I'm hoping if I do this long enough I will figure out what I want to do with them. For now I am going to simply build a park scene with it all.

>> No.11992278 [DELETED] 

Stop trying to fit in

>> No.11992281 [DELETED] 

you first.

>> No.11992319 [DELETED] 


Like... 60% pleased I should say.

>> No.11992366

I've skimmed through it and a few of your other songs and I generally like what I've heard. Do you have something more aggressive or is everything calm? Not that I have a problem with that but I'm interested about your diversity.

>> No.11992432
File: 154 KB, 1280x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made my first OC today. I know it's not that we'll done and I definitely need to work on coloring among other stuff.

>> No.11992595

Ah this looks like fun. Wish I could make a game, but I can only art.

>> No.11992720

>it will be a matter of taste
Exactly. Which is why you should go with the majority, and keep it the way it is.

>If you don't mind me asking
Sure. I used to listen to prog rock/metal a lot with a bit of jazz on the side, but lately I've been going full fedora and now it's pretty much post-rock and shoegaze. Those latter genre likes to ``play nice'' more often in terms of harmony and note usage, which might've tuned my ears to disfavor accidentals and the likes. The other guy mainly listens to more mainstream rock/pop, by the way.

>I wonder if the perception of this depends on what a person is used to and has accepted as normal.
Pretty much. I know someone who's almost exclusively into punk, and he couldn't ever tell if something was dissonant. That kind of listener would probably be more accepting of sudden key changes, whereas I'm more comfortable with more logical progressions.

By the way, if you listen to some newer (2000s) anime theme songs, a lot of the times they have these really weird key changes, at least for me, which sounds like they slapped two different songs together. Yet I see people going crazy over those and claiming they're the best thing ever like nothing's wrong, and I'm sure neither side is wrong. It's really some really tricky business~

Anyway, please continue posting your stuff! It's always a pleasant feeling to see more musicians in /jp/.

>> No.11992721

The only thing I can tell you is that my lines are slightly opaque and I color everything on one layer.

>> No.11992741

Did you just trace a MMD model...?

>> No.11992750

Post your arts in the OC thread and ask if someone is willing to make a game out of them?

>> No.11992754

Isn't only one layer kind of unpractical?

>> No.11992782 [DELETED] 

Yeah, but it's what I do when I rush things.

>> No.11992843


I don't mean to be obnoxious but is there a way I could direct message you to ask some stuff about coloring? I don't know one brush from another

>> No.11992856

Not him but take the time to practice and put in some effort to google, there's tons of tutorials on learning to use programs and example brush settings.

>> No.11992861

Very nice.

>> No.11992865


I will become the greatest digital painter this board has ever known.

>> No.11992870

Please draw cute/lewd 2hus when you do.

>> No.11992985

Well, I'm more interested in making a card mobile game. I asked once before in these threads, but no one ever responded back.

>> No.11993019

Hey, that's what I'm already planning.
No one needs mobile games in their apartments. Just make a usual one.

>> No.11993111

>card mobile game

>> No.11993121

But don't you wanna make easy money?

>> No.11993249 [DELETED] 

I'm making the game to help me practice checkig your quads

>> No.11993315 [DELETED] 

I'm the best.

>> No.11993352

How do you keep your self motivated to draw? Do you have to like/enjoy drawing to make your art seem life like/pop?

>> No.11993355

I draw for people's enjoyment, personally. Drawing is a lonely thing, my friend.

>> No.11993358
File: 5 KB, 110x150, towersofwoe WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I usually shift mediums or methods which is why I went back to doing some pixel art related things. I guess it means I am kind of all over the place and may come with the consequence that I will never really be considered 'great' in anything I do but it does mean I never tire of any of it.

I suppose ultimately it is the drive to achieve technical excellence.

>> No.11993365

Just draw what you wanna draw. Have fun with it. Whether that's girls with big dicks or your favorite touhou drinking tea, just take it easy and have fun.

>> No.11993372

Will you draw for me?

I was thinking of drawing for myself but I just doodle, I don't like doing things for people it would take me a month to get a drawing for someone done. I can't even remember why I first started drawing.

I want to get into so many things, I want to try pixel art/painting/water colors/ etc. I think that it's good to try a bit of everything to see what you like and feel comfortable with.

I'll be doing that. I like to draw dragons, shotas, cats, lolis and Onee-samas.

>> No.11993378

meant to add animation too, if that counts.

>> No.11993380
File: 583 KB, 2412x2073, 20140324_192649-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to just man through it, but my drawings and paintings been so ass this past month I've been having nightmares about it. So much anxiety.

I guess you just got to keep going till you can satisfy yourself again, then just remember that you'll reach that point again when you're in the shitter. Also >>11993365

>> No.11993384

Ah, I guess I should've clarified. I like to stream or do compilation canvases (ie. flockdraw)
I'll do requests, but usually not when they're asked of me personally.
Unfortunately I have a very dated laptop and haven't been able to stream for a long time... There's just something about talking with others while drawing that's just a lot of fun.

>> No.11993403

Hm, I wasn't being serious about that.
Besides I'd rather draw my own pictures I like drawing something my own than requesting it from someone else because even if you tell them all the details of what you want it'd still be off in a way, does that make any sense? I'd feel more accomplished if I did it myself.

Are streams really fun? It seems like a lot to go through a whole span of comments that keeping flowing and going along with everything.

>> No.11993413

When you get into the zone, sometimes it's easy to miss the messages. Having multiple monitors help or having a mic. It's a good way to meet other artists too and get constant feedback for constructive criticism. Also another way to publicize your artwork if that's what you're in to.

>> No.11993426

I wish there was something like Bouyomichan for other streaming sites besides NicoLive. That way I could just hear the comments being written. Is there no cute English alternative? I think I could actually write an application to read comments from something like Twitch using IRC and a voice application. Maybe when Vocaloids can speak in English or something.

>> No.11993441

I always wondered the same thing after I watched the mangaka Yoshikadu stream his stuff. I feel like it should've been an easy thing to script and use microsoft sam or amy

>> No.11993458

Speaking of, is magister still alive? its months that I don't see his stuff

>> No.11993495

I thought I saw him post recently.

>> No.11993522

Don't lie anon.

He's been eaten by a small man under a bridge.

>> No.11993591

I thought he posted some Kancolle or something? A butt shot.

>> No.11993645

Draw with me /jp/

>> No.11993683

Can you start another thread for that? I like the flockdraw threads but its easier to separate what I save from the OC threads since a lot of in-between screenshots happen.

>> No.11993731

I wasn't planning to stick around for that long, so you can feel free to make one.

>> No.11994068
File: 183 KB, 802x551, ship_03 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried something a little more abstract in terms of ships. I also tried some new brushes because I wanted ones that felt more like real painting. These ones seem okay for the most part

>> No.11994290

English voices and drawing should never be put together.

Even if Japanese artist talk while they stream I just mute them instantly because it's so annoying and unnecessary.
I come there to watch them draw and not because I want to become an online buddy or whatever they expect from their visitors.

>> No.11994742 [SPOILER] 
File: 592 KB, 1428x966, Lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys have any good tips to color nipples?
I'm not quite satisfied with what I'm doing...

>> No.11994771

why does he have boobs? where is penis?

>> No.11994825

Got you covered

>> No.11994832

And another

>> No.11994840


Thanks anon, now time to draw some nice nipples~

>> No.11994842

This guy draws my favorite nipples.

>> No.11994930

Finally someone who gives links to tutorials from actual Japanese artists.

>> No.11994942

What if it's actually a /jp/sie pretending to be japanese?

>> No.11994943
File: 351 KB, 4550x3240, Music 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/, how do I design characters? Also, how do skirts actually work? I'm having a really hard time trying to make skirt folds/flaps, look natural. ;_;

>> No.11994986

I'm ready to draw perfect nipples! If only I knew how to draw anything else. Time to draw nipples on everything, I suppose.

>> No.11994999

And thus a new ao usagi was born.

>> No.11995004

A guy like that wouldn't use this amount of Japanese. Or a you one of the artists and try to give me a hint?

What I mean is that it's a good thing that it's not a typical deviant art style tutorial.

>> No.11995023

Save the chickens.

>> No.11995037 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 567x454, Untitled1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-sorry, anon... I haven't finished the sketch yet but when I do I promise the outline's going to be better as I finish.

>> No.11995159 [SPOILER] 
File: 551 KB, 1388x959, 2lewd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, not bad for my first time doing nipples, I guess.

>> No.11995426

I just got banned from some fd room because of some slight criticism.
I guess I hurt their feelings.

>> No.11995460

What kind of room was it? Were they just fucking around or actually trying?

>> No.11995642

It was circlejerking of the worst kind. That's why I normally don't visit those places. I guess you are not allowed to say one wrong word there.

>> No.11995657

Then you should of realized they wouldn't take to criticism well. Why were you there in the first place?

>> No.11995693

I wanted to see if it had changed for the better over time, and criticism is normally something that helps people to improve and shouldn't be taken as an attack.
I'm not going there again for a while.

>> No.11995698

Unfortunately most people will take it as an attack, a lot of hobbyists have a DA-like mentality.

>> No.11995727

Doesn't it hurt to draw something solely with your mouse?
I couldn't do this, just imaging it gives my hand cramps

>> No.11995789

Not him but it kind of does. I've been drawing with one on/off and it starts to hurt a lot quicker then with a pencil. The big issue is it's extremely limiting and takes far more time.

>> No.11995853

If you want to draw with a PC, a ThinkPad X61 is relatively cheap and runs SAI just fine. Not so sure about other software though since that is all I have for drawing on mine.

>> No.11995865

Huh? I was just commenting on drawing with mice.

>> No.11995871

I'm just pointing out a more comfortable alternative in case you or others would be interested in something closer to drawing with a pencil or pen, but with the benefits of PC software.

>> No.11995874

Oh, I already use SAI, I just need a tablet. I'd hope others have at least heard of it by now.

>> No.11995902

What is SAI? Is it like photoshop?

Does Pixiv have any tags for pixel art or does anyone have a good tutorial?

>> No.11995911

Google it, it's a drawing program.
You could use the advanced search and search by program. I know GraphicsGale is used for pixel art, don't know what else.

>> No.11995929

I want to DA and saved two tutorials that looked helpful, google was going to be my last resort.

>> No.11995934
File: 717 KB, 720x1280, tantan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's finally getting warmer outside!

>> No.11995942

That's not tan, that's charred.

>> No.11995950

My dick, please draw more brown. But mocha it up and keep the tanlines!

>> No.11995971

Those tan lines are too drastic

>> No.11996060

>Does Pixiv have any tags for pixel art

Japan calls pixels "dots"(ドット), so I'd assume it'd be something like ドット絵 or just ドット

>> No.11996165

Most users use the ドット絵 tag.

>> No.11996275
File: 374 KB, 960x540, maid_game_0016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides the bad anatomy I need to fix, thoughts on the color choice and this kind of portrait for dialogs?

>> No.11996330

I don't like how the smallness of the box makes the portrait near center, for some reason.

>> No.11996369

It looks weird because her body cuts off behind the box, which should show through the transparency. The textbox looks fine to me, but that particular detail stands out.

>> No.11996419

He could always make the box solid as well.

>> No.11996491

That would be lewd!

>> No.11997027

Try as I might, I can only see a heron head with huge eyes. It even caught a little plane with its beak.

Jokes aside, the background is lovely, and the sphere is somewhat reminiscent of a bathyscaphe's living chamber. Definitely looks like something that could drop off and retreat when things turn sour, or the sort of core that you'd be gunning for in a shooting game.

>> No.11997052
File: 38 KB, 362x346, 1394252414935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They got deleted?
Oh well~

>> No.11997455

Okay, I'll change that

That's true, VN's seem to show the text box over the character's body now that I look at it.
I'll do that since I like it with a bit transparency.

>> No.11998338

where the fug is part 4?

>> No.11998541

Have we reached the bump limit? Is it time for a new thread?

>> No.11998568

Just wait a day or two after this one dies, anon

>> No.11998594

I hope the next one won't be as bad as this one. I don't want to deal with teenagers or /v/ shit every thread from now on.

>> No.11998772

It was nsfw, idiot.

>> No.11998776

I post nipples ïn the OC thread all the time, but mine has never been deleted.

>> No.11999316

Someone probably got mad and reported them.

>> No.11999469
File: 163 KB, 1080x1257, 1366707546515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A long time ago like 30 generals or so i requested Mokou wearing Jotaro's clothes some anon said he will get it and after 4-5 generals i forgot about it.

I was wondering if it was ever posted, whoever did pic was supposed to be working on it.

>> No.11999497

I wish that image could have gotten colored.

>> No.11999547

Oh man, those legs and feet are very, very broken.
